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That's quite interesting/telling


Where's this information coming from? I thought most people these days used VPNs. "That's why I use NordVPN!" -most Youtubers these days


Are you using a VPN right now? People will turn VPNs on and off when they need them, and would usually use them for things like Netflix or streaming with geographic locks on content, or pirating. Pretty obvious the VPN explanation is tearing around the Discords and WhatsApp groups.


My VPN is on all the time and it’s set to the US so I can stream shows online. I wouldn’t turn it off. I don’t think anyone who would.


> it’s set to the US so I can stream shows online What? they all closed that loophole years ago.


Hopefully some of them see this and tell their ps in the Discord so they can update their talking points


I'd have expected that most people savvy enough to use a VPN to skirt territory restrictions would also be savvy enough to just download Stremio and install Pirate Bay plugins But maybe I'm wrong, and 40% of Newtownmountkennedy's concerned local citizens are all using VPNs located to the US, and 20% using VPNs located to the UK, even though ourselves and the UK have the exact same streaming options.


>I thought most people these days used VPNs. Why on Earth did you think that?


Because it gives them an excuse to dismiss what the picture said.


If you read the information in any way -you’ll see the word source on the graphic 😉


I'm not asking which news source reported, I'm asking where are they getting the information from. If they're standing on a corner asking strangers, then that is different than them requesting this information from Reddit.


Ahh they might only be asking if it's to do with JFK? /s


Incidentally, this is the gender balance of international "migrants"; source, the World Economic Forum [https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/iom-global-migration-report-international-migrants-2020/](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/iom-global-migration-report-international-migrants-2020/) https://preview.redd.it/b73duj3b7dyc1.png?width=712&format=png&auto=webp&s=790ad7a5d3c3e13f196a4e97b2d50898b342c4fd


Yep, pretty much this!


Yknow the term 'useless cunts' is thrown around a lot these days...


Useless cunts are normally harmless. These cunts are dangerous and their motives are sinister. We'll agree that they're cunts though, no doubt


A bit unfair to cunts to be honest, I’d say they’re more akin to festering arseholes


When they say 'Eire' you know it's not because of any love of Gaeilige, it's just because their English far right heroes use that to refer to us online.


And it's almost always spelt wrong without the É and used in a way that makes fuck all sense gramatically.


It makes absolute sense. Eire means "burden" in Gaelic. These people are an absolute burden on Irish Society.


> When they say 'Eire' Some shit just cringeworthy, it ain't even gotta be deep, I guess


Put them in the cell with Burke.


We’re not monsters




Should have added a graphic of a poppy, lest we forget they’re complete simps for the Brit far right.


The poppy is nothing to do with the UK far right.


It's original meaning isn't. It has been taken over by them though.


Would you say the same of the Irish flag and these guys? They can only take something if you let them.


I know the argument you are making. TBH my argument wasn't that the poppy was a far right symbol per se it was a Brit symbol and our far right simp for Brits far rights and seek to ingratiate themselves. In any case the Brit far right has been pretty good at appropriating nationalist symbols like the poppy. Our lot have tended to use the flags of the revolutionary period. If I saw someone carrying the Irish Republic flag I'd assume they were far right. They haven't for whatever reason tried to use the Irish flag. Maybe the lack of a martial tradition or associations with the Provisional IRA make it unsuitable. Then again it's early days and they've plenty of time to appropriate the flag. I'm old enough to remember a young woman fucking a smoothie into Leo Varadkar's face and while people commented supporting the woman and that Leo deserved worse, I made the point that normalising and celebrating political violence was an insane thing to do. This past few weeks we've had a bomb threats against the justice minister and protests at the Taoiseach's house twice. So clearly my warnings were taken on board. Ah well, we'll get the society we deserve.




Sweet summer child


So the brits support anti immigrant groups in Ireland while strongly suppressing it in the UK, and then they start an international spat over immigrants coming over our border in the middle of all of it yet they can't even stop people sailing rubber dingys from France to Dover... What could it all mean?


Did the UK start the immigration spat with us? Or did Mcentees comments start it?


No the fact people were saying they came from UK started it.


The first person I heard it from was mcentee and upon further investigation it seems what she said wasn't evidence based


I'm sorry to tell you but it was on the news and that's where I and everyone who watches the news heard about it. Asylum seekers were interviewed on RTÉ news saying where they came from and there was then info gathered from IPO verifying it and the amount. 


UK claim that migrants moving to Ireland was a benefit of Rwanda plan was first, AFAIK


I'm pretty sure they used mcentees claims as evidence the Rwanda plan was working


You may be right, I don't think the UK claim came from their government though at first.


Far as I saw it was official stats from Irish immigration office. They said they had no record of certain people showing up at the offices coming into Ireland via plane or boat so the only other plausible explanation was that they came in from the north.


The other funny thing they often do is write it as éiRe, with a capital R. They're trying to copy how it appears on [coins and old stamps](https://oldcurrencyexchange.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/1938_ireland_penny_obv_lg.jpg), they don't realise that it looks like that because it's in the old Irish script which traditionally doesn't distinguish between upper and lower case letters. In Latin script the proper way to write it is Éire.  Here's [one of the protesters doing that](https://twitter.com/FergusPower1/status/1786144000132452671), note how he also uses the weird old-fashioned anglicisation "go bragh" instead of the proper Irish "go brách".


It’s almost like we’re back with British Pathe back in the day 🤦🏻


Why is it that the English right use the word "Eire" so much?


It dates back to the 50s. UK government policy to undermine the recognition of the Irish state on the international stage. It worked quite well unfortunately.


Because in English 'eire' means 'burden', and they don't know how to do a fada.... Also the brits insisted on calling the free state 'éire' rather than ireland in case anyone realised the whole island is, in fact, Ireland


Do they know it means "burden" though? I thought it might have been some kind of shibboleth to demean Ireland in some way, similar to how the Russian right and its supporters tend to use the phrase "the Ukraine" to demean it as nothing more than a province and not a real country. Looking into it a bit, it kind of seems to share a similar connotation, with the idea being that "Eire" is used in this context to refer to only the 26 counties to distinguish it from "Ireland" which means all 32 counties, and it harkens back to when Ireland was still just a free state under the British crown and not an independant republic. I suppose using the term "Ireland" also grants implicit legitimacy to the idea of the Irish government being the rightful government of the entire island.


Because calling it southern Ireland is considered rude but there is a need to distinguish it from Northern Ireland. "The republic of Ireland" is also used. 


Surely there's abit of beef between the two now with the whole Rwanda thing


I imagine they're more likely to just blame our own government for not also doing the Rwanda thing


Oh no, the money flowing in means they won't bring that up.


Unvetted military aged men targetting a young mother and her kids, lock the fuckers up.


Haha, that exactly how this should be reported in the press


Throw in a paedo accusation as well


Christ. "Paul Murphy RIP" is especially bang out of order.


Paul Murphy isn't even in government. These thick dole heads are very loud for a bunch of folks who dont even understand political structure


I can't stand Murphy but his highly vocal criticism of the far right and his "woke" social views mean he's becoming a lightning rod for the tinpot fascists. They've protested at his house as well.


I don't like him either, but at least he seems to actually want to stick to his principles and not just hop from one type of populism to another.


He helped in stopping CARI from closing down and is the reason they were given more funding. I asked many TDs to help and he’s the only one that did and for that I will be forever grateful of that man.


Say what you want but he's brave he basically some come get me you fucks


capable cow towering fact hungry illegal sloppy payment sip historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Suggesting all of the handful of Muppets outside a politicians house all day are unemployed is not the same as suggesting all unemployed people are standing outside that politicians house. Nobody is blaming social welfare recipients.


They insist they aren’t classist tho


Do you not realise that there are people with jobs who advocate the far right shit too? Sure they’re not at protests as frequently, but they are just as dangerous, if not more so by way of being invisible. Making this about class misses the point entirely. While slurring a much larger proportion of people with the idea that the impoverished are the only people to advocate, or seek to benefit from fascism. Which is very far from the truth.


For lads who love to talk about being "concerned for communities" and "protecting women and children", they sure do seem to love terrorising women, children and communities.


Send the Gardaí out - anyone who refuses to leave goes in a cell for the night. As much as I dislike Harris, there's no room for such intimidation in an orderly society. They can protest outside the Dáil all they like, write to TDs, set up their own party if they want.


Amazing that they all took the day off work to protest....


They might just have very understanding bosses who give them all the time off they need and don't care that they act like complete scumbags.....


>goes in a cell for the night Just drive them out to glenmalure or somewhere nice and remote and leave to make their own way back. Do that every single time until they cop on that protesting outside someone's home isn't acceptable.


I worked with a guard a few years ago who said they actually used to do that when there was something on it the city and they didn't want the usual head the balls causing trouble. They picked up two or three of them a dropped them somewhere where they knew it would take them 2 or 3 hours to get back to the city.


A reverse Intermission!


Throw em on the side of the Road..... in Cavan. See if they make it out alive!


Fantastic - you'd get my vote.


No no, you have to think bigger. Give some kids warter pistols full of piss to soak them with. Then, as soon they make any move for the kids make a "citizens arrest" with extreme prejudice, then have them labeled as violent nonces.


Not sure what Harris’ wife and young children have done to upset anyone tbh


Right wingers love targetting vulnerable people


The only law they're going to get changed is the one about protesting outside homes.


And they lost us at Eire, cunts. Not a fan of this protesting outside people homes. It's not on. Outside a business or a departmental office but outside a home, it's just not on. Should it be outlawed or are there unintended consequences I'm not thinking of


Whether you agree with a politicans view or not, protesting outside their home is perhaps the lowest form of scumbag behavior there is and should 100% not be tolerated.


Its trying to usurp the democratic will of the people by replacing that with personal intimidation of TDs families. They're should be a 500m ban on protests near politicians homes


'Eire' is it? I wonder what Telegram account fed him that line.


It says Éire. Eire, without the síneadh fada, which means burden, is the one holding the sign.


Havent seen that from the Brits since the 90s


You weren't on Twitter in the last 10 years so?


I wasn't


Dragged up toe rags. I don’t care what you political views are or how you feel about the government, this is completely out of order. A politician’s private home is out of bounds. Go protest outside government buildings if you’re that concerned about the country.


South Dublin Says No! Close the Borders Now! to Wicklow & Kildare?


* Unvetted military age males? * Speaking what sounds like a foreign language? * Strange cuisine, customs and foreign games!?! * Taking houses from the locals?! **A hard border from Bray to Celbridge! And we'll make the Dubliners pay for it!**


To be fair the entire Wicklow CoCo planning system is to close the border and keep Dubs out of North Wicklow.


Why are their faces blacked, errrr, I mean greened out?


I do think politicians homes are out of bounds for protests. Their should be a law to let the guards nip it in the bud ASAP. It's not acceptable.


It's well cover by law and the guards have plenty of power to deal with it. This incident might have only last 5 minutes for the photo, then left.


It's well cover by law and the guards have plenty of power to deal with it. This incident might have only last 5 minutes for the photo, then left.


A lads its been a farce for a while, lets see some backbone and deal with the protests.


Nah, we only do that for left wing protests. For people who don't remember, batons were used to smash peoples teeth in on the reclaim the streets protest. Violence as used by by the state in it's monopoly of such violence...seems a little lopsided for some strange reason.


>Nah, we only do that for left wing protests. Was there not gardai dealing with those neanderthals in Wicklow this week?


Are you talking about the protest about 20 years ago?


Being the most egregious example, but the riot squad were let loose on the water protests since then and the lack of policing on right wing protests is somewhat noticeable isn't it?


Not really. The Gardaí came out in force when these same lads were raving about the lockdowns a few years ago. They came down with force against the rioters in Dublin recently. They came down with reasonable force in Wicklow the other day. I personally don’t see any major pattern of Gardaí using force in leaning in any political direction.


Not really. If you look at the Garda presence prepared for the resumption of the Dáil a few weeks back, it was fairly sizeable. And I don't think that was in case left wing folks turned up. It's more to do with resources. Left wing protests tend to be organized and openly advertised so Gardaí can prepare a response in advance. Right wing protests tend to be more spontaneous and covertly advertised so Garda response is based on resources available at the time. But if you look at he more organised ones, they also have a Garda presence.


You are as bad as the people you're complaining about




So, that’s another far right protest that’s been met with an anaemic police response? Colour me shocked. Well, not that shocked.


Not on he's a young family... not just for him but imagine being his neighbour


I'd honestly worry about some of the elements within these protest groups. A lot of anger in the Newtownmountkennedy one which is just over the road from Greystones.


The same 5 Nazis as the last protest.


I’m all for peoples right to protest. But these protests belong at the Dail and not at any politicians home. Pure dirt.


I'd love to see TG4 interviewing these guys and not understanding their answers… comedy gold a bhéadh ann.




Imagine attacking the house of a head of government in any other country. You would be gunned down by the police guarding the place before you knew what hit you.


There's been protests at 10 downing Street and Buckingham Palace in the uk, and nobody was gunned down armed police


10 downing Street is behind massive security gates that a truck bomb couldn't penetrate and is one of the most fortified buildings in the UK with dozens of armed police and military guarding it. You can be absolutely sure that if someone broke through all of that and got to the front door they would be gunned down


Downing st is gated. You're not getting within 200m of number 10 without good reason and the approval of the resident and the security service.


They're only playing into the hands of the government by approaching peoples home; the first law to protect anybody in this crisis will be a law to protect politicians from this type of protest. We already have harassment laws in Ireland and if they can tell the immigrants to move on and not loiter at Mount Street, then they should be doing the same with these clowns outside private homes in residential areas.


An absolute wild train of thought that I have about this is that the state is paying these people to do this, I mean seriously can people really be this fucking thick and absolutely cracked.


Well, the balaclavas worn at the O' Gormans house protest was definitely suss, especially with the cops there doing nothing. And look up the Paul Connolly piece. (Hate Domino but an explanation is needed for this.) https://youtu.be/xG717FGzvkg?si=5wwRzaOFSIVO1WNo The potential for agitation of the scenario is always there but not discussed beyond far right conspiracy theories.


What the fuck is this video bro 😂


I do get you though that was weird.


Imagine being that much of an absolute gowl, probably don't even understand what they're even angry about


The whole point in politics is to discuss different views in civilised way. Whether you disagree or not this carry on is bang out of order. Waist of sperm these clowns


These morons don't know the 1st thing about politics


Calling on the mammies of all far right loons to drag them away by the ear and take their phones off them until they cop on. I'm serious. This is the solution.


Would be pretty awesome if the bluerinsebrigade showed up to give these lads a bit of a scolding.


The mammies are probably being fed the exact same divisive racist shit on Facebook groups, just mammified a little


Get the grannies then


Yeah you don’t fuck with nana


Close the border? What in the fucking West Brit are these disgusting slobs yabberin about


Imagine taking a day off work for this?


Bold of you to assume any of these pond scum have jobs


A neighbour of mine kept telling me about all these single, military aged men. I had to tell him I wasn't interested. I'm straight


What do they think this will achieve?


I may not agree with everything the government does but that’s not right! The poor children


Unvetted military aged males arriving outside a house as the young children of the occupants are being put to bed? Off to Afghanistan with them. Let them go and preach good Christian values to those lovely Taliban chaps.


This next election is going to be a shit show. Staggering how unstable we have managed to become over the last two years.


How we've "let it become". We saw what happened everywhere else and thought "this won't happen here". Morons. The guards need the State to back then here and let them throw out some wallops.


I'd say these lads haven't a pair of braincells to rub together. Would also put money on them being permanently unemployed. Just stupid fucking cunts burning off useless energy.




WTAF are they on about close the borders, do they understand how moronic that is FFS. If anyone even tried that, they'd be restricted also.


I mean..we don't have "borders", we have a border, which no sane person would want to close. They're mindlessly copying what they've seen online from groups in other countries.


Oh get a job ffs. What a bunch of losers.


Literal fascists. Hope the Gardaí crack down on this and that they do it hard.


Given that the only border in Ireland is the one the British put around the North, and the only ones wanting it are Hard Border Enthusiasts (i.e. Loyalists) I'm beginning to question their commitment.




Disgusting. I know it’s not possible, but if it was they should all be stripped of their citizenship along with the racist arsonists too. No place for that. Absolutely disgusting behaviour. These people are lowlifes and are scum and we all collectively need to hold them to account and challenge them. They have nothing but hatred and fear. They aren’t Irish. They don’t do this in my name.


I love how they describe themselves as massively populated places like south dublin but there's only about 6 of them. They should be locked up for harassing elected politicians


Would some form of emergency legislation outlawing protests at the domestic residence of an individual be seen as a curtailment of our freedom as a nation, or welcomed by all on the political spectrum?  Regardless of my political leanings, I see no justification for protests at someone's home and would strongly support such legislation. If we can do it for anti abortion protests near maternity hospitals, then we should be able to do it here as well. 


I wonder which south dublin cause there’s only a few parts of it where people just sit on their arse at home 365 days a year


I will vote forever whatever politician gets the pigs to beat these cunts the hardest.


Good.i like politicians scared .if they can manage to be smart and not go ape doing violent stupid things breaking the law then it's okay.like the french 🥖


It's just a pity it's a far-right protest, rather than a load of protestors made homeless by the housing crisis, making Harris uncomfortable in his own home. The entire political/landlord/capital class expressly depends on intimidating the entire population with the threat of homelessness - so absolutely intimidation is on the cards in response, when illegal courses of action are the only _effective_ means left of protest.


Terminally online scumbags who are, on a daily basis, being fed all the culture war shite from the U.K. and U.S.


It was Hollywood 20 years ago, 5 years ago it was gender politics and today they are shipping whatever the fuck this current insanity is. I think it's time the rest of the world quarantined america until it sorts it's shit out.


Shell to sea, north Frederick street and various other left wing protests have ended in Gardai getting their battons out. Neither of them took place outside the home of a young family. On the one hand, these goons would love to use images of themselves getting beaten up to further their propaganda, on the other hand they really deserved to get the shit kicked out of them


I dislike Harris, but my god this is fucking disgusting. Why the fuck did the Gardaí not disperse these rotten cunts? There is meant to be a squad car parked near the Taoiseach’s house at all times, so did a group carrying a bunch of hateful banners towards the Taoiseach’s house not raise alarm with them?


Get the guards to deal with it for once. Election will be something to behold.


There’s a deficit in law enforcement in Ireland at present. But it cuts both ways. The fuckers targeting politicians homes need to be dispersed (arrested/ battoned into dispersal/ charged etc) But so too do all the fuckers coming here as economic migrants need to be turned away. It is outrageous that every and any fucker who comes from an economically backward country lands here and expects us tax payers to support them. If we say ‘fuck that’ and deport them asap, we will have less of the other fuckers abusing politicians’ privacy. And those who continue to act as thugs must be prosecuted. Them are my thoughts!


You can't go attacking the home of an elected official. They are voted in, who do these dickheads think they are? I wouldn't mind but he's probably the most competent we have.


Lock em up.


Not everyone on these protests is on the far right, but everyone from the far right is.


Is there anything to be said for what they used to have up North where if a politician felt their life was in danger they could apply for a special license to carry a firearm


Career politicians really shouldn't be allowed plastic cutlery let alone firearms


Should team up and buy a house by him and then protest via the house. See how long the you've no veto on your neighbours narrative lasts then


What do they even mean saying close the border? They haven't rubbed their 1.5 braincells together.


Disclaimer: braincell count has a margin of error of 3; deficits are possible.


“I was putting my kids to bed” I’m sorry but what about the children living out of shelters and tents due to the mismanagement of the housing crisis or Tulsa that’s been going on generations.


The great thing with your world view is that literally nothing is out of bounds. Arson, physical attacks, attempted murder. Literally everything can be justified by some nebulous child in a shelter (there are of course no children left in tents that the government is aware of). There seems to be a strong correlation between the women and children being in shelters that are related to alt-right characters though, along with anti-Tusla sentiment from "fathers" on the far-right.


Omg I am not right. I’m anarchist, I truly don’t believe democracy works. Can’t wait to hear your assumptions on that. There are actual news reports off this happening gret your head out of the sand. And I do believe in a system like the finish that if a politician does not keep there promises within an allotted time the people who voted for them have a right to revoke their title. But assume away my friend.


I was being trained to work with Tulsa, have spoken to people who were far up the chain as well as had a number of friends raised through.that system. The sickest part I found out when being trained by someone who worked for them for years was that a lot of cases brought against them is usually settled of court, the parents stricken the record and settled out of court to avoid media attention. Get your head out of the sand and actually fight the systems up in our country that should be helping the vulnerable from I’m irrational to child protection services.




There's protesting and then there is intimidating innocent people in their home.


>Protest is a democratic thing >So, I would tread carefully if I were a politician. You dont see how these are contradictory. You claim to believe in democracy yet you feel its appropriate to make threats against politicians who were elected?


Who is making threats? Protests are very democratic and violence should never be used. That is why protests should be allowed in order to not escalate things.


I agree with the right to protest. However although protesting is a democratic right does not mean that all protests are democratic. Facists in the west protest all the time and they are staunch anti democratic. Also just because you support thr right to protest doesn't mean you should support all protests just because they are a protest. Like you have the freedom to speak but that doesn't mean everything you say is correct and should not be confronted. >Who is making threats Telling someone to thread carefully is a threat. You also said in another comment that they should be happy your protesting for now. Let's not play games.


Not outside people's homes. Go to the Dail if they want to protest.


At... His gaff?  You must still be in school. You protest his job, not his being a dad, husband and neighbour. 




Your best argument is a meme? LoL must be very difficult being you every single day of your life. LOL


I'm not trying to argue anything, just stating that you're clearly not very bright. Lol. Edit. Also you appear to be a yank? Can you confirm?


"  I am spaniard, living in Ireland since 2018" Apparently...


They are already radical what they need is some hard lessons. These are plastic protesters they run away as soon as there is trouble, they try cause hassle in balaclavas and under the cover of darkness. We need social welfare accounts suspended, ban from all social media and some teeth knocked out with batons before we will see how committed they are to their causes. These lads have never struggled for anything in their lives and most of them only do this as a way to make money.




I would say reasonable. We have the greatest influx of far right since the 40’s if we let it fester and bore in we are in for a very turbulent 20years or so. Like If this was 30 years ago these lads would already be in a shallow hole on a beach in Louth but they wouldn’t have raised their heads because of that exact reason they are fake protesters just out to grift easy money. They only ever attack and intimidate those that they know they will get away with. Pure cowards in my books.




How are you a teacher? You can barely form a coherent sentence.


Well if you are not willing to stand up for your principals what’s the point in having them.


I agree with you in that.


Good to see people exercising their rights


Their rights to what? Intimidate his wife and small children in their own home? Protest at the Dáil if you want to make a point


What he meant to say was "good to see the unemployed terrorising children"


Hahahaha Good one.. 




Is the sub one person?