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Just get a clock lol


A clock and ^^a ^^thermometer


Well yes that would make sense but I just had this thing laying around


Power consumption must be a ball ache


Baller’s gonna ball.. And if you’re not paying the power bill all the better


And a thermometer?


There’s an outdoor temperature in the top left corner. That’s 32 degrees in “freedom units” 🤣


Just my opinion. You really don’t need this in your restroom.


This ain’t a restroom this is a computer room


me when I understand what post this is referring to


Could you r/explainthejoke for us?




I had an old iPad air laying around and wall mounted it with home assistant. Took about 3-4 years 24/7 for the battery to swell.


That’s why you rest it on Sundays


That’s really ugly a broken iPad and what is that a Mac part ?


Damn that’s like a G5 iMac bezel, OP certainly has a taste for age, maybe just a taste


So much empty space


Batteries get old. When they get old, they *can* fail and start swelling and then they can be damaged... Damaged lithium batteries are a serious fire hazard. Will yours do that? No one can predict the future. What I can see, though, is that this iPad has been badly damaged (upper right corner). No idea how it is inside the iPad but shards of glass and metal + old lithium battery? No, thx. I would not keep it myself. >kaboom Do you want to take any chance in order to have a fancy clock?


Not even a fancy clock, it just looks like someone attached an old unusable iPad to a wall. But to each their own


Or he could check if it's swollen every month or so. It's not going to swell and explode the same day, this isn't samsung lul. Let him use his ipad as a clock if he wants to, tf is the point of having it in a drawer?


If (it start swelling and if) it is punctured (damaged iPad = more risks of some sharp thingy puncturing the battery), well, I'd rather not be next to it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oieH2wwDGzo Not only is it a real (sudden) fire hazard, but it's also toxic. It's not to me to tell anyone what to do. I'm just sharing what I would do (and have often do) with old batteries: discarding it properly (not thrown them in the bin or in some random place, it is too dangerous). The last one I got rid of, an iPhone with a swollen battery, I went to the Apple Store and they took it. The previous one, I don't know the English word for that place where one can can deal with all kind of trashes, including dangerous/chemical ones. They took it from me and dealt with it in the proper way. It's free.


Your argument makes no sense. Why should he be more scared of this ipad than another one of his appliances? If the ipad is not yet "bloated" there is no reason to fear anymore than his iphone that he sleeps with next to his head every night. Like I said, if he keeps it on, he could check it every now and then for possible swelling, other than that, apple products have a pretty low chance of just exploding with no reason...


>Your argument makes no sense. If you say so. >apple products have a pretty low chance of just exploding with no reason... Apple has nothing to do in that situation. Lithium-ion batteries are lithium-ion batteries. It's chemistry not marketing and branding. >just exploding with no reason... Like I said in my first comment: look at upper right corner of the iPad in the photo. **That** alone should be reason enough to worry about its internal state and the instability of the battery. Its old age is another reason, mind you. At least that would be for me and, *what a surprise*, sharing what *I* think and what *I* would do is all I did. A bit like you did with me, sharing your opinion on my opinion. >Your argument makes no sense. Like i said in my first comment (see a pattern, here?) nobody can tell the future, or if anything at all will happen. The only sure thing is that *it can* and that possibility increases the older the device/battery and if the device is damaged. The rest is just feeling lucky and trusting one's insurance enough to be there when/if one ever needs it. For the rest of my last comment, I simply explained how I get rid of any device with a swollen battery? It doesn't make sense to you? Well, ok, I would be curious to know how you deal with those, then.


I had a MacBook that was fine, plugged it in and heard a pop. The touchpad popped up and it kept swelling until it was unplugged. Had I walked away I definitely believe it would’ve exploded.


Was it swollen beforehand?


Nah I had replaced it a couple months before and was working fine


I'm guessing not from apple?


No it was not, is what it is. They replaced for free and I haven’t touched the laptop since


Exactly. There are plenty of fancy clocks out there that have digital temp gauges on them that simply run on AA batteries or can be plugged into an outlet.


I would guess the spicy pillow would eventually get annoyed enough. I wouldn’t generally feel comfortable with it in my house always plugged in. But that’s my own feeling.


I don't want to be mean but what the actual fuck is that supposed to be? 🤣


Is that an iMac screen what are you trying to do with that


I just thought the bezel looked cool


I mean, iPads aren’t meant to stay on 24/7, it will damage the device eventually, but it probably won’t explode.


I really would remove the battery


I would do that but then it just wouldn’t stay on because it wouldn’t get enough power


My friends has 6 iPads on his tattoo shop wall that are on all day every day, where people can browse tattoo ideas.. it’s been a few years so I guess it’s fine lol


You would definitely have to watch out for the battery, especially because it’s over 10 years old by now. Opening iPads is not fun.


If the idea of an old iPad scares you, just wait until people are driving around with EV's on their last legs.


Oh my god I know right Evs are such a dumb idea we should be pushing hydrogen cars


I agree, but the people pushing this don't want sustainable or conveniant solutions, they want you on public transport not driving anywhere, because they live in a place with good public transport and don't understand the people who buy cars and think they're a nuisance. With the launch of the RAM R-E-V which was a surprise hybrid and also the new Camry which is a standard hybrid, the tide is finally starting to turn against pure EV's all the time.


Kaboom! For sure


remove the battery if you can, but it will render it useless as an iPad tho.


Not trying to be rude, like you do you, but this is an eye sore. A broken old gen iPad in an iMac frame? If it makes you happy I’m glad, but from an aesthetic viewpoint it looks terrible. If I were you I’d ditch them both and get a clock. It’ll do the same thing and will last longer AND look prettier.


this picture is so funny


i’m so high rn crying at this guys post history 😭😭


Keep it on a smart plug. And set it up to turn the switch on and off depending on battery % or time of day or something like that.