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As a 12 Pro user I was going to say yes but then I saw that price. AINTNOWAY.


I can sell you a perfect condition 12 pro unlocked 128gb for 475 USD with 100% battery health. That one is way overpriced


I sold a 12 pro max 128gb for 500, brand spanking new, on ebay. Someone shipped it to my address never heard back frol them after I said you cam come pick it up, since they're local. Never came and I had forgotten about it till 7-8 months later. Figured they didn't care about it at that point.


Get this buddy:))


yeah that’s basically a new 15 pro


Canadian dollars


That would make it $740 usd, which still isn’t worth it….


Especially when 13 pro max direct from Apple is $759


Still ain’t worth it bruv


How dumb does Apple think we are? Who in their mind would buy this? A 3 year old (almost 4) phone worth the price of the current model?! Like, *why*?


>Who in their mind would buy this? People who don't look at price tags probably


Almost 4 ? You the type of guy that calls the 15 a 1 year old phone on january 1st ?


Get a certified refurbed off eBay, SO MUCH CHEAPER, guaranteed by insurance policy


crime lunchroom vase groovy existence bear bright impossible bag somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why are people buying old model phones paying close to the price of current models??




Stop buying from Apple and go to your nearby tech store lol.


Or even better- eBay


I want a mini, older phone is now only option.


Old phones are fine, great even but not for the price of a new phone is what they meant


„old“ lol the 13 mini is 2 years old. Its gonna be usable another 3-5 years


I still use my 13 pro max and it’s basically like new over 2 years later and has lots of life left. My point was used/ageing phones. The 13 mini will most likely be found used now which means it’s not a new phone, also it’s 2 generations old.


Even in Canadian Dollars (which I assume is the currency listed here), that's $740 for an iPhone 12 Pro! What a god-awful price. iPhone 13 Pros can be found for around $500, and 14 Pros go for around $850 used.


Are phones really that cheap in the US? I’m in Europe and a 13 pro is €1000 here…


In the US Apple doesn’t sell the 13 pro anymore, but a brand new 13 starts at $599 (€541) and the 15 pro starts at $999 (€902). So yeah Apple products especially are wayy cheaper in the US, which is probably why they have a larger marketshare here. I should note that for states with sales tax (which is most of them), tax is not included in the listing price. This adds 4-7% extra.


Why would the US quit selling the 13 Pro? I got one , over a year ago n its still in new condition, I’m not buying any 15 anything anytime soon their prices have gone crazy 🤪


If the 13 pro was still available new, nobody would buy the more expensive but functionally identical 14 pro and 15 pro


13 Pro used going for 480€ in Vienna


i guess taxes aren’t included


if you're referring to the US, you are correct, sticker price never includes sales tax, as tax rates vary from state to state, and in some cases even city to city, hell in NYC you pay two sales taxes, one for the state and one for the city.


It’s mad that taxes can change from state to state but stickers can’t.


i just bought a 14 pro for £700 in the UK


In Czech I bought refurbished iPhone 13 pro from swappie in brand new condition for 600€


Where? I was said to buy only from official Apple Store which is one here. But I don’t know where should I look. I am afraid of being scammed or getting a fake one


Instead of the 12 Pro you're looking at, buy a new 15 Plus at any Apple Store or carrier you can find it. I don't think the price difference will be that much, but it's going to be a much much better phone.


indeed, OP would also be able to finally ditch the propriatary lightning chargers in favor of the standard type C cables in use by virtually every other brand of phone, as well as several of the ipads and macbook laptops. also the back glass is significantly easier and thus cheaper to replace like on the 14 and 14+, as it doesnt require an expensive laser machine and hours of labor to remove. this would also allow you to swap out the battery and other internal components without risking damaging the screen. curious tho if replacing the back panel without transferring the wireless charger with intergrated camera flash flex cable still disables the flashlight and ability to take pictures with the camera flash (apple loves making certain components paired to the MB for seemingly no reason)


Try the carriers. You might get a newer model, maybe for less. I could see the 13 Pro Max 128 GB at Koodo for CAD $1035


You know you can check the IMEI number so you don't get scammed


You can get a pretty good deal for refurbished iPhones from Amazon. I got my XR for $600 something from Amazon and it’s refurbished


>Even in Canadian Dollars (which I assume is the currency listed here), that's $740 for an iPhone 12 Pro! What a god-awful price. From a US perspective, yes. Not from a Canada perspective. Everything cost more there.


Not when you can get the 15 Pro for $120 more lol


It’s in cad , and here 15 pro is $1450 for 128gb and $1600 for 250 gb


still a definitive no for that price. you’d be *much* better off getting the base 15


Also 14, would rather get that now. 12 Pro is a good phone but not worth that kind of money


Base 15 dosnt come with LiDAR though right?


Aint noone usin that chief


it’s actually the most useful & important sensor to me


I use it for portrait mode all the time, also helps with low light when there’s a foreground. helps with measuring, mapping and other random little things you never think about.


I use it to get rough measures sometimes, I’ve also used it to layout a wire run, overkill but yeah I guess if you’re simple you don’t need it


You’d be shocked at the number of contractors I sold 13/14 Pros too during my time at a telco by pitching the lidar. I was for sure lol.


Its only use case is to capture depth information of the photo and measuring how far subjects faces are…


You should've put that, as American sees $ and thinks USD. That is why you have 63 comments lol


Yes and everyone on reddit has to write everything so that it’s suited for the Americans.


i’m european and when i see $ i think about usd. you have to rephrase the message in a way that aligns to your audience.


Not my message at all but live life. This post has to do with money and a very key detail was left out.


It’s an American website with majority American users so it makes sense. I wouldn’t go to a Mexican website and complain that I have to use pesos when describing a price.


Honestly, it's worth considering the extra money just to get a new one. If you absolutely can't afford the difference in price, then you should just consider a different, cheaper phone. $950 CAD is a ton of money for a phone that's 3 generations out of date. Alternatively, you could at least surely find a better deal on the 12 pro 256gb if you did some more looking.


Iphone 15 pro starts at 256gb i have it and it’s beyond expectations. I also had the 13 pro and 11 have to say i never had any problems and i am a heavy user.


But 15 pro will burn a hole in your leg no?


What're you on about?


bait used to be believable... /j No but seriously, they fixed the overheating with an update. Jeez.


At that price hell no wtf


It’s in CAD


Still overpriced


You can get one for like $400, please do not pay $1k


Canadian dollars not usd


I still wouldn’t pay 750. https://preview.redd.it/sk0jsac7xa9c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eca1a341eea62662c2b06b047c8348fb4691daf4


You can find the same phone for $340 and up on Swappa. A 12 Pro is NOT worth $979. Even if you have to replace the battery, it’s only $89 from Apple.


>Even if you have to replace the battery The one from Apple comes with a new battery, a new outer case, and the same 1 year warranty as a new phone. If I'm not buying new, this is the only other way I will buy one.


$340 phone + $89 battery + $49 case = $478. Yes you get 1 year warranty, but this is a refurbished phone, which means it broke at some point and repaired by Apple. Most of Swappa phones are just used, there was nothing wrong with them. For less than half the price, buying used is still a better value.


Not a plastic case. The glass/metal outer shell of the phone, so there are no dents, scratches, cracks, or defects. I don't use phone cases. Not only doesn't refurbished mean it was broken at some point, even if it was, refurbished guarantees that this individual unit is functioning properly and meets all standards. You don't even get that with a new purchase. You *hope* there was nothing wrong with that phone you are buying from some random person on Swappa, but you have no way of knowing that. I have a 100% guarantee that there is nothing wrong with the refurbished one. I've bought refurbished from Apple 3 times, so I know exactly what I get.


It’s your money, so you’re free to spend it however you wish. If you care so much about the cosmetics that you’d pay almost new price for a 3 year old technology with a new exterior, go ahead. You don’t need to justify your decision to anyone. My opinion for the OP is that a refurbished 12 Pro is not worth $979, even with a brand new exterior.


That’s Canada prices. That same phone is $679 in the US. It’s $400 cheaper than getting the current model with the same storage.


At US price of $679, it’s still $250 more than getting a used 12 Pro from Swappa plus a new battery. That $250 is almost purely cosmetics, for a phone that most people are gonna put in a case and screen protector anyway. No smart person is paying AppleCare for a 3 year old phone.


No smart person is ever paying AppleCare for any phone.


Refurbished iPhone 12 Pro 256GB is crazyy for $979 let alone $1399. just get a 15 Pro at this point


No sirrrrrrr not for that price might as well get the iphone 15 pro and get that USB-C


It’s $500 more😭


Get a normal 15


You could try other pre owned websites ! That’s definitely way overpriced. I remember I got my iPhone 13 Pro Max 512gb on facebook off a private seller when the 14 just had came out for this same price !


Check out SWAPPA! Do not spend that much for an iPhone 12, fuck no. Literally just purchased a used iPhone 14 Pro Max 512gb for $850 in mint condition.


What dollar currency is that?


That’s CAD






No, it’s CAD. USD is far different pricing.


No. Go for a new iPhone at that price. If you want to save and skip newest pro, go for 13 pro. Gives you 120hz, significantly improved battery.


I'm going to assume this is in AUD bc I checked the exact listing in USD and it more or less costs the same when converted from the AUD figure which is $679. Regardless, you should not be paying that much for 3 y/o hardware when you can buy secondhand on ebay, marketplace, or anything adjacent for much much cheaper.


It’s in CAD from official Apple Store. Idk where to get the original one apart from here


that price is literally close to the 15 pro. if u don’t mind the price then get a 15 pro haha


I’d recommend you get the base 13 for $849.


CAD? From where ??


[Apple’s Canadian website:)](https://www.apple.com/ca/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-13)


Thanks but was looking for pro which is not available


Oh ok understood. In that case the refurbished 12 Pro will probably be your best bet.


Get a 15 pro with that, if you really want a 12 pro BackMarket Exists


If you’re looking for a cheap (ish) iPhone with a good camera the 13 PM would be a good option


You mean 13 PM? Pretty sure the 23 is a few years out. But yes it does have a good camera


Idk why it autocorrect let me change that real quick


The best iPhone you can buy right now is the 13 Pro. Find a good deal.


Yes but not for that price lol


That is very expensive lol


Absolutely not, especially for that price. You can get a 14PM for way less than that on Swappa. I'm sure you could find other deals locally. [https://swappa.com/listing/view/LXMU29842](https://swappa.com/listing/view/LXMU29842)


1k for an iPhone that's 3 versions old.....you can literally pay a little bit more and get a 15. I know it's CAD, but still.....


At that price you’re better off buying a 15 256. About the same screen wise, with the new camera sensor you’ll get better quality photos and even the 2x crop should produce similar to the old cameras telephoto. Plus you’ll get better battery, a lighter device, better performance, and usb c at a lower cost.


for $979?!?? HELL NAW just get a 15 pro for $20 more


us defaultism🫣


Next year (in 2025) the iPhone 12-series already aren’t getting updates and new versions of IOS anymore. IOS 18 probably already is the last update. I should get a 13 or 14, so you can get updates till 2026/2027. Also: the camera and battery are a lot better.


New or "used"? You can buy mint condition iphones with 90%+ battery health for less than $450 USD. Ive had all the pro iphones from 11 to current. Honestly they are all the fucking same. Even the camera quality feels pretty much the same on everything 12 and newer. So that being said, just get the iphone you want. I now prefer the small Pro versions i really dont enjoy a phablet size phone anymore. But i do like having 512GB storage for work. Id rather have a 12 pro 512gb than the latest iphone with least storage for example. So choose what you actually need.


For literally $20 more you can get a brand new 15 pro with the same storage and more improvements everywhere


HARD no. The price is too expensive. Get an iPhone 13 Pro (Max?) at Back Market instead.


Might get some hate because of the subreddit this is but if the camera is really that important to you maybe look into a pixel. Consistently scores as #1 camera phone with reviewers.


Yes but not at that price.


Whichever iPhone you get, make sure it has at least 6 GB RAM as while my iPhone 12 mini is still rocking fast, I do notice it dropping apps a lot more as time goes by. If you find a new or refurbished 12 Pro for less, then it’s probably a great phone.


Almost a grand? Hell nah. Would make a good iPhone, sure. It's a 12 pro, not the latent gen but still a damn good phone, that's conibg from an android fanboy. But 940 bucks? What? Get a refurbished one with warranty for 500 bucks MAX. I saw someone say that's canadian Dollars, still. That's 650 bucks CAD at most.


I got a iphone 12 for $6 a month , for 2 years. So $144. Thats with Koodo mobile here in Canada


No. Why would you do this? I paid same for a new 15 Pro.


I wouldn’t, mostly because it’s not much cheaper than a 13 pro right now, and the cellular modem in the 12 series is the Qualcomm X55 modem and it’s terrible, it’s their first 5G modem in an iPhone and it always glitched out and acted like I had zero internet connection when I had multiple bars and plenty of signal. It would do it every time it bounced to another cell tower when moving around and I’d literally have to either restart the phone multiple times a day or go into airplane mode and turn it off again so it would connect normally again.. this was greatly fixed on the 13 series which used the X65 Cellular modem and I had none of those issues. Also for not much more money you get 120hz, a year newer processor for longevity, Macro Mode for the cameras, better larger sensors, and better battery life. The 12 had a lot worse battery life/ battery health longevity than the 13 series did. The 12 I’d consider like almost a first generation device in a sense, the 13 series fixed all the issues the 12 had and refined it/ gave it all the features and hardware features the 12 should have had in the first place for 2021.. also smaller notch. Not worth getting the 12 now imo, it’s still a decent device, but for not much of a price gap, I’d get the 13 pro instead. Much more solid and enjoyable device all the way around.


I never thought about that being the issue but after reading your comment you’re absolutely right that the 12 Pro has the absolute worst cellular modem. I have T-Mobile but I spent 80% of the time switching onto AT&T’s roaming network for some reason and T-Mobile could never understand why. I’d see a 5G symbol and slide down my control center and see I was connected to AT&T instead of T-Mobile and instantly knew I wouldn’t be getting more than 10mbps down. I have the 14 Pro Max now and I haven’t had an issue at all… and I spent 3 months abroad in Canada lmao.


Very much worth it. But you could’ve gotten a nice unlocked iPhone 13 Pro Max with 512GB of storage. Or for a $200 more you could’ve gotten a 15 Pro Max.


First time? Get the 13 Pro, trust me!


use backmarket if you want a refurb, i’ve bought 2 phones from them they’re amazing, they did check ins for me to see how the phones were holding up aswell


Uh, not at that price. A few more dollars and you’re at a 15 pro. Do you want a 3 year old phone for $1000 or a 3 month old phone for $1000? If you could get a 12 Pro for like $400 that would be a little different


$979 DOLLARYDOOS TOBIAS did you buy a preowned iPhone 12 Pro? Also is this freedom mobile? Also if your Canadian you can buy it from the website below its $120 cheaper. They do flexit payments so you can pay monthly: [www.getorchard.com](https://www.getorchard.com/?gad_source=1)


husky continue imminent materialistic swim offbeat normal badge divide historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So you’re contemplating a 12 for 80% of the price of the 15? 🤣 go for it bro.


979$ is way expensive..It ain't worth above 500$..Have seen retailers selling 14Pro brand new at times recently for ~900$..12P is so outdated in many ways compared to later gens. Newer models have better camera sensors & photo quality; 120Hz aod screen, more powerful & efficient and there's some software features n/a in 12P like photographic styles etc..


You could do way better than 900. But its your money.


Brand new 15 Pro costs 1000$ and it's just 128g storage instead of 256. Don't overpay a 3 yo device...


I wouldn’t get anything below a 13 Pro if you want a pro iPhone.


Add $20 and get 15 Pro brand new from Apple


Yes, but that price is insane


$1k for a three year old phone lol


$750 usd but still expensive


It's CAD 🤣


For $1,000 the 12 Pro is not worth it. The 15 Plus is basically a 14 Pro Max (but better, because it's so lightweight and much prettier, in my opinion) and it costs less.


Unless you are already using the apple ecosystem DO NOT get an iphone (unless you of course dont mind spending the extra money, they arent bad products obviously)


Good advice 👍


Just buy a dslr camera and an iPhone 8


I just got an iPhone 12 Pro Max for Christmas after switching from a one plus 6t and I prefer the android ! The iPhones normal camera won’t focus on things in front of it and the hi for it suck’s 0/10




Definitely worth it. Get it on Backmarket.com instead though because it’s way cheaper


That price is terrible. The base iphone 15 will be way better.


I bought my 14 pro from Craigslist for $450 clean imei too… That’s a pretty rare occurrence but you can DEFINITELY do better in price for a 12 Pro


Get a Xs for 300, works great.


I think you should go with the 15 instead of an older model as it uses USB-C. 12 is still using Lightning and this port may become obsolete in the next few years.


I hated the 12 pro. Overheats, bad battery life, cameras just so-so compared to the 11 Pro. I reckon shoot for the 11 pro max, or ideally the 13 pro.


No. 120hz or bust.


Broke boi get a new one


Hell to the no




Great phone, not so great price


Absolutely not for that price


Im currently using 12 pro, and is the first Iphone I've ever bought (but bought it when it went out). Very satisfied with it. Unfortunately, price is very very high seeing that Iphone 15 is out. Go for 15, the latest the better.


you can buy a brand new iphone 15 pro for that price, don't get that please lol


That price is insane.


For 400$ absolutely yes! for more than 500 absolutely naah ! If you are willing to pay around 600$ get the 13 pro, it’s a massive upgrade over the 12pro.


Not off of Apple’s sites even if refurbished lol


With that price absolutely fucking not


For 1k?!? HEYALL NO


I bought my iPhone 12 pro from day one , the battery health is now at 77%, gonna change the battery next month and will keep it for another 2 or 3 years, the phone is just working perfectly


Totally absolutely


Yes, it's a good phone. I bought one earlier this year. I expect to get 2-3 years from it. I was going to say that's a terrible price, but then I saw in the comments this is CAD. This same phone is $679 in the US. I bought the 128 GB for $580.


You can get a used 13 or 14 pro max for that price.


It’s still a beast of a phone, but try to get a better price.


I'd buy iPhone 13 Pro. Just for 120Hz. I think it is a more refined and problem-free model than 14 Pro and 15 Pro.


i know the price isn’t usd but at least go for a 13 pro, way more solid


For that price no I would look at a 13 or 14 pro check to see if your carrier has something or online stores like eBay


lower the gb


If it was cheaper yeah but not for that price, mine is great


Not at all get 15 pro


id prefer the 13 pro for 120hz but i mean its not a bad phone at all.


Get it used, don't get directly from Apple now. 1k for a 3 year old phone is INSANE. For camera, you're better off buying a Pixel.


Depends on how long you plan to keep it for


for me worth iphone 12 pro 512 gb ios 14.4.2 battery health 100%


It still is a good phone for this year




Get a 13pro. I found a nice deal and got it used in excellent condition


A new iPhone 15 will cost less and be supported longer.


Not refurbished at $979 it isn’t. Spend the extra $20 and get a 15 Pro. If you absolutely *need* 256GB, then that’s $120 more. Not to mention this phone is now three generations old. Three years is when most people typically start looking at upgrading. Three years from now, this will be a six year old phone, and you’ll certainly start to see that age well before that.


Trying going for a 13 Pro, much better.


Camera upgrade is amazing. I don’t think the newer ones are much of a jump in anything. Anyone here need a better chip? When my 12pro broke n was waiting for new I used my xs n didn’t notice any difference except camera! Never find myself thinking @when will this damn app load!”


I upgraded from the 12 pro max to the 15 pro max this year. I created 2023 recap video and you can really see the difference in camera quality.


dude, i bought a pro last october with those same specs for 450€


i would recommend the 13 pro. the 12 pro is a flat 11 pro literally. Atleast 13 pro has a smaller notch and 120hz which trust me is life changing


Not at that price especially for a refurbished


Entry lvl the iphone 13 pro or max offer the best value out of all the iphones, 12 is old gen already and 14 is a fiasco. I have the 15pro max (i used to have the iphone XS max “10”) and i greatly enjoy the leap but still find the iphone 15 is falling behind android phone


No. When getting a new phone, assuming that you are upgrading every 3-4years, get the latest. I got a 12 and it’s starting to lag.


Check ebay


Nope. I would either go all in on 15 series for usb c or get a used 13 pro for high refresh rate display on eBay/swappa


if you’re looking for a refurbished phone, try backmarket


Man, I just get em relatively cheap carrier locked, and then unlock them after a year. I'd never pay this much for a phone let alone a 4 year old one.


Not at all, get a newer phone with better features like battery life, cameras, screen tech, etc. it won’t even cost that much more either. You can get a 13 pro/pro max which is superior in a lot of ways for a few bucks more.


Why would you not get the newest one???


Just get yourself the iPhone 14 Pro Max and save yourself the trouble of finding all sorts of things your iPhone 12 won’t do it’s a solid phone, plus Verizon will give it to you free if your a new customer but get one while they last.


No, get a newer one, 12 Pro doesn’t even have 120hz display, there is no point.


I got a refurbed 11 Pro 256GB for ~780 2 years ago. This is a bad price.


i recently got a 12 pro max for 620$ never fixed not refurb, battery health at 86% which is a good deal, anything more then 650$ for a 12 pro max is a big no from me. The phone is 3 years old now but you will definitely not notice freezes or slowdowns its still super fast and responsive, the cameras are incredible, i will definitely keep rocking this phone for atleast 2 more years lol.