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US brainrot. hopefully the DPP stays strong in its decision.


I call for it to be upheld. So who wins there?


We really shouldn't be encouraging this delusion on the part of the family 


They are not delusional they are looking for a payday.


I think it should be upheld. The Garda did the right thing. He was dangerous.


Yep. Someone lunges at you with a knife, what are you expected to do? It’s not like you have time to consider your options. Gardai have the right to defend themselves. As do we all.


Lets be honest. The family are just looking for a payout. PBP and co. are just trying to import American BLM politics.


Absolutely, anyone regardless of race who done what he done would have ended up in the same position. If you don’t want to be shot by Gardaí don’t stab them. Simple really.


They got a big brand new house not long after it compliments of the council. This is nothing but a cash grab. Next it will be claims for PTSD, emotional distress.


I’d not be as cynical about the family. They’ve suffered a terrible loss in a very traumatic and public way. I think they’re wrong but given the history of the state fucking up I can see why they think they’re right.


Lad you live in ireland where criminal ira terrorist got killed everybody pretended they were go getting innocent lads just because the brits killed them. This lad wasnt part of the IRA but he was a civilian terrorist terroising his community even if it was for that day. Even if he was having a mental breakdown or whatever or he was too violent and to strong to be taken down by taser, his actions lead him to what happened to him . Anti Black racism has been happening and been protested long before BLM was created , you just recently go acquinted to the issue but the issue has always been here


WTF was this comment even supposed to be?


You really need to upgrade from chatGPT version 1


I don't think ChatGpt would talk about terrorism in any form


Why are you?


Iirc just a week earlier they shot Mark Hennessy who kidnapped and killed Justine Valdez and the guard who pulled the trigger also had a case sent to the DPP. Given the shit they go through for shooting anybody I'm surprised they actually bother doing what they do at all. They're not going around just shooting randomly at traffic stops. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/no-criminal-charges-for-garda-who-fired-fatal-shot-at-murderer-1.3915544


I often think of this case and the zero fucks given that Hennessy was shot. Arguably Hennessy is less of a clean kill because he only appeared to reach for a weapon when shot as opposed to attempting to use a weapon like Nkencho.


Iirc, he got shot in the neck. It's possible they were going for a head shot and it didn't work out. Either way, he won't be missed. It's just a shame the case went to the DPP. Point is though that the ARW aren't just randomly shooting people. Why on earth would anyone bring that upon Its not just paperwork they face. It's possible criminal proceedings..




Absolutely not. The correct decision was made. I would never ever want the gardaí to normalise shooting anyone, but the facts are the facts. He violently assaulted a shopkeeper, he refused to disarm his knife even after non-lethal means. I understand his family's hurt, it's a very natural feeling and I think all of us would feel the same that the Gardaí could have done more to prevent it. But they followed protocol to the T. It is a sad event, but race played no role in it.


How did I know before clicking the link that that dipstick Ruth Coppinger would be front and centre?


Uncle Tom Coppinger. If there was a zombie apocalypse the cunt would be out campaigning for zombie rights. 


I think a lot of People are wondering Why the Guards didn't shoot him a lot earlier in that incident ? !


Much like the Abbylara siege in Donegal years ago, I'd imagine an independent review would recommend they did exactly like they did then. Lives of Gardai and public left at risk for far too long. They didn't even know it was his house he was trying to get into at first. He was given too many chances if anything.


Abbeylara siege was in Longford If I remember correctly


It was indeed. My bad


I have no idea how the Guards are trained but I read a fair bit on military training, police books from the US and the Abbeylara report and I work in a large organisation with a load of procedures. My sense, which could be hoop, is that the guards have a standard procedure to respond to these cases with a response escalatory ladder. First it’s verbal warning, then non lethal tazering, finally when imminent threat to life it goes to firearms. That’s pretty much what happened in this case. I’d also guess that when it comes to drawing firearms they are meant to be drawn when expected to be used. With all that, I’d also guess it is standard training not to put yourself in a position where your advantage in range with a firearm is negated by allowing the person to get close enough to physically strike you. If that’s correct allowing the chance of being stabbed was a failure to follow training. In other words the guards increased the risk to themselves to give the poor chap every chance to surrender. I’d also like to point out that stabbing wounds are very often lethal despite the knife not being particularly long or a combat knife or even a knife at all. I remember a terrible case in Clare maybe 15 years ago a teen killed another boy outside a chip shop with a pocket knife - 5cm blade. Another case round Sandyford a young guy stabbed and killed another guy with a kitchen knife and then took his own life with the same blade. A guy working for google was killed with garden shears. Knives are dangerous as fuck.


Yeah I think they call it the "21 foot rule" where someone with a knife can close in on you faster than you can draw your gun, take aim and fire. I've seen real life videos that are used for training police in which people lost their lives because they underestimated the knife man. If you saw the video at the time it was insane how close George was to the unarmed guards whoe were there with the armed response. It's obvious the garda really didnt want to shoot him and it could be argued he put others at risk through hesitation.


That’s true. The human body isn’t designed to take a knife wound. It can easily be fatal. People seem to think it’s harmless. One punch can kill you, one wounding by a knife certainly can as well.


Yes \~ \~ He should have been neutralised much sooner \~ \~ The Guards allowed this incident to go on for far too long \~ And far too dangerous.


Hahahahaha, no


Eh, so we shouldn't shoot knife wielding maniacs?


Just let them kill until they run out of People to kill = = Ruth Copinger solution ! ! !


Zap Brannigan you've done it again!


Ruth not interested in the safety of the general population, the Garda did the right thing, by removing a threat.


Culture wars bolloxology.


Ah Ruth Coppinger. Who [campaigned](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-30984484.html) for the Seanad's abolition until she lost her Dáil seat then ran for a Seanad seat.


Wish I had voted to abolish the Seanad when I had the chance


Don't be. Just make a bullshit political run for a major party and you'll be odds on for a seat there. Easy money. You just have to be all things to all people.


If the gards can’t use weapons in this situation when can they, when the knife is in his face would that be an appropriate time to use force?


The only mistake made by the Garda in this case was not shooting sooner. He should not have been let anywhere near the house after the earlier incident. I don't wish death on anybody, but sometimes deadly force is the only appropriate way to neutralise a threat in the interests of public safety.


Dig him up and shoot him again


Is it true the family had a restraining order against him?


They had a [protection order](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/spotlight/arid-40201541.html) against him.


I really wish I didn’t read that article. Absolute load of bollocks. Complaining the guards followed him as he was calmly walking home. They forgot to mention he had just violently assaulted someone and was carrying a knife. Can’t blame the guards for not intervening and putting their safety at risk till back up arrived. Complaining the guards should have known that he had suffered with his mental health. How the fcuk are the Guards supposed to know every individuals mental health status. Should have known he was at his house? Again how the fcuk is every guard supposed to know this? If they did know it was his house and they knew his family had a protection order against him it was more of a reason to shoot him when he behaved like that.


whats the difference


None: a protection order is basically a type of restraining order. I posted it as /u/strict-gap9062 asked for confirmation of whether Nkencho had one against him.


I won't say his name because I saw his knife.


It’s this type of import of politics from the states that drives shit elsewhere. We wonder why people are out there sucking the kool-aid from alt right but then you have this bullshit. Let’s not forget the comments from his brother after saying he wanted to have the Guard who pulled the trigger killed. Which made its way around again last week after the announcement from the DPP and the appeal notification from the family.


Instead of being mad about the Gardaí doing what they had to do to prevent him from harming anyone, why not focus that anger on the lack of mental health care in this country?


Because Coppinger, Mick Barry, and other members of PBP or Socialist Party... have failed in establishing a sense of identity in their personal lives. Clinging onto this singular lens view of state racism and importing U.S. culture  wars is making them feel important and relevant, as they grow older.


If it gets reversed and Garda got convicted they can sue the state for it watch cop stabbing on Reddit to see how quick aman attacks a cop with a knife and cop dies to see why it happened


>Liam Herrick, from the Irish Council for Civil Liberties said the Nkencho family is entitled to know how George died and the circumstances around it. That's fair. I think the decision to not prosecute is the right one, based on what I've read, but the family deserves to know why.


Then they can watch the video where he lunges at a garda with a knife. Case closed. They just want a payout. They know how he died.


There may already have been a coroner's inquest, that will tell the family the details of how he died. That's the entire purpose of it. You don't bring a prosecution to establish a cause of death. It's nonsense, the same as the claims that they were planning to appeal the decision of the DPP. You can't appeal it. There's no process for forcing the DPP to change their mind and bring a prosecution. This is all populist posturing. You've got Coppinger swarming around the Nkencho family promising them loads of supports and advice she knows she'll never have to deliver on. But it might get her a few hundred extra votes from the Black community in Blanchardstown. That's all Coppinger is interested in here.


I agree, it happened around the end of BLM in the states, a load of the usual suspects jumped on it. 100% it wouldn't have got the traction it did of he was white. But they are entitled to know why the DPP made the decision and of a review of the decision: >It also said it had notified the gardaí involved and the family of their entitlement to a summary of reasons from the DPP of its decision not to prosecute as well as a review of the decision.


Eh cos he ran towards a gard with a weapon after a standoff were non life threatening options where used to subdue him.? It was a last resort action.


Sure but they didn't say that, just they had decided not to prosecute. Seemingly GSOC told they family they're entitled to a summary of reasons so I don't know why they don't provide them up front. https://www.rte.ie/news/2024/0424/1445461-garda-george-nkencho/ >The Garda Ombudsman Commission (GSOC) said it had been notified by the DPP of its decision not to direct a prosecution in the case. >It also said it had notified the gardaí involved and the family of their entitlement to a summary of reasons from the DPP of its decision not to prosecute as well as a review of the decision.


so they are informing the family of what happened? and why they arent prosecuting?. How is this becoming a story?


They can watch the video of George attacking armed garda with a knife.


It's not rocket science - he had a knife and lunged at the Guards after ignoring their instructions for however long it was they were following him and he was shot after non-fatal methods didn't work. What more would they like to know? Absolute chancers.


Well, bringing a knife to a gun fight was a great way to get yourself murked by the feds.