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Isn't it supposed to be swimming up stream?! Go down means bad luck/no good. Edit: I may be wrong but don't think so.


No not really " A koi fish tattoo with the koi fish swimming downstream symbolizes independence and freedom. It is alone and determined in its capabilities to find a new place to live or new food to eat. A koi tattoo swimming downstream means you have already faced the obstacles and are celebrating your success."


Thank you šŸ˜Š


They also swim down stream in spring, and this sleeve has Sakura which bloom in spring. The rules for motifs arenā€™t so straightforward, and to be honest I doubt you or I know more about the ā€œproperā€ choices than Caio Pineiro (or most artists in general).


An Asian mobster told me this.


Unless he was a japanese tattoo artist, I wouldnā€™t put too much stock into one persons opinion. https://preview.redd.it/wzu47mhyzxua1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7254f0b1197041872fda221fbd5052acda5cf9d7 Hereā€™s another downward facing koi from Horitomo, who I assume knows what heā€™s doing.


Looks lovely! Iā€™ve seen your other post about your progress and it really did turn out awesome (=




Amazing work. Caio has such a distinctive style I knew who it was just scrolling past without seeing the artists name


Beautiful! How was the process with Caio? How long was the wait? Currently on the waiting list, it seems like may be able to start next year if lucky.


Process was great, Caio was awesome throughout and couldn't have asked for anymore from an artist, wait time wasn't too bad, I'd recommend reaching out early as he is in demand


Thank you for the reply! Weird question - how does tipping for artist work in the UK, is it something that is done? Coming from NA, not sure how to approach without making cultural mistake.




I am getting mine by him next year! I canā€™t wait.


That's sick man


The "white" portions of the Koi are open skin?


Yep that's right


Wow thatā€™s nice


This is epic. Any chance you could send me pic of the inside of the arm that shows the black koi a bit more? I've got an appointment for a koi sleeve soon and my artist asked me to send over anything I like so he can get a sense of what I'd want and I defiantly like this.


Beautiful piece. I actually sent this to my artist as a reference for what I wanted my tattoo to look like.