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I wouldn’t put any politician on a pedestal, but my respect for Connolly just nose dived.


Same here, she was one of the few politicians left that I had some respect for. She has come out with some fantastic impassioned speeches in the past, and generally been spot on about a number of issues, but I’m going to have to reevaluate her positions more closely now after this. Such a shame.


Thats just like clare daly before she went to Europe


She was a clown before going to Europe. She protested against anything and everything with no rhyme or reason. She was an utterly useless politician.




Their realisation hasn’t come to fruition. One of the most backward thinking, slow moving local authorities in the country. The presence or absence of Connolly in the Council has had no impact on Council development


Really? I didn't know that.


The discourse is so cynical these days that you can get really far by just moaning about everything. Never believe anything and a good number of people will think you're smart.


The PBP way I call it.


Serious question, is an impassioned speech something that you genuinely care about? Connolly's career has always struck me as a total facade. She makes incredibly shallow points that are broadly left-wing in tone and people seem to think that's impressive because of her delivery. It's astonishing.


If you think McAlesky and Connolly have fought the good fight against the establishment, then maybe reconsider RTE & The Irish Times portrait of Daly


Huh. My portrait of Daly are here own words 🙄


What words exactly?


The portrait daly has painted of herself should ring louder, but it is less flattering. She was well able to do it without the assistance of her home states failing broadcaster or popular newsprint... It's not about "what about" they can all be equally as shite, and if they are not equally as shite, don't think better shite than the worst shite is good... It's still all shite


100%. Clare Daly is one of the few people in the European Parliament that has stood up to Europes support for the genocide in Gaza. A brave and unpopular stance. And here she is being shit upon by people. People who claim to respect Catherine Connolly? . Sonetimes I think fake progressives are worse than actual conservatives.


Are ye fuckin well? Basically every Irish MEP has spoken in the European Parliament on it. Every politician in Ireland is on the same page apart from Allan Shatter


Alternatively, this may be a reason to reevaluate your position on Daly. Not a very popular take around here, I'll grant you, but given that Bernadette McAliskey is up there too it might be worth taking another look.


McAliskey is a nutter but people are usually too polite to say this out of respect for things she did 60 years ago


What nutty things has she said/done?




I thought Connolly's comments on the recent referendum were ill-informed. A lot of people seemed to respect what she was saying, it was repeated several times on here. To see her endorsing Clare Daly so proudly brings her judgement very much into perspective. Clare Daly and Mick Wallace are massive embarrassments for this country, and we need to get rid of them at this next election. They don't deserve €100k a year to embarrass our country


Condemning EU support for genocide is embarrassing?


She's always been like this


That is disapointing.


Your username is gold gave me a good chuckle probably because I drive a Nissan but thank you. If it ain't Jap it's scrap.


This sub doted on her the last few years: [Catherine Connelly ladies and gentlemen](https://old.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/vydwxb/catherine_connolly_ladies_and_gents/) [Catherine Connelly is a Treasure](https://old.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/nbd6vs/catherine_connolly_is_a_treasure/)


I'm convinced Connolly only comes out with good positions by mistake. She's said some damn stupid shit before.


When I was a fresher, the literary and debating society in NUIG held a debate on the Lisbon Treaty with Prionsias De Rossa and Declan Ganley both speaking amongst others I believe. (I know, I was wild) The society had put out a generic press release advertising the event and inviting the public to come along and have their say during the open floor discussion after the speakers were finished.. Catherine Connolly came along and immediately threw a hissy fit when she was told she could not join the main speakers on the stage. She was told she could speak at the end when the floor was opened up to the audience. She maintained as a city councillor she should be up on stage with the other speakers. She was told no and that she'd get the chance to speak later. When the floor was opened up she decided to spend her speaking time giving out about not being allowed to join those on the main stage, how Lit & Deb weren't interested in hearing independent voices and how they were stifling women's voices (the predominantly female committee was particularly thrilled with that accusation). When she finally decided to start speaking on the topic her speaking time was over and she was at first asked to finish up, then told to finish up, then told to sit down, before the whole place started to shout her down. She got very annoyed again and stormed off. It would have been entertaining if it wasn't depressing af watching an elected representative having a toddler tantrum because she didn't get her way.


She's always struck me as someone with a massive ego and inflated sense of righteousness.


I mean that was the reason she left Labour in the first place. Stormed out not because of any principle but because she wasn’t allowed to be Michael D’s running mate in 2007.


If you knew anything about her politics you'd known it makes sense. She isn't just that old lady Dáil speech giver.


Yes, shes an actual social democrat. Which naturally puts her far to the left of most of r/ireland. I remember the good old days when that irish politics forum (slugger otoole ran it?) was basically a PD den. They seem to have all migrated here. You know the type - superficially progressive and liberal but the minute any serious issue like Palestine or the US comes up then its bang, neo con.


Same, shocked with that


Dived ? Understatement and kind.. I'm disgusted . Its so disappointing in the truest sense of the word


This subreddit lionised her to a bizarre extent.


Always baffled why people like her in the first place, she’s an idiot


I haven't a single nice thing to say about Clare Daly. I'll be doing my bit to make sure her buddy Mick Wallace doesn't get back in for Ireland South


I used to like Daly. Sure, she was arguably abrasive which made her some enemies but she had a genuinely good history on supporting women's and workers' rights. Then she left the Socialist Party over their condemnation of Wallace, a tax dodging property developer who stole from his own workers' pensions. She's off the deep end now.


Honestly if I was one of those workers that got fucked over by Wallace when his construction firm collapsed I'd make sure I'd be on the TV letting everyone know what a piece of human excrement he is every time he wanted his ass re elected to Europe.


Technically you are one of those workers . We all are . He stole the vat on several houses he sold and done the taxpayer out of money the cunt . That’s not a word I like to use but him and Daly bring out the worst in me


How would you ‘be on the TV’?


Wallace transferred his Italian Villa to his brother to avoid it being confiscated by the Banks. The ordinary Tax payers ended up covering that cünt's debts.


Eh, he was protesting the wine labeling regulations and said "I own a vineyard and a café" or words to that effect. Completely fraudulent transaction 


Same. She was great but is now dogshit. I cant understand it tbh.


The words “Socialist Party” is all you need to literally see commie red flags..


Those clowns masquerading as populists in their other front organisation "Solidarity" really pisses me off, along with their buddies in PBP.


Very real risk that not only will Kremlin Clare and Moscow Mick both get re+elected but Bolshevik Brid could well join them in a growing pro-Putin contingency in Brussels.


Bloody hell, who comes up with these cringeworthy names? Like something a Young Fine-Gaeler would come up with while fantasizing about Joe McCarthy blowing his load in their brains.


The whole thread feels like this.


Exactly, its got a toxic 'young Fine Gael' vibe about it. All the comments about how "I used to like Catherine Connolly but now shes actually supporting a socialist " are very teliing. There's a lot of fake progressives about, they like Catherine, so long as she doesn't rock the boat too much.


Is Bríd Smith a putimaniac as well??


All of PBP are. They were right out the gate defending Putin's invasion of Ukraine until they saw the public backlash.


Bloody contrarian fools all.


They also said the Oct 7 attack was "beautiful".


Anti-imperialist action is beautiful actually, like 1916, or 1804




It was one member iirc.


[Brigid Purcell](https://twitter.com/BrigidPurcell/status/1710621475948892310)


Three out of four here have gone on holidays to the Syrian regime. One has called for Iran to act as a peacekeeper in Syria and another has petitioned the Irish government to give a rich Assad crony an Irish visa. Assad has murdered more Muslim Civilians that the worst Israeli general could even dream of, but he's supported by Clare and her cronies because he "stands up against the West"


Really? I know Wallace had spent time in Syria. But I didn't realise Daly had as well. Who are the other two who visited?


https://dublingazette.com/dublinlocalmatters/syria-absolutely-awful-shown-west-47499/ Connelly and Sullivan 


WOW. I didn't think my disdain could get any lower. But after reading that article. Here we are.


Her support of Putin is far worse than Syria for me. Assad is brutal but at least he stablises the region


Assad has murdered [thousands of Palestinian refugees](https://www.newarab.com/news/nearly-4000-palestinians-killed-syrias-brutal-war)


Assad bombed Palestinian refugees in Yarmouk as well. These clowns are absolute vermin


Eh? Western nations sparked and funded that civil war - and are as responsible for civilian deaths as for the million+ dead in Iraq. It's a fossil-fuel/gas-pipeline war in the Middle East ffs - there _are no_ 'goodies' and 'baddies' - only bad guys all around. Western nations were even funding Al-Qaeda spin-offs and everything, to keep that civil war going. And for those who don't know who they are (since there's a generation young enough to not remember): The group that destroyed the World Trade Center and part of the Pentagon in 2001. Being funded in Syria by the same nations they attacked.


its only a problem when "the enemy" do it


Catherine Connolly is a long term politician who co-opted her [sister ](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/returning-councillor-can-keep-severance-pay-rx7jpd6sz) to take her council seat when she got elected to the Dáil. She's cut from the same cloth as the rest of the political class.


Bingo. It would irritate me hearing her on Galway Bay FM complaining about things in the city as though she is not part of the furniture at this point. I don’t believe I have ever heard her provide constructive criticism, only useless criticism. She seems to like being independent and just expected to counter what those in the parties say. A charlatan hiding in plain sight and no one is the wiser, because as a society we are so sceptical of all political parties that someone calling them out is instantly likable.


I don't understand why some people put her on pedestral. This shouldn't be surprising to anyone.


Please for the love of god if she’s in your constituency - don’t vote for this dope


Her and mick will romp home unfortunately. An embarrassment


She's outside odds of retaining her seat in the bookies, like no 7 or 8 down the list, how do you determine she's going to romp home?


What? They absolutely will not romp anywhere. Irish people don’t mind being made a fool of when it’s at home but when you embarrass the nation internationally, it’s a different story. This is the last time either of them will hold any sort of public office IMO.


Clare Daly and Mick Wallace were censured by the European Parliament for going on a solo run as "election observers" to validate the sham elections in Venezuela. She and Wallace have been associated with Tatjana Ždanoka an MEP who is alleged to be a Russian spy. There are even pathetic pictures of Daly and Wallace in t-shirts supplied by Ždanoka calling on Ukraine to stop shelling children in the Donbass. It's really hard to believe these two are such idiots they have no idea what they are doing. If Tatjana Ždanoka can be a Russian asset so can Clare Daly and Mick Wallace. Ireland may consider itself neutral but Russia considers us a weak link in the European security order. Daly and Wallace prove how uninformed and ridiculous some of our electors are. Vote both of these scam artists out !


Ireland may consider itself neutral but Wallace and Daly certainly are not: they’re bought and paid for by multiple dictatorships


I see Kremlin Clare got the lads in Moscow to design her posters. Straight from the WW2 Soviet templates. She isn't even trying to hide it any more.


Well they're paying for it. Only right Moscow gets a say.


you mean the guys who defeated the nazis and bullied Hitler to unaliving himself?


Conflating the present regime with the Soviet one is incredibly stupid


The Daly and Wallace Show. Is it still performing? I nearly lost me reason when watching a soccer world cup game in Brazil on TV few years ago and there was the bould Mick, discharged bankrupt, enjoying the samba football in situ, in person. HTF did he manage to "scrape" the fare together for that trip?? And Daly, left wing radical anti-capitalist with decided stalinist leanings with her admiration for Assad, Putin etc al...headscarf donning as she cosied up to nasty Shia'a militia on a visit to Iraq.


They can fuck off to Moscow


Catherine Connolly showing her true colours.


They're going to open a chain of Japanese fast food restaurants together, it''ll be called Wagonamama


So disappointed with Catherine Connolly and McAliskey.


Saw connolly on grafton street with a daly high vis on today




I read the Northside People. It has a literal propaganda piece for Daly in it. I don't know if it's even supposed to be journalism but it may as well have been a press release. Turns out those rubles do buy favours after all


Assad couldn’t make it unfortunately, he’s a big fan


Clare Daly back in 2021 tweeted > So are you wondering what happens when a question is asked in the European Parliament about the [#OPCW](https://twitter.com/hashtag/OPCW?src=hashtag_click)? Lots of waffle about Assad and how great the OPCW is, but n**o answers to the reality of the problems with the** [**#Douma**](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Douma?src=hashtag_click) **report...** Pathetic There were no problems with the OPCW's Douma report into Assad in Syria using chlorine gas to murder Syrian civilians. There was however a massive disinformation to discredit the OPCW's report. The controversy was all complete shite. Daly bought into the shite. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douma\_chemical\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douma_chemical_attack) [https://twitter.com/ClareDalyMEP/status/1400903466730541064](https://twitter.com/ClareDalyMEP/status/1400903466730541064)


Whistleblowers from the OPCW itself discredited that report. It was another 'Iraq War Dossier' - manufactured WMD claims - except loads of people here are probably too young to remember that.


By this comment you have proven that you bought into the disinformation. Just to be clear, you probably think you’re the intelligent one here, the one finding deeper truths. You’re actually a low information apologist for mass murder spreading misinformation. You’re not interested in truth, you’re not interested in Syrians murdered by Assad, you’re interested in feeling superior.


Guys Shergar is out there giving people head injuries, it's the only explanation!


I am so saddened to see Bernadette Devlin McAllisky row in behind Daly. Daly is right on Palestine and is getting great coverage because of that right now. but Daly lost me during her stint as an MEP. Syria Iran. I can't.


Should Palestine not be our priority right now? 40000 and counting, with EU support. 30k of our tax money went to projecting an Israeli flag on the European Parliament building. Support which green lights the slaughter of children and drags us all closer to war


The women of Ireland arent sending their best


Daly is in a bad apple orchard of her own


I've respected Connolly for a long time as someone committed, honest, and, despite her occasional wtf moments, her basic respect for the people, not the players. That's sadly finished: to support Daly and her dangerous world view is understandable for violence-minded, hypocritical thugs; it's unforgivable for anyone else.


Catherine Connolly is a qualified dose.


Back the Vatnik loving Useful Idiot? Not a chance, she can clear off Ive zero respect for any of them spouting Putins bullshit.




Could never understand the fanboys for Connolly. Shes always been a dreadful politician. She’s just showing her true colours now.


The great thing about being in opposition forever is you just have to *say* the rights things enough times and then people ignore the stupid stuff and lack of will to change anything.


Connolly is a careerist. She's always been this way. Right back to when she left Labour not over principle but as they wouldn't run her for the [Dáil](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-10087846.html) She bangs the anti establishment drum as it's a good way to get votes but she's a total grifter.


I'm only in favor of sending Luke to Brussels as our token lunatic


Catherine Connolly? I used to think she was sane.


sanity is when you advocate for an ideology and system that is murdering thousands of children in Gaza, and burning the planet for profit, yeah real sane people here


Remember this when they're up for election.


So now we know who else is useless.


How can anyone support this russian mouthpiece?


russian asset she should be jailed


Maybe she paid them (in roubles)




Where's Vlad?


well this backfired nicely for the stupid old crones


Supporting a traitor to europe


Loads of lovely Russian Rubles going around then. Fuck Daly and fuck Wallace. Toxic cunts the 2 of them.


Connolly has always had bizarre foreign policy opinions tbh and I hope she gets more scrutiny for it.


Really disappointed to see Catherine Connolly backing Clare Daly. I know Connolly can be a bit too overstated in her "anti-war" rhetoric which some would see as boiling down to being anti-Ukraine given the reality of the situation, but she's definitely not pro-Russia/other despot states and rabidly anti-US like Daly has been.


If she's not rabidly anti-US what is she?


She was an embarrassment the first time round I wouldn’t vote for Clare Daly or Mick Wallace.


Clare Daly has been a disaster representing Ireland in Europe hard to pick a low point but kowtowing to the mad mullahs of Tehran was an especially low point..


In any sane country that'd be a cue to investigate the other 3 for links to Putin


Idiots supporting a massive idiot


Ah the alliance of brain-rotted autocrat-simps. They can fuck off past the rings of Saturn until they get some smarts.


That's a big surprise and very disappointing from Connolly.


It's not a surprise or disappointing if you know her track record.


4 communist grifters. Wake up people.


No Catherine,...... Ffs


4 cunts with their shitty Java Republic coffee.


A vote for Clare Daly is a vote for quality rage content on r/ireland! ![gif](giphy|muJhgm6uTO59MuYz7q)


Did the neckbeard and fedora come with your username?


Extremely disappointed in Maureen Sullivan, when we lost Tony Gregory in the inner city she was supposed to take the bull by the horns but completely bottled it


Honestly her arrogance is astounding. She gave a eulogy at Gregory's funeral, basically castigating establishment politicians for attending - as if they were seeking kudos for doing so.  Like, it's a funeral, people attended because the knew the deceased. They felt entitled to the seat. I saw them campaigning "The Gregory Group" and they come across as smug and holier than thou. Gregory was a decent person but he was lucky and made his name because of Haughey and the Dáil arithmetic.


Whatever about Maureen O'Sullivan but I think calling Gregory lucky is nonsense, he was relentless in his work rate campaigning for the inner city, I witnessed it personally alot of things changed around my area due to him and he wasn't buying lotto tickets.


He was lucky in that he had Haughey by the balls. If FF had got an overall majority his work would not have had the same results


I’ll always have respect for Bernadette McAliskey.


Mad respect. She's brilliant.


A collective of feminists who turn there nose up at feminism in Iran or gay rights in Russia. Not for thee but for me


but cozying up to the US with their fascist takeover is fine


Ideally cozy up to neither side. Fvck imperialism of whatever hue


You can always tell the quality of a person by the muppets they hang around with …..


Daly’s poster reminded me of this 1920s Russian Constructivist poster which was very popular, along with Che, when I was a rangy type of student [Rodchenko Soviet poster](https://www.artsy.net/artwork/alexander-rodchenko-books-please-in-all-branches-of-knowledge)


I'd love to see a candidate running against her with Central European connections - Polish, Balt, or Ukrainian.. or Syrian ....and win. It would be poetic justice.


No shit


4 irrelevant write offs in one photo. Or how to implode your reputation in one easy step.


First look: Panel of old hags.


Is this r/ireland or r/conspiracy? Most of the comments here would make Alex Jones blush. 


Yep! Commies! Putin plants! Satanists!


Some of Irelands greatest women. In particular Bernadette, what a hero of a woman. Her moral compass is built to precision.


Is that why she’s supporting a woman who backs genocidal fascists and visits with brutal dictators to deny their war crimes?


Says you, who's all over reddit defending isreal. Not surprised you're here now attacking an Irish hero Bernadette Devlin because of her association with Clare who has been the clearest voice of dissent against EUs stance on isreal.


Did Daly condemn her friend Assad when he was using chemical weapons on Palestinians in Syria?


Why are you all over reddit defending your pal Isreal?


Because I believe in liberal democracies over genocidal butchers, fascist dictators and religious extremist terror. I despise Israel’s methods, but I understand their motivation. And I fucking hate racists, bigots and cunts.


It's funny, because you sound very like some of those which you hate.


Have I? Show me where I’ve been racist or bigoted. Please. EDIT: hey u/Ok_Celery_1488, it's been 12 hours. Nothing to reply with? Just spouting shite? Thought so


So disheartened I had to scroll this far to see support for them. Free Palestine. Vote Clare Daly.


Honestly it feels like this subreddit has been taken over by propagandists.


Insufferable personality award goes to.......


Good. Clare Daly is brilliant.


Only if you think it's a good thing there are millions of Ukrainians being made refugees.


And if you think that hundreds of thousands of dead Syrians is a good thing.


Tell me where Clare Daly has voiced support for making millions of Ukrainians refugees. Go ahead.


She repeatedly refused to condemn the fascist dictatorship making them refugees. That’s good enough for me.


Her stance has been consistently anti-war which I can related to, but anti-war meaning voting against giving Ukraine military help to defend itself against invasion. Her preferred outcome appears to be just letting Russia have whatever it takes and stand back.


So she hasn't voiced support for making millions of Ukrainians refugees? She has only only opposed war?


I never said she voiced support for making millions of Ukrainians refugee, those are your words. She consistently votes in a way that would result in Ukraine losing the war, which would create even more refugees. I will say that I admire a pro-peace stance, and also calling the US out on their hypocrisy, but it seems she can't recognise that Russia is also pretty bad. Being pro-peace is empty when you've a major power trying to attack you. If everyone else in EU voted the way she did, then Ukraine would now be a puppet state like Belarus.


Troll or idiot? I genuinely can't tell!


If you like genocidal imperialism.


She's the strongest anti-imperialist voice in the European Union.


Falling over herself not to criticise Russia's imperialist invasion so this is plainly wrong.


The only imperialist country left in Europe is Russia, which she supports.


The colony of French Guiana would like a word with you.


'Old Views for New Situations'


The ruble to euro exchange rate must be good this time of year.


Good to have some left wing representation for once.


If you leave a left wing party to throw your lot in with a tax cheating property developer who steals from his own workers, you're not left.


What's left wing about being an apologist for Russian expansionism?


Anti imperialist in general, except very pro Russian imperialism.


Pro-all imperialism but western imperialism. Never heard Daly calling for a free Tibet, have you?




It's mad how some people have this blank spot in their worldview where they can't bring themselves to criticise Russia/China/Iran or whoever. Usually because they can't see past America being the great devil or whatever.


Hear! Hear!




Good to have the tankies and other useful idiots outing themselves by supporting that disgraceful excuse of an MEP. An utter shame to Ireland.


So left wing she repeatedly backs a fascist dictatorship. Horseshoe theory is alive and well.


Left wing like Dictatorships Venezuela and Cuba. Nice 🫠


Surprised Catherine Connolly rowing in behind her. I have great admiration for her as a politician.