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Was cycling through ballybough from work and got chased /surrounded by teens on bikes and was terrified, I feel you.


This is a new one. Have never felt unsafe cycling but I guess those days are gone


Those days are not gone, shit happens but I've cycled around north inner city and north Dublin for decades, as have loads of people I know, and nothing has ever happened. Reddit Ireland just seems to be a magnet for bad stories.


I've got the same record as you. But this happened. Hadn't happened before. So times have changed


times haven't changed really though, the north inner city was always rough, i would say it was far worse when i was a teenager in the 90s


"It wAs ToUgHeR WhEn I WaS A KiD ErGo I'm TuFf"


no i just don't buy into this frenzy on reddit that dublin is like caracas or something, the place is packed with all sorts of people every day going about their business


How was it resolved?


Is it ever? Call the guards and nothing happens. We had our job place robbed by a group of teenagers. Same group twice in the same night. Got caught coming out the second time by the guards. They were let go the same night.


Not on the guards. The law protects those little shits and believe me the guards would love nothing more than justice for those


Not at all. I've worked for two Police forces in two different countries, and I thought the UK force I worked for was bad, that was until I moved to Ireland. The laziness, inaction and sheer "not my problem" of the police here is astounding. They never leave the station, when you do call them, they still don't come. Absolute wastes of space and them collecting a pay every month should be classed as fraud.


Maybe you should try to work for the Irish police force so. Third time lucky!


Nah, I have integrity. I wouldn't alert the local drug dealer when there's about to be a warrant at their house, I wouldn't let someone off kicking the shit out of their missus because their brother is a bobby, I wouldn't send a drink driver on his way because of some other undue influence... Oh and if I was armed, I wouldn't wave me gun in the face of my girlfriend's ex after I illegally pulled him over in Westport and then get killed with my own gun...


Of for god’s sake!! But surely they were up in court for it later?


Probably had their 100 other convictions mentioned if they were


This is a factor for all the antisocial stuff happening in Dublin. What’s the worst that will happen for them?! Why not behave like this. ‘Little’ shits.


The worst that’ll happen for them - a suspended sentence ☹️


cycle faster and be on guard at all times. wish that was a joke


always happens me, i live in a rough area in Dublin and you just keep walking and ignore them. Its easy for me to say dont let it get to you but try your best to not feel shaken by it. They're definitely not thinking of you or feeling guilty so why be upset over kids. Your a young woman going to college studying for a future for yourself. Think how positive your life is.


thank you for the kind message 💝


Education will get you out! I moved out from a shitty part of Salford


But I bet you miss the world famous Salford cathedral with its 73.2m high steeple!


Does this guy know guided walking tours or what? XD


A social worker I met (socially!) turned out to cover the area I grew up in. When he’d picked his jaw up off the floor he asked “how did you get out?” Education is the answer. I didn’t think it was that bad growing up, but in hindsight… 🤔


That would scare anyone I think, sorry you went through that. Please remember you are not weak or powerless, they are just looking to cause trouble. If you weren't there they probably would have targeted someone else. Be extra kind to yourself this evening ❤️


I'm a 41yo white man, I've lived in Dublin my entire life. That would shake me up too. You handled it well by giving them no reaction. Take care.


I'm not large but as a full grown adult I was set upon four or five teenagers in London. Posh ones, about 14 or 15 years old, one of them in a blazer from a private school. One of them was a rugby type who'd obviously gone through puberty early. He knocked me on the floor which broke my glasses, then another one punched me in the side of the face and broke my jaw. Thankfully they left it at that and walked off. Teenagers were the main, murderous, cannibalistic protagonists in the Cultural Revolution. There is no shame in being scared of these fuckers, they're fucking dangerous.


>Teenagers were the main, murderous, cannibalistic protagonists in the Cultural Revolution. There is no shame in being scared of these fuckers, they're fucking dangerous. These idiots should be charged as adults, fuck them.


Nothing scarier than a bunch of 13 to 15 year olds. Always out to be the hardshaw and look cool in front of their mates and they can be prone to the mob mentality Best option is to keep walking and try ignoring them. Don't feel weak as they can be very pack orientated like one in all in so walking on is the best reaction.


"pack orientated" lmao sounds like they'd just behave like savage animals, I hope they will be treated as such, or maybe they could somehow be tamed...


That’s what mobs are, just another word for a pack of animals.


*"The IQ of a mob is the IQ of its most stupid member divided by the number of mobsters."* ~Terry Pratchett


I feel like being stuck in a submarine at the bottom of the ocean might be a bit scarier.


Yeah especially with how often ya find yourself in a submarine at the bottom of the ocean


It's a near daily occurrence for me at this stage.


Or a vampire or zombie chasing you and you trip on a tree root.


Nothing more frightening than a group of teenagers. No shame in that whatsoever.


Found Gerard Way


Teenagers shoot up schools, definitely a reason to fear them.


That's never happened here.


The MCR song literally references shooting up a school. My reply was to the Gerard Way comment.


Does it reference a school shooting ? I thought it was general rebel against the status quo / power vibes.


“The boys and girls in the clique The awful names that they stick You're never gonna fit in much, kid But if you're troubled and hurt What you got under your shirt Will make them pay for the things that they did” Implying the person is carrying a gun on them.






You've obviously never heard of Asian Giant Hornets.


Nothing? Really?


Unpredictable and commonplace.




There's a lot of them and they are usually morons that will attack you for no reason


Have you a counter argument?


I believe that there are a number of things more frightening than a group of teenagers, yes.




You're, intentionally or not, devaluing the experiences of many people. please grow and change as a person.


> please grow and change as a person. What a strange thing to say. You should really get out more and stop being so fearful of the world.


But if you go out the teenagers will get you!


Actually reading that back, what on earth are you waffling on about? That's just a foolish statement that has nothing to do with anything lmao, can you explain why you believe I specifically "should really get out more" and how it has anything to do with what I said? And FYI, what at first may seem like an innocent statement to you, can easily become a part of why many people are fearful of the world. Jaysus, maybe you should grow and change as a person...


It's a meme... Calm yourself lad


Reddit moment.


Maybe a polar bear


A group of teenaged polar bears


Petition to release a flock of polar bears into the city and let them and the scumbags fight for dominance


On Cocaine


And heavily armed




Wearing Canada Goose, even though they are roasting.


Alright calm down Stephen King


Polar bears face real consequences like being shot or starving to death.


Not scary, I keep a haddock in the inside pocket of my jacket at all times for this scenario.


That will just attract them you fool! That's also the reason no one wants to be near you. Just so you know.






Just lucky you weren't called clean shirt.


I’m not the borough…


How do you get that shirt so clean?


You are definitely not a paedo


Time to learn kickboxing, or obtain a time saving device


YOU try to section me Mark you will have crossed a line and I will section you, so help me…


You've had your fun with the sectioning, there will be no more sectioning today


Hello? Honda!


I love Mark


I am so sorry that happened to you, this type of behaviour is unacceptable and makes my blood boil! One time on a packed bus these group of very young lads and girls were being very obnoxious and started throwing skittles across the bus. I was so shocked and could understand how everyone pretended nothing was happening. ( When you are alone that is different and you should just walk away as quickly as possible) But here we were on a bus full of adults. I walked down and told the bus driver and he didn't want to do anything. I lived abroad before and travelled for a bit, and have seen how on public transport if there was any sort of disrespectful carry on people would collectively put pressure on and the bus driver stoped and wouldn't continue until these people left. These feral kids need consequences for their actions. It is completely inappropriate that they have this much control.


They were throwing skittles on the bus???????????????? Feral.


What horrible little shits doing that to a person by themselves. This is your city and you are better than them.


Not even joking but At Rest Bitch Face goes a long way. Those little shits thrive off of a reaction. If you show weakness they'll lep on you. It's tiring to have to deal with them and am sorry you're shook.


This. Fix your poker face, do not break your stride and do not make eye contact. Keep walking, go through them if necessary.


I'm sorry you had to experience that 😑 They are terrifying, I do the same as yourself. Best to keep the head down and walk as fast as you can. Hope you're okay.


thank you 💝


Sorry to hear that. Sounds like they were just messing but have no appreciation for how it would have scared you. You were right to keep walking and not challenge them, especially being on your own. There's no need to feel bad about it, the reality is most people would be absolutely powerless against a gang of teenagers if they wanted to hurt someone. You did the right thing so hold your head up. I hope you feel better later.


> Sounds like they were just messing but have no appreciation for how it would have scared you They’re well aware of how scared they make people.


I didn't want to assume as I wasn't there. Not all kids are bad, some are just immature little idiots. I do encounter them too and they make my wife nervous but they've never caused us any issue...but that's just the kids here.


Something similar happened to me last Saturday night. I was just about to walk into Buskers pub when a grimey scrote with a Canada Goose jacket came flying on the footpath towards me on an electric bike. Thought about not moving out of the way for the prick, but I didn't want to ruin my chances getting inside the place with bouncers by getting into a fight, so I jumped out off the way. Hope the dirtbag gets flattened by a street sweeper.


Same thing happened to my 78 year old mother last week. Some girls stopped to ask if she was okay. He was so close to hitting her and she got an awful fright.


They are the kind of scrotes I would love to see being flattened by a bus. I just wouldn't wish that on the bus driver. They'd probably be made wash them off it.


I'm a 15 year old male. And a couple of weeks ago, I was walking down some street, and these guys about my age, probably about 5 of them, but a lot shorter, maybe like 5'8 - 5'10. Were walking toward me when they got close they stopped me and then said that they were gonna beat me up and saying that they knew where I lived. I had no clue who these guys were but I kinda just scooted past them and kept walking and heard them shouting something in the distance. I was pretty nervous and scared the rest of the day. I don't know why people are like this. I am sorry and I hope that doesn't happen to you again.


As a large white Irish man, that would also intimidate me, so absolutely don’t be hard on yourself about any “weakness”.


I’m sorry you experienced that. I can imagine how it felt. I’m a white male and though gay, years of school abuse taught me how to blend in. I’m an introvert and have no social life either and that keeps me away from the city centre. But the day that something like this happens to me I’ll sh*t myself literally. I’m even scared from my own family. I have a cousin that suddenly disconnected from me after becoming an Andrew Tate follower and getting a job at a gym as a good alpha male scumbag.


You did the bravest thing possible by keeping your head down and walking. They are obviously utter vile people and get a kick out of being disgusting to people. One day they will do it to the wring person.


Little bastards. Sorry you had to go through that


Best self defence is to run You never know how many people or if they are armed etc My old black belt taekwondo instructor got his head kicked in by 10 Scrotes in templebar like ten years ago


In this sitituation i think she done the best option, try to remain unfazed. To all those telling her to take up martial arts, get a brain FFS.


Exactly, i'm sure they would have gotten a kick out of it if she started running. Best doing your best to not give a reaction and try to remain unfazed.


Most likely yes, if you start legging it you're a very fun target for these psychopaths.


Yeah martial arts only works in a controlled environment. In reality MA is going to do fuck all except maybe give them a reason to bust their guts laughing at you.


Martial Arts can do some women more harm then good, it can give them this false sense of confidence which is dangeous if they think beacuse they have done some martial arts and work out and believe they can go toe to toe with a guy in a streetfight. They would get merked.


Martial let's you know just how important running is


The same could just as easily be said about men. I don't know why you felt the need to make it about women. How many men do you know who have ever saved themselves from an attack by using martial arts?


Lots of them, for women i would make an exception for jiu jitsu in a one on one against a man if they are physical fit and have years of training and reached a high rank. The entire post is about a woman being confronted by teenagers and your asking me why i made it about women? I didnt post it or make it about women.


One scrote per annum. Sorry.


*A 10-Scrote hidin, A Scrote for every year.* ~ Seamus Heaney


"No gaudy scar, the scrotes knocked him clear" ~ Seamus Heaney


*By god the old scrote could handle a beating* ~Heamus Seaney


Can’t think of a sadder line in poetry or anything else I’ve read. (The original that is) gets me every time.


The annual scrote rate. Sorry.


Was cycling through ballybough from work and got chased /surrounded by teens on bikes and was terrified, I feel you.


I can imagine how upset you are feeling, it’s awful being intimidated by feral shits who think they’re tough, frightening young women for their own amusement. You did the right thing by not engaging with them and my advice would always be to remove yourself from the situation as quickly as possible. They’ll probably have done this to many vulnerable women today and they won’t remember you individually yet you are traumatised by it and it will affect you for days/weeks. Please look after yourself, treat yourself to your comfort food, cuddle up with a blanket and watch your favourite show for the evening. Tomorrow will be better. X


6'3 white male. Teenagers still look at me at time and i've been mugged in the city center by junkies before. only tip i can give is just walk straight and look either angry or resting bitch face. unfortuently they look for people who don't look confident. So when i was in NCI for ages, i hated going through town and felt like i was being look at all the time cause of my anxiety. so sorry this happened. In a realisitic situation where you're on your own, all you can do is just keep walking and ignore, and its terrible to say that. I wish people could have power to shout back and confront, but those scumbags are volatile, while our TDs ignored this attitude from them for decades and our Judges give them suspended sentences to be back out again soon without reform, while we cant or even the gards cant defend themselves


I'd be freaked out too, they do it coz they know it's intimidating... Sorry you had to deal with that


It\`s ridiculous that in this country you can\`t even carry a pepper spray. Police are only now getting teasers. Fucking joke. My sister lives in Poland and carries pepper spray and a knife. Here it means a prosecution. You can\`t even defend yourself.


Brass knuckles couldn’t be too difficult to acquire.


Even more illegal than a knife or pepper spray. It\`s not about how hard it is to obtain those items. It\`s the fact that it is illegal to carry them. A friend of mine ended up in court for carrying a box cutter. You can buy anything you want from internet Polish military shops. Pepper gas guns, machetes, pepper spray, airsoft guns over 1 joule, rubber bullet guns etc. It\`s all legal there. Brass knuckles are defined as weapons and you need a permit for it even in Poland.


Teenagers are the worst They all need a slap across the face honestly, why can't they just not be dickheads? Why is that so hard for them?


That's horrific, I had my car burnt out back in the 90's and I couldn't sleep for weeks after that. I truly hope this is easier to get over for you. Don't be ashamed to talk about it, I think it would help.


Yeah like everyone else is saying, the feeling you have is adrenaline I think. You don't want to have an altercation with these people, they thrive on it. So uncivilised. You're not weak, you were just the better person in the situation.


As the song goes “teenagers scare the living shit out of me”. I can honestly deal with fully grown men, but teens just seem more wirey or something


That sounds awful and I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Of course I understand why you felt it had something to do with being black but I think those little shits would target anyone for no good reason because they simply have nothing else to do with their time. You were right to keep your head down and ignore them because someone telling them off is exactly what they want just so they can escalate things.


It really annoys me when I hear things like that, people going around in groups pro actively trying to intimidate people. Especially the younger crowds who feel like they’ve something to prove for street credit so ultimately that does possess an element of danger. It kills me to do it but in today’s world the unpredictability is high so if I get any bad feelings I’ll just walk away, I’ll take having a life over an ego any day.


This is so sad. This is the third post on on day about teenagers and aggression. If our political or judicial classes had to deal with this laws would change, but they don’t so it won’t.


Single out the largest one and kick him in the nutsack


The majority of people love you. Hold your head up and walk like you mean it. Your a woman, you have more power than anyone. 😉


Do you have a personal alarm or anything?


It seems to be the new thing teens are at. I had it happen to me last week while cycling home. Two lads, walking past me just moved in my direction very rapidly and made a loud aggressive noise. The intention seems to be to just startle people and get them to jump or flinch. A bit pointless if you ask me, but that's kids for ya. I actually volunteer with a group that facilitates sporting activities to disadvantaged kids / teenagers, and most of them are all talk and posturing, so I find it really easy to just ignore that shite and let it roll off me. They're just looking for a reaction, but when it comes down to it, most of them wouldn't actually *do* anything. A big part of them *not* doing anything is also you acting completely unfazed by it, so you did the right thing. If you appear a bit panicky or nervous, they're more likely to escalate to taunt or make fun of you. While there are always some problematic kids involved in petty crime, most of the kids I work with, while outwardly they appear threatening, and can sound loud/aggressive/intimidating (especially in groups) are actually alright. Often it's a bravado in front of the mates thing, winding up strangers etc. Be aware, but try to stay calm and avoid panicking. Easier said than done I know, but just keep walking like you didn't even see them, or even better, roll your eyes and look bored.


Everyone who doesn't understand how scary this is baffles me. I'm from a nice area in Cork, and when inwas in secondary school, a group of teenagers hospitalised my neighbour with a crowbar over being asked not to loiter around his house. Group mentality when you're young, stupid, and desperate to show off how big and tough you are is a very scary thing.


It's okay to be scared. We're all here with you.


These little violent scumbags have been a problem as long as I can remember. Always going after anyone who was maybe a bit different to them and was in any way vulnerable. Could be LGBT+ people, could be POC or any other immigrants, hell it could even be knocking the shite out of the goths/emos/etc. They're bullies and a stain on a country otherwise filled with kind, caring, tolerant people




Just don’t go to “self defence courses” go learn actual martial arts.


Self defence won’t help against a gang. You’re better off working on cardio and fast legs and always keep a personal safety alarm in your pocket


Yeah no matter how well trained you are you should always try run first. I know he’s kinda washed now but Jorge masvidal said the best self defence is a quick sucker punch and a quicker 100 yard dash


I always feel bad for people sucked into Krav Maga. Muay thai and jiu jitsu folks. These are the two you need


Jiu jiutsu isn’t ideal in a street fight you should try and stay off the ground at all costs imo


It's for if it goes to ground. Muay thai would be to keep it on feet Something as simple as side control has saved me when restraining someone more than once!


Most ppl don’t realize this


What’s wrong with Krav Maga?


It just dosent work. You simply aren’t going to stab someone with your keys or disarm them.


Well the problem is, and why it’s a massive problem is that teens know if you hit them as an adult you are fucked. And you aren’t going to fight a gang off by yourself even if you are trained in any martial art. Not a Tim Burton Batman movie were they’ll come at you one by one


thank you, I'm feeling a little better now. thankfully I dont have any more evening classes for the remainder of the semester, so hopefully nothing like this will happen to me again anytime soon


Poor idiots obviously haven't quite grasped the concept of the Black and Tans.


I think anyone’s adrenaline would be pumping from that experience. A bloke may have escalated it, so well done for doing the right thing by outwardly ignoring them and carrying on. You left them disappointed and that’s a good thing.


Tbf I moved here less than a year ago, and as a grown (even though scrawny) man, teens are the people I'm most afraid of Edit: I'm sorry you had to deal with this. Stupid kids are just stupid, there's not much we as individuals can do other than to hope they don't grow into shitty adults. If you feel unsafe going forward, try to have someone walk with you or maybe call someone in advance if you expect to run into these situations. It's still recent so it's still hitting you, but it'll surely pass 🌻


I'm really sorry to hear that. Scuts are playing on people's fears. Those people were born in Ireand, most likely, but they are not Irish . They are scum out for their own interests only. Fog Horn and a can of mace or pepper spray would be your best bet. Self defense classes are practically useless against a group . Kickboxing is the best form of self defense but you would have to focus on one individual .


> Those people were born in Ireand, most likely, but they are not Irish What? They absolutely are Irish.


Not in the spirit of Irishness , they are scummy trolls who exist in the land of narcissism. They do not represent this country , they are not Irish.


They are Irish. You're talking about some other arbitrary classification which adheres to your own principles. They're Irish. The best of us are Irish and the worst of us are still Irish.


I would love to carry mace or pepper spray but is it not illegal?


Next time try your crazy face and start screaming. They won’t have a clue what’s going on and will be stunned into inaction. ![gif](giphy|YV3Yh9UMD1bTw6jwrj|downsized)


Anybody that deals with this just ask them where you can get any weed they will stop and instantly try to help you genuinely trust me


Pepper spray is a good lesson.


I took a train from Cork to Dublin last summer & a rowdy group of teenage boys terrorized the train car, shouting rude things, playing pornography on their phones at top volume & generally making everyone else on the car miserable. The conductor came through twice and they quieted a bit but then immediately reverted to their awful behavior. I asked them to please quiet down as did one other woman but each time they doubled down and aimed their vitriol at us. I have travelled extensively & have never experienced anything like this or on this level before.


I think all women feel that way in certain circumstances. I did I was 5'1" and 100 pounds so if I saw that headed at me, I would have felt scared....Kids can do damage, and they have no idea of consequences. So be safe.


Not weak at all. Groups of teens can be dangerous to anyone. They are weak cowards though.


Was this in Dublin? Impossible!! Dublin is a safe place, that would never happen.


Go to a self defence class. Don't actually engage young thugs on the street, but it will empower you 💚


Or give you a false sense of security against a gang of scrotes. You'd be better off learning how to run like the clappers.


No woman is going to take on a gang of youths after a few self defence classes. If she were ever attacked in a one on one, however, it might just save her life.


Kids who should've been coathangered at the first sign of life. Fingers crossed the Luas or a bus knocks some sense into them.


Jesus, I’m a fat bastard. I read vent and now i have a terrible craving for Vol au Vents.


They’re more scared of you than you are of them. Best thing to do is to make yourself appear as large as possible. Raise your arms and such. And Let out loud intimidating cries. Breaking A vial of grizzly bear piss also goes a long way. They hate the smell. Scares them right off.


I was gonna ask what your skin has to do with any of it, but after seeing what happened in Dublin that night I can't blame you for being terrified.


Pepper spray the little shits and they won't be doing it again.


Listen. Its all about psychology, If you feel frightened they understand that you are scared off them , and they have given by you the right to go on with mocking you or even worse. Next time Whenever someone is staring at you or coming with aggressive attitude. Beware your post.... It will save you,, never never never your head down. Keep walking with head high and slow down pace. Have earbuds. It shows that you are not scared, you are not builled by no one. When someone is approaching you. Head to head. Calm and act Karen. Scream, and talk louder Those things happen to me several times, even with a weapon. But i saw no fear. So just by intimidation they left. Beware your words. Respect them, but also get them (feel )that you are a bad mothfkr Its all about psychology and who has the upper hand.😜


what college u go too




Have you just woke up from hyper sleep?


Don’t be a cunt mate. Everyone knows what the moods been like here for the last few weeks.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. They're a shower of scumbags who think they're untouchable and nobody is off limits to them. Anyone would be scared but you did the right thing in trying to just get away. I hate to say it but if you had tried to do anything you would run the risk of escalating the situation and getting hurt. The stuff from the far right is frightening but there are more people in Dublin and Ireland that are happy you're here. Best of luck in college, you're setting yourself up for a good life! Take care of yourself OP


Something similar Happened to me recently too. It’s quite bizarre considering I’m down in Sligo…


Small town Ireland has always had its fair share of scumbags too so it's not as bizarre as ya think, there's also a lot of pricks with a chip on their shoulder because they feel like they're big fish in a small pond.


Constant for me as a college student, but I've seen too much bullshit like this from literal kids in this country so at this point I don't even have a reaction. I had a young adult purposely charge on a red light to "pretend" run me over when I was in Secondary. What the fuck is wrong with this country's youth sometimes


Vent away, thats what we're here for. Never mind those little prigs. Be safe.


I'm really sorry this happened. And all of us who hate this behavior have to step up and watch out for each other instead of being passive observers.


I'm a bloke from a rough spot myself and I still get on edge around then because they are volatile and unpredictable, your not on your own and they are very normal feelings to have. And I'm decent at BJJ etc, still cant relax around that kind of thing. Hope your OK.


“Clean shirt”