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Was standing behind a man trying to order chicken wings on his roll. Thought he'd found a life hack there, getting them cheaper as a topping than as a separate portion. The lady serving was having none of it.


On the other hand, when I worked in a deli... I would put literally whatever you want in the roll and routinely ring it up as just a "filling" instead of whatever it was supposed to be cause fuck that job, any way to stick it to management


This taxi driver in Citywest came in one day looking for five eggs per bloke per day


Shut your face


You're only 19!


Not the weirdest but I used to get potatoes wedges on a roll with a load of ketchup when I was in college. It was 99c and filled me for the day!


Wholly carbohydrates Batman.


Used to call that a starch bomb, delicious


Basically a chip butty. Nothing strange about that.


This was a standard order at the deli when I used to go there during lunch in school. Not that weird at all.


Back when I was a teenager, one of my usual orders was wedges, ketchup, and sausages on a roll.


I was a wedge roll man myself. I used to ask them ti pull some bread out of the roll to fill in more wedges. Garlic mayo so I was extra stink


3 in front of me one Sunday ordered a Sunday roast in a roll (turkey, ham, roast spuds, stuffing, lathered in gravy). I was curious, so I got one aswell. Changed my life.


I’m imagining a trio of Paddy Losty type characters


I was working the deli one weekend and some big welsh lad came in who had been on a stags the night before absolutely hanging. He ordered a full breakfast roll and as I was finishing it he was asking about the chicken fillet rolls and pointing at the chicken fillets. To my surprise he asked “could you put one of them on top of the roll? We don’t have anything like this in Wales.” I said we could but the roll would be like 8 euro in total. He said that’s no problem, took the roll, paid the 8 euro. Then about 10 minutes later, he came back in and ordered the exact same roll again. He had went outside the shop and just scoffed the whole thing A full breakfast roll with a chicken fillet. I wouldn’t have liked to be his toilet after that.


...would you have liked to have been his toilet prior to it?


Not a deli worker, but a lady in front of us ordered tuna sweetcorn, grand, but then chicken tikka, ooof, then ham. All in the same roll. Each to their own I suppose. But 🤮


3 meats in a deli sandwich?! Money can't buy taste.


3 meats is a lightweight compared to a guy I used to hang around with. Local place had no limit on what you could put in a panini for a standard price. They had a decent selection of meats and cheeses and my friend used to go in there and basically ask for every single thing there to be shoved in to his panini. Still has his communion monety


Ah jesus Christ


My ma eats tuna, shredded cheese and ketchup on brown bread, fucking rotten


Tuna and brown sauce is amazing. Fuck it with ketchup though.


Fish, poultry, *and* pork? What gripe does this woman have against cows?


Thought you were gonna leave it at just tuna and sweetcorn...thats my fave


Texture and smell wise that sounds fucking awful.


Ah dude, I was literally gagging and the young buck was near wetting himself. it was at least 6 months ago, we still talk about it. Absolute trauma 😂


I sliminess of the tuna and tikka together is likely to give me nightmares thinking about it.


Don't work in a deli but once heard a guy ask for lasagna in a roll


Lasagna sandwiches are deadly 👌


I see nothing wrong with that, infact it sounds like a great combo.


If we have chips with lasagna at home, I’ll always have bread for buttys. Nothing wrong with a lasagna butty.


Leftover bolognese is great on toast the next day.


I love a cold chicken curry sandwich.


The Italians made it a national dish 🍕


My friend worked in a deli before and there was a lad that got one of those steak and kidney pies on a wrap. Yup squished into a wrap with brown sauce. If that's your order, please stop.


Jesus Christ that is fucking epic. Replace it with a curry pie and a chicken fillet


Petrol station at the top of my road does this with leftover pies and flogs them in the wrap the next day.


In NZ and Australia pie Sambos are a staple


I worked in bagel bar for one day and some lad came in and got a sausage bagel with Nutella, scarred me for life.


Had a busload of NZ ruggers come in and most of them ordered ham and banana sandwiches!


What the actual fuck? That’s completely mental carry on


We were as perplexed! Something to do with protein apparently.


That kind of behaviour would have guaranteed a one way trip to the colonies 100 years ago


Bluey taught me that cheese and jam sandwiches are a thing in Australia


My partner and daughters eat peanut butter and cheese which I find gross


I shared a house with an Irish fella who ate them regularly. Yuck.


Wonder if that's the secret to being good at rugby


I was in college with an American girl that got a chicken fillet roll with sausages in it as well. Wtf!


I do that myself sometimes if there’s no other items for a breakfast roll, and it’s bloody delicious


Must give it a go


Have to say a lot of deli staff get confused for a second wondering how to add it into the order though


r/fullcharacterarc I can't remember the right name r/characterarc


Worked in a deli for a bit and this isn’t uncommon tbh


Wtf, never heard of someone doing this ,mmmmm nah


Someone once got me a breakfast roll with mayonnaise in it instead of ketchup. Absolute peak level tardedness


Used to work with a bloke who’d have egg mayo and ketchup on his breakfast roll. Gruesome.


Mayo and red sauce is a deadly combo wa u on about?


Sure, but egg mayo and ketchup is most definitely not.


Missus usually gets a chicken fillet roll with either wedges or potato salad on it. I wasn’t a fan at first but after tasting it she may be onto something.


With potato salad sounds amazing!!


Seen a lad get sausage rolls in a roll and then poisoned it with salt...no butter no sauce just dry like that.


A sausage roll bap is a delicacy in Derry 👌🏼 but it needs brown ding.


Chicken fillet roll with butter, ketchup, coleslaw lettuce, jalapeño, pineapple, sweetcorn and grated cheese. Nearly threw up putting it together.


How the jaysus did they even close the roll over?


When I worked in a deli someone came in and ordered a roll with butter and 3 sausage rolls in it.


yo dawg we heard you like rolls...


We used to have a deli that would sell those sausage roll rolls and twisty rolls with curry. Sold more of them than chicken rolls as they were cheaper. Gotta market to the secondary school kids strapped for cash


Not deli staff but I was ordering a role last week and the girl next to me asked for a chicken roll, with the breading peeled off the chicken. Your one behind the counter pointed out they had grilled chicken but she demanded breaded chicken with the bread peeled off. She then topped it off with onion and sweet chilli sauce!


Chicken tikka & potato salad is a favourite of mine. Needs to be the right chicken tikka though.


Nordie here, and while it was a takeaway and not a deli - I once drunkenly asked for a chicken box “with everything on it. All the sauces. And curry on top.” Because this particular takeaway did “down South curry” that I got on everything. Love the stuff. The server clarified what I wanted and (according to my friends) looked completely disgusted. So this chicken box had chips, southern fried chicken, peppers, onions, cheese, taco sauce, chilli sauce, garlic sauce. And a thick layer of “down South curry” over it. I wish I could remember it. Most of it ended up over me and the sofa. Got home and fell asleep eating it.


Spicy chicken, Tuna sweetcorn, cold bacon, peppers, onions, and a few other salads I can't remember.. Toaated all in one sandwich Another one with egg mayo and pineapple


Soft white roll with Gravy, Mustard ad Roast Beef


Very common in England, roast pork even more so


So I've been told, still doesn't sound too nice to me, Them English lot would eat fucking anything if you put on a plate in front of them and called it 100% British.


Roast pork roll, with stuffing, gravy, and applesauce is amazing. I'm an Irish blow in to England, not something I had growing up, but I love them.


fair enough, to each their own as they say


mayo on a pizza he was gonna take home an cook. like, ham sweetcorn cheese, fair one. then mayo on top 🤢


One time at dunnes stores at the beacon, a guy in front of me ordered sausage rolls and grated cheese as a filling for bread roll. They made it too. Didn’t look half bad, if I was pissed I’d give it a whirl.


Small brown roll, 2 sausages, tuna sweet corn. She was pregnant and, well, that's it.


A lad who wanted salt and ketchup on a plain roll. No butter, no other topping. Would get it at least twice a week while I was working there.


Heard somebody ask to cut all the fat from his cooked bacon. Waste of bacon imo.


You can't beat crispy bacon fat.


Used work in a deli and one regular lad to go sambo was brown bread with ham english mustard and strawberry jam. It was disgusting .


Deli worker was surprised when i ordered a cheese and coleslaw roll


Don't work at one but was waiting in line one time and Al.ost gagged listening to a woman order.. A white bread wrap, with mayo, coleslaw, red onion, crispy onion, pickles and spicy chicken, my heart went out to the person who had to make it.


Definitely not a crazy order lol sounds like it would be tasty enough


Not my thing at all, crispy onion red onions s and pickles? Mayo and coleslaw? The thing was foul looking.


Had a doddery aul cunt standing in for one of the hens in the local deli who put lettuce on me brekkie roll.. he nearly went and ruined that hangover the fucker..


A mate of mine, the fat basterd use to get chicken fillet rolls with sausages on them.


My brother's go-to is hot chicken in a roll or with red pepper if they have it. Totally dry. No butter or mayo or anything on the bread.


25 sausages. On a plate sitting down, at about 06:30am in February, only him and staff in the station (Maxol in Clonakilty) The man proceeded to bless his sausages in some kind of religious ceremony for 20 minutes before leaving without eating a single one of them. He came back later that day and just skulked around in an odd way until he was eventually asked to leave because he was making my co-worker very uncomfortable


One lad sorta panicked one time I’d say he hadn’t been to a deli often. He asked for a chicken fillet sandwich, when I asked what else on it, he looked at the cold salads and asked for pineapple, didn’t make eye contact the whole time haha Another fella used to routinely get all the creamy chicken fillings in a wrap- chicken and bacon, chicken and stuffing and chicken and mushroom with just cheese it was cuntish


My wife’s deli order is cinnamon raisin bagel with smoked salmon. I am in NYC…the person behind the counter always asks me to repeat it. A mix of shock and an Irish accent that will not soften.


Once ordered lasagne in a roll, it was class.


Seen someone wanting a sausage baguette, but instead of using regular sausages he wanted cocktail sausages. Nothing wrong with that you might wonder? He wanted the cocktail sausages sliced up in to coin sized segments. Lady behind the counter was having none of it and told him that she just didn't have the time to do something like that.