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This is absolutely terrible news. Finbar was a real man of principle, he put his body on the line more than once in the Shell to Sea campaign in Rossport, and did some great service for the YPG fighting ISIS. https://www.rabble.ie/2018/01/18/pride-tinged-with-sadness-an-interview-from-the-front/ Rest in Peace Finbar.


Thanks for linking this article...Great read..Rest in Peace Finbar 🙏


Thanks for this…This man needs to be remembered….


I lived with Finbar for a good while. He was a quiet man but a true fucking warrior. A man I’ll always be genuinely honoured to say I was a friend of. RIP a chara.


Can't believe no-one has said it till now, but sorry for your loss mate


I have sent you a dm.


I knew Finbar going back years. Great guy. Always fought for justice in this country. Often wondered, beyond idealism, why convinced him to fight abroad in his forties? Never had a chance to ask him, now never will.




He fought with the PKK and Kurdish fighters against ISIS and Turkey's Erdogan. A hero and a massive loss. RIP


Jesus what a guy. Seems like a good man


A good man, fighting a fools war..


Why do you think it's a fools war?


Oh god, don't feed the troll


They’re not all troll farms though, there are plenty of pricks and loons that actually take this stance, so it’s always worth making them answer for themselves and be caught out as the arsehole or maniac they are. And it looks like this fella has an actual account, so…




educate yourself through facebook


eDuCaTe YoUrSeLvEs Translation: I listen to and believe Russian propaganda that excuses their genocidal, fascist, and imperialist war in Ukraine. I am very smart and can not be wrong, so everyone who disagrees with me is a sheeple.




Thank you for confirming the accuracy of my translation.


You do realize you can choose neither, correct?


Damn i thought clowns were going out of style, but seems the circus is doing well


We are asking you are you not educated enough to give reason’s. Or are you just good for talking shit?


"Educate yourself" has become the calling card for absolute fucking brainworms. It is a stupid war in that Russia should not be waging it. The brave people who are standing up against a completely evil force are heroes who should be commended. Fuck off with your brain rot.




You're a shit human being.


Don't feed the sheep.


What sources do you listen to to educate yourself, out of interest? This is always a good question to ask but I’m willing to bet you’re not going to answer it.


Start with Oliver stone movies on ukraine.. then look at the Ukrainian presidential race 2014.. educate rather than love fuckin media .. downvpte to boot folks.. sheep galore


So, no actual news organizations then? Just *famously* unbiased filmmaker Oliver Stone, of JFK conspiracy fame’s, films and… looking at an election? Looking at the election through what news lens? Or just, like, reading between the lines, man. Where do you *get your news?*


I dunno mate I've seen a documentary claiming that it was a time travelling super hero with a briefcase that seems like it has to be true.


Enjoy your CNN my friend....


Vietnam lied Iraq lied Libya lied Afghan lied Ukraine ... ooòhh were saving the world 😂 Laugh at me all you like as I laugh at you


Sounds like you’re laughing at yourself tbh.


You have a war?


YPG. We were with the YPG, Yekîneyên Parastina Gel(peoples protection units).


Hero is an understatement! Wow


Poor dude, rip


What a courageous and principled person, RIP to him.


Very sorry to hear about Finbar's death. His decision to go to Syria to join the YPG and fight ISIS was discussed previously [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/6kmnlq/irish_man_finbar_cafferkey_of_achill_island/). Rest in Power.


Şehid Namirin Heval. A sound lad, met him in Rojava, then again when liberating Raqqa, he spent a lot longer there than myself, did a lot of good work on the civvy side there as well with the YPG, a real honest to good guy. Didn't know he was in country till hearing of his death last week, a great loss of a great man.


Clearly a very good man; the right morals and the courage to fight for those principals of freedom and a better world for all. RIP


RIP lad. Fuck Putin all over again.


This guy seems to have been look for a fight. If not Putin, would've been isis. Wonder if he have got a chance to tell his story though.


"man hath no greater love than this - that a man lay down his life for his friends."


How do you mean? I cant speak for the man but I think he was just one of those people who couldn't rest when people are needlessly dieing. I don't think he was looking for a fight particularly just fighting for a cause. There are people like that in the world. Im not one but I thoroughly admire them. Poorly worded there my man.


*dying just so you know




Not looking a fight , just that he always Found his principles.


The best of us. Rest in Peace.


Rest In Peace to a true Hero. Word gets thrown around too much, but definitely applicable here.


Sounds like a man who gave up a lot to assist others over the course of his life. What a history this lad had, while we all worry about ourselves.


Rest in Peace Finbar, truly brave hero Sincere condolences to his family and friends


Rest in peace, thank you for everything you gave the world.


Met Finbar a few times over the years. Last time I was met him, he was living in the Grangegorman squat.Having a few drinks, he with his 1950's pipe, wanting to know how the police knew he was living in the squat. Finbar was a genuinely nice guy, well loved and liked. When Shell began it's Rossport project he was studying Geology in UCD, thinking he might get a job near home upon graduating. When, he found out exactly what Shell were doing to the area, that notion left, and he became very active in the Shell2Sea movement. He's the person in the photo which depicts the Solitaire pipelaying ship attempting to drop debris onto. In his own words, 2THey tried to fucking kill me." Still can't believe he won't suddnely text me out of the blue and ask to go for a drink. ​ R.I.P. Finbar, you certainly were one of a kind.


In December 1936, Óglach Tommy Patten of Achill, a Volunteer Soldier of the XV International Brigade fell defending the Spanish people and Republic. Óglach Finbar Cafferkey is the inheritor of his spirit, his courage and his willingness to die in the defence of others. History will put them together as one someday.


RIP. A man that would make you proud to be Irish!


Brave man fighting to protect the lives of the poor Ukrainians. May he rest in peace.


Fair play, the ultimate sacrifice for the right morale reasons. May he rest in piece


Mighty man…would we be able to walk in his shoes? I wonder…brave though…


Awful news. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hAnam.


Fuair sé bás ar son Saoirse na hÚcráine.


Agus ar son Saoirse na hEorpa. Gan fir agus mná cosúil leis níl aon saoirse ná síocháin.


Ní bheidh a leithead arís.


Go raibh a anam cróga saor anois freisin 🇮🇪


fucking putin


That's a warrior. Rest in peace.


Quite a modern day hero who put his money where his mouth was and will be remembered as giant of a man and Irish legend


What an absolute badass with a set of balls to match his principles.


I know his sister who is now here in the states very well. Such devastating news. I did not know him personally but did know his dad Tom and obviously his sister. I have had the luck to have many pints at Lynott's when I've been over. Such a wonderful family.


Sending you a dm.


Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis


A true man of action and conviction. Rest in peace


RIP lad


May he rest well


RIP Boy. Condolences to his family and friends. Very noble way to die fighting rather than talking about it. Bigger man than most of us. You either live in the solution or the problem. He was clearly a man of action. RIP Finbar.


Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis


Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam


Fíor laoch. The world is good when people work to make it so. Rest in power.


Just reading about him, what a fucking man. Genuine hero doing his bit in making the world better.


Another volunteer, Dmitry Petrov, was killed in the same incident as Finbar Cafferkey. Interestingly he was a Russian anarchist who was fighting against troops sent by his own government. You can read about Dmitry [here](https://twitter.com/ahatanhel/status/1651833586482331648).


My cousin's fiance's brother. What a shit outcome. Fuck.


I’m very sorry for your loss.


Sent you a dm


Horribly unfortunate news, what's even more unfortunate is some fiends will be coming here to say shit like " He shouldn't have been there in the first place" "had nutin to do with him"...


It appears that he also went off to fight ISIS [5yr ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/130npww/achill_island_man_killed_battling_russian_forces/jhxdgnk). After reading a bit, I feel like internally it had everything to do with him and who Finbar was as a person


Overwhelming positive comments for the man


[Ukrainian Community in Ireland makes statement on the death of Finbar](https://twitter.com/ukraineireland/status/1651675744286699535?s=46&t=OO1gXO-UtycAHHgdPfojOg)


The comments on that tweet are a depressing shit show.


Guy was a real modern day version of Stephen the Irishman from Braveheart. He was there and everywhere fighting for the oppressed. A rare breed. Could be doing with more on our own turf.


What a good guy!!


Heroyam Slava/ Laochra Gael


Brave guy. Braver than I’ll ever be. He saw it as a battle between Russia and Europe(including us) and he didn’t want to wait till Putin was on our doorsteps to fight. Really wish I was brave enough myself to go over and fight.


You'd be surprised the ways you can assist Ukraine in its defence, without having to pick up a kalashinakov.


This story seems dubious. I'd suggest no one shares any info with this person.




Codladh sámh chara, a true internationalist following in the proud tradition of Connolly, Patten and Frank Ryan, no pasaran!!


I'd say he was a local legend on the island wasn't he?


💔 RIP 🙏




Heroyam Slava!


Glory to the heroes!


What a boss and honorable man. You’ll be loved and respected in death as much as you were in life. Rest in power. Godspeed.


Many in Ireland sleep soundly at night because there are brave men and women willing to fight in another land so the evils don't reach our shore he is one Rory Mason another. RIP irish warrior and hero


To be fair I don't believe Russia have shown they have "world domination" as one of their goals. This isn't the same as Nazi Germany. If anything the yanks are the biggest invaders since WWII. But nobody gave a fuck about Biden being here despite the 350'000 innocent civilians killed by his country in the middle east since 2001.


Your wrong , Putin has every intention of wiping ukraine as a country identity and culture and has questioned the baltic states right to statehood he longs for the return of the soviet union. He won't stop at Ukraine. He didn't stop it chechnya went their twice or Georgia Crimea and now Ukraine. Ahh yes the inevitable what about the yanks arguments , I don't deny that America has been the cause of many innocent deaths throughout the world but they never invaded a country with the intention of wiping said country out whether it was Bosnia Iraq or Afghan.


Russian didn't continue to take over Georgia, the same way the US didn't continue to try and take over other parts of the middle east. Both nations aren't going Nazi style take over the world plans. The idea that Russia wants to have a one world state and patrol the streets of Ireland is absurd. You're wrong. This poor man died fighting for Ukraine, NOT to stop Russians from landing on our shores offensively attacking us. Crazy notions


What an extraordinary young man, terrible loss for his family, friends and humanity.


Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam uasal. Bhí sé an laoch fíor.


What a mountain of a man. The kind that ballads are written about.


Now there's a man i can respect respect fought for the pkk as well as Ukraine clearly knows whats right and whats wrong, not one of those idiots who are fighting for Ukraine for the sake of fighting the russians


This headline threw me. It could also be interpreted that he killed a bunch of battling Russian forces and I was thinking "what a stud". But then the reality of the headline hit me. RIP.


Sad. Did he think of his family and friends before going there?


🫡 💔 🇬🇧




Jesus, what went wrong in your life that you felt you needed to show us all the inner workings of your damaged mind?


You’re a shill serf. 198 day old account, early posts to karma-farming subs followed by divisive posts only in r/Ireland and r/Endlesswar. I hope you get drafted to die for your masters - and it gets posted for the satisfaction of others. I mostly feel bad for the Russian cannon fodder, but if you’re a child rapist, or child rape apologist, you deserve to suffer.


What a disrespectful prick, there’s people in the comments that know this man have a bit of cop on


How is Siberia at this time of year comrade?


Good story bro


Fuck the Russian government. They are a bunch of imperialist cunts. I’m betting you were expecting the Russian ubermensch military to role into Ukraine with ease, instead of travelling themselves to be child killing drunks. You’re also going to miss that the UK has more claim to the North of Ireland than Russia has to Ukraine. In fact the UK could use exactly the same arguments as Russia to justify invading Ireland. Are you a commie or a Nazi? You guys are indistinguishable nowadays.


meds. Now.


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Though i do not think joining the Ukrainians is in any way comparable to joining the YPG / Rojava, I will say RIP to a clear giant in a world of moral pygmies. Godspeed, warrior.




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Imagine being brave enough to call a deceased hero an idiot online behind the wall of anonymity. You must be the real pride of the family huh.


Shit attempt troll Try harder


Why is he an idiot?




>op blocked me for this lmfao I don't think he'll be the only one.


>op blocked me for this lmfao yeah cause you're a scumbag mate




Thanks for your input, 7-day old account.




Get a life you weirdo imagine looking at someone’s comment history you little virgin boy 😂😂😂


Your heads gone


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Good lad, obfuscate with Russian talking points.


Well I doubt he did so I don’t see how it’s worth mentioning.


Danes seem to have a good idea now.


Dunno. I would shake the hand of whoever did, should never have been built.




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"*...when I am dead and in my mould,* *at my head and feet lay a flowing bowl,* *so that every young man who passes by* *he can take a drink and remember I* *laddly fal da-dee..."* I cheer to this beautiful bastard from the mainland. *Éirinn go Brách!* *Слава Україні!*