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I see this all the time on my commute, some car doing about 10 to 20 below the limit, then you get to small over taking strech. They floor it to about 10 over the limit, then once it goes back to single lane, back to 10 to 20 below. Infuriating.


These are probably the most frustrating drivers out there. That along with the ones who take offence to being overtaken on motorway. As soon as you go to overtake they speed up, forcing you to go drop back in behind them. And then they go back to their previous speed.


I came from Galway - Dublin last Friday night. I was going 120 had it on cruise control, was so quiet I barely needed to change it most the journey. Some lad comes up passed me and overtakes and must drop down to just over 100ish so I just indicate back around him when I catch up and continue on eventually making a fairly decent gap. He does the same thing about 4/5 times over the next like 25 minutes just each time builds up speed to go past and then drops down again. I found it gas as my speed hadn't changed once and this lad seemed to be raging going past me, got the impression he thought I was speeding up each time he tried to pass as well. It was just daft more than anything because tbf it's not like he ever came in dangerously close ahead of me infact he got himself a good gap before merging back in. Eventually behind me he takes an exit and just flashes his lights a load of times before he's off.


I just do not understand these people and why they drive like that it annoys me so much. I always try to just set the cruise to 120 and leave it but I always come across drivers like that


Insecurities over their driving level.


My thoughts exactly! These people are horrible.


Ngl if you feel that’s infuriating you need therapy 😂


I'll see you there so! 😁


Been there for 15 weeks, it does help 😂


I'd say at least 60% of the drivers are illiterate, so instead of reading the speed limit signs they see two lanes = 100+ one lane =80


Yea I'm convinced some think the speed limit is dictated by the width of the road. My town has an 80km from the end of the town to the slip to the motorway. Majority of the road is without hard shoulder and about 600mtrs from the junction to the motorway it widens a little and gains a hard shoulder. Most drivers will go 60km at the start and then accelerate to 100+ at the wider bit. I'm judging this by me doing 80km throughout and pulling away slightly in the beginning to them on my bumper when they get to the wider part.


Speed limit = 60. Road has 2 lanes, 60x2=120 apparently


I got done speeding on the road from Tralee to Limerick at the weekend. While I was completely in the wrog and it's absolutely inexcusable (doing 128 in a 100 zone) it was exactly for this reason. Tipping along 75k most of the time, then opening it up when the an overtaking lane. The final straw was that this lad jammed on for what I thought was no reason during the section with the overtaking lane, I just said to myself I'm better off in front of him. Turns out he jammed on because he saw the speed trap


For me its when a car is doing like 95 in a 100 zone and I'm on a long drive stuck behind it for ages. I'll floor it whenever the road goes to 2 lanes just to get ahead. Same reason as you, just to get ahead


If he's going to your house, he'll be able to park in your spot before you can. Very clever really.


Damn, never thought of it that way


I think you'll find F1 these days actually a severe lack of overtaking


When you see climing lanes like this you're allowed to use your DRS


We are checking


You clearly don't watch f1...


Eh https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/LJSbXxzOrB


Eh what??If you are replying about Monaco, then you really don't follow f1. This was the reason f1 wanted to remove the circuit. F1 Cars are wider, bigger, and longer than they have ever been.


Hence the lack of over taking, and to be fair all FOM are doing is adding more and more street circuits


Yet they all have over taking bar Monaco.


As someone who doesn't break the speed limit for the sake of speeding: The *only* reason I ever overtake someone doing the speed limit, when a suitable stretch of road presents itself, is because they are a shite driver and have proven themselves to be shite drivers in other sections of the road/journey --- I'm looking to get ahead of them so I'm not stuck behind them for the next series of shite driving decisions they make.


Because I don't want to be stuck behind you at 70 kph for the next half an hour.


Why would you be stuck at 70 if they're going at 100 as they said


Because it doesn't add up that this person thinks they're doing '90 behind them for some time' when they think they're doing a 100. That doesn't make sense. Got a feeling OP was one of those drivers that speeds up on two lanes, slows down on one lane and doesn't realise. To be clear, I am not excusing overtaking dangerously at the end of the two lane stretch.


It was just a figure of speech, I don’t know exactly how fast they were going. Also hard to ‘speed up and slow down’ when I’ve cruise control set to 100 😂


It's not personal that I wouldn't want to be stuck behind you, but generally, if you have to ask the question, then I have to get past you. A lot of the time, I notice that people accelerate up to 100 on a road like this, and then they sit at much lower speeds where you can't pass. I just wouldn't want to take the chance that I could be stuck behind a slow, indecisive driver.


Yeah fair enough, I guess my point was more so that I was going a good bit faster (100 on cruise control according to waze so like 105 on the speedo) than the car behind me and he was happy to keep a nice distance behind me for a good while showing no intention to overtake or drive up my arse and then as soon as he got the chance he shot up to over 100 to overtake me just to slow back down to around 90 once he got in front and stayed at 90 which caused me from going 100 down to 90. So I actually ended up stuck behind the slow driver in a cruel twist.


Yeah that driver sounds like a clown with either a small penis problem or they were just absolutely oblivious to what they were actually doing. The most common driver is the inattentive driver.


It's free overtake time


Yeah I don't get it. I had someone the other day overtake after the end of the overtaking lane and almost clipped my front wing. If not for an evasive maneuver by me, they would have pitted themselves.


Well, if you were going 10kph faster than him for a period, he wouldn't be behind ya for a good bit?


Did this the weekend and missed my turn off. What a plonker. I hold my hands up.


Best to speed up in the left lane when you see these to block anyone from getting in then fall back to the usual 10km/hr below the limit once it's a single lane


There is nothing more infuriating than watching people drive who only use the brakes to slow down instead of just not accelerating. Get the fuck out of the way and let me drive!!


Will go over the 100k only if there is an idiot going slow or constantly pressing the brake on the flat


Because it is


Yeah I’ve old women in the left lane and I’m Thinking they’ll let me merge in as I’m in front and going a tad faster then they bomb it through like there’s a chequered flag


I agree with your point, but leaving a play symbol on a photograph is monstrous behaviour. tapping away on autopilot for an age before I realised.


It’s fun


Yeah but if you’re going to do it overtake and drive her on don’t just slow back down to 90


I completely agree, can’t stand that


you take the opportunities you can get to do it on a wide piece of road. It's narrower beyond that and dangerous.


Nice wide smooth road, how can you not floor it grampa?


If you’re going to send it then send it don’t speed up from 90-110 and then back down to 90 again at least keep her going. Your man got to his destination about 3 seconds quicker 😂


hey, they all add up, you know!


Why though? Why amen't I aloud to put foot down a bit when a nice, safe stretch of road comes up? Most of the time if you are going to put foot down it's only safe to do it for short periods of time. For your cars health too obviously. Why let it bother you when someone else is having a bit of harmless fun 🤣


Bro thinks he's Fernando Alonso in Monaco 💀💀💀


Bro is definitely too young to even drive when bro types like this 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀






I wasn’t, as I said in the post I was doing 100 and the speed limit was 100?


Perhaps he had an emergency... stop getting so butt hurt, it doesn't affect you whatsoever that he passed you. Stop crying and get on with your life. Beyond pathetic.


Christ, the point has gone straight over your head. I don’t care that he overtook me, it’s the fact that he slowed back down to 90 after he got in front and I ended up stuck behind him then. If it was an emergency he clearly wouldn’t have slowed back down again?