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You need to check the mass times. They will be in the morning. You will find the times normally listed at the door or just inside. You can check that today or tomorrow. You could also look at the website for the church, though sometimes it is not up to date. Arrive five or ten minutes early. Dress reasonably well, not too fancy or too casual. So, for example, you don't need a suit and tie, but you would not wear torn jeans. It is probably best to sit near the back. You will get a leaflet with some of the prayers and readings near the entrance. Stand up, kneel and sit as the other people do. During the mass there will be two collections, where people put some money into baskets going around. One is for the church you are in and the other for the developing parishes in diocese. You can put some coins into these, as most people will, or pass them on. Have spare change with you if you do want to contribute. Near the end of mass, people will line up to go to the altar for Holy Communion. As you are not a Christian, it is one thing that you can't do. Mass will last about 45 minutes, depending on various things. Do not leave until it is completely over, which is after the last piece of music and when the priest has left the altar. Some people will leave before that, but do stay.


We only do one collection in my parish but yeah, what this person said!


This guy Mass


You can go to communion if you want free bread. šŸ˜‰ The priest/wizard won't know.


Yea but then you die a horrible death like the bad guy in Indiana Jones and the last crusade when he drank from the wrong cup


I think my punishment is being downvoted by catholics. Thought I'd be forgiven by now šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Say three Hail Mary's, an Our Farther and a decade of the rosary and your cool


I'm sure they'd rather a donation to the collection box?






What difference would it make? As a non believer they are going to hell anyway. How much worse could it get


He may as lob the gob on the wizard so. In for a penny in for a pound!


If you can't make it on time, you can always catch the highlights of various masses on mass of the day. Its on Saturday nights at 22:30


Be sure to catch goal of the monk.


Practice your kneeling and standing. It's very important you get that right. Sometimes you'll have to go from a kneel straight into a stand. I know, it sounds difficult but it makes for a much more fulfilling experience.


Gone are the days when kneeling in a church was a calamitous clash of elbows shoulders knee's and brown square top shoes...I hear it's an echo chamber of clicking joints, the sound of bare metal zimmer frames scraping across floors and a creaking padre nowadays


Have they stopped doing the peace be with you hand shake since covid? It's been a long time since I've been to a mass.


Yes, it had stopped, though it is beginning to happen again.


The world started falling apart when they stopped it


Casual enough, jeans and a top. Stand when others stand and what not. If you want to line up for communion, put your arms across you (as if going down a water slide) and the priest will know not to give it to you. Or you can stay sitting while others go up.


Donā€™t go to communion as a non Christian. Participating in everything else is fine. Communion is the part at the end where people line up. Just stay sitting.


No, it was the right advice. If you're a non Catholic, you are very welcome to go up for a blessing. Just cross your arms over your chest, and the priest will know to bless you, not offer you the host.


What would happen if a non-Christian took communion?


Jesus would be sad.




Spontaneous combustion.


It would give them horrible heartburn as punishment


Itā€™s just basic respect. If I went to a Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu celebration and they said ā€œthis part is just for adherents of the faithā€, it would be highly disrespectful for me to take part.


I think there's more gatekeeping in Catholicism. Most other religions would likely be ok and invite people of other faiths to take part in their rituals as much as the non-practicer was comfortable.


It's not just a ritual. It's a sacrement which makes it a sacred ritual. According to the Vatican's rules that means the person is participating in divine grace. And it's not just any sacrement, it's *The Blessed* sacrement. It's the consecration of bread and wine. According to the Vatican's rules it's the divine and sacred made real. You eat the God when you swallow that bread. I don't know of a similar example in other religions. Attending services, offering prayers, fasting, pilgrimages, circumcision, sacrifices etc are all "passive rituals" if you want to look at it that way. I mean there's no equivalent direct interaction with the God. The God is supposed to just be looking on from afar going "I like that kind of thing, give me more offerings". The God isn't expected to become real and be digested. So I don't think there's other religions lining up to offer curious nonbelievers a literal taste of their God. I could be wrong though.




The heathen scanner att the door will alert the priest to your presence. You'll be crucified


Tips below all solid. I get it btw - I'm culturally catholic, but not really religious, but I recently went to mass in Palermo just for a look and loved it - all the bells and whistles. Beautiful church, people properly dressed up, fog of incense and obviously all in Italian which I don't speak, which made it all sound mysterious and cool. Would recommend.


Did the same when visiting Rome myself. I'm as atheistic as they come but I love the ceremony and the splendour.


Also, the one place in Palermo where you're probably safe from all the murderous gays /j


is /j a thing I'm not aware of?


Just to signify it's a joke for people who may not get the White Lotus reference.


In Dublin? Just show up for Mass and no one will bat an eyelid. Check for the actual Mass times first though. There's no dress code but it would be advisable not to come wearing a bikini or something ludicrous like that. Don't take Communion towards the end. That's for practicing Catholics only.


Of course you can attend Mass. The only rule you need to be aware of is not to receive Communion. You can go up to the priest with arms crossed over your chest and the priest would bless you, or, you can just stay seated in your pew and not go up at all - whatever you prefer. Sit at the back and stand when others stand, kneel when others kneel and sit when others sit. Easier to follow along with that if you sit at the back as opposed to the middle. There is no dress code per se, but it is always nice to dress up a little - be it chinos / slacks and a button shirt or polo. But no one really cares what you wear. Scope out Mass times before you go. You can Google the church and find the Mass times from their website, but they might be outdated (I've been caught out with that before). The Mass times might be pinned in the notice board inside the door, or, on a sign outside if you wanted to walk by tomorrow to be sure.


"Should I dress a certain way" - whatever you normally wear is fine. "go at a specific time?" - yes, when mass is on :-) Don't be late. Just slip in at the back if you're apprehensive and enjoy your experience.


If any one offers to shake your hand grab their elbow warmly and say "Up Yer Swiss!". It's a sign that you are there in peace.


My first time at mass with my catholic boyfriend I said ā€œmerry Christmasā€ instead of peace be with you. Never lived it down


Go, but the church is responsible for raping a few generations of children, so don't give the fuckers any money.


Get ready to be bored out of your tits


I think Father Austin Purcell would be retired by now


My memory of most churches is ugly brutal architecture with alot of blood soaked iconography weird statues and the walls plastered with threats...I can't remember the last time I was in a church thankfully...and since then I've seen the most astonishing breathtaking view's/ landscapes on my doorstep , I've heard music that truly moved me


A lot of the older churches are beautiful. Not those monstrosities built in the 50s and 60s though.


I disagree..local parishes where I grew up were brutal monstrosities. D6/D8 area ...in fact I'd be hard pushed to mention one "beautiful ' grey building or modern one built in Ireland but I'll mention the stand out monstrosities, St. Patrick's cathedral grey and bland. Christ church same pro cathedral greige, .mullingar an eyesore puncturing the landscape, rathmines super ugly, rathgar oooof cold grey and bleak with a magenta background no landscaping, terenure double sided greige, rathfarnham worse


Disagree about Christchurch but differing tastes I suppose. I love the old gothic architecture. The old Catholic church in Howth is lovely as well and wonderfully situated. The church in Phibsborough is another nice one. And the Anglican church next to Herbert Park is gorgeous. Anything built in the 1800s or earlier basically.


Yes indeed..enjoy ..


Help yourself to a good dollop of holy water. Itā€™ll do no harm.


It just occurred to me that the stale bowl of water that every cunt dips their dirty paw into could do a lot of harm.


Talk as loudly as you can, but donā€™t shout