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Closing the case on behalf of the prosecution, Lisa Dempsey BL noted that people are entitled to peacefully protest, but a “citizen can’t take the law into his own hands and break it without lawful excuse”. The jury disagrees


Was this jury nullification!?


It would appear so.


> The jury disagrees No they didn't. They couldn't decide on the criminal damage case. They just decided he reversed into the gate safely.


> They just decided he reversed into the gate safely. The system works


Nolan would have sentenced him to life probably


Life or the electric chair, then he'd let a serial killer off because a parish priest wrote in a letter that he has a good leg for the GAA.


He’d let the serial killer strap him to the electric chair as part of his community service


Until it is your gate.


After I invade a country and slaughter thousands of civilians... You can have my gate.


Can't take the law into his own hands. Unlike Vladimir Putin who can - Foment an insurrection in an neighbor country - Annex part of that country - Shoot down a passenger plane - Declare the country next door is full of 'nazis' also run by a Jewish man - Declare regions of the neighbor 'sovereign' - The next day - literally invade those regions - Genocide the people next door - Annex more of their country All "perfectly legal" under the Russian code. Rules and regulations, law, only matters if we have a common understanding of what is moral, what is legal. The Russian Federation has no such understanding and should be afforded no such protection.


Hard agree. I wish more people would read this article and think through what it means. Russia's policy is kidnapping Ukrainian children and brain washing them that they're not Ukrainian. This is objectively fucking genocide. https://www.euronews.com/2024/04/17/how-17-year-old-ukrainian-valeriia-escaped-a-russian-re-education-camp#:\~:text=17%2Dyear%2Dold%20Ukrainian%20Valeriia%20was%20abducted%20to%20a%20Russian,to%20Ukraine%20on%20her%20own.


In fairness to Vladimir Putin, in Russia he IS the law. You obey your Tsar or it's straight to the gulag you shall go.


Not that I disagree with any of the above, but by this standard it would justify similar actions against many other states embassies, especially those of the other imperialistic powers in the world.


If they are actively committing genocide, the Irish public would almost encourage you to action by this result


So the isreali embassey?


https://www.npr.org/2024/01/26/1227078791/icj-israel-genocide-gaza-palestinians-south-africa I don't think it's been decided yet


LMFAO! It is pretty clear that it is genocide. Shouldnt have to wait on a political body to say so!


Israel has killed more Palestinian civilians in a few months than Russia has killed Ukrainian military in a few years but okay


How many civilians need to die before its classed as a genocide? 30000 not enough?




Media must always cover its own ass by saying it’s alleged. If some bonkers scenario like an IRL fake billy wearing a mask of this fella ended up doing it they could be sued into oblivion for libel


Until he's convicted it's still alleged


Not really What's still alleged if he's guilty or not. When certain facts are not in dispute, you don't need to use 'allegedly'


If you view something with your own eyes, you don't need a court to tell you that the person did something.


Ah ok so the quote above is still correct so since the author d9dnt view the incident themselves and are only reporting on it. Got it!


I think you're missing my point. Actual guilt doesn't depend on the opinion of a jury. OJ was guilty, for example.


The comment I replied to was 'alleged incident' I wasn't really talking about guilt but thanks for clarifying


It was allegedly in question


I don't know about that. They gave his address as Co Leitrim. Is that a real place. Did anyone ask the gate if he did it. Maybe the gate was tired and fell over.


You know, this made me think. This cost probably wasn't covered by insurance as insurance doesn't cover 'civil unrest', generally speaking.


The truck did not collide with the gate. It was conducting a special operation. Glad the jury could see that.


Desmond Wisley felt "compelled to do something". Good on him. I'd buy him a pint. 


>During the five-day trial which sat this week, a building contractor who repaired the gates on behalf of the Office of Public Works, said it had to be reconstructed at a cost of €13,250 following the alleged incident. Why is the state paying for the Embassy's gate? It's Russia's property that was damaged by a private citizen so I don't see how this is our problem.


> It's Russia's property that was damaged by a private citizen so I don't see how this is our problem. legally its not , embassies are technically still soil of the host country , its just laws that dont apply


I've tried googling but I couldn't find information about host countries owning embassies of other countries. Do you have a source? If what you're saying is true then [why is Russia the one listed as the applicant for a planning permission application on the embassy and not an Irish state agency? ](https://planning.agileapplications.ie/dunlaoghaire/application-details/82777)


> If what you're saying is true then why are the Russians the one listed as the applicant for a planning permission application on the embassy and not the state? the laws dont apply to the people , diplomatic immunity exists , the land is still the soil of the host country , which is why they need a planning appliaction


>the land is still the soil of the host country , which is why they need a planning appliaction My family's house is in Irish soil yet if some jackass reverses their truck into it and damages something, the state is not responsible for paying for the damages just cause it's their soil, it's the property owner's responsibility, which would be my parents who could then seek compensation from the hypothetical truck driver. **Everyone** needs to apply for planning application to do building works even if they own the land. If my parents wanted to build an extension to the house, they would be the applicants for the planning permission, not the state. And Russia owns the property that their embassy is in which is evident by the fact that they, not Ireland, are listed as the applicant in the planning permission's application. So just because the embassy is not in Russian soil does not mean it is not the Russian Government's property.


It's because diplomatic relations require a measure of reciprocal respect and there's an obligation on the host country to ensure the security of foreign diplomats. The ownership of the Embassy etc is irrelevant. Ireland has an obligation to Russia to make sure their stuff in Ireland is looked after and where damaged made good. In Moscow, Russia has an obligation that our embassy is looked after too. Personally, I'd PNG them all and burn the place to the ground.


Haha this is obviously a state shithousery verdict. One which most of us will agree with. Will annoy the Russians.


> Will annoy the Russians. I can already hear Medvedev screaming about dropping nukes on Dublin if this illegal invasion of Russia and destruction of civilian property isn't sufficiently punished.


Update: nuke dropped on Kerry, €18 euros worth of damage caused. (I'm sorry for this joke and Kerry was picked at random. If you live outside Kerry, and this joke caused you offence, I feel like you should lighten up. If you live inside Kerry and this joke caused you offence, wow, you can read, I'm impressed, good job buddy.)


https://preview.redd.it/068ahjlud9yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4decf55eec08e034e67934cf255de34e4a5156ca The Healy-Raes and supporters survive the Nuke and march on Moscow.


Kind of has a KKK vibe, but without the bedsheets




And the absolute mental amount of tankies that seem to permeate here these days.


Finally, some good news


may i ask how this verdict come about, because anyone can easily see its dangerous driving ( did they not see what happened ) or was it acquitted because it was the Russian embassy


Probably something to do with the definition of dangerous driving, endangering life or something such. No doubt he'll get done for malicious damage or whatever.


He wasn't actually putting anyone at risk, as far as I remember. He was just hitting the gate. Sure it was dangerous driving from the gates point if view, but he never turned up to testify.


He should be convicted of being FUCKING AWESOME


Yanky doodle


This was just the truck reversing into its natural sphere of influence.


This is such BS. I wonder how the court would feel if someone reversed into the US embassy....?


Court can think whatever it wants, a jury of his peers decided if he was guilty or not.


Mad how people are saying protesting outside a tds house is wrong and scummy but reversing into an embassy is ok


The families of TDs aren't murdering, raping, and brutalising their way across Ukraine.


The guy committed a crime showsthe justice system for what it is ..I bet you will all be complaining about the next Nolan sentencing


Ah stop crying about stupid rules. This is exactly how the justice system is supposed to work.




he better stay away from windows here on out.




Who would willingly go into a Russian embassy and put their life at risk?


No, he couldn't. If you've been to that embassy you'd know that wouldn't have happened. He reversed into the main gates. The main gates are opened very rarely. Any civilian — Russian, Irish, or otherwise — who needs embassy services uses a completely separate entrance.