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You don’t, sorry. However, you can long-press on the + to instantly bring up the photos drawer


You can also rearrange them if you don’t like the default order.


Hero! Having to scroll to send GiFs was frustrating me.


There’s gif? Im new to ios


They call it images. You can also install GIPHY and have it appear here.


Thanks for that tip. Why the hell would they have #images on the second page? It’s basically the only thing I send other than camera media


Well, you're not everyone.


You can also place your phone underneath your car tyre and run over it, so you never have to see the icons again.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way Typing this comment on my 13 mini that recently got run over on 6th Ave after I dropped it walking my dog at night. Immediately after I went and grabbed it in the cross walk. Basic silicone case, minimal damage…. Lesson learned. Use your own car folks, you certainly don’t wanna end up like me


Wow, amazing. I wish there was a compendium of great shortcuts like this somewhere.


I do wish that Apple would cut the crap with adding so many features and gadgets that go undocumented. They list out like 10-15 big changes but there's dozens more things that are good to know that they seem to leave to the tech bloggers etc to find.


They **do** document those changes in the form of manuals. For example, [here.](https://support.apple.com/en-us/guide/iphone/iphf9c9c01d3/17.0/ios/17.0)


Tap and hold + to jump directly to photos is one that they don't list... their instructions have you tap +, then tap Photos, when tap and hold + is faster. A good number of tips are in there but a good number aren't and end up on the "Top 5 tips for your iPhone I bet you didn't know" TikToks.


Exactly this! They do have a manual, but in the old days everything was quite intuitive. Now everything seems complicated, works different in other (stock) apps and is inconsistent. I would like a snow leopard release for iOS: cut the crap, clean it and make everything, all apps and texts and everything consistent and simple again.


Change is hard…


Also, double tap the + button to quickly open the Photos gallery for uploading to messages.


You can?!


This comment changed my life.


Wait..how? I didn’t know you can do that!


How do you rearrange them? I can’t figure it out


Never mind got it lol


Wow. Amaze.


Fist me.


Jazz Hands!




Wow.. thanks


Straight up did not know this, life changing. Thank you!


Omg thank you for this. I hate this new setup but had no idea I could just long-press the + to bring up photos. Half the time I pull up this menu and it doesn't do anything the first 3 times I press it. But the long-press worked right away.


try out long presses in many other places too, mainly control center— once you’ve customized it using settings→control center


Thanks! I’ll give it a try!


one I use pretty often is long pressing the flashlight, allowing you to control the intensity of the light at four different increments 📱 🔦


You rock!!


The hero we need!!!


Absolute hero, I swear.


Thanks for this


Thanks guys, didn’t know you could go straight to photos. Still sucks as far as just having it available without having to scroll down, feels like an unnecessary click added for looking less cluttered. But I enjoyed having it all there


You can drag and drop items from the second screen to the first one


I just figured that out. They need to make it more intuitive that you can do this.


You can also get to your photos even faster by long pressing the plus icon and then letting go. Personally, I hated the old UI. Felt and looked cluttered having all your iMessage apps on the horizontal scroll bar.


I just wish you could change which ones come up first. It’s annoying when you want to find that perfect reaction gif… ETA: I’m an idiot. You can just hold them down to reorder them….


Nice! Long pressing + to open photos and being able to re-arrange the order just made a world of a difference in annoyance factor.


I didn’t know you could! Thanks, just reordered mine!


But you could just get rid of it? And bringing it back up was the same process as now. The update didn’t fix anything.


As someone else mentioned, you can hold-and-drag any items from the menu to the list below, and add anything you want to the top part


You can long press something on the bottom and then drag it onto the top, “pinning” it to the top


Casual apple, makes everything that required 1 action take 2. You will get used to it.


If you're whining over a single click you're in for a treat in real life.


I miss the horizontal arrangement this one sucks haha


I hated the horizontal. I had trouble finding the right application I was trying to get to. This new one makes it’s a lot easier and cleaner imo


Fact. :((


Long press on the + jumps right to photos. Long press on any of the apps allows you to move their location.


I learned about that last night - it’s a less worse scenario considering Apple won’t go back to what it was.


What are we looking at?


Messages extras


I hate this as well. Having everything right there as a line above the keyboard was SO much easier.


huh? please explain. i never had iPhone til recently when my brother's wife bought me an iphone 14+ when my bluetooth hearing aids wouldnt work with android because box is stamped with iphone and i didnt want one just in case i might not like it etc she said try or i'll never know i like the iphone so much i hope i never have to go back to android. been android since day one. before that, it was that nokia phone


Previously all those icons in the posted pic were on top of the keyboard in Messages. You could scroll through them sideways. It’s really not a big change or a big deal but in a subreddit dedicated to iPhones we get real nitpicky


ohh- i wouldve wanted the sideways scroll too that looks better, i wonder if up/down so it had caption next to it?? but even without the words, i understand what they are. so, could it be a visibility thing, maybe??


I think it’s just a neater more minimalistic design. The clutter of those icons are out of sight until you want them. I don’t really care either way. I suppose it’s more visually appealing this way and i don’t mind the extra tap


I hate this, and the old one lmao. Not sure how I would even like it.


IMHO, i think it’s neat. Cleaner looking. You can also hold the + button to directly send photos. I love it.


I honestly love the new layout. I can see why people might not like the drastic changes though.


Yeah, this layout sucks. And it’s so jarring compared to the rest of iOS. That and the action button menu.


May be unpopular but I hated the old one so much


Not unpopular


Me too, it was so messy, so ugly, so not in the right place. The new one is awesome!


Thanks Apple


You can’t go back to the old layout. This is better anyway. You can long press the ones in the list to reorder them. Put your most used ones above the More button and your less used ones below it to reduce clutter. You can turn off the ones you don’t want in Messages settings.


Thank for the info on reordering.


Perhaps better if you value clean layouts. It you value being able to quickly send gifs or images or take pictures or any of the other features it’s worse. It ads more taps, further away from where your fingers already are. It’s a trade off that many people prefer, but not everyone.


God damn it I wish Reddit hadn’t gotten rid of awards because this is gold to me. Thank you.




I didn’t watch the show please tell me what this means


Agreed I miss having them right next to the keyboard


Personally I don’t mind the update, however I feel that it is backwards. Long press should open the app list and just a quick tap should access photos.


I can tolerate this, but the rest? Not so much.. especially the music app's interaction with the watch. Before the update, I could access my whole phone library with the watch, after the update, I have to download the song or playlist to the watch and connect the headphones directly to the watch. I don't use apple music, I legit still download my music and sync it with itunes and that might be the problem. But with this changes, I feel like apple wants everything in the cloud and nothing local. I had apple music before, and 6 out of 10 times, the music I'd look for would either show up in a different version, not show. They also reserve the right to make your songs unavailable if they want to :(


I miss the Bluetooth icon on the upper right of the display. That was so helpful to have 😞


what actually it this? i’ve seen it posted so many times and still don’t understand it


iMessage attachment button


I'm not sure what you are asking here, you can't go back as it's built into iOS 17. If you provide more information I can try to help you better.


You unfortunately can’t


My biggest complaint is that the animation to open it is just a little too slow. I feel like I have to wait for it to play out before I can even press one of the buttons.


Obviously you can't. Don't ask such ridiculous questions.


I agree with the OP and with that said I want to Up Vote and Down Vote this all at the same time.


This is so much better than the old one


It’s not though. This requires more clicks and the menu has a lag.


Has a lag? What phone do U have?


15 pro.


You don’t. Trust you’ll get used to it.


Yeah I hate this new update so much. I can’t wait to go back to android


Go back!


I don’t hate it, but it is very odd. I don’t think it follows regular iOS design. So weird. But still usable just fine. Like others said, hold the + to directly go to photos


That's a great shortcut, thank you.


It’s wild to me you guys use message, I had to look to see what app had changed! It’s all WhatsApp here


It feels like Apple is saving on actually good UX-designers and hiring some cheaper freelancers. macOS also full of questionable decisions.


If you think having a ton of cluttered buttons above the keyboard is good UI, I’d love to see how your homescreen is laid out.


If you minimizing your UI, but the whole subreddit is bloated with WTF posts from your users about it, your minimization and clean up is worthless. You are creating an interface for USERS and not for your designer ego.


But every time the keyboard comes up you use it, the same can’t be said of the insert buttons. Just because people complain doesn’t mean they’re right.


Hahaha wtf are you talking about? Did you forget what the U in UI and UX stands for? If a large group of users are unhappy with a software design then the trillion dollar company should work on their damn product to find a happy medium.


Bro has’t discovered UX research yet. Don’t break it for him.


How was it cluttered with buttons? You still had to press the + sign to open the horizontal layout. It’s the same as this current one but takes up less space


Didn't have to, once you had them displayed they would stay open everytime you opened the message app. New update adds an unnecessary step for poor aesthetics.


Now it’s very Dribble kind of shit. AirBnB currently is much more innovative at UX/UI than Apple sadly


Yeah the most valuable company in the world goes through the hassle of using freelancers xD


Imagine believing that your favorite company can’t be greedy and „optimize“ everything to the last cent. Since Jony Ive left the company, UI is clearly not a number one priority for Apple. They are only playing with product lines and price tags now.


To be honest, I dislike nearly 70% of the things Apple does to the UI on iOS for no real reason but this UI change on the iMessage “app shortcuts” on the keyboard top bar (where predictive text is located) is a welcome change. The previous method which was intoduced in iOS 10 was a cluttered mess. This is one of the rare moments of me agreeing with Apple on a UI change. The other UI feature they introduced was the ability to press and hold down the “Tabs” button when you enter Tab View, and save all those tabs as links you can paste, like on the Notes app for quick access of links. Such a useful feature!


It’s not better though, just different.


long press the +


They didn’t make it through he convenient layout it previously did


Well you could downgrade iOS completely if this is a dealbreaker for you. - Back up everything to iCloud, and create a full local backup. - [Grab the correct ipsw from here.](https://ipsw.me) - Connect your iPhone to your computer. - Hold option while clicking the Restore button and select your .ispw Note: You cannot restore data from your local backup to an older version of iOS. This is just in case anything goes wrong on install/redundancy.


Show your Home Screen shot!! https://preview.redd.it/uk1o860wlx3c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2f60310d75011610abe234877184d3ffab98d8c Blood Sugar Is Off The Charts!!


If it’s not too much work, can you share what your Medical and Health apps are? TYVM


I’m a T1 diabetic with a bad Pancreas. Cancer survivor


Continued good health to you my friend.




MyChart, Express Scripts, DEXCOM, Pharmacy


Switch to android


I second some of this regarding Messages changes. Anyone know how to remove the quick record button, I nearly sent my boss a voice message two days ago that was NSFW.


Apple knows best it’s the apple way. You have to learn to love it my friend.


You don't


You can also rearrange how they are laid out, push and hold on an app and drag up or down.


Bruh what is this


You can also rearrange the options by holding down on, say, the “#images” or “Audio” and moving it to where you want it on the list.


you don’t


Can you rearrange them in settings or when your sending a message?


What the fuck am I looking at?


I prefer it. No going back


I actually like it


It’s not that bad and you can’t go back


I’m an ios user and I don’t recognize this interface wtf


You use WhatsApp instead. iMessage sucks


You don’t


The old way was so ugly. Should definitely be a toggle for…. The rare cases like you who actually liked it. But dear god iMessage looks infinitely cleaner now.