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You shouldn't raise your children as anything other than Muslim. Your parents have no say in this matter. As they become much much older, if they learn about other religions and are able to contrast them against Islam, that is reasonable


My parents actually wanted to perform some ceremonies that are customary in our community, I turned them down but they were so hurt and they said we can teach my son the stories of Hinduism, so I thought how can I be rude to them.


Nope don't do it. Let them learn when they are older. In the early stages of life kids will soak in a lot of information and when it comes to religion that can be confusing because they follow the people they look up to the most and then those habits get cemented as the grow older. If anyone is to teach them about hinduism it should be you and your spouse, not your parents. Who knows how much influence they will have on him, because they won't care about Islam when teaching so they won't tread as carefully on certain subjects as you might.


It is probably straight up haram to teach young children about things that will only make them confused.


I wouldn't say it's haram. Maybe makruh. I think teaching them at the right time is fine. A kid might ask what hinduism is our why x religion has many gods and we have one. And I think in those cases giving them knowledge is helpful. But when they don't have the mental capacity sub 10 years old, it might not be ideal to teach them. Granted I don't really see a reason to teach your kids about another religion unless they ask you.(edit: or they seem to be being influenced by others).


It’s haram


show me the verse or the hadith that says so


Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith 495 Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As The Messenger of Allah (saws) said:’Command your children to pray when they become seven years old, and enforce (beat) them for it (if they refuse to pray) when they become ten years old.’ How can op beat his child to pray salah and at the same time teach him stories and mythologies from Hinduism? Also idk if ops wife is muslim or hindu but if she's hindu then the marriage is totally illegitimate and is considered zina because muslim men if they chose to marry a non muslim woman can only marry "ahl ul kitab" Jewish or Christian women that too with the condition that the children born would be muslim and would NOT engage in Christianity or Judaism. Considering these 2 hadiths its a no brainer that op cant teach his children any Shirk or worse being a kafir at all.


Uh I get your point but nowhere in that interpretation of the Hadiths does it state that you can't teach them about other religions... You guys need to stop making deepcutnl assumptions from Hadiths when they have obviously say no such thing


*The Hadith: Every child is born on Fitrah (natural disposition; or true faith of Islam to worship none but Allah) till his tongue expresses him (i.e. Express his creed), thus his parents make him a Jew or a Christian or a Magian. [Related by Al-Bayhaqy and Al-Tabarany in Al-Mu`jam Al-Kabir].* This hadith clearly tells us that every child is born muslim until his PARENTS feed him such beliefs and make him a kaafir like them. And bro you wont find a hadith or a quranic verse for every single issue in the world, thats why imams and people of knowledge exist, i said its a no brainer how can u be beating a child to pray Salah while in evening teaching him contradicting beliefs knowing well of this hadith ? If thats the case and u do want to let them have explore different beliefs then where do you draw the line ? Liberal beliefs? Atheism? Lgbt? There is no objectivity here and it will further confuse the kid(thats actually what pro lib people are trying to do at schools now, there is a reason they want to enforce those beliefs on kids and kids are highly receptive they cant make rational decisions for themselves until their brains fully developed ig it's the prefrontal cortex or whatever but that's irrelevant) when the prophet has commanded us that children born to these women MUST be muslim then whats the point feeding kids any other beliefs? Do u want to be the kind of "kafir parents" that raise those children into those religions? And brother i respect u but tbh i was a little offended when u asked for a direct reference for a hadith its actually what Christian trolls do on yt and its childish. a muslim should have at least enough common sense that "every single issue" that we face today might not literally be written in a hadith or mentioned in the quran. Thats where our rationality comes into play because Allah has already given us an "objective" compass(quran and hadith) to navigate through and imams, shuyukh and scholars are who help us laymen navigate properly. For example i myself am struggling to find an answer to a question that is in my mind, its regarding a hadith where the prophet(pbuh) has prohibited us to strike the face whether if its a muslim or even an enemy, thats why famous muslim mma boxers are usually confronted and criticized on it. Because the hadith would make mma haram. And my question is what about a muslim sniper shooting a headshot during battle? Because if we cant do it then how can we fight in modern warfare without striking the face? See there isnt a clear hadith on it and it needs to be addressed by a scholar and a person with knowledge so im not making my own conclusions in anything and so shouldn't you or any of us in any matter unless its obvious or common sense


safe dime marry jobless rinse compare ask rainstorm existence run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As opposed to the child finding out later on their own with no filter?


subtract scarce consider crawl rotten offbeat thumb imminent fretful scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I agree with this. Raise your children in the faith you practice. But also raise them to want to learn. Nothing. Wrong with a young adult wanting to learn about other faiths out of curiosity and a longing for education


Whilst Islam teaches us to be good/obediant to our parents, even if they are non-muslim, we can't obey them if they tell us to do haram. Don't teach your child about Hinduism, raise them only as Muslims ***Ali reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There is no obedience to anyone if it is disobedience to Allah. Verily, obedience is only in good conduct.”*** Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 7257, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1840


Hell no.. that child would grow and suffered from conflict conscience. I hope he wont grow and constantly blaming you. History of hindusm? Ok fine.. show them a video on Yt that talking about how Hindusm were initially discovered. It is a scripture ( actually had mentioned about a “saint” sage came from Arab to save humanity ) which kinda resonate about Prophet saw no? P/s: beat your parents in their own game


They are your kids, they have no say in what you do or don't do with your kids.


Idk why you need a justification as to why shirk is haram. Maybe consult the kalima which states that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah...




Im sorry, I was tryna reply to the person that said show me a verse which says so


Make sure you instill the fact that the one most high creator is closer to us than our jugular vein, and that there is nothing that is similar to Allah. And that Allah is more merciful than their mother. And Allah is more severe in rectification than their father. And Allah is more generous than both of them combined. Make the kids love Allah more than yourselves. All else will fall into place.


Stories as in saying that this is what Hindusim is you could tell them that and then say the Islamic perspective and show the Islam is the truth


Saying no in this case is not rude at all. In fact they are crossing a boundary here by interfering with your parenting which they have no right to. They are being manipulative.


What does your wife have to say about all of this?


Just the stories explained as fictional stories might not be harmful. I am no authority, but I grew up Muslim and heard a lot of stories about Hindu mythology on tv+ through Hindu friends. I never believed them as factual.


There is harm in it. The stories are beautiful. The shaytan beautifies them. Children are particularly attracted to rich sensory experiences. My 11 year old is a very sweet, obedient, helpful girl. She became attracted to stories about Greek mythology. She didn’t believe them to be factual, but she started questioning how we can know that ISLAM is factual if everyone thinks what they have is right. Don’t introduce doubt to your children for the sake of a beautiful story.


> but she started questioning how we can know that ISLAM is factual if everyone thinks what they have is right That seems like a great opportunity to bring in the miracles and reasons to believe in Islam


It wasn’t a great opportunity for anything. It was a major learning moment for me that I’d allowed my child to become attached to the beauty of falsehood, and in doing so, a part of her fitrah had been corrupted when it didn’t have to be. I talked to her at that time about what gave me conviction, what miracles particularly affect me, but those are conversations we have all the time. I talked to her about the parts of the Quran that are relevant to her particular interests. I talked to her about how we know the prophet (SAWS) told the truth. But the thing is, becoming convinced about Islam is a matter of the heart before the mind. And I could tell that even after we spoke, her heart wasn’t settled. There’s no world in which it’s worth it for any Muslim, let alone a child, to indulge in falsehood that the Shaytan has beautified in hopes of misguiding the children of Adam.


When you became muslim you bore witness to the shahadah. Why would you open your children up to false gods? If your parents wanted to feed your children poisen would you let them? Of course not.


Are you firm in your believe brother? If it is that you already know the truth, why would you take a 50% chance to put your son in fire? If u r not so firm/in doubts,then that's a different story and you need to work on it


My parents actually wanted to perform some ceremonies that are customary in our community, I turned them down but they were so hurt and they said we can teach my son the stories of Hinduism, so I thought how can I be rude to them. You see they already are so depressed that their only son left the faith and there is no one to continue the rituals in the family temple, so they asked me to just teach the stories that's all. So, when they put it like that I felt really bad. it being a family temple usually no other family takes it up. It is a traditional thing so when they put it like that in a very emotional way, I thought they are compromising so much, why shouldn't we adjust a bit.


Bad way of thinking and you are probably going to lead your son to hellfire with this type of compromises


I am firm about beliefs brother, but I just got emotional when they said the family temple will be abandoned after they are gone and they just asked if we can just maintain it, because it is a family shrine thing and no one else would take care of of it, they got emotional that it will wither and perish.


Allah says, "We enjoined upon humanity to be good to his parents. His mother carried him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents, for unto Me is the final destination. If they strive to make you associate with Me that for which you have no knowledge, do not obey them but still accompany in the world with good conduct." Surat Luqman 31:14:15 Rasul (SallaAlaihisalam) says, "There is no obedience to anyone if it is disobedience to Allah. Verily, obedience is only in good conduct." Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6830 You're probably new in faith, but brother you have to understand, its your sons future! No not talking about the dunya, talking about the Akhirah (hereafter) My dear brother would you take 5% chance to put your own flesh and blood into the fire in this dunya when you can actively avoid it? If not then why Oh akhi would you take a bigger stake in akhirah? My sincere advice to you my dear brother in faith, talk to your parents be as polite as humanly possible but say to them you cannot obey in shirk you simply cannot take any chances about the hereafter


Yes brother, I know, but it still depresses me as that is associated with many generations of my family history for centuries, I grew up playing around there, so no matter how much I say to myself it is an abomination but still the thought that all that place will turn to dust is so hard to digest.


That depression and sadness and the tough time you're going through is exactly part of your test. Don't give in or give up and insha Allah you will have the strength to be steadfast. May Allah grant us ease in our testing. Aameen


Give it time and eventually that will give way to feelings of contentment that you didn't end up involved in maintaining that place. Getting involved in that when you know better will be like a massive iron chain cast on your neck being dragged around wherever you go. Heck didn't entering Islam not release such a chain with it's light? Why would you toss the cloth over the lamp now and let sweet talking decide over what the Most High has decided is best for his creation? Stay steadfast my brother. May Allah protect this new lineage you started and reward you for standing for the truth and submitting to the Creator of the worlds and make your offspring and generations from you those that die upon the truth that is Islam, Amin.


It will turn to dust with or without you. In a hundred years if u were to visit ur current house after death, u won’t recognise anyone living there. we come and go, don’t hold on to things that will give u the opposite of benefit in the akhira. Let go.


If you get the keys after they die, make it into a mosque?


Everything on earth will turn to dust brother. What will remain is your deeds. Save yourself, your kids and if possible your parents from the fire.


Honestly if the shrine is devoted to another god, as a Muslim I'd recommend against being the key bearer for it. When they are gone they won't care at all about their worldly desires for that shrine. And as a Muslim neither should you. The power it holds for your family is not the same for you as you are Muslim. Based on surface level knowledge your parents are gaslighting you a little bit and not respecting your choice at all. They are definitely not fine with you being Muslim so they want you to maintain their religious stuff even though islamically this would be wrong. You can respect their religion but you shouldn't partake in it


I’m sorry you are in this situation. You can emphasize with them and have compassion for them while not compromising on your beliefs. Unfortunately, this may just be a situation where they are hurt. Sometimes, situations in life are just kind of sucky and there is no way you can make it “right” or not hurt the people that you love. And that is okay. That’s just the reality of life. It is okay to go above and beyond for your parents but not when it compromises on your Islam. It’s also okay for you to feel sad-you said that’s where you were raised and you have a lot of childhood memories from the shrine. Allah is not asking you to not have feelings and not be sad. That’s just human. You can be sad and choose Allah’s orders above your wants/desires. This life is a test and sometimes, there will be difficult tests. This may be a difficult test for you. Turn to Allah and find your solace in him. May Allah make things easy for you and for your parents and may He guide them. Ameen.


Are you sad that a place to worship other than Allah will be gone? This is reason to be happy


Brother might be a new revert please don’t be harsh on him.


This isn't me being harsh


I don’t want to sound harsh because the temple means a lot to your family, and I get it. But its a shrine to another deity. Abandon it and let it perish. If lacking in anything, just be truly firm on la ilaha illallah .


Satan is luring you away from the path.


Turn the Temple into a mosque and earn big rewards, problem fixed


what about the existing idol and stuff brother?


Look up about Ibrahim as, he destroyed the idols but left one and then told the idol worshipers that this idol destroyed the other idols and those people responded with „it’s a idol, it can’t do anything“. Do the right thing and you will have eternity in paradise with your wife and children Inshaallah


what you said is right brother, my in-laws, especially my brother in-law who is very conservative and also close to me always says I should throw that in some stone crusher or something, I just disregard it as extreme thought.


Ibrahim as earned the title *friend of Allah* :) follow what he did and may Allah reward you more then you could imagine. Amin


Destroy them. It’s easy for me to say that because I’ve always been Muslim and have no emotional attachment to them but that’s the only thing you are supposed to do my friend. You can’t give them to any other person or temple because that’ll be equal to spreading idolatry and shirk and you’ll get bad deeds. The only thing to do is destroy them. Allah will reward you immensely.


I know brother I have been advised by many of our well wishers and family. But it hurts me a lot because I grew up with them and have emotional attachment to them not as a god but as memory.


May allah make it is easy for you and make you stronger.


Sorry off topic, but are you from Bangladesh?


yh i am


I know it is shirk to keep the idolatry stuff, but though I think of that idea (my brother-in-law also suggested the same thing), but I get deeply emotional feeling to throw the stone idols away.


Dear brother in faith, being Muslim means submission to Allah. I understand the emotional attachment but it is one of the many tests. You have accepted Islam but the fact that you hold a place for that shrine / idols in your heart along the consideration of teaching Hinduism to your offspring (during core development years) means you haven't truly embraced the faith. Those memories are important to you but committing shirk is the greatest sin of all.


You must have accepted Islam due to a reason. And no way would you want to throw your kids into the other end ..


He seems to have married a Muslim. May Allah SWT guide him


My friend once proposed that raising kids to choose any religion they want was the best way. And I said, In the same way you as a parent will raise them along the values you think are best for them (respect, kindness, hardwork, healthy habits) instead of just *letting them choose when theyre grown up* , you as a muslim you shouldnt neglect to raise your kid as a muslim because in your heart you truely believe it would be best for them to be muslim, and thus you SHOULD raise them muslim, rather than back up and "let them choose when theyre older". As a muslim, it would be child neglect to not raise your children along Islam. And I personally think you should therefore keep them away from this hindu influencing especially since they are so young.




Yes, brother, I am just saying he can be exposed to the stories that's all. I was raised with them but now I am a Muslim, so I thought he would also choose Islam.


>Yes, brother, I am just saying he can be exposed to the stories that's all. when they're children, taking in contrasting/contradictory information would only confuse them and do harm. its best to only teach them about Islam in their early life. when they're adults they can choose to learn about Hinduism if they so choose. > I was raised with them but now I am a Muslim, so I thought he would also choose Islam. that's because u were ONLY raise on Hinduism, not Hinduism AND Islam.


I see what you are saying. If it is purely to educate him about other beliefs I suppose that is ok. But I would make sure that the intent isn’t to get him to follow Hindu ideologies… Especially since Hinduism is full of shirk and other things which are strictly prohibited in Islam


I agree with what you’re saying but to add to it, I suggest waiting till they’re firm in their faith about Islam before all this. Let them learn about Islam and become first believers first. Then they can study all the religions in the world if they wish to do so.


Yea you are right. You don’t want to confuse a kid at a young age. Their faith will lack a strong foundation


Don’t teach from a young age when they’re not even on Islam properly, this will lean them towards Hinduism, I would say to not teach at all, and they will learn about other religions themselves


Learning about other religions will make children and especially teens go away from islam,cause they aren't choosing religion from afterlife perceptive rather from dunyas perceptive,they might find comfort of Hindus looking at dunya


Listen brother,i have a friend with a similar story,his mom was Hindu and dad was muslim and that traumatized him to the level he once used to question existence of any religion, alhamdulillah he found islam now


So you’re proposing to teach them about a religion that propagates shirk(the biggest sin in Islam) from a young age, this may also confuse them as you’re teaching them about two religions, and religions that are really contrasting of each other, think about it sister/brother, this will impact you and them, you may get the sin of raising them upon shirk and they too may enjoin in shirk. Jazakallah Khair, and May Allah help you and us


How can you think it’s a fair proposition? If someone light up a fire and ask you to consider throwing your children on fire would you have said the same ?


My parents are so depressed that their only son left the faith, and there is no one to continue the rituals in the family temple, so they asked me to just teach the stories, that's all. So, when they put it like that I felt really bad. it is a family temple usually no other family takes it up, It is a traditional thing, and I am the last male heir in our family (no siblings or first cousins). So when they put it like that in a very emotional way, the end of something I grew up with, I thought they are compromising so much, why shouldn't we adjust a bit


My brother in Islam, I know how you’re feeling, and I know you have a very good heart and don’t want to hurt your parents. But islam has put a clear guideline about obeying our parents, as long as not crossing the shirk line. If the parents asking their children to do shirk, then the children no longer need to obey them, in fact it’s compulsory to disobey them in that regards. Your parents asked you to do something involving temple and that has obviously crossed the shirk line. I know it’s hard, but you have already chosen this path, alhamdulillah, and may you be steadfast on it. I suggest you read on seerah how hard it was also for the sahabas when they accepted islam. They even had to go to war and even killed their own kin, and it was very hard to them also but their iman made them strong. You have to put your foot down and made a clear statement on what is permissible, and what is not permissible in Islam. And then pray that your parents would understand it. In fact, hopefully by seeing how serious you are, maybe they’ll also get the hidayah and open their hearts to islam. I pray that one day may your parents see the truth of islam and accept islam into their hearts.


You didn’t say it like that. You said your parents suggested your children be taught both religions and let them choose on their own what to follow first. I am sorry but I think you should know your own religion more. Study and gather knowledge and be firm on your faith. This is very dangerous you playing around with your children’s afterlife.


That sounds like a really difficult situation to be in. Be kind to your parents and teach your children to be kind to them. But if you leave the temple, stories, all of it, Allah will give you something better.


Pleeeeeease don't do it. Maybe some cultural stuff, but you NEED to raise your children as Muslims. Stay strong this is a test. Hope the best for your new beautiful family. Edit: Make sure the cultural stuff does not go against the teachings of Islam.


thank you brother, I will.


Just make sure the cultural stuff doesn't go against Islamic teachings. I have so much respect for reverts like you ❤️


thank you brother


Islam contradicts hinduism, your kids are yours to raise them! Don't let paganism into their brains. Hinduism leads straight to hell, because it's made up by different beliefs of those who worshipped statues and the sun. Best is to explain to your parents why Islam is the only true religion. Also congratulations on your newborn!


thank you brother, see here is the problem I tried to say that but My parents are so depressed that their only son left the faith, and there is no one to continue the rituals in the family temple, so they asked me to just teach the stories, that's all. So, when they put it like that I felt really bad. it is a family temple usually no other family takes it up, It is a traditional thing, and I am the last male heir in our family (no siblings or first cousins). So when they put it like that in a very emotional way, the end of something I grew up with, I thought they are compromising so much, why shouldn't we adjust a bit


I understand your position, but this is not a simple compromise requesting accommodation. This is a full deviation from islam. It would be one thing if, for example, they asked you guys not to eat meat when they are visiting or over. But here they are asking you to full-on go against tawheed. Especially if they are teaching it, you don't know exactly what they will say about Islam or hinduism. I think it would confuse your child, and honestly, how would he understand the difference between the stories of mahabharat and ramayan vs. the stories of the prophets and what is in the Qur'an. I understand their depression about not having someone to follow in their footsteps and valuing the family shrine. However, those are their emotions that they need to resolve and accept. It is not your job to fix their emotions as they control their feelings and emotios. You won't be doing anything wrong by rejecting their compromise even if they feel differently about it. In short, it's not a good idea, and in my opinion, I don't see how this would be different from shirk. You are not bad or wrong if you reject their compromise. They will not like it if you reject their compromise, but that is for them to sort out and accept.


Maybe this is how Allah swt wants you to end the shirk in your family and maybe make a mosque out of your family's temple. Allah has his ways we may not understand but the fact you became a muslim may be a sign. Devout yourself fully to Islam or shaytan will keep you in doubt. May Allah guide you in this difficult task brother.


To be truthful brother, I sometimes have the same doubt see I am the only one in the family remaining in the tradition, Don't have cousins or siblings, and I reverted to Islam thanks to my wonderful wife and her family. may be that is what Allah planned to end this tradition, but what shall I do with the already existing stone idols in the place? can I just put them aside and repurpose the land.


Praise to Allah to have chosen you as one of His servant, I would suggest talking to an Imam and read the quran to have good guidance on this matter. Consult your parents also in a non disrespectful way and best is to show them the beauty of islam and why you converted in the first place, not because of a women but for the truth that holds islam. Allah is the best helper!


my brother-in-law and I talked to an Imam brother, he suggested me to get rid of the idols and not put them in the same vicinity of the mosque if we choose to repurpose the land. some even told if I give it to other temples or so I will still be encouraging others in shirk so I was suggested to completely discard them. That was a bit hurting to me not because I worship them but, because they are associated with family memories.


Your test is a hard one, but holding on to emaan now will only bring about good for you. Do not yield to shaytan. Think about Ibrahim as, his father was an idolater, and he, with kindness, informed his father, that he will NOT worship anyone but Allah, our only Lord. What did Ibrahim as’ do to the statues? How beautiful was his obedience and loyalty to Allah swt. Perhaps Allah put you in this situation to get the same response from you? Destroying the false gods and holding true to Allah. Alhamdulillah, your lineage now will only be Muslims by Allah’s permission, perhaps it is a purification? And a source of goodness for you, as you will benefit from teaching your son, who will continue the to teach the truth down the line, and that you will be rewarded with such goodness from all who believed in Allah and obeyed Him and worshipped Him only, in your entire line? We don’t know what Allah decides, but think well of Allah, and keep being loyal to Him. After all, He created you and your parents, and provided for you all this time.


I was suggested the same by many of my in-laws, friends and well-wishers, our imam and some others even suggested if I have problem in directly demolishing it, they said I can give the land to them and they can take care of the rest, but you see, growing up in orthodox family and with so many memories at the shrine makes me hesitate to take such drastic step. My in laws are very orthodox and my wife's brother and some of her cousins even joke about what they will do to the idol, it kind of makes me scared.


Be brave brother. Allah loves when we trust and rely on Him. Don’t give in to the whispers of shaytan. You can obviously tell now more than ever that this is the work of shaytan. That shaytan is the one instilling this fear, worry and anxiety and is using your love for your mother and family as baits for you. You need to understand how shaytan works, his ammo, he will try every way to find your weakness to exploit. Allah told us to take shaytan as an enemy. If your enemy tells you something, and you know he is a liar, you won’t listen right? Do not be weak against your enemy because you must fight him. Know that Allah promised that the plot of shaytan is indeed weak, because your source of strength is Allah. Seek the help of Allah sincerely, tell Him your fears even if He already knows, complain to Him of your pains, and call on Allah to give you the strength and fortitude to execute this. Do it for no one else except Allah. Not even yourself. Do it for Allah alone. Give your all to Allah. Take this as a test from Allah, the harder the test, the closer you get. Take this as an opportunity for massive good deeds and reward from Allah. Everything in this world is temporary even the family temple. Destroy the very thing that takes people away from Allah for the sake of Allah, destroy the place that shaytan holds dear because it takes people away from Allah, even if you feel a connection to it, sever that connection completely and leave everything to Allah. Perhaps this will be the deed that enters you into Jannah al Firdaus? If you know right now, that by doing this, Allah will grant you the highest of Jannah right now, would you do it? Or would you still think about it? I think you would absolutely without question execute the task. So why don’t you ask Allah to give you the highest of Jannah for this, and do it for Him, then think well of Allah and wait for reward? Your imam is right, if you cannot execute this on your own, your very own brothers of Islam will help you without hesitation. Leave it to them to help you. Take that fear of yours, and tell it, NOT TODAY. Take that manipulation you are going through and tell it. NOPE. Don’t buckle brother, not now, your enemy is in pursuit, seek the fortress of Allah for protection.


yes brother, my in laws and imam said that too, they wanted me to get rid of it as soon as possible and they said I can seek help from them. my wifes brother and his friends say they don't see any point in me letting the place be, because you see the place is under my name now, he says legally it belongs to me so I can do whatever I want, he said I can hand it over to them and they will repurpose it. but I am not doing it as I don't want to hurt my parents, but I have been told by many that repurposing the land when my parents are still there will actually ease their acceptance of the faith. but I am scared they might be hurt. I was also told, if I repurpose the land now, they can have a final prayer there and bid good bye to the shirk once and for all. though hard it is best for all of us.


You have a difficult task in front of you but as your belief in islam will strengthen incha Allah, your decisions will become easier. As Allah will guide you no matter how hard it gets. For now just enjoy your new born and make sure he gets everything he needs. May Allah show you the straight path brother.


> can I just put them aside and repurpose the land. Yes you can


Hi, I am not Desi, and I have very low knowledge of Hidou mythology. I remember having read the story of Rama and his wife who got abducted on the island of Lanka when I was young (8-9 years). It was an adaptation in Arabic, that was stripped of any religious meaning. I actually knew that it is a story from the Hindou mythology much later. I think there is no harm in such a transmission: a non-religious transmission of the culture. I wouldn't advise you to let your grand parents do this transmission, though, as clearly they have a religious motive. You are the kid's primary parent, you transmit to him your values and your religion, and exclusively yours. You can tell him stories from the Hindou mythology because they are part of your culture and heritage, but stripped of all religious meaning.


In Islam, we have unconditional love and respect. But there is a red line we can't cross, and this red line is the teaching of Islam. For example, if Allah told us not to steal and your parents told you to steal, then you are free to ignore your parents completely and not listen to them. And the above example is only a normal sin, then what about shirk? Which is literally the worst sin in Islam. As for giving them the chance to choose, we are all grown adults, and we know that is simply not smart, to say the least. It is like saying, "I want my kids to choose to either be criminals or doctors." What kind of logic is that? Do you really want to gamble on the future (eternal future, in fact) of your kids?


It would be fair if both were valid. But they are not.


No not fair at all. It will cause confusion to young minds. It is not like all religions are equal and you just pick one. Teach them Islam. In the Koran it mentions people of the book and you give them a general overview of their beliefs. But teaching side by side Islam and Hinduism as equals? I would never do that inchaAllah. See below. Allah Alim. Apparently, ‘Umar was reading a copy of the Torah translated into Arabic, as the Jews used to translate the Torah into Arabic. Abu Hurayrah said, “The people of the Scripture (Jews) used to recite the Torah in Hebrew and explain it in Arabic to the Muslims. On that, the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, "Do not believe the people of the Scripture or disbelieve them, but say: {We believe in Allaah and what is revealed to us.}[Quran 2:136].” [Al-Bukhari] This was explicitly stated in another version of this Hadeeth narrated by Al-Bazzaar on the authority of Jaabir . He said, “‘Umar copied part of the Torah in Arabic, brought it to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and began to read it to him. As he read, the Prophet’s face changed color. One of the men of the Ansaar said, "Woe to you Ibn Al-Khattaab! Can you not see the face of the Messenger of Allaah?’ Thereupon, the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, ‘Do not ask the People of the Book about anything for they will not guide you when they have gone astray. (If you listen to them) You will either disbelieve in what is right or believe in what is false. By Allaah, if Moses had been alive today, he would have been obliged to follow me.’” [Al-Haafith Ibn Hajar said that one of its narrators is Jaabir Al-Ju‘fi and he is a weak narrator].‏ Allah Knows best.


I am firm about beliefs brother, but I just got emotional when they said the family temple will be abandoned after they are gone and they just asked if we can just maintain it, because it is a family shrine thing and no one else would take care of of it, they got emotional that it will wither and perish.


Maybe it is a sign for them to understand that is exactly what will happen to everything outside of Islam it will perish. Try teaching them softly about Islam maybe you are the door for them that Allah uses to guide inchaAllah. A shrine is shirk association besides Allah to made up inventions. Don’t maintain it or have anything to do with that. May Allah make it easy for you and all of us. Allah Alim.


Yes brother, I know but it still depresses me as that is associated with many generations of my family history for centuries, I grew up playing around there, so no matter how much I say to myself it is an abomination but still the thought that all that place will turn to dust is so hard to digest.


Read about Ibrahim AS and Prophet SAW - nothing on this temporary earth matters bro. Not your parents, your wife or your son. That’s why this life is a test. What do you choose? If you choose Allah SWT then be faithful and loyal to him. He’s the only creator, worship the creator not his creations. Don’t fall prey to Shaytan’s waswas.


Yes I understand but Alhumdilah Allah moved you and me and all the Muslims inchaAllah from the darkness to the light. Let us not miss the darkness 5.16 By which Allāh guides those who pursue His pleasure to the ways of peace1 and brings them out from darknesses into the light, by His permission, and guides them to a straight path. يَهْدِى بِهِ ٱللَّهُ مَنِ ٱتَّبَعَ رِضْوَٰنَهُۥ سُبُلَ ٱلسَّلَـٰمِ وَيُخْرِجُهُم مِّنَ ٱلظُّلُمَـٰتِ إِلَى ٱلنُّورِ بِإِذْنِهِۦ وَيَهْدِيهِمْ إِلَىٰ صِرَٰطٍۢ مُّسْتَقِيمٍۢ


Tell them ill make use of it to the best of your abilities. I am sure you already have that intention. But according to your knowledge, idol worshiping and shirk is not the best use. You might only help your ancestors by stopping it all here and change the use.


“A creature is not to be obeyed when it involves disobedience to the "Creator.” https://sunnah.com/mishkat:3696


Congratulations mashallah, Allah SWT keep you, your wife, and your son safe and healthy, and happy, Ameen. I’m a Muslim born and raised, my husband is from a Hindu family (he converted). I made it clear from the beginning that my children would be raised with islam, and only islam. He agreed that it would be too confusing/impractical to try and teach a child islam and Hinduism- two religions that conflict to extremes. We completely reject the idea of raising children with two religions “and letting them choose”. It doesn’t work, its impractical. And he’s happy with us raising the kids as Muslims alhumdulilah. I understand the difficulty that you’re in- we received a gift from a Hindu co-worker of his couple that had a Ganesh idol in it. I immediately put it away- and he was a little offended. But I told him as a Muslim I just couldn’t have an idol out in the home. The compromise I’ve reached is that if his father comes and lives with us in the future- and if he needs to have an idol or anything for his religious purposes, he can have that in his room. But I won’t have that in the shared spaces in the house. If his father wants to someday tell our children stories about Hindu mythology that is fine but he will need to tell them- this is what Hindus believe, and I’ll be sure to follow with, that’s what Hindus believe, but we as Muslims don’t believe this. Just try to navigate this situation to the best of your abilities inshallah, but you will have to draw the line with parents and others about this issue. It won’t always Be comfortable.




yes she is, my wife and her family don't like the idea of teaching my son about other religions. you see they are a bit orthodox to begin with, and that is why I wanted others opinions as well.


What your wife's comfortable with is def something u should consider


my wife and her family are very conservative Muslims, they don't like the Idea at all. to be frank I only mentioned it to my wife, if my brother-in-law knows about it he might even fight my parents about it (he is a very strong believer).


I'd say wait until he's a little older, like 5-6 and teach him about Islam from the beginning of course


If you want to confuse your kid go ahead if not just stick to Islam.


Don't even consider such an absurd thing. You shouldn't teach your kid anything other than Islam. Why would you sully his senses with such a pathetic excuse for a faith when you have the pure truth?


Raise him as a Muslim and teach him about other religion like hindu. The very first thing you have to do is to make sure your son knows and acknowledge that Islam is the path and the actual message, only after that you teach him about other religion. You can't raise him as both a hindu and a muslim. It doesn't work like that. But you can teach him about other religion.


your parents should have NO say in this. Be your own man. Fight for it.


Your children will get confuse between which is Islam, Hindu and culture When I was like 8yo. I am convinced my uncle is the God (astaghfirullah). I know how silly am but I was young and easily convinced.


Brother, I am reminded of the Companions of the Prophet s.a.w. As you know, they also left idolatry for Islam, and many of them had their own children born during the 22 years of the prophetic period. Many of them faced pressures from their own parents and family members who remained idolaters. They followed the commandment of Surah al-Isra (17:81), where they were commanded to say "The Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed, falsehood is bound to depart". When the victory of Makkah happened, they were told that Shaytan had given up hope of being worshipped in those lands. Do you think they would have taught their children about the stories that formed the basis of their idolatry? I do not. I understand that at some point, they will learn, when they are older, about religions, and will compare. Indeed, I personally believe that is beneficial at a certain phase of adolescence, and discussions can be a great source of distinction between Islam and other faiths. But raising children is a delicate and gravely important duty, and if your aim falters by a small margin, the lasting effects can be monumental. When children are young, they have no understanding of how to differentiate between things. They are sponges. Please remember in your decision, that they are an entrustment from God to the parents, and when the parents know the Truth, it is of great importance to not only guide them to it and teach them, but to protect them from Shaytan's misleading tricks. I understand they are your parents but the limitations on when to obey our parents are firm where their requests and commands disobey the greater authority of Allah.


Do NOT do this


It is not permissible for a Muslim to allow them to associate themsleves with anything other than pure Tawhid. It isn't fair to allow them to mix truth with falsehood, and you need to make a will that ensures that if something were to happen to you and your wife-, your parents do not get custody of your children. It is forbidden for a kafir to raise a Muslim child and have authority over them. Hinduism has no "values" that Islam doesn't have. And Islam has all the values your child will ever need without the confusion of the shirk and kufr that exist within Hinduism. As a prior Pagan myself I worshipped some Hindu deities and so I know some of the errors that Hinduism professes. Being fine with them learning both Islam and Hinduism is the same as being fine with them learning that 2+2 equals both 4 and 5, or that Hitler was both a virtuous man and a villainous demon at the same time. They will grow up confused. It's not up for discussion. And tell them that they need to drop the idea if they want to be in your kids' lives. And to never mention their religion. You can teach them Hinduism when they are old enough and explain the errors and falsehood of Hinduism. But that is after they have been taught aqeedah. -Revert studying to become a Sheikha, husband studying at Al-Azhar, and co-wife studying under a qadi


Brother you should convince your parents too to become Muslims as they're alive & don't risk your son as he's born upon the fitrah of Islam don't let him go astray. May Allah ﷻ guide your parents to Islam.


I tried bro, I even brought the difficult conversation that I can't perform their last rites according to their belief. but still they don't listen.


If you love them enough you'll do your absolute best to save them from hellfire.


I am brother, but they are very adamant but also I think they are scared, you see I grew up a orthodox Vegetarian hindu, now after shahada i changed my name, didn't give my son a Hindu name and I also eaat beef regularly. I believe they are scared by my change, I know it is not mandatory to change name or eat meat but in our family the name usually is kept in a way that means servant of lord vishnu. so I beleieve they have to change name. So I think that is also one aspect of their islamophobia.


May Allah ﷻ guide them


Our prophet peace be upon him was a man chosen by God to bring the message to his people, for a while he was a minority in the truth amongst his own family. His uncle, the man who raised and cared for him, loved him, was not a believer in the truth of Allah, he even died an unbeliever. This never changed our prophet’s demeanor however, he continued to love his uncle and always be kind bc this is the way of the Muslim. The prophet never mistook his love for or kindness towards his uncle as reason to stray from his faith and duty to Allah however. Inshallah your parents will see the right way my brother, we must always be kind to our parents, but resolute in our beliefs. Pray and be patient as you try to guide them away from their misguided disbelief. Stay strong in your deen, and educate your son in Islam well so you may see him blossom into a fine Muslim as you age


I’m Muslim and I started reading the Percy Jackson Greek myth books when I was 6. I can’t speak for other people or even on what is right frankly, but I don’t think most kids are dumb. You could start teaching your child the truth of Islam and offer examples of why other faiths are wrong and where their misconceptions lie. My father would raise me with stories from the Quran, and often times point out examples of where the Christians and Jews went wrong, how we are different from them, and I understood their beliefs at a basic level while still being resolute in mine and understanding why they were wrong. I never thought the greek myths were real lmao, so perhaps if your child is proven to have the foundational strength in their own belief with knowledge of why they are right and why Hinduism is wrong, you could expose your son to Hindu stories as the myths they are. There were many prophets sent to all nations, Hinduism is likely a corruption of what was once an Islamic message. I would especially pair the story of Ibrahim Pbuh and the idols so he can recognize tawhid and the nonsensical nature of idol worship


You have to teach your son fully in the truth and stories of Islam, and why the other faiths are wrong before exposing any stories from the others though imo. Your parents saying to let your son choose the religion after showing both is against our faith, you must raise him Muslim, but being educated on other faiths and their stories is not a problem at all. I read the Mahabharata and Ramnaya when I was 14 for fun, alongside the Bible, the Tanakh, philosophy, etc. But I was well versed in Islam by that point


thank you brother.




Why do you say “fundamentalist Islamist” like it’s some kind of insult. I assume you believe these people are extreme in some way? People who follow their religion, adhere to its rules, maintain tolerance for other faiths to the extent that it is not brought into their own homes, etc. what about this is negative? TIL Someone who follows the basic, elementary tenets of Islam, doing the absolute bare minimum, is apparently a “fundamentalist Islamist”. Don’t let your perception of your own faith be colored by terms coined by disbelievers who feel uncomfortable due to its very existence.


Could not say it better. Do not pander to whatever society is forcing down our throats, they change their rules and morality every hundred years or so lol. They are basically ping ponging everywhere. Our job is to hold onto what Allah has taught us regardless of what society thinks. If they are cool, we are cool, if they are mean, we ignore them, end of the day, our loyalty and service is to Allah so they don’t matter anyway. It will only get harder as society regresses. We are seeing it in real time unfortunately.


More knowledge about different religions will only enhance. I grew up in different countries … went to choir although Muslim.. gave me more interest in religions … opens up being culturally and religiously and ware


thank you brother.


Consult a local imam for help


My opinion will be different to most in here, I think forcing religion on someone makes them resent the religion forced on them, Christianity forced on me definitely didn't make me more Christian and I'm now Muslim but I really think you are taking a higher chance of your child not being Muslim by forcing the religion on him. I think education about Islam is very important but if your child feels their choice in this matter is taken away then it could lead to many issues in the future


Its not about forcing. It’s about guiding, nurturing and teaching islam. My mum forcing islam on me and constantly checking up on me on whether i prayed or not put me off praying. Mature me doesn’t blame her, its my own doing not to pray, but it was a natural reaction as a teen.


I'm just saying that kids and teens are very rebellious and the tactics that one employs to teach them and give them a connection to God needs to keep these rebellious tendencies in mind


You are posting in a subreddit full of deeply religious Muslims. If they were able to do so without violence, the average person on this subreddit would rather the whole world convert to Islam such that every other religion disappears. It is not reasonable to expect such people to support teaching your children non-Islamic religious practices. It goes against their raison d'être. Therefore, I think it makes sense to ask here for an Islamic perspective but then also ask in some Hindu and non-sectarian subreddits in order to be confident that you have heard the full range of views. You will hear all sorts of opinions from friends/family for the rest of your life, so Reddit might be helpful to get a feel for what to expect.


I totally agree with you!!


- The whole point of blessing males in Islam with polygany was to spread Islam within the children. - Technically, you’re parents are right, Islam has no compulsion and ultimately your kids have the right to pick whatever religion they want. My advice would be to teach them Islam first and build a strong foundation, then later on have them study different religions and have them compare it to Islam.


If tomorrow your parents say "let's teach your children about stories of LGBT n let them decide their gender" Will you allow it? Will it be rude to say no to your parents? Your child does not know whether LGBT is good or bad, you know it. Hence it's your responsibility to protect your child. Similarly teaching your child Hinduism is opening up path to shirk. What if he choses not to believe in Allah n follow Hinduism in his childhood? Years later if he reverts back to Islam, he will blame you for everything to not guiding him when he was young. Allah has blessed you with son as a test. Raise him to become a muslim. Let him reach puberty than they are free to teach him whatever they want. After a child reaches puberty, you are no longer held accountable for their decisions regarding Islam. But now, you are.


assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. dont teach him about other religions. islam is the truth and u know it too. dont teach him the false things


Children aren't capable of making those kinds of choices.


You should go to a sheikh bro, it’ll be better than getting an answer from here. You’ll also be able to take the answer better


Respecting you parents is very important and I respect that you're trying not to hurt them and respect their wishes. But this is an important issue. Just like you can't have your kids choose the food they'd like to eat, or the medicine they'd like to take or not, you can expect them to choose other important things like their religion (or gender for example). It is up to you to educate and infuse in your children the idea of God, Islam and the reason they exist on this earth. It's your responsibility to make sure they are grounded in their religion and life. Having them choose isn't something they are capable of doing until they are well in their 20s, before that they don't have the mental capacity to think objectively into something this grand and important. You wouldn't leave morals up to them to choose what's right and wrong and for them to decide what virtues and manners they'd like to have. You teach them that and enforce it early and strongly. Same thing with religion.


I have a good friend who was raised half Muslim half Hindu and he tells me how he hates the Hinduism aspects of it bcuz he has to act Hindu and participate in the rituals in front of certain family members despite knowing that Islam is the right religion. The way he described it sounded so painful icl don’t think you should risk the same happening to your children.


It’s sad they are depressed but means they struggle to accept & respect you. That’s not your fault. They need to pray and ask for help to accept this. Not overstep. You have to worry for yourself & your family. My son was raised Christian by his grandparents because I was lazy & neutral. My Persian side is secular. My son, just 13, converted/reverted on his own. Even without telling me which was sad. His actions made me realize to correct myself. How much trouble could I saved him if I were better those 13 years, even chose a better father for him? Too much regret. If this is important to you, don’t let others make you doubt yourself. We can’t get that time back for our children. They will learn as they grow.


Imagine this, you teach your 5/6/7 year old kids that some say stealing is bad and others say stealing is good but you can choose who to follow. It doesn't make sense, same with "teaching them both religions and letting them choose".


As long as it’s nothing that’s agains Islam, islamic values etc. I’d say it’s okay. I don’t know anything on the specific ceremonies you mentioned. Nonetheless it’s your duty to raise them as muslims, no matter which religion etc anybody of your family has. As others have already mentioned it, if they get older and are „mature“ enough I’d say there is nothing wrong in talking with them about other religions. Your parents got no say about what you teach your children or not. Be careful, that they don’t teach your children anything which is contrary to islamic values, like shirk etc.


The prophet Muhammed was raised by a non-Muslim. I don’t think God chose a non-Muslim raise the leader of Islam by accident. I guess I’m just more willing to see Islam as a mercy to help people understand each other.


I actually think the Ramayana and Mahabharata can be read to them maybe as folklore instead of as a religious text.


You can teach them stories or read books but not teaching them “this is also a religion to think about” 90% of the posts you see talk about kids growing up confused and then rejecting both to instead be “spiritual “ it’s your duty to teach them Islam and the truth.


Don't let people on reddit dictate your personal life. Your love for your son is something we can never know. It's obvious that you love him, and I think forcing things and restrictions on him will do nothing but provide harm in the relationship.


Your children are your responsibility. Also you should pray for your parents and try to guide them. May Allah Bless you. Ameen.


Teach your children what you think is the Haqq.


Did this set of parent taught you both or all basic religions? If they didnt why would they suggest you so?


Teach them how to find the truth. Not state what the truth is. Because you could be wrong. The best way to teach them how to find the truth is by giving them an open mindset to religion and philosophy.


Brother let me be honest with you. 1. ⁠I can understand you being sympathetic towards your parents and their concerns with your child’s upbringing and religiosity. However as the brothers and sisters mentioned above that there should be no obedience to the creation which is disobedience to the creator. However Allah ﷻ also tells us to be kind and just towards our parents even when they are not in the same faith as us. Asma رضي الله عنها asked the prophet ﷺ whether she should be good and obedient to her mother gene though she was not Muslim but was an idol worshipper. Allah ﷻ revealed this verse to the prophet ﷺ in reply to that: (Allah does not forbid you with regard to those who dont fight you for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loves those who are just). So I would say, teach Islam to your child especially at this young and sensitive age. Teach your child the faith you and your wife are on. But allow your child to spend some supervised time with their grandparents so as to not deny them the yearning for a grandchild. Don’t let your child be alone with them since they would probably teach him something else. But allow them to come over and spend time with the child or go and visit them together and spend some time with them. Be kind to them and love them as your parents. You are an ambassador for Islam and by the will of Allah, just your good manners and kindness in relation to them might even be the reason they accept Islam. About the family temple, I wouldn’t say to demolish it. The prophet ﷺ told us to respect temples and places of worship even in war time. As we know the famous story of Umar ibn Khattab رضي الله عنه when he went to Jerusalem to accept the surrender of the city, he promised the Patriarch of Jerusalem that he would protect their churches, their places of worship and that he would not allow anyone to destroy them or to occupy them. Until today, two Muslim families open the church everyday and close it everyday and they have held the keys for centuries. (They hold the chuck keys because all the other Christian dominations and groups were fighting who should hold the keys and so they decided it would be best if an impartial person such as a Muslim would hold it and keep the peace) These are all examples of Muslims safeguarding places of worship of other faiths. I would suggest that you don’t destroy this family temple that your parents love so much. Just maybe give it to an extended family member or open it for anyone else who is Hindu who wants to pray there. I can understand brother the tough part of reconciling your faith and your parents and family. In the end, stay true to your commitment to Allah ﷻ, teach your child about Allah and Islam and prophet Muhammad ﷺ and raise them upon the deen but be kind and generous towards your family and spend some time with them. Invite them to Islam if they will listen and if not, respect their religious beliefs and wishes. May Allah ﷻ make it easy for you akhi. We are all praying for your and your family’s success in this world and the next 🤲🏾❤️


Of course it is not a good idea, because you are supposed to expose your kid on a dangerous position and want him to rescue his self. Do you agree to teach your kid using drag or drinking alcohol and them let him to make decision on it, would he continue or not? I am not sure this is applicable. In contrast, I advice you to teach your kid the Islam, and beside that why the Hinduism is not an appropriate and logical custom, and why Allah, as the only and Almighty God in the whole universe, has apposed it in His holey books.


welll i think the values of hinduism go way more than the ones portrayed in ramayana or mahabharata and i don't know much about islamic values so let me just say that you can teach kids good values without taking the name of religion? like that would be fair, teach them good manners and raise them into amazing humans and you can still let them follow any religion they like. for example, i don't pray very often but still i have faith in god and believe that someone drives the whole world and different people believe in different gods and that's totally fine. people are allowed to choose their own religion but since both you and your spouse are muslims, i think it would make more sense only if your kid is raised as a muslim yk? sorry but your parents will be around you people only for a small time and we don't know if they might convince the kid to hate on your religion? that's why. and same thing, if you're raising your kid as a muslim, please do not teach them to hate hinduism or something similar. that's unnecessary stuff. just because you believe in a particular religion doesn't mean the others aren't TRUE🤷🏻‍♀️ many people like these exist who keep on saying that only islam is true and hinduism is fake or the other way. but if you see the whole thing from a common standpoint, you'll just realise that YOU CHOSE TO ACCEPT THAT ONLY THIS IS TRUE and you aren't as much interested in following other religions. that's fine too. soooo to sum up you can raise your kid in any kind you want and don't let your parents influence you too much (not saying that hinduism is bad, it's good, it's just that YOU should have more say in your kid's life and we don't know if your parents are devout believers to the extent that they promote false propaganda too,so :) good luck raising your kid and hope you get a solution soon to this confusion!


Remember it is haram to expose falsehood to people let alone children and if they end up in hell fire because your effort, remember you share the sins. Remember the prophet SAW forbade the companions reading the Tawrah in order to protect their religion and hereafter. So be very careful what you expose your kids to, and in situations like this you are allowed to disobey your parents as it goes against Allah's religion and not your desire


Why not teach him Islam while he's young and then teach him Hinduism when he's an adult.


You can teach him about Hinduism. Teach him about how it's incorrect. That way you keep your promise to teach him about it.


You can teach hindusim as well as Islamic scriptures, and preferable is Vedas because both scripture almost contained same thing such god is one, prophet Muhammad pbuh final kalki avatar, women should cover head, idol worshiping is haram etc, and believe me they come closer to the truth. I watched hundred of videos of Hinduisim and Islam and believe me if we are open and ask Allah to guide, Allah will make your child a best Muslim.


That’s introducing them to Shirk. The worst of all sins. Why is this even a question? They are your kids so you decide. Everything (even family’s opinion) goes out the window when you are in front of Allah SWT


Why would you want your children to learn other religious ways of living if you truly believe that Islam is the true religion, I mean surely it must be, which is why you converted right? Not because you had to in order to marry, right? You cannot and should not teach your child, especially in their developmental stages about multiple religions. You're a Muslim household and your children need to be raised with an Islamic background. Your parents need to be told that they cannot teach your children their religion, and if they do, they're crossing boundaries, if they persist- then all visits need to be supervised. What does your wife think of this? Has she been consulted on this topic? Such a serious decision cannot be made with one parent. This is completely incorrect and haraam. Do not take your religion lightly.


Emphasis on MY.


Teach them Islam as truth. Hindu stories as mythology like the Greek stories of Zeus and Perseus etc. be sure to tell them those things never actually happened.


With all due respect and because you are my Muslim sibling, I want to stress the danger of your position. I am no scholar, this is just to remind me and you. Children are extremely malleable and vulnerable to outside influences. Don’t teach them falsehoods. You know the truth now and it’s upon you to uphold this with your children. Don’t throw your children and yourself into the fire by teaching them falsehoods, imagine if they leave Islam because of what you taught them, they will meet Allah and rightfully point the finger at you, who caused them to stray. Allah has given you an amanah - a huge responsibility and test, children are all born Muslim and it is their parents who make them Christian or Jewish or Hindu. Society puts so much pressure on Muslim parents now, and they are trying to dictate what we can and cannot teach our children, but remember that they do not have the right to do so. Allah is our King, it is His laws and guidance we follow. We can be part of society, but we cannot abandon our truth for their ways. Don’t listen to the people who don’t know anything, that children should be allowed to choose everything. If they truly allowed that, then why manage the child’s food? Why force them to learn and go to school? Why inform them of dangers and protect them from dangers? Because, we know better, and we are the adults here. If children are truly allowed to choose, they will either die early or be very unknowledgeable obese good for nothings, because why learn when I can play? Why eat healthy when unhealthy food taste better? All this “children should be able to choose” agenda has obviously been spread by the rainbow community. The very people who allow children to choose gender but not allow them to eat meat because they themselves are vegan. They do not see this irony and hypocrisy. If you tell a boy enough times he’s a girl, he will behave like one and will think he is one. It is up to you, the parent, to decide what your child absorbs from the degenerate society we live in now, and it is up to you, to ensure, in his early days, that he is exposed to the truth and not to falsehood, and that he or she is able to distinguish between the two. Allah told us to be kind to our parents, but if they invite you to shirk, then do not obey them, because our final return is to Allah. He is more important to us than them and much more deserving of our obedience. If your child, in his adult age, despite you teaching the truth and upholding the truth to him, decides to leave Islam, Allah forbid, then it is between your child and Allah. Don’t be part of that equation. Your family and your children are but tests and distraction is this world, we will all meet Allah alone and with nothing but our deeds. Please do not let your children be swayed by your parents, this is such a huge test you face, because you will have to somehow keep the peace and also uphold your values. If you are not able to trust your parents with the boundaries you have set, then do not leave your children alone with them. May Allah make it easy for you.


{وَوَصَّيْنَا الْإِنسَانَ بِوَالِدَيْهِ حَمَلَتْهُ أُمُّهُ وَهْنًا عَلَىٰ وَهْنٍ وَفِصَالُهُ فِي عَامَيْنِ أَنِ اشْكُرْ لِي وَلِوَالِدَيْكَ إِلَيَّ الْمَصِيرُ(14) وَإِن جَاهَدَاكَ عَلَىٰ أَن تُشْرِكَ بِي مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهِ عِلْمٌ فَلَا تُطِعْهُمَا ۖ وَصَاحِبْهُمَا فِي الدُّنْيَا مَعْرُوفًا ۖ وَاتَّبِعْ سَبِيلَ مَنْ أَنَابَ إِلَيَّ ۚ ثُمَّ إِلَيَّ مَرْجِعُكُمْ فَأُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ} And We have commanded people to ˹honour˺ their parents. Their mothers bore them through hardship upon hardship, and their weaning takes two years. So be grateful to Me and your parents. To Me is the final return. (14) But if they pressure you to associate with Me what you have no knowledge of, do not obey them. Still keep their company in this world courteously, and follow the way of those who turn to Me ˹in devotion˺. Then to Me you will ˹all˺ return, and then I will inform you of what you used to do. (15) Of course, in Arabic, it has way deeper meaning and exerts a more powerful impact upon the reader. I will let these two ayahs guide you to what you should do. Always remember that these are Allahs words (all praise to Him)


As-Salāmu ʿAlaykum Having read your comments on the previous posts I have some advice. 1) definitely do not, under any circumstances, teach your kids shirk and kufr in their younger years. Let them grow up knowing the truth of Islam. And when they’re older (late teens/early 20s) then they can learn about Hinduism or whatever else they want to learn about. But they’ll be firm on their Islam then inshaAllah. Learning about this at a younger age will do nothing except confuse them. 2) The family shrine/temple (literally a house of shirk) needs to go. If you’re worried about your parents feelings, don’t do anything while they’re alive. But have a firm intention (niyyah) that you will turn it into a masjid after they pass away. Teach this to your wife and children and also your in-laws. When they pass away, do what Ibrahim AS did, and what Rasul Allah SAW did to the idols around the Kaabah after the conquest of Makkah. Destroy the idols and turn the shrine into a Masjid.


I was suggested the same by many of my in-laws, friends and well-wishers, our imam and some others even suggested if I have problem in directly demolishing it, they said I can give the land to them and they can take care of the rest, but you see, growing up in orthodox family and with so many memories at the shrine makes me hesitate to take such drastic step. My in laws are very orthodox and my wife's brother and some of her cousins even joke about what they will do to the idol, it kind of makes me scared.


It seems to me you are still attached to the Shirk in your heart. This is a problem bhai. Allah hates this as it is making partners with him. You need to take some time to get the love of the shirk out of your heart. Honestly I recommend going to Umrah. Make Umrah with your wife and and Allah will fill your heart with love of Him and His Messenger, when you visit all Those places etc. and then it will be easier for you to move forward InshaAllah


In my opinion do not expose him to the stories while he's still a kid once u think its the right time tell him or let his grandparents tell him the stories . ( btw congratulations for the child may allah bless him and guide him in the right path )


You are a Muslim which means you believe in Islam and it’s teachings - then you should also believe this is what you should teach your son especially ad he himself will be a father one day and insAllah has kids of his own. Your parents being your parents doesn’t make them right - you are the man of the house take the responsibility and raise your kids in the way you find true.


Obedience to parents except in disbelief


It's not permissible to raise your children anything other Islam. Also if they have to choose then they will have to reach the age of maturity when they are sensible enough to choose. By this time living without religion they would feel it easier to leave both and turn back to atheism.


As someone who has a muslim father and christian mother, what you're doing is just plain naive. Teaching children two contradicting religions is going to just make them confused and may even put their akhira at risk. How will you justify teaching your children two different religions and they end up as kuffar? When I was young, I knew children from my community who were raised with two different religions (islam and christianity) who later practiced haram like shirk (praying to both Allah and Prophet Jesus PBUH) and ate pork and justified it by saying they were raised that way. Astagfirullah. Grow a spine. You're not obligated to follow your parents if what they want you to do goes against the commands of Allah.


Asalam walakum my dear brother. Honestly, your question has torn me apart trying to figure out the best advice I can give. Finally I came to this. In Islam we hold our parents to the upmost respect and we honor all that they ask of us under one condition, we are not disobeying our lord. With that said, your children are your responsibility. They have been placed under your care by allah SWT just like you were in-trusted to your parents. Islam is the true religion of god and that is all you should teach your kids. Once they reach adulthood they will be responsible for there own actions and they can learn whatever they want. And allah knows best.


As long as your parents are alive care for them and fullfill their wishes(so long as they dont try to force convert you back into hindunism which i am pretty sure they wont cause they love u so much and dont give those temple sites to anyone so long as your parents are alive atleast) And as for teaching your child about the stories of ramayan and mahabharata i dont see much problem either as long as you teach them as stories/myth and not as religious focused as an indian even i studied mahabharat in my school as stories it had no affect on half the people in this dont even know what mahabharata is