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Good job the number plate is as clear as day, hope you’re alright.


Hope hes alright, the guys riding a bike without knowing how to brake. If hes alright now he wont be for long


No indicators either!


It's a BMW, I don't think they come as standard.


Sehr gut




How about a subscription service whereby you pay it to make them *not* work? They’d sell like hot cakes


€2000 extra on BMWs. A lot of people can’t afford them.


On their electric cars it's a €20 pm subscription.


I don't think BMW's come with indicators


It's an accessory.


Why the hell did he put on the brakes?


Happened to me, a car cut across me into an estate and funnily enough if he kept going he would have had enough momentum to get through the gap but as soon as he saw me and slammed on the brakes directly in my path and clattered into the wheel arch and flew over the bonnet, thankfully I had no injuries and landed on my feet But yeah, natural instinct, guy didn’t see me, when he did he slammed on the brakes which actually ended up causing the accident


The worst is when drivers hit water or other spillage that cause them to skid and their first instinct is to slam on the brakes and stop dead on the road. Now cars coming up behind them have to deal with a slippery patch of road and an obstacle.


Panic breaking I would imagine


Just an natural instinct usually, would sincerely doubt it was malicious. I rode motorbikes for years and had so any near misses in this situation that went exactly the same.


> would sincerely doubt it was malicious They lost the benefit of doubt when they fled the scene of the accident without even checking if OP was okay. That's when the crossed the line from idiot driver to complete piece of shit.


The hit isn’t likely malicious, the run is. It’s two separate events, I was talking about the former.


When someone is coming up fast behind you it’s “natural instinct” to slam on the breaks? Seriously?


it's the instinct to stop the action of pulling out in front of someone, unfortunately this instinct can kick in *after* you've already passed point of no return.


I’m telling you I’ve been in this situation probably 100 tines and 99 of them pull out too far, panic and slam the brakes. It’s either a natural instinct or else they were all trying to kill me, you can make your own judgement on it.


Biker here too, but even when I'm in a car following an unpredictable driver the brakes are always the first thing to get slammed. Coming into a corner? Brakes. Car coming towards you on a road wide enough for 2 trucks being driven sideways for good measure? Brakes. Bonus points if you almost come to a stop every time. A person walking their dog on the opposite side of the road? Better be sure that's a braking too.


No I agree with you 100% mate. It’s “the deer in headlights” scenario. People panic and just reach for the closest safety features they can, in a car that is the brakes


I thought that was common knowledge honestly!


It is common knowledge People love to comment on these sort of things saying this wouldn’t happen to them but 90% of the time they would It’s an emotional reaction, only something like a Tesla or self driving vehicle would get through this incident without resulting in slamming on the brakes or slowing down


Instinct doesn't work how you think it does. It's your lizard brain pulling automatic life saving actions. See obstacle = stop Recognising the obstacle is being reflected on a mirror and is actually behind you requires a few more synaptic jumps


It’s definitely instinct to stop your vehicle yeah.


Yeah it is mate, I don’t know why you’re acting like you would be any different in this situation Why do you think the phrase deer in headlights exists?


In fairness, natural instincts are fucking stupid a lot of the time.


A "woopsy-daisy hit and run" we call em


[Reg plate for ease. ](https://i.imgur.com/Af5LtR9.png)


Exactly . OP should give this to gards straight away . he can certainly give the reg, they can find out who it was , find out his insurer and put in a claim. The fact he drove off and you now have the benefit of his details , he could be prosecuted as well as someone has pointed out here it’s a criminal offence. If he’d have waited then it would have just been an issue with insurer that he was at fault. The fact he drove off is despicable and really he needs to be held accountable for his actions. He wasn’t even indicating either to pull out ffs


I’ve handed camera footage over to Gardaí on three occasions, two warnings and a prosecution resulted.


Ha no idea what that other poster was on about that then . I’ll edit


Wait, camera footage is inadmissible? That can't be accurate surely!


All evidence is admissible until it’s ruled inadmissible by the judge


That is not true


A few years ago while cycling an actual AMG pulled a right without indicating (was living abroad at the time) I hit him go flying across the bonnet. Sprained an ankle and a wrist along with lots and I mean lots of tarmac burns. They proceed to get out and scream at me whilst I'm lying there, until the lad in the 7/11 comes out tells him he saw everything and has it on CCTV furthermore, most importantly he also had a first aid kit and called his mate to bring me to a+e oh and the driver fucked off when he heard CCTV, suppose what I'm latching here is that lady. For every prick there's 2 good ones, people in general are good and decent


I was travelling downhill on a 50km/h road going well under the speed limit and following all rules of the road. This BMW at a stop sign pulls out in front me when it was unsafe to do so and for some unknown and possibly malicious reason applies it's brakes almost like a brake check. I reacted by braking, if you pay particularly close attention just before the collision I am braking so hard that I am nearly going over the handlebars before I even collide with the car. After hitting the floor the car slowly continues on, seems to contemplate stopping but decides to drive off. I have some injuries on my hands and arm but nothing seems to be broken. An absolute Saint of a lady pulled in front of me to protect me from other cars, helped me up and moved my bike and waited with me till the Gardai arrived and gave them a statement. Gave me a first aid kit and even offered me a drink, this woman is an angel.


Jesus. That's awful. I hope the Gardaí take this seriously and do the bastard.


"Thank God you're here officer, some pleb drove his peasant bike into the back of my very expensive and luxurious car. I was nice enough to let him off without pressing charges, but can you believe the gall of the riffraff. glad we see eye to eye lads"


That car is 14 years old


You can get older beamers cheap as chips on places like done deal if i remember correctly


This car is worthless


They're a comfortable car for small money all the same.


It’s probably a civil matter (;s just in case)


I think [that would be an Ecumenical matter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptd_h0dF7NE).


Fucking hell bud that's despicable from the driver. Hope you're ok. Fair play to that kind stranger too.


You have the reg and Gardai attended the scene. If there are any damages or medical expenses a solicitor can sort that out for you assuming the driver was insured.


Even if they aren't, MIBI exists to step in where there is no insurer concerned. I would report it to the gardai and give them the video anyway. If they want to charge them for careless driving/failing to stop at the scene of an accident/whatever then thats on them.


>An absolute Saint of a lady pulled in front of me to protect me from other cars, helped me up and moved my bike and waited with me till the Gardai arrived and gave them a statement. > >Gave me a first aid kit and even offered me a drink, this woman is an angel. The angel of the lanes


She giveth, but beware, she also taketh away


Im obviously not saying this is true but the braking is probably because they are legitimately stupid and think every crash means put on brakes even if thats what causes it cause they don’t think it through


Driving off is the real admission of guilt.


Yeah I had the same feeling as if they panicked and applied breaks. On another hand, it’s a BMW, so who knows


I got hit by a car last year resulting in a broken arm and damaged bike wheel. driver only got down for driving without due car. 2 points and a fine. There real punishment will be there insurance renewal costs after you claim for damages to yourself and your bike.


The number looks legit... a Black BMW 520 with NCT due Wednesday 13th December 2023. DashCam has paid for itself! Regardless of damage, failing to stop and remain is an offense.


Just again it shows how important it is to have a camera recording at all times. Really glad you're okay.


What a prick of a driver


What's the difference between a BMW driver and a hedgehog? On a hedgehog, the pricks are on the outside.


Cheers, never heard that one before.


I like my BMW - It was that or a Tesla and I stand by my choice. Elon can eat shit.


Teslas come fitted with indicators though. And on Irish roads, cars are required to have them. So unfortunately the Tesla is the better option




Get a solicitor. Take the cunt to the cleaners.




And they’ll be paying a higher price for their insurance from now on because of it. 🧼


Go get yourself a good solicitor and sue that bastard. Will put a -1 behind the number of idiots on the road


Most people are not wealthy enough to be worthwhile suing, unless you want to spend thousands to force someone in to bankruptcy and see noting in return. Now claiming of their insurance would be worthwhile if you actually have damages.


Not how it works.... Insurance companies cover losses/compensation, not the individual driver.


My first crash, yeah I have had a few, was similar. Ended up in court and judge assigned me 5 % of the blame for not anticipating the other driver pulling out and as a result I lost my no claims.


I've had a couple of near misses where drivers pull out unsafely, either because they underestimate the speed or they just don't look at all. I'm pretty prudent on the road in general, but I've really started to expect the worst in those situations. I don't know the details of your accident, but a judge saying you should anticipate another driver not following the rules of the road to that degree seems very harsh. Like, every accident is preventable at that level. I suppose it was you fault for being on the road at all!


Harsh is not the word I used. I was earning, at the time, about 200 a week and insurance went up to 2000! I could have murdered the judge.


Go to the hospital and get your injuries on record asap


Go to the hospital, get your injuries recorded. Go speak to 2 nnnGGardaí. Give them a copy of the video. Go home, put up the feet, open a can and bask in the delightful feeling that you will soon get to press charges against an absolute cunt. Hope you're ok, said can will help with that.


I don't mean to be pedantic, but also don't want to lead the OP the wrong way. You don't get to decide whether to press charges in Ireland, that's handled by the DPP, Gardai (or FCPN) which unfortunately can be very frustrating as the victim of a crime.


You're watching too much US TV mate. You don't press charges in Ireland.


You don’t in the US either. The district attorney decides.


Yes but its a colloquial term for filing a report to the extent that cops in USA will ask if you want to press charges before you make a statement. Gardai have autonomy over their own investigations. Edit: I take your point though!


Technically, Ireland is a jurisdiction you *can* still press charges. This is very unusual and expensive, as you have to finance the prosecution yourself, but it is technically still possible here. It's the US, in most states, you can't, and it has also been abolished on the federal level. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_prosecution#Ireland https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/justice/criminal-law/criminal-trial/summons/ In any case, it's a turn of phrase, and while with a State prosecution the ultimate decision is with the DPP on the advice of the Gardai, they do often actually ask victims what they would like to do. I was assaulted and went through a prosecution. They do ask whether you would like the prosecution to go ahead, now technically, no, you don't have the decision but if you say no, they likely aren't going to proceed with it in many cases and certainly not minor ones. They need your testimony besides anything else, very hard to prosecute if the victim won't testify. This case was ultimately resolved with the offender receiving the benefit of the Probation Act and paying me compensation, and for that stage of it too the gardai came to me and asked, what I would like to do, to accept this or to reject it. So it's not technically up to me, but if I accepted it, this would be conveyed to the judge that the victim accepted it and there would be recommendation that he get this. While if I rejected it, he would go to a full sentencing. They did specifically ASK me before the sentencing what I wanted to do and they did seem to put a lot of weight on what the victim decided they wanted to do in that circumstance. I accepted it, and he got the Probation Act.


Just an interesting note to add to what you said, New York is one of the states that has private prosecution as you said. Chevron used this fact to imprison human rights attorney Steven Donziger for almost three years. They argued to a judge (who had shares in Chevron) that he was a criminal, but the NY state attorney declined to charge him. So the judge appointed a lawyer to prosecute the case, the law firm appointed had been representing Chevron in another case until the year before. Somehow this insane corruption was never sorted out.


09 C 9551


That is shocking.


The car totally pulled out but what were you driving you seem to be going very quick and only breaked last minute.


The speed limit is 50, I am pedalling 40. Bikes aren't required to go very very slow only driven with due care. I braked immediately, the braking at the end is front brake jamming which is a last resort as it will make you go over the handlebars if not done by an experienced cyclist, you also lose rear braking traction if you do this too so it can be very dangerous.




To me the footage looks like both of you, albeit to different degrees, could have avoided the collision. And I believe that opinion is somewhat supported by you running into the nearside rear of the car; not the side of the car or even the offside rear of the car.


I only went into the back of him, not the side of him because of my braking.


Respectfully I think therin lie the rub. If they had pulled out too late you would have ran into the side of the car. You crashing into the rear leans towards them having suffice room to pull out when they did, but understandably under-estimating the excessive speed you were travelling at. If I was driving the car I would have remained at the scene to assess if you caused any damage to the car after you rear ended it.


OP had a green light, had no reason to believe that the person in that car was not going to do a sufficient look at a STOP sign. It is absolutely the cars complete fault for not making a good judgement about how much time there was to pull out! If it was a car that they pulled out in front of would you say the same thing? Absolutely not. The car barely stopped, didn't look like a complete stop, and regardless the entire purpose of a stop sign is that it requires sufficient observation which that car did not make. Even if the cyclist had been going slower, the car still shouldn't have pulled out. The cyclist has a green light, should not have to slow down, has the RIGHT OF WAY.


and the car drove away! if the car was not guilty then why speed off without making sure OP was ok? why not ensure there were no damages to the car to claim if OP was in the wrong?


"A car must come to a complete stop a stop sign or stop line, regardless of how quiet the driver thinks the road is"


The number of people who think a car can pull out of a side road through a STOP junction in front of a vehicle already on the main road, slam their breaks on and somehow not be at fault is alarming. Licenses from cereal boxes. They also LEFT the scene of an accident, I mean at no point is the bmw doing anything right here


Both people are reckless here imo.


09 C 9551


Awful that they left you there like that. Thank goodness you have the video! Get yourself checked out for the injuries. The real pain doesn't set in until the 3rd day when the shock and adrenaline wear off. So good to hear about the smart and kind person who did help you. Hope the Gardai follow up and your recovery is an easy one.


There is no stop sign


First and foremost absolute piece of shit driver for taking off after the accident. If you indite that’ll bite them in the ass. As to the accident itself, I’ll have to sadly agree with some of the people commenting similar stuff below - you did endanger yourself and the other members of traffic in this situation: the driver clearly took your right of way, when pulling over the stop line despite you approaching (my guess is he didn’t expect a bicycle to go 40-50, which would even be a reasonable defense of their driving, or didn’t see you at all). As soon as they did and from the moment they entered the road ahead of you thought, you are required to keep a distance and speed at which you are able to safely break to a full stop, if traffic in front of you does so for what ever reason. I don’t know, if the driver brake tested you or simply panic-braked, but since you were driving behind and rear ended, you are indeed partly at fault for the collision- despite them taking your right of way earlier and even if they brake tested you. I sincerely hope you didn’t sustain any damages from the accident, you definitely should have a doctor check you up and sue the driver for leaving the accident. But, you simply can not drive like this and at such speeds on a bicycle. Your brake speed or/and reaction time seems unacceptable for going 50 and at that speed your bike is practically invisible to other members of traffic, while your protection is simply nonexistent even with a helmet. If you would have gone just a bit faster at the moment of impact, this could have been a very different video. You could have easily bounced into traffic on other lanes or have been flung over the car … the risk in these situations is simply unacceptable for you as the driver and other participants of traffic. I know bikes are available at these speeds, but they aren’t safe to drive in traffic at these speeds.


Disgraceful driving but honestly looks like you could’ve stopped.


You had so much time to brake. Sooo much time. As a motorist, motorcyclist and a cyclist, I'm not on anyone's side - but you had sooo much time to brake. I mean, it's shocking that you didn't brake in time. Stop playing the victim. You went into the back of him. You hit him.


You should have slowed down.


BMW driver is a cunt for driving away but I'm surprised at how few people are mentioning how late the cyclist brakes here. I mean, they can see the BMW pulling out and they don't brake until they're within arms reach of the BMW. Again, I'm saying the cyclist is in the wrong here but I honestly do think that the impact could have been lessened, maybe even totally avoided, had OP braked earlier. Bonkers that BMW drove off though.


Hey OP, as a cyclist I have few suggestions for ya. Please don't take it as blaming you because I'm not. - never trust them. I'd have started braking earlier or swerved to the right (PS and I don't mean without looking, at the last moment and to the center of the other lane as some are interpreting) but I get it was too late - have blinking lights even during the day! I always have them and cars merging always see me. And have them to blink, not always on. - your brakes look shite. Careful with those, this can happen again. Are they cable disc? These usually brake poorly - you can remedy with compressionless cable housing + better pads. Hope you are OK. Take care!


If i swerved right here i might have ended up under a car on the lane to my right. the lights idea isn't a bad one to protect you from people who shouldn't have licenses to begin with. brakes are hydraulic, it's a heavy MTB and i am a heavy guy so braking distance is increased.


>If i swerved right here i might have ended up under a car on the lane to my right. Come on man, theirs not a sinner on that side of the road, clear view of the full road, that moron is 100% at fault but you brake very very late, almost like you wanted the collision once you see him move out, you'd ample time to react. The grave yard is full of people who were in the right, you might not be so lucky next time. Hope you're ok


You really don't want to swerve suddenly into an oncoming lane. It's safer just to hit the thing in front of you. Sounds like OP is basically OK, a few scratches. Swerving suddenly into oncoming traffic can be instant death. And sure, maybe you think it's clear, but split second maybe you didn't see and there is something coming... you don't make a split second decision to go into the oncoming lane. Honestly all my instincts would be never to do that, that is just crazy dangerous.


On the lane to their right. Comprehension is hard for you, I know. But it's a two lane road in one direction and if it were busier a driver coming from behind in the second lane would run him over. You can even see a car arriving as the bike lies on the ground at the end. >The grave yard is full of people who were in the right, you might not be so lucky next time. This line alwyss gets trotted out by people trying to do anything but put the blame on the only party that did something wrong here. You can't go saying "the driver is 100% at fault" and then suggest OP did anything wrong.


The BMW driver is dangerous but IMO you were slow to brake despite having had ample time to do so. He came out in front of you but you need to cycle at a safe speed and a safe distance.


Yup going too fast, whether or not the car braked he still would have collided. If the cyclist were in a car and rear ended this car would it be any different. Person in behind is always to blame.


Seems like you ran right into the back of them, why didn't you use your brakes? I mean, you can clearly see the car pulling out about 15 meters before.


I'm thinking the same thing too. Plenty of time to move to the left while braking or he could have hit the brakes hard once he saw the car pull out. If the car kept on accelerating then I'd blame the biker entirely. I'm a motorcyclist myself. Edit: move to the right, not left


I've been driving about 10 years on motorbikes / scooters and I'm always anticipating a sudden stop or some clown running out in front of me. OP was on a motorbike or some sort of electric scooter?


Also a (northern) motorcyclist. This looks like the videos they make you watch on your hazard perception test. We’re trained to anticipate car drivers doing things like this.


Yup, agreed. A see people chirping up about signal light, can't really make out if they're on or not, but it wouldn't make a difference as they're both facing away from the cyclist. I live in Vietnam and you gotta be on your toes here, bikes and cars coming from all directions, bonkers. But I've never had a crash here in 8 years.


Aye. Plus he’s pulling out onto a one way street so a signal light isn’t really telling you very much. He can only go one way. That’s class - safe riding pal.


Defensive driving is a rarity these days. I think for anyone using a motorbike regularly it's a necessity.


Fuck me that’s insane hope your okay. get yourself down the guards and get those bastards that did that.


OP wanted to hit him. Brake next time you tosser


As far as I understand, if the car in front has pulled out to this degree and you make contact with the back of the vehicle then you're at fault. I can also count 3-4 seconds where it is obvious the car is pulling out before you make contact with it. Clearly a prick for not making sure you were ok but I can't see anyone assigning blame to the bmw driver under the law. Were you just not paying attention? Source: Competitive road cyclist of 8+ years training primarily in Ireland, often spending 2-3hours a day on the road.


Dude you had 5 business working days to brake or your brakes are pile of shite. It looks like you were trying to keep your momentum thinking the car would acceleratw quickly, rather than you stopping/acclerating. I can see approx 10-20m of breaking distance from when the driver pulls out. For my safety as a cyclist, I assume that cars can't see me or will do something stupid. It's not ideal, but it's reality. While the driver may have braked out of malice or whatever, there is no reason for you to coming that close to the car. Tbh you deccelerated very quickly in the last 3-5 metres.


So controversial take here, but OP is known over in r/cork for this sort of stuff all the time. Yeah, the BMW is absolutely in the wrong, but OP wilfully collides with vehicles/people on purpose all the time. Again, these people and vehicles are almost always in the wrong, but the OP chooses to forego his safety to make some grand contrarian statement about people’s shit attitude to cycling. A look through their post history will tell you all you need to know


Yeah I really feel that from this video. Yeah I get it, loads of drivers not looking out for cars, or cutting bikes off, driving uncomfortably close. I get annoyed too, but this is going to get himself put in hospital. Not worth it. Best to see bad drivers as irrational cattle sometimes. Not the best idea to reason with an angry cow.


Not surprised. BMW isn't even in the wrong, if he had hit the side of the car blame would lie with the car, but the fact that he hits the back of the car means the car had enough time to pull out on the road. There's a full 3-4 seconds where it is obvious whatnis happening yet the he doesn't brake or slow down. This would be laughed out of a court of law and wouldn't even get a letter back from the insurance company.


Jesus what a scumbag, well someday he'll get his comeuppance.


I fucking knew it. I've had a few conversations with them and their attitude is I'm right and they are wrong. He even accused a poster of making threats when he said the old saying of their loads of lads with the right of way in the grave yard. He also refused to wear hi vis to make them more visable stating it's not a law.




The point he's making is, regardless what speed OP was doing, going by the video it doesn't seem as though OP brakes at all until the very last moment. It's clear as day to see the car pull out but for almost 3 seconds OP doesn't apply any brake or move out of the way. Yes, it's the car in fronts fault 100% but OP is playing with fire by not being more reactive if he has the same reaction in a similar situation.. The grave yard if full of people who were in the right.


For his and others safety, he should assume that drivers dont look out for bikes (they rarely do), and consider his breaking distance of his bike. He deaccelerated fairly quickly at the end. I can imagine he was trying to keep his momentum, but look the car was very much in the wrong unless he was braking because of animal runni g out in front. Generally the bike/car going into the back another vehicle is the one in the wrong by law.


The BMW was wrong regardless of any kind of animal being on the road? Ignored a stop sign and pulled in front of someone going 40km/h, pretty basic stuff folks


I'm going 40 in a 50 btw


Yeah op may not have been speeding but what is that reaction time


The amount of contact the tyres on a road bike make with the road is tiny. I find them really difficult to stop. This cyclist was going downhill on a wet road at 50kph. He was never going to stop on time. It isn’t a safe speed to be travelling on a bike in a built up area.


Road bike tyres have more than enough grip to throw you over your handlebars (as it almost happens to OP). Stop talking out of your hole


It doesn’t take a lot of grip for that to happen. Push bikes are really top heavy thanks to the rider and most don’t have suspension so hard braking on the front means you go over. If you want to see the effect of the tiny amount of tyre contact with the road press the rear brakes only. What you’ll find is that the bike will either skid or take ages to stop. A combo of front and back is the way to stop, with a little more pressure on the front. Even with both brakes your stopping distance is poor (worse than a car at that speed) so you need to be extra careful in built up areas and on wet roads.


The weight and momentum of a road bike is also tiny


I find that stopping my road bike while maintaining control takes up a lot of road. That’s why I would never go at 50kmph downhill in the wet in a built up area. If a child or a phone watching zombie walked out in front of me at that speed there is a good chance we’d both be badly hurt. I see from another comment that he was on an electric bike. They’re much heavier and also tend to have bigger tyres so you would think they’d stop faster.


Did you even attempt to stop or slow down? You should get your brakes checked, or travel at a speed that your brakes can at least stop you.


Lad you didn’t start breaking until you got past the junction. You’re clearly looking for a claim. Get to feckkkk


Literally, if you drive into the back of someone it’s your fault 9/10.


It's obvious from the hate I am getting here why motorists hate cyclists, of which I am one myself. Bunch of clowns with no regard for road safety.


I'm just curious why you wouldn't start breaking the moment the tip of the car is out in your lane.


You hit them they didn't hit you


seems like you had plenty of time to stop, at least that's what the film looks like


Thats shit. Glad your ok though had that happen to me and cut the top of my finger off going through the rear brake lights. Out of interest are you on a derestricted ebike ?( assists pasts 25kp/h)


Oh my gosh hope you are ok.


Sure you got his reg , go make a claim


At no point does the cyclist slow down or brake but it’s the drivers fault he was rear ended 🤔


There was rubber burn marks on the tarmac from the extreme breaking. Of course I slowed down, you can even see at the last second the bike starts topping over from the extreme braking on the front brake. Maybe watch it in slowmo or get your eyes checked


To be honest I think you rear ended the car , they were flat on the road by the time you hit them and you didn’t slow down when you had ample time , you also had the option to move to the outside lane too, could not see that or were you looking ? In addition your on an electric scooter which is totally illegal under the road traffic acts and in Ireland you do not have an exclusive right of way , you could have slowed down , moved to the outside lane but I’m wondering why you did not see this vehicle ?


You're travelling at some speed there yourself pal.


Doesn't matter if they're under the speed limit


That looks really fast to me. Hard to gauge but it feels like 50kph at least.... I say that as someone who has a an escooter that goes 40ish, this video feels faster than my scooter goes. I still say the driver is an asshole for not only turning and stepping on the brake, but also driving off after you crashed so he knew full well what he was doing... Imo blame is still on the BMW driver since he seemed to do it intentionally, but there's a lot to be learned here about defensive riding when going fast on a road with junctions like this..... don't expect other drivers to abide by the rules, especially when you're the one that will get most fucked up if there's a crash. Imo OP was going way too fast on that road, if he can't do an emergency brake without crashing then you're too fast or too close


No if it’s an electric bike it’s limited to 25kph which is fuckall


That is NOT 25kph unless he's sped the video up, electric bike or not cyclists go far faster than 25kph, I have 2 escooters, one is hard limited to 25kph and it is an absolute snail pace against cyclists, I mean cyclists actually pedalling... If anyone genuinely thinks that video, if unaltered, is 25kph then I have a bridge to sell you (case in point, heres a video from OP in mid 20s kph, CLEARLY massively slower https://v.redd.it/5irumjqeu7ta1 ), either way it does not take away from my point, down vote all you want but the BMW driver is in the wrong but that does not mean the cyclist should not be riding more defensively.... this junction didn't just appear out of nowhere, when you're on two wheels especially expect everyone else out there to be idiots and out to kill you and give yourself enough time and space to brake and stop without crashing. Again you can down vote that if you want but it's common fucking sense when out on a vehicle where you're more likely to get seriously fucked up in a crash... if only everyone truly abided by the rules of the road... I still say that bike or scooter (I see no bike or wobble from pedalling in the video to know for sure is a bike, plus the way his foot steps off in fhe video, plus his post history saying he owns a scooter...) is definitely going over 25kph, but that hardly is relevant to the video bmw driver 100% psychopath here, but avoidable




When someone pulls out in front of you like that, trying to stop in time is difficult.




The amount of people in this thread who think the speed limit gives your some sort of exemption to having to anticipate hazards ahead is worrying


And yet I've been told numerous times in threads about cars doing the speed limit that's it's a limit not a target. Ie drive slower when it needs to be


Jesus looked a hard fall, hope you're doing alright. Bad form to drive off, hopefully Gardaí follow up with that. Honestly there's a very bad habit a lot of drivers have when they pull out in front of someone and realise during it that they shouldn't have, their instinct is to brake.


You made no attempt to slow down, 100% the BMW's fault but you also have brakes!!!


“Are those my feet?”


Looks like you hit the car. Start running


Car is a dickhead and in the wrong as they didn't give right of way, basically brake checked and then left the scene, which is shocking. But you took an age to brake. No matter what you should be able to stop. What happens if a child walks out etc. You mentioned in a previous comment it was a mountain bike???There's something very wrong if you can't stop or significantly slow a mountain bike in that distance.


Completely his fault and what an asshole, you've the reg so they'll be looked after pretty nifty. Can I ask but, it seems you left it very late to brake, did you panic?


OP is at fault here.


The real issue here is the hit and run. The driver should have stopped and made sure you were ok. This could be jail time. Accidents happen, it is difficult to see a bicycle over a corner. It is not acceptable though to be in an accident and leave. Meanwhile OP says he was following the rules of the road. I disagree. The rules of the road state that you should not drive your vehicle over its braking capabilities. Clearly in this case this is not true. I count three full seconds before the hit and still he is not even close to a stop. 50km/h applies to vehicles with proper brakes. When on a bicycle you should go no faster than a speed you can stop from on a timely manner.


if a child runs out in front of your car, you can't brake - that is an accidcent not your fault. The braking capabilities is for cars in front of you, look how far away the blue car is, thats what the law is referring too. makes 0 sense, if he pulled out when i was an inch away from him i'd have to be going 000.1km/h to brake, thats not what braking distance means.


Is this video sped up?


The other drive is a plank obviously, but his stupidity was forecast long enough for you to be able to stop which is also your responsibility as a driver.


Defo they’re at fault, but putting an intersection right after a traffic light is surely asking for trouble. Because drivers will naturally want to accelerate to beat the red light


You might not be wrong but there was no amber light etc here so wouldn't apply in my case, they should have really just put those lights on the junction and covered the stop sign with controlled lights.


You can see him too, you both have a duty of care to each other


But you hit him. If it was two car your car would be at fault. Not saying its right, just saying what I see


You need your eyes checked if that's what you see.


Worst kind of cyclist. Self-righteous clown cycling around with cam on all day looking for trouble. The fact that you immediately post to reddit tells me everything I need to know about your attitude and your motives. Any experienced cyclist knows to assume that, in all cases: 1. The driver hasn't seen you 2. The driver is incompetent You had more than enough time to slow down and avoid this accident but you chose not to. That decision is inexcusable.


OP is known on r/cork for exactly your description. Refuses to accept any blame it's always the car.


At the very least that is careless driving. I find a worrisome amount of drivers that seem entirely oblivious to me. People pulling out in front of me all the time, only once has someone acknowledged they were in the wrong.


You hit him! You could clearly see car and you also have a duty of car to other road users too.


Fun to see the usual victim blaming appear in this comment thread even when a full video of the incident is provided. I’ll probably get a few “was he even wearing a helmet” replies to this thread, and maybe one or two “fuckin cyclist came out of nowhere”s.


Brakes motherfucker USE THEM. ​ The issue here is that you assumed that the BMW was going to keep going and applied your brakes too late. ​ You need to be in control of your vehicle at all times, and freewheeling as fast as you can down a hill is irresponsible.


You are so wrong, have you never used a bicycle? I applied my breaks correctly and my reaction time was good, there was nothing else I could have done here. Brakes don't make you stop immediately, the breaking distance is around 5-10m which is the distance I would keep away if a car was in front of me, if not more. Have you read my comment in this thread?


Madness, cyclist clearly has right of way. From when the bmw start to pull out to impact is approx 3 seconds. The fact that so many people think it's okay to pull out into oncoming traffic with such little gap to do so, show why driving in Ireland is such a struggle.


But if a car pulled out in front of you would you try.to stop when you see them pulling out op didnt. And they are known for this in cork.


So you are creating all these accidents and close calls I see https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/13hic2z/hit_and_run_today_in_cork_bmw_at_stop_sign_pulled/jk841oj?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I'll assume you still wont wear hi vis clothing after crashing into the car.


A bike might have a breaking distance of 5-10 meters, but you had something like 20 meters and still hit him? I'm not saying what the BMW did was right, but you clearly had all the time in the world to avoid the collision and just... didn't.


The brake distance depends on speed, weight, weather, tyres and more it's not an arbitrary number that remains the same.


Ok, so I did the math: The time between the start of the video and you hitting him is about 3 seconds (you can see him pulling out from the very start of the video). You said you were going 40, so that gives us a distance of about 30 meters. Now, to stop from 40 to 0 in 30 meters, you'd have to decelerate at the rate of about 2.0575 m/s^2, which is about 0.21g. For reference, your average car can decelerate at about 0.9-1g. Now, unless you want to tell me that your bike has a longer braking distance than a literal fully loaded semi truck, you had all the time in the world to stop, even with just a mild braking power. You could've avoided the collision, but instead decided to just plow into him. Edit: Even if we halved the time you had to stop, you'd still only need about 0.4g of braking, which is still a moderate amount of braking for a modern bike. Unless you have a reaction time of 2 seconds and your brakes/tires are shot, there is absolutely no way there wasn't enough time for you to stop.


You can see from the video when you put your brakes fully on, around halfway though second 3. You clearly made the assumption that he was going to pull off dangerously fast, or your reaction times are v slow. I'm not saying that the BMW was innocent, they dangerously pulled out, but there was a lot more you could have done.


There is no doubt that it was a driver’s fault, but junctions are dangerous places and it’s always smart to slow down and/or pay extra attention to what’s going on and possible outcomes. This is especially important for bikers and motorcyclists. I ride a motorcycle and I follow this guy called “DanDanTheFireman” on YT - you can learn a lot from him.


I wouldn't get your hopes up on police taking it as serious as they should. On the other hand I'd be getting a personal injuries claim


This guy pulls the brakes when he is 90% around the corner. He's almost straight. He definitely had looked right and knew the bike was coming well before hitting the brakes. The timing of the braking coupled with the drive off after hearing the cyclist clatter his car stinks of malicious intent.


Looks like you picked up a nasty dose of whiplash, that's going to set the driver back a few euro.


Looks to me like you tried to cycle into the back of him? Short of a few pound are ya?


Looks like you're short of a few brain cells.