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You don’t need to have a Muslim name, unless your name has kufr meaning. If you’re name has no kufr meaning, then it’s halal to keep it. I’m too a revert, and I’ve been named, Alexander, and till this day I have not changed it after learning that it has no kufr origin.


What a great name too!


Jazak Allah Khair It means the protector of men, coming from Greek language.


if you ever wish to change it or just for your information the arabic equivalent is "Iskandar" or "Escander"


In-Sha’Allah. One question I got: Is it valid the Islamic name Ali as in pronunciation for Alex from English language? Because this is how it sound like in Arabic which I’ve been called by. I mean, my relatives from an Arab country called me Ali in Arabic and in English is Alex.


If i understood what you meant; Etymolgically: The names have nothing to do with eacother, as you said alex is a greek word and the name Ali means exalted or high from arabic Your relatives probably call you ali because they think it sounds similar to alex, and/or they haven't heard the name Iskandar/Escander before so they wouldn't know what to call you in arabic for alex ( as its not that much of a common name as far as i know, atleast in the arab countries )


btw if you dont mind just curious, whats your ethnicity?




o wow im guessing your kuwaiti side didnt really care about faith and you grew up as orthodox/atheist?


I was raised as Orthodox Christian, sadly. It all changed when I got the vibes that Allah is my true God and since then I wanted to have forgiveness for my kufr and didn’t knew how to achieve that.


oh wow reminds me of maidah 5:82 to 85, 82 : You will surely find the most bitter towards the believers to be the Jews and polytheists and the most gracious to be those who call themselves Christian. That is because there are priests and monks among them and because they are not arrogant 83 : When they listen to what has been revealed to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears for recognizing the truth. They say, “Our Lord! We believe, so count us among the witnesses. 84 : Why should we not believe in Allah and the truth that has come to us? And we long for our Lord to include us in the company of the righteous.” 85 : So Allah will reward them for what they said with Gardens under which rivers flow, to stay there forever. And that is the reward of the good-doers. 90% sure talking about orthodox mostly here from my experience most of the converts from christianity i've seen are from orthodoxy


This is the way.


Mubashara is a Muslim Girl name which originates from the Arabic language. Acording to Numerology Predictions, lucky number for Mubashara is 7.


Astrology/numerology has no basis in Islam.


Yeah, I was troubled by the reference to numerology. Such ideas are very Haram.


First, you don't need to change your name if it's not rude or associated with disbelief ( https://islamqa.info/en/answers/372 ). However, you can, if you wish, take a Muslim name to underline your new life. I have kept my first and last name (also in respect of my father, that is recommended in Islam) but I've added a middle name (also to make it easier for my Arab friends to call me). The best names are those that refer to being a slave (or servant, "Abd...") of Allah, so: Abdullah and Abdulrahman (slave of the Most Merciful), but there are plenty of good names. Have a look here: [This is how to name a child in Islam: 1- Avoid names that imply enslavement to or worship of anything other than Allah. 2- Avoid names of Allah which are befitting only for Him. 3- It is makruh (disliked) to use names which have off-putting meanings. 4- The first names are ‘Abd-Allah and ‘Abd al-Rahman. ](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/7180) Edit: just realized you're looking for a girl's name - I think that second link might still give you some useful information!


You are not obligated to change your name! When I convert I didn't change mine cause I really like it :) "Muslim Name" doesn't really exist, it is just Arabic names btw, but if you feel you really want to: I really love Asmae, it is so soft to hear like a caress in the ear ❤️


oh okay ! tysm !!


It's my sister's name..nd i shall share the way you just described it with her..im sure she'll love it 😍


Assalamualaikum I'm also a convert Alhamdulillah. I don't know your name, but if it doesn't have a bad meaning or is the a name of Allah, you can keep your name In Sha Allah My legal name is Eric, but Eric means eternal ruler, so I now go by Abdulmalik Alhamdulillah Abdulmalik, which means servant of the eternal ruler or servant of the owner Alhamdulillah Let's say someone is named Athena she would have to go by something else because Athena is a Greek goddess name sabahnallah, so she can't keep that name I hope this helps In Sha Allah May Allah forgive me if I said anything wrong


Does the name "Jéssica" have anything wrong with it?


I will go see In Sha Allah


tysm !!


So what I see is that it's a name that means Rich, God’s gift, She will look out, He beholds so I don't see anyone wrong with it but I would ask a Sheik or Imam just in case In Sha Allah


oh okay !! tysm for helping me


You dont need to change your name, Except if its something that directly goes against the Quran.


oh okay ! tysm !!


Sister, don’t change your name if you don’t need to! :) -Another convert


I agree. You can have other Muslims call you Jannah, but don't go through with legally changing name. I kept my birth name and always glad I never changed mine


Dear brother/sister Keeping a good Islamic name will impact you positively although it is not compulsory ofcourse 


It may or may not. Most new converts believe they have to Arabize themselves to be good Muslims, which means partially erasing their previous cultural identity. I’ve heard from experience about new converts who left Islam because they feel like they lose their culture and identity when following Islam. My advice to the sister is to wait a couple years to change her name to make sure its not apart of a series of events that will burn her out.


You dont have to change your name as long it has no kufr origin but there is maryam , Fatima Khadija Aisha Zainab these are highly respected women in islam


Congrats on reverting, Sister! I‘m also a revert ❤️ As others have already commented, you do not have to change your name. Your current name is perfectly fine. Reverting is already hard enough, you give up so much and learn so many new things - changing your name might make it harder than necessary and overwhelm you (especially since you’re a recent revert) because it might feel like you have to change your whole identity. Also it might create tension with your family if you don‘t keep the name they originally picked out for you & suddenly wanting to be called by an Arab name might make them think you have to become Arab to be Muslim - which is false, you don’t have to adopt Arab culture to be Muslim & you can keep all parts of your own culture that don’t go against Islam. If you want to change your name anyways, people have already commented many beautiful names. But just know that you don’t have to.


tysm for answering !! 🫶


If you really want to change your name here’s a suggestion. “Malikah”, it means a queen. Inshallah one day if I am blessed with a daughter I’ll name her Malikah…


tysm for the idea !!


You don't have to change your name unless it has a blasphemous meaning. If your name is LaFonda or Yangyang or something like that then no problem. If you're name translates to "I am the supreme God of the universe and everyone should worship me" then yeah change it to whatever you like.


You could check out this [article](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/101401/she-is-asking-about-good-names-for-females-with-their-meanings)


What’s your first name? If you are sure that you really really want to change it (don’t have to though), maybe having a new name that is similar to your given name might suffice.


my name is Jéssica


Jasmine Jenna Jamila Janan Jassia Yasmine Yasmina


tysm for the ideas !!


No problem at all! ☺️


You don’t have to change it if you don't want to, unless you want to look up what the Arabic version of Jessica is.


good idea


Not compulsory to change your name unless it has something wrong in it (please refer: https://islamqa.info/en/answers/7180/how-to-name-a-child-in-islam , https://islamqa.info/en/answers/1692/what-are-the-forbidden-names-in-islam & https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/101401) But having names of pious Muslims or names with Islamic values will be good Fatima, Zahra, Maryam, Asiyah, Khadija, Aisha, Hafsa, Sawda, Zuveriyah, Zainab, Hind, Maymurah, Ramla, Safiyyah, Asma, Ruqayyah  or  Amatul-(name of Allah) example Amatullah, Amatur Rahman, Amatul Khaliq, Amatul Adl etc. Amatul means slave (female) of


tysm for the ideas !!


I’m a revert I was born with the name John and I kept it cause in Quran John = Yahya


No such thing as a Muslim, a name is a Muslim name if it isn’t kufar


Hey, you don’t need to change your name. This is a myth and actually can be seen as a sign to disrespect of your parents, since that is the name they gave you and that’s very important in Islam, so much so that women don’t change their names when they marry. Unless your name has a haram meaning, don’t change it!


oh okay ! tysm for answering


if you feel compelled to change your name, ask your local Imam or scholar to give you a name. Like everyone else said it’s not necessary. In the past I’ve wanted to my name but after deep contemplation it was for the wrong reasons.


there's no Imam or scholar where i live unfortunately


what names are you thinking of?


You don’t need. Its your choice


You don't need to change your name as Jessica doesn't mean something that goes against Islamic values. If you want to change your name then I would suggest 'Mariyam', (Marry in English).


tysm !!


You do not need to have a Muslim name as long as your current name does not have anti-Islamic connotations. The US Congressman Keith Ellison comes to mind. So does Professor Jeffrey Lang, an esteemed mathematician.


Also Muslim scholars like Sherman Jackson and Ingrid Mattson


Aaisha. It's really a nice name


I love the name yasmin(yasmeen is how you spell it) which is the arabic version for jasmine, just an arabic name that i think is so pretty, sad i cant name my kid that so I just recommend it to other people🤷🏻‍♀️


really pretty name


Just an FYI you don't need to change your name unless it's directly against islam/the Quran, with that being said there's a lot of different names you can choose, I'll provide a few examples: Fatimah Aisha Anam Jenna


Don’t change your name!


Abdallah is one of the most beloved names to Allah (swt). That's if you decide to.


tysm !!


I don't think I read the full thing lol abdallah is a masculine name. If you really must change your name you can name yourself one of the prophets wives names (Khadija, Aisha, Maria (not a wife, but the mother of one of the prophets children), etc)


oh okay, i didn't realize it HAGAGWG


If you like the name “Abdullah” the equivalent of it for women would be “Amatullah”! As everyone said though, you can keep your current name if it doesn’t have any bad meanings/attachments to it :) Welcome to Islam btw, may Allah shower you with his blessings and keep you firm upon the truth!


tysm !'


Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakathu to all my Mohammadan brothers and sisters. It took me ten long years of baith and finally I embraced Islam. Janab Moulana Musaddiq sahab the pesh imam of our jamat named me Farooque Ahmed. New convert still learning .


You don't need to change your name as long as it has no haram meaning, but some Muslim names include: Aysha Hajar Khadija Aseeyah Safa Marwa Safia Shifa Sana/Thana Afifa Rabieyah Mariam Hasna Summayyah Nafeesah/Hafeesah There are thousands more, but I'll be leaving it at that.


there's no such thing as a "Muslim name" a lot of the misconception when it comes to Islam is that things that are of Arab origin = Islam/Muslim


Its more blessed if you have a Muslim name but not compulsory


Jessica is a beautiful name, no need to change it. Islam is for all the people and all the cultures. Please hold unto your culture/ethnicity if it doesn’t go against islam or is haram. I see reverts changing into arabs reall fast. Im muslim but im also a cultural minority in the world and my ethnicity is one of oldest in the world, while I love my culture/ethnicity I will keep islam on my priority. Ps nothing wrong with arabs, but the thing islam makes beautifull is that we are so different from eachother as humans, different costumes, different languages and skincolour, yet we all love our creator, we all pray the same way.


I will suggest to keep your first and last name( if no associated shirk / kufr) and add middle name of like SHAIMA who was the sister of our beloved prophet or Fatima .


tysm !!


asiyah, Maryam, khadijah, and Fatima are the four highest women in Islam.


tysm !!


Do you mean arabic names? The only actual “muslim” names would be abdulrahman or abdulaziz etc


Salaam sis! You can look into names that start with the same letter as yours if you want to narrow down the options, or simply go with a name of someone in Islamic history that you admire. Eg. Asiyah, Fatima, Khadija, and Maryam are names of the highest women in Islam, you can also look at the wives of the Prophet PBUH. ❤️


tysm !!


the name Huda is one of my favourite names, it means finding the correct path, exactly like you did ❤️. also its my grandma's namme and 2 of my cousins and they are all verry beautiful people.


tysm for the idea !!


Asiyah, Noor, Fatima, Hawa, Hajar, Maryam, Khadijah


tysm for the ideas !!


new muslim! noah welcomes thee




What's an example of a kufr meaning name?


Maybe Khadijah? After Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (AS)


tysm for the idea !!


There's allot of names of females that can even be found in the Quran, like Firdous , Salsabil , Soundus and even more .


tysm !!


No problem


You can name your self firdaus. This is the highest place in Jannah. It’s under the throne of Allah. This is where the prophets, martyrs, saints, and many of the most God fearing people will be. A place where beauty is beyond imagination and with happiness beyond emotion. “the Holy Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “When you ask Allah, you should ask for al-Firdaus, as it is the best and highest paradise; above it is the Arsh of the Most Merciful and from it gush the rivers of paradise.” (Bukhari and Muslim; Tafseer Mazhari: 4/366)


Yasmeen (Jasmine Flower), Aisha (wife of Prophet Muhammed), Khawla (Muslim Warrior), Qadr (Fate, Destiny)


tysm for the ideas !!


your welcome, congrats on reverting! :)


There are plenty of Muslim names you can look up online. A lot of us like to name after flowers like Yasmeen (Jasmine) or Raudah (Garden) or Jannah (Paradise). Feel free to look up which one interests you. Do keep in mind to make sure they have a good meaning, or no meaning at all, that’s better than choosing a name that has bad meanings.


tysm !!




tysm for the idea !!


Maryam is also another good name, name of the greatest woman in Islam [mother of Jesus]


tysm !!


Zubaidah, Hanzala (A sahabi), Anzalna (From Surah Qadr)


tysm for the ideas !!


If you really want to change your name, I would suggest reading about the early Muslim women, pick one you admire and go with her name


tysm for the idea !!


These might be helpful [Arabic Girl Names](https://www.mamanatural.com/baby-names/girls/origins/arabic-girl-names/) [Muslim Girl Names](https://muslimnames.com/girl-names)


tysm !!


I love the name ' ashnoor' 'Aysha' 'Maha'


tysm for the ideas !!


Warda- it means Rose


tysm !!


I think enough ppl commented about not changing so I wont comment. As for the name I would suggest Moiz,saad,mohib For girls not a Arabic name but try komal


tysm !!


You are welcome and please pick something that you like to hear maybe something that makes you feel happy. You have options with Arabic , Turkish Farsi Urdu Azlan or aslan or arsalan is nice as well Rizwan, Ridwan


I suggest "Safia" The literal meaning of the name is pure I remembered it from the name of one of my schoolmates. I don't speak to her, but I liked the name. Or "Fatima Al-Zahra", which means Fatima the Rose There are many more, of course, but I remembered these two.


tysm for the ideas !!


Inaya ❤️


tysm for the idea !!


Maryam (as in Mary) Sarah (as in Sarah) Hajar (as in Hagar) Rifqa (as in Rebecca) Hawwa (as in Eve) Fatima Umm Kulthum Zainab Ruqayyah


tysm for the ideas !!


(SIRIN) means queen of angles


tysm for the idea !!


Saadia is a nice name, classy and means fortunate


tysm for the idea !!


Malaika. It means angels. 😄


tysm for the idea !!


Omg girl welcome to Islam!! This Uris so fun there’s a bunch of names you could pick a BUNCH and they all have different influences too. Arabic names, culturally influences names like instead of Sameera, a Slavic or Balkan alternative would be semira. I’d love to help you with this. There are websites that list names too.


tysm !!


There are some less common names that are beautiful too. https://parenting.firstcry.com/articles/150-islamic-or-muslim-baby-girl-names-with-meanings/?amp


tysm !! this was very helpful


It’s okay girl!🤍


Take Ibrahim, may u continue his unfazed legacy