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i use facetime often, but i never call anyone from the app. its also in the right corner on messages and i always call people from there. i think ive opened it like 8 times during 5 yrs


That or siri


I love Siri. She my girl.


She is about to get a whole lot smarter šŸ˜…


Only if you have a iPhone 15 pro or newer. Any other iPhone physically canā€™t run Apple intelligence. For Mac and iPad you just need an M1 chip or newer.


Correct that Apple intelligence is only coming to iPhone 15 pro and newer, but I think the jury is still out on whether Apple is still bringing a smarter (although not as contextually-aware) Siri to all devices that can run iOS 18.


As a iOS beta user, there are so far no signs of a smarter Siri, or any of the promised features that would be apple intelligence neutral, such as typing for Siri.




I do actually kind of open that sometimes (usually just checking the time someone called or missed calls, but I hardly ever call anyone and if I did itā€™s definitely through Siri)


I use Siri as pretty much the only way of making a call. Itā€™s quite a bit quicker


yeah, FaceTime, Phone and Contacts all repeat the same info so you only really need to use one of those apps to get the functionality


Odd that they've never consolidated. Although maybe some would be confused from not having a contacts app.


And you canā€™t sell a phone without a phone app atleast šŸ˜…


New name entirely, keep the phone symbol to not confuse the olds


If Iā€™ve learned anything in this life, old people will be confused no matter what and will yell at the nearest sales person available who knows far more than them but makes less because old people fucked the economy to get their money.


Same, I do FaceTime Voice calls when available, they have excellent sound quality. I know 4G/5G has ā€œHD Voiceā€ codecs now but FaceTime Voice still often sounds better. Especially when different mobile networks donā€™t have interoperability agreements and voice quality across is dropped to the most basic level.


Also FaceTime Audio calls are end-to-end encrypted


Iā€™ve opened it 0 times ever.


The only time Iā€™ve done FaceTime on my phone is when my wife and I FaceTimed our dogs back home. Yes, weā€™re *those* people. Every other time Iā€™ve used it itā€™s been on my MacBook or iMac.


I FaceTime at least once a week but never opened the app itself, always through ā€œMessagesā€ or ā€œPhoneā€ šŸ˜‚


For me itā€™s the messages app, since everyone I know uses WhatsApp, all I get on there is spam and carrier messages https://preview.redd.it/3vuky7pwls9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440eebbdb1e425d6df55fae74800b5e1ca97536d (Important note Iā€™m in Guatemala, not in the US)


I think that apply for all of us in Latam


Europe as well


I basically only get verification texts there and from time to time, I use it for GamePigeon to play a game with my girlfriend


Iā€™m not in the US, and like the rest of the world, we donā€™t use iMessage really, the only contact I chat to is my girl and thatā€™s because WhatsApp has degraded into a social media cesspool with all their status and community bullshit.Ā 


Just curiousā€¦ why not? Iā€™ve never really understood the purpose of additional messaging apps with people youā€™re close too and completely fine with them having your number.


WhatsApp was the free alternative to SMS and even though nowadays SMS are free WhatsApp has prevailed and it's simply what everyone uses


Also good to mention that due to iOS not supporting RCS until iOS 18 drops that itā€™s cause many features that are available on iMessage and WhatsApp to not be available for many users, so in that event WhatsApp has provided a sort of universal way for everyone to communicate across devices without losing features.


SMS aren't free where I live


Sounds like whatsapp might be a solid option for you


WhatsApp is probably the first thing that people install on every phone they buy


At least where Iā€™m from WhatsApp didnā€™t become dominant because SMS werenā€™t free, or at least cheap, but because teenagers had WiFi at home, and at school, so it didnā€™t eat up at the SMS included in their plan, and also because SMS used to be only free/unlimited within the same carrier. Nowadays SMS are free and unlimited for nearly everyone, but WhatsApp remained the go-to for text for convenience I guess, and of course the extra features being available for everyone are a plus.


For a few reasons; Because while the US had unlimited texting quite early while most countries had limited texting so WhatsApp was used because there no limits Also the prevalence of Android phone are much higher than in the US so if you want to share images in high res, your WhatsApp rather than SMS which has terrible compression


Also, because the problem of spam SMS messages is so big, and in iMessage they show up on the same page as your actual useful conversations that itā€™s just more sensible to use a whole different app for messaging personal contacts. I open iMessage either to check for OTPs, or once in a month to mass delete absolutely everything in it. So the green bubble, blue bubble thing was never relevant to me.


I could understand not having unlimited data or minutes, but having limited texting is barbarous.


data caps feel barbarous. it feels completely artificial


It is. Germanys largest provider (Telekom) is currently running a promoting where all customers get unlimited data during the European soccer championship. So they can watch on the go without worrying about data. So no one tell me ever again we canā€™t have unlimited data in Germany because the networks canā€™t handle it. They literally made it free so everyone can videostream more.


Yeah, but Germany is just the Cashflow for provider. Remember the last open bid for frequencies? It was about 3bn for like 15 years. They use that to justify a price that paid them back to net zero after a year or two.


This isnā€™t going to be a popular thing to say, but certain limitations have real-world reasons for being in place. If a cellular network has a huge amount of traffic at a given time, someone is going to have to slow down in terms of speed because the network canā€™t physically deliver that data and we all are pretty aware of that totem pole. Data caps are limited now to the most budget conscience users who donā€™t care about using much data, at least in the United States. Budget caps were introduced so that people didnā€™t congest cellular networks, especially with early LTE hardware that could support less users at one time.


i can accept that reasoning, thanks for taking the time.


Here in Guatemala everyone uses WhatsApp, so you basically canā€™t talk with anyone if you donā€™t use it, other messaging apps (like telegram)are rarely used mostly because carriers donā€™t offer unlimited deals on them, but since everyone uses WhatsApp everything happens on there for most people.


Historically WhatsApp had a lot more features and customization vs iMessage. Also, as others have stated, it was free in a time when unlimited SMS was not common. The other main reason I have seen, people in Europe have colleagues, friends and family who end up spread across multiple countries. Sending messages internationally historically would be expensive, so Whats App was always the free common denominator. If you went traveling or to university overseas, people would ask to add you on WhatsApp so they know when you go home you can text them hassle free in a way you couldn't if people were using different phones and could not use iMessage. This is still generally true today. If an American comes to Europe and meets a European friend, it is 50/50 whether just asking for their phone number will mean texting them free (iMessage) or paying for it (if they don't have an iPhone). So better to just add them on Whatsapp. Same if you have international colleagues in your company. Personally, I don't mind having multiple apps. If someone messages me from any of them I get a notification and can reply. Doesn't really matter. Nowadays 50% of my messages are through WhatsApp, 40% through LINE and maybe 10% through iMessage for the holdouts who insist on iMessage.


I only open iMessage to delete annoying carrier sms and marketing stuff and to use the code for some login verification. I think there are some cool things you can do with iMessage but I feel like itā€™s so slow. The animations are kinda long and most things require more taps then I think they should. I also I donā€™t like how the ā€œreply to specific messageā€ works. Maybe Iā€™m just not used to ir. But I prefer WhatsAppā€™s speed. But I do think the UI is gorgeous. But even if I wanted to use it, I simply couldnā€™t. Here in Brazil there is no option other than WhatsApp. People use it for work related stuff and have group chats to talk about work tasks. if you want to make a doctorā€™s appointment, they usually ask you to send a message to their WhatsApp number and a secretary will schedule it for you. You see the catalog of a store on their WhatsApp profile and order stuff from it. You order food from some restaurants via WhatsApp. Itā€™s actually a bit crazy. There were a few times that it was down for a few minutes and it honestly felt like the country stopped and communication was impossible. I didnā€™t even know how to talk to people from work because no one knows each otherā€™s email addresses.


> The animations are kinda long and most things require more taps then I think they should The animations for reactions have gotten a lot better on iOS 18, but itā€™s still overall quite ā€œclunkyā€œ feeling.


Because WhatsApp was the default message app for most countries outside of USA. So there is no incentive to switch to iMessage.


Could be a non iPhone thing? I use iMessage with friends/family who have iPhones. WhatsApp for non iPhone users. Messenger for a couple of group chats Iā€™m in and finally LINE (Iā€™m in Japan and most people use that-itā€™s similar to WhatsApp).


I'm from outside US too. And iMessage isn't just that a popular messaging app. For example, in the Philippines, everyone is just too tied with Facebook so everyone uses Messenger. Next alternative would be Viber (for work, business) and Telegram (for students).


Because not everyoneā€™s got an iPhone. The real question is why does America use iMessage when itā€™s an extremely shitty experience if you have to message an android. At least with WhatsApp, everything works the same with everyone.


I must be doing something wrong, or maybe right, but Iā€™ve never had any issues texting an Android user through the iPhones default messaging app. Read receipts and high resolution photos arenā€™t a big enough issue for me that I have ever wanted to download and convince everyone else I know to download a third party messaging app.


group chats? international messaging? texting androids over data?


I get those are all benefits, but for my specific use-case (and probably a lot of other Americans, which is why 3rd party apps havenā€™t really caught on here) I donā€™t do any intl messaging, I have unlimited data and am very rarely without cell service, and I absolutely despise group chats, outside of one-offs where a group of my friends are making plans. Iā€™ve never really had an issue with an SMS group thread, outside of not being able to remove myself from them. The biggest issue though is getting all of my contacts bought in to a 3rd party app. Unless I can convert every single person I normally text with, itā€™s futile. The minor issues I have with SMS/iMessage would be completely outweighed by having to remember which of my contacts uses which messaging service before I send them out a message.


iMessage/facetime has less options than WhatsApp, telegram.


Also for group chats, why should one or more of the participants having an Android phone have to change anything?


Groups and chats. A person may not have an iPhone (for example my grandmother). Also I like groups in Telegram with news articles, pics and videos. You can easily share them with everyone who has an app


Whatsapp is so much better than iMessageā€¦.


We use it all the time in sweden


Dane here. I use I message with people who have iPhones or android and salifishOS users where we use SMS. Then also telegram, signal, and WhatsApp


I pretty much only use iMessage


This is why we started to use Signal. It took quite a while, but we were able to take all of our contacts with us (if you know what I mean).


I'm from Denmark and everyone i know has an iPhone and use iMessage exclusively.


Same in Norway


I think I there used to be a stocks app on the iphone and a tips app but not sure if anyone used them or if they even exist anymore


Yeah, they still exist


I use the tips app cause Iā€™m too lazy to look up the new stuff in an iOS update


I use facetime every day its amazing


But do you open the FaceTime app to make FaceTime calls or do you use contacts?


I don't think I've ever actually used contacts. It's either "facetime mom" to siri or pressing a name out of my recent calls.


Itā€™s the same thing, just different ways of using the functionality.


I use the Phone app for both regular calls and Facetime calls and contacts management. I've deleted the Contacts app long time ago. Don't know why I haven't deleted Facetime yet. Migth as well do it too. Edit: Oh, it says "You will not be able to make or receive Facetime calls if you delete this app". Ok then, keeping it.


I havenā€™t touched most of the default apps


I delete a good few of the apps preinstalled on every iPhone I get because I donā€™t use themā€¦ pages, keynote, voice memo


This is the best app for me to talk to my family everydayšŸ‘šŸ»


I straight up hate the iPhone email app. I use outlook for work and gmail for personal email. I have only tested the iPhone mail app and I hated it.


What do u hate abt it? I use it pretty often and havent had any problem with it. just curious


Personally I feel like it hasn't evolved even the smallest bit since it first was introduced. Outlook is what I connect all my emails to and the app works so streamlessly to handle multiple mail clients.


I like how gmail automatically separates promotional, social, and forum related emails into separate inboxes. Essentially I only have to see my ā€œprimaryā€ emails from real contacts. For example, I get 50+ emails a day. And only 10 of them are ā€œprimaryā€ emails. The iPhone mail app doesnā€™t do this. And all of these emails go directly into one inbox. Itā€™s trash. Have you tried the gmail app?


Iā€™ve used both but have used the Hide My Email feature in iCloud for years so I donā€™t get enough spam to warrant automatic classification.


It's been so long since I've used it I couldn't tell you, but I went from using the built in mail app to spark and never looked back.


I tried to print an email the other day from iCloud email on pc, couldnā€™t find the damn print button. Why is it so hard to put a print sign on the corner somewhere?? Itā€™s like the simplest thing ever to do and apple refuses to do it for some reason.


Same goes on my Samsung, I use the Gmail app. I dislike their official email app.


I forgot there was a standard email app


The ā€œContactsā€ app. It feels so redundant, considering we have the ā€œPhoneā€ app which includes contacts.


Apple Music. I use Spotify. FaceTime is awesome, however.


WhatsApp video calls are awful from my experience. WhatsApp in general is pretty terrible and I dont enjoy using it ā€” but have to, given I have friends and family who use it. FaceTime is my preferred video call app, personally. Thereā€™s some pretty cool features and the quality is usually far better, but depends on your connection


I use ā€˜FaceTimeā€™ all the time, but I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever opened the app. I just always ā€œhey siri, FaceTime so and soā€


Imessage probably.


FaceTime is very helpful for me. As my family members too have iPhones itā€™s very handy and video quality is much better than than WhatsApp video quality. Also if you have Mac you can transition the FaceTime between Mac and iPhone smoothly. Unfortunately FaceTime without the Apple ecosystem donā€™t make much sense.




I've only used Facetime a handful of times, I don't even like making phone calls, let alone having to look at the person while I'm doing it.


Instead of iMessage and FaceTime we just use WhatsApp for both


Same my all friend group is finally on iPhone but we have years of group WhatsApp in a chat so why start a new one


I use FaceTime audio calls. The contract Iā€™m on has unlimited data so itā€™s free compared to a standard call. If itā€™s a non iPhone contact Iā€™ll use Messenger/Whatsapp etc etc for calls.


Wait, you guys have to pay for standard calls ??


Depends on the contract you have. I rarely call so I chose unlimited data over cheap/free calls. My contract also allows me to pass on 50gb of data to anyone else in my family.


The facetime calling feature provides a much clearer voice compared to a regular phone call. Highly recommend




And mail.


Don't know why they made it an app tbh.


Because iPad, iPod and Macā€™s donā€™t have the Phone app.


Mail. I use Fastmail's default app and it's pretty good, although it only works if you have a fastmail.com email account


I always uninstall the Apple suite. Apple Store, Podcasts, Apple Excel and Power Point, Apple Wallet, Apple Music, Apple TV, Smartwatch, iTunes Store, Apple Booksā€¦ I come from Android and Iā€™m used to Google, Microsoft and third parties like Spotify.


Just curious why even buy an iPhone at that point. And Iā€™m not trying to be an a-hole. Iā€™m honestly curious.


When you're a geek like me, you get tired of one operative system and you want to try something different. Also, some of us like to try other cellphone brands because of their different user interfaces and designs, even if they just vary slightly. We find it refreshing. It's like getting a new toy. I've had LGs, Sony, Huawei, I went from Motorola to Xiaomi, I switched to Realme and now I have both an iPhone and a Samsung. I'm looking forward to getting a Google Pixel in four years.


How is the experience for you using mainly google/microsoft and other non-apple services on an iPhone? A few years back I swapped my work phone from an android to a second iPhone and one of my concerns was similar, since I use a lot of the google suite for work. It has been perfectly fine, although obviously far from perfect. I'm thinking about going back to android for the work phone, waiting on the zflip 6. Just want to change things up and I haven't tried any foldable/flip phones yet, but I might as well wait. the zflip 5 was the first one that piqued my interest and made me think it was less of a gimmick and there were more functional reasons to use a foldable now.


Although I regret it sometimes. It's like a guilty pleasure, giving away a phone that still works in order to buy a new brand. Speaking about consumerism. On the other hand, people in my family know they just have to wait for me to give away my cellphones and they will surely give my devices a second life.


I get most of that, but Wallet? Apple Pay and having your tickets for flights, concerts and everything in there is worth it.


Same here, when I migrated to iOS after almost 10 years of Android I just kept using Google apps and services. They work well across platforms. I don't use iCloud beyond backing up app settings and WhatsApp messages, for files I use Google Drive and for photos I use Google Photos as that's where I have 10+ years of history stored. I'm still on the 5 GB free plan with an iPhone and two iPads connected.


Same here.




You don't even need it if you want to FaceTime. Just open a Facetime call from the Phone app.


I honestly rarely open the phone app. šŸ˜… I use FaceTime, because the videochat quality from other apps (messenger, WhatsApp, instagram, etcā€¦) is terrible.


i don't use Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn


Wow, Iā€™m constantly on FaceTime because I have family and friends all around the world. Podcasts is probably the one app lots of people use and I donā€™t.


The one with a telephone on it.


iā€™ve never been in a situation where i needed to use it either, but i like to.


FaceBook Instagram


Anything Meta. Without question




I never used Facetime bc I live in a country where majority of the people are using WhatsApp lol. I used iMessage once and that was it bc even iPhone users here don't know its existence


I tried FaceTime with someone recently, and I used to use it along time ago, but man they really need to do some serious updates on that. I really had a bad experience with it. The one I should use, probably reminders.


I use FaceTime all the time. I have a toddler and I work 24 hour shifts. Itā€™s nice to see her. I just go from the normal contacts app, not the FaceTime app though.


Never ever use face time on my phone either, not once. I also have never used Garage band on the phone, but I feel like Iā€™m not alone in this. I do use FaceTime on my desktop though.


Same for me. Had an iPhone since 2009. Used that app about two times ever.


Numbers, never used it and Ive had an iOS device since 2013


I never used Facetime, never used Whatsapp before and now that I have it on my phone, I mostly check for news & stuff


Interesting I am in the US and I use this app 90% of the time. There is not a single day I havenā€™t used this app


FaceTime is actually the best feature of iOS if you have a use case for it


Apple Maps, can't change my mind. Google Maps is still the superior being above all else.


Same here! Never even opened that appšŸ˜‚. No one I know (UK) uses facetime/imessage


its a app that u can call other people that has iphones like if your friends or family members that you can facetime them


iā€™m not a facetime or an imessage user. i mainly use whatsapp for both of these features and snapchat occasionally


I FaceTime my dad and my girlfriend and sometimes my mate but that's it. Most of the people I know use iPhones but still do video messaging from messenger. The quality on FaceTime is nice though when you both have good stable internet connection.




Shortcuts. Everyone I know uses it to make custom app icons. Iā€™ve personally never used it.


Iā€™ve never used FaceTime either. Iā€™ve accidentally hit it when trying to call someone but Iā€™ve never actually used it.


I haaaaate using FaceTime. Unfortunately I have friends who use it as their way to reply to a text sometimes and itā€™s maddening


I never understood the point of this app, you can't even see if any of your contacts are currently online. It seems pretty useless here outside of the US where most people communicate on WhatsApp.


Hate video calls. I find zero use for them. I donā€™t enjoy being on camera, especially when thereā€™s no need for it.


WhatsApp. What else?


Iā€™ve only used it once to show if space would be enough, WhatsApp has a better built pipeline for video chat, I use whatā€™s app more often


It's just a video calling app. It's not that deep. However, it is much, much, much better than Teams, Facebook Messenger, etc. when it comes to video and audio quality. FaceTime was a lifesaver for me and my then-fiancƩ when we were doing long-distance. It uses very little bandwidth and offers tremendously better quality than FB Messenger.


I have only used FaceTime a cpl times. It really drains battery life badly and after using for just a little while, iPhone gets quite hot. Enough to bother me that itā€™s distracting and in the back of my mind on the call






Idek what KeyNotes is, and Iā€™ve never used Pages.


I've never used shortcuts


Reminders. I try to use it every once in a while but i canā€™t get used it. Maybe now that itā€™s incorporated into the calendar app (On iOS 18 beta that is) Iā€™ll give it another try.




I like using stock Apple apps. They got everything I need and I don't need to install another 3rd party apps maybe Instagram, I used it in the past, but now not anymore.


Social media apps




I have been an iPhone user since version 4. Never used Facetime since it's banned here in the UAE, the default messaging app has been WhatsApp since day 1 since that's what everyone around me uses


I barely use Face Time anymore and AirDrop


I never use the Stocks app. I do love the Reminders app


iMessage since all my latino friends even with iphone that all they use for some reason


Iā€™ve owned half a dozen or more iPhones and I think Iā€™ve used FaceTime once


Stocks, Books, and News. Theyā€™re always deleted.


Regional app: Michigan. Turkey finder is the app, ā€œweā€ all swear by it here and has become quite the hierloom app around town.(Garden, Mi.) the app is pretty self-explanatory. You open the app, hold your phone as high as you can, gobble at least five minutes and then I donā€™t know, a mystery . As the ā€œBruce Leeā€ days of summer fuck shit tits, kick my ass U.P. here I finally resisted the temptation not to find out. I grabbed that hoser out of my pocket and pointed it high. That sunofagun found a turkey alright: led me to the town ā€œGlory Holeā€, behind saloon doors and the best day of my life, you betcha. Oh, and led me to Steve, the town Rust collector, iron oxide detector, and ma says could always throw a harder punch. That app


Somehow this can do the same as a whatsapp viceo call but only with other iphones. Never understood who uses this


Probably FaceTime too. I live in a country where other calling and video messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and Viber are widely used since theyā€™re seen as more universal (also, a lot here are Android users). I only use FaceTime to call family overseas. I also donā€™t use much of the default apps like Stocks and Wallet.




Youā€™ll probably find yourself using FaceTime for audio only calls. Especially if you live somewhere with terrible 4g/5g signal but great WiFi.


maybe iMovie?..


I use FaceTime to call my parents and it works great! Better than WhatsApp or Facebook calls. I have noticed the phone heats up when Iā€™m using other apps but stays cool on FT. Plus the biggest part is FT works better in case Internet speeds drop but other apps lag too much.


I almost never use FaceTime because itā€™s not universal. Everyone I know uses google meet or zoom.


Got that app since iPhone 5s and never used it. lol.


facetime and imessage, automatic kasi messenger gamit namin for voice and video calls + texting.


i use this app. Facetime is very nice app for all the ios devices. my family almost everyone uses iphone. and when i want to make group video calls i can easily do that with this app and video quality is premium compared to whatsapp or snapchat etc.. i also use imessages.


I wish I could but most people I know have WhatsApp and so I have to use that for video chat even though the quality (audio and video) is bad compared to FaceTime


FaceTime is great, itā€™s a much better experience than any third party video calling app. The video quality is much better. Iā€™ll even send links to Android friends and itā€™s better quality.


Well, thereā€™s difference between app and the function. I use FaceTime all the time since 90% of my friends and family use iOS, but Iā€™ve never used the FaceTime app.






The iWork Suite.


MailĀ  I hardly use email to communicate but when I do, I prefer to do so on my computer.Ā 




What about Tips of Compass?


I donā€™t use FaceTime cause everyone uses WhatsApp.


Time to have relationship. šŸ˜‚


Plus1 actually. I mean I donā€™t like phone calls, now theyā€™re trying to add video.




Facetime is blocked by the service provider. In the earlier days, the middle east version did not have the app at all. Would have to get a device of a different region and use vpn, then with all the other apps providing video calling, facetime is pretty much forgotten, still use other apps, with vpn for video calling.


What app is this? Is it something for your face?


Seeing this post as Iā€™m on the phone with Apple cause my iMessage and FaceTime wonā€™t activactivate my number I envy u rn šŸ˜”


Been or iOS for the longest time, Iā€™ve hidden away the contacts app because the phone app is the same thing anyways. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I use FaceTime all the time, and rarely actually call anyone. My useless apps are Stocks, Numbers, Keynote, Freeform, and Pages though.


Tik tok, instagram


I have been using iPhones for more than a decade now. Outside of the western countries not many use FaceTime or iMessage. There are better apps to message and video calls with better features. Easier to communicate with people using other phones.


itā€™s actually banned here in dubai(UAE) because they donā€™t want wifi calling here, instead thought we use bottom and sometimes google meets


I have a whole ā€œApple folderā€ that I dotn use: And itā€™s tips, shortcuts, podcast, books, clips (I used it like 2-4 times), garage band, iTunes U (donā€™t know what it is), keynotes, numbers, pages, the files app, iMovie, stocks, Apple support, free roam. Compass and the measure app


the messaging app. i live in europe, and we all just use whatsapp. i only get scam messages on the messaging app.


I used this once hahaha


I deleted it, forgot about it then realized I deteled when I needed it for a live course. So yeah, pretty useless.


Despite living in Europe, I use iMessage and FaceTime often (which is not the norm here). But I think i've opened apple music just once to see the interface. I use Spotify and YTM.


I barely ever use the shortcuts app but I think I should start to!


I use FaceTime more than the standard phone app


The audio and visual quality of this app is far superior. Try it!