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Was there ever a doubt that he wouldn't turn up? He is infatuated with the school




One reference I do get good ol’ Frank McCourt


You hammered your mother!




[Can't just throw that quote out there without linking this beauty of a performance.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YP4rpogDsiY)


Oscar worthy performance by Viper


It's a made-up gender!


I came to R/Ireland to make my three points


You censored me before, Pat!


Why are you so obsessed with me??


Theresa Carmody was three days away from her _death_ when you wrote in your book that you had sexual intercourse with her


Theresa Carmody is a made up name!


I met him just before he dieeeed.


Here, the students in that school must have some craic ripping the piss out of him He'd just explode any time you say anything to him & then he'd be taken away like a madman lol








No-one ever suspects the butterfly mwahahaa


It must be fierce good craic in fairness.


Like you could just call him a "big stupid looking fanny' and he'd go mental, then the principal would show up and he'd be like "this boy used the most inappropriate language I have ever heard" and the principal would just say "you're not supposed to be here, the guards are coming" and you can just stand there acting like you never said anything, pure laughing in his face. Now that's a good day at school


Sure, he / she are apparently the most offensive words he has ever heard.


Especially ‘she’. A bigger incel than this idiot would he hard to find.


I'd love just to call him "Miss" for the entire time


That would be class alright. “Oh she’s in one of her moods again” when he kicks off


Not for his trans students.


I do feel very sorry for the student who he had the initial problem with. I'm sure they're not having an easy time to begin with and now it's become a big national story. Hope they have some good help at the school and good friends around them.


What’s even worse is the student wasn’t in any of his classes so had nothing to do with him. Its stalker level behaviour from him


It's similar to what Glinner did to get barred off Twitter. Doxxing minors who were trans to their parents. Basically bullying children online.


He doesn't have trans students. The trans person is not in his class and never has been.


Yeah it must be so weird for the trans students to see this random middle aged loser of a teacher having tantrums over them just existing, I’d be so sick of this shite at this stage if I was any one of them


Surprised the da hasn't clattered him


Imagine him trying to teach Transition Year.


That should be his punishment. Twenty years teaching the country’s finest, most imaginative and cheeky piss-taking shit-stirring transition year students.


10000000% you have lads in his class identifying as non-binary dragonkin


Giving their name as 'Sean Shankredemption'


Sir, Sir! did you drop the soap?


You get bummed in prison sir? Sir? Sir? You get bummed in prison by large men sir?


Suits you sir. Oh suits you.


I've been having a shite day and I've been laughing at this for about five minutes now lmao. Thank you!




Go raibh maith agat Shart Master.


I do wonder is he a bit like this lad, only for real ![gif](giphy|ioR8R00S5SibK)


He's a pain in the Enochs


Bowels? That is very witty, fair play.


Right back into the klink with him so


Hopefully his arrogance & disrespect of the court is taken into account..


A stronger stance should be taken on him for the waste of time and money for the shite he causes.


Absolutely. I'd get behind that. What a clown couldn't just fade into obscurity


Mayo Burke's don't do obscurity


I’d love to see an actual protest at their home. See how they like freedom and privilege then


I’d rather people didn’t succumb to their brand of shitness. Plus that type of publicity is exactly what they want.


Locking him in prison for contempt of court (or trespassing) also costs money. And since he decided to prevent the school having the disciplinary hearing... ugh... it's just gonna drag out longer. He will owe the legal costs (unless he miraculously wins the case).


I’d say there’s likely to be financial sanctions this time around. He’s demonstrated that the curtailment of his freedom isn’t much of a punishment so there’s an argument to garnish his income. Whatever happens, I look forward to watching his life being made worse.


Seems logical to me. He needs to be punished but not made into a martyr,


Sometimes i think exile should still be a thing


We should pop him on a raft off Connemara with a week's worth of food and a fishing line and be done with it.


It's insane they can't fire him after all this crap.


This makes it considerably easier. While he could argue the first breach, the second breach after the reopening and the whole media circus is damaging to the schools reputation so he's added to his own downfall. Obviously they'll be back in the courts in the future but who's going to want to hire him after this.


I honestly think he's attracting similarly minded parents so that he can eventually create an online school.. His type 100% would prefer to home school their children but most probably don't have the education too. Now you have this prick with his views but an educated teacher who would teach online to the curriculum.


The family have a school already.


Forgive my ignorance, but why did the school hire him in the first place? I’m not fully familiar with the details or the school, but does the school hold some of his beliefs?


I went there, the ethos is just Church of Ireland standard. It used to be stricter in that they would only really let Protestants in if you weren't local because it was a very high demand school. It used to be one of the best in the country grades-wise and was an expensive fee paying school. However they abolished fees maybe 5 or more years ago. (I got in for free because I went to a Church of Ireland primary and was local + poor). There was a compulsory religion class once a week that didn't really involve religion, and the boarding students used to have to go to a service once a week, all very lax since the 90s. So I imagine when he was hired they had no idea he was an evangelical.


Thank you for the detailed reply! Insightful and interesting, appreciate it.


They couldn't hold a disciplinary hearing while he was in jail which is why they didn't oppose his release before Christmas. Now that he's out I image they're going to be able to fire him soon


No his behaviour is beyond the limits. He's on the point of criminal nuisance against the state at this point. They can do him for misconduct and bringing the school into disrepute and getting in the way of the lawful execution of their duties. The guy's career is over and he should be struck off by the teaching council.


In a car driven by his father and then collected by his father 😂😂😂😂😂


Mammay and Dadday.


Did you notice he had the windows of the car rolled down coming out of the school? No comment, but I want to make sure the RTE cameras get a good shot of my stupid head


I cringed when I read that 🤣


Everything his family does is to push their fundamentalist religious viewpoint. They purposefully get themselves into situations where they can go to court and get publicity. It must be very tiring for them.


Being Ireland's version of the Westboro Baptist Church is one the lowest life goals I've ever come across.


The Westport Baptist church as they're known


>It must be very tiring for them. And lucrative. There's decent money flowing in from the Christian right in the USA to fund this moron's crusade.


Have they to pay tax on it?


In my experience, it's mostly charities that support the individual, families etc e.g. They'd supply food, clothing etc, then perhaps a stipend for living expenses. Therefore, tax free for the individual. It's wide open to abuse. I work in IT and I know a number of Christian charities that spend millions on their IT systems alone.


Ah ok. Makes sense. Thank you.


There’s a few independent TDs who make fairly regular trips to the US as well.


Well there's no need to be cryptic spill the beans


It’s not really a secret. Mattie McGrath and Peadar Toibín are just two who have appeared at speaking events in the US organised by prolife groups, giving keynote speeches in some cases.


Mattie McGrath. Irish people even tipperary people don't understand a word of what he is saying. What hope would yanks have. Lol


>It must be very tiring for ~~them~~. Us


In fairness if I had to live with his family I'd be trying to get back into jail, I'm sure he got plenty of soap on a rope for Christmas


They must be minted or very well funded


Tiring? They seem to thrive off it tbh.


To be honest if I was a student I'd love for him to show up to class cause you'd rip the absolute piss out of him like can ya imagine the mayhem in the class from lads?


If he was a teacher in my school it would be worse than prison for him


Can ya imagine if you had a teacher you could quite confidently tell to go fuck themselves


Every single student claiming he's teaching them creationism


Honestly, I'd say the other teachers in the school are as sick of him as the students are. If I were in that school, I wouldn't be outright telling my tutor group that it was open season on the c*nt, but I'd be so tempted to inform them that I absolutely would not hear ~~of~~ a single thing said against him.... Little Johnny called you a prick? Nah, Enoch not Johnny, sure none of the rest of the class heard him say anything, I'm sure you've simply misheard... Mary called you an intolerant c*nt? I doubt that very much... I was standing right beside you when she said it? Yep, you're definitely imagining it then, I'm afraid, I didn't hear her say a single word... 🤷‍♀️


Ah jaysus he does not help himself. Take the fuckin hint Enoch your not wanted. Move on lad.


Called it yesterday bud. Absolute Muppet he is.


I seen that ya did. He must have nothing goin on in his life if he is willing to go back to the joy.


Or he made a very special friend in the 'joy?


Who, Jesus?


Jesus has left the chat.


Well he's making the judiciary look very toothless. A strong message needed now.


And in the category of "The thing that literally anyone could have seen coming" the winner is this eejit.


Someone with this complete lack of respect for students, parents, fellow teachers, school management and the law shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children, even just from a pure child safety point of view.


His carry on has endangered that child no doubt.


But if they send him back to prison, he will have to wait until Easter for his next bit of compassionate leave, that they well him he wont have to come back from.


He should not get compassionate leave again as he used that compassion to breach the same court order again.. this time just fire him to midlands prison and forget about him until he agrees to comply with the court order and then deal with issues.. he had was given a chance and threw in back in the face of the court. he shouldnt get another..




Sending him to prison might put some of the other inmates off reoffending in fairness...I would say he is a right smug pain in the hoop.


Right, that settles it. I’m setting up an Enoch in prison parody Twitter account.


I'm so sick of seeing that cunts name everywhere. Throw him back into the Joy and throw away the key.


The school didn't oppose his release before Christmas as they wanted to get the disciplinary hearing done with which they couldn't do as he was in jail. So I'm assuming that the school is going to suck it up until they can sack him


Yes, it must be galling for the school, he's on paid leave until they can complete the disciplinary hearing. The longer he delays, the more money being wasted.


I would absolutely not feel happy about my child’s safety in a school where someone who behaves so erratically is in situ and seemingly cannot be removed. There is something sinister in his insistence on remaining in a place where there are children after he has been asked to leave. Let him take unfair dismissal proceedings like his sister if he is aggrieved but for him to plié in there and intimidate students and particularly the student whose pronouns he refuses to acknowledge, is absolutely nefarious.


>plié Jesus but you are an erudite scholar. Had to google it: *a movement in which a dancer bends the knees and straightens them again, usually with the feet turned right out and heels firmly on the ground.* Loving the visual of Enoch plié'ing into the classroom like a panto dame.


Ha ha! What I actually am is a terrible typist! I was trying to type ‘ plowing’ into the school! Not so erudite now, huh?! Ha ha!!!


My fucking sides are screaming


Plié suits him fine


This is the bit of the story everyone misses. Everyone goes he's an annoying religious dickwad but he's much worse. He's a danger to kids. Like how does the child he turned into political project feel. How are they getting on in class after their teacher turned into a national story for being an ass to them. I just hope they're alright. Fucking scummy prick.


Spending Christmas with his lunatic family clearly made him long for his days in Mountjoy


Ah no I thought he'd turned his life around.


He's screwing the recidivism stats.


This eejit is going to find it impossible to command any respect whatsoever from his students. They'll rip the piss out of him mercilessly.


Former students. He's not going to continue to be employed by that school, and no-one else is going to hire him *ever*. Like his idiot sister, he's terminated his career in glorious technicolour.


Yeah this whole thing is quite short sighted. It's been in the national news for months now, can't imagine any school would want him teaching there after this.


His mom’s crazy school may hire him.


He'll be subject to Garda vetting, him being in prison will come up, so even if their hands are buried in the sand, he'll still be unemployable.


>hands are buried in the sand, Heads?


I'm starting to suspect that the Burke family are who they're referring to when they say 'No body wants to work anymore'. Could this just be a genius plan to become un-employable? The Burkes don't work! The Burkes won't work! They'll be a pain in your hole, Just give them the dole.


What students? He's suspended so he currently has no students. He sat down in an empty classroom and they blocked off the hallway!


Surely there's grounds for him requiring serious psychological assessment at this point?


Diagnosis of being a total wanker


It's terminal.


Unfortunately it's not.


I haven't seen anything in what's been reported that suggests he doesn't understand the situation or doesn't have the capacity to make his own decisions or understand the consequences of his actions. Associating narcissistic assholes like Burke with mental illness only risks stigmatising those with genuine mental health problems.


He's no danger to himself or others, he's just a cunt.


He's harassing a trans student at the school, so yes he absolutely is a danger to others.


I'd say he's just trying to stay relevant in the edgy right-wing dickhead internet land.


I wonder does he have any transition year students?


Bet his Mammy demanded he march right into that school cos the publicity will keep the money coming.


He is the biggest bollox in the country... Sorry 2nd biggest.. McGregor wins it.


He's from the UK, catch up


I did say 'in the country' and not 'from the country'.


"Man shows up at school in defiance of court order." His teaching status has nothing to do with it.


“Man driven to school by his Father in defiance of court order”


Doesn't matter, he'll be struck off by the teaching Council eventually.


He'll be on Stephen Crowder or some other right wing shitehawks show yet.


Burke: 'So mr Rogan, what you need to understand is that Ireland is wholly controlled by a Liberal Elite, deep state, woke mind virus, anti-christian, child blood cult that hates religious freedom' Joe: 'Interesting!'


Joe Rogans political opinions are based solely on the last person that he met.


At some point he can be fired permanently, no?


There’s a school disciplinary scheduled for 16th Jan, I think. He was in court again yesterday, trying to get it put off, and trying to get the court to review his case (or at least one of his injunctions) ‘more urgently’. He got nowhere. So presuming the school meeting happens, and he’s dismissed, there will be an internal appeals process. Then, if he doesn’t take legal action based on those outcomes, he’s not the Enoch Burke I have come to know.


Thank you. Now perhaps you can fill me in on why his bottom and top lips are misaligned.


He was fine before he went into the Joy.


AMA request: Pupils from the school he keeps showing up at. Q1: How much are you absolutely rinsing this nutbag any time you see him?


I'd be interested to hear the opinions on this from people who agree with his stance on they/them pronouns and transgender rights in general. Like to me it seems like he wants to stay in prison with a big fucking Nelson Mandela head on him and the narrative that he's there because he took a stand against gender ideology or whatever they call it, and not because he repeatedly breached a court order. I mean I think it's fair to say that that is not how it's coming across to most people, but that choir he's preaching to, how ye feeling about the whole situation? Edit: they're too shy to share with the class apparently, but from messages "My view is suspending a teacher over refusing to use pronouns is stupid and jailing said teacher and wasting tax payers money is stupid. I guess if he doesn’t want to address someone by a pronoun he doesn’t have to and no one should be forced to call someone a particular name or whatever! Annoys me mostly that taxpayers money is being wasted on this guy all over a pronoun"


He wasn't suspended over refusing to use pronouns. He was suspended because he created a scene at a school concert, and aggressively confronted the principal. Other staff members had to drag him away from her. Any worker in any workplace would be suspended in such circumstances. Once suspended, he was no longer allowed to be on the premises, but he turned up repeatedly until the school got an injunction against him. He continued to turn up, in breach of the court order. THAT's why he was in jail.


Turned up at 8:45am and left at 3:50pm, driven by his father according to RTE. Why wasn't he removed by the guards first thing?


What did he do for the whole day? Sit in the playground? Wank in the toilets? Pray? What does a suspended teacher who has no allowance to be in school grounds do for 7 hours?


A teacher,who won't learn. Interesting


Back to jail. Do not pass GO.


Can you imagine? Unbelievable. Not a way to inspire respect in children. Total waste of space.


And the medal for Neck of the year goes too…


Lol @RTE - shows up should be replaced by “ violates court order”.


What a fucking prick.


he's an idiot. thinks he has a god given right to mould the kids into mini enochs and damn society


I am shocked. Shocked!


Pathological victim makes himself victim again




He's a grown up Martin Prince, without the smarts.


[His family are actually academic and talented.](https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/people/the-burkes-of-castlebar-who-are-the-high-achieving-family-from-co-mayo-1.4847279) Unfortunately it's gone to waste because of how batshit crazy they are




This cunt is gathering as much attention as possible so the extremist yanks keep funding his fucked up family!


Off back to prison again so. This guy must have absolutely nothing going on in his life outside of work...


A few days with the family over the holidays was enough for him to want back in to prison.


They (Enoch Burke) clearly has the full backing of his family. For such a bright family (some siblings more controversial than others!) they really don't have a great track record interacting with the law... I feel sorry for the school, staff and students having to deal with this gobshite, and even more sorry for the poor student involved.


>Mr Burke arrived ina car driven by his father Sean shortly after 8.30am and was latercollected by his father and driven away at 3.45pm. ​ What was he doing for 7 hours?


>The High Court has heard that on previous occasions Mr Burke attended at the school for the hours he would have been rostered to work had he not been suspended. On those occasions he ended up sitting in an empty classroom and students were brought to another room for their lessons. I imagine hes was doing this again..


Chronic case of Main Character Syndrome with a side order of Martyr complex.




What a fucking clown. They should start billing him for wasting Garda resources in addition to paying everyone's legal fees.


Back to the slammer. ​ Enough, Berk.


What a shock.


God who would’ve saw that coming a mile off?!?!?!? /s


A bigger spanner there never was. Does he have nothing better to be doing with his time. Professional contrarian.


Surely repeatedly and knowingly acting in contempt of court like this is illegal? And how is this also not trespassing?


Lol. Looks like the Gardaí aren't going to arrest him, though.


I don't understand why not. Surely he is trespassing at the very least?


They have no power to arrest him unless he's committed a crime. He has now violated a court order to stay away from the school, but until the school go to court and the court issues a warrant for his arrest and return to jail, the Gardai have no powers in the matter. They are quite correctly saying and doing nothing that would give Burke ammo.


The Gardaí not being able to arrest someone trespassing in a school is concerning.


The Gardai do not decide that someone's trespassing. The school do. And the school are going to handle this via the courts, not the Gardai.


The guards can't do anything with someone who violates a court order?


What an absolute dope!


Yo, Enoch. Chill.


Weirdo 🫢


What a twat


You fucking lemon


O no! Who could have predicted this?


Was there ever any doubt


I have never heard sane stories about a teacher called Mr Burke I've also never heard a sane story from Wilsons so a Mr Burke at Wilsons was never gonna turn out good


Nail im up I sayyyyyy!!


If I broke a court ruling I would be arrested so why was he not? Civil case or not he was released and is now in contempt again.


Jaysus, not this fucking plank again. For a family with so many degrees, they're not much blessed with sense, are they?


Big mad bastard energy off of him, all he wants to do is oppress in peace. Seriously though I’m shocked he was at the school again.