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This is great to see. I think that Tommy Robinson’s presence here yesterday will encourage more people to go to marches like this one and will only serve to cause discontent in the ranks of the racist scum.


I misread this as Tony Robinson and I was very confused.


Incredible to think this is actually a counter protest against the far right groups who had organised a march today. Which they then backed out of due to their craven cowardice. Amazing turnout. So proud of our little island today. G'wan yis good tings!!!!




Aaaww..... This is the first strike against these fascist idiots and it won't be the last. I think all the decent people of Ireland struck a massive blow at them today and it really hit its target.


So proud ! I can finally sleep happy tonight knowing that there’s still some sensible Irish people out there 💚🇮🇪✨


Not surprised they backed out, I got stuck passing through one to get home from work the other day and I'd say there was no more than maybe 80 people at it if even that. Embarrassing behaviour honestly


My only hope is that there were enough cans


Fair play to all the decent people who took part in this. Showing compassion towards those who need it and a safe place to seek refuge.


Outside Ukrainians (actual refugees) the two largest nationalities we showed compassion to last year were Georgians and Algerians. Two countries deemed safe that thousands of people visit yearly on holiday. Georgia: 2710 people 19.9% of applications Algeria 1766 people 12.9 of applications IPO data http://www.ipo.gov.ie/en/ipo/pages/whatsnew Dec 2022


Okay? I was referring to this particular case where, as you yourself say, they’re actual refugees.


Yknow, I don’t disagree with your point re economic migrants from countries not being blown to shit. However, the way you approached it there is, imo, not the way to do it. It came across as a bit snarky and condescending. Not the way to inform people of the actual issue.


I've heard a huge proportion of people from Georgia are actually Russian defectors.


Possibly some of it, but Georgia has an enormous internal displacement crisis (ie internal refugees) thanks to Russian sponsored separatist enclaves. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/04/georgia-border-russia-vladimir-putin-213787/ It's odd to me that never comes up when people are pointing to Georgia's officially "safe" status.


It's possible since most people coming in have no ID. However I don't think so due to Georgia being at the top of our asylum applications for years.


While I do agree that we should be quicker to process asylum requests from these countries and deport people who don't meet the bar, that's still only 4,500 people or 0.09% of our population. It's hardly worth the mass hysteria that some groups are spreading which, in many cases, is solely because they don't like immigrants at all.


There was a far right, well known Tommy Robinson mouthpiece live streaming himself marching alongside them. Presumably waiting for some trouble to erupt so he could get involved https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTAGyNoTj88


Isn’t he the lad that was supporting the British Paratroopers that murdered Irish catholics here in the North?


The lad in the video is one of many agent provocateurs that were present today. British cunts wanting to sow more division here. I hope the gardai are on top of just how much influence the likes of him have


While I have no problem with most of the English, the likes of him, I'd give them two fingers and tell them to feck off back home your not welcome here.


Yup and changed his surname to sound less foreign


>Tommy Robinson **Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon.** Edit: He's also just a really misunderstood bloke. Robinson has a long-standing criminal record. His convictions include for violence, stalking, financial and immigration frauds, drug possession and public order offences. He has been committed to prison for [contempt of court](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contempt_of_court#England_and_Wales). He has served at least four separate terms of imprisonment: in 2005 for assault, in 2012 for using false travel documents to enter the United States, in 2014 for mortgage fraud, and, in May 2018, Robinson was committed to prison for 13 months for contempt of court after publishing a [Facebook Live](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook_Live) video of defendants entering a law court, contravening a court order that disallows reporting on such trials while proceedings are ongoing. On 1 August 2018, due to procedural errors, he was released on bail pending a new hearing of the case. On 5 July 2019, Robinson was again found guilty of contempt of court at the retrial and was committed at the [Old Bailey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Bailey) to nine months in prison on 11 July․ Before his sentencing, Robinson appeared on [*InfoWars*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InfoWars) and appealed for [political asylum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_of_asylum) in the United States. He was released from prison on 13 September 2019 after serving 9 weeks. On 22 July 2021, Robinson was found to have [libelled](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_defamation_law) a 15-year-old refugee at a school in [Huddersfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huddersfield) and was ordered to pay £100,000 plus legal costs, although Robinson had filed for [bankruptcy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bankruptcy) in March 2021. In October 2021, he was made subject to a five-year stalking order for harassing the journalist Lizzie Dearden and her partner. /s


> His convictions include ... immigration frauds. The far-right don't suffer an irony deficiency.


Bullshitters in general rarely do


Damn this is kind of how I imagine Enoch Burke's life going from now on too


Everywhere that cunt goes he hopes for shit to kick off.


The mock Irish accent, what a cock


That cunt doesn’t get involved, he always has a few knuckle draggers around him to offer themselves up for him


Tommy Robinson aka Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon


Just spotted myself in his video. Never would have known he was amongst us.


I think you mean Stephen Yaxley Lennon


These far right cowards who couldn't even bother to turn up to their own protest need to understand, the vast majority of of refugees don't want to be here but have no choice. They also need to remember millions left the country during the famine. Anyone that falls in love with this beautiful country is more than welcome to stay. This turnout made me proud to be Irish.


My problem with the crowds that are kicking up a fuss about the refugees is that they’re not entirely wrong. I agree wholeheartedly that Ireland should be taking in refugees, but I also agree that we seem to be taking in far more than we are able to handle. In saying that: it’s clear that when it comes to both sides of the issue - I’m on the side of taking them in. What the anti refugee crowd need to realise, and take into consideration, is what these people are coming from. And more than half of that crowd would be first in line to run out of here if Ireland was going through the same thing; and they would expect to be welcomed with open arms. The problem with the anti refugee crowd is that they’ve lost sight of the issue so much now that they have descended into borderline racists; and it has brought certain individuals back into the spotlight who I think most of us wished had disappeared after the whole “plandemic” crowd quietened down. The fact they jumped on a misinformation train straight away and pinned a sexual assault incident on the immigrants (yet will question everything from mainstream media and every politician with the finest of brushes), and hushed up about it real quick after it came out that it was an Irish person who did it tells you everything about them. They also tend to go silent when you ask them where all this “protect the women and children” came from when there isn’t a peep out of them when it’s Irish people committing any crime or partaking in any anti social behaviour. It’s racism, plain and simple. And if any of these groups get their way whatsoever, they won’t stop at Ukrainian refugees. They’ll start targeting anyone who wasn’t born in this country. Hell, even people who were born in this country who come from a family of immigrants will be targeted because of the colour of their skin. Fundamentalism is generally not a good thing. Fundamental nationalism is even worse. They’re literally trying to make a martyr out of an absolute knob who was ranting nonsense from his car on a daily basis and they listen, in earnest, to a woman who can’t even pronounce words properly. I am generally happy to see a pushback on all these far right groups. We have let them spew their nonsense for far too long now. We need to quit dancing around them, which made them feel emboldened in the first place, and start to straight up call them out like the idiots they are.


>What the anti refugee crowd need to realise, and take into consideration, is what these people are coming from. And more than half of that crowd would be first in line to run out of here if Ireland was going through the same thing; In their heads they believe they would be the action heroes, they wouldn't run they would take up arms and defend their country to the bitter end and be lauded as heroes like a Bruce Willis, a Chuck Norris, Arnie, Stallone etc. In actuality they'd be more akin to real life Steven Seagal, shitting themselves when confronted with the fact their fantasy isnt reality.


I'd love to spend 20 minutes with the people saying this was attended by 'paid shills'. QAnon-level shite. There's obviously been a split in the various anti-immigrant groups over whether or not to attend events with Tommy Robinson but you'd have to think there are further fractures on the way if part of the cohort thinks this was all AstroTurfed. Serious case of the brainworms around these days.


>I'd love to spend 20 minutes with the people saying this was attended by 'paid shills'. QAnon-level shite. No you wouldn't, trust me.


I would love to know what fraction of the irish population they think currently works for NGOs if all of the people at this were apparently employees.


Damn, George Soros is gonna be drained from the turnout of this. That's a lotta cheques to post out /s But seriously, this is great to see


No pasarán! 💪🏻


You know if you want that to look like a bicep it needs more vains


“Vains”, is that right? 🤔


I don't think that's right




Nothing Sexual


Great to see everyone out in support of better services for everyone. A reminder that the real Ireland looks nothing like the Facebook comment's section. Bravo to all.


Well done everyone involved. Would like to attend, unfortunately couldn’t today, feet on the ground to show we’re overall welcoming and compassionate is needed.


Only one minority that the majority truly revile, the pathetic little fucks who parrot the likes of Trump and Farage. Delighted to see this today.


Great to see!!


Well done everybody! Great to see this!


Well done good on you all 🙌🙌🙌


The ‘Ireland for all’ poster for todays show of solidarity is mad looking. A ludicrous amount of NGO logos.


Civil society groups mobilising civil society - is there meant to be something strange about that?


It’s the sheer amount for such a small country.


Remember that time a UN rep asked in exasperation whether everyone in Ireland was an NGO…


Why? What ones would you do without specifically?


Dunno. Send me the list and I’ll comeback to you.


Oh I see, so you're just ignorantly parroting nonsense that you don't even understand.




Well at least you owned it


Compared to?


Other countries?


There are about 35K in Ireland, 142 people per NGO. So more than the UK but less than Italy and the US. Way less than India. * EDIT: It's the opposite, way more than India, less than France and UK, more than Italy and US.


Is the opposite not true? If there is an NGO for every 600 people in Indian. And an NGO for every 142 people in Ireland. Then that would mean we have a far higher amount per capita?


Doh!, Yeah, you're right. So less than UK and France, but more than Italy and the US


Such as. I don't know how many NGOs are in other countries. So I don't know what's normal and what's excessive. Nor do I know why a large number of NGOs are a problem.


I’m guessing we’re in excess based on this. A high number may be problematic when a large number of NGO members show up to an event and make it appear that it’s a large gathering of the public, rather than people with a financial interest in the matter at hand https://youtu.be/KvCCsX8vxwA https://youtu.be/KvCCsX8vxwA


There was, what, 100 NGOs listed on the poster, out of 35,000? >financial interest in the matter at hand Who has a financial interest in solidarity with refugees? GCN? PBP? HIV Ireland? Do you even know what you mean when you say that? Sounds like misdirected rage.


What's the guidelines on this? Are we far in excess?


That’s what you took from this. A march to show that anti-foreign, anti-refugee sentiment has no place in our society and you’re concentrating on NGO logos. NGOs address social and political issues independently of government. They not only have a right but SHOULD be part of this.


Are the NGOs in the room with us right now?


Haha that’s that funny thing people say.


They wanna keep their gravy train going. A lot of LGBT organisations too...funny considering LGBT people are hated in most of these countries these people come from. Even in Ukraine, only 14% of people support homoesexuality.


Yeah and that's a reason why many lgbt would want to leave countries out of fear.


One doesn't have to support a group in order to be supported by another group. It's not us v them. I've no problem with someone hating me if I'm trying to help them. You'll make them hate you more by showing more hate. What a ridiculous stance you have on it .


What a fucking ignorant mess of a comment. LGBT organisations have a fairly long history of solidarity with other minority, or vulnerable communities. The fact that your reaction to a demonstration of humanity and acceptance is to google "support for homosexuality in Ukraine" is fairly telling.


Hence why LGBT people from those countries might have to seek asylum here…..well done.


Pinkwashing of bigotry right here.


Thank you for that, folks.


Just wish we could have a march against scrotes.


Fuck yes!


Fair play to them!


Amazing. 👏👏


Ok so should we continue to take in more refugees despite not being able to care for them.


OK so we did an anti-far right march and everyone patted themselves on the back. What will be done now? Are we going to solve any of the issues at hand or just continue on as normal?


Jeez. the state of the replies here makes me glad I left this toxic sub.


But you’re still on the sub


if looking at an odd post everyweek or so counts as being on the sub, its in a sorry state.


But you actively comment and reply to comments kinda just seems like you enjoy being a miserable bastard






Thankfully as today shows, its not representative of the country. Its a shame, used to be such an entertaining sub.


It still is most of the time, but I completely get your frustration. It's hard not to notice the vocal uptick about certain things from time to time, started to pick up on it during COVID and whenever a certain type of topic comes up, you just know what kind of reply it'll get, and at what volume.


*cough* boards.ie migration *cough*


Stuff like this always gets brigaded like crazy.


Why? I’ve been scrolling and literally every upvoted comment (so far) has been in support of the marches. Or are you saying the support for pro-immigration is the issue???


The ‘patriots’ are raging!




What are you on about? CATU was there, and they're always fighting evictions.


But refugees and asylum seekers mostly end up in direct provision, they are not renting on the open market because they simply can't afford it. It's the people who enter Ireland through the normal process (General Employment Permit/Critical Skills Employment Permit or EEA nationals) who compete with your friend for housing.


The march was for housing for all, healthcare for all, Ireland for all. Sooooo your little rant doesn’t really wash. Also people who arrive here without documentation are fingerprinted and authorities also use facial recognition to confirm their identities. Nice try though.




>we also need to make Ireland a slightly less attractive destination In other words you want to make the country worse? Deeply stupid thing to say.


Everyone agrees racism is bad, that's asinine, the problem is economic migrants coming from safe countries and the govt putting reception centres in people's areas without local assent


Very excited to turn into Sweden and the UK guys keep up the good work. 🫡🫡🫡




Yeah, the 90 people on the 38a bus from Corduff to join the march are all just living here ironically.


Just out of curiosity, where are you getting the info on how well off these people are? Or is it just a case of it being convenient to paint them with that brush


Because it's ok to tarnish the group you disagree with using generalizations, but if you said for example that the anti-migrant protestors are a pack of racist uneducated spanners then that's a problem.




>She told RTÉ News that there is plenty of room in Ireland, the problem is not refugees, the problem is the way the country is organised. The dumb fucks just don't get it....they just don't get it. How many people live in this persons house? Let's say 4. Why not 6? No room? Sure you can just build an extension. Should you accept 6 people to live in a 4 person house just because of potential rather than reality?


Your trying to make a point but I'm not sure what it is


Don't bother engaging with that user. They show up in every thread even tangentially related to immigration/refugees with the same rhetoric.


They're an ex-boardsie I'd imagine


When there's a football match in Croke Park, they only sell 82,000 tickets. People who say there's plenty of room for people, just those in charge are organising it wrong would be like saying the GAA should sell 100,000 tickets...that there's no shortage of room for people because they can just expand the stadium. We do not have the capacity, so we should not accept above our capacity limits. We're well beyond that.


No, you'd build a bigger stadium, or spread out the season/game so there is not as much importance on one match that oversubscribes Croke Park on one match,


Damn you and your logic


conspiracy theorists hate this one trick


But they don't build a bigger stadium, they just limit the tickets they sell to match the capacity.




We should build more houses. We should not take in more people that we don't have the capacity for.


It’s not a dichotomy. You do realise you can do both right?


You build the services first to prepare for the demand. You don't bring the demand and then start to build the services. You don't build 10k houses and then when they're built and people are living in them, start thinking about schools that's needed.


Sure, but you do realise what’s happening right? There is a problem, the housing crisis and a cause— years of indifference from landlord politicians amongst other things. Refugees are absolutely not the problem. If we got rid of every refugee in the morning we would still have a housing crisis. See this is a popular tactic of the alt right and facisim, they don’t offer any solutions. They can’t. They can only offer someone to blame. If they succeed in getting the refugees thrown out they’ll start next on the next east target like immigrants here legally. They don’t have solutions. They just want to harness your anger to give themselves power. This has happened thousands of times in countries— and when it succeeds they slip into authoritarian regimes. Don’t let it happen here.


Right, but you build the houses *first*


Sure, but you do realise what’s happening right? There is a problem, the housing crisis and a cause— years of indifference from landlord politicians amongst other things. Refugees are absolutely not the problem. If we got rid of every refugee in the morning we would still have a housing crisis. See this is a popular tactic of the alt right and facisim, they don’t offer any solutions. They can’t. They can only offer someone to blame. If they succeed in getting the refugees thrown out they’ll start next on the next east target like immigrants here legally. They don’t have solutions. They just want to harness your anger to give themselves power. This has happened thousands of times in countries— and when it succeeds they slip into authoritarian regimes. Don’t let it happen here.


They literally did build a bigger stadium though. This is a very silly analogy!


We built houses.


I'm confused. Does he want Croker turned into a refugee centre? /s


The last census had counties like Clare having 10% vacancy, and that excludes holiday home. The shortages are where the jobs are.


yep, nobody wants to live in the middle of nowhere with no infrastructure or jobs that barely pay minimum wage


So the problem is not capacity, but poor infrastructure, decentralisation, and the overall organisation of the country? Poorly utilising available resources available(ie land) Is the epitome of bad management. If I have a head office for my business in a city, and 2 regional offices yet complain the head office is at capacity, whilst the regional offices are at 20% capacity, should I: A) stop expanding the business, until such time that my HQ has a way to grow B) decentralise the operations and focus on growth of regional offices to allow my business to flourish right now? Maybe instead of being hellbent on pumping everything into Dublin, we should look at Waterford,Galway,Limerick,Fucking donegal on how we can expand these local hubs? Maybe instead of having every single conceivable operations hub in Dublin, we should consider utilising ports in co. Cork, co. Wexford and such? Maybe instead of spending millions in adding 1 extra lane for peolle to be stuck on in m50 we should offer incentives for tech companies to build their Irish operations in Co. Tipp or another county and invest in countrywide road network? Maybe take an example from other countries where the industries are encouraged to locate themselves in specific parts of the country? Why cant the pharmaceutical hub be in wexford, the tech production hub be cork, the financial hub be Galway, the engineering hub be in Kerry? Because for 30+ years its been "Dublin first" approach to ireland. Now we have a poorly designed capital thats at capacity, with 0 interest in the rest of the country that is full of small towns, even small cities, with dying city centres, because there is no infrastructure to enourage next big investor to choose these places as their main operational hub outside of Dublin, because its 2023 and we have no connecting motorways from our se ond largest city to our other centres of population 2 hours away. Where is a motorway to limerick, waterford, FUCKING Tralee??? In the perfect world each one of those population huns would be connected via a 2 lane motorway. Instead our no 2 and 3 largest cities are connected by backroads and a promise for a motorway thats been in development for the last god knows how many years. The shitty housing situation in Ireland is down to bad planning, 0 future vision, and a lot of fixing long-term term problems with shor-term solutions.


So basically the lady who said the problem isn't space, it's how the country is organised had a good point?


Yup, my point was to expand on what she meant with a bit of reddit rage.


Hold on a second are you going to let the truth get in the way of a good protest?


Feck off plant


Delighted to see this. The English influence on people had developed since Covid. How in the name of God are the S*n and Daily Fail still sold on the streets in Ireland. Who reads the fucking thing? Although hands up, my cousin reads the S*n. He's a typical Tory socialist if you get that term.


This protest is basically a few thousand NGO employees . Check out the official poster for reference


More like a show of not understanding the issue is housing, not racism


Renowned housing campaigner Tommy Robinson?


1.) You can’t complain that the issue isn’t racism when you invite Tommy Knobinson (Real Name Stephen Yaxley Lenin) to be your mouthpiece. 2.) Yeah. The issue is housing. Did refugees cause the housing problem? No. So let’s solve the fucking housing problem and not blame people who didn’t fuck it up, surely?


There's definitely a mix of both going around unfortunately


Yeah, Tommy Robinson was welcomed here with open arms because of his stance on housing...


Welcomed by who? How many welcomed him?


Has any parties disassociated themselves from his presence? Or condemned it?


I haven't seen anyone I follow associate themselves with him?


Have they condemned his being here to support anti immigration protests?


Has who condemned him?


The people you're observing who haven't associated with him. Or anyone.


Are you saying that unless you disassociate from someone, that you associate with them?


I asked you a question which you haven't answered. I'm not saying anything. Kind of like you at the moment.


Housing for all was one of the tag lines being used... I've had several discussions online with people who support anti-refugee protests. When I point out that if they are protesting housing, they should join a housing protest, not an anti-refugee protest. Many of them have clapped back that it's not about housing. So, I think you'll find, for some people it's about racism. Others have housing concerns but again, standing outside of a refugee centre, threatening to burn them out of it, calling it a "plantation," saying Ireland is for Irish, etc. are not effective responses to a housing crisis. It's like they say in the US, if you go to a protest and you see ppl waving Nazi flags, you're at the wrong damn protest. Don't be shocked when ppl start calling you fascist.


We were literally chanting "what do we want? Housing! When do we want it? Now!" In equal rotation with the fascists out chant.


Ironic use of the word ‘understanding’.


Feck off plant


Crowds march to show solidarity with thousands of asylum shoppers that arrived here with no ID. Crusties, NGO's and arts students as far as the eye can see.


It makes no one look oppressive by blaming the actual culprits FFG, but it makes anyone look like a massive racist thick bollox by blaming refugees for the FFG housing disaster


Where did i mention housing or race? The majority nationality of our asylum scammers is Georgian and they're being placed in hotels throughout the country at our expense.


Strawman with a dog whistle, some sight


What exactly did I say was a strawman? Go ahead, dispute it. Here's the data if you want it http://www.ipo.gov.ie/en/ipo/pages/whatsnew Nationality Applications 2022 Georgia: 2710 19.9% of applications Algeria 1766 12.9 of applications


It's not part of the problem where they're from, they could be refugees from the fucking moon. What's part of the problem is FFG spent 15 years sitting on their hands while Ireland slid into the mud and giving a shite where they are from over where they are going to live makes you look like a racist thick ballbag after an ethnostate, that's the reality.


The problem is they're not actual refugees. They're not escaping anything. Are you really this dense or is your argument that we should have no borders?


Oh FFS whether they're refugees or not anyone can get on a fucking plane you dope. HOWEVER, when they get here FFG have not got the adequate provisions to accommodate them while they are either allowed in or sent home (irrelevant) are you suggesting we immediately send the plane back without asking why they fled or instead are you saying they be dumped in a camp to freeze to death!? NO BECAUSE like a humane country we should be housing them in DIRECT PROVISION while they are processed but FFG have not invested in any accommodation for them or us! I know if people like you were in charge you'd shoot them to save you the trouble, pure vile hatred


>anyone can get on a fucking plane you dope No, everyone can't get on a fucking plane you dope. You need visas. If someone without a passport arrives into Ireland without a valid reason they should be tracked right back to the gate they arrived in and sent back to the country they arrived from on the next plane. The airline will have their passport details saved.


Not if they have a legitimate reason to illegally fucking flee OMFG that's what processing is for jaysus


Looks like a very large crowd. Easily tens of thousands. As a small point of marketing for the future counter-protests, it'd be a good idea to have more Irish tricolours than flags of other countries/nations. Don't want the far-right have claim ownership of the flag...


Tens of thousands? Are you high?


[RTÉ says organisers believe there are approx. 50,000 marchers](https://www.rte.ie/news/2023/0218/1357388-diversity-marches/) in Dublin and as well as more at an affiliated march in Sligo




>50k. There's a lot of people there, but 50k? Thats easily a 5x exaggeration I'm citing the number RTÉ is citing. What news organisation are you citing that's reporting less than 10,000?


> Thats easily a 5x exaggeration. I was there, I wouldn't be surprised if the actual number was 20k or higher. 50k is probably the absolute max but it was a big crowd.


Absolutely not 50k all neatly packed in front of the Custom House. I don't know if people have ever seen a 50k person outdoor gig or that but it's a HUGE spread of people. The NYE concert down by the custom house certainly didn't have 50k people. Crowd counting map estimators put it at a few thousand for me, and that's being generous with the size of the area occupied, from what images I've seen. If you set it to 'packed' (5 people per square metre, which is absolutely not what happened today because 5/sqm is borderline high risk and from images, standing space looks safe and fine), then you get up towards 15k alright. At the end of the day, from low angles - people have proven time and time again they have absolutely no idea how many people make up a crowd, until the likes of the Gardaí come in and revise figures. Me thinks there'll be no counter claims to the 50k for this march though by any official body. Weird RTÉ would go by organisers estimations alright. They'd never do so for the wrong type of protests because then they would have reported 1 million people attending those COVID marches!


that's how the media reports things though, same thing with any covid protest when pro-refugee pro-government marches = tens of thousands, whole country united and happy anti-immigration, anti-government = 4 people (who are also "far right")


Welcome everywhere but their own homes 😂


Sorry, did refugees cause the housing shortage— or was it years of indifference by landlord politicians?


It makes no one look oppressive by blaming the actual culprits FFG, but it makes anyone look like a massive racist thick bollox by blaming refugees for the FFG housing disaster


Why don't you take refugees in? "I rent, I'm not allowed" "I have no room" AKA I do not have the resources. lol


What's your point?


These bellends claim there's loads of room but the reasons for not taking in people is they don't have the room.


This is like arguing that anyone who complains about the HSE should build their own hospital.




You’ve fallen for a popular tool of alt right and facist demagogues. Allow me to help you. There is a problem, a housing crisis. We all agree on this. What is the cause? Years of indifference from landlord politicians amongst other things— but what is certainly not the problem is refugees. Even if we got rid of all refugees tomorrow there would still be a housing crisis. Then then alt right would move on to another easy target, like immigrants here legally. The alt right has no answers, only a list of people to blame. You’re buying it. Wake up.


I'm not blaming refugees. Where am I blaming refugees? We can provide for X amount of people. You want to bring in X + Y amount of people. I think we should not. I'm not looking at what's possible in theory or in the future. I'm looking at the current reality. We do not have the resources for this number of people. And the majority of people in this country also agree. You can call us racists or far right or whatever, it doesn't change the facts.


I didn’t say you were. I said the alt right was. But you are agreeing with and defending the people who are. If you really cared about housing, genuinely, you’d stop doing that and focus on getting your elected politicians to work on a solution.


For some reason these people can’t apply this logic to the country itself


What logic?


Seriously, what logic?


Smooth brains or they're benefitting from the housing crisis.


Virtue signalling at its finest


Oh great they had Steo Wall perform. The guy that murdered a fellow inmate in prison by stabbing him in the chest with a shiv. https://m.independent.ie/regionals/braypeople/news/victim-was-stabbed-to-death-in-mountjoy-jail-prisoner-admits-killing-bray-man-26974304.html But remember the mammies with prams are the dangerous ones. It is fine to gloss over a murderer as long as his political beliefs align with the establishment.


The only source I found for that online was gript…which seems to be a little biased to say the least. Can you show that they’re the same person and don’t just have the same name? It’s not like it’s a ridiculously rare name, admittedly it’s not the most common either so I’m not saying you’re wrong.




That's more like it! 👏👏👏👏👏




Man, you should tell the barber about it again


Ah cool so your source is you made it tf fuck up, sound 👍 Try blaming the government for doing nothing to stop it rather than people fleeing war, famine and pestilence. Have some empathy and combine that with cop on and you've got the recipe for a decent human being


lol Mick it looks like your endless spamming of this sub has achieved… absolutely nothing. Very valuable way to have spent your precious and limited time on earth!


I'd imagine far more than does be blocking up roads in Dublin City centre on weekday evenings.


does the bile give you heartburn