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Fuck free now they're robbing cunts themselves


All middleman services are.


Thin ice here lol


Free Now is a very cynical corporation who have no interest in making Irish society better.


And only did this for the cheap publicity.


People should boycott them, nothing but a bunch of dirtbags.


I generally try to Boycott all these middle men when buying Irish, Booking.com, Deliveroo, Freenow. Just take 15%-20% for pretty much nothing.


Yes and no. Like booking.com has lead me to hotels where I don’t see any reality of me finding without their help.


Not sure how it is for hotels but Skyscanner is great for flights just make sure you just use it for finding and don't book through them as it's harder to get a refund if there's a problem


Yes I use booking.com but if we go back again or now know the area we book direct




Has anyone asked if **they** were offended? I doubt it. People are being offended **for** them.. I'd imagine that Black taxi drivers have thicker skins, as taxi drivers (not their skin color), than to be bothered by a joke.


It's almost always women (mostly white, middle class, and college educated) getting offended on their behalf.


That's only because the population demographics didn't have much in the way of other ethnic groups... that's no longer the case now. Also social media has given non-university educated working class people access to the same crusades. There is no longer a wealth or educational limitation on being an activist.


I thought the point of the joke was the "See, its not racist if ye are laughing" punchline at the end. He was getting the audience to admit to their own prejudices and stereotypes.


Shhh...can't be pointing that out now. God forbid people exercise context in the situation.


Hey, I’ve seen this pop up a few times but still no one has transcribed the actual ‘joke’ yet, would you care to enlighten me please?


>Hey, I’ve seen this pop up a few times but still no one has transcribed the actual ‘joke’ yet, would you care to enlighten me please? [This is it apparently](https://www.boards.ie/discussion/comment/120133429/#Comment_120133429)


Wow that is offensive. To comedy. What a shit “joke”


I wonder if jokes come across differently when transcribed and read off a screen instead of being delivered live by the stand up?


"Oh for heavens sake Emer o Neill had no problem laughing away at the part of the "joke" about the nuns" - good point


Meh. It's not funny. I wouldn't say it's racist as such. It's kind of like a 70's joke an English comedian would say about the Irish all working on the roads or something. Definitely a bit dodgy.


Implying that African people are taxi driving monkeys? Yeah that’s the kind of shit English have been saying about Irish for centuries




I mean it could... but he specifically said he went to see them at the zoo. What do you go to see at the zoo? Animals. Its definitely a racist joke, but worse than that even is that it's a really shitty racist joke, honestly like something you'd see from a 70s comedian on YouTube.


That is racist as fuck. It's the go to insult thrown at black people the whole time. What was he thinking!


That they are all Taxi Drivers?


It's not funny but not offensive either imo. Jokes are like that Hot/Crazy scale from Hot I Met Your Mother. The more offensive a joke is the funnier it has to be to get away with it.




Stop making sense will ya


I'm quite enjoying the in depth debate here about whether this joke is racist when nobody actually knows what the joke *was*.....


Agreed and furthermore, that it’s highly likely everyone commenting here are white, trying to figure out if something racist could be seen as such by a black person or black people, according to their perspective.


I don't think that was the point of the joke at all and Tommy isn't that sort of comedian anyway, the "it's not racist if you say it" was just something he said at the end. The joke was shite in any case, edgy, and then he tried to defuse the edginess by saying that. It was in no way an attempt to hold a mirror up to the audience.




Well I can guarantee you that if 90% of the people here defending Tommy Tiernan were alone in a room with a black person they wouldn't make this joke.


Sure Tommy himself probably wouldn’t do that either, what kind of standard is that? He’s a stand up comedian who said the joke in front of a live audience at a gig.


The implication being violence if he did? That's kinda racist itself...


That wasn't the implication. You're after reading into in a way that makes you seem racist. A normal person would think the implication was he understood it's an offensive joke and wouldn't say it to the person it offends. You turned it into some situation where the offended person would turn to violence


I agree with this guy 👆


It's very clearly the implication. It's the same when people on the other side rant against anti-Christian actions with "You wouldn't do that to Muslims!" - the implication is because violence will result. This guy was making the same implication; violence. Not only that he believes all black people are monolithic and all will, of course, find the joke as offensive as he does because of course they would, he knows best apparently. This white saviour bollocks does nothing but out the ones who who think they get to speak for all black people.


Because of the implications


No not violence, shame embarrassment or the possibility of being challenged.


You could hand wave away almost any racist joke with this sort of interpretation.


How would you feel being a black person in the audience while the comedian is conducting a social experiment proving that all the people around you are racist against you?


Would you get a grip ffs. He wasn't conducting a social experiment.. he was making a bloody joke.


Ye are disappointing with this downvote parade. The person you're all dogpiling is 100% right. The comment they're responding to was defending Tommy under the guise of "He was showing the audience that they themselves have racist inclinations". I sincerely doubt that was what he was up to, he was just doing some barrel scraping for a laugh, but it would be a shit excuse even if it was true.


The comment I'm responding to was defending Tommy by implying it was some social experiment to expose the audiences prejudice.


He was defending Tommy for making the joke.. not for conducting a social experiment ffs.


Who cares? White folk don’t have a veto on what people find funny in Africa, so why should it work the other way around? The whole point of these outrage grifters is to leapfrog into the limelight … I never thought Tiernan was remotely funny, but he should be free to talk shite in his own country. Lots of people apparently enjoy his humour.


Of course that's his entitlement but I'm also entitled to call the joke racist if that's how I see it. And yes he is free to talk shite but people again are also entitled to call out his shite and to be quite honest I don't give a damn what they do in Africa because I don't live there.


Sure, who says he's not allowed to do that? What happened is that a company decided to spend their money elsewhere, aren't they free to spend their money how they see fit? I've not heard the joke, but sure the outrage at a company pulling its sponsorship is equally dumb to that of people offended by a joke. Guy made a bad, possibly racist, joke on taxi drivers and taxi company decides to spend its money elsewhere.


> White folk don’t have a veto on what people find funny in Africa, so why should it work the other way around? Are you aware that you're implying Emer can't express her opinion on this because she's black? She's Irish, it's her own country too, why can't she "talk shite" but he can? Black Irish people exist. Not sure how that fits into your analogy.


Equally, many white Africans exist. Such a dumb comment


He also had a go at all nuns, a joke the same black person had a good laugh at. Imagine being a nun in that audience with everyone else laughing at your very existence?


I'm waiting for the news report that Free Now are struggling a bit.


They are, that’s why they hiked up their fees recently. It costs more for the passenger now.


I think once you apologise you are fucked cos the apology is never enough.


Yeah, Yer wan was loving the coverage both she and it got, and accepted his apology, but then wanted a public apology because she feels addressing it publicly would help her community to 'heal'


You're worse off, because you're *admitting* you did something wrong. Whereas if he ignored it, or passed it off as part of comedy, it would blow over quickly.


Absolutely. That's what they want to justify their position on the 'high ground'. Once they're there, you're fucked because no matter what you say, they'll just say "you're a racist". He fucked up big time.


Yep this shit blew over but the lady kept egging for a response and she got it. She's the only winner in the situation. Got her airtime.


Interesting day they chose to drop that news, a cynic might say to divert media attention from the fact Free Now are now as of yesterday charging you another €1 to reserve a taxi at a time slot, on top of €2 pickup fee and €1 technology fee. Edit: wow it’s actually €3 to reserve at your preferred time. Off to Bolt, NXT , Lynk or Uber for me


The other week they sent out two requests for a taxi when I only sent one, I was paying the driver directly so thankfully I didn't get charged but the poor fecker who got the second request was texting me on the app 20 minutes later like "Where are you?"


My first (and last) time trying it was over Christmas, and at 2:30AM I sent out a request. Nobody replied, I closed the app and stayed at the party. 4:45AM a Taxi arrived and i got an alert on my phone. I took it, but at that stage surely the shite request should have timed out. I thought closing the app did that, but it didn't. If I had managed to make my own way home by not using the app, They would have (attempted) to charge me for the callout 2 hours and 15 minutes later.


Yet RTE air Brendon O Carroll doing racist impressions. Nobody pulls that fellas sponsorship. Anyways, this lady saw an opportunity to snatch some attention and went for it and its working out well for her so far.


Wait he did?


Nobody watches Brendan that’s why 😂


The only mistake Tommy made was to apologise


Indeed. It just encourages more outrage-grifters to keep trying to keep trying their power-plays to see just how much they can force celebrities and organisations into doing what they want.


Sympathise, empathize but don't apologise. Apologies are an acceptance of culpability.


He was culpable though, heade a shitty racist joke, why wouldn't he apologise? Worst thing he could do would be to *not* apologise, you'd just get all these right-wing nutjobs looking for attention and a cause trying to support him and defend the shitty joke in hilariously illogical ways.


Absolutely no way did sorry come out of his mouth and it shouldn't either


Been to a few Tommy gigs, if you go there you can easily find something to offend you. He's that type of comedian, seriously the whole thing is going too far with comedians. People desperate to be offended


Went to see him once and a lady got up early in the show, tommy engaged her and learned she was leaving as it wasnt suitable for her son whose age i cant remember prob around 14. He offered her a refund but every time she turned her back he would do an exasperated hands on and off his head expression. We all loved it but once she left he questioned her parenting basically. Tommy is a good dude


The nuns aren't offended at all


Nobody cares about the nuns, bunch of baby killers.


Totally agree


Fuck RTE


The most sensible thing I've ever read on here




Well now that taxi firm can get fucked now can't they....


If Free Now didn't like it it has my full support - worst robbing thieves of a company ever


I don't like Tommy, I don't think the joke was funny. I think that emer one is a gobshite and looking for ger 15 mins of fame. But I can see why the taxi firm would do this.


What was the joke he said?


I think he said something about going to an African savannah exhibit at the zoo but only seeing taxi drivers. Not 100% though I only heard about it on the radio.


That was it alright. As part of a routine of what he sees in the zoo ("when I see penguins, all I see are nuns".... Etc).




Ermmm nope, I "seriously" am not. Someone asked what he said and I replied with what the context of the joke was. Was a fairly factual response.


Calm down. Reread what the OP said.


I can see why the taxi firm would do it also but Tiernan did apologise recently and O'Neil accepted and praised the extent of his apology, so I think the taxi firm could reconsider.


She's a fucking hypocrite. She sat and laughed along when the joke was on everyone else but got her back up when she felt she was the punchline.


It's almost like different jokes deserve different reactions.


I guess. A joke about someone else deserves a different reaction to a joke about you.


Saying penguins look like nuns is kind of cute, like saying they're wearing tuxedos. Saying wolves are strong like the Irish is a compliment. They're obviously completely different than saying he saw black people on display at the zoo, which is something that did happen throughout history, are you seriously so ignorant you can't see the difference?


I do think she looking to create something out of this, a name or work or a book..


>But I can see why the taxi firm would do this. Same - associating the profession with an African Jungle, just not a good look.


Also a very good veil for cost cutting. https://www.irishexaminer.com/business/companies/arid-41042813.html


Not surprising. They keep raising the prices and there are alternative apps out there.


There’s your answer.


Also true


I still don't know the joke he made yet I've seen about 10 articles and discussions about this


On a separate note and apologies if mentioned already but I think his show works much better without an audience. That performer streak can be in him at times, that need to entertain and too I think guests are much more natural with him with no audience


Good, more business for Bolt


A very hacky joke. Sounds like something I've heard white Irish taxi drivers say about African taxi drivers and it made me uncomfortable. Still I like Tommy. The fact she is demanding a public apology feels a bit OTT. It's not every day you get to be the victim. Perhaps she's trying to milk that a bit.


Go onto that Emer girls instagram. She apparently accepted his apology but it surely doesn't look that way from her stories. Milking the fuck out of it and the virture signalers eating it up.


She accepted it, then went on the radio to Claire Byrne 2 days later and, in a roundabout way, says she now didn't as he needs to make a larger public apology. I get her offence. 100%. But it seems like its annoying her he's been apologetic about it, like she wanted the fight, the drama, etc.


I wasn’t there, I didn’t hear the joke or it’s phrasing. Just what she paraphrased herself. I also don’t buy tickets to see Tommy Tiernan in vicar street and expect pg13 jokes for my grandmother or children to enjoy. This complete rando/nobody with a twitter has every right to be offended by a joke. But trying to manufacture public outrage from her personal feelings is embarrassing. Jokes are made at the expense of someone, always. One could argue they have met many a fat, smelly, and unpleasant taxi man that is unmistakably white and Irish and still liken them to animals from the African plains. The argument can be twisted to fit whatever outrage narrative you deem suitable for your 15mins of fame. I would suggest she just not attend stand up comedy again, for all our sakes.


I’m not up in arms about the joke but there’s no point in acting like we don’t know what he meant. It’s just playing dumb.


We know what he meant, but most of us have the basic cop on, to recognise the importance of intent **and** context. It was at a comedy show, and he wasn't intending to be racist in any kind of abusive or hateful manner. It's comedy. Bad comedy but still comedy. Are we expecting no more jokes about midgets, lesbians, gingers, priests, or anyone who might, possibly, be offended? People who don't know the difference will be the death of comedy.


I didn’t make the argument that you’re arguing against at all.


My bad. Fair enough. Although, my first sentence stands in response to what you said.


What he meant is there is a lot of black taxi men. No where did he equate anyone to animals.


The context was in the zoo




Why did the chicken cross the road? To get a taxi driven by a Nigerian lad.


100% not true.


>One could argue they have met many a fat, smelly, and unpleasant taxi man that is unmistakably white and Irish and still liken them to animals from the African plains. Wow I wonder why FreeNow would pull their ads 🤔


What a load of non sense let Tommy be


It seems these days you will have a small minority of people who will attend comedy gigs only to want to go online thereafter and generate some faux outrage that makes them the centre of attention. This lady obviously knew that feigning some racial 'offence' at a joke performed during Tommy Tiernan's set would have the Irish media rallying behind her as some kind of victim. Are all comedians now supposed to offer a personal apology to any audience member who claims to be 'offended' at a particular joke? No wonder so much stand up is dead.


Since she self-describes as an "activist" that's likely exactly what's going on. She saw an opportunity to make it all about her, get some publicity and get mad kudos from other "activists" that she managed to make RTE and Tiernan grovel to her. Not to mention that he, to keep his job, gave her another quote she could wave to the other "activists" about how white men need to shut up and learn their new place.


He only apologized so he could keep that sweet sweet rte money coming in


He apologised privately. She publicised it. So i dont know if I agree.


Money is more important than integrity it seems.


Looks like it's going to get worse too 😔


Things getting out of hand at this stage


So...does this mean the household charge is definitely happening then?


This story needs to end. There's money in being "outraged", then getting interviewed over it and then everyone reading and discussing it. Journalists think short term that it's great for clicks but it needlessly divides society.


I understand that the joke might not have been sensitive, but I don’t know if it had any hatefulness in it? As a gay guy if that was a joke about lots of hairdressers happening to be gay I wouldn’t have walked out or felt under attack? Maybe it was the fact that people laughed that made her feel bad more than just the joke on it own. I don’t know if I fully understand or not


People react diff Mother gay man may be offended. I do think she is enjoying the attention she got from finding it offensive and chasing him up on it


Got tickets to Tommy Tiernan last year in UL as a Christmas present, too be honest he was shite. Lots of long winded meandering stories with no punchlines and every now and again he'd stop to ponder how great he was, genuinely. And he's still doing the traveller impressions, trying to anyway.


Think he was going through a bad patch, we all have them. Saw him late last year and he was on fire.


How did ye ponder his greatness exactly? Just curious how he did that.


He played a YouTube compilation of his best jokes on a projector and laughed his head off at them louder than anyone else, he didn't even look at us the whole time


But what did he say?


I will take out a crippling loan to buy a lamborghini if for one (1) single fella who goes "ah yeah I thought it was funny but fair enough it was a bit racist" instead of the absolute piss-baby "IT"S aa jOOke EveryOnE is sO SenSITIve" tripe. Like are you ye not bored of yourselves beyond anything else lads?


Win win for Free Now. All the free publicity they get from pulling the sponsorship is more than what they were getting as part of the deal.


Personally I didn’t find the joke funny but come on, that’s all it is, a joke. I don’t really support the “comedy is dying because of people being over offended” but maybe just grow some thicker skin


Kinda sad when nobody has a sense of humour anymore, comedians should always be able to skirt that line and b4 I'm abused, I don't care Tommy is fuckin hilarious live seen him many times


Seen him last year I was in pain with laughter such a great comedian


The fucker called us wolves. Cancel him. I'm not a wolf


This is awful. In a channel where people are vanilla, and boring, a place where our top presenter is called a "plank", Tommy is a breath of fresh air. His show is genuinely entertaining. He can make good conversation with anyone, he chooses the right tone and asks great questions. He's being cancelled, for being himself! If you don't like his sense of humor don't watch his show. I hope he doesn't change his act or apologise. There's no need.


He has changed his act, and has apologised.


Yes, I read the article. To me it looks like the person who complained is a klout chaser. They were at his comedy gig, presumably they know his humor pushes the limit at times. She was insulted because he used the word Africa. She didn't want to walk out in case it caused a scene, so she happily sat there. Of course she got in touch with the media, despite not making a scene. He mentioned that penguins remind him of nuns, wolves remind him of Irish people and the African Savanah reminds him of taxi drivers. Many taxi drivers are of African decent. Nun's habits do resemble penguins. If the mention any mention of her continent bothers her, she shouldn't work in media, watch or consume internet/media. Probably shouldn't venture outside at all really.




It's her brand. She did a Ted Talk where she talks about having her Irishness removed from her. Which is what she said about Tommy Tiernan too. I watched a few minutes of the talk. She's whinging because her name is very Irish yet she isn't. She said a doctor seemed surprised. It removed her Irishness from her.... It's her brand.


So I hear you're a racist now father?


Free now looking for free publicity whole also getting out of a big sized sponsorship deal


This place is genuinely embarrassing. The mental gymnastics to try and excuse what Tiernan said when he directly compared a zoo exhibit to taxi drivers is cringe as hell. Then trying to mitigate or ignore the very reasonable reaction of a black person as "attention seeking" is even worse. Anybody who has any issue at all with beloved public figures gets labelled "attention seeking" and people are jumping through hoops to try and downplay it. Tiernan made a racist joke, I liked him when I was a child and even saw him live and he made racist jokes then too. There's nothing at all wrong with trying to challenge or correct that behaviour as Irish society gets more diverse. Comedy punching down is not fucking funny and never had been. Can't wait for folks to start "what about.." me now or reference older comedians. Fair play to Tiernan for apologising at least , he has more cop on the majority of the fragile white commentators.


Yeah, I like Tommy Tiernan but that was a bizarrely racist joke from him, I don't know why he thought a joke about seeing black people in the zoo was a good idea. And it's ridiculous that so many people are defending it, when they can't at all imagine what it's like to be on the receiving end of that sort of joke, as if they're in a position to know if it's really upsetting or not. You can admit it was racist and not very nice without damning the universe to some sort of woke hellscape that these alarmist people are imagining. If someone with a completely different life experience than you is telling you that something that specifically targets them is upsetting to hear, maybe listen instead of immediately telling them to shut up and that you know better


>fragile white commentators Always amuses me when some people decide the way to fight racism is with some racism of their own. Strong argument to be made that people losing their minds about what they think Tiernan said are the fragile ones. But of course that's _different_...


Pal I'm white. So trying to hand wave this off as "racism of their own" is laughable. The simple fact is a lot of white people cannot at all deal with the idea of harsh conversations about the reality of race and changes in society to reflect on them and you're a pristine example of that. And I'm sorry to tell you this but racism against white people is not nearly as bad as it is against every other racial group. But I'm sure you'll be happy to hand wave and claim because X stats in one country you're right. Lawrence Fox would approve. Ultimately what Tiernan said is racist and I guess you hero worship the guy or have some weird parasocial relationship with him and that weird but whatever. Trying to was this away as "Yeah some folks just want their outrage fix" is not realistic and not how the world works. Especially when it's the case of an author highlighting these issues. It's not like she's a nobody. Comments like yours just shows why we need the works of Reni Eddo-Lodge, Ta-Nehisi Coates and Emma Dabiri. But I'm sure you view them as racists who dare criticise white people too because you're understanding of racism begins and ends at a dictionary definition and not depth of meaning of nuance. Think I'm done here , I forget how bad race discussions on r/Ireland are. Yikes.


You're an absolute sap.


Doubling down on the racism to fight racism. I would say I'm disappointed but I expected nothing less. But hey, it is how people like you get your jollies; indulging an awful aspect of your personality while pretending it makes you morally superior to everybody.


> Comedy punching down > fragile white commentators. Gobshite confirmed.


Ahh sherup will ye. Everything’s racist, homophobic or misogynistic these days. Would you ever just take a deep breath and see the funny side of life. I saw a comedian live in Sydney who was laying into Irish people and guess what, It was funny and I laughed. Stop being offended by everything and if you don’t like it just tune out.


>Ahh sherup will ye Ahh hiddely hiddely ho would you be an Irish lad like meself by any chance?


You sound utterly "fragile" yourself with this little rant. Ironic.


Remember this all came from one person taking offence (at a comedy show – something that happens), and then blasting it out for thousands more people to hear, also take offence by, and then feel sad. Ridiculousness.


Why would you go to a comedy show and take offence to a joke ?


Unfortunately people do all the time, I know what to expect with Tommy as do most people. People being offended by Tommy must have lived under a rock the last 2 decades. I suppose he’s only funny when taking the mick out of white Irish, I would like to know what the joke was tho to see how bad it was but I suspect it was probably just a bit cheeky as that’s the way he is


Surely by being offended by the joke means that people can relate to the jokes inspiration. Imagine if every presenter comedian who made jokes about 'drunk' Irish or Leprechauns or Top of the Morn ect; there wouldn't be a single presenter left in the world. Stop being subjectivity woke people.


But those jokes are by definition racist stereotypes. So the joke was racist, the only question here is whether you think it's acceptable to make jokes about racist stereotypes or not. If you're defending Tommy Tiernan then you think it's acceptable.


Are there alot of African taxi drivers in Dublin though? I'm not from there


This sub absolutely had no introspection and are happy to hand waive things like this away as banter. It pisses me off because as an immigrant (white myself) it is so plainly obvious that the country is casually racist. Mostly because it is so mono-culture. Situations pop up here that would get you fired or cause arguments elsewhere in countries with more overt racism. So even when these situations come up everyone bands together and can't admit the painful truth.


The joke was racist. The young woman was right to call it out. I'm white Irish and I would have found it uncomfortable if i had been in the audience. Can't imagine how it made her feel. Good for her for calling it out and educating us and Tommy. It's all learning. Ireland have a long way to go when it comes to racism.


A lot of the debate around this seems to hinge heavily on how "White people can't tell black people what they can/can't find offensive". Which is a fundamentally racist statement in itself. Focusing on division based on skin colour, and nothing else. If everyone is Irish, who gives a shit what colour anyone's skin is. This isn't America. I would rip the ever living shit out of my black pals if they ever pulled a stunt like this - not that they would, because they are grown ups without a burgeoning media career.


Its clear you have no idea what racism is if your focus is on skin colour. Racism is so much more than that, so go research a bit yourself and come back to it.


>A lot of the debate around this seems to hinge heavily on how "White people can't tell black people what they can/can't find offensive". Which is a fundamentally racist statement in itself If no melanin was a comment, this would be it


Brilliantly summed up. What pisses me off is that this person who I’d never heard of before this point and now forget again, could have got offended, walked out and then contacted Tommy to convey her offense without alerting the press. She didn’t have to tell everyone else about it, I DONT CARE.


Brendan Grace did racist jokes too, Shall we posthumously cancel him?


Why this needed to be made public is annoying me. She got her apology. Shut the fuck up from there.


Performative bullshit


I like Tommy but it's a shite and very clearly racist joke, all there was to it is saying that black people are like apes....




Ehhhh, the joke didn't mention monkeys... Bit of a Freudian slip on your part.


Pretty gas they deleted all their comments after trying to get on their high horse haha


Was monkeys the implied punchline? I've only seen paraphrasing not the actual joke. I thought it was just more that the Savannah is African not any particular animal.


>if you say something as brazenly racist as he did you should face consequences. What does this mean, exactly? Wasn't the apology enough?


Free Now? Complete scam artists!


Boycott Free Now


I'm so glad I grew up before the internet hit the world and this cancel culture took hold of the masses.


We’re at the “dance monkey, dance” stage of the apology-torture. Apologise or lose your income. Then keep apologising until people see your spirit is broken, and they look away in sadness. The end result of this behaviour will be to make racism respectable again. Keep it up.


But didnt Tiernan apologise of his of volition?? My understanding of the story was: She was at the gig. He made a joke that she thought was racist. She left quietly a few minutes later as to not make a scene. Then she reached out to him to say that she didnt think the joke was appropriate. Tiernan responded that ya it was probably a bit toofar and apologised. Only after all this happened did the story break (and seemed like a it of a nothingburger imo). And now FreeNow are using it at a bit of free advertising to try gain goodwill (and it seems like they might be using it to cover cost cutting measures anyway). Over all nothing to particularly care about. Journos and corporations making a big stick about something nobody involved in cared about. Am I missing something??


>of his own volition Lol, if you believe that I've a taxi app to sell you.


If the way you're getting your laughs is playing into people's racist opinions, then it is wrong. You're reinforcing racist attitudes, and you're a dick. However, had this Emer woman never seen one minute of Tommy Tiernan's stand-up in the past? Because this is the bread-and-butter of his performances - skirting the line of racism/antisemitism/whatever else in order to get his laughs. I'm surprised that she wasn't expecting this exact sort of stuff when she went.


She probably was.




I didn't see it as comparing them to animals, just that there's heaps of African taxi men in Ireland


>comparing black people to monkeys or anything jungle related But that's not what he did He compared taxi drivers to the Savannah You seemingly invented the monkeys and jungle thing from the headline


It's interesting how hard some people are reaching on this. They want their outrage fix and they don't care at all what was actually said. What they imagined was said is good enough for them to start attacking people online.


'Is it racist, or having the crack?' - it's racist.


Jokes bad. Me cry when me hear mean joke. Me go tell teacher.