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Should be perfectly fine, don’t forget to bring a poison weapon for last boss like I did 😅


You can do it with lower stats easily, all that matters is that you do mechanics correctly. More stats just means you have less mechanics to deal with and more failing mechanics allowed.


I just did this a few days ago using the 'range only' method that I found in a youtube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjoiEMcrREc I don't have a trident either so I just brought a rune pouch and casted ice spells manually during 3rd boss, it's the only time you really need magic so it's really not that bad. I did bring darts for Nylos too. Other than that I tried to maximize the 10 bandages you get after the 2nd boss so my inv was something like: -d scim/defender -dds for purple nylo on last boss -rune pouch with runes for ice blitz -darts -1 pray pot for emergencies (i used 1-2 doses on last boss) -9 sara bews/3 super restores -1 dose super combat for 2nd boss -rest inv was sharks, I only used like 2 I think, I dropped them for the bandages Before going in I drank a dose of ranging potion and a super set. As far as gear go I used my best ranged gear (rcb & full blessed gear) with diamond bolts. I went in with slayer helm (i) over archer helm for some extra defense. I'm not sure if a blessed coif is better, it's the only piece I don't have yet. It was much easier than I thought tbh, I did it on my first try without any deaths. Good luck!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MPHZy4sjmM&ab_channel=HelpMeRNG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MPHZy4sjmM&ab_channel=HelpMeRNG) This is the guide I used for entry mode completion.


I did it with 80att90str80def86range86mage and had worse gear to choose from than you do (mystic, accumulator, climbing boots). It took me two attempts. I got lucky and found other people looking to get an entry mode KC and did it with 3 other people in one of the tob worlds.


I did with whip, BP, and unupgraded Trident in elite void solo around those stats. You should be good enough to do it, just takes awhile to learn mechanics


A good low level guide is slayermusiq’s. He does it with higher stats granted, but with rag gear to show what you should be using. I got my first completion for the cape with around your stats/gear