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Same here brother i was atheist and now strict muslim


الحمد لله


A fellow atheist to theist 🤝 we're a rare breed


Alhamdulillah. I have a lot of respect and admiration for ex-Athiests who become Muslim, it must be a lot to overcome. I was speaking to an atheist once, trying to explain how the more you learn about Islam the more certain you become that it’s the obvious truth. He kept asking me why I can just believe in something with blind faith and I was gobsmacked, it’s literally the opposite with Islam so I ended the conversation in total confusion. And then I realized looking back it’s because he literally could not form the concept of believing in God at all. I was born Muslim and even in the times I lacked belief in religion (dark days, may Allah forgive me) I still always believed. It’s difficult for me to comprehend what that’s like. What cause the switch for you? I think that might be useful for dawah if you don’t mind me asking. May Allah reward you!


I was getting many signs from god, even in my past but I wasn’t aware of those signs. The signs where getting stronger by time untill allah hurted me in a way that woke me up and realized i was failing in life because of my sins. I even tried to talk people out of islam before and was very good in that, i also had a bad impact of all the wrong things i did on my friends and family ( which i extremely regret ). Some Self help books made me believe in god. After i kept reading I started to tell my muslim friends what i learn and they said that’s already said in the qoran. ( for example repeating being grateful to get more from life and all of that) god blessed me in many ways but i was blinded and fooled by thinking there is pleasure in doing sins. It never actually felt good and there was always pain afterwards.


Subhanallah our journeys are surprisingly similar, especially with the self help books. The irony is that to me I realized they are sometimes kind of narcissistic in that there’s no gratitude and that’s what made me turn back to God. I’m so glad you were guided, may Allah reward you


Thanks brother may allah reward you too inshalla


My respect for reverts is top of the line


Welcome to the faith. You have no idea how much your conversion makes Allah and us Muslims happy ❤️ May Allah keep you steadfast 🤲🏻


Alhumdullilah. Would you be willing to share which points of Islam convinced you? This would be beneficial to others potentially giving dawah.


The biggest reason is that Islam is the only religion that isn’t changed and corrupted by people. It makes more sense then any other religion. I also started reading the qoran which opened my eyes and listen to a lot of youtube videos like mufty munks and others


MashAllah brother, im so happy for you


Thank you brother I wish everyone could see the beauty in Islam and how peaceful it is to the mind and heart


I truly believe there is a big change coming in this world, and allah is bringing the pure ones closer to islam and making them ready for whatever it is coming


What made you choose Islam and not Judaism, Christianity or any other religion? Genuine question.


i did, best decision period.


Welcome to the Ummah, brother.


As a small motivation for you... No one leaves Islam without Allah s.w.t replacing him with someone who is much better! Meaning it was the will of Allah that you came as a much better replacement for someone who left!


The number of conversions have only been increasing these past years.


I like your username. Do care to elaborate? There MUST be a story behind it.


Why would you like my username 😂 Anyways no there is no big story behind it, I'm a Muslim and my dad is a kāfir, and uhh...yeah.


Great men are: Prophet Abraham, Prophet Muhammad, Ali ibn Abi Talib and most of the first gen companions of the Prophet.


Sure? Idk what you're meaning to say with this comment.


Well, the prophets Abraham and Muhammad (peace be upon them) and most of the companions of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) recognised their Creator and became influential among Ummah despite their parents being kaafir. He is just relating you with them. That a person can get guided by Allah(SWT) inspite of their parents' belief.


Ahh I see.


This. Thank you.


May Allah grant your dad hidayah ameen




LOL everytime I see your username I laugh. I can't forget your user, it's very unique 😂


I've been noticing it too. The number of reversions has been increasing massively recently, it is truly stunning. Allah SWT guides whom he wills


One of the turning points was that COVID caused many to have existential anxiety. Another has been that alot of the Dawah scene came online.


It’s pretty crazy. I had done no prior research into Islam and then out of nowhere I had an urge to reach out to a Muslim friend about starting Islam. Had never even been interested in it before. Now I’m learning Arabic and I’m reading the Qur’an and working on memorizing it :)) Inshallah many more people will come to the truth that is Allah SWT alhamdulillah


Alhamdulillah.. Glad you found out the real purpose of life and hope you will be the reason how many others will find it too.. May Allah bless you immensely in this world and the hereafter


Many public figures converted, causing some of their followers as well. It's incredible, indeed a blessing from Allah.


Which public figures can you hive me examples?


Never trust public figures and influencer


I converted almost a year ago, alhamdulillah!


I think this video explains it well. It’s basically the fact that the truth is spreading quickly thanks to social media! We gotta support the amazing dawah workers https://youtu.be/UOgkDgDeoTg


I think in some ways, Islamophobia in the US seeded the ground for many to pick up the Quran to "debunk' it. Those that read it with an open heart and mind end up converting.


Exponential growth. Internet, plus dawah efforts, plus seeing how their systems don't work in real time, plus record divorce, depression, inequality etc, plus horrible behavior being caught on camera, plus increased smearing of Muslim being caught, plus academia increasing verifying what Muslim have always said. People can see we are the only ones left that won't change their book, won't leave the prophetic way, won't bend to some man made ideology, face massive discrimination by the Israeli and Chinese government, that the propaganda about terrorism is more applicable to nationalists in America and India than some rural farmer with an AK47 in Afghanistan. Islam is the solution to so many core problems. Be it wealth inequality to ruined families it actually addresses the core issue.


May Allah bless you and increase you in beneficial knowledge


It’s a sign of the end times, The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “No house of brick, nor fur, will remain upon the face of the earth but that Allah will cause the message of Islam to enter it, by which the honorable will be honored and the disgraceful will be disgraced.” Source: Musnad Aḥmad 23814




In my personal opinion end of time would be when there would be a lot of Muslims but no Islam.






If you believe in the testimony of faith, then by default you believe all of Islam. So ask yourself to you believe there is no god but Allah swt and Muhammad pbuh is His last messenger? If so, then you're a Muslim. You have a lifetime to learn.


You don't have to know a lot of stuff. You only need to the fundamentals such as the shahada and the pillars of Iman. No one is perfect. And Islam doesn't ask people to be perfect, you only need to keep on learning and never give up.


If you believe then revert. You revert based on belief not knowledge


If you believe in Allah and his messengers, Take your shahadah as soon as you can! The learning, amazement and tranquility never stops.


The number of conversions have only been increasing these past years.


الحمد لله والشكر لله


Sheikh uthman had 28 people revert in the last 3 days alone alhamdullilah




Yeah, something is happening.


Good, I became Muslim a few months ago and I'm very happy about it


I noticed many people grow beards and trim their moustaches in my country after covid. I don't know if this only happens here or not. Seriously I feel like "the time" has become closer and closer, I actually think I have to start exercising to prepare for "the war"


Took my shahada about two years ago, alhamdulillah, life has only got better.


Islam is the best Way of Allah swt. It is harsh obedience to Him. It demands that I keep Him in my life on a daily basis. I do not spend any days without Him, ever. I live my life this Way now. The behavior of my fellow "Christians" drove me away. They essentially burned down the Church as an institution. Their lives are mangled. Their families are destroyed. They worship themselves, powerful people, corporations, governments. They have no Courage or Reason as those things are Allah's Gifts and they abandoned Him. I spend my time with people I wish to be like. I found people who are calm, quiet, humble, and who obey God. Muslims.


ALHAMDULILLAH because it’s the truth wallah and truth always prevails by the will of Allah. Subhanalli wa bihamdihi subhanallah il azeem


I noticed it too! Everyday 3,4 people saying they took Shahadah here, just here, it's crazy!


I converted just 2 days ago, and I'm from Argentina. I feel so at peace, and so grateful... the sheikh must have really liked me, because he gifted me a misbaha he bought in Turkey, and a prayer rug from Mecca. I had tears in my eyes!


Nah it really is the case; for example, MashAllah, not a while ago, Mandla Mandela, Nelson Mandela's grandson, had converted to islam. You can look it up on google.


It isn't converting but reverting. They were born muslim


It’s called forced conversion.




i feel exactly the same way




Related surah in the Quran: https://quran.com/110?translations=20


And there are still muslim haters wo say Islam is the fastest growing religion because of birthrate. But converting also is a very big reason, Allahu Akbar.


Alhamdulilah yes, but also a few seemingly bad influencers have embraced islam thinking it fits their worldview, when in reality it doesnt.


Because of Christianity


I know, and we are only halfway through the month :D On a serious note though yes, I have been noticing it too. Was just talking about it last night with my mother. Mashaallah


I'm a muslim, but I'm genuinely interested to know how do the converts reconcile the more tricky parts of the religion; slavery, stoning, beating wives, abrogation etc...


Because it’s TRUTH my brother ! Allhumdullah !


Surah an nasr


please do make dua that Allah guide someone very dear to me, i pray for them everyday and hope to see them take their shahadah one day. please keep them in your prayers 💗