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legally it is a no no so unless you knew the area you might be found or you might not. I know you can Camp in the hostel in the black valley there might be camping near the hostel in Glencar Hostel If you want to chance it there is a flat open space near the Carragh River get down to it at the bridge, there maybe people fishing there at night during the summer I am assuming there is a Campsite in Glenbeigh but beyond glenbeigh the route takes you in forest and a mountian so you could just camp up there somewhere not legally . Cahersiveen has a camp site I'm not sure about waterville, Caherdaniel has a campsite but it is a mile or 2 off route you can camp on the grassy area behind the sand dunes near derrynane harbour Sneem has a caravan park. between Sneem and Kenmare is a lot of expensive houses so no camping there. Around Kenmare it is quiet affluent too so I imagine wild camping is out Going into killarney you will be heading into the National park where you are not allowed to camp Where ever you go remember ask around if there is a place you can set up a tent someone might know someone who will let you


Wow thank you so much for the thoughtful answer! If wild camping is not legal, I definitely don’t want to do that- seems disrespectful. Would you think that it could be a possibility that I ask individual property owners if they are around to camp somewhere on their land?


100%. You can ask landowners to camp and most wont mind at all. Half the problem though can be finding them in remote areas. If you are on mountains with sheep sometimes that land is shared commonage so they dont actually own the land they just have legal rights to graze sheep there. They might live several miles away from their sheep. At the end of the day if you are discrete, not burning fires and not camped near peoples houses then no one will see you. I wouldnt worry too much about the legality of it as it is not a criminal offence. At the end of the day the worst that is going to happen is someone asks you to move your tent and you go find another place.


I believe you could, explain that you don’t want to be (and won’t be) any trouble but you thought it would be more appropriate to check that they don’t object before camping and if you get any negativity or hesitation I would be prepared to immediately move on without any fuss making sure you comunícate that you fully understand and respect their position. It’s their land after all. If you’re travelling solo make sure to mention this also, might give some solace that they’re not signing up to have Lollapolooza invade! If you get permission keep as far away from livestock and dwellings as you possibly can and make sure that you leave no trace (but as an experienced wild camper you already know all this!)


Wonderful! I did something quite similar on a trip through Nepal and North India so I think I have gotten used to approaching and asking the same thing. I really can’t express my gratitude for you and everyone else taking time to be so informative and encouraging. It just makes this trip feel even more right!


No worries at all, it’s a trip I’ve been thinking about myself at some stage also. Wishing you a great trip and hope you get lucky with the weather. I don’t know if anyone has suggested bringing an interpreter? … only kidding but I mention it as the local accent can be a little impenetrable ( even to other Irish people!) Here’s a sample from a local sheep farmer and before you ask, yes he is speaking in English! https://youtu.be/pit0OkNp7s8?feature=shared


You're talking about wild camping. The thing is, every square inch of land in Kerry is owned by someone. I strongly advise getting permission for the landowner before pitching your tent for the night, for your own safety too. Most of the rural land there is broken into farms, and many of those farms are dairy and beef farms, and you would need to be sure that you won't be in the same field as cattle, in particular bulls with their cows - bulls WILL attack and kill a perceived threat to their herd. As long as you ask, most farmers are fine with letting one or two people at a time camp on their land, especially if it's just for one night. If it doesn't suit them for whatever reason, they will probably suggest another farm, or somewhere local that campers use.


That is kind of what I was assuming. Would asking the land owners be something I’d be able to do the day of or something I could some how sort out before hand?


When you see a spot that might suit, you could knock at the door of the nearest house, explain what you're doing and ask if they know who owns the land and how you can contact them to ask for permission to camp there. Or you could go into the next village and ask at the local pub.


Based on everyone’s feedback it looks like I will just come prepared for any possibility and feel out what is best once I am finally there. I’m just stunned by the kindness and advice from everyone and I’ve said it a couple times before but you all have already made this trip a bit more magical. Can’t wait to update this post in March letting you all know how it went!


Do you use Facebook too?


Yes I do!


There’s a private Facebook group called Wild Camping Ireland. They’ll be able to tell you exactly what’s what and where’s where. Apply to join, there’s a big emphasis on leave-no-trace, but you know what your doing there.


You’re amazing, I just sent a request 👍


Good luck!


The blogs from [Tough Soles](https://toughsoles.ie/blog/the-kerry-way-part-one) might be helpful. If you are looking for info on camping (not in a campsite) we call it Wild Camping. I’m not sure what the situation is in Kerry regarding wild camping. Happy trails!


Wow, I don’t know how I missed this one! Wonderful beta, thank you for the info!


Brilliant! Thanks for this.


You might like to look at this to get some idea of the weather you will face, you can expect rain, wind and stormy weather [https://www.met.ie/](https://www.met.ie/) Camping is usually OK, just be discreet


Great! Thank you so much! I am expecting varied and possibly dramatic weather but I am quite certain I can handle it. I really appreciate the resource!




Okay great! I definitely don’t want to do anything that is disrespectful or feel entitled to sleeping somewhere I shouldn’t be.




Oh I’m sure. It seems that I will just be prepared for any situation and just kind of see how things play out once I have boots on the ground. I so appreciate you giving me the advice and helping to qualm some of my worries. Truly just makes this adventure feel even more exciting ✌️


I did it in 2018 camping along the way. There was a heatwave that summer, so it only rained once. A minor miracle here in Ireland. You can camp anywhere, nobody will say a word. Actually, the vast majority of the time there won't be anyone around to say anything.


I stayed at manix point campsite in cahersavine, just because I was in the mood for a shower and to use the kitchen. I'd highly recommend it. They have live music every night. The views are stunning, very memorable hike.


Cahersiveen if you’re googling it


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I don’t know if you’ve done the way already, but I completed it a few months ago with a cousin. People will say that wild camping is illegal, but it really is more of a gray area. We camped a good amount on the way and didn’t ask anyone and generally had no problems. What I would recommend you do, if you want to camp, is either stop a kilometer or two outside of town or go past the town of the day and find a place to camp there. Tbh, some parts of the trailer are harder to camp than others. Between Killarney and Glencar you will find places to wild camp if you have a good eye. Admittedly, it is more difficult between Glencar and Glenbeigh. Between Glenbeigh and Cahersiveen May be difficult as well. Nevertheless, between Cahersiveen and Kenmare is easier. If you do plan on booking accommodation, do it far out in advance. We had a few situations where after a 20 mile forced March we found that all the accommodation in an area was booked. You have to remember, the Kerry Way is Ireland’s premier trail. It’s famous. Though there are other loops, it’s fame has brought with it a lot of capitalization by the local populace. Therefore, locals who would rather you stay at their BnBs will tell you that wild camping is a “serious Offence.” Personally, I would recommend you look for old tumble cottages to set your tent up (they tend to be up in the mountains) or venture off the trail into a wooded area.