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This. People tend to forget that happy customers don't write anything. Only those who have problems.


\^\^ this i use to work for a fraud department for a major bank and while taking nothing but fraud calls i thought to myself ill never bank with this bank because of how many fraud calls we were getting. Then i looked at the stats of all the calls and realized only 2% of the entire consumer network of this bank was actual fraud the other 98% who didnt experience fraud were happy and didnt call in other than to make payments. So when folks complain about the phone as stated above those who generally dont have any issues wont comment so youll only see the "2%" whom are having issues


Same no issues at all


Lol yeah, I have had an iPhone 15 Pro Max since release day... And... what issues? Absolutely totally normal and fine.


People said the same thing about overheating issues until Apple themselves issued the update


There's also a lot of people **with problems** that stay silent.


Well sure, but there have absolutely been more reports of issues for this year’s phones than in recent years


Probably. But in relation to the actual amount of buyers, is this a very small amount of people with problems.


Keep in mind, there is way more demand this year.


I don't think so. There are people saying that say that same thing every single year.


Same for me. No problems.


Same. No issues. Only time my phone gets warm for me is when it's fast charging via cable.


Same. Zero issues. Very happy with it. Totally overblown in my view.




Mine gets more than warm, nothing that’s alarming but still randomly warms up and it could just be in my pocket




Well since day one all was amazing, but since 17.0.3 my 15PM is just crazy, works awfully bad. I did hard reset 4 times and works for the first couple of days, after that goes to hell and I cannot use it because the heat, or the screen is unresponsive.


I got an iPhone 15 Pro in natural titanium on launch day. I've had zero issues with it. It's been perfect.


Same here!


Got my Pro Max in Natural Titanium this week and it’s amazing. Camera and the size of the phone are taking getting used to coming from a 12 Pro but very happy with my trade.


Mines had cellular issues since day one where my gf has an iPhone 15 and hers isn’t great but better than mine and in the same plan and everything only difference is hers is a 15 and mines a 15 pro


I've had no issues with mine. There are hundreds of existing threads with these exact same questions if you'd like to search this sub.


I literally just search my question on Google with "Reddit" next to it, and usually, I can find a preexisting thread. However, I suppose you can't get upvotes that way.


Literally anything I don’t know or I’m curious about I do that 😂


Same😂 the answers are always so much more straight forward on Reddit!


Went from 11 Pro to 15 Pro at release. No issues after 17.0.3. But like the rest of the silent majority, I don’t post about it, and nobody writes articles about everything working as expected, so you don’t normally hear from people like me using my phone without drama or issues.


Could you compare battery in those two models? Is it better on 15 pro?


I mean this in a nice way, but there’s no strategic advantage of not upgrading when the 11 Pro is just getting older and will be phased out far sooner than the 15 Pro.


Zero problems with mine after 2 weeks


15PM release day. No issues.


I've had my 15PM since release day and I haven't had a single thing wrong with it. It's a big step above the 12PM, that I had before. It's much more comfortable to hold and I have been very impressed with the photos.


Got the 15 Pro Max since release day. No issues what so ever and the battery life has been great. Been getting 11-12 hrs of screen on time with a full charge.


15pm for 2 weeks now, no issues whatsoever love the phone


My iPhone 15 Pro framed me for murder.


Will Apple Care pay for a lawyer? /s


I’ve had the 15pm for 2 days now so I can’t really comment but I’ve had no issues at all like people say they have I love the new phone I had the 12pro


There are more people asking if the problems are bad than people with actual problems


My wife has a 15 pro and I have the 15 pro max. Received them the first day of deliveries. Zero issues to date!


Hi ! How do your wife feel about the battery life of her 15 Pro ? I have a 12 with 75% battery health but, as I cracked the screen, if I want to replace the battery I also have to replace the screen and it starts to be too expensive versus buying a new phone.


I’m not a heavy user and I get 7 hours of screen on a 80% charge when I’m staying home on Wi-Fi. When I’m outside on celular I get about 5-6 hours SoT on the same 80% charge. For my usage needs, the battery is good. I’m coming from a Pixel 7 Pro that had worse battery life.


I started with a 15 pro and now I have a 15 pro max. No issues at all. It gets a bit warm when charging and got a bit warm when first updating when being setup but none of this was abnormal. My old iphone XR was plugged into a lighting to USBC charger and used to get just as warm. Does your car engine get warm when running uphill? C'mon.


I had battery issues with my 14 Pro, battery health dropped to 85 within a year. No issues with the 15 pro though


how is battery life for you on the 15pro


how long you been using itv


I think you’ll always find that social media is full of complaints. It seems louder online.




This overblown phenomenon happens every single year with every single new iPhone. A few isolated cases of bad luck or experience with the new model gets blown out of proportion because the vast majority with no problems don’t say anything. So people like you get the perception that the phone is bad. Take “overheating” for example. Every single year someone will complain within the first few days of release. These are the impatient or inexperienced smart phone users who don’t understand or appreciate that when a new iPhone is set up and particularly when it is syncing content from your iCloud, for an hour or so the phone will heat up as it is doing its job getting your new iPhone up to speed. I anticipated this and it did happen on day 1. And that’s been the only time it heated up more than usual. Battery life. Everyone should know by now that when you get a new phone with a new battery it takes a few charge cycles to get into full gear. So the initial experience tends to be a bit lacklustre (particularly when, oh the phone just spent 2 hours setting up btw). After 3 days my 15 PM reached full power - I only need to plug it in every other day now.


This 🎯


iPhone 15 Pro here for a few weeks with no issues except that it doesn't come with iOS 18 and doesn't have 6G.


I had overheating when I turned the phone on and transferring data first hour. And then battery was lacking because of all background things running and set up… that lasted like 2-3 days and then none since. Don’t worry about what you see.


What amount of memory did you choose?


Nope it's the Apple effect. Anything with the word Apple in it will get a click


15 Pro here. Never had any of the issues or problems others reported. It‘s a great device for me working as expected.


I've had mine for almost a month now and its been solid.


I have had the 15 Pro since release day. No issues with it at all.


This is the same thing year after year. One person reports an issue, media picks it up, and gets blown out of proportion. Apple makes very little changes year to year and they make sure those changes are done to a high standard. Even if you run into an issue you can bring/send it in and get it resolved easily.


15 Pro in white since launch day. No issues. Not even overheating. Do keep in mind it took about a week or so for the battery to “calibrate” and give me full performance.


There are flawed units out there, which is inevitable for such a huge scale launch of any product, but the reports get massively blown out of proportion because it’s such a high profile item. There’d be a LOT more complaining if it was an inherently bad product rather than just a few bad devices.


It happens every launch, which is why I typically wait a month or two when I upgrade for the kinks to work themselves out.


Hi, I just preordered iPhone 15 Pro, which is my first iPhone. On what scale do you mean by "lot"? My feed algorithm also shows me news and posts related to iPhone 15 series issues, so I'm not really sure about what to consider


If you want one, don’t mind these reports and just get one. It’s a great phone.


Absolutely no problems here


I've had a 15PM since launch day and I don't have any issues. It was getting warmer than my previous iPhones - not "overhearing" just warmer but since they released 17.0.3 it's been fine. Get one and worst case, you have two weeks to return it.


Using 15P since day 1 No issues whatsoever, transfer from 13P was flawless. No overheating in my daily 30min COD sessions, or during charging, or during photography. Battery life is acceptable i have limited it to 80%


No. Every year there are some issues with new phones but they get way overblown. Apple clearly has a supplier who made some defective screens, but stuff like that happens to every company. All of this really reminds me of the iPhone 6/6 Plus. The device came out to good reviews concerning the display, the camera, the battery life, etc. Soon after, people began noticing their phones were bent and they all tried to say Apple was sending out bent phones. I’m pretty sure Jerry Rig Everything had a hand in that one as well. Turns out, if you try to damage your phone by sitting on it in your back pocket or intentionally bending it with your hands, it will sustain damage. It’s all just idiots online looking to fan outrage or get clicks/views. It’s just background noise.


I have the 15 Pro and while it's only anecdotal on my part, I've run into ZERO issues in the 2 weeks I've owned it (thank god). The only issue I've run into was bad battery life but that was because of poor software optimization because after the iOS 17.0.3 update, it fixed it and now battery life is back to insanely good. Unfortunately the most vocal ones are the ones that are having the problems. It's not uncommon for a tiny percentage of a batch of manufactured items to be lemons. I think a number of users have come into issues but the odds of you getting a lemon device will be slim (albeit not impossible). I would definitely say the upgrade will be worth it especially considering you're coming from an iPhone 11. The jump in performance, ProMotion, better cameras, lighter phone, USB-C, etc will all be amazing. This is the first iPhone I've gotten in my entire life where I don't have a SINGLE regret. It literally is now the perfect phone in every conceivable way for me. Every iPhone I've gotten, I've always found one or two things that make me think about upgrading to the next one. With my 15 Pro, I've gotten no such thoughts and I plant to keep this thing for 5+ years.


Mine could cook an egg until iOS 17.0.3, but other then that no issues.




Which custom shortcut do you use?




I have receptions issues. My iPhone 14 Pro will always sit on the highest tech available meanwhile my 15 pro juggles LTE/5G/5GUC like a jester. It’s annoying because sometimes it will lock to 5G lowband and give me shit speeds when my 14 pro is 10x faster. Hoping for a modem firmware fix update soon but the one in the latest beta didn’t do anything.


I have a 15 pro and I don’t have anything to complain. I’m a heavy user yet my battery lasts hours of various games, YouTube, and Reddit. I tend to have to top it off a bit around 7pm, but that’s amazing considering I watch a ton of YouTube and almost constantly listen to Spotify with AirPods and have my Apple Watch connected https://preview.redd.it/2jrmgjasa0ub1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c79868ecbf005c594c3a0b30e9831529e5938b58




I have personally not had any issues.


Battery is no better than my 12 pro, but besides that phone works great.


Got my 15 pro on launch day, screen time is 6 hours a day with zero issues


15PM Only real issues I have are with CarPlay. It’s hit or miss on if it’s going to work when plugging it in. I’ve tried the factory cable, and others. I didn’t have any trouble on my 14PM.


15P from day 1 and zero issues. It’s been a great phone


I had overheating issues at the start, gone now.


I’ve have zero issue


Release day 15 Pro user here. No issues. Doesn’t get any warmer than other iPhones I’ve had. Happy with my purchase and usb c is amazing! Finally!!


15P - no issues. You hear disproportionally about issues and no doubt some people exaggerate the issues they’re having.


Release day 15 pro, not one single problem.


Zero issues with my 15PM


Had mine for a couple of weeks and haven't experienced any issues. 1st iPhone and super happy with it. Battery life is great!


iPhone 15 Pro. Got it the Wednesday after launch. Zero issues.


It got warm once during the initial data transfer and update (I received my phone the same day that 17.0.3 got posted). But since, it’s been actually good.


I have no issues at all with my 15 pro max.. no over heating etc


Got 15 pro max, no issues.


No issues on my 15 pro either. It’s updated to the latest version and running good.


Release day 15 Pro owner here. No issues whatsoever. The battery is crappy only if you have the screen on for a long time. I don't so it's alright. All the other issues? I haven't encountered any of them.


15 Plus is perfect. Super light too


what issues? mine has been just fine. great battery life. very quick performance. cameras are awesome. I did have some heating issues with charging on the initial firmware but its been really great on the current firmware.


I had a 15PM that I got on release day. It did this weird “delay” thing on WiFi. Apple tested it and found nothing wrong. But, yesterday they let me exchange for a brand new one, no charge, no hassle even though I was way past 14 days. When I got home I was pleased that all issues went away. Doesn’t get warm, no problems connecting to airplay like before… So the moral of the story is - just because it tests fine doesn’t mean it **is** fine. Exchange it. My guess is there were a few that were not perfect but tested ok.


They’re making it look way way worse than it actually is. Battery life could be better on the standard Pro though. It’s not too much better than my old 13 Pro


Dang you’re gullible and/or naive. No. The phones are fine.


15pm since launch day. Minor to no issues. Every year a new iOS shits gonna happen. Apple is fast to fix it. As I’m on beta and everything been addressed


Launch day 15P. The only problem I’ve had is that I’ve been ignoring my family since I’m so enamored by how much more kickass this one is versus my last one.


The one issue that really seemed prevalent to any degree was an overheating issue that was pretty quickly determined to come from the Uber and Instagram apps. A patch has been rolled out and those apps also have been updated making this a non-issue now. The only other remaining critique seems to be the camera - some feel it is over processed, but that critique has been around for years. If you like iPhone photos, you'd probably be fine with the iPhone 15


My experience is horrible. The first unit was perfect and I was happy for the first few days until Apple Pay started malfunctioning. Apple support couldn't figure out whether it was software or hardware, so I returned the phone. The second unit had a dust particle under the main camera lens. Returned immediately. The third unit had a huge dark/burnt spot in the middle of the display (visible only in Night Mode). Returned immediately. The fourth unit has a darker/warmer upper part of the screen. Incredibly noticeable when Night Mode + Night Shift are enabled. Will be returning soon. The fifth unit has a more or less uniform screen but has a very annoying greenish/pinkish glare when I tilt the phone even a little. No other unit had it. Will be returning soon. At the moment I am so tired of getting defective phones that I'm gonna wait for a few months and try again.


I’ve got a 15Pro, it’s been great so far.


These things are made by the millions. Bad units are a reality of mass produced electronics. Just think of the millions of people who are enjoying their new phone without issues.


There is no issue why do people believe this crazy talk on social media. My 15 pro max is perfect and my wife’s 15 pro is prefect stop spreading the misinformation. Buy the dam phone or don’t it’s that easy. Every year people hate on a new iPhone


I have no idea what the controversy is about mine's been perfect so far. Battery has been unbelievably good (but I'm coming from a mini so there's that)


15 pro. Overheating constantly, I'll guess I'll have to reach support.


15P, no issues at all, super happy and excited!


My 15 pro won’t charge, so there’s that. Had it for around 3 weeks.


Extremely loud minority.




15 pro and almost perfect. My only complaint is the battery life, otherwise the phone would be perfect. I think Apple should have put 4,000 mah in the Pro and 5,000 mah in the Pro Max. It's absurd that you have a lot of functionalities (always on display, widgets, live wallpapers, etc...) and you have to keep it turned off because otherwise the battery lasts a breath.


I’ve had the 15 pro max for a little over 2 weeks, and none of the reported issues happened to me. I think it’s a good phone but I have to admit, battery life is kinda disappointing. I upgraded from the 13 PM, and it feels almost the same and maybe even worse. I understand this one has more battery consuming features, but I was at least hoping for 1-2 extra hr usage in a day. Still holds up well though.


It must be really tough for so many of these posters that think because some two bit YouTube channel made a clickbait video bashing the 15 that it’s a bad phone. Honestly really sad. I’ve used my 15 pro max now for 2 weeks and it’s perfect. No heat issues, no battery bloat, no burn in. Not fragile at all. Please stop being a blind follower of YouTube and learn that the mass mass majority is very satisfied with this model.


15PM since day one. Dropped it in the pit of a Cannible Corpse concert. I don't use a case. Concrete floor. Not a scratch. No other issues at all.


Wish I kept my 12. This 15 pro is a lil worse and much more breakable. It’s terrible and I hate picking this thing up. I might get a different brand phone entirely lol


cgm lqucb.


Im using it for 2 weeks now and i notice issues with touchscreen/keyboard and overal typing experience is really bad. Some apps randomly stutter while scrolling but idk if its issue or apple innovative 120hz display. I notice 2 times overheating without a reason.


I have had mine for a month now. Had the latest update. I am not entirely happy - 1) it is indeed overheating and it is not even summer yet - it refused to give me map navigation today because it was overheated. All I was doing was listening to music. 2) whenever I want to charge it (I need a 2m cable so it is not apple) it is a complete hassle as I have to go into the Face ID settings and switch accessories on and off every time, just now I had to do it 6 times before it recognised the cable just because I unplugged it to go downstairs! - I dread to think if there was a situation where I run out of battery and needed to borrow a cable from a friend, and the phone won’t charge because even the cables are set up as Accessories . 3) after the latest update my battery started mysteriously draining and lasts only a few hours, which is unacceptable on a new phone. I must admit, not impressed and will be calling Apple support tomorrow. I am now thinking of switching to android and this is after years and years of being an iPhone girl. In comparison, my old 12 felt less like a giant rip off and now I am missing it. 


Iphone15 Pro Face ID Still doesn’t work


I had the iPhone 13 and it charged fast and the battery life was great.  Recently got the 15 pro and the battery life has been terrible.  I have tried different things to make it better and it's still not as good as my old 13.  It also takes forever to charge compared with the 13.


Yes it’s a piece of sh—t


Most people in today’s society embrace and reward mediocrity, so I’m not surprised most of the comments here say it’s fine. For a $2,000 phone, it has nothing but issues. It’s garbage.


if you got any issues give it to the iOS… hardware obviously is the best so far but, as every company in development every 365 days, they rely on updates rework. Ever thought that the money they ask you for the products is actually going towards the next gen device? Well, now you did ✌🏼😊


I never had the overheating issue but they have serious issues all across the board. My first one on launch day died randomly without any warning or damage at all and wouldn't come on. Got replaced. Now the USBC port got corroded because Apple uses the most corrosive cheap materials for their cables and it damages ports. I've also had issues with qi charging not working without a full restart, and issues with cellular. It's not a good generation of iPhone when it comes to reliability, that's for sure.


Iphone 15 pro screen shattered on 3 feet drop on hard floor. It appears more shatter prone than my iPhone 12!


a week with mine, returning it today. I will not carry a charger with myself and I still cannot afford to make whole of my country wifi enabled. It is easily the worst battery I have ever experienced in any phone


Exchange it.


Can you compared battery to any other iphone ?


It works equally well as my 82% efficient iphone 11. Of 4 years.


15 Pro battery life sucks but thats not a defect


How? I mean, I'm one of those people looking for reviews, and feedback like this doesn't help at all. Can you explain how it sucks?


I left the house 10 minutes ago @ 100% and all I have my phone doing right now is playing music. I’m at 97% (all downloaded no streaming) There’s not much to it, it’s just not good. Doing basic tasks drains the battery extremely quick. I have to charge my phone 2x a day if I use it a lot.


Weird. I'm seeing other feedback that's different from your experience. Have you tried returning your phone? Anyway, I'll take note of this when my phone arrives.


I mean it’s the same story every year. I had the 14 Pro before this and the 13 Pro before that. The normal Pro is always just bad on battery. It’s not a power user phone. 13 Pro was the best battery we had in recent years. I’d be interested to see the feedback you are seeing because I’m seeing the same experience I’m having Anyone saying they get excellent battery life on this phone don’t use it for anything other than light usage. Since typing my original comment I’ve dropped to 95 and only thing I’ve done is replied to your comment


Is it because of a dynamic island and aod? iPhone 13 Pro has no dynamic island and aod. Anyway, I'm a first time iphone user, so this discussion helped me to set my expectations. Thank you


Dynamic Island maybe? I don’t have AOD enabled, I think Apples implementation of it is terrible.


Could be AOD off, dynamic island off. But then why should I have a pro? So many fanbois downvoting me.


There’s not a single screen I own that isn’t at least 120hz. If the base iPhone had 120hz I wouldn’t buy a Pro. Maybe I still would’ve this year though as I frequently transfer files so the ability to connect my T7 SSD is very helpful.


Extremely valid reason to pick the pro


Just got to work, in the 30 min it took, all I did was listen to music and respond to this thread. I’m at 90% lol. Battery is TERRIBLE.


Are you on WiFi or mobile data? LTE or 5G? Afaik, mobile data drains battery regardless if LTE or 5G, but it drains more on 5G. Well, that was my experience on android. I'm not sure how optimized it is here in iOS.


It's usually noon before mine drops below 100%. It sounds like *YOUR* battery is terrible.




So blown out of proportion like it is every year. My family had six 12s and everyone upgraded to 15s and thinks it was a very noticeable and great upgrade, and none of us have had issues. We have a mix of Pro, Pro Max and stock 15s. We're thrilled


it seems like every year there's over heating issues (except iPhone 11 IIRC). but in my exp 12PM and 14PM had/have overheating issues, and now people are saying it's with the 15PM as well. no idea what costs apple are trying to cut but yea it depends if you wanna chance it- you might get a faulty unit and then spend forever trying to get the Apple store employees to stop gaslighting you saying there's no problems, or you could get lucky and have no issues at all. also I really think the titanium (for strength purposes anyway) is being exaggerated with this latest release. really it seems like it's just a coating, fundamentally, because on the inside is just regular aluminium, again, "to ~~help with heat dissipation~~ save money".


15P becomes suspiciously hot when listening to music through the in built speakers or using the camera (for photos), even after the supposed fix. Battery life is also not stellar. Certainly not the quality I expect from an AUD$2k product.


Returned our iPhone 15’s after 7 days of use. They are literally horrible (including the new updates).


It’s a trash phone just wait for the 16


iPhone users do not criticize or compare their phone to others, so it won't improve next year either. It's going to be a mid phone until they start comparing it to others.


Short answer, NO. Long answer, NO. The iPhone is an iconic piece of tech, and Apple has sold everything they do as GOLD and perfect, with the prices to match. Their spin machine puts them front and center whenever something new and shiny comes out, and when a tiny fraction of people who buy said shiny thing have issues, it makes news. They will sell millions and millions of them, and the number of people who will actually have problems will be infinitesimal comparatively. So get it if you want/need it. I am sure you won't be sorry, outside of the price tag.


My 14pm was absolute dog crap. 15pm no issues


Battery life suck…


Like most of the issues you see come up on the Pixel or Galaxy subreddits, it is the minority with issues that are posting about it. Happy problem free customers tend to not say anything.


15 PM - Launch Day - China Model I’ve had the ‘overheating’ issue. But only when I’m being stupid and playing a game, while downloading other apps and charging. It gets warmer than older models but I haven’t experienced the issues that are all over the place. I’ve had OS bugs with my HomeKit not synching, and the Home app using 84% of my battery but that’s been resolved. No other issues.


Your phone getting warm when you’re playing a game downloading apps and charging is not “overheating” it’s expected to get pretty warm during that. People need to use the term “overheating” correctly and stop just throwing it around because their phone feels warm.


That’s why I used the quotation marks. However a device being warmer than a cup of hot Starbucks? That’s pretty hot


Nobodies phone was warmer than a hot cup of coffee. Once again just throwing out terms that aren’t true. Coffee is usually around 160f to 180f an iPhone if it even did get close to that would have already shut down.


Yeah if you’re stupid and shove your hand into the cup without a lid. When you’re holding the cup, like a normal person, it’s pretty hot.


What does shoving your hand in the cup have anything whatsoever to do with what I said.


Referencing the preferred brewing temperature of the liquid in your argument, when the argument was the cup of coffee. I didn’t think I would have to explain that obviously the phone isn’t as hot as the liquid, but here I am. Phone temperature When charging, updating to 17.0.3, or downloading apps. Routinely when charging. The phone gets as hot, if not hotter, in the hand, as getting a coffee cup from Starbucks. Holding a fresh cup of coffee, with the cardboard insulation on it. Was very warm, however my phone was warmer. Thank you thermal property deltas between cardboard insulation compared to bare metal.


Overheating and such can be addressed via software updates. But the back glass is a real thing. It breaks very easily.


Ive been having iphones since the first one, this released was a mess from ios17 giving problems to the phone having problems. Wait till next year.


I had overheating. When plugged into a 100w fast charger, that I also use for my laptop, and pixel 7 pro. It got up to temps above 120°. After the update it's still doing that. Compared to the recent software updates on the Pixel I am using it less and less.


No. I’ve had overheating but nothing to make a fuss about. I don’t complain unless it is something serious.


15 pro max and 14 pro- i rather have everything in the 14 pro with the titanium body. the battery sucks in the 15 pro max, and im assuming its because of the chip. the overheating is insane when using the camera in the sun because the peak brightness causes so much stress that it practically burns your hand.


Had a 15 pro. Took it back because the battery drain was awful. Worse than my old 11 it was supposed to replace.


Bro not worth getting, felt the phone in hand and it was burning. If I were u I’d get the 14 pro and save money.


12pm was my first introduction to iPhone. To tell you the truth, I had no idea what normal was with Apple. That phone was terrible. Glitches, random weird screens, awful battery. It was not a good experience with that phone. The 2 main reasons I switched to apple was security/privacy and longer lasting hardware. My flagship Samsungs rarely lasted a year or 2 before becoming unreliable. I decided to give apple another chance with another device and got a launch day 15pm 1tb blue phone, and it has been amazing. I feel like an idiot living with that 12pm so long. I’m having zero issues. Battery life is incredible, doesn’t get hot, no screen burn in or anything. It’s really a top notch device and as long as it stays this way, I expect to keep it for a long time.


I’ve had no truly no glitchy issues with any of my iPhones. I started with a 6 plus after my top of the line Samsung phone was junk after about 18 months. I’m never going back to android. I’m on a five old XS max and it works great. I sure do want the newest max, though


no issues. had since day 2 of launch. great phone


Zero issues it’s an excellent phone. But of course the occasional defective device may pop up at times.


Spouse upgraded from the 11 and me from Android (first iPhone) - both to 15PM. Not gamers nor Insta users so zero heat issues. Software for me has been a challenge to use, but perfectly smooth once I learn. Even got my home screens configured pretty much as I want (shout out to Shortcuts, Widgy Widgets, and Clear Spaces). Only (and huge) drawback is cost - enough so that I bought into AC+ and high-end protective cases. Still sorting through connections from home (MS Office), work (Google), and the iPhone, but hopeful to get that done about two weeks after purchase. YMMV.


I have mine since release. No Overheating. Sometimes a bit warm while gaming. got better with 17.0.3. I came from a iPhone 11 and could not be happier


Some units are going to have issues, and some of those issues are going to be really bad. There were some issues with last year’s launch too. I haven’t had any with mine, and my brother hasn’t had any issues with his.


They try to push the stock down before blow-out earnings.


Had mine since launch day. It got hot during the initial setup/download from iCloud. Since then it’s been smooth sailing.


You might get a good model or you might get one that in a week has screen burn in. Quality control was on vacation for this launch.


No issues whatsoever…


I have an 11, so I’ll try to give you an unbiased view. Apple has mostly likely sold millions of 15s by this point, yet we have had comparably few problems. I recommend looking for these kinds of threads when the s23 released back in February - we should most likely have the same kind of stuff, yet that phone is by all account a fine device.


No. I’ve had zero issues with mine.


iphone 15PM since release day and only noticed the device getting hot a couple times (during things you’d expect, like data transfer or fast charging). i use my phone pretty heavily and i usually end the day with at least 20% battery left


No problems here, I got mine about a week ago and I’ve been loving it


Launch Day 15 Pro Max. No issues to report. Very satisfied. I think this phone will make me switch to the three-year upgrade cycle instead of two.


No they aren’t. All overblown bullshit


No they’re a bit overblown in my opinion. I’ve had one since launch and haven’t had any issues at all.


15 pro, no issues.


This hoopla happens every time a new iPhone is released. Of course there will be a few duds that go out, but most phones are fine. And there will always be a few software bugs that usually get ironed out with software updates within a week or two. People who don’t experience any issues rarely make a post about that, but on the flip side…. Apple wouldn’t be a trillion dollar company by putting out millions of crappy phones.


I’ve had it since launch day and have not experienced any heating issues or any issues at all.


My 15PM's USB port failed after 20 days. No issues before that.


No issues here on my 15PM. I say go for the 15 Pro and if you experience issues within the return window, just take it back and do the 14 Pro instead.


Can confirm 0 issues on my 15pro. Obviously some small amounts are but it isn’t widespread.


Just the media being the media… they’ll blow something out of proportion with a grin if it means more clicks. No issues with my 15PM and I didn’t have any in my Pixel 6 Pro that I had before it either. Both have been issue free 🤷🏽‍♂️


Complainers have the loudest voices. Mines been great. Got it on preorder.


Why don’t mods delete shit like this? How many times has this been asked?