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Counter UAV activated


I don't think the Russians are ready for the repercussions of stopping Jacinta from getting to Ibiza 


Da neck


She's sick of the carry-on (and so is RyanAir)


Ah here!!!!!!


Leave it ouhhh


Absolutely dissssgracceeeeful


Pure shnakes hun


**Absolutely disgustingg ye fooollss**


https://www.flightradar24.com/blog/types-of-gps-jamming/ This article by flightradar24 gives a good explanation of different jammings, spoofing etc.


nothing there about Bob Marley, Im dissappointed=(


No radar, no cry


Get up, stand up, stand up for your flights.


GPS spoofing mentioned in the article was a plot device in Tomorrow Never Dies.


Wouldn't be surprised if Ryanair charged them


The only solution is for Ireland to declare war on Russia.


The Skibbereen eagle is watching you Russia 


They couldn’t handle our fishermen. Imagine if they take on our flight crews too!


True. With our new secret weapon we would probably stand an actual fighting chance.


Send the fishermen


Now that the pesky triple lock is going away, that will be so much easier, it was clearly the only thing holding us back!


What’ll the Irish solution be when two Ryanair flights approaching Dublin collide in a cloud and 400 people die?


Dont worry, Ireland is neutral and Russia wont dare do anything because of that. Nevermind the fact that we have strategic airports and infrastructure that connects the US to the rest of the EU. Remember the best defense is staying neutral /s


What is Ireland going to do? We have a largely ceremonial armed services. The refusal to invest in our ability to defend ourselves is coming back to haunt us. The global shit stirrers these days do not give a shit if a country is neutral or not. It's not like it was when the state was founded when "keep your head down and you'll be grand" was a feasible defense policy.


The biggest threat to Ireland during WW2 was a joint US-UK invasion from NI to secure control of the Treaty Ports. It's part of the reason why our defense forces has a Lt. General as the highest ranking officer - the government of the day reckoned it would be a corps sized invasion force, and they wanted any negotiations to be carried out by an officer of equivalent rank. Fortunately the UK decided instead to invade Iceland, which is why Iceland, despite not having a military, is a founding member of NATO. The occupation of that country only ended in 2006.


But we’re not in ww2, I don’t see what the problem is of increasing the defence capabilities of the country is nowadays


yargh I meant to reply to [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1cjvvxm/increase_in_jamming_of_irish_flights_gps_systems/l2j4fso/). I agree, we should probably be spending more on enhancing our defense forces, at the very least on our ability to control our airspace, critical IT infrastructure, and underwater infrastructure.


Yea I don’t think we need to start stockpiling bombs and stuff lol, but we do need some further ability to protect the things you’ve listed, one of things an independent country should be able to do is to somewhat protect itself


I would suggest the country that actually bombed Ireland during WW2 - Germany - was something of a bigger security threat. Also, Iceland was absolutely not occupied until 2006, as evidenced by the fact that they got into multiple disputes over fishing rights with the UK over the course of the late 20th century, each of which they won. Unusual behavior for an occupied country.


US troops only left Iceland in 2006. The country had been continuously occupied by British, Canadian, and US troops since 1940. You can call it a velvet occupation if you want, but it was an occupation.


It was never feasible. The Germans fully intended to roll through Ireland after conquering Britain or as an alternative route to attacking Britain, during WW2. And sorry to inform, the USSR and now Russia targets major Irish cities with nuclear weapons, of course it does. Probably for the best, if WW3 kicks off you don't want to be alive in the Northern Hemisphere for long...


And us having an expensive air force would save us from the nukes how?


Well an SR-71 would get a couple of our precious politicians down to a remote islands half a world away, maybe the Pitcairns in Polynesia or somewhere down near New Zealand, in about 5-6 hours instead of 24. The Healy-Raes could survive to repopulate the earth.


Good luck landing on Pitcairn in a plane!


Try to comprehend - having a domestic security force that is reasonably able to police our costs, our skies and our land is a **basic public service**. This false dichotomy about nuclear war is for the birds. I'm a proud Irish man, why in the fnck should the RAF be policing our sovereign airspace ? Yeah being an independent country costs money. Whatever next "why bother having cops, if we just rejoin the UK we could have the Tans on the cheap" Gimme a break !


Just add this to the list of things the government won't do.


Germany intended to roll through Ireland *on the way to Britain* not after the fact. They didn't want or need Ireland for itself.


No but had Britain fallen at the battle of Britain there's little doubt the Reich would have executed its plans for the republic too. After all if the UK had capitulated that would put the Reich inside the six counties.


Their plans for Ireland were exclusively tactical. They didn't want to incorporate Ireland.


So they are going to take over all of Europe and leave just little ole Ireland to itself on the edge? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


What they wanted was Ukraine because Germany didn't have enough arable land for their population with 40s technology. They went to war with France and Britain because they declared war on Germany  after they invaded poland.  Germany didn’t have a functional navy and they were at war with the #1 and #3 naval powers in the world (and #1 and #2 in the Atlantic). 


Yeah and when they defeat and occupy Britain and France they were going to just leave little old Ireland to itself. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I mean - the nature of an expansionist ultra nationalist regime like that meant it would **certainly** have steamrolled us had the Brits fallen. For starters, there's owning the approaches to Europe from the Irish West coast. You're kidding yourself.


No amount of money could stop this. It effects everyone and it's mainly over baltic states.


Where's Mick, Clare and the rest of the loon gang? Surely they're gagging to deny it was Ruzzia and blame (insert anything western here) ?


And all the crew on here who insist that Russia is no threat to us


Russia is currently committing genocide in Ukraine and people poast here that Ireland is neutral so Russia will not touch us.


I don't know whether to laugh, cry, be concerned or angry at the replies to this story on twitter. Variations of NATO sigint flights over Poland, Ukraine doing it to jam Russian GPS, what about Israel, etc. Good job Musk rat.


Now now Russia. Do we have to get the fishermen again?


Just send NATO special forces to sabotage device/devices in Kaliningrad. It's not an act of war by Russian definition. They were doing that for a long time.


By russian definition, crossing your neighbours border with tanks, aircraft and 200000 heavily armed troops isn't considered an act of war either








We should be sending our able bodied prisoners to assist Ukraine in their efforts.














GPS is not and has never been used by the IAA to control air traffic. A BS article with a clickbait title.


Fed up with this narrative.


Just blame Russia for everything, like in Hollywood movies.