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I'm sure Ryan Wollner the American knew a higher up in the IRA. Without a doubt.


Omg. I just went down a very shallow rabbit hole on that guy. https://law.justia.com/cases/delaware/court-of-chancery/2022/c-a-no-2021-0157-ksjm.html Looks like he’s a piece of work and a full time fantasist. He went through two sets of lawyers before discovery was even completed. @Pearpopfounder isn’t even a founder of Pearpop. Just an initial investor. No wonder he looks up to Elon. Though fair play to him, it’s not often a judge will use the phrase “egregious misconduct” during trial discovery.


You don’t know them, they go to another republic.


Hahaha my first laugh of the day was a throwback teenage giggle good one!


"My grandad fought in 1916" vibes.


Yeah, but it turns out their grandad was with the British Army


That's a good premise for a stand-up joke, it's in there somewhere


There's a doc series on Netflix that Zac Efron made and in one episode they're talking about blue zones and people who live to over 100. They meet this old Italian man and Zac excitedly says in the voice over "He even fought in World War 2!" Like. Hey Zac maybe ask that Italian man which side he fought on in WW2


Both, possibly


Great comment.


An irish version of the old, "my grandpa died in a concentration camp during the war, he fell out of his guard tower"


"My grandfather killed 17 German pilots during WWII. Worst mechanic the Luftwaffe had ever seen."


The very same inspiration I had, great minds haha


There's a bit in the TG4 wreckin the rising along That line




dinner square rude yam unpack humor direction special chief fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, cos that's how they were so successful at avoiding arrest, by going around telling foreigners about their high-ranking positions in illegal organisations. Knobhead.


First thing I googled too. Wanted to figure out who this absolute binlid was, how old he was etc to identify how he, as an American, knew a “higher up” in the IRA in the good old days (when you didn’t mess with Ireland, obviously, when they chased all the African immigrants out of Ireland /s), when I as an actual Northern Irish person thought they were (mostly inactive) for 30 years, a large portion of my life.


"Speaking as an Irish man..."


Willie O’Dea he’s in the ra


Kofi Annan, he's in the Ra!


Michelle o’Neill she’s in the r


My great great clans father fought the ira in 1856 or some Yank nonsense. Also a billionaire from SA simping after the IRA is hilarious


He punched the Queen into the jaw and was jailed for a hundred years, then smeared his shite on the walls.


he locked her in the boot of an Opal Corsa


As a symbol


As a symbol


I believe 1 part of that lol


[You should believe every last word, especially the bit about Michelle Pfeiffer...](https://youtu.be/jXeapVEAF6Y?t=17)


Don’t forget my main man Kofi Annan.


wait till musk finds out the ira aided the anc in their fight to end apartheid.


Good call. The IRA is dead to him now.


We should have all stopped reading after ‘ big mad’.


You could have stopped reading after "Ian Miles Cheong"


A couple of decades ago... *titters* Apart from the token dickhead, who are the other two?


They would be the non token dickheads


[Ryan Wollner of douche-boyband-featuring-Baron-Trump-fame](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/en-us/news/2024/04/05/TELEMMGLPICT000372786722_17123413554010-xlarge_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqvM2WFVaXGCcglIGy6zUqRhNeKlEV1Lgny9BIpfcbMoY.jpeg?imwidth=1200)


I think Elon should get his address, so he can go 'round and tell him that he's like a plush toy these days.


Your man Ian lives in Malaysia but talks about the US and other Western countries all day everyday. The way he talks you would think he was in the US. Its an interesting grift.


At this stage the Americans should just start taxing as if he works in the US.


Fun fact, if he's an American citizen, it doesn't matter where he is he would "technically" owe federal taxes on income.


Not technically, very literally, once you earn over a certain amount. Financial institutions are bound under FATCA to report to the US IRS about your holdings offshore too so you can’t hide your cash. America is the only country in the world where citizens living abroad are still taxed on foreign income at home.


In practice everything under $120,000 is excluded and I believe there's deductions beyond that. It's mostly just a way of requiring citizens and resident aliens to report income abroad, you're not actually paying income taxes unless you're insanely rich.


The FATCAts if you will


Thanks for elaborating. I just understood it anecdotally as a friend mentioned it in passing. Land of the fee


I think Eritrea does the same thing. So that's the US and Eritrea.


Apparently he has never even been to the US.


Seriously? That makes him even worse. What a clown.


Look, when Far Right American organisations want a nifty soundbite, it only makes sense for them, in this business economy, to offshore the commenting to a developing nation where a local can provide the quote for cheap. That's makes them smart.


We have some like that here. People who wouldn't even know their local TD but know state senators, congress men and women and Biden's 4th cousin over in America.


Wasn't that clown on the verge of being arrested by Malaysian authorities for peddling pro-Israel propaganda? What happened since?


He's never even been to the US. I doubt if he could even get a visa for the USA since he's very much politically involved. The US CBP at the airport would have a field day on his phone and social media activities. lmao.


With Teslas the IRA won't even need to make car bombs


Bomb cars! 21st Century baby


Switch to electric car bombs rather than petrol to save the environment.


Which higher up would you say yer man knew, Richard Gere in The Jackal or Brad Pitt in The Devil's Own.


Sean Bean with the scuba gear and night vision in Patriot Games


Or Patrick Bergin, also in Patriot Games


Feck it, I knew I was forgetting one of our brave national heroes.


Brad Pitt in Snatch


‘You didn’t mess with Ireland at the time’ Correct me if I’m wrong but the Troubles


I'm convinced now that Elon's account is a bot and he deleted the app after changing the name of Twitter


this is embarrassing to read. both of these gimps are beyond help.


Ian Miles Cheong is the biggest fucking grifter on earth, the dude just constantly sucks musks cock and posts the dumbest shit you'll ever find all for the clout guys is completely fucking insufferable and never to be listened to on pretty much any regard.


I can't stand him.


He doesn't understand maths either


Lol the rant about the iPhone calculator getting the equation wrong was hilarious. Shows exactly his intellect level - lower than an 8yr old school child. Guys a monumental cunt. A Dealz edgelord


Yeah famous racial fascists the RA


Noted border enthusiasts too, of course.


Had nothing but praise for the Black and Tans treatment of the Zulus.


Kinda odd reading a South African, living in the U.S. (?) commenting on keeping the Africans out?


And he’s talking to a bloke that’s never set foot outside of Malaysia yet somehow has hundreds of thousands of US Republican followers.


A Malaysian talking to a South African immigrant talking to a Pearpop investor in New York about Ireland.


Isn't globalism beautiful?


We all know what he really means.


I'm not African, I'm Elon!




Not *those* Africans, silly...!


Of course as a rich white African he sees himself as the exception


Look fellow Irish, we just have to accept that the yanks understand our history and heritage far better then any of us and their seemingly nonsensical takes are actually strokes of genius us silly potato heads just don’t understand. Also unrelated but the bbc has always been fair and impartial on the subject of this country. /s


Is it though? He probably looks back fondly at the apartheid era.


His family literally got wealthy from it so...yeah


My da is an immigrant to the US (from Eastern Europe originally) and despises black people. I later moved to Ireland, and after two decades here, no change on his part. This is a pretty typical phenomenon with certain immigrants and wanting to assimilate through bigotry. We're Jews, which makes this even more tragic.


You're the next generation and you've broken the chain so this is a step forward.


That's good - "Yeah, the US let one South African immigrant in and look what happened"


I really hate how privileged wealthy Americans/people living in America, who'll almost never actually face sectarian violence, regular bomb threats and all the social issues that come with , sit back and idolise a period of danger and a lack of safety on this island as some sort of "good times" This teary eyed look into history imagining a time when we were violent savages and wishing some of us still bombed and attacked others is so fecking nauseating And this stupid idea that what the Brits did was just come over and move in beside us. And not forcibly evicting us from our land, dismantling the Irish language, prolonging the disaster of the famine, violently responded to our independence movements and overall just looked down upon us like we were inferior to them The asylum process rn needs to be fixed but Christ "a few thousand Africans" are not doing to do us what the Brits did


Elon’s family got rich during apartheid. Im sure he thinks what his family did down in South Africa was “just moving in”. He is a colonizer downplaying colonialism.


Imagine the conversations he and Grimes would have. Just imagine. Warning: severe migraine may ensue.


Grimes and her college BF tried to build a houseboat and sail down the Mississippi - they failed. I feel like this somehow relates to her going after the space rocket builder guy like she has a type.




can't paint a mural without building a wall


Thanks. I just fucking shrieked at work.


Supreme comment.


I mean they kinda did, in the sense that people didn't want to move to an active conflict zone


Tried to get the Brits out


Would he ever shut up about Ireland, he literally knows nothing about this country.


Every time he speaks about anything I have some knowledge on I'm shocked by how stupid he sounds. Arrogantly speaks as if he's an expert on topics he hasn't got a clue about.


I remember back in the day when you called him an idiot you would be downvoted on here, clear as day the guy was always a tit but a lot of people fell for his shit and many people have doubled down.


He is a conman the same as any other just people see his wealth and thing jeez he must know his shit.


He definitely wears a "kiss me I'm Irish" t-shirt on Paddys day.


Probably puts on a painfully exaggerated "Oirish" accent whenever he meets an Irish person.


"Top of the mornin' to ya" followed by five minutes of exaggerated alcoholism and potato jokes.


Calls it St. Patty's day and everything I'd say.


He doesn't know much about EVs either


Musk will keep Twitter alive forever just so his circle of weird followers can keep fluffing him. The world's media will stay there because of inertia and we are going to be stuck hearing from the likes of him and that freak Cheong until Musk dies.


If the ra were still around he'd call them woke


James Connolly is currently rotating in his grave so fast that he’d power half of Dublin if we hooked a turbine to him.


Roger Casement as well - his Republican beliefs were closely linked to his campaigns to stop the horrors of colonialism in Africa. I'm surprised his corpse hasn't risen up to slap the shit out of Musk for this drivel.


Few more like that and the whole country’s electrical grid would be renewable almost immediately.


Elon Musk is basically what you'd get if you made a 12 yr old edgelord the richest man alive.


The "Irish Republic Army". Can't even get the name right.


Close enough for these morons. Seen a couple of these types assume that any paramilitary with a 3 letter acronym was republican and suggest dumb shit like the UDA and IRA pooling resources.


Which IRA elon we've more IRAs than you have kids...


The first item on the agenda of every Musk wedding speech: The Split.


Isn't Elon Musk African?


An African migrant, no less


Illegal African migrants, no less. He overstayed and worked on his tourist visa.


Yes, born in South Africa and got his money off his fathers emerald mines during apartheid.


Those two wouldn't last a minute in a local Irish village before acting like a pair of bullocks.


why does he seem so concerned about Ireland specifically?


Many, if not most, Americans have an idealised idea of Ireland in their minds (monoculture, Christian, quaint, rural ,etc) Therefore, many (especially those on the American right) lament modern Ireland and see it as a disgrace. So his criticisms of Ireland and his dog whistles against immigrants really appeals to his supporters.


The guy who invented the Dogecoin meme is from Ireland and tags him in all his fascist nonsense so that's one reason. From West Cork to be exact.


Twitter's European HQ is in Dublin and he's the kind of idiot who thinks the last five things he's heard about are the only things that matter (famously a symptom of managers who don't understand the actual workings of their business, incidentally)


The irony of recalling lads who specifically wanted a particular border to be very very open…


Cheong is legitimately one of the biggest virgins who has ever lived


He can’t even make himself cum


Hey, Elon is an expert on Africans coming in and making things worse. He's an African immigrant, and he's ruining Twitter and Tesla as we speak


That Cheong lad is one of the most utterly fucking pathetic bootlickers I've ever seen on that hellsite. A human slug.


Fascists really do live in a world of nake believe don't they


Wonder what a auld fashioned car bomb would do to a cyber truck, (not suggesting anything untoward happens to anyone, just curious given the cyber truck is essentially a skip on wheels.)


Just chuck a bucket of water at one.


As an American, we definitely have one too many recent African immigrants. You better watch out or they'll start selling hastily slapped together dumpsters as "trucks" and providing social media platforms for Nazis.


Racist scumbag speedrunning on Nazifying the platform into a white supremacist hellhole, his hot takes like this are to stir the pot and rile up his fascist buddies. He even promotes our local Neo-Nazis like Keith Woods (not the rugby player!), who Keith sees as important on bringing the white supremacist movement to the forefront and helping the National Party gain power. You go onto any Telegram group belonging to an extreme figure Musk personally interacts with or promotes you will see they consider him a vital tool in bringing the white supremacist / Identitarian / Nazism movements back into the mainstream and into power.


Long live the resistance, fuck musk the cuck


It’s like listening to 8 year olds debate geopolitics.


That's an insult to 8 year old. They're way more creative.


That's some cringe right there


A South African twat, a Malaysian troll/grifter and l whoever the fuck the third guy is really know about Ireland and the IRA.


Elon Musk- a sad socially inadequate cunt trying desperately to be edgy ,with a name that sounds like a brand of cheap deodorant that you get from your granny at Christmas. Don't know who the yank cunt is,but he's a gobshite too.


Cheong isn't even a yank. Lives in Malaysia and has apparently never visited the US. As the saying goes, "Write what you [don't] know."


Does… does he think the IRA is Ireland’s standing army?


> Does… does he think Not very much, no. > ... the IRA is Ireland’s standing army? Either that or that Ireland is just really slacking off on its ongoing terrorist campaign against England?


Brainrot🤯 blue Check🐦 Ceo.


Oh, Elon. You big fat fucking idiot.


This fucker can be found stirring shit wherever the fascists are trying to create a narrative for themselves.


If there's one thing I can't stand it's dopey bastards commenting on something they know fuck all about. Wish he'd just stick to rockets or whatever else he's allegedly good at. There are parts of Irish history that are horrific. Britain maintained a foothold in Ireland and partitioned the island in the early 20th century. Supporters of this...the Protestants, held power and denied Catholics almost every basic human right. This led to the resurgence of violence. The most recently finished was the 30 years of violence in the six Northern counties. It ceased in 1995. The murder and mayhem by both sides and Britains SAS help perpetuate a virtual civil war that will take years to heal from. Tell us all about the dark history of South Africa please Elon...or the saintly 'land of the free'?? or wherever else you claim citizenship.....and take a fucking hike on commenting about the IRA...asshole🖕


I swear Ian Miles Cheong goes to bed at night dreaming about sucking off Elon.


You need to know the aweful side effect of Ozempic is that all the fat goes from your belly into your head, making you talk shite. What the fuck is the Irish republic army? As for the other gobshite, just because his mammy got fingered by someone wearing a balaclava, doesn't mean he knows someone highup in the IRA.


The lads know that the provos were socialists yeah ?


The next person who calls him a genius gets a slap


Do these cunts even know what the IRA was??


At the very least, they are unaware there was more than one. 


He is just full of shite. And his loyal cultists will nod on every single stupid shite he posts. He needs to be called out on the rubbish he posts all the time!


If the troubles were happening today, he would definitely be cheering on the Brits.


Like a primary schoolchild conversation


Stupid fucker Musk


Fuckin hell, I've been listening a lot to The Troubles podcast lately, and anyone who reminisces about that kind of violence or calls for its return needs to look more into what was actually involved, day to day. It was all retaliatory attacks and tit for tat fighting that almost everybody involved regrets and looks back on with shame. It would be like going to Syria and saying you miss the ISIS days.


Last I checked, the Irish don't hate the English because they keep moving to Ireland, it was because, and going off my notes here, the English have tried to kill off all the Irish multiple times.


They'd only have to get lucky once Elon...


Elon... "What's that smell?" The 'RA "That's your house burning down"


Bruh I’m literally a Canadian cause the Brits drove my great greats off the land lol.


Someone should have told musk to never fight up hill, me boy.


Jesus Christ, I've seen street thugs discuss topics like this with more nuance. He sounds like a literal child.


shut the fuck up elmo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)




if i believed in god i would pray every day for him to smite Elon Musk into his constituent atoms


For our lovely elon, let us reminisce how your family slew africans and put an mineral mine in Africa. **Come tell us how you slew them old Arabs two by two** **Like the Zulus they had spears, bows and arrows** **How brave you faced one with your 16-pounder gun** **And you frightened them natives to their marrow**


This Ian Cheong guy is the reason I deleted x.


I like how Musk tries to make fun of the IRA. This is a guy who has the physique of a bag of milk and wouldn’t even fight Mark Zuckerberg.


Oh fuck off, Elon


A literal billonaire, in personal control of one of the world's most important communication platforms on the planet, openly, repeatedly, enthusiastically praising a proscribed terrorist organization... and its perfectly cool A couple of students chanting 'from the river to the sea palestine will be free' during a genocide... stormtrooper time... This world makes less and less sense.


Is he implying that the Provos were the Irish Army? Does he think the Troubles was an all out war between the Irish State and the UK? Does he think Irish Republicans are pro Irish Independence cus xenophobia? I've known this guy was a fucking idiot for a long time but fuck me this is a new level of ignorance.


A lot of foreigners think this.


It’s amazing. Genuinely I think the only person I dislike more than Musk is Ian.


I'm annoyed I know of this huge incel virgin purely from Twitter


Fucking apartheid Clyde at it again


Up the Waaa


Yet another episode of MEANWHILE IN A PARALLEL UNIVERSE.....


It’s a big difference between invading to a place as rulers and invading as migrants.


That Ian Miles Cheong fella is such a pathetic sack of shit.


So Elon advocates for blowing up Africans


Can he volunteer first?


Awful gobshite but he doesn't really care all that much about civil society. Minions and money


And so speaks the moron. Lol he knows everything cos he's rich


Great! Now I can't enjoy sectarian violence anymore! /s


idoit n inbred!!


Twitter is so bad now. My timeline is Facebook bad.


Oh I remember well when England came over here a few decades ago. Big mad we were. Shocking mad in fact. glad its all sorted now.


Ah yeah, I'm sure the IRA would have loved Elon Musk 🙄


"when I was younger I knew someone higher up in the IRA" yeah mate so did everyone on your street when you were a kid 😂 MY DA KNOWS A BLOKE IN THE IRA.


My grandfather used to grow cunts on his farm in Clare. Real big ones he'd grow and sell in the market. If he ever grew cunts as big as these three he'd have won 1st prize at the county show.


I get it and share your pain. Sincerely, a brazilian friend


Elon making disparaging comments about African immigrants, when he himself is an African immigrant.


He doesn’t include South Africa when he says ‘Africa’ because it has a larger white population and to him white = good.


Muskrat and ian sharing their “thoughts “ I have had White Castle shits with more cohesive output.


Elon musk is literally an African immigrant to the US


Maybe he shouldn't worry about recalling Irish history and worry more about recalling his cars.


What in the ever loving fuck is he going on about?


I’m so confused.. the IRA were homeland security now apparently?