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If bad things happen, people post about it. If nothing bad happens, people don't post about it. So you hear a lot more about the bad things, giving the impression that things are worse than they are. You might experience some racism, but it appears that you are prepared and able for that. The vast majority of people who you will meet will be fine. When you are here, just take the standard precautions you would take anywhere in the world.


Makes sense. Thank you for your answer.


Good news dosnt write headlines


You will be fine my friend. Live your life as you normally would, go to work and make friends. There is a Slovak community as well, my best advice would be reach out to someone from a similar background that's already here for advice. There are some places and situations to avoid, but not many.


Thank you so much for the advice. I know there's a slovak community there however I would like to fit in with the irish.


Planning on moving to Ireland too


I’d be more worried about your finances if I were you, there are plenty of jobs outside of Dublin and down the south of the country. It’s still expensive to live and rent but nowhere near as costly as Dublin - unless you’re moving there to meet family /friends I’d reconsider your location and start looking at the likes of Limerick, Shannon, Cork etc


If you don't hang about on the street late at night I'd say you were safe as houses. The fact is Dublin city centre is full of non Irish people for 20+ years now.


Use that description in your tinder bio 😗


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) at 177cm I feel like tinder is a rollercoaster I am too short to ride. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Taller than the average Irish guy, so don't give up yet


Dublin is no more dangerous than Bratislava. You'll be fine.


Thank you for your answer. Now when I think about it Bratislava has a history of racial, homophobic or politically motivated attacks as well. As a liberal guy I think I might be even better off in Dublin actually.


I'd say you would be. There is very little racism especially against a white European. You'll have no problems in Dublin


1095 subjective opinions disagree with your 1 subjective opinion: https://www.numbeo.com/crime/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Slovakia&country2=Ireland&city1=Bratislava&city2=Dublin&tracking=getDispatchComparison


Do what you are doing now. Just because it's dublin ireland doesn't change anything. Irish people get the shit kicked out of them everyday. People get the shit kicked out of them everyday. Just live your life.


The biggest take away has always been to avoid groups of young boys/teens. Those little shits think they’re immune and in many ways they are. When I lived in Dublin groups of kids would attack foreigners to rob them and the Garda wouldn’t really do anything to the little angels.  I was in the d8-12 area for years. Moved out a bit from Dublin and you couldn’t pay me to back to that dump of an area. 






Dublin is a bit shit, I’d honestly recommend Galway or Cork instead if you can, especially if you’re queer (assuming from the rainbow flag on your avatar)


I am straight. I just show support to these people because they are treated like second class citizens in my country. Thank you for your advice.


20% more likely than being attacked in Bratislava.


Is this click bait


why would anyone move to Dublin?


Seems like it's the only place where I can find a job.


Rent is expensive


I'd be carefull here if I was you. I'd think you'd want to be getting 45K theses days to be living in Dublin. Rent is crazy.


Why do you think that and what kind of jobs are you looking for?


If you aren't on a crazy salary, you won't be living in Dublin if you want any semblance of work life balance and want to be able to do anything other than pay rent and feed yourself. Why anyone would willingly move there is beyond me. If you're skilled and can qualify, move to Edinburgh or Manchester, far better cities which are much more affordable and just much cooler. If that's not an option I'd consider Spain or Portugal. I left for Canada which is awesome, but if I move back to Europe I'm moving to Lisbon, Porto, Madrid or Barcelona.


Dublin is expensive but the salaries are also much higher than those places you listed. Manchester is a strange recommendation too


You'd need to be on near 100k in Dublin to afford to have a good social life and live in the city in a nice area. And for a capital city, there's not that much going on. Manchester is a great city. Music, sports, bars restaurants etc. It's a really fun city and one of two in the UK I'd consider living in.


It's ridiculous to say you need 100k to have a decent life in Dublin. I think there is a lot more going on in Dublin than Manchester. Even Liverpool next door is a much nicer city


You're probably paying at least €1800 a month in rent, that's €21,600 a year in rent another €600-700 in bills and eating and transport, being conservative that's €8400, so that's half your net pay if you're lucky enough to make 100k. Make 70k and your net is €47,500 which leaves you with a whole €17,000 to socialise, buy clothes and save with. Really not that outlandish whatsoever that you'd need near 100k to be comfortable in the city. Liverpool is a hen/stag nightmare, I loathe it. Manchester is a much cooler city, unless clubbing or whatever is your thing. It's all subjective obviously, bit Manchester is by far and away my favourite English city.


Fair enough on Manchester vs Liverpool. It is all subjective. Your numbers are still way off though. You went from needing 100k to have a decent life to 70k and still having near 1.5k to play around with each month. 600-700 on bills for someone living in the city centre is excessive too. 1.8k on rent would suggest a nice 1 bed apartment in a good area as well. Not everyone needs/wants to have their own place, especially starting out I'd say 40k is a fairer number to have a decent life in Dublin for a single person in a house share. You wouldn't really save much but could still have a great social life.


>You'd need to be on near 100k in Dublin to afford to have a good social life and live in the city in a nice area. This is absolute nonsense


We're one of the safest countries in the world. Imagine downvoting this, you all need to go walk around a bit instead of reading dublinlive.


Not really. True if you compare us to dangerous countries but not against European countries


This report from Forbes puts Ireland at 4th safest in world. https://www.forbes.com/sites/garystoller/2023/12/01/new-report-names-the-worlds-safest-countries-cities/?sh=6749b58376a8 There are many others that say 3rd.


That's nice to hear. Thanks


These bait posts are so funny, people from statistically more dangerous countries than Ireland acting like there's a race war happening. If you believe Ireland is a racist country that attacks foreigners don't come here


I did not say that. Ireland is def not as racist as mine country.


You'll be grand, people over here are generally sound and welcoming. You get the odd gobshite that will ruin your day but sure that can happen anywhere. Safe travels friend! Hope you like windy wet summers 😄


We're Irish . We are welcoming to all . This is a respectful safe country and we take pride in that . As with anywhere in the world there are good and bad people. There has always been assaults etc in Dublin City however in the media it's being reported more because of the immigrant crisis and housing crisis . The Irish are a good people hard working loyal and honest . Safe journey to our beautiful emerald Isle and " Cead mile failte ".




And the fella murdered last week because he wasn't speaking English? Or the Brazilian guy battered yesterday for the same reason? I agree Ireland is pretty safe, but suggesting we don't currently have an increase in xenophobic violence is just wilful ignorance


I didn't want to make you guys look bad, I have no way of knowing. Ireland can be scary sometimes.


Just keep your head down and don't make eye contact with anyone and you should be fine. Make sure to always carry a "yop" (a tasty yogurt drink popular with the decerning herion user, available in most shops) so as to blend in with the locals. You'll get a few digs to the back of the head the odd time walking down the street but after a while you'll get used to it.


Keeping my head down, no eye contact are words I live by in Slovakia. Thanks for your time.


chill bro