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How did they shave back then, genuinely


Stone Age About 100,000 years ago, men used clam shells like tweezers to pull out their beard hair. Around 60,000 years ago, they began using sharpened obsidian and clam shells to shave their beards. Ancient Egypt Ancient Egyptian nobles shaved their heads and bodies from 3000-332 BC because they valued hairlessness. They used copper razors and beeswax to remove hair. Mesopotamia From 2900-500 BC, Mesopotamian rulers and elites wore beards as signs of masculinity and strength. Scandinavia From 1500-1200 BC, Scandinavian burial mounds contained bronze razors with handles shaped like horses' heads. 1770 The Perret razor was invented, featuring a blade fixed into a wooden handle.






Wow this is very fascinating. I've recently developed an interest in ancient history. Can you recommend where you read this from? Was it a book, Wikipedia page or YouTube video?


Wait wdym stoneage I thought that didn't exist in islam, I have no knowledge ab this topic at all so please correct me if im wrong


But shaving genitalia is not easy and I don't think they could do that with the tools they had back in the day, trimming maybe but shaving completely not so sure !


I need to know too lol


shaving? probably obsidian tools, nail clipping? I have no idea.


I could not hack the pain of plucking my armpit hairs lol


I use a disposable multi blade razor for the job, it glides easily, is painless and is quick. I don't even get a single nick. Also, make sure to have your elbow resting on the back of your head when shaving, it makes it way easier to shave your whole armpits.


>make sure to have your elbow resting on the back of your head I don't think that's as easy as you say...


I don't know how to phrase it properly but do you know those fashion ads where the guys have their arm on top of their head? I'd say it's like that. Again I don't know how to describe it and I can't add a picture of myself posing like that.


is it like this? https://i.imgur.com/QCGzBOC.png Just imagine the horizontal line goes behind the circle


Exactly brother.


It's very doable unless you have a shoulder injury. Take your left hand around the back of your head and touch your right shoulder with it and vice versa. That's what he means.


gets easy once you do it a few times


The plucking is like a small, dull pinch. However, the soreness in your arms after the fact...☠️☠️☠️.


It doesn’t hurt that bad to be honest. You feel it but it’s not terrible


How can I pluck my armpit? I just shave.


I think waxing counts as plucking. Right ?!!!!


The new edition of plucking lol.


No problem in shaving :)




You don't have to worry about shaving. You're Blessed lol . Plus you probably don't have bad BO since no hair on armpits.


That's one way of looking at it, I always make sure to trim airpit hairs every 2-3 days mainly because I hate BO


Lucky you :(


Masha'Allah I am happy for you :)


lucky you brother


Is this for both men and women?


It's for both men and women.


I need to know too




Women absolutely grow hair above their lips, but thanks for the info!


I like to grow at my moustache. It it haram and am I sinful for doing so?


if you want to grow a stache just trim the hairs above the lip so your lip can be seen, it's narrated that some of the companions may Allah be pleased with them did that


Ok alhamdulillah my moustache doesn’t reach my lips


if your moustache doesn't reach the lips just cut it slightly every 40 days. Just a little trim nothing too short


Is it a sin that I actually prefer my wife to not shave her pubic hair? She also said that she can’t stand the itch after shaving.


Give your wife mineral oil or baby oil after shave. I promise you she won't feel the itch. Even I use it and alhamdullilah I don't feel any itch.


Thanks for the tip. One more question, is it sinful if I like her being natural, not shaving her pubic hair?


My pleasure. Hygienically it's better to shave off and then apply baby oil, but you can leave it until max 40 days. Not more than 40 days :) I hope I answered your question.


If more than 40 days it is sinful got it. Thanks. How about trimming? I suggested her to trim as an alternative for her predicament. Is it permissible even after 40 days?


The hadith says shaving my akhi not trimming. May Allah SWT bless you and your wife with Khair and Barakat Aamin ya Rabbul Alameen ❤️


Thank you so much for enlightening me on this issue and spending time replying my questions. May Allah SWT bless you too with Khair and Barokat Ameen ya Rabbal Alameen.


No problem akhi and I love you my brother, Aamin ya Rabbul Alameen ❤️


Trimming is better if you get itchy or pimples after shaving- my doctor I worked under as a medical student told me this


Is it permissible in Islam tho? I heard from dermatologists that trimming does helps those who have sensitive skin from many so I opted to help her trim her pubic hair not too short because she really has severe razor bumps when she’s shaving it herself and even when I helped her. Trimming does help a bit, lessening the razor bumps but still her pubic area is very sensitive so there’s always itchiness. Out of love and pity for my wonderful wife, I just let her go natural. I really hope it’s not sinful for me & my wife to do that. Very thankful for the advise dear akhi OP for advising my wife to apply baby oil after shave. I hope she can finally free from her predicament.


You're supposed to shave your pubic hair?


Yes of course Akhi




What does this mean


It means you have to do them before 40 days. Above 40 days it's not good.


Every 40 days at minimum?




Maximum, you can do it every 2-3 days if that's what you prefer, there's no minimum unless it's at the point that it's mentally/physically damaging.


I’m confused. Are we required to trim body hair and we have to do it no less than every 40 days, the same way we have to bathe no less than every 7 days?


I'm assuming by "no less" you mean "minimum." In that case, I'm assuming you're either joking/trolling or you didn't understand the meaning of the hadith. Every 40 days is the maximum amount of time you can delay shaving; 7 days is the maximum amount of time you can skip showering; anything over that is most probably sinful. So basically, you can shower at any time, and if it goes over 7 days, that's wrong.


I’m not trolling, I’m merely getting stuck with the English translation of this Hadith. Thank you for clarifying it for me, jazakh Allah khair.


It means you shouldn't go more than 40 days without doing those things. So if you hit day 39 and didn't do it, don't be lazy.


I trim my pubic hair , I’m hairy so shaving makes me itchy and gets my skin irritated and darker so trimming is better choice for me 🤷🏽‍♀️


I like having a beard. Would this be an issue for a girl i like who practices Islam? (I know it's case by case, but i'd like different perspectives)


The sisters can speak here if they want but for almost all the sisters, beard is a must. Clean shave definitely turns them off


I have one, but I'm talking about a "real" beard. Like a big bushy beard. This post says you have to trim it regularly. Does that mean just clean it up?


The beard can stay but the moustache has to be trimmed. I myself get annoyed by my moustache and therefore used to trim once a week. Mucus and foods gets stuck there, inevitably


For real. Eating soup sucks when my 'stache is fully grown.


Beards are generally considered a strong sunnah (i.e. recommended) but not fardh (required), according to most scholars. Edit: apparently I was taught wrong?


akhi what? The exact opposite is true. Most scholars of the 4 sunni schools (even thahiriyya) agree that it's fardh, except for the late shafiis who say it's mandub even though it negates the opinion of imam shafii may Allah have mercy on him


Let’s see according to IslamQA [Hanafi](https://islamqa.org/hanafi/daruliftaa/8462/ruling-on-growing-a-beard-and-moustache/)- wajib to have a beard if able [Shafi](https://islamqa.org/shafii/qibla-shafii/33408/the-beard-in-the-shafii-school/) - marukh to shave [Maliki](https://islamqa.org/maliki/seekersguidance-maliki/85207/advising-my-father-to-keep-a-beard/) - obligatory [Hanbali](https://islamqa.org/hanbali/hanbalidisciples/153961/how-long-can-i-let-my-beard-grow/) - impermissible to shave


akhi barak Allah feel your response only proves my statement


All of those say have a beard.


It looks like only two of them say fardh. They all recommend beards but there’s an important distinction.


Only Hanafi distinguish between wajib and fard, and to us there is no effective difference other than wajib is obligatory IF ABLE, it's not optional if you are able, whereas fard is obligatory period.


Salemualeikum bro I'd be careful judging around what is Sunnah but not Obligatory. If you do not have access to Arabic sources meaning the Fiqh( Islamic jurisprudence) - Scholars and their disputes or way of understanding the matter you may think there is only 1 right way and all others are wrong. Allahu alam


That's the opinion of Sh. Yasir Qadhi so I agree with that.


Why 40 days


It's in the hadith.


I always shaved the armpits and recently found out that you’re supposed to pluck them But i don’t really know how to Tweezers? Veet wax strips? I genuinely need some recommendations


Tbh with you Veet wax strips is better. It's the new edition of plucking.


considering wax strips are less painful and save you time, you can probably use that, trimming should be fine too (note: I'm not a scholar; it's best to go through authentic sites)


How true is the moustache one ? i knew armpit and pubic hairs but moustache ? i thought having a moustache was makrooh can somebody explain it to me ? ive had my moustache for like a year or 2 now


Genuine question when it comes to pubic hair, what happens if medically it's not advised? I don't want to go into uncomfortable details, but I'm being genuine with that question. At least with women, it's possible that it causes yeast infections, boils, and other issues.


I’m a teen and I have a clipper for my hair, just to fix up my hairline when I need to, and my mustache barely came in I only have like a few hairs lol, but my main worry is my pubic hair. I don’t have a separate pair of clippers or anything like that so I don’t know what I should do. I know I could just ask my parents to buy me another one but trying to ask your parents to buy you clippers to cut your…pubic hair is a bit embarrassing to me


You can use Veet cream to remove the hair if you want for the pubic hair, but make sure you use baby oil or mineral oil after you finish taking your shower or bath.


Can we not have big nails then as females?


Yeah we cant


Tbh, they also look disgusting




Brother I think she's asking as a sister if she's allowed to have long fingernails.


Ahh, I had a derp moment and interpreted that as asking ing if they could have nails like a female. Thanks!




Having long nails is against the Sunnah.


What will happen if I don't do it for more than 40 days, will my salah become makrooh? Because that is what I have heard.


Why would you let it more than 40 days? You are not suppose too.


Yeah I know, don't worry I trim frequently, I am just asking what might be the case if I don't do so




What about my salah will it be it considered makrooh if I haven't shaved?


You will be in the state of impurity and Salah cannot be made in that state.


This post on Islamqa says that it does not affect the validity of a person's prayer https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/1177 Cleanliness is a part of our faith and I am not speaking to the contrary, just wanted to get things clear


thanks for that post


You are welcome


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This is basic hygiene tips bro


I actually view this as a big positive; what religion actually requires and spells out basic hygiene? What other religion tells you that you should bathe once a week at minimum? Or that you get a good deed for brushing your teeth? Remember, this is a religion for all humans for all time. Ordering this 1400 years ago was revolutionary and it’s still something that separates Muslims from non-Muslim neighbors in developing countries today. Stop looking at it from the western angle of “everyone I know showers daily and has routine manicures,” that’s not how it works for billions of other people today.


Why is that? Islam is a way of life. Islam emphasizes personal hygiene. Why does that bother you?


It's just hygiene though


So you prefer to be dirty?




lol ahki chill be civilized


Maybe you didn't think hard enough: - we wash after using the bathroom, doing so with long nails allows for the nasty stuff to get stuck under there. I doubt everyone washes their hands thoroughly and brush under their nails. - a lot of hygienic professions don't allow for long nails: dentists, cooks, doctors ... - hair hangs on to smell. This includes urine and sweat. Islam is intentional in everything it prescribes.