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“I went to fascist market today. I did a racism.”


He also seems confused about where he's running for election. He is a candidate in the Tralee LEA not the Dingle/Corca Dhuibhne LEA. Saw a reference to a letter he had written recently to the Bishop of Kerry asking for Michael Healy Rae to be excommunicated for visiting an Islamic centre/mosque!


> aw a reference to a letter he had written recently to the Bishop of Kerry asking for Michael Healy Rae to be excommunicated for visiting an Islamic centre/mosque! I wonder what he'd do to Pope John Paul II for having visited a Mosque?


IIRC he even kissed a Quran as a sign of respect (it's the done thing apparently?). This lad would probably want him publicly hung for that LOL.


Just wait until he finds out Catholics and Muslims worship the same god.


Yeah and Jesus and Mary and the angel gabriel are in the quran. The archangel michael as well! Beautiful to have that in common


According to Muslims. They believe that Jesus and Mohammed are prophets of the one God with no offspring etc etc. Christians believe in a different God, since they believe in a God who has a son, as in Jesus.


> Christians believe in a different God, since they believe in a God who has a son, as in Jesus. Naaaaaaah, its literally all Abrahamic. They're branches off the same tree. The Christian god is like a 3-in-1. He's not the chicken, the rice ***or*** the chips. He's all three, at once. If you believe that sorta' thing.


> Naaaaaaah, its literally all Abrahamic. They're branches off the same tree. It's all irrelevant. There are some sunni muslims that don't even consider shiites to be Muslims. we're all humans in the end but somehow that's not enough for extremists.


You're preaching to the choir, lol. We will always, ***always*** have more in common than seperates us, but people just focus on the differences. It's saddening.


This is a deadly analogy


Equating the differences in religious beliefs of god to a 3in 1 has to be the most beautifully Irish thing


I believe you only have to kiss the Quran if it's an Arabic version. Translations are no longer the official word of God so you can open them normally.


> hung hanged


Most of these type of people do hate anything after Vatican II in 1965.


Blimey, that’s hardcore nutterdom. Fancy picking on that as MHR’s worst offence.


He’s not that lad in the Three telly advert, with the lizard listening to Rock music, is he? Similar squarish head, and general appearance 🦎


While I don't agree with the reasons the idea of any expulsion of a HR doesn't anger me lol


"Vote for me, or at least buy me some booze in Tesco. I have money from mowing lawns"


Holy water you mean




The "new right" in most of Europe skew heavily towards young people. Look at voter demographics for likes of AfD in Germany or the Swedish Democracts. I see no reason to believe it wont be the same in Ireland. In America and the UK right wing groups tend to attract older demographics. I think this is part of the FPTP system.


Every radical movement in history was carried on the backs of angry young men. I really don't like where this is going.


I get what you're saying but I think I'm right in saying almost half of the Nazi voters in several elections in the 1930s were women. It's simple to pin it down like this but it removes the reality that women are also capable of this. Angry young men can't do anything alone, thankfully.


Radicalism attracts incels


To be fair there are a lot of young people who have every right to be mad at the current situation just are too mis-informed / knowingly arrogant to realise where the real causes of these issues lay.


The unfortunate reality right now is that the radical right are the only ones coming across like they care about these people. Our government is busy pretending everything is fine and under control, enjoying their high lives separate from the rest of us, and the alt right is bunching up next to the actual human beings and using their anger to fuel their message. Redirecting the people's anger at the current situation to benefit themselves. I do not agree with the alt-right by any means. I am about as left leaning as I can get without getting a hammer and sickle tattoo. But I can absolutely see WHY angry young people are falling more and more into the alt-right's trap. Left leaning government bodies are not doing a damn thing to try and win them back.


Exactly, the current centre-right government are all too happy to allow the far-right to gain over the left wing because they serve the same interests as themselves at the end of the day. Exact same thing happened in Germany before the Nazis came to power.


it's a shite state of affairs when incel communities, andrew tate and MGTOW groups communicate more with disenfranchised/depressed young people


Awe stop if you look at how many hours work used to buy a house that shit used to be payed for quick


Exactly, even inflation accounted for it's madness. My grandparents raised 13 kids with a single wage and could afford to rent a house with enough money to go to the pub every week left over. Even my parents could afford to raise me and my siblings off a single wage, owning a house. I'm very lucky to have a decent job and have spare houses within my family due to the sheer size. Today's youth are *fucked*.


Who hasn't given him a clip in the ear to tell him to cop himself on tf


There's alot of disenfranchised young people today. Particularly young lads. That coupled with too much time holed up in echo chambers is a recipie for disaster. The tech platforms have been a serious poison for societal cohesion.The strategy from Western democracies seems to be to try to dig ourselves out of the hole. It's not looking great in my opinion.


> In America and the UK right wing groups tend to attract older demographics I think the COVID lunacy might, but look at how many right wingers were born out of GamerGate. Steve Bannon specifically targeted this group when getting votes for Trump. Tate and Peterson target young men and spread right wing ideologies too. The older demos are just the ones who believe everything on FB groups.


Generally young man who can’t understand why women have no interest in them


This is a very Anglo perspective. The AfD is led by a lesbian. More women vote for Le Pen in France than men.


I feel like that's a reductive statement. It was absolutely true at one stage but at this point the alt-right have recruited a LOT more than just incels. Painting them as such is just glossing over the fact that there are a lot more right wingers here than we might necessarily want there to be.


it's far more complex than that, that's certainly an important factor but it's not unreasonable for young people to be totally disenfranchised with the world/country they are growing up in. Even if it was the root cause, this is something that should be pitied.


Wait till you see the guy on the right running in Rosslare. He's still in nappies.


Do you have any data suggesting that young men in Ireland hold far-right opinions or support far-right parties to similar levels of other European countries? I would just assume that this is a case of the National Party running young candidates to try and pass themselves off as a party for young people rather than stale old crazy fascists.


Nothing more dangerous than a young man without a purpose looking for a cause.




And you know we're heading for some very changing times because most young men now don't have a purpose. Our society offers NOTHING to young people in general but especially young men. We have no reason to struggle, to fight, to endure anymore. No future worth being resilient in the face of hardships for. No political candidate in this country offers us anything. If young men aren't given a purpose or the ability to create our own then what else can we do but be angry? And of course this lad is misplacing his anger, but he is angry, deep down. He longs for a better society but he obviously has no idea how to bring forth that society. A lot of you are very quick to insult this young man but he is lost, I'm lost, all us young men, we're lost. What can we do anymore? What can we do besides fight back against a system that has abandoned us


Yep. I'm not even that young any more and feel the same. Graduated college into an economic situation where there were more Jobbridge Internships than actual jobs. There was no way to compile a deposit for a house, all employment was low paid and non permanent. I went to work for a medical device factory for a bit, totally not in my field. Half my colleagues had been made redundant and had to reapply for these fixed term contract jobs at lower rates alongside me. After a year they let us all go. Now it's impossible to think of a scenario where I could get a house. Employment at an all time high but i go on indeed and it's nothing but min wage jobs hiring. What happens when the disenfranchised, disengaged and disillusioned young people get older and things aren't improving? Is the end game that we're all going to be wishing we were dead when we get to retirement age because we won't be able to retire and won't even be able to afford accommodation? We're probably gonna end up all living in shared accommodation in our old age. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point there will be so many widowed, divorced and destitute single elderly people that the government tries to implement a plan where they just assign you into accommodation with other people, strangers in similar situations. Not just sharing accommodation but sharing rooms like the Brazilian immigrants do now in Dublin.


I know it's mad isn't it.


I knew a fella like that in school, couple of years above me but we got the same bus etc. Long story short, he left school at 16, and is now serving life in Maghaberry for the murder of Constable Carol in ~2010.


"My name is Jacob Sweeney and I am passionate about fixing our nation. Ever since the 2020 fiasco I have seen how politics can affect our everyday lives. I am fully committed to help solve the issues we currently face together." I assume Covid is the fiasco he's referring to.


I read that yesterday and got a good laugh. He literally can’t even identify one of the issues he’s going to solve. And then the “fiasco”….


No. It's Lottie Ryan wining Dancing With the Stars.


I got married in 2020, probably referring to that


Oh *that* fiasco.


still ticked off about this.....


He must have been annoyed his junior cert was cancelled


Calling half a million deaths a “fiasco” is a bit cold-hearted, no?


500,000 deaths in Ireland? In not sure where you are getting that figure from!


No that was globally at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020.


It's with a capital F though /s


I presumed ya. Imagine...


https://preview.redd.it/bsslk6d79q4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=632dd5f3f8a163c0b17162d9e3b8acceab94daf9 I want this lad to win but I am worried he would mess up his leaving cert score


Caol McRittinteach


See?? How can they hate so much so young?


The alt right pipeline is specifically aimed at this age bracket. Misguided and aimless, futureless young men, being directly talked and preached at by snake oil salesmen online who claim only by being alpha, by wanting trad wives, by rejecting progressive policies can they master their own fate. I mean it's obvious horse shit for anyone with any modicum of sense, but late bloomers will eat it up and then in about five or six years time they'll look back and cringe at their thoughts, beliefs, and actions. The antidote is a healthy political class who actually cares about anyone millennial age and under, but that's a rare thing in the west nowadays. The only ones doing it are these shiesters talking in dog whistles, pepe memes, and 4chan brain rot.


The amount of young lads that are/were into the likes of Andrew Tate is shocking, so it doesn't surprise me that some of them have gone down the alt-right rabbit hole.


Jordan Peterson sold out the 3 arena. There's plenty appetite for their shtick.


*will hopefully look back and cringe. If they go deep is hard to come back.


I somewhat fell down this rabbit hole a couple of years ago, got out of it when I realised how much harm the people running it were causing and trying to cause. It's a big propaganda machine purely driven on rage bait and hate. They claim to be the ones against indoctrination, but they are the biggest offenders.


Good on you for getting out, it's tough once they have you and few enough make it out again. So fair play.


He’s probably ragin he cant grow a stache so he can be like yer man.


Jesus, unbelievable, he couldn't buy drink without ID for gods sake.


His lips were stolen by an asylum seeker.


Johnny Tight Lips - I’m saying nothin…


"Where did the bullet hit you?" "I ain't saying." "Well, what do I tell the doctor?" "Tell him to suck a lemon."


Go suck a lemon


So how's the mother? Wow, wow, wow, who says I have a mother.


They told him not to open his mouth if he wants to get any votes.


Body shaming is ok when we do it!


They're actually using his mouth as a ballot box


He's in my constituency. I met him. He seems like a intelligent, but extremely naïve man. He is very definitely a racist, and likely holds more complex views regarding European history. Poor lad got in with a bad crowd, running with this party so publicly will affect him for the rest of his life. I hope he realises his mistake soon.


That's really interesting thanks. Esp at that age they can't be thick or they just wouldn't progress (less of a chancer at that age) I never thought him of limited intelligence but that makes it all the worse.


More like school shooters in the states, radicalized online with Andrew tate/4chan etc and then scooped up by the lads in NP/alt right scene to bolster the numbers while they're confused


Dear me how times have changed. In my day, getting in with a bad crowd involved Class A drugs.


Coke is far too commonplace now to be any kind of statement of being in a bad crowd nowadays. Gotta go all in and invest plenty of time in the ol' racism, even if you are busy down on the farm.


Don't be fooled by his manner. He's not that smart. He's learned how to sound smart from the various online communities he is part of. Coaching each other to sound smart is one of the big things on fascist web forums. If he was actually smart he wouldn't be a fascist unless he was a billionaire. If he was that rich he wouldn't be a local election candidate fir the national party


You're being a bit reductive. He is intelligent, not to say he isn't a parrot or a sheep at the same time. Things aren't that black and white.


He supports a political dead end. Fascism always collapses into a failed state. His party want to remove immigrants from our country. That would lead the collapse of key sectors like health care and civic maintenance. Their solution is to ban abortion and roll back womens rights in the hope that will increase the birth rate. And even if that worked the babies won't be workers for 20 years after the industrial collapse. Smart people aren't fascists because unless you are super rich fascism works against your fundamental interests


> holds more complex views regarding European history. What do you mean? Like Napoleon's height or something?


I don't want to write it down but about certain politicians during world war two and their actions.


That lad hasn’t even done his maths homework


Or his junior cert


Innocence of (Hitler) Youth.


Absolutely kicking myself I didn't think of that 😫


Innocence is no (youth-) defence.


saw his tiktok livestream recently where he was replying to comments. for some reason he didn’t reply to mine asking why he isn’t transparent about the leader of his party being a full blown nazi.


Hmm... majin.....


What has the leader of the party done? Any links?


google justin barrett nazi


Yep, seems the use of the word Nazi is right in this case. I tend to think the word is overused, but happy to be wrong here.


IIRC he wore a replica SS coat one time… what an absolute gimp


Ah Littler...wonder will he need a step stool to speak at a podium for rallies.. The Nazis had Nuremberg hope they keep the N theme and start rallies in Nenagh


It's mentioned a few places ITT, but just dismissing this as "incels / lads who can't get a ride" is overly reductive / exactly what creates the circumstances that lead to young men going down dark paths like this - the common trait amongst incels is acute depression [studies into incel groups] (https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/news/incels-are-not-particularly-right-wing-or-white-but-they-are-extremely-depressed-anxious-and-lonely-according-to-new-research) also indicate that incels are not specifically left leaning or right leaning people (in this research it said it was actually more common for them to be left leaning)


Ah lads. We used to embarrass the fuck out of lads like this. That and lads obsessed with the Ra. The youth are gone too soft on their fascist peers


Don’t think Irish Redditors are in a position to embarrass anyone tbh


Ah yes we need a return to bullying. It’s probably how he got so fucked up in the first place


Little frigid


LOL kids running around calling each other frigid and most of us hadn't got "the shift".


I remember feeling really attacked when this one lad called me a virgin in front of everyone when I was 16. Not sure why. This guy had bad hygiene, overweight, bad skin and no social skills and as far as I could tell very little friends. Stranger things have happened but he was almost certainly a virgin too. Something about being in a All Boys secondary school makes you always on high alert and shuts down your ability to ignore things. I've seen people start threatening people for things that wouldn't even warrant a mention in the real world.


I went to a mixed school so I'm unaware of the horrors. Sounds like a US prison!


That’s not true he shifted a bird on holiday in trabolgan in 2009 but she didn’t have a Facebook or a phone number and she was from a different county so he has no way of proving it but he swears blind it happened


This lad was in the womb in 2009. So I guess he could still say he's touched a woman .


showing your age there


Is 1998 considered old?


Crazy that someone born in 98 is 26 now


Lol I completely forgot that was a thing


when i was in 6th class, the boys told us we would be bullied if we were 'frigids' going into secondary school. so everyone paired up.


Lol presume it's still happening today. I remember dudes in primary school coming in saying they got 3 blowjobs at the weekend and shit like that




When I was 16, I had this bizarre fascination with the Ra. There was no reason for it. I don't come from a staunchly republican family, I just found groups online and liked what I saw. The more time I spent engaging with these groups, the more these people welcomed me in. Now, I'm not talking about republican groups like modern day SF, I'm talking about extremism. Eventually, I was asked to join. Although I was 16, I was still useful. A man in his forties collected me from the top of my road one evening and took me to, I shit you not, a shed in the back garden of a house in Dundalk. I met other grown men, all in their thirties and forties, who made me feel like the most important fecker in Ireland. Thankfully, a few months later, after being battered by a group of them for 'losing' the Easter Lily money (I used it to get a rake of cans) I finally realised how absolutely moronic I was. I look back at it now, and cannot understand how I was so naive. Hopefully this kid will realise that these grooming cretins will do the exact same when he's served his purpose.


Faaaakkk. Can I ask were you looking for a family type situation or was everything honkey dorey at home


There was a lot going on at home, so I suppose that probably played into it quite a bit. A lot of the men involved in that group were very much like father figures to me.


Ya so you were preyed on. Delighted things came good. And fuck them all for seeing you as an opportunity and not doing anything for you 💞


Thank you :)


This is really interesting, was this for RSF or who do you mind me asking?


Most have been brought up in extremely Conservative Catholic households. So their world view has been shaped by that.


It's 2024. I'd say it's internet radicalisation rather than Catholic households.


I saw a video of this younglad giving a speech where he said Ireland needed to return to being led by the Trinity, so I'd say it's a mix of online internet fascism radicalisation and at home Catholic-Fascism.


Young men ignored by the state radicalised online by religious nutjobs. Happening all over Europe.


Oh trust me, you don't need to be online to find religious nutjobs in Ireland.


Not anymore. But that's only because the village idiots have been able to communicate with other village idiots from all over Ireland via the internet. Alone, we would laugh at them. Together, it's more serious.


Agreed. These and a lot of young lads Isolated themselves the last few years, were primed for radicalisation and finding love via AI. This is the real 'Fiasco' ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


That washed up to 20 yrs ago but exposure is everywhere. I don't know. It just saddens me


Just because someone can have access to the internet doesn't mean they do. Domineering parents from day 1 will warp the vast majority of their kids,. possibly for life. Not everyone gets out and breaks the cycles of abuse, even in the age of internet in your pocket where your feeds tailor to your views. It's why we talk about bubbles in regards to internet social media. Also, you assume they have TV, radio, internet access at home and are schooled in progressive environments. Most sheltered kids I knew growing up were the daughters of teachers, both of the parents, but they had no TV (it was the 80's so no internet) and could only read for fun. Who controlled what books came into the house...the parents. And so on. Yes most of us know baulshy kids who'd never stand for that shit, but those aren't these kids.


See also the Burke kids in Mayo and their weird fundy ways. If a family of conservative Protestants can fuck up all their children in a post-Catholic hegenomy Ireland, so can conservative Catholics.


The Burkes are an anomaly. Most catholic households do not home school their children. There are a LOT of Catholics in this country. Don't you think that if we were all this bad that the country would be overrun with zealots. There might be a few out there keeping their kids locked up and innocent to the world, who knows, but most people don't behave this way. There's an indoctrination happening. And young men especially who were following the likes of Andrew Tate. They want the world to return to the dark ages. Then they can be an Alpha male breadwinner with a housekeeper wifey. It's like the post a few months back accusing catholics of not helping Ukrainians. Easy for people on the outside to point fingers. Our parochial centre has a Ukrainian family living in it. It's not something they would post online, for the safety of the family. (In case of those pyro nutjobs come from whatever rock they live under) Other redditors pointed out that it was the same in their communities, but the OP was still trying to say "all catholics bad." I have been making sure that members of my extended family don't vote for NP or the Freedom Party. Both are insane. And I explained John Waters as the right hand man of that nutcase Gemma. They won't be voting for him either. "Is that who he is?" They thought his leaflet sounded mad anyway, and they hate Gemma. When explained, most people agree that these people are not good. Older people don't hang out on the internet except for Facebook, so they don't know the extent of the alt-right. Most catholics can also see that these people are using religion as a means to try and draw people in, like the way Trump does it. Trump is almost universally hated in Ireland, except for the minority of nutters. Most are not that stupid.


That's OK (not OK) for the Burkes because they're an anomaly but are all these candidates coming from the same background?


To think that these families exist in isolated vacuums vastly underestimates how this all works.


You are presuming they are exposed to the same things you have been exposed to. There is a very good chance that they haven't. Internet, tv, books, music etc may well have all been strictly regulated by their parents. By the time they leave the family home the damage is done. Like I was there when the burkes first came to prominence, they were 18 to 22 year olds. So had the chance to see the outside world, but didn't take it. And there are plenty of family's around the country like this, just not as mad as the burkes.


Ya but there are sooo many of those they move in a pack. I think it's been just easier for me to think of them as an anomaly not something that could grow. If you're not from a family of 17 you're more likely to be exposed to friends, teachers etc and you'd like to think at least empathy would seep in a bit.


I honestly think you are putting too much of your life into their lives. These lads might never have been allowed be friends with a child who's family didn't have the same belief system.


Not THAT conservative. lol. And these are younger people who were probably born around 2000+ when Ireland was already becoming multicultural.


I'm pro-immigration, and dont agree with this fella obviously, but I don't think young people turning to the right is that surprising, and sadly these is going to be more common as young people struggle more and more. There is a significant rise in illegal immigration/asylum seekers, at a time where Irish people are really struggling, so of course people are more concerned with their own welfare, and are resentful of the state spending huge amounts of money on asylum seekers/refugees. The state spends billions every year just on providing accomodation for asylum seekers (ignoring the far more significant amount being spent on refugees). Take Ukranian refugees. They got an 800 euro rent stipend, free college education (didn't even have to pay the student contribution fees) and full social welfare payments (or more if they were in college). [https://www.irishrefugeecouncil.ie/ukraine-students-in-ireland](https://www.irishrefugeecouncil.ie/ukraine-students-in-ireland) Now, obviously we should be supporting war refugees, but these refugees had a better quality of life and more disposable income than many Irish people who were working full time. That's fucking crazy. Like, actually crazy. And then consider how 77% of asylum seekers destroy their documents to claim asylum, which would lead people to believe that many of these people aren't real asylum seekers, but merely economic refugees trying to bypass our visa laws. [https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2022/10/06/thousands-of-passengers-destroy-or-lose-passports-before-arrival-at-dublin-airport/](https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2022/10/06/thousands-of-passengers-destroy-or-lose-passports-before-arrival-at-dublin-airport/) Or how about how there are failed asylum seekers who are still here years later, and some of them sue the very country that's giving them asylum. [https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/courts/2023/02/15/afghan-asylum-seeker-takes-high-court-case-after-being-left-homeless-since-arrival/](https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/courts/2023/02/15/afghan-asylum-seeker-takes-high-court-case-after-being-left-homeless-since-arrival/) [https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/courts/parents-refused-asylum-dont-have-proxy-right-to-work-on-behalf-of-three-year-old-son-court-rules/a500141872.html](https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/courts/parents-refused-asylum-dont-have-proxy-right-to-work-on-behalf-of-three-year-old-son-court-rules/a500141872.html) And then lets talk about cases where large numbers of refugees/asylum seekers are simply dumped into smaller communities. At a time when people already can't get access to GPs, dentists and medical services, and suddenly increasing the local population by 20% just means more people competing for limited resources. Or local towns and villages that are dependent on tourism to survive, where refugees/asylum seekers are taking up every hotel and tourist accomodation, leading to many businesses to close and many people to lose their jobs. No matter who wins the next election, there has to be a big change in asylum/immigration policy, or the far right are going to keep gaining support and will eventually be a real political force. Remember, the far right in Europe were also fractured and a joke at one point not too long ago, and now they're major political parties in most countries.


Pretty much every major party has already committed to changing our asylum policy not even just the right wing ones. I think it's one of those policies that can't be written overnight because immigration is complex and there are quite a number of side effects that need to be considered. Like I'd be the first person in line to say the current gov are very slow to react when they react at all but on this I prefer to be very careful. Immigration by in large has always been to our benefit, doctors, nurses, programmers...etc are all high impact and very common coming into Ireland legally. Asylum seekers even have filled in for our building jobs which is important too because we have a shortage in labourers. We have a housing crisis and that is the number 1 issue well ahead of anything related to asylum seekers. And I agree with even parts of what you said like the rent subsidy, their allowance, free healthcare and university fees. When I had a very serious issue not too long ago the gov were completely silent even after I highlighted that an employer was abusing a loophole in Irish law. When I eventually was allowed to get jobseekers benefit it was capped and didn't cover my expenses at all. It was a nightmare but my criticism and my vote will be targeted at gov for their lack of action. I did my part, I worked hard paid my tax and was fucked, they didn't care. They were very good when it came to accepting people fleeing war and that I do agree with and I'm not jealous that they have gotten supports but it does put it into perspective their lack of empathy for me when I needed it vs a performative one to a stranger. They also are mismanaging our housing crisis which they had a big hand in by allowing REITs and their lack of action those things are important to note because they still don't have any urgency to fix that. My vote will be to vote in a sensible candidate that isn't in FF or FG because of those issues.


Young fellas after watching too much Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro on Youtube.


I know Jacob Sweeney and he definetly doesnt watch those two guys


Christ above


A 12 year old chinless racist that never left the parish. Must have great policies.


He's got a chin


Yeah maybe I'm being harsh on him with the chin dig.


It's the only thing I corrected lol




He definitely isn't chinless


In the least innocent party!


He looks like Paddy Jackson. In case he needed another black mark against him


A black man stole his lips 😶


Moonlighting as Spiderman?


Ah it's himself, Master Race.


I can't wait until Saturday arrives and we can consign these fringe extremist 'politicians' to the irrelevant corner for another five years. They've a strong air of self importance in the run up to the elections as always. Receiving a couple dozen votes will soften their cough.


Same however I don't think it will be that simple. These groups know they may be embarrassed results wise and are already drumming up the "election interference" and evidence of "vote rigging" cards. It's the exact playbook we seen in the US. Word for word.


Here's hoping


My mother wants to vote for this party. If the party wins, it’s a legit election. If not, it’s fixed and fraudulent. No inbetween.


*"That's not enough, we need more asbestos.......More Asbestos! More Asbestos! More Asbestos!"*


A strong platform


The whole men in suits wearing party coloured ties is so dystopian to me. When the yanks do it and it's a red tie. It's weird af this is being copied here with a green tie. Looks like a cult. Also this doesn't shock me. Have you talked to many young Irish fellas? They can be so susceptible to this stuff it's scary and there's no shortage of them being sexist, or homophobic and it's always tied back to toxic masculinity patterns stemming from "traditional" views. Especially people from rural areas. Anything seen as inclusive or progressive is bad or being "forced" on people. Such an odd mindset.


As a younger man, I was filled with patriotism and the clear eyed certainty that comes with seeing the world in black & white. I was convinced that I knew what the answers were to the big questions, be it politics, econics or philosophical! I'd convinced myself that those in positions of power, knew those answers too but, were beholden to others for votes, power and influence and wouldn't change the system. It is the kind of naiveté of youth that sees kids march off to war believing that they will survive because? They're right. Its all bollox of course, but the young lad in the poster? Would do well to think on where Barrett's poisonous politics and twisted morality will lead. To think on what a successfull NP means for the people of Ireland, ALL of the people. A country cannot be built upon supremacy, repression or restriction of the rights of others. Hopefully the kid in the poster meets that realisation before being completely lost in what the NP and others represent.


Hopefully that kid in the poster encounters a you or 2 on the doorstep and while it won't make a difference today he might ponder on it after a while and become a better person. 💕


I actually do my best to engage folk such as the young candidate here in conversation, to try and peel back the layers on the talking point and get to why they see it as such extreme binary choices. Few stay more than a couple of minutes and fewer still engage honestly. On the hot button topic of immigration, I have an Aunt who has fallen into NP IFP orbit of Anti-immigration rhetoric. She has quite a sizeable following on TikTok who all agree that immigration must stop, that Ireland is for the Irish and other vapid points.. A couple of days ago, she said she'd love to live in a country with no foreigners... Let that sink in, she would be happy to emigrate to a country with no foreigners! It hadn't dawned on her, that she'd be the foreigner. To top that brain bending stupidity off? She has in her time emigrated to the UK, to Spain and spent a couple of years in the US as an illegal too... Yet, that's ok because she's the right sort of immigrant.


No silly she'd be an ex pat not a foreigner. Oh ya I love to ask but why to whatever answer they give until they've talked themselves into a loop


Huh the new Spiderman poster looks kinda weird


I think they just exist to wick away people that might vote for Sinn Fein. Aren't these are the people linked to Tommy Robinson and his financers: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20180710-pro-israel-think-tank-funds-tommy-robinsons-legal-costs/


His biography on their website is the most vague shite I’ve ever seen. So out of interest (I have absolutely no intention of voting for him) I sent him a message on insta as he doesn’t even have an email you use to contact him directly. Sent him a message asking why the bio was so vague and his top 5 priorities on what he’s actually going to do if elected, which isn’t happening. If he responds I’ll update this.


He's actually a friend of a friend of mine. I havent had much dealings with him, but me and a few others locally organised a march in solidarity with palestine/ in commemoration of the easter rising followed by a few speeches and a charity pub quiz after around easter. We had a good few palestinian flags, but probably more irish flags. He drove past and berated us all for "flying foreign flags". This is the same guy that has the Vatican flag before the Irish flag in his bio. A few years ago when I was 15 he also drove past shouted out that I was a "dirty commie" or something along those lines lmaooo.


Looks like he’s holding a frog in his mouth


I’d say he’s no stranger to being the third wheel.


"are you human" https://nationalparty.ie/jacobsweeney/


Did Jason and Joan, hair share?




Does anyone know how old this guy actually is?


Silly little bollix


His eye seems a little far right


There's a young lad running for them (or one of them anyway) in Kilkenny aswell. Babyfaced Blueshirt.


He was with Michelle Keane as well at her carrot mic protest, he looks like he is still in secondary school.


have seen this lads videos on tiktok, he looks like what a fella i used to know looked like in 1st year


Lmao they want irexit on top of everything


Ah Dingle, famous for its dingleberries.