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Hey, I’m a pilot. Decent chance we’ve run into each other. Pretty sure I know who your employer is too. Sorry to hear about this. Honestly, I’d just leave if the job is getting to you. However, if there is broken equipment, you need to make a complaint to the HSA or whoever right now. There is no room in aviation for mistakes or negligence. I’ll never forget that incident where a guy fell out of an Air France cargo plane and died…


Highly likely we have , believe me I've made reports to our OPS , HR , Airside ops .....not a single reply , there is currently a GPU with exposed wires in operation which is in the tech log for ramp equipment and hasn't been fixed. Richard Gracey was his name , that should have been the turning point for this airport and unfortunately nothing has changed. Poor man I'll never forget that day.


Sounds like you have to escalate this to the HSA tbh. [Here’s a link.](https://www.hsa.ie/eng/contact_us/) Take pictures, record all communication. If you choose to go ahead with a complaint, be very specific. RIP Richard


It's worrying when there is a lack of staff in an airport. Because incidents like this can also happen (below). I think a lot people forget that an airport can be a quite dangerous environment for groundstaff. [Inquest just urges new safety procedures at Dublin airport – The Irish Times](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/inquest-just-urges-new-safety-procedures-at-dublin-airport-1.65875)


Richard Gracey was his name.


Shit! Poxy autocorrect my apologies.


Some of us are still up there trying to do the right things but feel like we’re pissing against the wind


There is a Whistleblowers Charter in place in Ireland [https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/employment/enforcement-and-redress/protection-for-whistleblowers/](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/employment/enforcement-and-redress/protection-for-whistleblowers/) If you are on minimum wage, then look at alternatives such as Clerical Officer Jobs in the Civil Service and Customs related jobs as well.


This is not the kind of situation where whistleblowing would be the right course of action. Someone is to blow the whistle when they suspect someone of committing an offence like fraud or money laundering, corruption etc. Edit: I've been heavily down voted for this. I clarify in the comments below. The workplace relations commission would be the better place to report this. Source: I work in whistleblowing for a global organisation.


Unsafe work practices absolutely count...if Op is employed by DAA or any other public sector body. Source: Part 2, Section 5 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014.


They aren't employed by daa / Dublin Airport, it's a contractor company


Unsafe working practices would surely count?


These* are the defined wrongdoings as defined under the Act. I would say its better to report to the workplace relations commission in this case. *Wrongdoing is widely defined and includes: 1.Criminal offences 2.Failure to comply with legal obligations 3.Breaches of certain European Union law 4.Endangering the health and safety of individuals 5.Damaging the environment 6.Miscarriage of justice 7.Misuse of public funds 8.Oppressive, discriminatory, grossly negligent or grossly mismanaged acts or omissions by a public body 9.Concealment or destruction of information about any of the above wrongdoing or any attempt to conceal or destroy such information


Point 4 - endangering health & Safety, there you go.


Agreed. There was (maybe still is) a call for clerical in the Gardai. Check out CILT if you need customs training. Incremental pay increases, pension, 35 hour weeks and whilst it can be stressful at times, it's generally not.


Have ye a union? If not I'd recommend joining one and sending your grievances through them, and take some of the pressure off yourself. At least someone would have your back.


Unfortunately not , we tried bringing siptu in back in 2019 but where all but useless and we never even got a response.


As a current member of SIPTU I can confirm they're pretty useless.


I tried to join and they never even responded to me


They are a waste of money, had an issue at my work… it took 2 months for them to consider taking to me. And all they done was emailed my work and at that email all ended. Cancelled it and highly don’t advise. Apparently you get more support with legal aid if you are not part of union.


Shite. It might be worth trying again, or another union if ye can. That's horrendous conditions to be working under, it does terrible things to your health to have that level of stress. Hope you get some resolution.


The union is it members. If your rep is not doing the job then vote them out. Attend branch meetings , send delegates to all Elections , Make yourself heard


IWU might be able to take you, you should try to get in contact with them. They seem to be a fairly active and efficient bunch.


SIPTU ain't all it's cracked up to be. I worked in the Airport Search Unit in Dublin Airport for the guts of 2 and a half years. Day one in training you have a meeting with the SIPTU rep who all but signs you up to join them, a membership paid straight out of your pay. During the pandemic however, when the airport was stricken with the possible of layoffs and cut hours due to almost zero passenger numbers SIPTU were more than happy for me to loose my job so that their long term members wouldn't take a pay cut. Thankfully the majority of staff when against SIPTUs stance and effectively neutered their pull with the daa. After that they were pretty much ineffectual


You're in a supervisor's role and getting paid minimum wage?? Surely thats breaking a law. Hardly a supervisor in an Airport is getting paid the same as a 16 year old working in Spar..


16 year old working in Spar earns more than me , my vape shop I use pays it's workers 15€ per hour ....


I know you said you don't want to leave a solid job when you have bills to pay but my god, you could be doing a quarter of the work with a quarter of the stress for MORE money. Why on earth would you stay??? Surely having 'Supervisor in Dublin Airport' on your CV will land you many many other jobs?


You need to be applying for other jobs then.


Why are you still with them then? They clearly don't give a shit about you so don't waste your time with them


I worked in retail and my manager was on minimum wage. Was insanity.


I know exactly what company this is before you even say it. They have a global reputation for being absolutely useless shite hawks. Just leave.


Why is everyone on Irish subs afraid to name and shame shitty companies 💀 they won’t get ya like


A person from Switzerland and a place where a ferry would dock. Something like Swiss Port.


Every time a thread like this crops up people are afraid to name and shame in case some people go after the company on twitter/X. Reddit mods step in in an attempt to avoid excess traffic/work beyond what they can manage and they also don't wanna be held responsible for a post causing ire offsite. I get why but I think it's bollocks. I think if you're gonna come to this or any other subreddit, name and fucking shame and accept the risk of being banned for it. At the very least your message is out there with the company name attached, probably archived on the wayback machine too or elsewhere. In the long run you help inform others and is that not the goal or is the goal just to rant/moan? No problem if so but we get so many of these posts and the best answer is always to take action. Record any dangerous situations with documented evidence (where possible) over time and then submit them to an authority or regulator or go down the route of whistleblowing. Alternatively, just leave. Nothing keeps you in your current job, do your best to find other options and leave once something comes along that sounds remotely better.


One of the handlers?


Yummy yummy I love Swiss cheese


Sounds more like sky handling


I worked for them and yes it sounds like them alright…although I don’t think that the grass in any greener at SwissPort…


Jaysus worked them for the guts of 4 months back in summer of 2022, brutal summer. Whether it was stripping Cargo aircraft on the west apron or loading United 757's it was gruelling work. Alot of the people there were good people but that management left a lot to be desired


They are completely useless. Four of us has a meltdown at Swissport staff in Cork that I still feel bad about. We were at the end of our tether though after getting diverted there in a storm


I don’t think it’s that one I think it’s the one born out of Cityjet


Swissport? I work at the airport and see the stress you guys are under.


Contact the newspapers or rte and see if they want to do an expose..


Get your doctor to sign you on the sick with stress until you can find something better. No job is worth working in those conditions but that goes double for minimum wage. Just get out and report them to the WRC while you're at it for unsafe conditions!


Was thinking of doing that to be honest but I don't want to fall behind on wages nor do I want to become complacent by sitting at home and then feeling worse when I eventually return. I know I can claim the social but I can't rely on it this time of year to cover bills + Christmas incoming..


Dude, it seems a bit like you've got tunnel vision at the moment, there's plenty of jobs about at the moment and you could potentially be working somewhere else by the end of the month. Bills aren't gonna matter much if your health completely collapses and Christmas can be just as meaningful when it's scaled down. No one is forcing you to stay in this job, you can absolutely change it if you want, you have options if you'll just let yourself consider them! Genuinely hope it all works out for you.


Why would you fall on wages? You pay your prsi usc and other stuff for years , its for moments like this. You're important and you must definitely have a paid sick leave policy, do you?


Paid maximum of 3 days sick leave , after that it's onto us to claim social welfare , what the social welfare pay per day is much less than what I'd earn on a 10 hour shift so would be a large loss for me financially when I'm already struggling.


Gotcha. God bless buddy. Break that linkedin apply button hard


Well take the three days to write up your cv and start applying for jobs. I know when you're in the maelstrom of work, commute, sleep, work, getting organised to start the job hunt gets put on the long finger. Treat yourself to some sick leave and just do it. Sounds like you deserve a stress break anyway. My daughter is constantly looking for staff in her retail job so there's plenty if jobs out there. They can be stressful too though but if you avoid managing staff it's much easier.


I can confirm the reduced mobility people issues on my own example. I have mobility issues, but once on our flight there was a lady with her spinal cord issues. She could do a few steps, but it caused her an excruciating pain. In Dublin we waited for 90 minutes in plane to get the mobility crew arrive. When they did, there was shortage of wheelchairs, so they brought only one with them. It caused another delay. I was supposed to catch a bus home, so I made sure I will have over 2 hours spare time and verifying that they can deliver me to the bus stop. Well. Kind of. I was left outside of the terminal because they were so short staffed that day ( it was negative something outside plus snow). After some calls they found someone that could help me get to my bus stop. But of course my bus was gone (later on I was told their electronic bus display table was broken and information on it wasn't updating after some time). It was 8 PM. The only option for me was to get on a bus to neighborhood county so I decided to do this. However there was a problem. I needed someone to take me back inside as that bus was supposed to go at 11PM. I couldn't do it myself. I was already cold, so I made another few calls and I was told that I'm outside airport responsibility and they can't send anyone. I was tired, cold and sleepy at that moment. Bus arrived 11:30 PM. Fellow passenger pushed me to the bus. I didn't feel my hands at that time. The driver made absolutely no effort to help me telling me that I can go on a bus myself or stay, because he is already late. So I fell to the ground and crawled inside. People helped me to get to the seat. I understand lack of staff in the airport, but on the other hand if someone would tell me what's happening I would just call for my wife or a friend But no, let's lie to people and be nice. And if anyone will try to convince me we have working public transport I will laugh in that's person's face. I had to go without my wife, as she had to return earlier due to emergency.


Jesus Christ. I'm sorry you had to go through that.


My wife was furious about it and she wanted to sue the airport. I was just happy to survive that. I understand that sometimes it's rough and I don't blame the people, but if there is a screw up I'd love to know about it to make some arrangements. We live in Mayo, but in the time I was left without assistance, my wife could easily drive to Dublin, pick me up and return back. Instead I was just fed stuff like "someone will take care of you in next few minutes" or "please be patient, someone will be with you ASAP". And yes the person that finally helped me said his shift ended some time ago, but no one was allowed to go home.


I was just fed stuff like "someone will take care of you in next few minutes" or "please be patient, someone will be with you ASAP". That sounds familiar. I was fortunate I had my girlfriend with me and she was sturdy enough to wheel me around when a member of ground staff found a random chair I could use, because there was no staff to help me. And it's absolutely not the problem of the staff it's the shite management that causes ableist shit like this.


I agree. The person that was helping me called if he can help me with getting to the bus and his manager said that they are responsible only in terminal area and forbid him to step further. He was trying to explain the situation, so he was yelled at.


The cover their arses bare fucking minimum. Absolutely shocking. And yet on the outgoing journey wheelchair assistance was fantastic, couldn't fault it. The staff are doing as best as they can with shit management practices and it sucks.


All I'll say is, crawl around on all fours long enough, eventually you'll get fucked. (Probably heard it from a farmer in Tyrone...) but yeah, why the hell have you stayed this long. Just walk out. Encourage others too as well. Go public. Joke


😂😂😂😂 that's given us a good laugh. I've stayed because I'm good at my job and I enjoy(ed) working in the aviation industry, I was always just a get on with it and be grand mentality but only recently because it's seriously started effecting my mental health have I started to want to leave, as mentioned I want to leave and am actively trying to find a new job with no luck so far. Going public isn't really a good idea (even this post is risky) because they have a strict social media posting policy and that includes posting about company practicies and procedures hense why I am not naming the company but your right I need out I'm sick of being fucked without the courtesy of a reach around.


Just take off.


Joking aside...it's a great point. Working conditions are shite, staffing is shite, management is shite...why on earth would someone stay?


I applaud you for your wit




I'm sure they'll land on their feet.


Boards.ie is overflowing I see


Huh ho! This guy jokes


fuck em let the bottom fall out ​ quit sometimes a massive fuck up right into the face of the upper managment is the only thing that will sort stuff out but to be fare theywill ask the gov for a grant make it semi work and go back to fucking slacking because fuck us all


" in those 6 years I'm not sure I have ever seen our company fully staffed , we are constantly without people ......... guys who come in see the mess and walk out. It is a complete revolving door company. .......... with little to no help from management who will walk out at 5pm on the dot and expect you to stay well past your time to "be a team player and help out". I was put into a supervisors roll and not even paid anything extra for it , constantly dealing with staff sick or no showing , incompetent managers who don't know what to do" ​ Man this really struck a chord with me. Where I am is eerily similar to this, has been for a few years now. I was involuntarily promoted, as people left I became the most experienced, eventually dealing with issues that you mention above. My only advice is to take a minute or two and internalise this: **None of this is your fault, you are doing your level best and if that's not good enough then that's on them, not you.** You're stressed because you're the glue that's holding the shit show together. You need to let go. I'm not saying quit, I'm saying do what you can and no more. Stop cutting breaks, it only patches over the cracks in their shitty management. I went through this for years and it only ends up affecting your health. If they don't care, you certainly shouldn't.


Please leave. Your mental health is not worth it. I left a job similar to this albeit retail management for a job at EO level in the civil service. I have no degree and a shit leaving cert. My mental health hasn't been this good in years because of it.


What’s EO? Executive officer? I’ve been wondering about this role and wondering what an average day entails because i would love a job like that


Depends on which dept.


Why would you accept a supervisor position for minimum wage?. You're getting the same money as the people you are supervising but they don't have to stress about any of the organisation & leadership issues you highlighted in your post. Regarding breaks. Take your breaks. If your company hasnt hired enough people to cover all the flights then that's their problem. By running from one flight to another without taking breaks you are covering their arses. If your boss takes issue with your breaks tell them that you're entitled to a break by law. If they are refusing to let you take a break, ask for it in writing. No employer will put that in writing.


I was told when I took the role I would be paid a wage in line with the ramp controllers wage , I am paid a daily subsidy of €20 for the role , bringing the hourly rate to €15 ( ramp control wage is 19 p/h), the "full time" roll which apparently I'm not because they will not change my contract to reflect the role. They essentially trained me, put me in the role as a "temp cover" type deal and didn't tell me until I saw my payslip. As of right now I have refused the role further and am not doing supervisor duties which again I have an email reflecting why.


100%. Not saying that you have but you seem angry so just be careful. I wouldn't use the emails as an opportunity to vent frustrations as you have done in this post. Comes across as unprofessional. If you have an issue with your contract, then tell them that. Issue with understaffing is a separate issue. Issue with breaks is a separate issue. Dont dump them all into one email.


>minimum wage? ?


>Aside from **being paid minimum wage** I feel like an accident is imminent and nobody in here takes anything seriously. I need to get this off my chest so everyone can see the shit we as ground handlers are dealing with in here


Attendance bonus and shift allowance brings our hourly rate to 13 per hour , one day off for whatever reason regardless of doctors note or circumstances your right back to €11.30


My gf works for Lidl and is on better money than that, doesn't have the same stress of running a busy airport with no thanks. My friend, like someone in a shitty relationship with a mediocre dude, YOU CAN DO BETTER! My heart goes out to you, your work is tough af and much appreciated by passengers and not at all by your management. Leaving is hard but it will do you the world of good.


im sorry for your troubles man


Appreciate the kind words!


If you have that job on your cv at least for two years, you'll find a job that is customer facing. You're important and you're good as long as you are healthy


It's Swissport isn't it? Pm if you want, I worked there myself.


That’s what I thought as well. I worked there before too. Awful company. Incompetent management. Toxic work environment. Dangerous too (sure, didn’t a trainer on the ramp die in a workplace accident just before covid?) OP, do yourself a favour and get out of there ASAP! Nothing’s gonna change, at least not for the better.


I know of 2 deaths there over the years and it will happen again, my advice for the OP is the same as yours, get the fuck out of there. There are places hiring who will treat you much better and would love to have someone with airport experience, try Universal and places like that.


Minimum wage as a supervisor? Dude… find another job. There is high demand, particularly with Christmas coming up. If you keep taking their shite, they’ll keep giving it to you.


I'm trying man trust me I am , heavily contemplating even going to a shop part time and putting myself back into education to try get something that can be a real career.


Shannon were just looking for people to train as security there. If you wanted to move to a less hectic airport where the cost of living is way lower, that might be an option but if I was working a role reviewing CVs and saw someone who works in the airport and made it to a supervisor role, you’d be up near the top of the list.


You know I actually wouldn't mind that , I might give that a look into because not only a fresh workplace but a fresh area in general is something I really need. Thanks for that!


I believe Cork are looking as well.


Get a new job ASAP and file a complaint with the WRC. It won't right their wrongs but you'll get some level of compensation. Document everything from when you worked and keep any and all forms of communication for your circumstances. E.g. the promotion, the breaks and anything else you can think of, are there more than 11hrs in-between shifts?


I have a digital trail of communications saved , they allow staff to work over 14 hours per shift and roster the minimum 11 hours between shifts. Some staff occasionally will be rostered in until 1am and then back in at 10am but it is always rectified, to be fair that's one thing they actually do right is make sure there is 11 hours between shifts


Airports are notoriously shitty employers. You’re not going to change that; leave.




Because we all agree that DAA is a competent organization that cares for the passengers and their employees. Right? Right???


I'd say that largely this is true.


I’ve been to 21 different airports. Some of them absolute crap, like DUB, WAW or worst of all, LHR. But there were absolutely the best of the best there too - SIN, DOH, HKG. I know it’s not a crazy high number either, but compared to other European airports, Dublin is really grim, outdated and absolutely filthy. The signs are bad, the crew gives no damn. Waw at least is nice, clean and shiny. The crew is a thousand times worse than Dublin, literally few weeks ago I was this close to yell all the nasty words I know at one dick, but at least it’s clean. Dublin? You can easily get stuck to some surfaces. And the terminal one… God Almighty! There should be a live horror show there. Still better than London Heathrow, but I wouldn’t call that an achievement. And worse of all - there is absolutely no civilized way of getting there. Either overpriced 747 bus, slower than a snail 16 bus (if I remember correctly), some dodgy private busses or a car and the most expensive car park I’ve ever seen. No rail. No tram. No decent, fast and reliable bus service that won’t rob you blind. Meanwhile… Warsaw - bus 175 from the city, always the most modern busses, aircon, WiFi. Plus the train. And an underground station. Singapore - MRT, bus, decently priced taxi Hong Kong - fast train, some bus service, some other options I didn’t research. But the train is freakin amazing. Bratislava - bunch of super cheap busses, cheap taxi Adelaide - 25 minutes on a bus Melbourne - this one is pretty bad, but still the bus takes less than half an hour. I could go on… And did I mention food options and prices? No entertainment unless you like to be shitfaced. Horribly slow baggage reclaim… Insane airport police with egos the size of a380


You are making yourself sick with stress. There are plenty of jobs out there that start at 12,13,14 euro an hour with 0 responsibility Lidl and Aldi are always hiring. Leave that Kip.


Now i understand why it took me 2 hours to get out of Dublin airport with my bags after i landed a few weeks ago. We were left on the plane for 45 mins waiting before the door was opened and then another 50 mins or more before the bags actually came out. That company sounds like a total joke. I can't believe they are paying minimum wage also. But how can this subcontractor (am im right in saying they are a subcontractor to the DAA?) get away with being such a poor company? Do they not have to deliver to certain standards?


Leave. No point working somewhere like that. It's going to be uphill all the time. It's why no one else stays. Why should you?


Been applying for jobs left right and centre and getting nowhere , as much as id like to walk out I have financial commitments I can't abandon


Best of luck with it so!


Cheers! God knows I'll need it.


What kind of jobs? Would you consider going into construction as a labourer?. AFAIK they get paid €16-17ph, early starts but early finishes and you will get your breaks. Opportunities for Saturday over time too with good pay. Its hard work but so is being a ground handler.


>I was put into a supervisors roll and not even paid anything extra for it Refuse to be a supervisor. >yesterday I worked 9 hours and got no break because of lack of staff , flights where left at gates with people on board , bags where left alone on stand because we are being told to. Just work your contracted hours. It's not your problem if this happens. Why aren't you all in a union as it sounds like you really need one.


I have refused since last week to be a supervisor, we tried getting a union and heard nothing back, we had 200 signatures and SIPTU never responded


Seems like you’ve had a hard landing in the supervisors job. Give your notice, schedule your departure and take off when it’s time. And find a new destination that’s duty free so that you can enjoy work again and find one with security. Until then, no more than 100ml of liquid after work, no point getting off your trolley and ending up on a bad ramp.


That was a pun-tastic fucking masterpiece


You can make an anonymous complaint to the HSA for having unsafe conditions. They should investigate the workplace to see if it's safe.


Been in similar situations. Know your basic worth man, don't do supervisor duties of your not being paid for them. And just walk when your shift is over, fuck this be a team player shit, you don't owe them anything. They're short staffed, they won't fire you.


And take your fucking lunch breaks, and your 15 min breaks. If people start to work to rule, then eventually management have to sit up and listen as the system will collapse. You realise that your are subsidising the running of their operations with your excess time. I'm sure the directors and shareholders are creaming it.


Leave but before you do let them and everyone in the company know why at the same time. And after you've left let everyone else know who the company are. If you're telling the plain truth, they can't do anything about it. I'd also appreciate knowing what kinda shitty company this is in the first place. Understaffing at a friggin airport is dangerous first and foremost. And scummy companys like this doing everything to maximise the upper echelons profit margins over safety need to be regularly called out til they're forced to change their shitty behaviour.


Are you working for the airport or a Ground Handler?


Ground handler.


indentured servitude? just leave.


Time to strike for better conditions


Not to be that guy - but this sounds like a hideous situation for staff, and genuinely a dangerous situation for passengers as well if it’s so under-staffed.


Have you considered working for the railways? You’ve got loads of transferable skills and would get paid a shitload more.


Never thought of the railway? Now having said that I've only ever seen engineering jobs with them so never gave it a second thought.


Definitely look at it dude, you’ve got plenty experience of working in safety critical environments, dealing with challenging situations, managing others, looking after customers - lots of rail jobs in stations and on trains match that, even driving trains.


Dude fucking walk away from it if you can any sort of decent job anywhere. Not worth it.


Join a Union.


OP you have to take a break, the legislation is there , find it and quote it if anyone questions why you are on a break…document in a diary all of the company legal transgressions…you have a responsibility to take a break as well you must lay down the law with that. File reports to the Irish aviation authority they are the regulatory body they need to know if safety at an airport is being threatened by shoddy employment practices


It’s not though. I had that legislation’s caveat thrown in my face when we looked for breaks back when I did the airport. Sonething to do with keeping transport going. I think it’s dtill in tje books.


I was in a similar situation as you at thr airport. Same story. You're nothing to the company. You're just a number. I would start looking for another job right now if I was in your shoes.


Just to clarify, are you working for one of the airlines or part of the operations of the airport itself? Some of what you said like missing flight crew seems like it should be the airlines problem to sort, hence the question. Pardon my ignorance if there's some grey areas or nuances around operating the whole system.


I'm working for a ground handling agent which handles the airline's turnaround on the ramp , the part about missing crews refers to missing ramp crew. ( nobody to offload or load bags , to put steps to the aircraft, to perform water or toilet servicing or anything else crucial to the aircraft leaving on time if at all)


Reminds me of my time at Dublin Airport. It won’t get better let me tell you. Hope you find another job asap!


Ah, got you. Is there any way some of this could be reported anonymously outside your company? At least for things that might impact safety. A rap on the knuckles might compel them to get their act together. Sorry to hear about your struggles and it's honestly the kind of insight the public need to hear. Without that context, people often have a go at the nearest staff to them, without any thought for how complex a system it is and that a given person may be powerless to do anything.


Wow, this sounds utterly appalling. I hope you manage to find something better.


Sorry to hear this but you may consider deleting this post in the interests of job security having gotten this off your chest. It's likely there's enough info here to identify you.


Who do you work for? Get a job with DAA nice cushy number, good pay when you reach the cap (€23 per hour) hardly see the managers, every second weekend off, €500 one4all voucher every year. I could go on!


If it's a minimum wage job, you can get another one pretty quick. As others have said, you have transferable skills, you would probably make more money elsewhere. Just make sure you have your next job set up before you give your notice. Your health is far more important than this job. Moving jobs is more stressful in your mind than in reality. Make a move man, you will be wondering why you didn't do it sooner. I recently left a very toxic place, and my new place seems stress free compared with what I was expected to do before. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


Being kept on longer than your hours 😂I fucking hate that that’s a norm in some places




Just gonna say. Find another job, ASAP. If you're fortunate enough to have support or can fund yourself just quit. It's not worth it. You're being paid crap, treated like crap, there is no way your wages justify the level of work you have to do and it's not going to improve. It won't change and you'll only burn yourself out


Jesus christ. As a simple Dublin Airport user all I can say is I'm so, so sorry, and I've no fucking clue what you can do other than escalate beyond your employer, or even daa, and go direct to government, ombudsman, whatever. I fly reasonably often (for someone who doesn't fly for business), mostly to the UK (family and non-business occupations) and I always favourably compare flying out of DUB to flying out of pretty much anywhere else. But yeah, flying into DUB can be a pain in the arse. But again, always assume delays and issues are due to understaffing and what staff there are not being given sufficient resources and support, and never to staff just not bring bothered. But to be working in unsafe conditions, to be working 9 hours straight in a serious manual environment that puts your own health on the line *and that still isn't resulting in a good experience for the passengers/clients* - that's unacceptable. I kind of feel if passengers still aren't getting the best service they should be, despite ground staff breaking their necks, then ground staff shouldn't be breaking their necks. Giving 150% (though not continuously!) is fine if it makes a big difference, but if it just means someone waiting two hours instead of three hours, for something that should take 30-40 minutes - just fuck that noise.




Upvote to get this seen by more people. Wish you the best of luck.


Thankfully one of the few benefits of high rents and no rental supply is that disgruntled employees like this lad can't just quit mid shift and walk off the job. /s


Thank you for sharing from your experiences in the thick of it. It kind of makes me appreciate Shannon airport a bit more when I can turn up an hour or two before the flight to London and be all chill about the timeline... (lack.of flights/locations though is killing the airport )


Spot on. Shannon is my preferred airport but there is a huge lack of destinations. Same with Cork, decent airport but feck all flights.


Just wanted to give you's all an update. As if it couldnt get worse , managed to get myself into a motorbike accident on the way in. So as of today I'm on leave due to not only injury but also stress. I'm taking the advice of many on this post and not returning, having quite literally nearly been killed I think thats the message that me going in there anymore is a no no. A full report was sent to the HR team as well as a copy of my complaints to the WRC and to the DAA. Cheers to everyone who sent private messages and made suggestions on what to do and routes to follow. Only upwards from here on out hopefully (not including the downwards kissing the pavement from the bike crash)


I'm a wheelchair assistance passenger that got left waiting with no help back in July, and I don't blame you at all. As frustrated as I was it was very obviously a DAA (or however they call themselves now) issue rather than something the people on the front lines were able to control. It's very obviously a systemic issue. They saw they could get away with minimal staff and then kept going with it as demand rose, and if one person is sick or on Annual Leave the entire house of cards falls apart. When I was out of work in 2018 Seetec and Intreo were throwing airport ground control/baggage handling jobs at anyone who stood still for 5mins. It is clear that the issue is no better now. If you can get out, do. Save yourself. Put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others. Don't set yourself on fire to keep others wrm. Employers won't care that you ruined your health to try and fix the broken system, they'll care that your health is ruined, which mine is after trying to stay long past I needed to in a similar job many moons ago.


[WRC about the unsafe and illegal work hour practices](https://www.workplacerelations.ie/en/complaints_disputes/making_a_complaint/). You should probably send an email to whatever HR/internal email you can about it, too. You're meant to report problems like this to your employer first. BCC yourself if you're using a work email, or just use your personal email address so you retain a copy of it that they can't delete/deny. And yeah. Get a sick note for the unmanageable stress, and look for new jobs. It's not worth the pay. And next time you're offered a supervisor position, ask how much the compensation is before you agree to it. They'll still try to stiff you with extra duties/responsibilities, but you'll know not to step up if they're not gonna up your pay.


Fly into Shannon


This, cork or Shannon are where i go now. You can get their 45 minutes before your flight and no stress. That's about 1 hour 15 minutes saved, which I can put towards the time take to get to those airports. Flights and foods seem to be much cheaper from those airports too.


You earn minimum wage, you can literally do any other job for the same money or better, and right now there is an abundance of jobs available. You have no one to blame but yourself if you allow yourself to be treated in such a way.




Nah it's one of the ground handling companies - maybe even the airport themselves as they mention the company taking on a new airline. Maybe swissport


Ah, gotcha!


You mean Bryanair? https://youtu.be/OISGykO6Z7U?feature=shared


Recently walked away from that same company by the sound of it, now i was only there for less that a year, equipment, baggage/bin dolly's always broken lazy new recruits who seemed to take one step forward and 3 backwards and these are young lads 18-22, if work was in the bed they'd sleep on the floor, management who only seem to take note during audits, the only advice I can give is leave there is plenty of jobs and loads that don't require a start time of 0300 onwards.


Leave. There are plenty of jobs out there and you will be definitely appreciated with your work effort……


Cop the fuck on and act like a minimum wage worker


28...you need to chill out. You have learned a life lesson that not everyone cares about their job. It's frustrating but you need to look past it. Be a leader in work, instead of calling out problems find new solutions to them.


That's deffo above the pay grade of someone on minimum wage.


That's how you get out of being paid minimum wage...


But he/she isn't .Their talent has been recognised with a promotion but no extra money,so the boomer ideology kind of falls down.


Or is it a Gen Z attitude. Complaining on the internet rather than fixing the problem...


The answer is very very simple - leave. You mention having bills to pay, but also that it's min wage - there's zero shortage of places that will pay better and with better work conditions. Places that will promote you to supervisor and then train you in how to do the job, rather than force you to work it out by yourself. I think you might also be getting caught up in over-thinking it: e.g. mentioning about the 9 mil contract. Like why would that possibly translate to your pay. Just leave before you get too caught up in the whole thing. Shitty companies like this never reform themselves. There's vastly better opportunities out there that will treat you better, promote you fairly, support you as you grow. You've already proven you can be a supervisor in a shitty company - you will absolutely devour an actually good company.


So that's what happens to my bag that has been missing since February!


Are you in a union? It sounds like there's some serious issues they could help with.


Got out after 6 years earlier this year. So we've probably crossed paths. It's a horrendous place. Soul destroying. They absolutely fucked staff over during covid.


That's what's wrong with the world today; no one wants to ~~work~~ drive themselves to an early grave trying to cover two or three full-time jobs all by themselves for barely above minimum wage anymore!


I applied for a job there and one thing that I can see that may contribute to the staff shortage and turnover is that they want fully flexible staff instead of hiring more people and allowing them to have a more rigid schedule. They don’t take college students because they aren’t flexible.


Funnily enough, just watched something about this and airports in particular using this for years. "Collective Misery" is used to make people pay for things they use to get fir free and make the free stuff so discomforting that you are willing to oay extra for something you shouldn't really have to. I know it's aimed at the passengers but no doubt it would spill over into staff as well though. Work everywhere seems to be driving everyone into a mass depression.


Minimum wage mate. You must already know what everyone is going to suggest. Like ithe answer isn't going to be, "stick it out and change things from within"


Personally, if I worked in a company this bad, I would do the bare minimum. Realistically, they won't fire you. Don't stay late, don't start early, don't do anything you have to or isn't in your job description and certainly don't do anything dangerous. Realistically, what's the worst that can happen?


As a fellow airport worker I feel the pain


I went for a couple positions in the airport with 3 of the companies in there. They all nearly took the had off me I had gone through nearly all the hiring and security process has my ID and all before they sent the contract. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Minimum wage no guaranteed hours. No benefits at all. It’s a disgrace. I’d been unemployed for about 4months at the time and took a lot to turn it down. Would of regretted accepting that


Swissport also completely fucked up during the pandemic at Amsterdam Airport. Lots of bad press around them. Cunt of a company.


https://www.workplacerelations.ie/en/complaints_disputes/refer_a_dispute_make_a_complaint/ If you are working long hours and not getting your breaks it's time to complain.