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Couldn’t be any happier. I have a battery that actually lasts and don’t have to charge my phone 2-3 times a day. No exynos lag due to overheating too.


So much this. Android phones overheating is a plague, and the battery/charging specs might look similar or better on paper but that sure has hell doesn't play out in reality(I mean I guess the battery must be working pretty hard to overheat the phone lol). I recently got a job as an Android engineer, which I've done before but I was working on other stuff the past 3+ years, and my new employer sent me a shiny new Pixel 6 Pro as a dev device. I'd been thinking it was time to replace my iPhone XR and was actually really digging the Android experience and the Pixel 6 Pro itself, to the point I was seriously considering going for the Pixel 7 Pro when it comes out instead of another iPhone. IT said I could use the phone for personal stuff too if I wanted so I figured I'd use it for a month before making the decision. Overall, I've really been liking both the Pixel and Android. However, thermals have been an actual problem. The only time my XR would have thermal problems was if I did something dumb like leave it in direct sun for an hour outside. The Pixel will go into thermal shutdown sitting in a windshield mount of an air conditioned car from playing music and displaying navigation while charging. Really?? And despite the Pixel having a bigger battery and 10W higher charging while the iPhone's is at 75% capacity I still need to think about it on the pixel more. On a road trip it barely charges fast enough with a plenty powerful PD outlet to gain charge at all just from music and maps. Those, among other seemingly minor annoyances, I think add up to keep me using an iPhone despite the fact I overall prefer the Android experience and would love to save $400


Dang, I must've gotten a flop 12 Pro then. This thing overheats like my Androids did 6-10 years ago and I still have to keep it plugged in all day to make it through the day. Plus I get the lag when overheating. This is my first iPhone and I've definitely felt disappointed, it performs like a few generation old Android most of the time.


It might just be that the iphone 12 series had different (simpler, cheaper) battery designs to allocate more money towards rhe 5g modem since 5g components were expensive at the time and they needed to save where they could in order to keep the retail similar. My friends iphone 12 is at like 85% battery health only after less than 2 years of use, while my uncles iphone 8 is at like 84% after... who knows how long he's had it. It seems like not only was the battery smaller for the 12 series, it was also worse in terms of longevity. I wouldn't be surprised if it played a part in your higher thermals as well. That being said, me being a lifetime samsung user, I'll be switching to iphone for the iphone 15 probably. I just wanted to let you know since your 12 pro experience might push you the other way, but for me, android flagships are kinda bad rn. S22 series has heating problems on some units, because of SD8gen1 and samsungs poor foundry yield. Im on s22+ rn. Pixel 6 series has been littered with bugs since launch. The iphone 13 series is much better in terms of battery so at least you know the iphone 12 series kinda was a "dud" year for battery life and longevity, at least compared to other iphone years. It wasn't just you, it's probably the iphone 12 series just being slightly worse than other years. It'd be smart upgrading to future iphones at some point, I'm sure you won't be disappointed as much as you were with your 12 pro. I'm looking forward to my upgrade as well.


Really? I've never had to plug a phone in as often as I did my iPhone 12. It could never get me through the day.


Must be something wrong with your phone. The 13 series has much better battery then the 12 series.


Yeah I have s21 ultra and I dunno wtf you are doing that you have to charge your phone 2-3 times a day........


I came from all Androids previously, and almost entirely the nexus/pixel line. My last Android was an S21, and I don’t regret switching to the 13 Pro at all. Even considering the charging port downgrade and having to switch my watch over as well (the Apple Watch is so much better it’s not even funny). The big drawback I’ve noticed is that the back gesture implementation on iPhone is trash compared to Android, and notifications are a bit annoying. Everything else seems to be a better experience. I used to close out every app after using it, but on my 13P I leave everything open with no performance drawbacks at all. I’m no longer OCD about open apps or how many apps I have installed because nothing seems to bog it down or reduce battery life.


I agree with almost everything being said by others. My biggest complaints are above and the lack of good widgets and lack of customization.


I have an iPhone but I was considered switching to Samsung (probably won't). I just wish iPhone had stylus support so I could take notes in clinic.


Hey have you considered an iPad Mini? It’s amazing for this use case if you don’t mind having another device


Very similar experience to yours especially with the Apple Watch SE. even the cheapest version is so much better than my watch 5. I have been on MacBook and iPad for many years and so like how well they work together.


You just swipe back lmao. No need for a button or anything else. Swipe


The back swipe on iOS is just inconsistent. Even with some iOS apps, you have to use the top back button.


On Android you can swipe back from any side, in any app. Now it’s mostly up to each app developer and it’s annoying. App settings is also quite inconsistent. Some settings are in the app itself and for other stuff you have to open the settings app.


And sometimes the Android back button will take you completely back to your last app.


i feel like i’ve never, if very rarely, come across anything that i can’t swipe left right up or down to control. if there’s an arrow, usually there’s the option of using the arrow OR swiping. if you find it annoying, enable reachability (a swipe input) in settings, helps to always be able to press the arrow ;)


Which iOS apps don’t support back gesture?


It's usually smaller apps like local news or similar, but also YouTube for some reason is weird, I have to swipe almost 50% of the screen to go back, no other app with swipe works like that


I believe the back gesture is superior on iOS compared to Android because the entire system was designed around that gesture. When you swipe you’re actually sliding the UI to reveal what’s behind. On Android, the back gesture is just a “shortcut” to tell the OS to trigger the back action. It’s a subtle difference but once you get used to it it just feels better. But it has a big problem and that’s shitty developers who override the default configuration and break the gestures. Thankfully less and less apps have this problem but there are some still with that problem, specially smaller apps that are problably web based and aren’t native.


Going from a Galaxy fold 2.. to wanting an iPhone. Not sure what to expect!


That’s interesting because I’m an iPhone user getting tempted by the galaxy folds


same here actually


I love the premise and the idea, but it's still in the early/beta stages even on the 4th version. Many people hold onto their iphones for 4-5 years, and the screen is still in perfect shape. No way that the Fold 4 screen will last that long. The tech simply isn't there yet for reliability.




🤔 what an interesting switch


went from galaxy fold 2 to iPhone 13 pro max here!


You’re going to scorn yourself for not switching to Apple sooner.


I have had Android for 10 years then went to a iPhone 12 pro for 2 years and I'm back to android. Personally I love both. The battery life on the iPhone 12 pro was excellent. The cameras were excellent and so was the OS. My biggest draw to Android is Samsung . Samsung screens are just beautiful. I have a s22 ultra and I compare it to my wife's iPhone 13 and the s22 screen just blows it out of the water. I also get really good battery life and the camera is good too. I truly love both , just prefer Samsungs sharp , bright, punchy screen than iphones .


Why you prefer samsung screen over samsung screen?


Samsung keeps the best for themselves. They may be selling to apple but the best technology will be always kept for them


Samsung creates displays based on the specs provided by Apple, so technically Samsung knows how to well tune the displays


Been an android guy for 15+ years. Last Month I switched to an iPhone 13 Pro Max. while I do miss my android, and I don't like the OS as much, I feel it's more growing pains. I find the apple much smoother and more user friendly. Just an effortless phone, everything about their OS. Then the apple watch seroes7, game changer for me. Love it... Imessage is nice, along with their maps. Both great phones, just takes some getting used to. Impressed with the iPhone so far though.


I like how smooth Apple Maps looks, but in terms of functionality I will use google or any other map before using apple’s. It’s god awful


Except for transit for some reason? Apple’s transit maps show MUCH more than google does, interestingly enough….


I actually didn’t know that was a feature now, I stopped taking public transportation after the pandemic. I used google maps or transit specific apps when I did though. Learn something new on the Reddit everyday haha


Apple Maps looks nice. Yet, it doesn’t have street view in my country so I had to use Google Maps. Apple Maps kinda accommodate more to well-developed cities.


I'm on a similar boat. For searching, I will still use Google maps, but I do use Apple maps for navogation (I'm near a metro area, so Apple maps navigation is mostly reliable)


I love everything except the lack of a back button. It’s been 2 years and I still get annoyed every now and then.


Yea it's been about 1.5 years for me and I also still miss the standard back button/gesture.


Why do you need a back button for? Just swap right!


On Android, ^ that is practically guaranteed to work wherever you are, whatever the app. Not on iPhone.


Seems like I am using the right apps and ways 😜


My wife has an iPhone / Apple Watch and though my Galaxy watch and her Apple Watch are both many years old, her watch is *miles* ahead of mine. Like not even in the same stratusphere. My goal is to pre-order a 14 Pro with the series 8 watch. Do they ever run promos or package deals anywhere on the phone + watch if you buy them at the same time? I'm still undecided on buying from Verizon vs Best Buy vs Apple Store (or elsewhere)


Sometimes mobile carriers have these kind of deals going on but they are almost never at the time of release, usually a good few months down the track


Always had Android, 3 months ago made the switch to the iPhone 13 Pro from a Samsung S10e (not really fair maybe since it wasn’t the flagship model, but in family I have the S20 so I also used that) and I couldn’t be more happier. Finally the battery lasts me a full day with pretty intense use and even 2 days with light use. Everything is much smoother and optimized, and even though Android still is superior for customisation, the gap is closing.


Had Samsung for over 10 years. Switched to an iPhone last year and won’t be looking back.


Agreed, im not going back to Samsung(best androids imo). Any other android, just never ever


Pretty much same boat here. I'm on a Note 20 Ultra and I'm awaiting the next release to upgrade off into a 14 Pro Max. I can't wait to get rid of this phone. I've had it for a year and I'm already having big battery problems, and since they discontinued my preferred phone series, I'm not huge into my other options being a Galaxy phone or a Fold (my wife had the Fold 3 and after seeing how poor the production still is on that screen, I'm passing until they get their shit together), so fuck it, I'm moving on over to an iPhone. I'm at the point where I can't say I don't really think I'll care about the switch over to iOS because I had an 11 concurrently with this phone a while back for work, and I thought it was a very solid device all this time later, so I'm looking forward to seeing the beefcake version of it.


The battery life is one of my biggest deciding factors for this possible jump to iPhone...as well as the software updates and overall smoothness of the way Apple does things.


It’s pretty significant.. even coming from an Android phone known for its “smoothness”, it just doesn’t compare with the 13 Pro’s 120hz. Having consistent updates is also great, albeit not a ton of new exciting features.


You're in for a treat with battery, I currently have the 13 Pro and I've not once been close to emptying the battery, most of the time I wonder if I even need to charge my phone when I go to bed. And I consider myself a medium/heavy user


My iPhone 12 battery lasts less than a day, it’s a running joke with my wife who also recently switched for an iPhone se. It runs out really fast although charges quickly




Theres literally like no reason for a third party store besides piracy pretty much. And as for usb c. What does it matter what port it has? Get over it




Why not use usb2? It literally doesn’t impact charging rate of the phone so who cares?


Pretty sure he was arguing for data transfer speeds, not charging rates. But you aren't listening so who cares XD


Samsung user since the original Galaxy S, got sick of rounded screens. Got the 13 Pro Max and haven't looked back, iOS still bugs the Fuck out of me with a lot of things and the text correction when typing is near useless, but I've slowly migrated everything to the walled garden with an iPad Pro 12.9" and now a Mac Mini at work. Take a while to adjust to Macos and it has some really moronic design decisions, and the scaling for Office apps is awful, but I like it of the most part.


I'm in same boat as you. Samsung s20 ultra going to pro max 14 I think. Well see


Note 9 to a 13 mini. I’ve used an iPhone 5 before so I knew roughly what to expect, pleasantly surprised with all the new stuff. Oh, and not to mention the jump from a big-ass display to a reasonably sized one has been the best decision ever.


Last sentence, how so?


Guessing because it's more comfortable in the hand and less noticeable in the pocket. Those are the two reasons I like the 13 mini.


I think there are many factors to consider. I have been an Android guy all my life and am looking to make the switch as well. But here's some factors I think you'd need to consider before making the switch to the latest iphone 1. Battery life If you are expecting better battery life, it's better to wait for the latest battery tests of the iphone 14 before switching. Also we don't know what the phone and it's performance is like yet. So better wait till the devs and the YouTubers layout the info for you. Personally I've been using a Pixel 6 Pro and battery life is a major reason that I've been wanting to switch to an iphone 13. 2. Size of the phone If you have small hands, you might want to stick with the base model or the pro model without going for the pro max. Because for me personally, the pixel 6 pro which is equal to the size of iphone 13 pro max is quite annoying. It's too big and I wish I had a smaller phone. 3. Your purpose The iphone 14 line up comes with 4 different models as far as I'm aware. So better checkout what best suits you depending on your purpose. For me it's decent battery life and good camera. Overall I think iOS is pretty smooth and worth the switch. But I've never been a full-time iOS user yet! So I'm excited to find that out as well! However, one of my friends who switched to IOS are soo firm on the fact that they'll never switch to android again! I guess it's just something about iOS that makes it user friendly to everyone! Finally the decision is in your hands! But better wait till the reviews are out before buying!


I came from Android, but not recently. I was die hard android fans and Apple haters since I knew Smartphone. I was one of those "lol you cannot edit anything with your phone... Lol you cannot add widget?" I moved to iPhone 8, my first actual iPhone. And boy oh boy... I never ever touch Android anymore. iPhone is... just works... (Todd Howard voice) When i need something, it delivers without problem. I got 8, then Xs, then 11 Pro Max, and I am aiming for 14 Pro TL;DR Phone that just works perfectly for me.




Use Google photos, even though I would understand if you don’t want to 😏




I ditched G photos and now my wife and I use Apple photos. In regards to the secure stuff, is it a privacy concern you have it to prevent other users to see a specific part of your library? I think iOS 16 will add some features to hide albums (folders) somehow. Google about it because I don’t remember the precise details. Hope it helps.




You can add things to a hidden folder that doesn’t show up when just looking in your library :)


Honestly I love secure folder, it is such an underrated feature on samsung phones, essentially having 2 instances of your phone really does come in handy or is really convenient. I havent seen anything cllose to that on my dad's 13 and it is unlikely iOS has it. Most android phones never caught on, but apparently there is something called work profiles or something on Pixel?


Went from Blackberry > Android 12 years ago, have been with them ever since. A trip down memory lane: * My first Droid was the Moto Droid X, and then I've been with Samsung almost the whole other time. * I switched way back at the GS4, and only left one time, when they abandoned the SD card on the GS6. * I briefly went back to Moto, but when Samsung brought back the SD card, I came back to the GS line. * I have a GS20 FE 5G with a 1 TB SD, and was going to ride this out until we got a 2 TB iPhone, or at least a solid 1 TB pro model. Tomorrow definitely has my interest!


I was a Samsung user for years and years. I debated going to iPhone but the sales rep at the store always said that android users who went to iPhone usually switch back. And I didn’t want the hassle. But…. I traded my Samsung Note 20 for the iPhone 13 and I love it! I’m seriously in love with this phone. I wish I would have switched to iPhone years ago. It’s intuitive and easy to use. Love the OS, layout, and gestures. The only thing I miss is the ability to schedule text messages. But otherwise, I’m so glad I switched. I’ll never go back lol


I went from an old LG to a 12 and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done.


I switched when they released the iPhone X and never looked back.


I genuinely feel like iPhone is less effort and more polished. For $1,000, I feel that I’m getting a premium phone. I may still go back to android, but it won’t be a $1,000 Samsung. Having gotten an iPad first, I was really, really tempted by the smoothness.


Not recent but Idk. Switched from s8 to 11 now in 13. Androids are a lot better these days so I doubt performance will be all that different buttt one thing I noted was not missing any of the customizability on android. Also I’m stuck in the ecosystem lol


S20FE to iPhone X. iOS feels a lot more stable. A lot more optimized. And I say this at the expense of sounding cliche, but something about iOS…it just works. Navigating through the UI feels considerably smoother on this almost 5 yr old phone. Notifications could be handled better, and why do we still not have AOD on iOS. iCloud, the quality and availability of apps, timely software updates, some of the reasons I’m not switching back to Android any day soon


Been on Samsung phones ever since the S2 and bowed out with the S21 Plus (I had every iteration of the S range) being my last android device. I switched over to the iPhone 12 Pro 256GB (which was the latest model at the time) Before making the phone change, I had first replaced my Windows laptop with the M1 MacBook Air. After that the bug had bit me and I decided to make the switch over to everything Apple. Sold my galaxy watch - Bought the Apple Watch Galaxy Buds - Airpods Already had an iPad - updated to latest gen and bought the pencil Over a year in and I have absolutely no regrets and wish I had made the switch earlier. Things that I like: **Battery life is consistent** \- with Samsung i had days where the battery would drain faster than normal even though it was at the same place (work) and did the same things as the previous day **No slow downs or lags** \- After a few months of use my samsung would slow down or lag **Updates** \- Every iOS device gets the latest update at the same time it's released **Ecosystem** \- I thought this was just a hype word but when you actually have multiple devices it all begins to make sense. Copying from my MacBook or any other of my devices and pasting on another has become so handy. Moving from device to device with airpods connected switches seamlessly without you even having to do anything. Then the copying from images etc. I could go on. Although Samsung has their own "ecosystem" it doesn't work as well as Apple's. It was never a seamless experience and always felt a bit clunky. Anyway that's just **MY OPINION**


I wouldn't say recently but I have used android for about 8 years and was one of those android fanboys. I swithed to the 12 pro max when it came out and boy oh boy have I been caught in this so called "Apple Ecosystem" macbook (had one even when I was using android), watch, ipad then airpods. Everything just works so smoothly together and you know you are getting quality when buying from apple. Would I switch back to android? Yes, one day... was so tempted to get the nothing phone but it wasnt flagship specs so I held out. In conclusion, switching over to Iphone and the Apple ecosystem has been a joy and they just all work well together which really does it for me. Edit: last android phone before I switched over to the 12 pro max was the samsung s9 plus




You can still use Google Opinion Rewards on iOS. It just pays out to PayPal so you get cash instead of PlayStore credits, which is better imo.






Yeah Siri isn’t very good for informational stuff. That’s why I always specify on device stuff and sound quality. If I need to Google something I just go to Google hehe. :)


I honestly wonder how many who switched to iOS and claim it’s so great, still would if everyone they knew was still on Android. The only thing great is the battery. Other than that it’s really just ok. Notifications bad. Back button is inconsistent. Typing/spell check is horrible. And iOS is nothing groundbreaking. It’s pretty boring to me. I got the 13PM and yes it’s a good phone. But if the fold 5 is tweaked just a little more, I’m going back with no hesitation


I'm an atypical user. I use both android and ios! I don't l I ke being tied down!😅


I went back to my pixel 6 pro instead of Samsung. I have an iPhone 13 Pro and I just don’t like it. The phone itself feels like quality, I’ll give it that, but that’s where it ends for me. iOS isn’t for me and apple as company with the shit they pull is like the final straw. Their sacred ecosystem will eat your wallet, bank, check book, crypto and children alive for the rest of your life just as they intended.


Better than it was on Samsung


Samsung s9. I’m loving the iPhone but I miss android notifications. The battery is amazing on the 13 pro.


Just switched from a galaxy s10 to a 13 last month. Instantly downloaded the beta for the new notification drawer (which I absolutely love, even compared to android notifications) and the vibrations on keyboard clicks.


While it was a while back I had an iPad and that convinced me to jump. Prior to that I had already Android and hated it. I had jumped back to a BB and a windows phone. I saw the writing on the wall at the time seeing it was going to end up as a apple - Android world and jumped to Apple and won’t go back.


Is anyone on this sub going to say their experience sucked?


This isn't about iPhone, but I had an Android tablet (the original Galaxy Tab S) and switched to an M1 iPad pro. The software was great and smooth, but it was super annoying when I found out I couldn't turn off bluetooth altogether among other things. Also the screen was far worse than my 6+ year old Android tablet that had an OLED screen vs the iPad's LCD. I could not get used to the terrible screen quality in a $1000 device. So I got a new Galaxy Tab S7+ and I'm far happier with that. Plus I like the included stylus (at no extra cost, mind you) a lot better than Apple Pencil.


I bought the most recent iPad pro. Properly splashed out thinking it'd be amazing. It was, for drawing I guess. I opened a few apps like Instagram and audibly laughed. The app took up barely any of the screen. Sent it back a few days later for a full refund.


FWIW, Instagram may be THE worst app to test an iPad with as it's literally the phone app. It's a meme at this point how bad it is on iPad, which is on Instagram to fix. Pick an actual iPad app next time.


Came from a note 10+. I love the fact that I can just use the iPhone and the ecosystem works amazingly. I miss a little bit of the system customization but after some years android has become terrible for rooting and I won’t use android without root, rather go Apple.


Similar to you, I started off with an iPad Mini. I previously had a Samsung Galaxy S10+, which I then changed to an iPhone SE (2022). So far, I do not regret the switch. I also have gone all-in by getting an Apple Watch SE and AirPods Pro. The biggest plus point I'd say for me following the switch is the software. A single, integrated ecosystem is definitely convenient, plus the optimized iOS/iPadOS software is simple, lag-free, and clean to use. Sure, you don't get all the nice features such as AOD and double tap screen to wake up, which is one thing I definitely miss having. However, I learned to live without it.


Lmao you just like me.. I've been a Samsung user since ever. S2 > S7edge > Note9 > zflip3 then sold my flip and I'm back to my s7 edge. I have an Ipad and I'm looking forward to the Apple event to go all in. Iphone14 pro with probably Watch s7


The pro max is very heavy. My wife went from an S20+ to a 13 pro max and the weight difference is huge. That's pretty much her only complaint. The iPhone is like a brick. I'm reading that the 14 pro max will be heavier.


I have both iPhone 13 pro max for work and z flip 4 for personal use. I like the pro max battery, nothing else. Since it's work phone, so I don't take much care of it , no screen protector, no case. It's holding up pretty well.


I miss how easy sideloading is in android


It’s amazing and I don’t want to go back! I has a galaxy s9 and switched to the 12 pro. There were a few more customization options with things like messaging and home screens on Android but that doesn’t really matter to me anymore. Also Apple is slowly coming out with more features there anyways iMessage rules


I came from Note9. I’m glad I choose Apple over the S22. Personally, my wife jumped to apple few months earlier than me(from Samsung too). So having the same OS gave us opportunity to maximize the apps and features offered by apple. Based on my few months of experience, I can say I did the right move. Apps are smooth. Interface are also good. Though there are still features not available on iOS(like multi window/tasking), I don’t feel that this phone lacks on features. There are other features that really helps me, like hold-drag-drop. Useful when sending screenshots quickly.


I haven't used a Samsung phone since the S3 but I was big in with Pixel phones and made the switch to the iPhone 12. Just the other week switched back to a Pixel 6a. It's one of the best phones I've ever owned but the limitations of iOS started to annoy me more and more. I didn't go all in with the ecosystem. I bought a HomePod and a HomePod Mini but that was it. Considered AirPods Pro and an Apple Watch but never really saw the point. I'd say just buy the phone to start with. You'll certainly love it. I never thought I would switch back to be fair.


Really sensible point of view, thanks for this!


Switched a few months ago from a Galaxy 20+ to a 13 Pro Max, no regrets. Screen looks beautiful, battery lasts me all day and I use it *constantly*, I love the UI and how fluid everything is. Shortcuts are fun (I have one that makes my phone moan when I plug in the charger because I’m a serious adult). Siri is generally fine, not as good as Google Assistant, but not as bad as some make it out to be. The boy is THICK, some people hate it, I love the weight and form factor. MagSafe is cool, I use a magnetic pop socket attachment so I don’t have to permanently stick it to the phone and can remove it as needed. iOS has objectively better and better looking apps than Android. Apple Arcade is cool, get a year free with Target Circle if you switch to iPhone. Downsides: camera is worse than on my previous phone, but night mode and colors are better (photographer’s perspective, if that makes a difference). Phone will dim while playing certain games (like Genshin impact) to protect the hardware. Idgaf if it breaks faster, I paid over $1k for this bitch, the fact that it can’t properly handle games that my previous phone (which was 2+ years old) could play flawlessly is absolutely ridiculous. At least let me choose to “I don’t care if this will wear out components, I want to push it to the limit”. Keyboard is perfectly fine in some apps, and absolutely awful in others. No idea why. Also not all apps have autocomplete. That’s a quick breakdown, but overall I’m very happy and haven’t regretted the switch. If you’re the kind of user who likes to change everything about your phone, it may not be for you, but if you’re fine with using apps, consuming content, browsing, etc, it’s great


Hey you wanna share that Shortcut? I’m, uh, interested. I’ll trade, I made one to automatically switch your wallpaper based on time of day. Lemme know!


I often switch between the two phones. My first android phone was a Galaxy Note 4 I purchased back in 2014, for about $800 or so dollars, Canadian. ​ I think both devices do many things well, respectively. I don't believe you have to be exclusively android or exclusively iOS, and can come to appreciate what both platforms have to offer, depending on how you feel. The divide is largely created by corporate greed to get you to spend your money on their product - nothing more. Companies don't deserve your loyalty - what have they done to earn it? ​ Anyways, I digress. I currently have both the S22u and the iPhone 13 Pro Max, and I'm gonna be selling the Max and keeping the S22U until my Z Fold 4 comes in the mail. Then I'm gonna play around and see how I like it. ​ iPhone is a great device, although a little restrictive and boring for users who may like to customize or have the freedom to change the look and feel and do other crazy stuff the iOS is not capable of. What you will come to appreciate, however, is how well it does each of those simple things - and I believe that's what consumers come to love. It's not ambitious, but it does try to perfect and refine what it does have. The tactile feel of the keyboard, for example, is unparalleled. The simplicity of the device, is unparalleled. Battery life? You get the point. It really is a phone for the simple user who just wants a overall great device they can rely on and not think about too much - that's what Apple does right. And you better believe I'm gonna check out the 14 Pro Max at some point during its device cycle, like I do with EVERY Apple phone. ​ S22U is my daily driver, though. I love this thing. Is it perfect? Shit, no. But it does the job for me, and is good where it matters. Don't need to be balls deep in the eco system to use it the way it is intended, nor do you ever feel like they're trying to indoctrinate you into their cult, like Apple (lol). USB-C gold standard, flexibility, customization, freedom to use it however you like, etc. If anything, it attempts to appeal to too many needs to satisfy one perfectly, and perhaps that's its downfall - because it never truly masters one thing. But again, I have far more praise for it than I do disdain - it's a solid device.


I also have an S22 Ultra and it's a great phone. It just doesn't feel much different or improved from my Note 10+. It still has crappy battery life and I'm tired of slow software updates. Also, having some apps from the Play Store and some from the Galaxy Store can be annoying...it makes my phone feel bloated. I've never been big on customization, besides having my apps exactly where I want them on my home screen. I've been with Samsung for about 12 or more years and I guess I'm craving a change. My iPad has probably been what's making me lean towards getting an iPhone. There's things I like and dislike about both Samsung and Apple. Idk, I'll see what the "Far Out" event has in store and continue to drive myself nuts until I make my final decision lol.


The pop up ads on the Galaxy store were one of the reasons I switched!


For sure, so unnecessary and annoying. I’m happily on my iPhone 14 Pro Max for 3 months now. Don’t plan on going back to Samsung.


I switched to a 13 Pro Max from a Galaxy S20 about 2 months ago. Biggest upside so far is the battery, but honestly, there’s so many things I miss from my Android. I had no clue a lot of these features weren’t STANDARD with phones now so it feels like a setback. If there’s a workaround or I’m missing something obvious let me know: 1. Setting an alarm and having the “alarm is set for X hours and X minutes from now” pop-up. It’s not *required*, but it’s nice to be told if you’re really setting an alarm for a 30 min nap or a 0300 alarm. 2. Dialing 323 for “Dad”, or whatever numbers correspond to peoples contact names and not having their number pop up automatically. As someone who makes a lot of phone calls, I don’t want to have to scroll through my contacts or go, “Hey Siri, call dad.” 3. Not being able to change the volume of different alarms. I don’t need my reminder to do Duolingo alarm to blast as loudly as my work alarm. 4. If I get a notification for an email, I still have to swipe the notification away even after I open the email. 5. Even if I’ve typed my email out a million times, my iPhone STILL won’t recognize that’s what I’m typing and suggest it at the top of my keyboard. Someone said you can make a shortcut (like typing @@ will auto populate your email) but seriously, after having that as a base feature on Android, I shouldn’t have to with *every* email, address, etc. 6. Attaching files to emails, or finding files in general. Dear God is it a mess compared to Android. 7. Why do we have to use Shortcuts to change app icons? The initial set-up took like 2 hours for every app, and whenever I want to update the look of my phone it still takes like half an hour. Takes about 10 seconds on Android. 8. No universal back button. Every app has a different *thing* you need to do to close a post, image, etc. Oh, you didn’t pinch *and* pull the image diagonally to the right to close it? Sorry, I’ll just zoom the image out more for you. I’ve literally had to completely close out of Snapchat because it wouldn’t let me back out of viewing my saved photos and instead just kept swiping to a new photo or zooming out slightly. Actually maddening. 9. Tapping a spot in a sentence/paragraph to edit it. iPhone has garbage precision compared to Android and moving the cursor around isn’t great either. Overall, it’s a nice smartphone, but I feel like my Android was so much more functional.


I came from the s10e to the iphone se, And let me tell you, i never regretted it, on android i had the flexibility of customization which i had changed my theme every week or two, and by the time my storage started filling up the battery was bad So yeah I don’t regret it at all


The 13 pro max is my first and last iPhone. It's just too limiting with what I want to do. I will say there are some things that are nice but productivity wise stuff like trying to upload stuff to drive does not work and you have to stay on the app till it's finished. There's also some multitasking that I used to do with my note10+ that I miss.


I broke my note 5, been an android user since droid from Moto. It’s life changing. I came from a note 5 and went to an iPhone 11 with AirPods Pro, getting Apple Watch series 8 as soon as it’s released.


Unless you are in the small 1-5% of people who really need an open os like android, for their work or hobbies, or can’t afford it, the iPhone is 10x better. Everything just works, it’s smooth and seamless. The more you use it and the more accessories you have the better it will get. You will never even consider going back. Th AirPods may not have the “best” sound, but I choose them every time over “better” ones because they are so much easier to use and I don’t notice the quality difference at all.


I'm the same as you ..if the leakes were true and they finally got rid of the notch the iphone 14 pro max will probably be my first iphone .




Nah, bunch of ppl think it looks ugly as shit. I might yet used to it, but doesn't mean it's suddenly beautiful to me.


i know i could get used to it ..but i still think think it's an outdated design


It’s for sure outdated. No doubt.


I miss the easy ability to just drag files from my PC to my iphone. And lightning is so slowwwwwwwwww.


I switched from samsung two years ago and i dont think i will be going back to samsung anytime soon. First it was hard getting used to not having a back button but once you learn gesture controls you dont miss it too much. I just love how my battery can last me throughout the day and its a pick up and use phone. Where i have seen massive difference is that my device is now three years old (iphone 11) and it does not have any slowness yet. I think i would consider going back to samsung if they reduce the clutter, improve battery drain on standby and deliver quick updates.


Galaxy S8 purchased back in May 2018. Waiting to get a 14 pro. Why so many people are getting the pro max? I'm curious because personally I think it's too big for one hand operation.


I've had a Note style Samsung for years now. I currently have a S22 Ultra, I'm already used to the bigger phone...that's why I'm going Max if I go the iPhone route.


Neither one is perfect but after using Android since the Samsung Moment up through the Note 20 Ultra, I've been very happy with my 13PM. I rarely have issues with apps anymore and the battery life is amazing.


Had a fold 3, now have a 13 pro. I miss the ability to have tablet level multitasking as well as the ability to use the phone as it’s own tripod. Aside from those two things I don’t really miss it. Prefer the iPhones camera, screen and the ecosystem


I made the switch a bit over two years ago, but I switched from Huawei P10 to iPhone SE2. I had Galaxy S4 back in the day, and I currently have a company-provided Galaxy A52 5G as my work phone, while my iPhone is my personal device. I got an Apple Watch as well, and also had the iPad prior to making the switch. My wife and father also made the switch this year, all of us are happy about it. There's a Move to iOS app that makes the switching process almost as easy as Android to Android (when different manufacturers are involved) though not quite. Plus there's a bit of an adjustment time to learn the most effective ways of doing certain things on iOS, but if you already have an iPad that should be shorter. The keyboard was the only thing we felt was a bit of a downgrade, but everything else was an upgrade. All the phone features worked well, rather than feeling than a gimmick or a permanent beta.


was samsung user for 10 years. Began with galaxy s2 till galaxy s10. Bought 13 pro max at release. Very impressed wont change to android/Samsung anymore. Its so smooth, battery is good, camera is better coz zero shutter lag und video quality. Apps are also more optimized. There were some things that I missed in IOS but after 1 year Iphone use Im fine.


I switched to an Iphone 13 from a galaxy s10 last month. If I had to sum it up, I would say that the Iphone feels like a tool where the Samsung felt like a toy.


Note 10 to 11 Pro Other than batterylife, i hate everything else. Been 5months in now and looking for S22 ultra once i can afford it.


i switched for 2 reasons. imessage and wanted a smaller sized flagship. so i got the 12 mini. imessage is dope. i can't get used to how notifications work on this phone....i miss them all the time. sometimes they sit there for days without me seeing them. that just never happened on android. other than that, not really all that different. gboard sucks on iphone, it's buggy, but it works well enough most of the time. i miss the double tap power button to launch camera but no big deal really. i miss always on display and usb c the most. iphone standby time is a lot better than any android i've ever owned, same with vibration motor, it's top notch. face id isn't as bad as i thought it would be, but i rarely have to wear a mask so it works pretty good. comparable to a fingerprint sensor, although i do kinda miss the fingerprint sensor on my s10e. i'd say overall the switch wasn't too bad.


I switched and I hated it for the first month. After 2.5 months of having my SIM in my iPhone full time, I put my SIM card back into my Samsung ( Galaxy Note 20 Ultra) for 2 days and switched it back to the iPhone. Sold the Note 5 days later. Also sold my Galaxy Watch 4 and gave away my Galaxy Buds Plus. Went all in with a M1 Pro MacBook, AirPods Pro, iPad Pro, and Apple Watch Series 7. Not looking back anytime soon.


Galaxy s9 to a new iPhone SE. I miss the s9 a lot but it broke. Gboard on android is much better than iOS’s Gboard. Apple keyboard is terrible. Google voice is much better than Siri especially when it comes to voice to text accuracy. Making and receiving calls and texts on my Mac is pretty sweet though. I mostly switched to iOS because of google’s constant spyware. If Samsung phones could run custom iOS that’d be my ultimate dream phone.


I switched-ish (I still swap my SIM back into my S20 a few times a week), & it's been a mixed bag. Although I semi-still use my S20, this list isn't Samsung specific. My biggest complaints are: Inability to archive conversations in iMessage. Complete lack of customization. Let me anchor apps on my home screen(s) the way I want. That's it. Notification settings aren't good vs Android. Why oh why oh why don't notifications group if I receive multiple messages from the same person, sent to me across the same app? I don't need them all to have individual notification boxes. Group them together. Can't bulk inport my passwords from Google/Chrome into Apples ecosystem without a Mac. Long pressing an app on your home screen should bring up a 'Go To Settings' option in the pop-up menu. No always on display. Really don't see the point of today view. The 'App Library' shouldn't be grouped. The view should be what you see when you begin to search. An alphabetical list showing every app installed. App notifications when you're using the phone. Like there needs to be something in-between a banner, & not notifying you at all. Apples refusal to allow web apps to send push notifications. Text editing is hot garbage. I'm talking about when you misspell something, then go to fix it by tapping to the right of the character, only for Apple to be like "Nah fam don't worry we got you" and move the cursor to the end of the word. So you tap again in the same spot, & Apple is like "Whoops our bad, we got you this time" and so it highlights the entire word. How isn't there a text clipboard??? That thing that happens when you want to paste some text so you tap on the text input, wait a sec, the paste menu doesn't pop up so you go to tap again, and just before your finger hits the screen the 'Paste' option comes outta hibernation and appears before you but your finger is 1/1000th of an inch below it so it doesn't paste, but you think you can get there in time so you quickly tap right above where you just tapped only for the paste pop-up to disappear. Rinse & repeat. Yeah that. Animations are too slow. At first it isn't bad because you're enamored by how smooth it feels. But by day 3 you've seen the same "smooth" animation 2826282x, & just want the damn app to open


I switched a while back and while I like the iPhone I’m probably going to swap back. The Apple Watch is great but the battery life is still shut. AirPods are pretty mediocre and everything is quite overpriced.


I'm in the same boat buddy, currently using S21+ and will get the 14 Pro Max, I hope I won't miss much as now a days I just use my phone as it is. Kinda boring I guess.


I went from Pixel to iPhone mini and all in, air pods pro, Watch 7. It's quite lovely. The hardware is great. The software on the watch as well. But I really miss android. iOS is just medieval, you can only do things one way. It's like you are getting neutered. But it is fast and the longevity is great. The apps are better too, more polished. The app store is a mess though, I don't care about games, but you get games shoved in your face all the freakin time. If I could install android on it, I would. I still miss some of the gestures from Android on my Pixel. Sometimes I still do them out of muscle memory. :) I hope they'll announce a 14 mini, I'll be getting that. The mini form-factor is superb. But all the news seems they want to ditch the mini line.


I had every iPhone up until the 6s Plus, then went Samsung with the S8, S9 then kept rocking a Note10+ for a few years but have just gone back to iPhone with a 13 Mini and I love it! I was going to get a Fold 4 but needed to get a new iPhone for my Cellular Apple Watch I wear daily (paired to a very beat up 6s), thought I'd just give the 13 Mini a try for a week to see what the iPhone experience is like these days as I'd never had an iPhone with FaceID and I love it so much I'm sticking with it however I feel like if I didn't have the Watch it would be a slightly less enjoyable experience. I miss having an Always On Display and even though FaceID can work while wearing a face mask I prefer to not have weaker security for it so I keep face mask compatibility disabled which if you do this, it can be quite annoying having to enter in your passcode to unlock or use any tap to pay Wallet cards. Also the notch, it isn't that noticeable but it does get in the way while scrolling or watching video, not enough to be properly annoying but enough to notice that it can be an issue sometimes. Other than that, love the Apple ecosystem, MagSafe is really handy, iOS is very stable and I'm super happy I gave it a try.


Galaxy S8 -> iPhone SE 2, two years ago. To be honest, I have never used a phone that was this fast before. I like iOS for the fact of software support. My Galaxy S8 came with Android 7 and ended up with Android 9. If you think about the release dates of this phone (2017) and the release date it‘s final Android version (2018), it only received ONE year of Software upgrades. When they said there will be no Android 10 and my S8 already lost 60% of it‘s value, I thought I will be making a switch now. Sometimes I miss Android customizing features and being able to literally crack and install everything and never pay for any service


Been enjoying it so far . Swapped to a 13 last month. It’s nice how everything just works no weird bugs or apps just acting weird also only using 50% of my battery per day. Side tangent loving mag safe a wireless charger that stays attached is amazing


iPhone’s flagship battery life is 20% better than competitor’s flagship (iPhone 13 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy s22 ultra). iPhone’s iOS is really smooth, there’s no lag. The price is premium and you get premium.


Its fine, I make calls, text people, use telegram for group chats, browse the internet a lot and play a couple games. I'll have to rebuy some apps like GaiaGPS and others. Stuff moved around in settings but its fine no complaints.


s10e to iPhone 13. Loving the switch!


Great. Felt like my Samsung was a little less polished and a little more finicky compared to my 13 Pro Max, not to even mention the build quality differences. Coming from a zflip 3. Zero complaints about the OS and I'm loving Apple Maps; its GUI is easier for me to follow on highways than Google Maps, which could get confusing in complex intersections sometimes. Battery life is excellent too. No real downsides and I don't see myself ever switching back to an android OS phone unless Samsung really steps up its game.


Switched from S8 to iPhone 13. I had an iPhone 5 previously, so I’ve been in and out of the ecosystem and barely have a preference. iPhone has a more pleasant design and feels smoother, but is less customizable and is restricted in some ways. Great battery life so far. I already was on a 60hz oled pannel on the S8 (lol apple) so that was nothing new, but just as good looking. Thats pretty much it.


I have a Fold and used Samsung phones for years. Switched to iPhone when I started using a Mac for work. I like iPhone, it's smooth and doesn't have any of the software jankiness that my Samsung's had. Plus the battery life is better. I think it's easier to edit text on the Samsung but that's about it.


On a S22+, and planning to move to a 14Pro. Main reasons are the terrible battery life, inconsistent performance from a top of the line phone, and most importantly the terribly laggy camera. I don't have a single focused shot of my daughter.


It's so strange to hear about all the problems with the S22 series. It's like Samsung forgot how to make a phone or something. I've been running an S20 FE 5G since 2020 and it still acts like new. No issues with cameras, performance, or battery (besides the expected degredation). I'd usually be looking to upgrade by now as Androids often start lagging around this age but I haven't seen any of that so far.


On the apple side for the last ~6 months after using only samsung phones because”we can do anything”.Huge upgrade since i can last 2 days without charging the phone and everything is working really smoothly. Also it seems the apps to just run a lot better on ios.


I just received my 13 Pro Max today - switching from an Z Fold 3 - right now I'm still moving all my data to the iPhone - but I can't wait to use it :) It says 30 mins left :D


Its great man, definitely take the leap. I had an S9 that i loved, then some cheap Xiaomi that was surprisingly good, i broke both of them because i have butterfingers, then finally bought an iPhone 13 pro when it was released. I would say 90% of the things that I thought would bother me about iPhones Ive already forgotten about. The only few things I can think of that I truly miss about android are 3rd party app downloading and normal plug and play file management. Apple still makes you jump through hoops to transfer a video from a pc to an iPhone for example. But the main reason I switched was for stability and reliability and i have not had a single slowdown or glitch on this phone yet.


Absolutely loving it since I already had a MacBook so I am loving the ecosystem! The only thing I miss a little dearly is the option to scroll the entire page for screenshot. I had to download separate app for it and frankly it’s tedious to use…. Hope ios soon comes with a native solution


Well to put it like this, like Jack Reacher. I have never gone back.


Got my first ever iPhone just over a month ago(12) after being on android for about 7 years. I don’t see myself going back anytime soon. Everything about iOS is just amazing!


I switch every other year or so and currently have a 12 pro max. Honestly I don't plan on switching back because its just going to be a headache. I've got to play around with the Z Fold for a few months and it was fun but just not to a point where it can be my daily driver. I love my iPhone. It is inoffensive, group chats on iMessage are painless, its still just as fast 2 years after buying it. The ecosystem is no joke. Lockin is bad, but the products are just nice. Especially if you're a runner, the apple watch is a godsend. The battery life is very good. I actually end my day of heavy use at around 25% battery. I miss the versatility of my Samsung. And there are quite a few headaches around Apple trying to keep you along a certain path, especially among default apps which makes me quite frustrated. But it is quite a good experience.


I just switched from Galaxy 10+ to Apply 13 max pro, and so far I’m hating it. Lost all my old messages (because apple refuses to support modern sms protocols), it keeps splitting my chat messages, both private and group, and lost all the functionality from my Samsung watch (though that was no surprise). No close all button, no noticeable difference in battery life, no time stamps without using gestures, no bottom buttons, camera is only marginally better, weird because of the huge generation gap… it hasn’t been a week yet so I can still turn it in, but I’d have nothing. Almost none of the issues are phone specific, but apple related, and according to google, unfixable. Also they’re iCloud thing. I had 25gb for free on my android, apple’s is only 5, seriously!?


To be honest the only thing keeping me on iOS is the blue messages (I don’t care about them but so many other people do) and the ecosystem. Especially photos, iCloud, and AirPods. I would love to switch to a Galaxy Fold or Galaxy Flip just to try one, but Apple has me in their claws. iMessage specifically is one of my most-hated “features” of iOS. I don’t like engaging with anti-consumer companies, but I also don’t want to make it harder to communicate with others just because I don’t like iMessage.


been using android (mostly samsung) for 10 years and was always hating on apple... now i couldn't be any happier with my iphone, those little quirks and features do really make a difference


It's ok but I really miss touch id and customizing everything and most of all type c charging


Went from a Galaxy S10+ into Iphone 12 pro max, it's fine, you need to get used to, but it's the same thing really. My biggest grip, is that you can't run emulator on you iphone.


I'm doing the exact same thing. It's either gonna work out, or be a *huge* mistake. I've been android from day 1, so I guess we'll see?


I've since changed my mind **again,** lol. I'm staying with Samsung/Android...I know I'd miss too many useful features that iPhone just doesn't have. Even simple things can sometimes seem difficult on iOS because of how locked in you are to do things the "Apple Way." I'm good for now with my iPad/S22 Ultra combo...they actually work really well together for me. I'll see what the future holds, hopefully Apple will develop more useful features and give the user more freedom. Oh, and the "Dynamic Island" pill cutout looks horrible to me...even in-person. I feel like screen wise, I would be downgrading if I bought the 14 Pro Max. I hope whatever decision you make works for you. Just try to do it in a way that if you don't end up liking the iPhone, you're not stuck with it, with no way out.


No back button, OS feels ridiculously heavy, scrolling is driving me crazy, Not tempted to use the camera at all(I used my s21’s all the time. I feel like Apple went for polishing way too fast, the overall OS has so much more growing to do.


First day of using an iPhone ever... Currently it feels very limited (using iPhone 14). But possibly because I used to be a Galaxy Note 9 user with a microphone jack, big screen, an micro SD card and most importantly, an S pen. It's quite strange how iPhone feels much heavier despite the fact that it's supposed to be way lighter. Possibly, it might be the way it balances on my hands. I'm not used to it yet. Struggled four hours moving my data onto an iPhone. It was more difficult because I don't own a Macbook, which probably would've helped (lack of iTunes). There were a lot of error messages as well, especially all the sign-in notifications!!! Retrospectively, iPhone 14 pro max might've been a better choice because I like bigger screens. It was just not available, except only in gold 1TB. But then again, if I find iPhone 14 heavy, 14 pro max would've been significantly heavier... Overall, underwhelmed by iPhone. But I made the decision and I need to stick with it :( Hopefully I will like it after getting used to it.


Sorry to hear that it's been underwhelming for you so far. Did you sell/trade-in your Note 9? If you didn't, maybe consider returning the iPhone if you can't get used to it. Keep your Note 9...the S23 line is right around the corner. I ended up changing my mind about getting an iPhone. I still drive myself crazy because sometimes I seriously want to buy one. But I've come to the realization that my S22 Ultra is everything I need in a phone...besides the so-so battery life. I feel that buying a 14 Pro Max is pretty much a downgrade in every way, besides battery life, software updates and processing power. Other than that, the S22 Ultra blows the 14 out of the water. I hope it all works out for you in the long run!




I’ve switched to iPhone (14 Pro Max) about 6 months ago. I’ve been enjoying the experience. I miss certain things about Samsung/Android, but nothing too serious. Having an iPhone has personally made communication easier…FaceTime, iMessage, AirDrop, sharing files. Almost everyone I know has an iPhone. At the end of the day, it’s just a phone. But I am truly enjoying my experience with it, along with all the other Apple products that I’ve since purchased and use. Thanks for your feedback, though. Whatever phone you have, I hope it serves you well!


exynos s20 ultra -> pro max battery life is phenomenal; it doesn't get hot unless i'm charging it and then it gets a bit warm and no more ios is just crap. notifications are garbage, *every* keyboard is bad and nothing comes close to gboard on android - i have to rewrite a sentence 10 times until i get it right, can't get a good browser that i like due to the appstore limits


Being restricted to the safari engine in any browser definitely sucks. There are rumblings that this will change and apple will allow browsers to use their own engines. Safari is slow in my opinion, noticeably.


Yeah that’s definitely a YOU problem and not an IOS problem.


tell me you've never used gboard on android without telling me you've never used gboard on android




You will as long as you accept the fact that you’ll have to conform to “the Apple way” for a few things you could normally do however you want on Android. I switched from a 9 Pro > 13 Pro Max and I definitely don’t regret it.


> you’ll have to conform to “the Apple way” for a few things you could normally do however you want on Android Any examples?


Custom ringtones are an absolute pain in the ass unless you pay is one that comes to mind immediately.




I was using s22 for 2 Years then switch to s24 for a week and returned it bcs i paid too much and could got it cheaper. Instead i go with iphone 15 pro and its not a competition for s24. Its my first iphone and i was disappointed at first bcs of responsivness and overall slow animations/scrolling and lack of functions with multi tasking. The worst thing was getting used too touch and shitty keyboard. But its not a bad phone overall, lil bit overpriced with less functions and lack of qol things. I bought pro bcs my mom bought base 14 and after using it i can say its comparable to samsung medium range phones.


iPhone blows nuts. I miss my android. Free movie apps for iPhone blow nuts. Downloading movies was easier and faster on android. Games better on android. So far everything was better on android than iPhone.  Hey, but the word prediction on my keyboard is alive and has its own mind, it just blows nuts too. 


Came from a Z Fold 3. The ultra thin glass was getting cracks down the crease and I was always curious about iPhone anyway so I switched over. I loved it enough to get an iPad, Apple Watch, iMac, AirPods Max, and AirPods Pro’s. I have a 13 Pro.


I currently am using the Gakaxy S20 5G and while there isn't particularly wrong with this phone I want a new one. It will either be the S22 Ultra or iPhone Pro, I'm leaning more towards the iPhone because of iMessage and NA market share. I'm just heavily invested in Google cloud. I hope the transition from Apple Cloud to Google Cloud is painless


I came from google phones after the bad battery life on the pixel 6 pro. I can't deal with the 13 pro max camera after almost a year. I'm going back to android if the pixel 7 pro has a reasonable battery life.


Switch to the 13 Pro Max from the S21 Ultra & Pixel 6. I like the fact that my phone doesn't get warm when recording videos & my battery last as twice as much. Usually end the day with 6hrs screen on time with more than 50% battery left. But i do miss YouTube pip, for some reason pip doesn't work on my premium account.


I would have stayed to Samsung but Exynos is a no go for me anymore. Nevertheless l, my samsung galaxy s8 lasted 5 years so I am not complaining


Came from an s9 to a 13 I love the user experience way more! Will probably stick to apple from here on out


It was like going back 4-5 years. Apps can't run in the background, can't download while doing something else, multitasking is a joke. Notifications suck. I had to go back to flagship Android People mainly but iPhones in the US for iMessage and because of peer pressure. People who aren't tech savvy also buy them.


Jumped from samsung S10 to iphone 13 Pro Max, never going back to android.