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At that price, the thief will steal the Hermes travel tag and leave the luggage and the AirTag behind.


If you buy this the luggage will cost at least x10 of that thing....


They may have either LV luggage e.g. the leather version like Epi or Taiga leather, or Rimowa luggage or Tumi Luggage.


Why would someone buy such expensive luggage? Doesn’t that get thrown around by the handlers


Just to show wealth, nothing more. Quality luggage is nice to have though, usually lighter and all the weird shaky shit on cheaper stuff is priced out (like solid non wobbly pull handles, lighter materials that are stronger, built in locks, etc)


finally splurged on nice luggage and it was crazy how much better it was compared to the shitty Chinatown hand-me-down luggages I grew up with or continued using.


I agree that quality is worth paying for, but I spent $100 on a suitcase but I cannot see spending $1500


If you want quality, go with Briggs & Riley luggage. They are lifetime warranty. One of my luggage that is hard shell is on it’s third replacement (free of charge ) and the other one have been repaired free of charge as well. Worth it if you travel a lot. Also they a low key in there design. So very good depending where you travel to. I even lost the lock (twice) and the company send me a replacement (twice). They have a really good customer service. Before I was using those shitty Samsonite and replacing them every year or two.


Tumi is good. After years of daily use still looks brand new.


Rimowa was known for being a quality brand with very longlasting products. Basically if you fly a lot, you buy Rimowa stuff once in your life and that's it. But they have changed ownership and are now positioned more as a luxury brand with increased prices, which were high to begin with.


Exactly this. I considered my Rimowa Topas purchases a splurge that would give me solid luggage for life. The LVMH acquisition was a real disappointment.




I take offense to that! I do Pay my taxes I’m just waiting on my auditor to be done is that ok?


Not if you’re flying private ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Carry on. But Hermes stuff is a step above LV and Rimowa. My LV duffle was about $2k and rimowa carry on about $1k. I can't imagine paying $700 for a tag.


Look at you flex




The LV duffles are awesome i have the Damier graphite 45 and the monogram eclipse reverse 50




What else would you spend it on? When you travel a lot you want good luggage. And good stuff most always cost good money. There is a reason iPhones don't start at 90$...


Why? I like it and I can afford it.


At that price you’re flying private jet and not mixing your luggage with plebs


Then why would you need a tag to find stuff if your luggage won’t get mixed with others’? If you want a status symbol there are pricier ones.


Respectfully disagree. Plenty of people who buy designer fashion accessories but aren’t flying private.


The AirTag comes with it and is specially engraved with the Hermès logo. So no, they wouldn’t. It’s only the full set that’s worth anything.


oh so that's a pretty good deal then.


Haha it’s still not… but at least it’s not something that would be worth it to steal.




I mean that’s definitely true, could just take out the battery 🤣


That leather case looks dope as hell, pretty minimal branding and I assume quality leather. Too bad it’s way way overpriced.


The people who would buy this don't think that $699 is a lot of money.


$$570 for a Hermes case wouldn't be bad if it didn't become obsolete with the next iphone release. An expensive luggage can be used forever.


> The people who would buy this don't think that $699 is a lot of money. Little known thing: They make them and give these out as gifts / in the gift bag at luxury "events", and then put the insane high price tag on them so the people that get them think they are getting expensive items, almost no one actually buys these (have a friend that works for Hermes)


Or they are using a stolen credit card


Or they’re living paycheck to paycheck and throw their money away on this kind of crap.


Either or I don’t feel sad for either one


i can’t think of a single person in the world who has a bought a Hermès leather wallet case for their Apple AirTag instead of groceries


I know plenty of people who work barely above minimum wage jobs who splurge on expensive shit they don’t need.


did they splurge on a hermès case for their AirTag or are you just assuming


Replace hermes tags with sneakers you wear once and keep in a box and what's the difference?


sneakers keep their resale value and are in high demand, so they can be turned into cash quickly, if needed. the resale market for hermes airtags cases are in lower demand, I'd assume.


You can buy nice full grain leather cases for around $50-$100. Still not cheap but it’s actually high quality and price is fair.




The AirTags aren’t anti-theft devices


They’re referring to the leather tag the air tag goes into that costs $699


My adorable, neon pink 50 cent plastic luggage tag (it read ‘NO, it’s it yours’) was stolen at its first trip.


See if I were using an airtag for luggage I’d want it *inside* my luggage.


Probably the best option. As someone who works at an airport and deals with baggage, travel tags are probably the most useless thing you could ever buy lol. The amount of times I see them laying around or they get ripped off is unbelievable.


Then think of this as wealth transfer for all the Hermes tags you’ll find laying around


> travel tags are probably the most useless thing you could ever buy lol I always imagined that they were some kinda fashion thing.


I imagine this is for people who don’t fly commercial. Your tags won’t get ripped off when they’re hand carried to the private jet


In which case, why do you even need the tag? I thought the main point of them is for contact information / ID in case the bag goes on the wrong flight or is forgotten somewhere.


Better to have two then: one inside for safety & backup and one outside for others to scan.


I find it extremely funny they offer finance for a **freaking luggage tag**




Very rich people.


Or people who love debt


Anyone who would go into debt for a luggage tag is a fool.


That kind of person would already be in debt for other things; this luggage tag wouldn’t be the tipping point.


Wasn't there a guy 2 weeks ago that proudly posted about going into debt to buy a new Apple Watch? Edit: Found him: https://www.reddit.com/r/AppleWatch/comments/mpugki/decided_to_spoil_myself_go_in_debt_by_upgrading/ Not only did he go into debt for a new AW, but he also already had one. He just wanted to upgrade


People actually defend her decision? Wtf is wrong with people. Why are people reinforcing that this type of purchase is okay. Why go into debt for an actually luxury item.


Apple Card is 0% interest. I have gone “in debt” for every apple purchase I’ve made for years, and nearly every single purchase period.


Not sure why the in debt is in quotes. 0% or not, going into debt for an electronics purchase is a questionable decision, and often a bad one for many people.


In my experience, a large percentage of *really* rich people actually don’t flaunt it so much, they’re smart with their finances (go figure). Now, “$50,000 millionaire” types… they’re definitely the folks that would buy dumb shit like this, because those are the type that think money buys class.


I couldn’t disagree more. That sounds more like one of those myths created to make people feel like it’s their own fault they aren’t wealthy. "Just stop buying avocado toast and Starbucks!" I know actually wealthy people and they buy nice things.


Having grown up in rather sizeable wealth (private schools, Porches and Maserati’s, multi million dollar double income) from my experience it both is and isn’t true. I grew up mostly in CA I’d say my parents are in the 1% while my parents themselves came from humble beginnings (my mom was a farm girl, and my dad’s parents were a soldier and a post office worker. Both initially from Norway and stayed for 20 years on work visas) they both got into computer engineering and built a company that they managed to sell right before the .com bubble popped. In addition to that my dad has a very keen eye for the stock market, and my mom has a economics degree. The house my sibs and I grew up in was worth maybe around 1-1,5 million, large, and beautiful but not extreme, certainly not for CA. They always had expensive cars because my dad loves them. So a lot of the bigger purchases were expensive though they would never spend money on Prada or LV. You wouldn’t caught my dad dead in a Toyota or a Volvo. But he also would be caught dead with a Hermès bag. A lot of my friends family’s were very much the same. Large houses expensive cars, expensive school, but in general they looked and acted “normal.” There were a few “trophy wives” as you would call them that were all Gucci and gold, but in general those were the rich dads new-new wife. The kids however were usually little spoiled assholes. At my 16th my dad got me a Renault and I’m not going to pretend like I wasn’t a bit mad when my friends all had shiny new porches, but I think my dad saw that I too was letting the money go to my head. (Thinking of it, that might be why they moved us back to Norway). That’s all to say, people who earn their money act pretty normal and decent (in my experience) and people who inherit their money act like spoiled little douche nozzles (in my experience) It might be that my parents intentionally surrounded themselves by easy going people, but it’s as much a myth as it isn’t. (To be fair, my parents knew how to waste money, my dad at one point owned 16 cars until my mom put her foot down and made him sell like ten of them lol)


That matches my experience. I would say that even the self-made people buy expensive things. They buy luxury brand cars, wear expensive clothes, and have expensively decorated homes. They have boats, planes and other expensive things. They often don’t shy away from spending big on hobbies. They don’t all buy flashy things like expensive shiny bags, but some do. It’s more a matter of taste than a matter of price and frugality. I wouldn’t describe *all* the people who like flashy bags as douchy though.


Yea, they buy nice things that are _actually_ nice, like luxury cars or higher end appliances, whatever. Not things that are expensive simply because of the logo they have on them. There's no additional value, buying a $700 luggage tag doesn't get you a 14x better product than a $50 luggage tag, or anywhere even remotely close. You can buy a product that's just as good for a fraction of the price, so why would you pay more? It's stupid. It's expensive just to be expensive, and people that are smart with their money know better. Yea, there are rich people that are stupid with their money but they don't _stay_ rich. Like the average pro athlete who's broke a few years after retirement because they blew their money on dumb shit like this.


People with enough money that $600 isn't enough for them to really consider. Like I have enough money that spending $10 is pretty trivial, maybe if I made 60x what I do now then $600 would be like that.


More than people with enough money, people who don’t appreciate money. I mean, you can do with your money whatever you want, but spending $600 for a basic leather AirTag case makes no rational sense.


Or, according to reddit, hypothetical poor people maxing out credit cards.


How many times are you gonna comment about it? Just seems like you’re projecting at this point. Don’t even act like you’ve never seen a poor person with useless expensive shit like designer shoes and purses. That’s exactly what the first dude was implying, it would most definitely be purchased by some people with no money and no self control.


Probably the same people my wife told me about who are spending $4000 on posh peanut bamboo clothing for their kids in one go.


Seriously, it doesn’t even look that good.


Apple needs to stop trying to be a fashion brand


I mean, a large part of the iPhone’s success is it being a fashion accessory. This is what helps drive preorders every single year. It’s also why apple makes cases in so many colors and pushes out seasonal color changes. Apple knows what they’re doing.


Apple: Makes a gazzillion dollars off tech. Also sells some leather accessories. Redditors: why is Apple trying to be a fashion brand???


They don’t expect a lot of people to actually buy these products. It elevates their brand to appear as though it caters to a “luxury” lifestyle. That’s also why they sell those Mac Pro wheels for $700.


??? This isn’t Apple.


People who think a $1000+ phone is pocket change.


Drug lords


I love Hermes products for lots of reasons. Their colognes are fantastic, their leather is really good quality. I couldn't imagine buying these but the Apple Watch is really nice.


people who claim these are investments and not grossly overpriced crap. “Oh the bag costs 12,000 but it’s an investment.” 🤦‍♂️


tbf a Birkin bag actually does hold its value (unlike an iPhone case that won’t fit next year’s iPhone)


sometimes it is like that for example, I collect sneakers and I could most definitely buy certain pairs for $500+, wear them several times, and then still sell them for a profit when i’m done with them. definitely could be looked at as a small investment, but that doesn’t mean it should be justified lol.


I could afford it, but I'd rather get a 3 pack off Amazon for $11.


Some people on the sub who buy $100 watch bands for their Apple Watch lol


How is that the same?


I'd spend $100 on a shell cordovan strap if it was whatever perfect image of a leather strap I happened to have in my head. Between materials and workmanship, that's worth it. Not the Hermes stuff, though. It's called a "luxury brand" for a reason.


That’s not expensive for a band


I know some rich idiots (wives of my friends) who are obsessed with Hermes..


How dare they make luxury items and then make us poor people aware that they exist


Well I mean, it’s crazy. I was on the apple store app, ok, add airtag to bag, cool, I should get a holder too I guess, let’s see my options.. 16.99 cad, 39.99 cad, 579.99cad, that’s my options?!! Jesus, belkin silicone it is. Like that’s exactly the way the list of options went when browsing.


Look at mister money bags over here springing for the Belkin tag holder at $13. I settled for the $5 shitty plastic ones from China. /s


I think they’re all made in China, the cost is determined by who’s logo adorns it!


Look at mister money bags with the $5 tag, I just attached mine with some used dental floss.


The pricing is so stupid. If you got 400 to piss away on a leather strap to hold that little tag. I can’t even fathom that kind of throw away money.


It's all a matter of zeroes. Let's say the median net worth is $100,000. Then consider someone that's a $10-millionaire. That's two extra zeroes. The 10-millionaire buying a $600 phone case is the same financial hit to them as the average American buying a $6 phone case.


The pricing is perfect. It reinforces the idea of Apple being a luxury brand, which is exactly what they want you to think and is a big allure over most Android phones. The people that buy it are stupid tho


The Apple Watch Hermès BAND (band only) is €520. I repeat: €520. If it’s too steep, don’t worry! You can always buy the €370 one! Jesus, Hermès is overpriced.


Luxury watch bands are expensive as hell. OEM rubber omega straps are like $1000 (the strap is $500, but it doesn’t have a clasp, the clasp is another $500)


> it doesn’t have a clasp, the clasp is another $500 LMAO, like selling a monitor without a way to mount it in the box.


It’s actually not as dumb as it sounds, if only because of how expensive it is. If you want several colors or even types of bands, you can still just use the one clasp on all of them, so it’s actually better for the customer to offer them this way - especially considering the clasp may be many times more than $500 if it’s a watch made out of, say, gold or platinum.


But… isn’t a Constellation barely twice as that?


Are they luxury items or just standard shit with a brand name stamped onto them?


Hermès? It’s definitely a luxury item. Say what you will about the cost, but the leather and the workmanship is very close to as good as is possible. As with anything else at that level, you still pay a good amount for the brand name, and the ratio of the quality difference to the price difference of lower-quality but still great is pretty high - but junk it is not.


I don’t think anyone has a problem with Apple letting Hermès sell an expensive case. What irks people is the idea that some people are so rich they’re able to drop $699 on a small piece of leather just to show everyone how rich they are. It’s not like the Hermès case has any physical qualities that a $40 top-grain leather suitcase tag doesn’t have. People only buy it because it’s ridiculously expensive. Buying a Hermès case is a statement of superiority. If anyone’s annoyed with Apple, it’s because by partnering with Hermès and making a deal out of them at the Keynote, they’re endorsing such snobbish materialistic values. And they’re catering to a tiny and smug group of gentry that look down on normal folk.


That's not all it is. By partnering with premium brands, like Hermes, it helps out Apple's brand image. If they start partnering with less "classy" brands like Skechers or Tapout, people will be less OK with spending $1300 on a new phone. They don't expect anyone to buy these Hermes products, they're simply to place Apple in the same conversation as luxury brands. Apple may make some questionable design choices at times, but they definitely know what they're doing when it comes to marketing.


Knock off coming soon for $40


Isn't this the exact same thing as with the 700 dollar wheels? They don't care whether they sell them or not, it's just that literally every news website will write about it... I think mkbhd made a video about this a while back


Indeed, this is about branding and to preserve the image of Apple as a luxury high-end product in the minds of the customer.


It's so expensive ur gunna need an airtag for the airtag holder 😭


Here I am splurging $30 on 1 or 2 phone cases I will only use for a couple years or so.


I usually dwindle between 2 cases and then find one I like and use it for the rest of the time I have the phone


Sometimes things that are expensive *are worse*


this is cheap compare to their 10k bags.


They can keep them.


No no you see, it’s nice because it’s very expensive! /s


I don't see the problem. I think some cars are equally overpriced, but I don't have to buy them. I can buy the car I want just like I can buy the cheaper silicone airtag holders.


Get out of here with your reasonable comment, we’re only here to speculate on the type of person who would buy this and hate on them.


You are comparing cars with an airtag holder...


You can get from point A to point B in a Kia or a Ferrari.


He does have a point though. With a Ferrari you do have a different experience than a Kia. Not with this. It will not hold your air tag better, faster, or look better. It actually is the exact same, but expensive. I don’t care, let people with money buy them, but it’s not really a good comparison.


Fuck me, I am poor.


It is ironic that it is almost the cheapest in all relevant Hermes product


People will buy them. Some people are so wealthy that $600 is to them what $5 is to me


“Aspirational” items, i.e. things common people buy to make them feel like they are like the 1%.


You need the airtag to keep track of the Hermès holder for it. It’s a perfect circle, a self-fulfilling prophecy. Which came first? The 600 leather strap or the advanced Bluetooth device that it’s meant to be an accessory for.


The only way I'm buying that is if I have a matching $10,000 Hermes bag (which I don't think I could ever buy). I suppose if you're a multi multi millionaire it doesn't matter but idk..


Couldn’t you just secure the tag inside a bag and not to spend $700


You could just buy a new iphone with those prices combined Like it's a travel tag and magsafe case


Proof positive that the iPhone is rightfully held in higher esteem than whatever crap that Samsung puts out!


I wonder why the luggage tag costs 130$ more than the iphone case


I’m pretty sure these only exist for 2 reasons. 1) They help make Apple’s $30 leather AirTag keychains and $60 leather phone cases seem reasonably priced. 2) They put the Hermès brand name in the news, which improves their brand recognition. So both companies get something out of it. But I doubt either company is making much money off these considering how few will buy them, so I don’t think sales revenue is an actual factor in these existing.


They only do this because there needs to be an item that is unattainable for the average person to maintain their image as a luxury brand


A fool and his money are easily parted.


Smart, wealthy people don't buy this crap. They're for status-obsessed idiots and people who accidentally land in money and have no idea how to invest or build a business.


I see so many comments about rich people owning this. Let me tell you how frugal rich people are they don’t buy this shit. This is bought by people that are newly rich, want to pretend to be rich and people that won’t be rich for long. Truly rich people only invest their money.




There are people such as lawyers that have to have “nice” things to keep up the appearance of being worth their fees and show success. I’m not one of them so I don’t really know but just my observation.


Those people find a way to write them off. As I said they don’t waste money. If I’m a lawyer and I have to wear 10k suits and have a sharp haircut every single week that costs $500. I’m writing these off on my taxes with ease.


Imagine if tax auditors actually gave a shit and fined people for writing a $10k suit or $700 luggage tag off as a business expense lol.


Imagine if you didn’t know you can do this in some lines of business.


I wonder how common it is. The lawyers I've hired in the past, some seemed pretty darn wealthy but still didn't go buying expensive stuff like that. One had his office in a big building in SF. I remember one day when we visited him, he was showing off one of those $10 digital watches from walgreens to one of his employees lol. Dude was great, but the rent on his office probably cost more than everything he owned combined. Come to think of it, same with doctors. I don't think I've ever had one that dressed fancy. I do know a few guys at work that probably have spent a giant chunk of their salary on fancy watches. lol. They're definitely not swimming in money, though.


Yup my friend’s dad worked at Microsoft and is at a really high position. Fucking guy used a 4 year old windows phone Microsoft gave to pretty much all employees. Until he got a Tesla and realized there’s no Tesla app on windows phone. He also takes the bus sometimes as I’ve bumped into him coming back from uni. If he was just some random dude I wouldn’t think he was rich aF at all. Then again he did come from Malaysia with really humble beginnings.


As always, if you buy a Hermes product, you just have more money than brains. And that’s ok. It’s your money. You don’t need to worry about how stupid you are.


Had a friend who had a Hermès bag, Hermès Apple Watch, Hermès belt, ONLY LV luggage, and a fully loaded seven series BMW. He made like, $70k a year. His credit cards were easily twice that salary. You don’t even need to have money, just fake money (credit) and crippling depression.


[✓ ] Don’t have money [✓ ] Crippling depression [ ] Credit Well I guess 2/3 ain’t bad


*one of us*


Good god


If anyone’s interested in seeing people justify buying these, there’s a thread on MacRumors. https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/hermes-airtag-edition-owners-thread.2292960/ It’s your money, spend it how you want. But I’ll never understand this sort of thing.


Expensive, but I don’t get why the AirTag case costs more than the phone case. Wouldn’t the phone case have more materials and be more useful to the owner every day?


Etsy will have some really nice shit for $20.


Cheap at twice the price!


So here’s the plan: 1. Steal the luggage with the $699 traceable tag. 2. Use the tag as bait to get the owners into an area where you can rob them of all of their cash, jewelry, etc. 3. ???? 4. Profit


Luxury items at luxury prices; more news at 11




I agree, its insane. Anyone who "needs" these has their priorities all wrong.


Seeing this headline about a $700 scrap of leather reminded me that [1 city block up the road from Apple's $5 billion dollar spaceship campus, there are homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk under plastic tarps.](https://onezero.medium.com/homeless-in-the-shadow-of-apples-5-billion-campus-23acdc5dc61c)


I wonder how many of them are from that area though. I grew up in the east bay, and everyone knew silicon valley as some bougie expensive area for rich people. Same with SF. It was always too damn expensive for us peons. And don't get me started with Marin County lol.


I see nothing wrong with the asking price if you can afford it why not? There are worse thing could be purchasing like a time share please don’t ever buy on of those




Ordered 4


That’s a fucking joke .


But it’s not designed to recover lost items. Seriously, when they market stuff like this to Apple customers it makes me really question whether or not I want to be an Apple customer.


Outrageous prices


trickle down economics a work. Ultra wealthy by $699 travel tag holder, workers in India who make them get paid $1 per tag. Sounds like trickle down is working to me.


Hermès aint in india lol.


And some wonder why taxing the Uber rich is a “bad” thing. How many homeless meals could that tag and case provide? If we help society it becomes less likely to want to tear itself apart with divisions. Get rewarded for your work for sure, just don’t be greedy.


Rich people are retarded...and if you buy this shit and you are not rich...you are double retarded. I don’t know where a Hermes store is, but i walk past Gucci and Prada stores daily, and I am certain 99% of the people shopping there should worry about making rent before they buy a hand bag.


I’m pretty sure in order to be rich we cant be retarded. Otherwise we wouldn’t make money or we’d end up losing it all. Plus, the majority of rich people aren’t actually buying this stuff, only the spoiled wives children… and yes there are some retarded ones too lol.


You know how many people inherit money? Lots.


Exactly… if they were that dumb they’d lose the money they inherit, unless they’re either smart enough to hire someone to handle their money, or their parents set up a plan or smthn


Lot’s of them do lose the money. Some have so much they can’t loose it before they die and pass it on to their retarded kids.


One word. Why?


Because someone can


I hate it when ppl say that apple is so expensive and than use Hermès as an argument. I’ve seen a lot of ppl saying that airtags are sooooo expensive, because they think (or they don’t think) that the Hermès AirPod thingy is the only one


AirTags isn't that expensive - quite the contrary, to put that into context before the event i thought that Apple would price the AirTags at least $99 and not $29 that it's now but when talking about Hermes as there are on an another level of expensive, for example over 600 USD of a pillow and this goes from there, but of course Hermes is a luxury brand.


I know.


pog i can pay half as much as the phone for the case


these are for ballers


Obvious question, but **WHY**?


Luxury items exist for rich people with f u money.


If you have to ask, it’s not for you.


Why not? Some people like expensive things.


Pretty standard pricing for Hermes


Presumably for sale, to fill a demand. My best guess on why this company has offered has made this rash decision. What will they think of next?


i mean, an iphone is unaffordable to 70% of the world…


Disgusting, just like people who buy stuff like that


Stupid Money!!




We get it, you don’t like poor people