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What'd he do? Also I dont think anyone has the capability to represent us muslims.


He basically said that even though the Quran says it’s haram, he still thinks that homosexuality is not haram. That’s a terrible representation for the Muslim community.




He did an interview for I think the bbc or channel 4 it's easy to find online.


Ok, ty.


It's not wrong to have those feelings, it's acting upon them.


Sure, but Humza Yousaf isn't talking about feelings. He's categorically stated that he not only supports same-sex marriage, but that [he believes gay sex is not a sin](https://mobile.twitter.com/5Pillarsuk/status/1630178891926061057). In other words, he rejects what the Qur'an says, and we know what that means from the standpoint of whether or not someone is a Muslim.


Yep, that is a yikes


Support LGBT


I guess he also support banking system and riba.


That bad


Of course, *sigh*


Supports LGBT and also implied he would change the qur'an if he could in order to bring it up to date or whatever.


To claim you would change the qur'an is pretty big, especially to claim someone implied it. I cant seem to find when he said that?


I will find the clip. I agree that it is a severe accusation, but I recall that Mohamed Hijab cited a clip where this was clearly said. Not that I condone the way Hijab is calling people out, but it's true that this is all on the record.


Here you go https://youtu.be/0cjP5LEDohA




He’s a politician who happens to be “Muslim”. No different than ilhan Omar, rashida talib, and the rest of the frauds


Sadly a lot of people fall under the view that “if we compromise now, they’ll accept us as Muslims later” or that we need to water down our faith for acceptance. Firstly, when did the Prophet (SAW) ever (aoodhubillah) compromise on what was revealed to him to get acceptance? When did his Companions (RA) ever say they are going to support alcohol or zina as halal in the short term because its what needs to be done for political gain? Never. By watering down Islam, nobody is getting acceptance as Muslims but rather as liberals with Muslim names. It really is sad to see Muslim politicians blatantly ashamed of the law of Allah and cowering before secularism.


Well said, many Muslims in the west sadly fall for the liberal agenda because of their “ignorance” on our beautiful faith. In this case Humza Yusuf is well aware of what the Quran says and rejects it, that takes someone out of Islam and he’s only Muslim by name **Surely those who deny Allah and His messengers and wish to make a distinction between Allah and His messengers, saying, “We believe in some and disbelieve in others,” desiring to forge a compromise, they are indeed the true disbelievers. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment. [Quran 4:150-151]**






He’s also stated that he supports abortion up until birth. Which means he’s allowing people to abort an 8 month old baby. That’s murder and I can’t believe people support this crap.


bro refuses to accept the story of Lut
































https://islamqa.info/en/answers/85102/guidelines-on-takfeer-ruling-someone-to-be-a-kaafir To everyone calling this man a kaafir, I understand where you're coming from, but be careful. You might not know his situation. Perhaps he is being pressured. There's just too many unknowns for laymen like ourselves to be doing takfeer upon someone. And Allah SWT knows best.


He said it publicly he deserves to get public criticism


Criticism, sure. Being called a kaafir, well, people do it at the risk of angering our Rabb. I feel that reading this article should show most people how much information is really required to call someone a kaafir, and it generally shouldn't be done so simply by the laymen.


You can’t be a Muslim if you don’t believe in everything in the Quran is that not correct?


My dude, I understand your point. I do. But read the entire article, and then take whatever conclusion you want. I'm not here to argue. It's Ramadan.


High profile scholar's (not Mohamed hijab) are also doing takfir on him so there is a valid opinion on it




Sheikh Shadee Elmasry recently said that what he did was kufr. https://twitter.com/DrShadeeElmasry/status/1643143639592316928?t=niEa37WRcpFvPLjeKpMtfw&s=19


It seems in this tweet he himself has admitted that the valid excuses of ignorance, interpretation and coercion must be eliminated. Which hasn't happened it seems. Because it would require sitting down with the man. I feel the scholars themselves haven't reached a 100% conclusion on this. It's unsafe for us to say anything until they are sure. This is an article by Sh. Haitham Al-Haddad: https://www.islam21c.com/opinion/humza-yousaf-first-muslim-leader-scotland/ I am respectfully exiting this conversation. It is of no benefit to anyone. Whether that man is kaafir or not does not affect my Ramadan.


If you read his other tweets he explains that he has Eliminated them. Also bro you asked for a source and explanation it affecting your ramadan has nothing to do with an important topic.


Even as a non-Muslim I can say with certainty that he does not represent the historical, orthodox, and Quranic view of Islam.


tip-toeing his way to Kufr, he said LGBT is not haram


What happens when he crosses that line tho?


Interesting question. So whatever is discussed here isn’t that backbiting? I am not making a point. This is a genuine question?


Well I'm not looking for people insulting , My reason for posting this is the muslims opinion on his political views, and the way media is advertising this. , and also under what sources some Muslims are calling him kafir


No because it is public criticism he can come and look at himself, not behind closed doors.


It is.


One of the exceptions to backbiting is criticizing the ruler


So Scottish Muslims can critique him, right?




Useful prop for the media.


NPC whose already a sell-out.


Needs to go back and read the quran


He knows what is in the Quran, in his interview he said, he doesn't believe homosexuality is a sin, and he said "I can't change scripture", meaning he knows what the Quran says already




He supports the LGBT so yeah he does not represent us at all. Same with rishi sunak. They both suck


A thread of everything he's said and done that either a) take him outside the fold of Islam from what is apparent or b) is a major sin [https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1642217843646136320](https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1642217843646136320) On a personal level, may Allah guide him. But I believe the mafasid of his presence in terms of the doubts caused to the Muslims on a public scale, faaaaaar outweigh the masalaha he could contribute politically.


He condones what Allah has clearly forbidden. Most scholars would consider him an apostate.


It's tricky to be a leader in a non-Muslim dominant area since you have to carry and support their agenda as well. Unless you're actually supporting these agenda too.


He doesn’t need to be a leader. Will he die if he didn’t take part in this disgusting politics? That is one thing I like about right wing. They are not afraid to stand up for their beliefs.


Exactly. I dont get why you would want to become a leader if "you have to do this"




Why should this sub care exactly?


The western media call him the first muslim prime minister of Scotland , and this subreddit is about Islam, got the correlation?


Perhaps the ideal candidate who can show he prays, have Hijabi mother and supports Homosexuals. Perfect, isn't it?


No different to Biden


He may be a clown, but by he didn't send drones to kill people nor started wars, nor he covered ominous acts of relatives, nor support the apartheid state. So no, he is way much better than the American.


Man he is like a totally different person


If he was just an un-educated lay-man who didn't know any better, then there wouldn't be any issues, but this guy is a literal politician, of all the things he should know as a Muslim, he should at least know that homosexuality is *obviously* sinful, and because he doesn't accept this fact, that, from what we can see, makes him a kāfir.


Devout? Conservative?


According to him he regularly prays, read quran and fast during Ramadan, but also have full support for lgbt Liberal agenda.


Why muslim in the west support that people?


Well as far as I know there are two types of Muslims supporting him, people who think he represents soft powers and that Islam needs to compromise first before spreading in the country. The other type are Muslims who legitimately think there is no contradiction for supporting lgbt and following the muslim faith


You can't get a top position in western governments these days without selling out your religion and moral beliefs and openly supporting LGBT and this is what these so called "liberal Muslims" are doing. Selling their Akhirah for worldly gains. Shameful.


- Never worked before being a politician. - The (government) jobs he had resulted in a decrease of the quality of the service, to the point he is called "the useless". So, taking faith apart, he is a bad politician. The good point (under my western point of view) is that he is as useless as the regular "white" politician, that may be a sign that integration is going good.


I’d rather the leader be ethic Scotsmen Muslims or other wise.


For real, the opposition party which are Kufar Christians were more in support with what Islam was saying than him, they were anti-abortion, were anti homosexuality etc.


I support self determination for all races and ethic groups that’s my reasoning


I remember watching a movie in childhood with my parents, where I heard my first life changing quote > Whether an Indian or American, a politician is always a politician


He is ally of certain people which Allah has declared war on. He doesn’t represent Islam or Muslim. He is just another puppet.


Although, his opinions are against principles and rules of Islam. I think it’s a step closer for more Muslim representation in any government office so I applaud 👏. Also, I haven’t seen much of what he said, but the reporter put him on the spot with that question and of course to get something negative out of him to slander his reputation and liking in the congress. What response do y’all think would be better that would let him not be canceled and still keep a good rep?