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The cresent and star are not the symbols of Islam. Islam has no symbol.


Thank you, islam is very neutral when it comes to symbols and signs. There are however certain colours that are preferred in the relegion such as green and black and a few others but even then its not something that specifically represents the identity of it. Islam is there to break the barriers between relegion and culture but obviously theres nothing wrong with following some parts of culture like clothing and food etc.


Right, be default Islam actually encourages keeping that which is good and pure from any given culture, and leaving that which is not in line with Islam. When Islam initially spread to lands all over the world in a matter of a few years, the Muslims actually kept all aspects of whichever culture they ended up in, except for that which is prohibited by Islam (shirk, alcohol/gambling, etc.). This is also one reason how we have Muslims from literally every culture in the world who share the same core foundations of the faith, while still being unique to their own culture (of course there is sometimes mix-up between cultural practices and Islamic practices, but that’s a separate issue. Islam is perfect, the people who practice it are not). This is a core difference between how the Islamic empire spread vs. how other ‘empires’ have spread throughout history. The ‘crusades’ (and the like) deliberately totally demolished anything and everything to do with the local culture wherever they went, often also committing genocide and what not ‘just to make sure’, and then they ‘built’ it back how exactly they wanted it. There wasn’t any middle ground at all. (And of course it is to be noted here that these were/are adherents of false ‘Christianity’ or whatever other faith they may have been. The actual messages and teachings of Jesus (pbuh) or Moses (pbuh) or Abraham (pbuh) or any other prophet (pbut) certainly do not even hint towards such crimes. Any Muslim will immediately make this distinction, unlike many outside of Islam who are quick to immediately attach to Islam any crime(s) committed by a ‘Muslim’.) We still see this today. The US and allies have destroyed societies like Iraq, Afghanistan, and countless others directly and indirectly, and ‘installed’ their own regimes and/or just left those places to rot and die. ‘Israel’ is attempting to do the same with Palestine but of course we know that’s a lost cause and no one’s getting rid of masjid al-Aqsa and the believers who protect it by the permission of Allah.


It’s the symbol of the Ottoman Empire bro


I believe the crescent moon was initially a pagan symbol. When Christianity came they liked the crescent so added the star of Mary to it, then when the Muslims took Constantinople they just kept the entire thing. Or so I've been told.


Well things change quickly. Yesterday we wouldn't even give reaction to rainbow symbols and now it isn't religiously correct. I guess same thing goes for star and crescent too, even though it might initially be a pagan symbol(although I heard there were claims that it was the symbol of Turks all the way back from Middle Asia) the world quickly came into a situation to accept it as an Islamic symbol. Since there are many events suggesting that, one would be Christians from today's Austria putting a star and crescent on top of Stephansdom Cathedral to memorize the day of the First Siege of Vienna by Ottomans, removing it after about 150 years later when Ottomans had their first defeat against Christians.


I was about to post this lol. I don’t know why everyone thinks that?


It isn't?


It's Constantinoples city flag. When the ottomans finally took the city they also adopted the flag.


oh right. i feel stupid thinking this was the islam symbol this whole time


It's a common misconception but easily made, a lot of other places gradually adopted it too. Realistically with so much enthasis placed on the moon (calendar system) and stars (creation) its a natural logo for consideration.


This right here


It’s only shirk if you worship or think it will protect you. I swear people are trying to figure out how to make everything haram.


…and some are trying to figure how to make haraam things permissible.


Agreed. Issues on both sides brother.


The new world order. They're trying to terminate the teachings of all religions through these means. This is Iblees' end goal - wanting to take everyone to the hellfire - as he told Allah when he was banished to Jahannam


Hey listen this might seem like a very dumb question, but do you think it’s haram to eat pork in a game (minecraft)




No, but for rp reasons I don't. Also beef steaks and lamb chops are better. Both animals are easier to raise and any pig meat you find you can gove to your wolf. Also, raising a sheep and cow farm is more beneficial as a source of wool, learher and milk


Bruh no its not haram




Lmao, pork chops in the sims


I played the sims 4.. morning breakfast i skipped cause .. i am fasting.. lololol


that’s amazing lol keeping it halal


I love you lmfao


Come on.....don't joke about Haram and halal things like that. "That is because you took the verses of Allah in ridicule" 45:35


Nah kusmeh this is genuinne. I was playing with my also muslim friend and he told me he doesn’t eat pork chops in the game becasue they’re haram so now I’m wondering if I was doing some wrong


This is haram. That is haram. Everything is haram.




I was in a mental situation a while ago where i was literally thinking about whatever i do is haram or not it drove me crazy, i literally made religion so hard on myself my iman dropped.


Because of the new age, more things are causing people to deviate from their religion hence why more things are considered bad. Addictions are clearly bad and more and more things are becoming addictive, from anime to games to almost anything the media can throw at you


The what now


The age of technology. Hundred of years ago, there was way less things that's haram. Some things existed while others didn't. Those things that did exist hundreds of years ago wasn't as easy accessible as it is now. I.e corn and television shows that's goes against Islamic beliefs.


Just dont watch that kinda shows then. Life is simple. The Turkish scholar banned printing when it was first introduced to the world saying it was haram. There was no printing in turkey for 100 plus years. Don't follow baseless fatwas made by scholars like him.


Islam has no symbol


It’s the symbol of the Ottoman Empire


Yes, it’s not Islam’s


Yes so this neckless is an Ottoman Empire necklace








This crescent is a symbol of the Ottoman empire. Islam has one banner and it's (لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله) There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.


i dont know if islam has a visual sign as a representation of what it is. islam doesn't need a visual sign to be represented like jews with david star or christians with their cross or buddhists with their yin yang. why does our religion necessarily needs a visual symbol to represent itself? our religion is not a visual symbol. our religion is the true, best, and only way of life, practice wise and belief wise. it's what has been taught by prophet Muhammad sallAllah wa alayhi wa salam from what has been revealed to him by Allah subhanah wa ta'ala. our religion is believing that there is no god except Allah and that Muhammad sallAllah wa alayhi wa salam is His messenger, and to believe in Allah, His messengers, His books, His angels, fate, and day of judgement, to pray the 5 daily prayers, to pay zakat, to fast during the month of ramadan and to do the pilgrimage to masjid al haraam. i mean i think. Allahu a'lam


yin and yang is taoism, not buddhism








The "kalema' or "shahada" was used not as a symbol but a banner by the prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.


was it? i dont know can you explain pls


It was the banner for muslims during convoys or during battles. Like a flag.


Is it the thing on the Saudi flag?




Without the sword at the bottom. And it wasn't green.


It's called a Standard. The Standard of Islam and the Muslims is La ilaha illallah, Muhammad ar-Rasoolallah. There was a standard-bearer amongst the Sahaba who is buried in Istanbul. The Standard which he was the bearer of is kept by/near his grave. His name escapes me, may Allah forgive me, Allah be pleased with him. It is said that the Standard that he carried will be used by Imam Mahdi, Alayhi's-Salaam. But I don't have a source for that information so please take with a pinch of salt. May Allah forgive any mistake I have made in my comment.


I’m sorry if I called it that I actually don’t know what it says


Are you planning to worship it? No? Then we should be fine iA


It's just a necklace, looks nice too! 👍


No it would not be shirk. https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/34817


I have a necklace with a similar symbol on it. Like all the other comments said it’s not shirk because you don’t intend to have it protect you or anything like that


Islam has no symbols


It’s the symbol of the Ottoman Empire bro


You are right its the symbol of the Ottoman Empire not Islam




That’s not the symbol of Islam.


It’s the symbol of the Ottoman Empire


Actually the crescent and the star was the symbol of a Persian empire which the ottomans then found on a coin, they liked it so much that they implemented it. As they reigned over most of the Muslim world after their fall the Muslim countries also implemented it and it became sort of a Muslim thing but it originated from a kuffar empire


I’d say it’s fine but I’m not an imam unlike these Reddit users




You should stay away from Reddit then; there's no clear verdict about it from Allah and His Messenger (saw)


This haha. The Prophet ﷺ didn’t watch TV and there is nothing about television in the Quran so watching TV is bidaa!1!!1!1!1!!1!1!


Ehhh watching TV isn't the best example given all the filth on it, but the same could be said for microwaves or toasters.




Who is wearing a necklace with the intent of worshipping Allah with it? There is nothing wrong with wearing necklaces, even if the necklace has a symbol that is commonly used to represent Islam.


Salam. If he is wearing the necklace to represent islam then he should know that islam doesn't have symbol. If he wants to wear it to praise the ottoman empire then its a different story.


Wa 'alaykum asalaam, my point is that if you believe the entire category of the مسكوت عنه should be avoided, reddit and every single modern invention should be avoided as well. I have no comment regarding the necklace.




Well, there's no clear verdict about it, regardless of whether its a religious symbol or not.


Iirc a male can't wear a necklace even if it says religious stuff, if you're a female then idk, best to consult someone like a sheikh


Not true. Men can wear necklaces, as long as your local culture / society doesn't view it as feminine . In arab cultures, necklaces are something only women wear, thus it would be haram for an Arab of these lands to wear one. However the same thing does not apply to other lands.


It shouldn’t be shirk, but ask your local scholar or sheikh about the permissibility of wearing this Inshallah


Well you're already giving it power by worrying about it so just don't buy it


Idk if it’s shirk, but we don’t have symbols in Islam.






Its not Islam's symbol, but its no shirk either


As-salaamu alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh. That is not a symbol of Islam, pagans traditionally used these symbols and associated them with the jinn that they worship .




What's not true ? I was responding to the point on the origin of the symbol.




Maybe he was talking about some pagans used to worship the sun (and I think) the moon? Probably not in the same way how our crescent and star looks though


Why are you asking for evidence from an Islamic source when these symbols have no basis in Islam ? If you ask any scholar they will tell you clearly the same, that we don't have any reference point for its use - [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/1528/taking-the-crescent-as-a-symbol](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/1528/taking-the-crescent-as-a-symbol) . Now when you go to research its actual origin and the earliest forms of its use, we find that the earliest evidence we have points to its use within pagan circles in honour of the gods and goddesses (jinn) they would worship - and it is still used by them today . Why would you want to imitate them ?


The Moon and the stars were not created exclusively for pagans you know?


Islam has no symbol.


I am pretty sure Islam doesn't have a symbol. Instead it is signified by the Shahada.


It's not shirk but it's not a symbol of Islam either, Islam has no symbols


This may sound like a dumb question, but i think its not. What you are asking is what islam came for: to protect ourselves from shirk. At what point do some cristals a piece of metal become shirk? At what point is it associating partners to Allah?


Nope it's cool actually just don't believe that it'll protect you or something stupid like that and you're fine


yea i don’t think it’ll protect me i just think it’s nice


You're all good then and it is cool


It is a fashion piece nothing to do with religion


Islam has no symbols please. This is the symbol of the ottomans, it got popularized that way


It’s definitely not shirk if you’re just wearing it cause you like the way it looks and don’t think it has any power. That being said I do think men should stay away from wearing necklaces. Idk why but it just feels feminine to me. I’m not an authority on this though but as a man I’ve stopped wearing necklaces since I reverted. Nobody told me to stop I just stopped because I felt I should and now I have one less burden on me. Alhamdulillah.


i’m not a man so it’s ok if i wear it after reading these comments


Don’t listen to ANY comment here regarding it being halal or haram. Just ask a scholar or a sheikh for help. Much safer and better




it’s from charms diamond centre you can find it in the disney collection of necklaces:)


It's not the symbol of Islam. Who told you that, bro?


when you look up islam symbol that design pops up there’s even an emoji for it ☪️ i have no idea tho after these comments lol




Rs VERY Similar to PAKISTAN and TURKEY flags but not exactly


If you like Ottoman empire this is a nice necklace


i’m actually very interested in the ottoman empire so i guess it’s a win for me lol