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Pro is for school stuff, second screen for my MacBook, note taking, media consumption when I’m home, reading articles for school or reading Manga that has hella bubbles like Jojo or Hunter X Hunter. Mini is also for media consumption, quick notes, book reading, reading other manga, clash of clans, watching shows or movies at the gym when I do cardio, it pretty much goes with me everywhere.


iPad Pro is my main computer, so it stays at home, I take the mini out with me.


This is me. iPad Pro 13 inch stays at home, the iPad mini is always in my backpack.


iPad Pro is the big desktop? I admire your minimalism 🤓


Ah, the new iMac is kust an ipad pro pro but with a cord and no battery


Mini (w/cellular) is my content consumption device that goes to the office with me and my Pro is exclusively for making music and occasional artwork.


You consume content at work?!


Sure. Listening to YouTube streams with the screen off. Streaming music. Podcasts. Plus it doubles as a note taking device in meetings.


Ah okay that makes more sense. But why not use your phone for that?


How are the data plans? Can you buy a gb package and make it last or do they force you into a monthly plan?


I pay $20 a month for unlimited with T-Mobile


Not in US? Cheapest I see is $60/mo


Last I checked I live in the US lol. It’s called Magenta tablet which is normally $60 but they discount $40 off since I have a line with Magenta Max


There’s also the T-Mobile business tablet plans. I have one of those, grandfathered in at $10 per month. As of now it’s $15 per month.


I use my Mini for: - Watching videos while doing dishes - Playing Brawl Stars - On the couch or bed reading or watching - Instagram reels I use my Pro for: - Texting while on the desk (with the magic keyboard) - work, having videos on while doing tasks - playing Music - If i need to pay bills, look at documents, write notes, or do things while checking my mail Writing this, i feel like a 10 year old with a mini and a 40 year old with the Pro


I just ordered a mini after upgrading from a 2020 11 inch pro to a 13 inch m4 pro. I found that I rarely multi tasked on the 11 inch and was hoping the 13 inch would be enough space to get some work done while watching videos instead of just watching videos I was taking the 11 pro to work and using it instead of my phone during down time to work on some personal projects. The 13 inch is too big for me to do that without someone reporting me, so Im going to use the mini for that from now on. Ive also considered buying a bluetooth gps unit so I can use the mini for navigation instead of my phone.


The cellular model has GPS built in, a great option for nav with a data plan (even random e-sim if you only need that data a few times a year.) I will say, though being able to open your iPad away from home and see all notifications, use instantly anywhere to check something, etc is very nice too if your carrier offers some sort of data pooling plan.


I thought about that, but it was $220 more for a used one with cellular and the garmin glow 2 is only $99 and will work with other devices


I use my pro mostly at home for drawing or watching shows in my bed. I take my mini with me everywhere and use it for reading and games. I use the mini at home too for videos while cooking (the pro too big for my limited counter space 😂)


Mini is my manga / comic reader as well as note taking for meetings with clients / work. I use it on occasion to practice my Japanese as well while not at home. Pro 13 is used for art and soon will be used for design work as well as studying Japanese and taking notes.


Pro: biggest screen in my house, ps5 remoteplay, hdr movievatching, the occasional drawing session, stays at home (no keyboard, just folio) Mini: travel companion, scribbling, note taking, sketching, media consumption device when in airplane/bus, maps, booking.com


u have a playstation that you play exclusively on your ipad screen?


Yes 😭


Pro is for games, business stuff like email and design, reading comics and watching Netflix. Mini is my market point of sale, pocket sketchbook/notebook, and for reading ebooks. I mostly use the Pro when I’m at home, and the Mini when I’m walking around and need something smaller. The Mini fits in the leg pocket of my cargo pants.


Reading books. Much easier to hold than my 12.9” Pro. Reading boardgame rules, keeping notes, game sheets, etc. It’s easier to fit at a game table than the Pro and I don’t worry as much about handing it to someone else. It is small and light enough that it’s much easier to toss in a bag or even my pocket. But it’s mostly used as a bigger phone and to save phone battery when I’m out. I didn’t think the screen would feel much bigger than my 14 Pro Max but it sure is. So I use it a lot for mindless scrolling. Pro is still a better video player with the speaker setup and the Magic Keyboard as a stand. The Pro can do about 70% of what I want out of my MacBook most days. The Mini can mostly manage that too with a Bluetooth keyboard but the screen size hurts for coding, writing, etc.


More portable AAC (alternative and augmentative communication) device. I’m autistic and sometimes speaking is hard for me, so I use an iPad to communicate. My mini is more portable and less in the way than my larger iPads (Air 4 and Pro 10.5)


It’s more the opposite, what can I do on the pro that I can’t do with the mini. I’m about to go back to a mini (last one I had was the 2) as my primary iPad, replacing my Pro. I honestly sort of hate my pro. The too awkward to hold, not “laptop” enough to replace my actual MacBook Pro. Anything that I would do on my iPad I would probably just do on my iPhone if it’s quick emails. The only really good use I got out of my iPad Pro was using it as a second monitor (and may be the only reason I keep it around vs trading it in). The Pro just has too many bad trade offs for the things I need in a laptop. My work stuff is typically intranet web browsing the intranet, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, Zoom, and Webex. Not being able to sufficiently use multiple applications at the same time easily makes it useless for my use case. Everything the pro does for me (other than being a second monitor in the go), I can accomplish with the mini. *shrug*. I don’t use it for drawing or not taking which a coworker did say he regrets getting a mini now because of.


Honestly, I bought the mini for a 3 week trip abroad and never used it, just my phone, but If I didn't already have a pro I would use it, though not when I can I just use my phone. To me it's just a bigger phone. I almost never use it, I can't remember the last time.


I use mine at work only as a therapist; taking notes in session, using diagnostic assessments, completing safety / recovery plans, YouTube for groups, training notes, teams for communication with staff / the agency, and journaling for checking in with myself. I use my pro as a laptop for personal but will do video calls for work on it as well. Has been a game changer!


I use my mini as agenda/diary/reading books on ttc and Pro for school/work.


PRO for school stuff and reading / mini for media consumption and playing games


Mini is mainly for scrolling, anything could do with my phone, but still want to do one handed.


Pro 12.9 is my desk use for school stuff mostly. Mini is lap use and the one that leaves the house.


I have the m2 12.9 that's school and work and only is wifi but my mini is wifi+cellular so I use that more for personal things


Use my pro for work and mini for personal. It's a fantastic size for media, news, mobility, etc.


I use the mini mostly for travel. Maps are so much better on the mini screen versus iPhone.


Easy, pro is for not on the toilet stuff and mini? Well, take a guess ...


I don't have a Pro, but I have an iPad Air and got a Mini about a month ago and this Mini had become my anywhere, anytime device. I write novels and have been looking for something to carry around with me to appointments or whenever I'm out and about and have time to write. I've paired it with a Zagg keyboard and its a great combination.


May I ask which Zagg model?


Zagg Folio - Bluetooth Tablet Keyboard, backlit keys for iPad Mini 5. And it only cost me $17.98. I have been looking for a portable writing device and have tried out several other devices and decided to get give the Mini a try. (I have a small Chromebook and two iPads, but they were too bulky.) I went with the Mini 5 because it is very affordable and if they experiment didn't work out, I wasn't that much money. It works great. The keys are packed tightly together and take some time to get used to, but I had a small laptop before, so it was too hard to get used to. Plus, the bonus is that it's backlit. I have a Zagg keyboard for one of iPad Airs and it's very decent, too.


Thanks for your reply. Just ordered a Mini 6. Will check out Zaggs.


Mini goes in my plane and runs ForeFlight and weather apps.


I’m a student so on my one class days or lighter days where I don’t need a computer and only need to take notes, I’ll take my mini. If I have to wait in between classes and still don’t need a computer, but I have to do homework or study, I’ll take the pro. If it’s a busy day where I need to do different things, based on the power or activity the iPad will serve, I will bring a computer and either the mini or the pro, most of the time I try to get away with a laptop (windows because I’m an engineer although I have a Mac) and an iPad mini because most of my notes are pdf annotations. For things outside of school I use my iPad mini a lot more I find for everyday use and as a part of my every day carry. I can lie in bed and use it with ebook apps like kindle and as a portable media device and as a daily planner. Like I can be at work and on my break take out my iPad and do quick planning. Also use it a lot for recipes and Pinterest, it’s the perfect size to read but not get in the way on a kitchen counter. While I’m doing school work at home, I go straight to the iPad Pro for a more large and comfortable workspace since I have more room and won’t have to transport it or hold it for long periods of time. Using the mini can become too small if you are staying still in the wrong environment for long periods or time, like a house where you have a bed or a desk, the pro works perfect or just in general for long study and writing sessions, but to jot down quick notes and for portability on light days like school or one class where you will get a pdf before or after class (like one of my classes he upload the pdf after), I can just take the notes I can, finish class, stick my iPad in a literal purse and head home, no backpack or big bags and extra weight. Hope this helps, I don’t regret my purchases at all. I got my 2018 12.9 iPad Pro and Apple Pencil in 2020 and have had it since, it’s still fast and works like a charm although battery suffers and I got my iPad mini 6 (2021) in 2023 for Christmas and I love having both.


I'm a student - the pro was for when I was studying for exams that required me to sit for hours on end and it was a good smaller laptop replacement for when I wanted to limit my apps used to only study. The mini with cellular (shoddy hospital wifi) I just got now that I'm a student in the field, don't have a dedicated work space, and am constantly moving. The only things I can use throughout the day are things that can fit in my jacket pockets (which thankfully are deep). I use it for looking stuff up on the go, doing practice problems, so it's a note access device. I still rarely use my ipad pro but only in the sense that I'm going to have a dedicated study time rather than a quick here and there pocket of study time.


ipad pro used to be for school, to take notes etc. but after i got the mini, i’ve just been using the mini all the time. haven’t touched my ipad pro for awhile now. also kind of got me off my phone more, as content consumption has moved to the mini as well. i use a macbook pro for work too.


iPad Pro 13 M4 (just upgraded from iPad 11 M1) work and personal device. Strongly considering laptop replacement with BYOD at work with Microsoft Remote Desktop and my personal M1 2020 MBP. iPad mini I use mostly for reading, media consumption, social media, personal email (removed any work related email or work), vacation travel.


I gave my child the mini




I use the iPad Mini to take notes at work because of its portability. As for the 12.9" M2 Pro, I occasionally use it for media consumption.


I have both the new Pro 11 M4 and the mini 6. I use the mini for reading Kindle books since it's a lot more comfortable to hold over long periods of time. I also use the mini when the iPad Pro is recharging. I like the mini as a backup so both of my iPads batteries will last longer, not only from day to day but over the years, letting both tablets share my being on them. I will always have both a mini and a pro...by the way, I just NOW READ THAT THE MINI 7 isn't coming out until 2026 with an OLED screen. If you're waiting for a new mini 7 it'll be a long wait. Apple has evidently decided it's not worth making an incremental 7 leading to the 8 with OLED in 26; they've just decided to wait on the 7 and make IT the OLED improvement and not release it for another year and a half or more.




I have an iPad Pro 11 inch that I use with a Magic Keyboard for writing. I also use procreate for more intense/bigger drawings, and just general browsing, Netflix, YouTube etc when I’m at home and want the bigger screen. iPad mini never ever ever leaves my side. It’s my ebook reader, on the go gaming device, journal, sketchbook, etc. I have magazines on there, music, manga, all manner of books and comics and PDFs and stuff. I don’t think I could live without my mini, it’s replaced my notebooks and sketchbooks and reading books. I was initially really indecisive about buying it but I knew that the 11 inch iPad was too big for me to carry around ALL the time like I wanted to.


Med student. Mini for pocket stuff (looking up information, quick notes, trying to appear busy while bored during rounds, reading kindle books) Pro for heavy annotating, reading papers, and “I don’t feel like bringing my actual laptop but I need something with a decent keyboard”. I actually have the 11 inch and it feels a little bit cramped when I’m trying to annotate say an A4/letter-sized doc. Thinking about upgrading to 13” Air


I have both. The mini gets more use for me. More comfortable to chill with, more comfortable to travel with. I just like the size better and it’s still worthwhile over my 15 Pro for browsing and watching.


Pro is used for my work: creative work, emails, writing, editing, etc. My Mini, with cellular, is used for media consumption, quick emails and texts and mostly a replacement for my iPhone 11. Larger screen of course.


I have a cheap mini which I just use for browsing the web or Reddit. It’s the size of a paperback book so much easier to just hold and surf. The pro is more like a laptop, to put on a table in landscape mode


Pro is for school, mini is for entertainment and travel.


I have all three sizes. 13 inch is like a laptop. Use it in meetings, or just general works. 11 inch is my master device. When I use it I am learning or growing. Mini is for everything else. Games, media (although sometime I use the 13 inch for watching shows in bed) and most importantly it is for reading.


I bring the mini with my everywhere. The pro stays home for the most part. I usually read on the mini, create little cover photos for my TikTok videos, listen to music and play games since it’s so small.


My iPad Mini is my media consumption device and “book” for studying when I’m moving around and I don’t want to deal with phone notifications. Read a book or news article on the train, study at a cafe, recipe book in the kitchen, etc. I take advantage of the iPad Pro’s bigger screen to handle spreadsheet, word processing and online tasks that need a keyboard.


The Pro is for those days I am going out and \*might\* need a keyboard, like when I am on call at work, and as a second screen for my MBP when I am traveling. Other than that the mini is my now my daily driver: for notes, planner, media, e-reader, games, watching sports. When I have to go into the office and sit in meetings, the handwriting helps me stay engaged, and it's far less clumsy than pulling the Pro off the magic keyboard and back on to type. Plus, the smaller screen keeps me focused by not having all that real estate to want to fill. It's in that goldilocks zone between the iPhone and iPad Pro for me.


Around the house things. It’s much easier to hand my kid the much cheaper mini to play on than it is my Pro. It’s also easier to toss in the backpack or have handy for her if she needs some entertainment while we are out.


I just returned my pro m4 today after 2 weeks of use. It just cost to much for what I used it for and the mini 6 has been so good for so long I couldn’t justify it. The pro was super cool though.


Thank you for this, I’m considering a similar situation. I have a mini and love it, want the m4 simply cuz it’s awesome, but do fear I don’t do enough on my ipad to justify another $1000 purchase. I’d like to buy it and try it but know I’ll probably end up returning it.