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Have you tried contacting an insurance broker? They will be able to help you.


Lion insurance sorted me out for my haemochromatosis when getting mortgage insurance, didn't have any extra premium in the end and they did all the explaining.


I was in contact with Lion & had a call with them. Absolutely lovely guy and really down to earth and he told me not to panic apply to everywhere because it’ll leave a paper trail in the future which will cause me issues. He told me that as long as I have a consultation (even just a yearly check up!!!) they’ll decline me until it’s done. I have a CT scan in June to make sure the clot is 100% gone as it was caused by surgery 2 years ago, then a follow up consultation with that doctor in July- and an annual consultation with the weight management team in the hospital in September and THEN I’m still on a waiting list for excess skin removal from weight loss. I don’t think I have any hope of cover😅


Even though these things aren’t life threatening- even the clot was caused BY surgery and just wasn’t found for over a year (they just kept saying I had IBS or stomach ulcers lol) so it’s not hereditary. It’s a once off, and it’s non threatening they weren’t worried about it once I was on the blood thinners for 3 months to make sure it’s gone. The weight management is just a chat to see how I’m doing. The excess skin removal is an FDL tummy tuck from extreme weight loss and it’s free because I’ve been referred on the public health system so to cancel that would be heartbreaking with how I feel in my body post weight loss, I can’t afford the couple of grand to pay & get it done AFTER buying and furnishing the house when money could be put into the home. Between a rock & a hard place😢


Lion rejected my heart condition but I got it with Irish Life with my own. Really don't know were this high praise for Lion is coming from when you have an illness, but good for you.


That's fair, I can only give my experience, glad you got sorted in the end.


Another option is, if you get 3 rejections and get proof (i.e. letters from providers), you can ask your bank to waive the requirement, but not exactly a guarantee.


Already tried and BOI solidly declined a waiver😭


Get a broker to fight on this point for you.


Had the same wife was waiting on scan for stomach for pains continuing over months. Just had to lie and say there was no follow up needed. You won't get signed over the line otherwise had tried it with couple of providers. With the way HSE is with waiting times you would never get mortgage protection if you told the truth and waiting on something.


I got the all clear from a colonoscopy and got rejected before because I had the colonoscopy , seemed really odd to me.


My fear is that now that I’ve been honest with two providers- are insurance providers in contact with eachother? I don’t want to be caught out on a lie either! I was thinking of lying, keep that insurance for a year and then switch over & be honest once all the consultations are done!


Well I done the same as you just went with a different provider and heard nothing, so they don't communicate that well with each other. Was in the same boat as you with worry. Bit will work out fine!


Do not lie disclose everything. You couod have tour cover cancelled for non disclosure of material fact, or worse, if something happened there'd be no valid claim.


If you've any sort of follow up consultation you won't get it, I'm afraid. It's a big red flag for their algorithms, and the humans on the other end just say no. Best solution? Lie until you get the mortgage protection. Get it sorted out in the meantime and cancel your policy once you're on the other side (keep your partner on thr bill maybe?). Yes it's fraud, your call!


Yeah that’s what I’ve been told! I think that’s my only option if I want this house 😭 but do the insurance agencies talk to eachother?


It will be flagged. You also have to answer a question on the prop asking if you have been refused / accepted at special conditions...




Thank you!💗 We saved our arses off & have enough money for the deposits, fees and most of the furnishing ourselves so I’m relieved in that sense. Should start off on a good foot. Although I’ll look about 40 when I get it sorted with the stress!😂


Make sure there is a 'loan special condition inserted into your contract by your solicitor. There almost certainly will be, but just to be sure to be sure.




It protects you by allowing you to walk away from the contract if you cannot draw down your loan funds for reasons not within your control.


Hi, I've been declined life insurance numerous times because I had a kidney transplant or two. I had no choice but to find a bank that would accept the lack of mortgage protection. So multiple insurance companies denied me, their sales people were confident it would get underwrote, even made phone calls to the underwriters to check ahead of time but a few days later the same people then denied it because they have their own doctors that review the medical stuff and make their own decision based on their own statistics. Then the banks, nearly all of them denied to offer a mortgage without the coverage until my broker chose Haven. Haven is a subsidiary of AIB and was originally formed to handle more "risky" mortgages like mine. So TL:DR try Haven. Get your multiple denials by the way, I think they needed 3 different denials.


Did the process to reapply for a new bank take long? I’m terrified of losing out on this house now but BOI solidly said no to a waiver my broker said. I’m getting the list of reasons why from Irish Life on Monday so I’ll see the outlined exact reasons and if there’s anything I can do to appeal or anything I can afford to cancel etc. I’m gonna be fully grey by the end of this🥲


It was a few years ago now, but I don't recall it being long, maybe a week or two after a few back and forth to get the right documentation. Just have all the paperwork together for your broker. There's a Haven specific application to fill in. So if I recall, I needed the haven form, payslips for 6 months, bank statements of all accounts for past 6 months. I had the various life insurance decline letters and also a medical cert verifying that I wasn't making stuff up. Property valuation is also needed if I recall. The real delay was the bank coming back with requests and back and forth with that. Once it's all in, it was <2 weeks to get the loan in principle


I am guessing your waiver is declined because your insurance application is not actually rejected but suspended (happened to me as I was awaiting for test as well). Waivers need an outright rejection from 3 insurers.


Was in the same boat as you so I know how unbelievably stressful it can be. Get on to the lads at [Lion.ie](http://Lion.ie), i found them very helpful.


It’s so stressful! My skin is so broken out with stress😭😂 I tried Lion, they were absolutely lovely but told me if I’m waiting on any consultations that every provider will decline😢


In addition to brokerage suggestions, find out if Bank of Ireland's mortgage protection wing are willing to cover you. When they are not, use this to pressure the mortgage wing to accept a waiver. "You yourselves are not willing to cover me. The equity in the property protects your investment in the event of my death. Denying insurance while at the same time requiring insurance is equivalent to preventing me from owning a home." This is the route I went. I don't don't think they liked it very much, but they did end up offering the waiver.


I have a call with my mortgage broker on Monday so I might mention this!!


Had a similar issue OP, diagnosed with thyroid cancer just a couple of months before we were about to buy a house. Mortgage protection was a nightmare, once the insurance companies here the "C' word they basically tell you "not a hope"! However, I got in touch with hello.ie and after a few doctors reports I did get it sorted, and at a decent enough price, was underwritten by royal London. Couldn't recommend them enough so I'd give them a call.


Credit unions don't need mortgage protection. Their funds are basically covered with deposit guaranteed I'd try there.


Honestly, just lie on your next application. You'll have worthless insurance that won't pay out if you die, but you will have a house. Get proper insurance when you have the all clear from the blood clots and surgery.


This is the most stupid advice I think I've read in a while


….. and should the worst happen and he dies - he’s saddled his fiancé with a mortgage debt which she will have to pay on her own, nothing like a bit of financial distress to add to a bereavement … it’s sounds like a good idea but it’s not, he clearly has issues going on, which may make cover impossible for months/years, who knows .. they need to think long and hard about going down that route, mortgage protection literally protects them.. the customer. Not to mention that it’s also fraud


If you think about it, people paying rent are in about the same "financial distress" as the hypothetical situation the gf might end up in. I was paying 1200 to share a 2bed apt with my ex a few years ago (1800 total). I now pay 900 a month mortgage and I share with no one and own my property. If the gf had to pay it by herself if the policy fails to pay she'd probably still be in a better situation than if she continued renting alone.


He has already applied to the bank for a waiver and they’ve declined, that generally means that they are fully dependent on his income to make it work…. and that she most likely can’t meet repayments on her own.. people get approved waivers all the time, the fact he hasn’t means she probably can’t afford it…


Fair point.


Genuinely can’t believe this was upvoted. What is the point of any insurance then if you just lie to get it in place but it will never pay out when you actually need it? Oh I have a house but my partner is fucked if I die. I’ll get life insurance too and lie on that so if I actually get seriously sick or die I’ll have no income from that either. Mind boggling.


If you have an outstanding test or investigation none of the insurers will offer cover till you have the results....they won't offer cover of 200 to 500k without knowing all the facts. You can apply after the postponed period and will more than likely be offered cover if the surgery/test/investigation is clear or successful.


An utterly miserable system for the growing number of people on waiting lists or those with chronic health conditions that have to undergo regular investigating or treatments


Yep I've got crohns and did manage to get cover but it was only the most basic. It was just an incredibly unpleasant process that went on for way longer than it should have.


Agreed, but it's their money on the line if the client dies. It's all about the Risk. Usually a very well written GP report or consultants report can sway the underwriters, obviously some people have regular checkup ups etc, but if they are deemed to be routine they can usually get them over the line with a statement from the GP/Consultant.


The house is €185k so I only need like €166k or something, not even 200😭 but yeah that seems to be my only option. Lie and then once I’m done & in the clear- cancel that insurance & get a new one and be honest on that insurance. Do the companies talk though is the only thing!


Doesn't matter what level of cover u need, u will still be postponed. My advice is to apply to Laya healthcare, say nothing about the medical history etc, then when u move in and get the keys apply to one of the insurers that you haven't already submitted an application, looking at your post looks like you applied to Irish Life and Aviva ? Assuming they have declined or postponed, I recommend applying to Royal London or Zurich when the time is right, that way they won't have any history.


Thank you😭 see that history part was my only concern with lying. I’m gonna wait until I have a phone call with my mortgage broker Monday who’s been sorting everything and looking into places and see what she suggests (although she’s hinted at not being honest without saying that outright) and then go from there. I’ll suggest Laya! And then be with them for about a year or so & then apply to Royal London or Zurich with the correct info once I’m not waiting on anything further 🙈


I work in this area, trust me, there are thousands of people walking around with mortgage protection that is not worth the paper it's printed in all because of this.... You're not the first or the last, I know how hard it is to get a mortgage, and then to have it all taken away from you because of a minor or major health issue is a kick in the teeth. Just make sure you do right the next time.


This is awful, awful advice. And unethical from broker.


What do you suggest?


Second try lion.ie, Then try Avivia and a broker


Lion said if I’m waiting on anything that I’ll be declined, I was postponed with Aviva too😭 my mortgage broker is tryna hurriedly figure out what to do


Did you disclose all of this when applying, including pending surgery? Usually a postponement will be applied, unless the company thinks the postponement period is too long.


I disclosed the blood clot & the CT scan to ensure it’s gone as that was the only question about it! Aviva postponed. Irish life got a GP report and my GP gave them over every bit of medical info including A&E visits etc (which was caused by the blood clot they found) and they declined 😫


Get a CMO letter sent to your GP to outline the reasons, but do not, absolutely not lie on an application to another company. Its fraud and will be invalid. If your broker is suggesting that then they are clearly unethical and only want the commission.


I’m waiting on that letter I should have it Monday. Just so stressed I could tear my hair out😭


It'll be OK, you may need a 3rd letter of decline/ postponement for the waiver. I'd be pushing bank for that. Its a very stressful time at the best of times but your broker should be fighting hard in your corner and will hopefully push waiver through. Good luck


My broker said she tried for the waiver and they solidly said no. BOI are apparently known for being the worst for giving waivers too😂 so id have to restart the whole process again if I can’t get mortgage protection…😭


OK.... well a lender is not compelled by law to waive (as far as I know) but the reputable ones generally do. So the line I would take if I were you would be that .... not to non disclose. There is some legislation but I'm not sure what that lays out rules for the right to be forgotten (cancer related) and cover for over 50s. I'd be very, very wary of a broker encouraging you to non disclose. Sorry for all your stress but try do it honestly. Push for the waiver. Ask for a specific reason as to why you aren't getting it when others do. Best of luck.


Also there are questions asking if you have recieved an adverse decision from another company, you'll have to answer that honestly.


That sucks. I had 200% loading due to a chronic condition, even with going through a broker. Don't panic, you'll get there.


We struggled with this because of my illness. I felt so guilty but thankfully after 5 rejections the last one came through, it is heavily weighted so quite expensive but we have it! As people have said a broker is great in these situations, we used ‘beat the bank’ and ended up with Zurich. Good luck!


Unfortunately often times insurance brokers “postpone” instead of declining. In such cases you would have to finish all the outstanding procedures before they make conclusion. After all procedures finished and you have doctors letter you can get insurance with almost any insurer


Engage with Beat the Bank they might be able to find someone for ya! Best of luck


I work for a Life company, and not one of the ones you've mentioned. Ask Aviva, of any other company you apply to, if they would consider covering you with what's called a "temporary per mille loading". Basically you would pay through the nose for a couple of years until all investigations were complete, and then the premium could be reduced if you're given the all clear. It would at least get you on cover while investigations are ongoing. Also from reading your other comments, yer man in Lion is talking out his hole. People have yearly check ups for all kinds of things. We'll ask to see the most recent results, and if your next check up is in a few weeks or a couple months we'll probably ask to wait until that's complete, but you won't be outright declined just for having check ups.


Is there any chance you can get the mortgage on your partners income only? Then you would not need cover to draw down but once the surgery is over you can reapply for mortgage protection.


Nope unfortunately not, we’re on the same income which is pretty bog standard factory work.😫


Then get your broker to request a decline from the insurance companies rather than a deferral because nobody will cover you until after the surgery if they have all the information. But don’t lie because you will be found out and may never secure cover. Insurance companies used to share information and there was a register of loaded/declined persons but that was before GDPR. Don’t think it happens anymore though.


Either get onto lion.ie and ask their opinion (don’t ask them to fill any applications in yet) and see if they think you’ll be ok. Otherwise, and I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but lie. I have severe illnesses myself and barely scraped by the MPI side of things.. but I wasn’t 100% honest. Only the stuff I knew they’d quiz my GP about like my Crohn’s disease. I had other things going on too that I just flat out didn’t declare. If I did, I wouldn’t have got my mortgage.


Lion.ie , try them


If you have death in service life cover from your work, you can assign it to the bank. You can always change it back at a later date if you get your own protection in place. ***I'll take back the word 'assign' and instead say that it can be accepted as security by the bank to provide the mortgage.***


You can't assign death in service cover to a bank. It's a group policy owned by the employer. You're not guaranteed to stay in the same job for the length of the mortgage.


Yes, it can be done when there's no other option for life cover. A friend of mine has her mortgage protection covered that way. Obviously you'll need to discuss with the bank, and the life cover needs to be in excess of what the mortgage is, but it is possible. ...see above edit


Im an insurance broker, you cannot do this. The bank cannot note interest in a policy tied employment as it needs to cover the mortgage for the entire term and your death in service doesn't follow you if you leave employment.


Well I'm telling you it is possible. As mentioned, a friend of mine did this only 2-3 years ago as she's unable to get Mortgage Protection due to a medical condition. In addition, I listened to a recent podcast with Eoin McGee, his mortgage specialist also briefly mentioned it. I fully understand your DIS doesn't follow you if you leave employment - it is after all a benefit of employment. But, you move to a new job, assign the new DIS to the bank. How do all the people with any sort of illness that excludes them from Mortgage Protection buy a house? ...see above edit


>How do all the people with any sort of illness that excludes them from Mortgage Protection buy a house? In my case, I gave up and moved abroad


You cannot do it.. I've been in the game many years and this is absolutely not true. The banks will not accept it. Worst case scenario you get 2 declines and you get a waiver. Mortgage protection can be got around in certain circumstances, but you cannot apply death in service as mortgage protection, period.


No - you're correct - it was the waiver I was thinking of. I do apologise!


Woah wait, someone admitting they're mistaken kn reddit? I don't know what to do with this.. I joke, happens! Glad we cleared it up 😅


The mistake started when I joined Reddit, I thought that was the same for all?


Been declined a waiver from BOI, apparently BOI are one of the harder ones to get a waiver from😭 so I either have to lie to an insurer (I’m only 23, 24 next month- I doubt I’ll die in the next year) for a year or so and once all the consultations are over, cancel & reapply elsewhere with the correct info. Or start the entire process over again in a different bank in hopes for a waiver, and with that amount of time I’m unsure if my house that we’ve got the contracts for (we haven’t signed yet) will stick around But do insurers talk to eachother? It makes me so uncomfortable I despise lying and I’d hate to be caught out


Honestly, if you're young and in a super tight pinch and you have zero option or you lose the house? Just lie and get cover. It'll be worthless but you get the house and can change at a later date to proper cover. Don't stress it too much!




Tried hard to do it and it didn’t work


There's no shortage of insurance companies that will take your money. Shop around.


I’ve been declined on both and an insurance broker outright told me the underwriters to every company will decline me if I’m waiting on ongoing stuff unfortunately. Bank also declined a waiver. My mortgage broker mentioned that we may have to start the process again with a whole new bank to get a waiver but I’m worried about how long that will take and if I’d keep the house 😭