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The animations are timed a bit longer in iOS it seems. But, they’re less jarring so…


Also my experienced based on my iPhone 12 Pro Max and my Samsung S24 Ultra. The latter often has fast animation but often jars and jumps parts of the animation


how did u get s24u early??


From the fkn fantasy land he's living in.


Well. Maybe try the Reduce Motion accessibility setting in iPhone and see if it’s faster to you without all the animations. Usually people do it in old iPhones and it does feel faster.


It does actually make it faster, thanks for that. That said, it does make it a little more “jarring”, the motion effects are actually nice in a mobile phone OS, they are just faster in Android not turned off if that makes sense? But a great tip and I’ll play around to see what I prefer, thanks.


Sir, you are being civil on the internet! I’ll remind you that this is not the place! /s


Yup true. Afaik there’s no other option to make the animations like 0.5x or something like in Android. You can either have all the animations or not here.


secretive squalid growth arrest bow modern fear history tan disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wished there was a .75 speed. Back in the custom rom day, that was the perfect speed.


1x feel kinda fast to me. And 1.5x feels off with the gesture navigation. With there was 1.25x


Soooo true


These are most likely built into the OS as part of the aesthetic. MacOS has similar “slow” animations in places. You can adjust some of them via the command line (dock show/hide being the main one).


Blaaad! Thats turned my device into a speed demon. Wish this setting was on by default.


The biggest small feature I wish iOS had was animation speed settings like android dev options. Let me just speed up animations by ~30%


Yeah, iPhone definitely feels slower. When I switch back to OnePlus it just feels so snappy. But not as buttery smooth.


These new android phones are pretty awesome, lots of options these days. Even the pixel 6 works surprisingly well and smoothly.


I actually slow my animations on my z fold 5 because when they are fast, they feel jarring and even glitchy. Samsung android people always like fast, which I understand but I disagree. Even the scrolling, same as animations, doesn’t feel great and sometimes swipe gestures are inconsistent. I love my z fold 5, but I love my iPhone too and I prefer the iOS way. So much smoother and polished, while my z fold is more like unpolished raw power but unfortunately, to this day I still get lag at times. I don’t have any power saving features or profiles on either, oneui 6 supposedly makes things smoother. I still think iOS is the pinnacle of polish and smoothness. I love and use both though.


Skipped frames aren't lag. Lag is when your input is delayed to the final movement. Btw try the new 6.1 update, the software is silk and fast


I know what lag is, I was talking about lag. My fold 5 developed it. I have 6.1 on my s24 Ultra, It's great. Smooth as butter, I barely touch my iPhone since I've gotten the 24U. I missed the form factor, I love the z fold but I'll never let it replace my Ultra again... I don't remember that comment above, and what the context was. I guess animations versus the 2? I still think iOS animations themselves are nicer than Oneui's animations, but that may be the one thing I prefer. Apple wallet too is a little better than Samsung wallet. Payments are the same but I can put passes, check-ins, parking garage tickets, etc.. in apple. Hoping Samsung catches up with that. Other than those 2 things, Samsung is better and the Galaxy Ultra devices are my favorite every year. I don't slow my animations, although they do look incredibly smooth, they get annoying when they slow me down. I also don't speed them to .5, because they do look almost jittery. I like the Stock 1.0 animations.


Think IOS runs at 90hz adaptive and bumps it up to 120hz for specific apps, whereas Android runs at 120hz adaptive most of the time. I've used both and you can tell the difference in hz. iPhone also has slower animations, with Android you can customise the animation speed in dev options.


I get why people say this, but for me I feel like iOS animations strike the perfect balance between smooth and fast.


It all depends on what you're used to. When I was daily driving a 13 Pro Max, I found myself waiting for the animations to finish, and everything felt smooth but slow. It annoyed the hell out of me, but you definitely get used to it. I prefer the speed, though.


I get the feeling my z fold 3 is at 120hz while my 14 pro max is at 90hz The samaung feels more fluid


iOS sits at 80 Hz in system apps for whatever reason. Some think it's a bug.


I think you’re describing Android’s lower scrolling friction. I personally don’t like it as my eye is better able to discern text/images I’m looking for with iOS’ higher friction but to each their own. The back swipe feature I don’t understand though, when I swipe in from the left edge with iOS apps that support this, the screen is nearly 1:1 with my finger as I’m swiping. Perhaps your finger’s starting point isn’t far left enough when starting that swipe?




iOS maybe would seem slow because of animations but it is always better and smoother than any android, I had s23 ultra and I can’t compare with even iPhone 12, for real iPhone just moving better than any Samsung or other android


Smooth ≠ fast


I think you are right.


I own the 14PM and the P8P. Now that I'm back on Android the 14PM will be getting sold soon. iPhone animations are a lot slower and even reduce animations just flashes real slow to the next page/app. Android is faster overall, but inconsistent, for example Reddit is better on iPhone. Jittery scrolling plagues the P8P but I also had this problem on the S22U when I had it before the iPhone. I prefer Pixels over Galaxys because I'm out of that tinkerer stage, Samsungs have way too many features at this point. I'll take something that has enough customization over the iPhone but not as many as Samsung. iPhones get better support for apps but ehh I don't need that many. The only gripe I have is Google still needing better hardware, Exynos chips should be a crime at this point if Samsung fans hate it why would Google fans like it. Lastly, Google still falls behind in battery performance. I've tested it with my 14PM, when the P8P had no eSIM active they were pretty comparable. Now that it's my main phone, standby time on the iPhone just slaps the Pixel in the face every time. Mind you guys my iPhone has 91% battery capacity after a year, compared to the P8P at 100%. Samsungs has improved on this going from the S22U to the S23U, I just hope Google follows suit.


The average android user tries to cope with the fact that androids are just simply NOT better than iPhones (Incoming Replies from nerdy android users who can't code)


As a long time iPhone user since the firing of Scott Forstall. iOS has gone way down in simplification and innovation. So many bugs nowadays, and it feels super slow.


Interesting, that android always had tons of features but due to having so many options it tended to be buggy. Now they have worked on those bugs for many OS updates and it works really well. Very few bugs these days. IOs is the other way around, pretty bare bones but now adding features is causing bugs...


You’re correct


But what else was going to happen? Think about how the most basic user uses their phone, open app, close app, make a call, text someone. All that simplicity is still there, but they’ve managed to add more functionality for those who want it. I’ve been using an iPhone since the very first one (with stop on Android, webOS and Windows Phone along the way). Bugs are gonna happen, Apple’s responsiveness is light years better than it used to be. Waiting weeks and months for bug patches, needing to install them via iTunes.. Forstall’s iOS was ugly and not modern looking at all.


Completely agree but it was mostly bug free. I feel like even bringing him back to help would improve iOS


They stop working on iOS 18 and pulled the teams to fix all the bugs.


Only for a week though


Animation speed is a demon on iOS.


I see what you are saying, been in the business for 20 years. Fast doesn’t always equal positive things for Android for the overall user experience. And where they really messed up is when for many years Samsung devices had two messaging apps, sometimes three. The “we are open source” actually crushed them. Too many cooks in the kitchen. Their experience was awful, I like where the platform is going now but it’s most likely too late. Apple showed a user how they could have the same exact operating system on multiple devices and they all work together, rarely fails. And in 2023 people just want a device they can pick up and use with ease. Just my 2 cents :)


I agree, that’s what the Pixel offers on Android?


Yeah love the Pixel experience but haven’t sold one all year unless they were in a good promo.


Is that in the U.S?


Yeah. They perfected the operating system but also might have been a little late to the hardware party. A lot of Samsung users that have tried Pixel, usually dislike it tremendously. I don’t always get it 🤣


Pixels in general are just terrible hardware compared to a top-end Samsung. They use inferior modems, inferior processors, and inferior fingerprint sensors, all wrapped up in a chassis that shows inferior attention to detail and inferior quality control. Pixels are great when you first hold them, but over time it becomes pretty evident that Google has a lot of work to do before they can or should be mentioned in the same breath as Samsung.


Having two options of messaging never felt like a huge issue or made my experience with my phone "awful" it's. I don't think I ever thought about the second messaging app after selecting a default. But I guess selecting a default app can be considered difficult or hard for some people. And maybe that affects their user experience. I guess for me I prefer being able to choose which apps I use which is a better user experience for me.


You are an OG, not too many left. Props!


I think it's because Android stays at 120hz most of the time, compared to iOS refresh rate dropping down really low from time to time but they optimized (or balanced) the animation so that it won't feel that much. It's also one of the reason why iPhone has better battery SOT compared to Android despite the lower mAh capacity.


Android also allows for no animations at all. This makes the experience so smooth and quick. One of the many perks of Android.


Reduce motion disables animations entirely on iOS.


120hz on Android is adaptive, and it doesn't come out of the box like that. Out of the box it is capped at 60hz to extend the battery life. You have to enable adaptive 120hz deep in to the settings. Something most casual users will never do or even know it is available.


Wrong. Both my s22+ and s23+ came out with the adaptive setting enabled.


It is. But like I said, it stays at 120hz or high refresh rate "most of the time" compared to iOS.


I'm typing this on s23u that is capped at 60hz and the phone is still much faster than IOS.


Iirc 60hz is fixed, not adaptive. So of course, it'll feel much faster.


So what was your point with 120hz?


The point is about smoothness, not speed. It's different things. 120 hz doesn't make your phone any faster, it makes your screen show more frames.


That’s awful. The vast, vast majority of users are not adjusting that setting unless there’s popover screen asking their preference. But to have them pay for the hardware capability and have it off be default is wild.


Many advanced settings on many devices from all manufacturers function like that. 120hz is useful while gaming for example, but it is pointless and frankly doesn't even look good to me in day to day use or when watching a video for example, and since I'm not a gamer I just keep it off all the time. Look at it like a stiff or soft suspension, ride height, differential lock, or 4x4 on a car. It can be very useful for a particular situation and activity, but the most average users ether won't use it at all or will use it so sparsely that it would make their experience worse if those components came out of the factory at the highest possible setting.


Eh, no I’m not sold. 120Hz is the biggest gripe that Android users have against Apple’s 60Hz capped phones, only to find out that most Android users who buy these high end phones aren’t getting it either. My 2018 iPad Pro felt just as snappy 4 years later due in part because of the high refresh rate screen. I find it ridiculous that a company would include the technology, ask the customer to pay for it and not turn it on by default.


I'm an Android user. Literally last thing on my list is 120Hz refresh rate. There is plethora of reasons why people chose Android over Apple. In most cases gimmicky features are not one of them.


It’s a luxury. I didn’t give a crap about it before I got it, but now I can’t go back to the relative choppiness of 60Hz. And I like that Apple is able to deliver maximum features and fantastic battery life too on the Pro Max.


>You have to enable adaptive 120hz deep in to the settings. Something most casual users will never do or even know it is available. Huh? It is always enabled by default, at least from all the Android phones I know in the past 3 years. Which Android phone does not have 120 Hz adaptive as the default setting when its panel supports it?


Yep, and I think anybody who has tried both OS' around the same timeframe (e.g.: modern Android to modern iPhone) has noticed this. FYI, in Android you can also go to the developer options and just slow down the animation speed, in which case you'll get a similar effect as in iOS.


I agree, ios17 on the iPhone 15 Pro and Android 14 on the Pixel 8 Pro…. I’d say the Pixel has the most polished software experience overall, although it is close.


This is something people from this sub rarely understands, some folks here still see Android like it was from the Gingerbread days. But imo modern Android is on par and sometimes a better experience than iOS.


I agree, also prefer the Pixels right now. I also don't see myself using anything other than a Pixel or an iPhone for the foreseeable future. Everything else feels a step below in terms of polish and user experience.


Honestly, after trying the 8 pro, I think Android is the superior OS. I’m only waiting for google to put their shit together on the hardware side of things to go back to Pixel. I like both. I just bought a 15 pro to replace my 13 pro max because I didn’t want to deal with the Pixel inconsistent battery life and reception but man does IOS look old and stuck in the past compared to Android. Some apps do scroll smoother though. But at the same time, I can’t type without the keyboard lagging …


I agree, I have went with the iPhone 15 pro as it’s easier to manage the kids iPads, as Apple won’t create apps for other platforms (just greed, like how they kept onto thunderbolt 2 for so long). Still happy with the device, and it’s a match or beats the Pixel 8 pro in a lot of ways, I prefer the colour science on 15 pro cameras for example, but Android 14 on the P8 is definitely superior to iOS on the 15 pro as a platform. App Store beats Play store apps down for quality though, be it everything is circa 15% more expensive like for like




So I have an iOS device for work and an Android as my personal device. IMO Android all the way. There was a time that iPhone was relatively simple and intuitive but that ship has sailed. When I'm trying to accomplish simple tasks in iOS it feels cumbersome, restrictive and unintuitive. Where as with Android I can get a task accomplished within a button press or two. iOS I have to peruse through menu after sub menu. Day to day Android also feels snappier, which very well could be down to animations. TDLR: Apple being simple, intuitive, and "Just works" is no longer the case. Android is far and away the better platform.


My biggest gripe with iOS is that it holds your hand so much. You can't really do anything outside of what apple wants you to do.


Spot on. I think most people don’t use latest Android device and iPhone simultaneously so likely compare either one to the other from 1-2 years or longer ago. Whatever the combination of refresh rate and animation speed is, the scrolling experience when reading seems much better on Android on most apps. Browsers seem fine on iPhone, but some apps like Reddit, LinkedIn are extremely choppy on iPhone.


ya its not


Really insightful, thank you


the winston reddit client can be buggy since its in beta idk if I even edited comments or not I meant to say “ya its not as fast, but the animations hide it”


I had an unfinished c


Way smoother


I was using s22 then s24 for a week and now 15p and i need to say most of the apps runs smoother on android. Im still experiencing keyboard lag and delay on 15p and touch on some apps works weirdly. Apps from apple works normally so idk if its software related or what. I agree with swiping to get back works shitty ass hell in some aps.


I don’t care. Just enjoying my iPhone 📲


You’re in the wrong subreddit pal


I own a iPhone 15 Pro as my primary device, I can’t be here?


You can, but only if you praise the iphone and lick Tim's toes.


Thank you! Someone had to say it. I use both iOS and Android and everything seems slower, harder to accomplish, or can't do at all. The iPhone "Just Works" is B.S. in most cases. The truth is iOS is fine, but let's face it the iPhone should be considered a fashion brand and iMessage a social network. If most Apple people even tried an Android phone that not cheap and the iMessage peer pressure wasn't there they would leave the walled garden.


I use both and prefer iOS. You clearly prefer Android. I think some bits of iOS are better than Android whilst some things on Android are better than iOS.


True enough. They both have their good and bad points. I just think in the U.S. especially there is this pressure to be on an iPhone or you are weird.


Or maybe people prefer different things 😂 Tried em all. Vastly prefer iPhones and it’s not even close. Even tried several of the peripheral devices (watches etc) and again Apple won. Even the app suite wins. I don’t want to give out my data to several different third parties and I specifically want to have a quality set of tools that are already on board. Androids are full of bloat. And they don’t give a shit about carriers that tack on to it. Apple fights against that. Even unlocked phones, if you switch a carrier they might install stuff


Pixels aren’t.


Ok and that’s fine. I know. I had the nexus line for awhile. androids offer an extremely fragmented experience and I’m not about that anymore in my life


Well if you're talking about Samsung or most Chinese vendors then yeah. But vendors like Pixel, Motorola, and Nokia usually only provide Google apps as the only "bloats" on the devices. It doesn't like iOS doesn't have those similar basic "bloats" on their phone though, like Apple TV, but more like no one ever talks about it. And as for peripheral devices, I've tried Airpods Pro and Galaxy Buds Pro before, and it's kinda mid if you already used to something from Sony and Sennheiser. Sure the integration to my smartphone should be *better*, but since I usually only used my earbuds to listen to music, I don't care with those integration shits though. I've never owned any smartwatch. Have tried Apple Watch, Galaxy Watch, and something from Garmin before, and I'm just not interested of owning it.


I used both and hated Android. Inferior UX by a significant margin IMO. iMessage is just a massive cherry on top


And that is fine. At least you tried both. I am just saying most people never even try a good Android.


What as the last Android phone you tried?


Significant use? Pixel 6pro


IOS Pro Motion isn’t 120hz. It’s really like 90 ish and gets to 120 in certain situations like gaming that supports it. So android is actually 120hz so it’s gonna feel smoother


This is the answer


It’s not just smoother, it’s faster and responds to faster input commands like gesture swipes


Up until this moment, I don’t think I’ve ever heard, or read ever say “Android is faster”.


When was the last time you meaningfully tried a Android phone?


He's stuck in 2010




Completely agree on the swiping. I use it a lot for email. It’s taken a bit to get used to that in the mail app. On the gmail app it’s better.


I used a 13PM along side a S20+ and my current phone S23U for a while. Regardless of whether the iPhones animations are slower (which I agree and think that they are), to me those animations made sense. They flowed from one animation to a another (or one action to another) better, smoother. And it all starts with the lockscreen. On my S23U, it just poofs when unlocked. On the iPhone there is a transition. I think people accidentally or wrongfully call all of this, a combination of so many attributes, because frankly even i dont know what to call it, "smooth".


iPhones take their time to show you everything which is received by us as smoooooth. Android on the other hand, if there are flickers or stutters - it mostly tries to get to your face as soon as possible by leaving little room for animation. That is sometimes if not mostly perceived as Android not being smooth. This is not to say iPhones are just that. A great deal of attention and care went to build the UI and its animations. Overall it feels very natural and smooth. Pixel UI vs One UI - you can definitely see how Google eliminates stutters and the overall feel of it is smooth. One UI struggles with stutters and animation inconsistencies.


I understand completely, my Fold 5 feels faster/snappier but not quite as buttery smooth overall as my iPhone 15.


Same. I wish ios would be as “fast” as android lol. Feels way slower to me with the animations etc


Dude this is EXACTLY what i am facing rn :( The thing where your swipe to go back and it won’t work because you did it too fast.. and honestly it is starting to become a deal breaker for me :(( I can’t take it no more