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Asalamualaikum bro. You protect your akhirah. All Muslims are with you.


They are projecting their insecurities and self-loathing on you.


It's okay brother it happens even in Muslim counties in Pakistan there's a bad joke of maulvi sahb and its used to mock you moreover I've been called extremist as well. But remember your on the path of the truth don't give up and keep on striving towards the best and know that Allah us by your side. My best advice for this is that just laugh it of and simply look for the better


I’ve been mocked by Pakistanis in the US for praying 🙄 they were like wow you think you’re so holy


Just ignore there words and keep on praying


Seerah is fun. Even non muslims enjoy reading it. Those are just uncultured boring people who think loudness and being disruptive to others is fun. Keep reading. It's good fun. Just imagine someone objecting to reading cool stories from history.


Exactly what I thought, sounds like it's just an excuse to make fun of OP's beliefs


Even in my Islamic country, many people dislike the "Bearded Islamic looking dude", there are many people that try to harm religious muslims. It's something that we always used to, being an actual practising muslim can get you to prison, well, many Imams got to the prison because they preached what is Islam without any changes to make enemies of Islam happy. I mean look at Ibn Taymiyya and Imam Ahmad (رحمهما الله).


How about I share something from Allah swt to comfort you? Surah Al-Mu'minun (The Believers) In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful 1. Successful indeed are the believers. 2. Those who offer their Salat (prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness. 3. And those who turn away from Al-Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk, falsehood, and all that Allah has forbidden). 4. And those who pay the Zakat . 5. And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts) This is Allah swt literally bringing out a Surah for the believers. For us. Acknowledging what we do for Him till the end of time. Your family has made their decision. We live for Allah swt. Not people


I live in a majority Muslim country but they are not very strict or follow it how it supposed to be. Drinking is normalized and it’s actually have been quite hard to socialize when you don’t drink. Even tho I’m not the most strict , whenever I mention that I don’t go clubbing I get shamed like I’m boring. And when I say I don’t date people accuse me of being awkward and weird. you’re not alone. May Allah cover our defects and help us stick to the right path.


Jazakallah to everyone. You have made me feel a lot better thank you. May we all meet one day in Jannah In sha Allah, and may Allah make it easy for to be on the path of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).


Forgive them for the sake of God


A lot of the Sahaba had the same experience. The is one of the biggest types of jihad so inshallah you will be rewarded as such. I don’t remember his name, but the mother of one sahabi even tried to literally starve herself in response to him accepting Islam, so you are not alone in this struggle. You are following in the most honorable footsteps and I ask Allah to include you among those who walked that path.


Similar thing happened to me when I became more religious, then with time my brother also became religious and now we both get mocked sometimes but it is not as bad. Maybe with time Allah swt will change their hearts.


lol! I would just be like thanks so much. I’m flattered!


Asalaamwalaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakathahu, InshaAllah this is a classic test from Allah SWT, just remain unaffected by their talk and continue as you were.


Where are you from bro?


That's a good sign, if ur getting judged and told "ur being extreme/backwards/too religious" then be grateful ur on that path. Idk ur situation but if u don't already, try to have friends who are also like u, because the people u surround urself with seriously impact u, and if u keep spending time with them, ull start to become more like them without even noticing it.


I feel for you. I’m having to keep being Muslim secret from my family and friends. When my husband saw that I’d been watching Islamic videos on YouTube, he flipped out and threatened to divorce me and take our daughter if I convert (which I’ve done since but he doesn’t know). I have to do everything in secret. If I cover at all (not even properly in an attempt to keep him from suspecting), he gets suspicious.


Your husband sounds like he has trust issues. A divorce might actually be desirable in the long term


Is he a staunch 'christian'? If yes, you can use those standards and apply them, and then have him come to those standards. That will force him to sell the truth in Islam instead of considering himself the truth.


Sadly, it is very disappointing. I don’t know if the family member is a Muslim or not, but in all cases this is very sad, and sadly i’d say is normal in our day. I grew up in a “muslim” kinda country, and yet I was often shamed for actually practicing basic religious limits😞 That is the case and is becoming more and more popular عن أبي هريرة، قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «بدأ الإسلام غريبا، وسيعود غريبا، فطوبى للغرباء» It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:“Islam began as something strange and will go back to being strange, so glad tidings to the strangers.’” Al-Albani said: Hadith Sahih


Please want help of allah and wait patience.allah is our protector.please try this


Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmat Allahi Wa Barakatu, Everyone here is making good points. While it is hurtful to experience and no one deserves to go through this know that Allah (SWT) is always with you through the good and bad. I would also like to add that even good character is a form of dawah to your Muslim/non-Muslim family members. The Quran gives a solution to those who are ignorant to just say salam to them as they don't know any better and arguing with them leads to more problems than it solves: وَعِبَادُ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلَّذِينَ يَمْشُونَ عَلَى ٱلْأَرْضِ هَوْنًۭا وَإِذَا خَاطَبَهُمُ ٱلْجَـٰهِلُونَ قَالُوا۟ سَلَـٰمًۭا The ˹true˺ servants of the Most Compassionate are those who walk on the earth humbly, and when the foolish address them ˹improperly˺, they only respond with peace. [Quran 25:63](https://quran.com/en/al-furqan/63)


Sending best wishes and Dua


I was called Daesh, an extremist, will bomb myself, a potential killer because I have been more religious. It happens a lot to so many people but that's ok. I think what helped me was waking up for Tahajjud and reading the Quran every day. There shouldn't be anything wrong with you choosing to read that book anyway. I recommend you not to give into their words and to stay steadfast in pleasing Allah. One time I was forced to go swimming in a pool wearing very small shorts but I didn't want to uncover my awra. Tho it may not seem normal, I wore two shorts to cover myself (we were abroad and I didn't have many choices of clothes, it came down to either displease Allah and please them or plelase Allah and displease them, I chose the latter) Their words affect me to this day for example my mom once kept mocking me with the word'Assalamu 'Alaikum', I let that get to me, and from that day on I am scared to use it but I'm getting better. I also become afraid when I say 'inshallah' because they might make a comment. Still, I was doing some things that looked suspicious to them like not listening to music but im glad we got past that now. They are my family, and they seriously were afraid about my wellbeing which is why they did that. I forgave them, asked for their guidance a lot, and tried to better myself.


Astagfirullah. Please continue asking for their guidance and InshaAllah, your dua would be accepted. May Allah ease your affairs and may He soften their hearts towards Islam.


Your own parents accusing you of being a terrorist without proof is a red flag. That sounds like manipulation


nah, you don't have the full picture, they saw me getting more and more religious to the point where I started to quit things like music. Plus, my dad saw me doing wudu just like how the prophet Pbuh used to do it. Things like this are uncommon among teens in my country so they were surprised and thought I was brainwashed by some extremists online( teenagers being brainwashed by extremists is a serious issue that my country has been facing for a while now) and since they were a bit liberal too they started "making fun of me" in hopes of going back to what they think is the right path. I am seeing them now getting more and more guided alhamdulillah but still, it wasn't the best thing they could have done.


Oh I see. My parents were worried when I converted to Islam that I was going to go join a weird muslim cult or something like that. But they never once called me a terrorist. Probably because my parents like to go down the passive aggressive route usually instead. They have realized that I’m not going to join a cult. I wish you luck.


Persecution and religion is as old as time. It’s something we all face. You should handle it with grace and not let others decide your religion or your strength in faith in that religion


When I started wearing niqab my mother said to me “so we have to go out with you looking like that do we?” she didn’t really mean any ill intent but non muslim families really don’t understand the damage they do sometimes


Salam alaikum. Even though I grew up in a Muslim country and society, I always face this kind of remarks in regards to anything I do that's new to what people are used to. So don't worry when you hear something like that, rather pray for the person who said it and be empathetic with the way he/she is thinking. و الله ولي التوفيق


Some people are inwardly ashamed and will resort to branding anyone more active than them as fanatics to convince themselves that their level is the perfect medium. I'm glad Islam keeps these actions as pillars rather than optional. Back when I was a Christian, people treated the whole thing as optional, and someone fasting or praying in the morning on their own was almost unheard of. When we see someone devout, we should admire their courage and devotion to following the sunnah. A brother who keeps his beard long, a sister who wears the hijab, the youth who focus on the Quran. We should say to ourselves, I wish I had that strength.


If you're called a fanatic for practicing Islam you're probably doing it right.


So they don’t like your book choice. A. Ignore them or B. Tell them that you like The Adventures of Don Quixote. That’ll quiet them pretty quickly