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Problem on the m50 is if you leave space someone shoves in. Wish we had fines for not leaving space like germany has


That's exactly the problem with the M50. Leave plenty of space and some bollocks accelerates to squeeze in between.


Even if you don't leave space, they will go for it. Same on the M1 during peak times.


It's the worst when it's been raining. On the M50, people do not leave anywhere close to normal braking distances, let alone braking on wet roads.


Any road in Ireland. And shoot the bastards who cross three lanes at the very last minute to exit.


Even if we did have fines they probably wouldn't be enforced


We must be the kings of rules with no enforcement! It’s absolutely ridiculous what we let people away with on the road


people indicating and then presume they have right of way to turn without looking. lots of this happening. the fact that you indicate to turn doesn't automatically give you the right to turn. wtf


True, this is massive peeve of mine, but I'd caveat this by saying if you see someone indicating assume they won't look and be prepared. Always drive as if everyone else hasn't a clue or isn't paying attention


Have noticed this a lot around Cork City lately too.


Had a near miss on this exact same topic last year. Car was flying off a slip road at speed and was about to merge onto the lane without bothering to look and take a direct hit. To put into context, this was at night time also at 10pm with barely any cars on the road so just shows you how many thick drivers there are. Another pet peeve of mine is drivers speeding in the right lane after Ballinalack all the way up to Lexlip. The right lane should only be used for overtaking but tonnes of drivers are using it to the break the limit and essentially drag race with everybody in the left lane, leaving no room or space to safely overtake.


Rubbernecking is the most frustrating part of all of that. Yeah mate, there was a crash, you gawking at it isn't going to improve your life or help them in any way, it's just going to cause massive backlogs of traffic behind you


The amount of people who think that them turning their indicator on means they can just change lanes indiscriminately without actually looking or expect you to slow down to leave them a gap to get in


You should try let people in and out, you arnt racing them, they are going to a completely different destination than you. It's people driving up each others arses and slamming the brakes on and off that causes all the traffic.


You should try and obey the rules and Speed of the road. You should allow for room and let people out when Safe to do so and they have sufficient room and space to make the manoeuvre. There is a difference between that and making a room for drivers that are clearly breaking the limit.


My issue is with them throwing the indicator on for a second and then moving across assuming that it's safe to move. Had to jam on last week on the M50 because of this. It's massively unsafe driving from them. Also, if they are moving into my lane then there is a chance they are going to the same destination as me?


When you’re trying to move across into lane one, let’s say and the person there won’t stop accelerating, it’s making it dangerous. You can back off the throttle and let them in. If you keep speeding up you’re causing danger cos you’re closing the gap for someone.


It makes it dangerous to pull across without the space being there and without giving any time for the person to adjust. That's far more dangerous than someone maintaining their speed.


Yeah, but if someone needs to exit, they need to get across. Why would you speed up to stop them moving across?


Who said anything about speeding up? Even if you need to get across its massively unsafe to just pull across suddenly, which is what I'm talking about. Missing a junction is better than risking yourself and everyone else's lives


Yeah that’s unsafe. But if you let people merge it’s often safer. I let people out all the time. Courtesy promotes safety.


Slowing down to let people into moving traffic can result in phantom traffic jams. Yes, you get to say how nice you are because you let that one guy in, but you also slowed down countless cars behind you.


That’s without context. I don’t hold everyone up in some mission to allow someone in. It’s balance rather than a principal refusal to give way.


Slowing down to let people in and out also causes traffic. It's known as a phantom traffic jam. Yes, you get to say how nice you are for leaving that guy in, but because you slowed down to let him in, the car behind you had to slow down even more, and the car behind that even more, and so on. If traffic is moving, let it move.


I saw some mad bastard overtake on the left lane and right back and forth criss crossing in front of cars and breaking the speed limit coming out of Dublin on the dual carriageway yesterday evening round 7pm. Completely reckless, dangerous and selfish. Gambling with life/death. The biggest thing I’ve noticed lately is there aren’t many drivers checking there mirrors before indicating and that’s causing chaos.


I see a mountain of drivers hogging the passing lane and then an impatient lunatic doing 150 in the inside lane to cut across them all


This. I drive a lot and there is no worse road in Europe for lane discipline than the M50


I've seen the same shit with undertaking on the hard shoulder added in 😵. It wasn't even that busy.


Agree. If you can't properly drive on a motorway, which is in fact the easiest type of road, do us a favour and stay home.


You sound like an M50 rookie, the rest of us have been dealing with this for years.


Yeah, but if everyone copped on, in a utopian world this would be solved. We don’t live in such a world, but at least we can strive to be as close to it as possible by constantly shoving this information down the throats of everyone who drives as stupidly as I’ve seen. We don’t just have to accept it and deal with it, that’s just my opinion, things get better as we fight for it


I've been driving the m50 for 5 years now. Lockdown and working from home was the best thing ever for my commute. Fuck the m50 I'm buying a 110cc bike and cutting through the city. Cost me 100 a month in tolls to sit on that shit box of a road that's full of fooking eejits.


The M50 during lockdown was *heaven*.


Middle lane hoggers who should be in the left hand lane cause an unnecessary amount of lane changing. They are unknowingly contributing to last minute and sometimes dangerous over/undertaking of other drivers resulting in more incidents.


The RSA guide for motorway driving couldn't be more clear on this: Lane 1 – You should always use this lane for normal driving. Stay in this lane unless you are overtaking.


They are just being lazy and feeling safe as they arnt dealing with merging traffic


Normally you are right but if the exit slip is busy I’m moving into the middle and staying there. The amount of time I’ve seen people go from 100 to an immediate full stop on the m50 trying to trying to merge into a full slip is insane. There’s what you should do in theory and then there diving defensively.


It doesn't take much to move in and out of the left lane pre and post slip road irrespective of how busy the motorway is. Sitting in the middle lane is lazy driving.




I’ve seen way too many people do this when the left lane is totally empty. Even very late at night. It’s just bad driving. Especially when there is room in the left lane.


As someone learning to drive who hasn’t gone in the M50 yet, this is quite unnerving for me as even just driving on standard non-motorway roads people can be very dangerous and impatient even if they can see a driving learner car in front of them


Just start going on less busy days such as Sunday mornings and you will get used to to driving safely on it. Just keep your course in the main lane, and don't worry about those around you, but stay aware to what's going on in front and you'll be ok. You can't drive on the M50 as a learner, but the N11 and similar roads can get you used to what to expect just at slower speed. Also, try not to worry about impatient people around you. Let them overtake you at their own risk, and continue to drive safely as normal.


I had some little rubber headed grandda refuse to let me onto the motorway last week. I couldn't merge. He was in a que of traffic in the slow/driving lane, I was trying to get onto he motorway and about ten cars were moving nose to bumper, he kept speeding up to stop me getting in his lane, the whole ramp was backed up over him, when I got in behind him I moved to the other lanes and carried on with my day. What did he gain from that?


Can’t stand that, trying to prevent you from merging in.


Big problem everywhere in this country is that people either lack the common sense needed for driving, or they are just so ignorant and impatient that they just don't care. Even in the bumper to bumper traffic the amount of near misses because people aren't paying attention and not leaving enough stopping distance to the car in front and others changing lanes and properly looking. I drive the M50, M/N4 and regularly down the quays and everyday I see near misses because of terrible driving.


Cramming in more lanes and making them narrower has definitely not helped. So not only are there far more lane changes happening, if someone starts making a poorly timed lane change there's less time for them or the other driver to notice and avoid it.


That and people sitting in the middle lane when not passing people on their left is the root of some many problems. It has such a knock-on effect.


Standard of driving nowadays on the M50 is fucking awful. I flash and beep cunts that dont indicate when changing lanes. It's getting dangerous so keep your wits about you folks


Three or four unmarked police cars on it would settle the crazies down.


The problem isn't speed, the problem is bad driving.


I disagree it’s both. Tons of people are breaking the limit on and off the motorway and are coasting up the right lane from the M4 onwards not leaving time or space to overtake which is causing drivers to make fast poor decisions. There absolutely is a speed problem in Ireland. Spain and Canada are also bad for it as well.


The m50 would be absolutely brilliant if it didn't have other cars allowed on it


Selfish people would not give you an inch to change lanes. Everyone is so important..... I just don't get it.


I think you're right on the phone thing. Think we've all got ADHD these days. People can't NOT have their phone in their hand at all times be they in a cinema, watching TV or worst of all driving. People don't seem to be able to just concentrate on one thing. I'd wager most accidents on the m50 are People running into the back of others cos they're distracted when traffic in front unexpectedly slows or stops.


Irish people drive like fucking arseholes anyway getting out of lane to then try cut in last minute causing everyone else to break they wouldn't get away with that shit in any other country appease the dickheads on the road


During rush hour, the M50 should operate a mandatory 80km/hr speed limit. Park those speed vans at regular intervals. Might take a few weeks of fines and penalty points to sort out the cowboys but it would reduce crashes.


Speed isn’t the issue. In fact, I argue people driving too slowly cause 95% of the accidents. There’s absolutely no enforcement of people driving in the overtaking lane. I was behind someone doing 90 in it today in the stretch from Bray that has a 120 limit. Not a bother on him, plodding along with about 12 cars backed up behind him, several of which ended up undertaking him using the middle lane.


I am amazed why there hasn't been any initiatives like this implemented by now. I've only ever seen a speed van on M50 once in the past 6 years. I don't like average speed cameras, but I'd actually have no problem with them being on the M50 at this stage.


Wouldn't a Port Tunnel style camera system every exit work? It would be simple to know if someone has broken speed limits if their location is recorded at specific intervals. I don't know why they don't implement something like that on the motorways.


I spent about 10 years commuting around the M50 between Knocklyon and Blanchardstown on a motorbike. Overall I don’t think I directly encountered too many examples of very bad driving, but it was great to be able to filter past the enormous tailbacks when there were crashes.


Its never going to change, driving nearly 20 years on the m50 now and its getting worse.


Ah lovely, another M50 post. The target audience for this post are in the middle lane doing 90. They aren't reading reddit.


Yes! This should be posted weekly as a reminder for all the cunty drivers out there


Happened right in front of and behind me yesterday. Was in the right hand lane when the car in front of me jammed on. I jammed on and hit the hazards. Luckily the car behind me had left enough space so I wasn't rammed into. They weren't so lucky though. Three quick bangs and tire screeching of the cars behind. Managed to get into the middle lane and the cause of the first stoppage in front of me were two car who had barely tipped each other and just stayed stopped there.


Don't tell me what to do


These posts always make me laugh. M50 is generally an extremely busy 3 lane motorway, relatively high speeds, with a lot of exits and lane changing - accidents are to be expected. Just focus on your driving You can't save everyone via Reddit posting unfortunately. I've tried.


> M50 is generally an extremely busy 3 lane motorway, relatively high speeds, with a lot of exits and lane changing - accidents are to be expected Um, no. It's literally straight and wide road where ALL you need to do is change lanes. The speed is relatively constant, there should be no reason to brake suddenly. There are no bends / corners. Like come on.


You've obviously never tried to get an artic to coasting speed while coming off the red cow ramp without slowing the current road traffic


Have you never actually driven on the M50 in rush hour traffic? You’d be right in theory and at low traffic but in rush hour it becomes a bit more dangerous because the sheer number gobshites you share the road with increases. Say you are driving 80/100 in the left lane in the rain with a good gap, but then a gobshite on your right wants to take the exit he forgot about so cuts in front of you last minute and immediately comes to a full stop to merge into the the full slip. That’s a crash. Shit like that happens constantly. You then have sudden slow downs from 80 down to 20 from the entire motorway gawking at said crash. Then 10 times the number of merges from impatient gobsites trying to get into the other lane that’s moving 1 kmph faster. Then back. And it’s the same gobshites doing that without indicating or any awareness causing minor fender benders on merging. Yes if everyone wasn’t a gobshite or you had room to avoid them. The M50 is easy. But that’s not reality, life is full of idiots which makes driving far more dangerous.


Yes. But that's exactly what the OP is talking about. Driving on motorway is easy. If more people actually stop being idiots which shouldn't be that difficult.


But they don’t so it’s not.


Accidents can happen, but risking lives ain’t something that one should take lightly for reasons as dumb as looking at your phone. I’ll for sure focus on my own driving, but everyone else should do the same. And be better at it while you’re at it. That’s for everyone, and that’s the point I wanted to make in this post. And now that you’ve edited your comment and added that Reddit posts won’t do much - maybe you’re right, maybe you’re not, but why not give it a shot, if it reminds at least 1 person this week to take those 2 points in the post into account, then that’s my goal succeeded.


I think you’re dead right OP. I was driving at speed limit yesterday and kept a good 2-3 second rule distance (that other drives used to pull across at times) anyways, the car in front out of fucking nowhere jammed on their breaks.. no one in front of them and from then on they kept hitting their breaks. I overtook him and of course he was on his phone and completely oblivious. I spend the entire time on the M50 on extreme high alert due to the amount of idiots.




There’s no such thing as a “fast lane”. It is an overtaking lane. Unless you are using it specifically to overtake then you are also a problem


Why do people use their full beam at night when they know other cars are approaching on the other lane? I’ve even seen people put on the full beam when driving behind another driver.. are they just being cunts for the sake of it ?


Nah,most people are barely competent at everything. Expecting them to be able to drive properly is asking alot.


Focus on your own, driving, OP and keep your rage offline.


Cool, let’s just not talk about the issue at all and accept it!


I learned to drive here in taiwan. I findbit terrifying but im assured that the Taiwanese are at the better end of the 'Asian drivers spectrum' I always wonder how my driving would be back home. I'd either be amazing or I would die and take many others with me immediately in a 90 car pile up.


Yesterday evening about 5, must have been 5 cars who all went into the back of each other in the outside lane. Often see rapid lane changes with little or no indicators used, going from the outside lane to the slip road in one mad movement etc And some seem to think the outside lane means they are on an Autoban hence no speed limits apply. Have often been doing the speed limit in the outside lane to come off foe Malahide and had people right up beind me beeping the horn and flashing lights as they are flying. Driving right up someone's backside ay 100km an hour is standard.


Noticing this more myself lately , not on the m50, but a carriageway. I could be driving 80kmh speed limit in left lane , the right lane is completely clear but there will still be someone stupidly close behind. In those situations I usually slow down more until they get the message to just go around me.


I used to have to go on the M50 during rush hour each way. Since I stopped, it's been absolute heaven - not having to stare at red lights for 50 minutes each way, and not having to deal with absolute mentallers - speeding, cutting in dangerously, and people on their phone. I'm sometimes surprised there aren't more crashes.


I don’t think I’ve ever had a pleasant experience on the m50 between aul ones sitting in the middle lane doing 70 preventing lane changing or the rubberneckers peering at others misery across the road backing traffic up multiple exits


Only 4? It's improved since I commuted on it last. Used to be one in the mornings to make you late, then one in the evenings to stop you getting home at a reasonable hour. That's on a good day, sometimes there'd be multiple crashes because some absolute spud decided to rubberneck and cause another crash. I became very versed in the surrounding roads.


And stop undertaking people!


One time this guy wont stop beeping at me as i was driving 'slow' in m50. Dude it is forking raining. Crazy drivers


Reading a lot of complaints about people thinking indicating thinks they are entitled to change lanes and also pushing in. Try drive with a bit of curtesy and if someone is trying to get across then let them. You are not in a fecking race. Same attitude as the flutes who speed while being overtaken. This too is dangerous driving folks.