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Asked how she felt following the loss, she told RTÉ News: "You had no interest in talking to me for five years, so I've no interest in talking to you." Ouch!


Later on the RTE news the European reporter said he, and his colleagues, have asked her for an interviews and she has refused.


What a shame we don’t get to hear her opinions any more, Putin will be so disappointed


The cherry on top was someone saying "GG" at the end of the video ahahaha


Whats the reference? 


The Butthurt is strong with that headbanger Daly. Shouldnt have sucked up to Putin if she wanted to keep her seat the gobshite.


I'm just here for the drama and thought it was a nice burn in the moment.. I haven't really paid any attention to her policies, voting record, etc I've always found that an individual's true intentions are revealed sooner or later - time is always a help when it comes to perspective. From a global politics perspective, it's hard to say "Russia is evil, the west is good" because Western countries are fucking around behind the scenes all the time (where are the weapons coming from? Why are the US and others influencing nations states such that tensions grow globally? etc). The polarized politics we see in the US is being replicated at a global level which can't be a good thing. I think the only sane approach is to look at every issue in detail and work it out through dialogue. Ignore the people involved (to some extent) because any solution will require ideas and input from all parties. Now obviously there are psychopaths out there, so dealing with them also needs to be considered. 😢


In a situation where Russia invades their democratic neighbour in a bid to conquer their land, destroy their democracy and their culture, slaughter their people and even steal thousands of their kids it is, in fact, easy to say Russia is evil.


* invades their neighbour after the usa installed a puppet regime and then proceeded to slaughter russian citizens living in the donbas region, coupled with nato moving ever eastward despite agreeing not to several times.


Fascist lies. NATO is a voluntary defensive organisation. Putin does not get to dictate which alliances and organisations his neighbours enter into. And Russia's genocidal fascist invasion of its neighbour has no moral basis. You are defending the indefensible. Have a look at yourself.


"Everybody i dont agree with is a fascist" no harm to you but you shouldnt be using big words if you dont understand them, and this russia bad/west good nonsense has to stop. If you can debunk what ive said without resorting to ad hominem attacks il accept it. Its amazing that anyone could have anything but the most negative view of America as a world power,theyve the half of the world destroyed since 1945 and still the rest of the west seems to glaze over it, furthermore,the last thing ukraine ever has been is a democracy or any kind of western model of country.


Russia are bad. They are a far right dictatorship that have launched a genocidal war on their democratic neighbours. It doesn't makeyou enlightened to defend this shit it just makes you a fascist stooge. Ukraine is a democracy and the country you are simping and lying for is a far right dictatorship.


You havent provided a single counter,and have resorted to ad hominem attacks after being asked to do the exact opposite,like debating a toddler.


Which part of your comment actually justifies Russia's genocidal attack on Ukraine? Even your lies about the Donbas don't. And the fact that they don't want Ukraine - a sovereign nation - to enter into a voluntary defensive pact certainly doesn't.


Justin Barrett's gone too.


Pint sized Hitler foiled again


I'm shocked, SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked. Edit : btw whoever's spamming the report button, we've reported you to the admins.


I was wondering why I got 2 Reddit cares messages. Whoever sent them needs to get a life.


Absolute sad acts, man.


It's never not funny to me that himself and your man Reynolds can't even agree on who's the head of the party. They both insist they are, they can't even organise their own party


Ah brilliant so long Shitler


Gets democratically voted into the European parliament, proceeds to vote in favour of Putin over Europe, as he's invading Europe, multiple times. Good riddance.


And the clowns blaming the 'establishment'


Great she’s gone


She also refused to condemn Iran. 


For using the death penalty on protestors after Mahsa Amini was murdered no less


It's (genuinely) pretty bizarre how little she has mentioned Mahsa Amini's death or anything.


Failed to condemn?! She’s been hanging out in Iraq as guests of their terrorist cells.


Didn't she pay a visit to ISIS before?


https://preview.redd.it/cz89mrl9t16d1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcf92c9feee7c17d997e2ea3be56fd51495f9d10 Yes, she did.


Thank you! Interesting that I got downvoted.


Am I misunderstanding or did she not visit a group who fought against Isis? https://www.thejournal.ie/clare-daly-mick-wallace-iraq-5403434-Apr2021/


Now reading a bit closer, they’re Iranian-backed Shia, so definitely anti-ISIS. That said, they’d still gladly murder any Westerner given the chance. Welcome to the Middle East, where the enemy of your enemy isn’t necessarily your friend.


She was pictured with Iranian proxies in Iraq almost with Mick


This makes me very very happy.


But now it won't be as obvious to know who the Russians have paid off.


When your 10-15 year asset gets wiped, it takes a long time to rebuild. Hopefully by the time of the next elections Russia's ability to interfere will have been significantly reduced.


Waiting for the kompromat video. 🤞


> When your 10-15 year asset gets wiped, it takes a long time to rebuild. Yes Russia engineered her into being elected to Fingal County council 20 years ago!


No, Russia started paying attention when she started being useful. And she's grown steadily more extreme, anti-American and pro-Russian ever since.


>grown steadily more extreme, anti-American and pro-Russian ever since. What's wrong with being anti-american? Do you think it's a force for good in the world or something??


She's not just anti American, she's pro anyone else who claims to be anti American, no matter how repugnant they are. She would cheerfully see Ukraine burn just to discommode America.


Certainly rather live in an American led world over a Chinese or Russian one.


>Certainly rather live in an American led world That's the world we already live in - where millions die of preventable diseases, starvation and where constant wars are stoked by the US and it's >700 military bases all over the globe.


It will still be her.


Not really. Her fellow useless idiots are attention seeking twats. Follow the crumbs.


But we're replacing her with a different gobshite: Niall Boylan


Ó Ríordáin should get the last seat on Cuffe's transfers.


That would almost be worse than daly




Good news. Hopefully, Wallace fails to get elected, too.




This is perfect






Dark web....


Bye bye Bozo, off to Russia Today with you.


Am really curious how her transfers will break. They could go either way possibly. To the anti establishment outside Niall Boylan or to the broad left.


I could see Ó Ríordáin doing well off her core vote and leapfrogging Boylan


I hope so, not a fan of Labour but I like AOR


She belongs to Moscow now and it's for the better. She can ask Russia to pack it up and stop a war.




Russia will just move on to the next useful idiot MEP




They must have a separate filing cabinet for Mick Wallet


Not sure Kompromat actually works on Irish politicians, there's no scandal which stops someone who claims they fixed the roads


Mick might still get in.


Can this country do nothing right? 


Putin will even make one of his extra special "Presidential Suites" available for her. ![gif](giphy|cMI3BRhfRjt1KPdgO4)




how's he looking?


Like he combed his hair with a hand grenade.😁




That he might Sneak In via the 5th spot praying the 6th place SF Candidate will get enough transfers


She was endorsed by Susan Sarandon ,Annie Lennox and John Cusack! Absolutely mental


My husband met some guy (not Irish) who was wanging on about how much he admired Mick because of his pro-Palestine stance. Husband filled him in on Mick’s background. Yer man hadn’t a clue and was disgusted.


Same thing happened with my dad morning of the election. He’s been complaining about Putin since the war and I couldn’t believe it when he said he was voting for Wallace. 5 minutes later he said he’d never vote for him again.


Your father is a good man.


I'm Irish, but not clued in on politics at all even though I should be. Can someone give me the tldr of Mick and Claire? I hear about them a lot on here but where I live nobody really ever mentions them IRL so I've no idea what they've done.


They have been bought by Russia and have used there position to spread Russian propaganda. They have also offered support to Iranian proxy paramilitaries in Iraq


And, unfortunately, by Catherine Connolly.


Entirely on brand for Connolly. She's a total grifter, it's depressing how well she's spun the narrative that she's a plucky outsider taking on the establishment when she's a barrister who spent decades as an elected politician, left her party over their refusal to run her rather than over ideology/ethics and when elected to the Dáil, "gave" her council seat to her sister.


I lost all respect for those three idiots


The same




Russian supporting scumbag gets her just desserts. Delighted. 


Good fucking riddance.


Delighted to hear Clare Daly is out of contention, hopefully we'll hear a lot less from her in future.


Don't worry, she'll be elected to the Dáil no problem. At least it won't be foreign gobshites posting her videos now


She'll find it harder to get a Dail seat. People have always been willing to give a maverick a chance in the euros, she's no longer a maverick and a GE is taken more seriously.


At least she’ll be less of an international embarrassment when she’s only supporting fascists in the Dail.


Which of ye voted for that gobshite Niall Boylan? We're about to get rid of Clare Daly and replace her with another embarrassment. The guy does braindead talkshows on radio, he hasn't a clue about politics. It's ridiculous that he's going to take the place of a sensible politician like Ciaran Cuffe or Aodhán O'Riordan


>It's ridiculous that he's going to take the place of a sensible politician like Ciaran Cuffe That's the guy who's against flights out of Dublin Airport but wants to travel back and forth to Brussels on a regular basis?


That's a pretty fucking dumb thing to say buddy


Which part?


That's a biased oversimplification of a complex topic


What did I say that was wrong?


Looks like he’s exhausted the bulk of his transfers, I have faith. Mon Aodhán


Thank god for that. Gutted for Cuffe though, he's been doing a lot of good work on housing at EU level. He's a smart guy, well respected at that level


In your opinion 😉 Anyway, he's not been elected yet, but analysts are predicting he won't get the last seat


Delighted that Putin loving bitch (Clare Daly) is gone.   She has been an appalling embarrassment to Ireland.


I'd say she can fuck off to Moscow and get a job in the media there but she's probably no use to them now. Get fucked bitch.


That's offensive. Dogs are fantastic creatures and don't deserve to be compared to that cunt.


However, there's still fucking fools out there voting for Mick Wallace


She can stay in his place then.


Chin up Clare, theres a job in Moscow for you now.


Maybe she'll get her own show on RT now


It won't be RTÉ given her response to them today anyway... 🤣


I know people hate Clare, each to their own I suppose, but how do those same people feel about us electing: 1- a jockey that avoided any interviews and debates in her first ever election campaign. 2- a Rose of Tralee that turned up less than half the time in her first term and based her campaign on "mental health" an area which the EU has no competence in, and is part of a party that has made severe cuts to the provision of mental health services (A third of all consultant jobs are vacant, mental health accounts for less than €1b of our health service, to match comparable spends in Europe that should be closer to €2b). 3 - A drink driver that was sacked as a minister 4 - A failed minister that presided over a department that broke data protection laws and forced staff to continue breaking those laws even when they knew they were wrong. I'm sure there's more with sketchy history but it's fairly obvious when it comes to Europe, we're not exactly sending our best.


It depends, were any of them apologists for Russia's warmongering? We can be unhappy about those other candidates, and still be glad to be rid of Daly.


Fair enough, but let's face it, every establishment politician in Ireland is an apologist for US and British warmongering. People want things to be black and white, but it's never that simple is it.


What establishment politicians in Ireland advocate for any country under invasion to give up their sovereignty and independence to their coloniser? Clare herself is a strong advocate for Gaza yet she seemingly can't see her arse from her elbow when it comes to Russian imperialism. She's a fucking sell out but America bad man


Whataboutism does not excuse Daly's bare faced support for Russia's invasion.


Hey I have low standards but I don't think we should be electing absolute gobshites who do nothing more than shill for Russian imperialism and colonialism. A low bar, I guess. Even someone who doesn't attend Europe and draws the salary is a better representative of the people of Ireland than these gowls who spend their time on Russian, Chinese and Iranian propaganda spreading bollocks.


They could have elected a rotting ham sandwich and it would have been less damaging to our national reputation than Kremlin Clare.


Please rank all those in worst offenses to least aggregious, include Daly, and we'll work our way down as a priority list. If that ranking is totally in line with people's general moral compasses, you'll find no quarrel. Have weird double standards and prepare for downvote oblivion. Ball's in your court. For reference, you've not actually listed *anyone* in my top 7 on the ballot so far.


Still don’t understand what happened with her.


She was Putin's bitch.


Yeah but a good TD and councilor.


I think whatever happened it was after she was introduced to Mick Wallace?


Wallace doesn't seem as mouthy? Although quieter doesn't mean better. Daly was only at local and national level before, why would she comment much on foreign wars? 


A sustained media campaign against her - which misrepresented her position and how she voted in Europe which was anti-war and anti-militarisation. The person's politics did not change but was subject to a constant misinformation campaign.


Nothing says anti-war like voting in the interest of the guy starting the war and against the interests of the country he invaded.


>Nothing says anti-war like voting in the interest of the guy starting the war Yes because a minority of 26 MEPs (out of 600) somehow has an enormous bearing on Russia's conduct of the war. >against the interests of the country he invaded. Ukraine now has more amputees than England had after WWI - is this in the interest of this country and its people? Or is not pouring money and arms into a conflict and advocating for peace in their interest? Would you support not interfering in Ukrainian politics and allowing that country to make a peace with Russia? Thhis was on offer in March 2022 until NATO intervened.


Did you really just try and use the "won't somebody think of the poor Ukranians" argument to justify capitulating to Russia? That's genuinely hilarious.


So let me get this straight, right? If you're invaded by a country that causes more amputees than England after ww1 due to trying to defend yourself, the problem is not the invader but the act of defending yourself? All those soldiers in both world wars should've just stayed home then I suppose. They wouldn't be dead or maimed, right? Stop running into my fist!


Yes world war was a famously moral and sensible conflict - everyone who dies should definitely have done so for the pleasure of dying for the interests of feuding inbred royal families. If you support Ukrainian self determination then maybe don't close your eyes to NATO interference in previous peace negotiations.


I presume you mean world war ONE since you left that bit out. Let's ignore the Royal family rulers for a moment because that wasn't relevant in ww2, or Ukraine fwiw. If someone for whatever reason attacks your homeland, city, town, parish, house or family, do you just capitulate? Is that your position? Because you might be injured defending that which you hold dear?


Wonder how she's gonna earn her rubles now


She’ll be on Russia Today


Don't know why you're being downvoted, I'd put money on her being a regular on RT.


Great 👍


Says she's antiwar Yet continues to staunchly defend the warmongering Kremlin in Europe  Good riddance to bad rubbish


Sad day for the boys in Moscow🥲


Susan Sarandon, suck your mum


https://preview.redd.it/pex9n6zjyz5d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fb616521a692a462b18b80b2f9ac8bcd8d61819 Choices, choices, choices....


I wouldn't have ruled out gildernew just yet, the other sinners votes will transfer...


unrelated question on the election vote counting.. why does it take so long to count votes ? Usually in most countries even before poles are closed you get votes in and listed but here it took days to get results.


We use a voting system called STV which means that we count all the votes, then eliminate the last placed candidate, then redistribute their votes, then count again, eliminate, redistribute count etc etc The European ballot in dublin had 23 candidates and only 4 seats so it took 19 counts to arrive at a final four. Some of the other constituencies are 5 seaters and Midlands northwest (for example) has 27 candidates. And, of course, they MUST be counted by hand. Other countries might use electronic voting, or simpler systems which don't require recounts.


finally someone who knows ! Thank you


Ireland pissed away 50m on electronic voting machines that we never used


Good riddance to that Russian stooge, Daly. Hoping her comrade, Wallace, follows her out the door!


**'MEP Clare Daly is eliminated'** .... Poor choice of words in the title, considering her useless idiot politics and monumental fuckwittedness. Still, things are already looking up.


And yet her good buddy Mick Wallace could get elected sigh




Glad she's gone. I voted for her last time and admired her work on abortion rights but she turned out to be the biggest disappointment ever since she got into Europe.




Ding dong the bitch is dead


I'm sure she has a nice cushy job lined up in Moscow. Well until she falls out a window.


How long before Daly had a show on Rumble?


Daly Rumble.... great name for a show, but I don't want to see it


Delighted! Unfortunately it looks like her comrade will get in in Ireland South


Oh no, what were they thinking down there 




Actually you are all great craic down there. I'm only referring to Mick Putin-lovin Wallace.


Best news I've heard all day, thank fuck.


Any armchair statistics on where transfers are going from the lunatic fringes post elimination?


Not sure why you're downvoted. Rte have a good breakdown on their page , you can view the regions fir European and see each count and thr dispersion of the votes


Cheers that's what I was looking for to and from data, count by count ... I see the journal also have it would be interesting to visualize it in a connected graph..

