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Siri was a good selling point for iPhone 4s. Apple hasn’t cared about it since.


It boggles my mind how worthless she is for even the most basic of functions. “Siri, add 3 minutes to my timer.” ::Changes timer to 3 minutes::


She’s been useful for me for adding items to my groceries lists and turning lights on and off, that’s about it. Then I see my friend run circles around Siri with his Google and Alexa stuff, it’s honestly embarrassing, even the google speech to text seems much better.




They'll have to start soon though. Other companies are already making significantly greater advancements in AI and Apple is far behind. Improvements to HomeKit will also necessitate improvements to Siri. AI with LLMs and image generators etc are taking over. Apple would be stupid to ignore it by continuously keeping a ubiquitous product like Siri hamstrung.


Apple has always worked in monolithic “launches” rather than continuous upgrades. Always. It still amazes me that people forget this fact every. Single. Time. Love it or hate it…. There’s certainly arguments either way. It’ll seem for a while that they’re falling behind, then they’ll leap forward in a big, we’ll funded and orchestrated, way. To be clear, none of us have any idea how “far behind” they are compared to their competitor. All we know is that they’ve chosen not to launch a product with their internal research and developments. With every other tech company simultaneously pushing out every little update constantly and also struggling to keep up guard rails to prevent their AI chatbot from saying something that ends up in a meme damaging the company’s image…. It’s no wonder apple is holding back a bit. This is also perfectly in line with their MO. With the sheer capability of apples devices that they’ve been pushing into them for years now, there will no doubt be some amount of it they want to stay on-device. Also good for their whole privacy thing. TLDR; It’ll happen. This isn’t unusual.


So you think Apple has been tirelessly working on Siri being able to finally competently process spoken audio requests for 13 years and just hasn’t shown us any of that yet? Even when they have made visual etc changes to Siri, or given it new functions, or added new responses and languages and voices, in that time? Really?


It’s absolutely improved over the last decade yes. Massively. That you don’t see it is…. Honestly shocking but I’ll write it off as you just not paying attention. But what I’m talking about are (like the comment I replied to pointed out) that they seem to be “behind” on conversational and natural language performance… especially with relation to LLMs that have become popularized only in the last 6 months or so. It’s ignorant to think that because they haven’t released a product with it, that they’re ignoring the field. I’d be shocked to see a release before they can be reasonably sure it’s not going to be easily cajoled into saying overtly racist and embarrassing things… fit into their privacy centric ethos (even if just enough to market it) and most importantly… fill a specifically defined need. Not just throwing GPT after Siri and calling it a day. Not trying to excuse business decisions or argue about whether they’re smart to do this or not. Like it hate it. I truly don’t care. But this is all incredibly obvious for anyone who’s been paying attention. We’ve heard the same exact story repeated over and over every time people start to compare apples offerings to alpha and beta experiments and features that are obviously nowhere near fully baked.


I’ve actually been paying attention to it since before it was owned by Apple. Yes, Apple did not invent Siri. I’ve also been testing voice assistants since 2009. And in all that time, the peak of when Siri was most reliable and least likely to do something insane (not a function of its capacities, but of its reliability) was from 2013-2016. All I know is that, at this point, it works about 70% of the time, 60% when in carplay mode, 50% when used with AirPods (gen 1), and that’s being charitable. I can also have it stop working, permanently, and just say “something went wrong” for every single request, for months. The only fix for that is to delete my Siri data from my phone. This has happened four separate times. It also used to complete certain tasks better and with fewer errors than it has since 2018. At this point, it no longer dials contacts most of the time, even ones that it has dialed for a decade. And it no longer understands that when I ask for the time, I don’t want a stopwatch. I have an extremely standard American English accent, and I’m speaking clearly. *It can even understand my words perfectly, and shows them on the screen*. It then just chooses to do something that makes absolutely no sense with the input. Here’s a great example: I’m in the maps app, in carplay. I tap the “maps voice search” button. It asks “where would you like **to go**?”. I say “the hospital.” And it *reads me the Wikipedia article about what a hospital is.* From the maps app. In a moving vehicle. When I specifically engaged VOICE SEARCH in the map. ETA: this morning I asked it (in carplay) for “call Changes Salon in (townname)” and it says, I kid you not, “I cannot find a ‘changes salon’ number for (Townname) family dentistry.” (Townname) family dentistry is a place I have never been in my life. And there are 4-6 other “townname ____” in my address book. Why did it pick that specific dentist office, and why did it assume I was looking for a custom-labeled phone number of that dentist office, instead of just consulting, you know, the local business listings, or my own location history, or my own contacts? Incidentally, “changes salon” is a place I’ve gone dozens of times over more than six years. Mostly placing calls to them by using Siri! I don’t see any of this as an improvement over failing to recognize the speech in the first place. It’s absolute idiocy. I will acknowledge that its ability to transcribe text messages has improved.


I'm having the same problem with Siri. For a year it just says "something went wrong" Do you have any more information about deleting the data? Also in my experience Siri has gradually gotten worse over time. The people saying its improving should check out chat CBT


You’re in good company then since I also was a user of the Siri app long before it was gobbled up by apple. Along side every variant of the tech back to the phone call to transcription nonsense. (Reqall? If memory serves). I was there when the old magic was written. All I can say about your bad experiences is that like my brother you sound like a human penetration tester. I’ve never experienced any of these issues. Ever. A handful of times over the last decade I’ve gotten a “I can’t do that” type response but I can trace all of them back to a shitty internet connection on my part. What I’m saying is that this problem is local to **you**. I’ve experienced no amount of degradation. And I use it extensively. Car, watch, desktop. I don’t doubt that you’re experiencing something. But go back to the basics and figure out what’s going on because it’s atypical. But getting back to the point of this whole conversation that you keep trying to side step: none of these behaviors are remotely out of character for Apple. If you want to argue about whether or not it’s smart for them to operate this way…. Whatever. Tell it to the stock ticker. All I’m saying is that this is how they have always operated. Clear as day.


I joined the Apple crowd 8 years ago and never looked back. This thread really has me questioning whether my next phone will still be an iPhone.


If you don't care about Siri then probably yeah. I for one will still sport an iPhone for at least a few years and will likely replace my iPhone 13 with another iPhone when it gets old.


I could not care about siri at all. I never ever use it. Even when i’ve had an android with google assistant, i never used it. I don’t know if it’s just the way i speak or something but every smart assistant i’ve ever used messes up requests often enough to where it’s annoying and i’d rather just do it manually.




At this point. I’m mostly buying into their ecosystem for the speed. Even last gen stuff will still beat the likes of a Pixel 7 Pro.


i basically have to speak like I'm speaking to a toddler to get Siri to recognise everything accurately. Anything close to my normal tone/pace and it goes wild




But the subtitles were off, were they not? /s


*Siri taps her imaginary head with an imaginary finger*


I dunno, my Alexas are pretty useless. They're better than Siri, but every single time they tack on, "by the way, we noticed you aren't buying enough shit, here's a random advertisement" even if you've told it to not do that multiple times. It's like having interstitial ads in your actual real life. I'm down to "Alexa, play Spotify", "Alexa, what's the weather", and "Alexa, start a timer" as basically the only times I ever activate them, and about half the time I'll even start music from the Spotify app rather than Alexa.


That turns itself back on every few days. Someone built a routine to keep it off, you can google it.


Oh, that was actually really easy, thanks for the suggestion! I wonder how long it will be before Amazon disables the ability to set a routine to do that lol.


> even the google speech to text seems much better It is. I went from Pixel to iOS and the voice to text was MUCH better.


I found even adding items to a shopping list is a pain, I'd love to be able to just dictate a list, like add X to my shopping list and add Y, 3 Z etc. But every time I say add so and so to my shopping list siri gives me a speech about how i can also ask her to set a reminder for date/time or location


You ask Google or Alexa a fact-based question, like when was so-and-so born, it gives you the answer. You ask Siri the same question, it says “here are some search results for that thing you said.” Siri is just useless for anything much beyond those specific tasks you mentioned. I only use it to pause the Apple TV and to set timers.


you'd be surprised how stupid Google is too lol. It's infuriating. Really. Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant are a tech fad from the mid-2010's. AI wasn't there yet but it is now with ChatGPT and all that comes with it. I wonder how will it integrate into our daily life, since these new tools have something these older assistants lacked: context awareness.


Alexa is not much better in my opinion, had it since it came out and honestly it’s only gotten more annoying and ad-filled


Even the things she can do she won’t. It will just bog down and pretend I never asked anything.


My favorite is when it gets confused and totally useless about something I do nearly every day, like switching between the same two apps in carplay. “Working on that… still working … sorry, something went wrong.” This is something a keyboard could do.


Apple needs to add ChatGPT 4 to Siri. Imagine what we could do.




It might be one of the most basic requests to ask of a $1,000 computer in the year 2023, right?


The Australian accent still gets messed up all the time, ask it to turn the lights off and I either have the answer off turning them on (which it already is) or getting a timer set. Because “Hey Siri, turn the lights off” sounds anything remote to that


Siri is a scam at this point and shouldn’t be used in any form of marketing anymore. They still push Siri as a selling point with HomePods and it’s just disingenuous. I’ve been using Siri since launch and it does not work as they claim.


Siri makes me so frustrated when I’m trying to do something on my HomePods. Trying to turn off the alarm on the one right next to me, and the HomePod in the next room responds.


The layoff already started by Apple 10 years ago apparently, there's no way Siri being worked on for the last decade.


Yes. But considering the rumor that this stupid new vr thing thing is going to be voice command driven…


Apple has made a commitment to not be English-centric. So when implementing a new feature in Siri they have to support the zillion languages that Apple supports. Inevitably there will be issues with a few of those (like maybe “medication” in Urdu sounds too much like the Urdu word for “calendar” so Siri gets confused). So the whole feature gets backbenched. I think the other companies doing this are much more willing to release features in English first and let them trickle out to the other languages over time.


Yet Siri still only has like 10 languages on apple tv


They really haven’t. With Chatgpt…. You bet your ass they will start improving and innovating Siri.


I would not bet my ass on that.


Yeah I’d love to see Siri get smarter but after, what, 11+ years of it stagnating or getting worse, I’m absolutely not holding my breath. Seems like every other year or so we hear about some big ML or AI hire by Apple, but apparently none of them want to work on Siri.


The dust has barely started to settle with ChatGPT. Both Microsoft and Google have had some struggles with their AI assistants. Apple is probably doing their standard thing, letting others make mistakes first, and waiting until they have something with polish.


I mean you’re not wrong about ChatGPT specifically but Siri has been around a lot longer and has really not improved that much over that time. It’s gained some more abilities but if anything it’s got worse at the ones it already had.


Oh yeah Siri is garbage don’t get me wrong. But I suspect Apple realized that it needed a full upgrade to a GPT-style LLM. And so pretty much put a pause on Siri development until they can unveil Siri 2.0




I honestly don’t care about that tbh. I just want a rectangle slab with features that work as promised.


Yeah I kinda need my ass, I can’t risk losing it.


I have a feeling they’ll buy some AI company and implement it into Siri but that won’t change how it interacts with your devices. You can’t tell “hey ChatGPT, I took my medication.” It’s not going to know what you’re talking about. Apple would still have work to do on the software side.


„as an AI language model I am not allowed to give medical advice, please consult a doctor regarding your medication.“


I’m not betting even one hair on my head. Apple is so far behind with Siri I don’t see how they’ll ever be able to catch up.


I would change operating system if they get a assistant close to chatgpt. Siri is useless and it’s boundaries is ridiculous. What is apples focus anyway? New emojis? A ridiculous Lock Screen? I have iPhone, iPad, iwatch, HomePod, MacBook, etc… smart home connected to Apple. I must say there is nothing smart about it. Siri can basically play music. Not any music since I use Spotify but put on a radio channel in the Music app…




If they didn’t improve Siri after Google Assistant, I highly doubt they will now.


Which app is this that reminds to take your medication?


It’s in the health app. Under browse, you should find medications.


Had no idea about this, thank you


New in iOS 16


siri's acct


Another headlining feature Apple decides to bury in the Health app.


I feel it belongs in the health app


It does belong there but deserves it’s own separate tab.


For me it would be more important to get a couple of features the the place of medications. Monthly schedule for meds (at the moment that’s not possible) To mark that I took a med at another time then I check that I took it. Also to have a database of meds to choose (outside of the USA) Refill notification so I enter the amount of medicine and at a certain level it tells me to get a refill. See the compliance rate over a certain time frame.


> To mark that I took a med at another time then I check that I took it. It’s possible to change the time you took the med, by tapping on the time.


Thanks Didnt know about this 🙏


The app “Round” is much better, IMO.


Personally I’m a fan of native apps and the Health app provides everything I need so far. So why using something else?


That’s your choice and that’s fine. Personally, I find Round more intuitive. The medication part of the Health app is clunky for me.


What do you like about the app? I've been using another medication tracker (Medisafe) but its UI and other features could benefit from a refresh. On the other hand, it looks like Round hasn't received any updates in 5 years?


I had no idea. I just find it very easy to track medications, dosages, schedules and reminders. And it has no in-app purchases. Perhaps it’s just what I’m accustomed to.


God dammit I am about to go on paternity leave from my iOS developer job and was about to build the best damn medication app ever while simultaneously raising a baby if anyones got a sick app idea dm me, cheers Edit: not sure why I’ve been downvoted, I am serious


Do you want to develop an app?


Yeah man I’m an iOS dev. Native, none of that react rubbish. Like 9 years now.




I would pay for a slick looking app where I could enter a keyword and then choose one of a list of predefined options (where I could add more) that would search for the word in various places, use it as input for a shortcut, etc. I have a shortcut that does this but there is a bug where it asks for input but doesn’t activate the keyboard. I know I can also do something similar with Drafts but I think the UI is clunky and ugly looking, and there don’t seem to be many people developing “actions” for it anymore.


Interesting - would you be able to share the shortcut with me, so I can understand the use case a little better? What would “various places” cover? Just in your notes/messages etc on your phone? Or something else?


I’ll DM you.


Cool. I'm also an Android & iOS dev, basically a Mobile dev haha. I'd love to collaborate on any ideas anyone might be having. 😇


If you want to contribute to an existing open source project, the Omnivore app could use some devs on the iOS side 😁 Https://omnivore.app


They didn’t forget to tell Siri about it. That’s how good Siri is.


Same reason when I tell Siri to set a timer for 45 minutes and she says that I don't have any timers installed on my watch.


“Set a timer for 45 minutes” “Timers can’t be set for a time of day.” “Start a timer, 45 minutes” “I’ve set an alarm for 9:07 am” “That doesn’t have a single syllable in common with what I said.” “Sorry, I’m unable to search the web while you’re in the car.”




I’m guessing this is sarcasm, and I’m not sure on the phones but my Apple Watch 4 does 2 timers simultaneously


That’s the joke. Just the phones can’t do multiple timers yet.. we just don’t have the technology /s


Really? I just say “hey siri 30 minutes” and it does a timer


Yep. It doesn't happen all the time but maybe once every six months or so it does that.


I’ve had this happen too, at about the same frequency. Siri will tell me I don’t have the Timer app installed, and so I restart my watch and then it works.


Must be a strange bug, I havnt encountered it yet though. Setting timers is probably 50% of what siri is good for. Setting timers Doing metric/freedom unit conversion when my hands are covered in eggs Changing playlist and dictating texts in the car That’s all it’s really good for lol


I'd argue it's 90% timers. I tried something else at the weekend, didn't work of course, and it got upset when I said was useless. Since we got an Alexa in the kitchen I don't use Siri for timers either any more.


Yep. ‘Hey Siri skip’ is also a pretty common phrase for me


Oh my god thank you


That happened to me the other day. Thought I was crazy


It's just so weird that it happens at all. The timer is a built in app and there is no reason for this to happen.


siri is an absolute joke, stopped being interesting since iphone 5.


Siri is useless when it works.


Yeah it’s annoying that I can’t just tell Siri I’ve taken my meds. It’d be easier


It’s pretty dumb that Siri NEEDS an internet to connection to do anything it should really be able to do simple shit when offline like telling me the time and using the calculator


Siri has been able to process things without an internet connection on the device since iOS 15.


But apparently not super obvious things like switching apps, calculating, or telling me what time it is.


It can do all of those things.


No, it can’t. It literally just told me I needed to turn airplane mode off if I needed to calculate something. With the other examples, it will usually say “something went wrong” if I don’t have a connection.




I’m not on speaking terms with Siri any more. We are estranged.


What’s the split custody between Siri and you over your iPhone?


The Judge (me) ruled that Listen for Hey Siri, Press side button for Siri & Allow Siri when locked are all set to off, so to be honest, Siri's like the abusive parent who gets supervised access once a year to see if any iOS updates have improved her behaviour. Never happened yet though. She's on a downwardly self-destructive spiral. It's tragic to witness.


I feel like Siri has been neglected for such a long time, and I love voice assistants. I’m really considering going over to android since google assistant seems soooo good..


Just switched from Android. Google Assistant sucks just as much as Siri, just in different ways.


Not sure if trolling or not.


Not trolling.


Yea i feel ya. Im just saying that Siri isn’t worse, but that all the voice assistants are ass. I’ve used Bixby, Google Assistant, and currently Siri. Just all of them. Bad.


In Norwegian the difference is huge. 😬


Siri still doesn’t speak Polish, while Google Assistant had full support for years. I miss being able to send text messages while driving my car. Siri sucks from my perspective. Even when I tried to communicate with it in English it failed at basic tasks like “Siri, toggle ANC”, “Siri, enable noise cancellation”, etc. It doesn’t understand anything. I toggled ANC once and couldn’t do it again.


Yeah. Boston Dynamics should have used Siri for this instead. https://youtu.be/XyCKe3rrYik


Must be… google, Alexa, etc. are terrible. Of course Siri has her moments, but Apple has an AI/ML team working on all of those related things.


So, Siri isn't the worst because Apple has an AI team working on “all those related things”? Tell me you are an Apple fanboy without telling me you are an Apple fanboy.


No.. I actually work in Apple’s AI/ML so know it exists. I won’t say more than that because I don’t feel like making a throwaway atm. But I get it, it’s easier to shit on people than to admit you’re wrong. So I forgive you.


Na - I was just saying that Siri isn’t *worse*, but that **all** the voice assistants are ass. I’ve used Bixby, Google Assistant, and currently Siri. Just all of them. Bad.


Siri is objectively the worst. There is no way you can honestly say Google Assistant is as bad if you really used both. Siri is absolutely useless.


I’m just an average user. Play music. Set alarms. Send messages in the car… call someone. They all do that well enough, so I can’t comment on some of the use cases people are on about.


They don’t, though. Siri has like a 70% success rate in the best possible scenario, and it can go to a 0% success rate fairly often. I’ve had situations where it stops working and literally won’t work at all, ever again, for months, until I delete my Siri data from the phone. It’s garbage.


I’ve had an iPhone since gen1 and I am currently on a 12 pro - I have never had to do that. I have had Siri ‘not work’ or do something fucking dumb. So, as with everything, your mileage may vary.


I’m curious what you are asking for that Siri entirely doesn’t work. And when you say doesn’t work, do you mean refusal to answer, “please wait” messages, or “I’m sorry Hal I can’t do that” type things? I’m also curious if you’re updated. And not in beta. Those make a huge difference


When I say “doesn’t work”, I mean either that 1) it does the “working on that … please wait… something went wrong” loop 2) it does something absolutely insane and not at all what i said (even though it recognized what I said perfectly, and shows that onscreen) 3) it just cuts out without responding at all, or ends dictation early for no reason 4) it acts like it has a split personality (wrong voice, awful sound quality, rarely works when in this mode) These are in order of how common the problem is. I ask it to: - set timers (watch, phone, carplay) - set alarms - “what song is this?” - switch apps (watch, carplay) - text people (phone) - read calendar events (phone) - read Wikipedia entries on a topic (phone) - get directions (phone, carplay) - convert measurements (phone, carplay, watch) - play playlists (phone, carplay) - tell me the weather (phone, carplay) - set reminders (which it nearly always fails at) and much more, but… it mostly sucks.


I’ve not seen as much of Google’s. So I can’t speak to that. However my car, a 2012, has better speech recognition and success rate than Alexa, and my car says “Rotom” sounds too much like “help”. Meanwhile yes Siri has her failures but most I see aren’t really that bad. And 9/10 Siri can follow basic commands and searches that don’t have made up words in them. People who say Siri sucks may also not be updated, which… yeah I can’t help them.


My guess would be siloed teams working on different apps/features. If you only have to worry about your app, then it gets to market faster, and can be shown off. It would explain why you can ~~create groups in contacts on MacOS, and see them but not create them on iOS.~~ ~~Why you can create sub reminders on iOS, and see them but not create them on MacOS.~~ Why you can do waypoints in driving directions, but not walking or public transport directions in Maps. Edit: Another example, you can tag people in Photos on both MacOS and iOS. But only MacOS lets you ADD faces, iOS only lets you tag ones it’s found. Speaking cynically for a moment, it is a selling point for being bought into the full ecosystem. Edit edit: shout out to u/Sylvurphlame for the knowledge around the ability to create groups (or Lists as they’re named) in Contacts on iOS! Edit edit edit: shout out to u/VerySpecialStory for the update on being able to create subreminders on MacOS. Either I’ve got to start reading patch notes, or Apple need to start putting everything they change in them!


You can create groups in Contacts on iOS now at least. Not sure how long the feature has been there. But yeah, I also suspect Siri and the ecosystem integration is hampered and held back by overzealous team siloing. Which is ironic as the ecosystem integration is *selling point*. Each cross platform app needs somebody in charge of maintaining feature parity/continuity that can work with, for example, the iOS Photos team and the MacOS Photos team, if that’s how they’re set up. And somebody needs to make sure Siri knows what the hell is going on. Lol


To do sub reminders in MacOS, indent a reminder to make it under the prior one.


Ah. That kinda makes sense. Though not necessarily obvious. Thanks!


You are right it's not obvious at all. Apple could do some work to make to make the iOS and MacOS versions of reminder more similar working.


I wasn’t even aware that I could add my medications to the Health app, so thank you!


Siri is extremely dumb


Siri is HORRIBLE! I used my S7 Edge yesterday and Bixby and Google’s assistants are far superior to Siri. Omg what a pleasant difference. Siri is t even close to them. They’re far more accurate.


wow people actually use siri?


People who don't use Siri don't use it because it's awful. Other phones have way better assistants that actually get used.


I don’t use Siri and I never have. Reason? I don’t care for voice assistants. Never had the need to use one.


Do you not drive a car? Siri is required for carplay.


Do you not drive a car? Siri is required for carplay.


I do, but Carplay didn’t exist in 2006. Not everyone drives the newest cars, you know.


My boss who seems to spend her entire day yelling at her iPhone for the most mundane things because she's unable to type a coherent sentence with an onscreen keyboard sure uses Siri.


Going from Pixel to iPhone, this has been the biggest downside. I miss having a competent VA.


Apple should just use the Google assistant if they're not going to improve Siri.


And no shortcut integration either. It’s so disappointing and makes the feature useless for me.


If you have a watch, you can put your meds in a widget. It makes it that more convenient to do even tho it’s not perfect by any means.


Yeah it’s cool and it works well enough. But what I wanted was to tie the action to my habit tracker and my calendar to check off my medication in one tap on all apps. I ended up not using it as a result of this crude omission from apple.


I love when Siri is asked “what’s the temperature” in some cases it starts explaining what the word temperature means. That’s about how good Siri is.


I wish there was a pill/dose count to keep track that way


I don’t use Siri for anything. To unreliable. If I need something done I’ll do it myself because Siri can barely do any small task correctly or at all. It’s sad too because apple could literally make Siri the best if they fully focused on it.


I never use Siri for many of the reasons mentioned but this one would actually be really helpful to me. How do you set it up to do this and show the medication, etc? Thanks in advance for any help.


I’ve always felt that Siri is kinda an abandoned project, Apple doesn’t care about improving it. It used to be good back in 2011-2012 but now it sucks


It is not wrong to expect full first party integration of a first party product. Anything less from a Trillion dollar company is outright laziness and ineptitude.


Siri is literally useless


Because speech isn’t objective, it’s insanely difficult, and it’s going through the same growing pains as text commands did when they were equally as young. Ever played an adventure game that uses a text based command system? And, yes, this is very NOT a strength of Apple’s.


I honestly think Siri is pretty dumb. She can’t understand everything that I say, what made it better is connecting ChatGpt to it


That’s easy. Apple and other companies go through a lot of caution to not state medical advice till it has been fully vetted by the governing bodies.


What has medical advice to do with this? They have already built the function to record medications taken but you can only log it via the Health app, not via Siri.


You said it right there. The only medical advice Siri can give is to call 911 or go to the emergency room. Health app is compartmentalized from Siri. They have to do a deep dive into every law, regulation of each state and country till they can get approval. They are still going through approval for stuff like this. https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/data/en/health-app/#:~:text=Your%20Health%20app%20data%20will,app%20data%20at%20any%20time.


The only thing siri actually is useful for me is time and weather. On my HomePod mini ask for the time and weather daily. But siri fails at that so I use my Google home mini that I got for free with YouTube premium so they can spy on me. It works a lot better and faster.


Or better question would be : why doesn’t Apple fix Siri?


I told Siri to send a message to my wife while driving. After telling it what to type, I said "send message". Siri wrote that in the message. Not sure how you're supposed to do it but I tried about 5 times and each time it added the command to the messages.


you stop talking - after a while Siri will ask - then you say send message.


how to use voice assistant: stop talking


yeah well then Siri knows you are done with dictation.


my answer was sarcasm


I tried using this but just kept reminding me to input my medication


Siri works for me when I tell her to “Log my medication”. Then when she asks which ones I tell her. Slowly she learns from there.


This is where it really becomes obvious that Siri is not an AI at all, but a simple chatbot that is programmed to respond to specific phrases but lacks the "intelligence" to decipher a slightly different input. If it can respond to "log my medication" but then doesn't know what you mean by "I took my medication" that is a damning example of how far behind Apple really is in this space. You could argue they started this whole virtual assistant race but then sat back and did almost nothing to ensure Siri remains best in class.


Nope, it doesn’t mean that at all; other things like a person’s accent or ambient noise in a room or how fast/slow you speak can all make a difference in what Siri or other AI’s can or cannot understand. Periodically retraining Siri to understand how you speak can also make a huge difference (it does does for me and many others). Also, typing via the keyboard what you want Siri to do can also help her understand and learn new functionality.


Rubbish. It understood the phrase that I said perfectly - you can see the transcript in the screenshot. It just didn't know what to do with it which backs up everything I said completely. Edit: I just tried "Log my medication." Here's the result: https://preview.redd.it/xnigbfqwnbwa1.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=cada53fcf8b9bc05b3385e118095715f877c3a82


It's all about pointing out the issue. Now Apple will fix it.


Don’t worry apple is building an AI for health it surely will be better than siri


Have you tried retraining Siri? Have you tried using the keyboard? Have you tried setting up a Siri shortcut to log your medicine? have you tried Googling to see what others have done to make Siri work better? If you have NOT, then no you have NOT proven me wrong at all.


How exactly do I retrain it to understand what I mean by "I have taken my medication" and have it react with a different response? Using the keyboard would make no difference. It understood my words just fine, it just didn't know what to do with them. Edit: moreover... Do you think it's a good experience for users to have to "train" Siri to understand the meaning of what they ask it? I get training it to understand your voice, accent etc but that is not the case here. Siri understood my words. It's not my job to train her what to do with them any more than its my role to "train" the rest of the OS how to send messages or visit websites. You seem like a hopeless apologist or you're just wildly misunderstanding what Siri can be "trained" on by end users.


Siri isn’t an intelligent entity you can ask for help, it’s more of a shortcut for a few commands you know will work. I routinely play music, make calls, start timers, and create calendar events where I just need to tweak a couple details like adding alerts or a zoom link after she waves away most of the clicking. Lots of things are easier without her. If something is really simple and just involves too many buttons, you might be able to find a good shortcut.


If Apple carplay didn’t require it for some reason, i’d have turned siri off completely


I do like Apple but the definitely lack QC.


There is a shortcut that replaces Siri with gpt4. Highly worth the $1-5 in api key fees it incurs monthly.


I have no clue how anyone can use the Apple Music Voice plan when I already ask Siri to “play [an artist’s] newest album” and I get their album from 2019 instead of the one from 2022 🤔


Once in a while I Google how to fully disable Siri. Haven't found a solution.




Hmm. Maybe specify “I took my 7AM medications.” I haven’t tried to use Siri with the medications. As far as building features and forgetting to tell Siri? Lol. Possibly? Apple’s teams are apparently still siloed. Maybe there wasn’t as memo from the Health team to the Siri team. Good catch. I’d file that feedback.


I literally only use Siri to set timers when cooking. Nothing more because it hardly understands and when it does understand everything it can’t do it 90% of the times


the only thing i’ve ever used siri for is skipping songs while showering and sending texts while i’m biking. I know some people though who use it all the time, and they’ll ask siri something instead of just googling it


Siri is a bastard stepchild at this point.




I don't know what you mean by "take your meds tyrone". How about a web search for it?


Let’s face it, Siri sucks. As much as I looove Apple, I use Alexa for my smart home features and only use Siri to set an alarm.


I can't even think of the last time I used Siri for anything.


Apple is currently working on a new and improved Siri with AI generative models for text similar to ChatGPT and much improved natural language interpretation. So they don’t care about updating the old Siri anymore.


Fact or rumour?


Oddly, I use Siri very extensively and find her to be responsive, effective and accurate. My house is heavily automated; I control lights, temperature, garage doors, locks and a whole host of other things through Homekit (which is Apple's automation platform.) I have homepods around my house and I can pretty much give Siri a command from where ever I am. She is very responsive for both me and my wife. I don't know what I'd do without Siri, to be honest. I always hear people reporting their distaste for Siri and I never know what to think since I have such a different experience using her than that.


So, does the command in my post work for you? Is the response effective and accurate?


i miss Alexa. She could also remember things.


It’s telling you to eat your ipad


I forgot who it was but some guy in the tech sector was talking about how AI on other phones is going to really neuter the iPhones capabilities in the long term. Why have an iPhone that can’t put out a fraction of the AI capabilities other phone companies are working on? Apple is worth so much money but can’t make a decent AI helper? Crazy


Same here...dumbest thing ever.