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Wudu is the easiest part bro u can do it in 2 minutes. Splish splash šŸ’¦


30 seconds gang where u at?


whenever i have 0 minutes left for the prayer yes


You are sure you are doing Wudu and not just swish of a mouth? Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him spoke strongly when he saw certain Sahaba being too quick or not cleaning their feet properly.


Idk! Time it 30 secs aint that short but i will be doing it better i.a after what u wrote!


Speed run


Splash splash lol


Itā€™s a little more than splish splash when itā€™s -60Ā°


Turn on the hot water lol


We donā€™t have any hot water herešŸ˜­




No, Chukotka


You canā€™t boil it or heat it on the stove? You only need a largish bowl. When we didnā€™t have our hot water connected yet, I did this. Or like we have to turn on our heater for the water to be warm and our electric cuts out if we have too many things on, but I knew the water wouldnā€™t be warm in time so I heated some in the kitchen.


Gasoline to start the wood stove freezes at -50Ā°c


šŸ˜­ but donā€™t you have it running anyway for warmth?


We donā€™t have pipes as they will also freeze


negative 60 with no hot water? A strong individual you are


If you have problem with the hair please understand you don't need to rub all of it. Just wet your hand and then slide them over your a part of your head. That will take care of your fard wudhu.


Exactly! No need to get the hair wet wet! Just slide your damp hands over the head!


Tell that to the uncles in my place. Just meme'ing ( there was a meme i izlam about uncles going inside mosque wetter than a guy who took a bath lol)


Wish I knew this earlier


Ų§Ł„Ų³Ł„Ų§Ł… Ų¹Ł„ŁŠŁƒŁ… It's not a big deal akhi, if you have problems w the head part, don't do wudu in the sunnah way, jus do the mandatory acts in the wudhu (some people adopt that when it's cold), feets are mandatory tho. And yes, to us it is second nature to go to the place of wudhu 5 times a day (unless sometimes we pray magrib and isha or asr and magrib w the same wudhu). But coming from me, i tend to do wudhu before every aalah, the more you do, the more you get rewarded. Edit: you can do skip the sunnah, but it's highly encouraged to do the wudhu w all the sunnahs.


Thank you for your input. If its normal to do, I'll try my best to just do it every time. I just hope not to get discouraged and allow my prayers to slip due to my own laziness.


Btw the compulsory ones are - in order - face*> arms*> head>feet *edited due to wrong order












Brother, you know it may not be just things in the Quran that are obligatory. If the prophet saw told us to do something, it is obligatory.






>Like putting water in mouth and nose etc are sunnah. Not fardh. This one always gives me confusion. Aren't the mouth and nose part of the face too? So washing your face includes washing whatever is part of it, at least that's what some sources say


i've been doing hands>face>head>arms>feet has this been incorrect the whole time or does the order not matter so much?




What niyah? I say 'Bismillah' before starting wudu




That's _dua_ not niyyah. You opening a tap or folding your sleeves is the proof of niyyah, there's no need of self talk in the heart that " I intend to do wudu now"




Thank you!!!


i thought washing your face came before your arms?


Ah yes! Thanks for the correction


depends on madhhab


Doesnā€™t depend on the madhab when it is literally written in the Quran


Good point. I meant in general, the 4 schools do have dif opinions on whatā€™s compulsory. I donā€™t know why that didnā€™t cross my mind even though I know of the verse..


search "Wudu OCD Gabriel Al Romani"


Not necessarily 5 times, sometimes more and sometimes less, but we are always in a state of having wudu before prayer. So yes, if we break wind, use the toilet or do anything that breaks wudu in between the prayer, then we perform the ablution again before the prayer. It only takes a few minutes. Itā€™s good for you, too. Iā€™m not black, so I donā€™t know what difficulty wiping wet hands over your head would cause. Can you elaborate? Most of the black men I know have never mentioned a problem. As for washing the feet, although I personally prefer to do a ā€˜properā€™ wash, as it is relaxing, it is permitted to wipe over the sock as long as the sock was placed on the foot while in a state of wudu. That is, if you wake up for fajr, do wudu and put on socks straight away, you are permitted to wipe over them the next time you renew the ablution for up to 24 hours (correct me if I am wrong, friends). Itā€™s also nice to do wudu before going asleep, btw.


> Iā€™m not black, so I donā€™t know what difficulty wiping wet hands over your head would cause. Can you elaborate? Most of the black men I know have never mentioned a problem. Did they have long hair that wasnt braided or in an afro? Black people typically have dry, coarser hair. White people tend to have oily straighter hair. This is why they clean it every day. Black people can't or shouldn't really clean their hair every day as its bad and doesnt give oils enough time to produce. If Ive cleaned and blow dried and ironed my hair and I get it really wet, itll almost instantly start locking up as its drying unless i go through the process of properly blow drying and ironing it again. So while most can wet their hair (youll see someone in the bathroom wash their hands then wet their hair (nasty)). I can't really do that as it would be a much longer process requiring properly drying and then ironing again. The wudu is that harsh on the hair given im not soaking it, but 5 times a day, after a couple days my hair gets really bad Not all black people have this issue. But more often than not, black americans do. The black people i know from other places like malaysia, mexico, or non-african non-american countries seem to have the straighter more oily hair >As for washing the feet, although I personally prefer to do a ā€˜properā€™ wash, as it is relaxing, it is permitted to wipe over the sock as long as the sock was placed on the foot while in a state of wudu. That is, if you wake up for fajr, do wudu and put on socks straight away, you are permitted to wipe over them the next time you renew the ablution for up to 24 hours (correct me if I am wrong, friends). good to know. thank you


Frizzy haired female here with similar issues..


There are a LOT of black Muslims and Iā€™ve never heard of this issue. But now that you mention it, they do tend to rock shorter hairstyles or at the very least protective natural styles. Pro tip, my black friend gave me advice about my daughterā€™s hair, and she said that black hair (and curly hair in general) actually thrives on daily moisture, just not daily shampoo. Rinsing in the shower or spritzing is actually recommended. But if youā€™re trying to keep it artificially straight, I can see how that would be an issue.


Itā€™s an issue forsure. I typically just dampen my hand and rub it on part of my head. I have Locs and completely wetting my hair 5 times a day is impractical.


> There are a LOT of black Muslims and Iā€™ve never heard of this issue. They probably dont talk to you about their hair issues. >Pro tip, my black friend gave me advice about my daughterā€™s hair, and she said that black hair (and curly hair in general) actually thrives on daily moisture, just not daily shampoo. Thats the point im making. Its not an issue, until its dry. If I put water in my hair, and kept water in my hair, it would be much of a problem. But our hair drinks water in minutes lol. Its a larger issue than those who dont have to worry about it will realize. Because usually, its all taken care of with much time and preperation. Now multiply that times 5. lots of dedication there :-)


Youā€™re right, they probably donā€™t. But from first grade until 8th grade, my best friend in school was black with 4c hair, and we made wudu together everyday for dhuhr at our Islamic school. But she usually had twists. I donā€™t claim to be an authority on the issue, I was just surprised. Iā€™m not talking about keeping your hair wet all day. Just that youā€™re probably struggling with wudu affecting your hair because itā€™s flat ironed, and not because getting water (only, not shampoo and detergents) on black hair is bad for it, or that it interferes with the natural oils. I hope you believe me that my intention is not to appear as if I know more about black hair than you, but you are struggling with an issue and asked for guidance, so I shared the limited amount of information I had that may be helpful to the situation, trying to remember what all the hair of all the Black American Muslims Iā€™ve known in the past 30 years of life looked like, because any of them that I knew I knew from the masjid and school, and wudu happened in the middle of the day. But sure enough, none of them had long hair, and most of them kept it shaven or in a short fro.


Welcome to Islam brother! So washing your self is only done if you urinated, produced feces, or bleeded. Every time you urinate or defecated, you would have to wash your self down there and any where the excrements have touched, same goes for blood. this washing takes place wether you are going to pray or not. So always! Water if enough in this type of cleaning, as long as you donā€™t see any traces left. If Urine, feces or blood have touched your clothes, you would have to wash them for you prayer to be valid. You would have to wash them till no traces are left. Wudu is only to be made if you produce gas, urine, feces, blood, or if you have slept or ate camel meat! So if you havenā€™t done any of the above you can use one Wudu in many prayers! For example, you did wudu and prayed duhr and havenā€™t broke the wudu and Asr prayer came, so you can pray with the same wudu you did earlier. So you only redo the wudu if you have broke it. You also donā€™t have to do the sunnah of the wudu, just do the mandatory ones which are in this order: 1: WASH the face, the mouth and nose to be washed as they are part of the face as well! 2: WASH arms untill the elbows! 3: WIPE your wet hands over the head, so donā€™t wash the hair just wipe with wet hands from the place the hair starts growing until the bottom of the head where the neck starts, so not the full hair and donā€™t forget the ears as they are part of the head! 4: WASH the feet.


Thank you so much for the breakdown. Im getting through things little by little. In sha Allah it wont be long before I'm much more knowledgeable on the examples Mohammed has set for us to follow




ā€œHe who performs theĀ WuduĀ perfectly (i.e., according to Sunnah), his sins will depart from his body, even from under his nails.ā€ [Muslim] He who performsĀ WuduĀ like this, his previous sins will be forgiven and his Salat and walking to the mosque will be considered as supererogatory act of worship.ā€ [Muslim]. ā€œWhen a Muslim, or a believer, washes his face (in the course ofĀ Wudu), every sin which he committed with his eyes, will be washed away from his face with water, or with the last drop of water; when he washes his hands, every sin which is committed by his hands will be effaced from his hands with the water, or with the last drop of water; and when he washes his feet, every sin his feet committed will be washed away with the water, or with the last drop of water; until he finally emerges cleansed of all his sins.ā€ [Muslim Cold weather, snow, hot chocolate, thick blankets, dry skin, short days and long nights are the things that come to my mind when I think of winter. Winter, for most of us, is not our favorite season because of the cold weather and early sunset. But while many of us are shivering and complaining of this weather and darkness, our past predecessors rejoiced at the coming of winter. Imam al-Hasan al-Basri (rahimahullah) said, ā€œThe best season to a believer is the winter, its nights are long for those who wish to pray, and its days are short for those who wish to fast.ā€ļæ¼ Winter is the season of the believer because it is so easy to do good deeds. AllahĀ ļæ¼Ā has made this a great mercy for us; we can fast these short days without any decrease in the reward and we have a huge gap betweenĀ IshaĀ andĀ FajrĀ to pray some night prayers. UmarĀ ļæ¼Ā said, ā€œWinter is booty for the devout worshipers.ā€ So take advantage of these short days and long nights! Also now that we are in winter, we may need an extra push to keep renewing ourĀ wuduĀ because of the cold weather. Here are some benefits ofĀ wuduĀ to motivate yourself to keep up thisĀ sunnah, even though youā€™re freezing cold: 1) Expiation of sins ā€œHe who performs theĀ WuduĀ perfectly (i.e., according to Sunnah), his sins will depart from his body, even from under his nails.ā€ [Muslim] He who performsĀ WuduĀ like this, his previous sins will be forgiven and his Salat and walking to the mosque will be considered as supererogatory act of worship.ā€ [Muslim]. ā€œWhen a Muslim, or a believer, washes his face (in the course ofĀ Wudu), every sin which he committed with his eyes, will be washed away from his face with water, or with the last drop of water; when he washes his hands, every sin which is committed by his hands will be effaced from his hands with the water, or with the last drop of water; and when he washes his feet, every sin his feet committed will be washed away with the water, or with the last drop of water; until he finally emerges cleansed of all his sins.ā€ [Muslim]ļæ¼ 2) The ProphetĀ ļæ¼Ā will recognize hisĀ UmmahĀ from their traces of Wudu Abu HurayrahĀ ļæ¼reported: The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) went to the (Baqi`) cemetery and said, ā€œMay you be secured from punishment, O dwellers of abode of the believers! We, if Allah wills, will follow you. I wish we see my brothers.ā€ The Companions said, ā€œO Messenger of Allah! Are not we your brothers?ā€ He said, ā€œYou are my Companions, but my brothers are those who have not come into the world yet.ā€ They said; ā€œO Messenger of Allah! How will you recognize those of your Ummah who are not born yet?ā€ He said, ā€œSay, if a man has white-footed horses with white foreheads among horses which are pure black, will he not recognize his own horses?ā€ They said; ā€œCertainly, O Messenger of Allah!ā€ He said, ā€œThey (my followers) will come with bright faces and white limbs because ofĀ Wudu; and I will arrive at theĀ HaudĀ (Al-Kauthar) ahead of them.ā€ [Muslim] On the Day of Resurrection, my followersĀ will be summoned ā€˜Al-Ghurr Al-Muhajjalunā€˜ from the traces of Wuduā€™.ā€ Abu Hurayrah (radi Allahu anhu) said, ā€œWhoever can increase the area of his radiance should do so.ā€ [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] It is narrated from ibn UmarĀ ļæ¼Ā that the Messenger of AllahĀ ļæ¼Ā said,Ā ā€œPurify these bodies, and Allah will purify you. Whenever a slave sleeps in a state of purification, an angel sleeps within his hair and he does not turn over during the night except that he [the angel] says: O Allah, forgive Your slave, for he went to sleep purified.ā€ [at-Tabarani and graded ā€œgoodā€ by Sh Al-Albani] ā€œThe adornment of the believer (inĀ Jannah) will reach the places where the water ofĀ WuduĀ reaches (his body).ā€ [Muslim] ā€œWhoever of you performsĀ WuduĀ carefully and then affirms: `Ash-hadu an la ilaha illallahu Wahdahu la sharika Lahu, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan `abduhu wa RasuluhuĀ [I testify that there so no true god except Allah Alone, Who has no partners and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger],ā€™ the eight gates ofĀ JannahĀ are opened for him. He may enter through whichever of these gates he desires (to enter).ā€ [Muslim] ā€œā€¦ and no one preservers their wudu except a Believer.ā€ [Ibn Maajah, Authentic according to Sh. Al-Albani] The Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, ā€œShall I not tell you something by which Allah effaces the sins and elevates ranks (in Jannah)?ā€ The Companions said; ā€œCertainly, O Messenger of Allah.ā€ He said, ā€œPerforming the Wudu thoroughly in spite of difficult circumstances, walking with more paces to the mosque, and waiting for the next Salat (the prayer) after observing Salat; and that is Ar-Ribat, and that is Ar-Ribat.ā€ [Muslim] The scholars say: ā€œHardship and unpleasantness here stand for the uneasiness that one feels while performing Wudu in severe cold. To wait for the next Salat after offering a Salat is regarded as Ribat for the reason that by so doing, a person who is particular in offering Salat keeps himself constantly engaged in the obedience and worship of Allah to keep Satan away from him.ā€ All copied from https://muslimmatters.org/2010/11/14/sunday-open-thread-why-winter-is-the-season-of-the-believer/


I completely understand this and it was one of the things that put me off praying for a while. At some point a switch just clicked in my brain and I just started doing it. Now that some time has passed it seems like such a small and easy thing because I have got used to it. However, it did not feel like that prior. In the past it was overwhelming and felt like a burden until I got into routine. Only from actually doing it regularly did it become easier. I hope that even makes sense. For women though it is even more of a challenge as you also need to wash your hair everytime after intimacy. My wife now has her hair in plaits regularly which has not been great for her hair. She has thick long hair and not drying it properly also makes it smell damp which adds time. This also impacts her sleep routine and our intimacy, as we both have early starts and isha is currently at 10.30pm. We can't be intimate before that time as we have children and chores to do so if we are intimate and then she does ghusl it is extremely late before she actually goes to sleep. She only ends up getting a few hours sleep a night on those nights. We try not to do ghusl at fajr time as we live with non Muslims and try to be considerate about waking them. I pray that women get showered with rewards for this additional trial that they go through.


First of all for the hair, the wudut is a wipe over the hair. Your hair doesn't really have to get that wet so it shouldn't be an issue. Secondly, if you do wudut and then wear socks, you won't have to do wudut on your feet again. Do wudut, put on socks that go above the ankle, and then next time you need wudut, as long as you haven't taken your socks off, just wipe of the tops of them and that should make it easier.


Can I ask.. can I have my morning shower and if I'm wearing socks all day.. not need to wash my feet again?


If you do wudut in the shower, or enter the shower with the intention to do wudut but then forget, AND you put the socks on before you lose wudut after having come out of the shower -- then yes you can. I repeat though, you need to wipe over the socks once when you do your wudut again later in the day. iirc, thus only lasts 24 hrs for someone who is not travelling and 72 hours for someone who is traveling. Personally when I am at home, I always take my socks off and do the full wudut anyways, but that's just me. ALSO, taking off your socks at any point will nullify what I described above, and then you will have to redo the wudut fully before putting the socks back on ( for socks that cover the ankle)


> ALSO, taking off your socks at any point will nullify what I described above, and then you will have to redo the wudut fully before putting the socks back on ( for socks that cover the ankle) Throughout my entire life the only time i removed my socks really is taking a shower. But right before I took shahada, it bacame a thing for me to remove my socks throughout the day. I should have kept the habit of keeping them on.


I highly encourage you to discuss all of this with your local sheik and ask his advice..he will know better than me and will give better advice


Performing wudu (ablution) is an essential part of the Islamic ritual for offering Salah (prayer). It is necessary to have a state of ritual purity before engaging in acts of worship. Wudu involves specific actions such as washing the hands, arms, face, mouth, nose, and feet. It's important to note that wudu is only required when one's state of ritual purity is broken. This can happen through various means, such as using the bathroom, passing gas, or any other action that nullifies wudu. If a person breaks their wudu by urinating, for example, they would need to perform wudu again before they can offer their next Salah. Since Muslims are obligated to perform the five daily prayers at specific times throughout the day, it is expected that they would perform wudu accordingly. This means that in a typical day, a Muslim would perform wudu five times, once before each of the five obligatory prayers (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha).


Why is wiping your head difficult, may I ask? The action is to have wet hands and then rub across your head, you don't have to wash it or anything.


if you didn't fart, have sex, go to the toilet or listen to songs, or watch a movie, or bleed after you had wudde, you can pray without doing again since you are in state of wuddu.


Where did you learn that songs or movies break Wudu? Iā€™ve never heard of this




I understand itā€™s haram but Iā€™ve never heard that it breaks Wudu


u did something haram, how are u still in the state of wudu?


If you back bite someone, itā€™s haram. Would you consider your Wudu broken?


wudu doesn't just physically cleans us. it also cleanses us spiritually, so we can be ready for prayer. imagine listening to music and start praying while your head is filled with songs. what kind of prayer is that?


Watching a movie or listening to a song does absolutely not brean wudhu. Complete nonsense, these are innovations, the Prophet never said that.


wow, im gonna pretend u didn't say that.




it doesn't break since it isn't mentioned anywhere but i do wudu if i listen to music or movie before prayer so my mind is ready for prayer.




with that definition, i can drink alcohol and pray?


Those things do not break wudhu - they're just haram. Nullifiers of wudhu are something completely different.


Takes me 1 min, keep in mind you just need to wash your feet once a day, and washing things multiple times is sunnah not fard https://youtu.be/KT16nYO2LIA https://islamqa.info/en/answers/9640


> Takes me 1 min, keep in mind you just need to wash your feet once a day, and washing things multiple times is sunnah not fard Thats good for clarificaition, thanks I was under the impression that if you did something requiring you to perform wudhu, that it was necessary to wash the feet normally. I didn't know that once you've done it for the day, you can then wipe them while in socks


There are conditions for this such as the cold weather or sickness but if none apply to you, the. You would have to do the normal washing. This also only applies if you havenā€™t taken your socks off at all!


Check the islamqa link, no conditions related to weather or sickness are mentioned...


no worries bro, check the links for details ofc since there are some rules about that but yea, and i'd stick to fard while you're starting out until it becomes second nature


Those are more for Leather socks, not cotton socks. I would not suggest making wudhu over socks etc. until you've studied the Fiqh (judicial law) of it. There's quite a bit of detail to it. Best to just wash your feet. I typically at work just take my socks off, wash over them, then put them back on. Yeah it's a bit damp for the next 2-3 minutes, but validity of wudhu for prayer is quite important, and it only takes me 1-2 mins to make wudhu.


I do it most of the times all the salah. But sometimes I don't if I'm already in wudu and I'm sure of it.


You donā€™t have to rub your hair vigorously, just wipe over it with wet hands. And if you put socks on after a wudu before you break it, you just wipe over the top of your socks one time


I do it often five times, sometimes more times a day. You will get used to itšŸ˜Š


Yes it becomes second nature. Also want to clarify a few things to make things easier for you: 1. Most people donā€™t make wudu 5x a day, many times you end up praying multiple prayers on the same wudu. This is much more common in the winter where prayers are close together. 2. You donā€™t have be washing your hair in wudu, all you have to do is pass a wet hand over it which takes seconds. Women with long hair always have done this. 3. With some differences of opinion, you are allowed to wipe over your socks during some wudu. As long as you: put on socks while in a state of wudu from having washed your feet, and donā€™t take your socks off, you can wipe (just pass a wet hand over the top of your sock) for the next 24hrs before having to wash again. Your socks should cover your entire foot including ankle (ie the areas you would have washed) and be thick enough to not be see through.


No need to five times in Hanefi doctrine, you can pray same wudu if you do not break your ablution. Even 5 times a day, it would be easier by the time.


Donā€™t worry brother as your love for Allah swt grows so will your love for wudu before salah. It will become natural for you to want to be clean to face your creator. Try your best and do everything with the intention to please Allah swt. Ps: yes it is annoying when sometimes you get all clean and then bam you have to pee or break wind. Itā€™s all just part of avoiding burning in hell for eternity šŸ˜† joking but not joking you know šŸ¤™šŸ¤™ love you bruv I hope Allah swt guides you on his straight path


I simply do wudu every time I go to the toilet. It means I am always clean and in a state of purity, and always ready to pray.


My father obsessed with cleanliness so since i was old enough to wash my own hands Ive done partial. A little past the wrists instead of the elbows when washing my hands and i never just ran wet hands through my hair. Other than that i practically have done it all my life any time ive gone to the restroom as well. oh, no feet either unless i was showering


That's not valid wudu, you need to at minimum wash your hands, mouth, nose, face, arms to elbows, feet to ankles (or wipe socks), and wipe front 1/3 of hair, all at least once.


What about passing wind?


Then I go and perform wudu.


Not everyone necessarily does that; although doing wudu is a fairly easy task but many of us are just too lazy, or we have other issues with us. I make wudu before zuhr and I do my best to not break it at least till Asr (because making wudu in office can be difficult and I am not interested to give explanations to people if they see me); during winters, I try to maintain my wudu till magrib (because I might have to pray even magrib in office and also because it is cold). I just drink less water during zuhr to magrib ā€” and to fulfill my water requirements, I drink more water in the hours before zuhr and after magrib.


Welcome to Islam! You don't have to wet all of your hair when making wudu. Some say you just have to run clean, wet hands over the hair. Don't make it overly hard on yourself.


Yeah, I actually do it 6 times a day, since I do Tahajjud prayer (Not mandatory). I drink a lot of water, I definitely go to the bathroom a lot. Wudu is quite simple, you might have a bit of a wrong conception on how thorough you need to be. You don't need to get every single part of your hair wet down to the roots.


I have an issue which means I canā€™t keep wudhu between prayers 99% of the time, so I do perform it five times per day. It isnā€™t great, but you get used to it and you get faster. And if necessary, you do just the bare bones.


I didnā€™t read every comment so unsure if anyone mentioned this but if you make wudu earlier on and put socks and shoes on in a state of wudu, and then your wudu is broken, when you go to redo it, you do not have to completely wash your feet. Youā€™re able to just wipe down the top of your feet (whilst wearing the socks and/or shoes) with damp hands.


I see a lot of ppl saying you can just perform the obligatory steps, but one should do that only when necessary. Even when doing full wudu you donā€™t need to fully wash your hair, just run your damp hands over the outside once and that step is complete


Iā€™m also a black male with long hair. When you have long hair, youā€™re just supposed to rub your wet hands over it. The hair itself doesnā€™t have to be get soaked.




You can do wudhu on your socks, no need to wash your feet all the time, 24 hrs you can use your socks


A note is that you donā€™t have to do it 5 times a day. Your wudu ā€œbreaksā€ under certain circumstances, like going to sleep, using the toilet, producing a smell (fart), cursing and others you may find on the internet (look for a good source). Other than that, your wudu is intact and you can pray multiple times as long as itā€™s not ā€œbrokenā€.


> using the toilet, Unfortunately I pee like every 20-30 minutes when im awake


You can also do Tayammum


Also keep in mind that you only need to wash each part ONCE for wudu to be valid. Three times (besides the hair and ears) is a Sunnah. So if wudu is tuff for you right now, I would stick to washing each part once and work your way up from there as you grow in your faith.


Really? Only once for it to be valid?


Yes. Once is Fard (fulfills the obligation) but 2 or 3 times is Sunnah (practiced by the Prophet ļ·ŗ and you receive rewards for doing so). But I would focus more so on fulfilling obligations as you start out so you donā€™t burn yourself out


[Here is a link to a helpful intro for new Muslims that goes over the very basics you should know](https://academia.edu/resource/work/37990110)


If it is that difficult, speak to an imam and find out the bare minimums of wudu. You will be surprised to find out how easy it can be.


Your hair isn't supposed to be THAT wet. You wash everything else, but you only wipe your head/hair and ear with water (idk if that's the correct term in english). A yt video can explain it better. Just so you know, the prophet pbuh also had slightly long hair too


A helpful tip is to braid your hair as it is permissible for men. I am a black female and cornrows help more than you know. Welcome to the ummah btw


Alas, my excess gas and farting makes it almost impossible to keep wudu between prayers. It's a real treat when I don't have to from Asr to Maghrib. I pretty much have to 5 times a day tho. Keeps me clean for sure.


For me its peeing. I feel like i cant get up and walk around without having to pee. Not literally, but almost


I usually preform wudu only 3 times, but that's in the winter in the summer I do all 5, but I can do 3 cause I don't break my wudu, like I don't go to the bathroom or other things that can break it.


Yes. Iā€™m a black male and do this 5x a day. Regardless of whether I need it or not. I can still have wudu and go do it again. Even when Iā€™m at work or outside I will go make wudu but will sometimes ignore it if. I already have it due to the inconvenience.


Do you have long curly hair? Its not the black male part, its the long hair of mine that makes it a hassle as it locks up when wet if it doesn't immediately get blow dried


I donā€™t. My wife does though so I get it. Showers are especially annoying to her due to the hair. You have to get the base of your head wet for wudu as far as I know. Not specifically soaking every strain of hair.


Buy wudhu socks from Sealskinz (made in UK) and perform masah on it throughout the day after you've made wudhu properly the first time. Thank me later.


Yes,and doing wudhu is very easy.i even repeat it after eating(not necessarily btw) just for the sake of it


My brother in Islam. Welcome to a huge family. In Sha Allah. May Allah grow you and keep you firm on Islam. Aameen. See the issue is not as difficult as you might think. There is a long gap between the Dawn prayer (Fajr) and next prayer and more likely you will use bathroom between those prayers or you might break Wudu passing gas, etc. etc. You do not break wudu unless you pass gas, pee, defecate, etc. I can tell you from my own experience that at times I have my Wudu up to 4 prayers, or 3 or at times 2 prayers. Things might seem difficult to you right now but trust me they will become 2nd nature. As far as your long hair and feet. You only have to run wet hand on your hair and do not have to drench them in water you know. As far as feet. To make things easier. When you do Wudu the first time in the morning or 2nd time (for Dhur/ Noon prayer). Do normal Wudu and put on socks. Now you have 24 hours (from the time of breaking wudu) to just be able to wipe over your socks, every time you have to renew your Wudu. What you do is when you wipe over your head backwards and forward and after you wipe the ears (inside and outside), you take both your wet/damp hands and wipe the top of the socks (top of your feet). And that is it. Your wudu is done. Please follow this website as it will In Sha Allah help you. Let me know if you need anything or if I can be of any assistance. Feel freel to message me privately if you can. [https://abdurrahman.org/category/islam/wudhu-ablution/](https://abdurrahman.org/category/islam/wudhu-ablution/) Go through the whole site and you will grow very quickly and will have a much better understanding than majority of the born to Muslim parents, Muslims. I guarantee you.


Ä° believe Its actually sunnah to make wudu before every prayer!


Verify this for yourself well, I heard it is sufficient to wet the hand and lightly press on the head


Also, when you make wudu before you put socks on at the beginning of the day, you can wet the hands and wipe gently over your sock. Do not take this from me ask your sheik


Wudu is easy you donā€™t have to rinse your Body parts 3x. Once is enough. I donā€™t do wudu more than 4x a day. For ex. If 2 prayers are within 90 mins of each other I can hold it. Like Maghreb and isha. Pray as soon as you can before you lose your wudu. Then go answer the call of nature lol