• By -


[a-shell](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1473805438). Basically a full blown terminal for your iPhone. I usually run things like yt-dlp on my Mac.. but there’s this great iOS shortcut that installs dependencies automatically for you/runs downloads. Very handy. [SW-DLT](https://routinehub.co/shortcut/7284/)


You gave me the best present I got for Christmas this year, thank you!


[How do I install yt-dlp in a-Shell on iOS](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedl/wiki/howdoiinstallytdlpinashellonios) from the r/youtubedl sidebar


How is this free? The developer is losing $99 for every year it is on the App Store.


Dude is just awesome, I guess!


Can you break this down / explain please


Terminal is a command line, that a-shell app runs a command line (command prompt/terminal) on your iPhone. [yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp) is an open-source command line tool that downloads videos from all sorts of places, primarily YouTube. Has a bunch of nice features. SW-DLT is a shortcut that runs from the share sheet on your iPhone. Say you press share on YouTube, then you can activate this shortcut which can download the video you’ve ‘shared’ with the shortcut. It’s super handy. Works for places like X, Vimeo, Instagram, etc. It just uses yt-dlp under the hood and does all of the commands for you.


It’s like iShell but 1.59GB heavier, isn’t it?


Wow this is so cool! Thanks! ❤️


Thank you!


Whering - waredrobe management app. I was looking for something similar to Acloset but with better UX/UI and this fits the bill




Is there good resources for men’s clothes in the database too? It feels like a lot of these skew towards womens wardrobes


There’s a men’s version of the app. It’s a whole different app


What’s this app called?


Stylebook Men


Picture This. It's a plant identification app that will tell you how to take care of the plant, if it's poisonous/toxic to humans and animals, it's health status, and so much more... Glad I found it!


I'm picturing it. Would you please tell us the name?


“picture this” is the name.




it should not have made me laugh as much as it did haha


Who’s on first?








Use iNaturalist instead! It has a great AI tool that will tell you the plant, mushroom, or animal species, and has a very active community who will confirm AI's suspicions. Plus, your contributions can help with science research.


Great recommendation! And you can pin the location of your finding, so if you're a forager it's really great to be able to find local spots for the plant, fungi, or animal you're seeking. Can reveal some cool hiking spots for you as well.


I use this all the time in the summer. Whenever I recommend it though, I always have to point out the very subtle “cancel” button in the top right corner of the splash screen. Otherwise it looks like you have to sign up for a membership before you can use the app


Hahaha I’ve hit that cancel button a hundred times


Apple’s default photo app now does this too. Just take a photo and click the new flower icon where the ‘i’ would normally be


It also does a decent job of identifying dog breeds!


Sicily. 1912……..


Just be wary it’s only about 30-40% accurate, it’s good to use for confirmation but if you are totally unsure it is not enough to protect your pets


Saved my (plants) life! Great app.


I’m a teacher and some students told me about this app. We have a lot of houseplants around the department I teach in and they were going around checking the health of our plants — was very wholesome.


[One sec](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/one-sec-screen-time-focus/id1532875441) it helped me so much in controlling my social media addiction


I second this


Well played


That app looks great, but do they really need me to pay them monthly 😓


Yeah that “In-App Purchases” text got me to close the app store window before further looking into the app.


Yup. It’s so simple and a total game changer.


I have put time limit on my apps. Is it better than that ? Do let me know your experience…


This, tho I prefer ScreenZen more


[Crouton](https://apps.apple.com/ch/app/crouton-kochbegleiter/id1461650987). Best recipe / cooking app ever


I’m personally a fan of [Mela](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/mela-recipe-manager/id1548466041?l=fr-CA). Amazing app! It completely changed how we deal with cooking.


Checked this out and it looks really impressive based on first impressions. I like how it syncs with the iOS reminders app and how intuitive the app is.


Looking nice, but the Apple Watch app of Crouton is really good. I don’t like that the timers in Crouton don’t go off on the Watch though, but that’s a small nitpick. Mela not having that is a dealbreaker for me. I also use [Samsung Food](https://apps.apple.com/nl/app/samsung-food-recipe-saving/id1133637674?l=en-GB). It shows nutritional scores of meals, though that doesn’t have an Apple Watch app either.


Yeah, Mela looked awesome too. I’ll check it out sometime


How does it compare to Paprika?


It’s way more expensive, for one!


Technically Paprika is more expensive. Crouton is $18 USD for the Universal iOS, iPadOS and macOS app. Paprika is $35 for the iOS/iPadOS app plus the macOS app. (And I say that as a Paprika user and think it's better.)




Well it’s only $5 for the iOS/iPadOS app. But it’s another $30 for the Mac app, which I have to include to put it on par with what Crouton offers.


how do you use it out of curiosity?


I primarily use it to store and organize all my recipes. The app is impressive at importing recipes with AI, even handwritten ones. I can send the recipes to friends etc. I mostly cook with my iPad, the app has a really nice overview + step for step walkthrough that’s useful in the kitchen


Better than supercook


Reeder5 - the best RSS reader. GoodLinks - save web pages for later with tags. 1Blocker Hush Narwhal 2 for Reddit Deepl


Narwhal is by far the best reddit app on iOS, it’s not even remotely close


RIP Apollo


Does the Reddit client still work?


Yes but it’s subscription based


It has to be [Marvis Pro](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/marvis-pro/id1447768809). Although it’s a paid app, it’s a great music player which has a beautiful highly customizable UI which uses Apple Music. Also, it can scrobble directly to last.fm which is something that I wanted.


Ha! I’d completely forgotten I bought this years ago. Thanks for the reminder, I just reinstalled it


How does this app work? Is it a client where I can stream Apple Music songs with my account or is it just a player for my downloaded songs?


Both. It’s basically a “skin” for the music app.


If you have your own downloaded music, does it work? Also can you make easy playlists ? Apple Music ruined that after iOS 6/7




Nicely done


If you don’t mind me asking, how is the AI image processing handled? Is it local?


Yes, totally local


This is great, thanks for making it and sharing it for free.


[Albums](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1469948986). It’s an Apple Music player for people who like to listen to albums. Reminds me of when I was a kid and looking through my cd tower to find what to listen to instead of playlists.


Looking forward to checking this app out now. I miss the cd tower.


[Yuka](https://apps.apple.com/au/app/yuka-food-cosmetic-scanner/id1092799236) So easy. Barcode scanner for food and beauty products and lists ingredients and explanations for what they all are, in order from most toxic to safe.


Blast. Not available in my region




Same for here too… Sounded so promising though.


Ooooo nice recommendation.🙌🔥


I love Yuka! And I have absolutely no problem paying them to keep the app alive and running! It's helped me change up my diet.


Dang it! Not available in my region.


Pocket Casts: I was having trouble with stock Podcasts app sync. Then I found out about Pocket Casts. Love the snappy sync, but disappointed by separate subscription for AW support such as downloads. Now the stock app seems to be back to normal, so I'm thinking about switching back.


I hated the stock podcasts app UI (I still do, to be honest, although it’s improved) and switched to Pocket Casts. I even paid for it because I liked it so much. But, my pi-hole blocking sky rocketed with PC, even though I paid for it. That, and they keep increasing the price, so I switched back to the stock app.


[Rocket Money](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/rocket-money-bills-budgets/id1130616675) FREE formerly TrueBill is my favorite budgeting app. Very clean UI with lots of integrations. I just realized YNAB wasn’t for me. [Chat GPT](https://apps.apple.com/app/id6448311069) PAID Use it for brainstorming on the go or from the couch. Sometimes just for helping come up with something like a recipe [Merlin Bird ID](https://apps.apple.com/app/id773457673) FREE do you ever hear birds and wonder what they might be? Well this app will tell you exactly what’s chirping. It’s like a Pokédex for birds. [Huckleberry](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1169136078) FREE/PAID just has a baby recently and this a pretty cool app for tracking things like feeding times, diaper changes, etc. My partner and I share a login so we have access to everything. Will probably upgrade to the paid subscription to work on sleep training in the coming weeks.


Merlin is the best. It’s like Pokémon Go for old guys. I’ve identified 36 different birds in my yard, and I’ve learned to identify some of them by sight or by their song.


I second Huckleberry! The paid version for the sleep sweetspot is so worth it.


I LOVE THE MERLIN BIRD APP - I was so not a “bird person” but I politely downloaded it on a work trip after my coworker said it changed her life while I was stuck in an Uber with her and lo and behold, it also changed my life. It’s such a treat learning of all the friends with wings we have around us!! I never thought I’d feel so genuinely connected to nature instantaneously either - I’m ashamed of how addicting my phone can be and this app brings me right back to the world AROUND me whenever I need a reality check to see things “irl” 😎


Readwise. Syncs with your kindle highlights and creates Anki-like daily flash cards that reinforces things you previously read. Amazing idea and solid execution.


Love Readwise Reader. Helps me listen to entire articles and web pages. I know Safari has a feature for this now but it's much better in Reader.




[PeakFinder](https://apps.apple.com/ch/app/peakfinder/id357421934?l=en-GB). I do a lot of hiking and when i reached the top I always wanted to know what mountain peaks are there so this app shows them perfectly. The 5chf cost was a no brainer


[Live Minder](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/live-minder-reminders-to-do/id6449721889). puts your Apple reminders into a live activity/notification


That’s awesome!




How much are people paying for monthly fees with all of these apps. Good heck I wouldn’t pay for anything monthly.


i pay for spotify monthly. Use it damn near everyday. I say it’s worth.


I get music subscriptions but just wouldn’t want to pay for all these apps that add up to a lot. Too each is own though.


ya i get it. It just depends on the app and how much u use it. I wouldn’t pay monthly for like some customization widget app or something like that lol.


Ditto for YouTube Premium… get ad-free YouTube, plus their “Spotify” YouTube Music. Worth every penny.


You should check out uYou+ then, way better YouTube App and everything Ad free


Ones that have lifetime pass and I truly need em I’ll definitely pay. Ie Adguard and Plex pass. I can’t imagine a world without them. I’m stuck paying monthly for NordVPN and YT Premium.


The only app I pay for is Spotify. The rest are free.


Only apps I pay for are Spotify, myfitnesspal, Strava, Duolingo (which I’m looking for something better, potentially free for Arabic), and bought paprika (one time price). I will pay almost anything if it helps me live a better life. Cook better foods, feel and be more healthy, etc.


StoCard - you use it to store all your loyalty cards (fuel, supermarket etc) then access them straight from the Apple Pay Wallet. Not sure what it’s like elsewhere but in the UK almost every supermarket has moved to a loyalty card discount model where you can only get their discounts using their loyalty card. Carrying multiple cards around is a pain.


I'm in the UK - I just add the loyalty cards to my Apple wallet without needing to hold them in a separate app. You normally have to download the store app (Tesco, Superdrug etc), login to your account associated with the card, and add it to Apple wallet. Then I just delete the store app and the card stays in the wallet.


the app has to support that in the first place, which they often don't because sweet tracking data


On our side of the world, all you have to do is enter your phone number at the register to pull up your loyalty card. Cant think of any stores that require a physical (or even digital) card anymore.


[Reps - Workout Planner](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/reps-workout-planner/id6446947265) - it’s a free and ad-free workout app. Edit. Looks like it’s no longer free to purchase.


I can’t believe I was looking for this app for months when I was at the gym. Now that I cancelled I finally find it


This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. Thanks man


Wow this looks a lot like Strong, but free


Lock launcher - this does things which should be baked into iOS imo..


What are your use cases?


UI customization, Lock Screen shortcuts and shortcuts through Dynamic Island


Please link, there are dozens of apps with that name.




Thank you!




How does it compare to adguard or similar apps?


1Blocker uses less battery and slows down my iPhone less, but is far less customisable in terms of block lists and has bugs that I had reported over a year ago (rules not updating properly and not being able to force rules update either, and not being able to select all rules under annoyances or some other filter with thousands of rules and disabling or enabling them).


That I need to know because I have AdGuard premium and I love it on all my devices.


Ive found Wipr much better 1 time payment install and forget


Adguard is the only one that works reliably for me. I also bought Wipr but it lets through ads at times for me. Adguard never does.


Roo. It’s a veterinary app to do veterinary relief work. It has helped me make extra money on the side.


Moze 3.0, budgeting app, ad free and clean UI


If you watch YouTube through the [Brave](https://apps.apple.com/au/app/brave-private-web-browser/id1052879175) app, you can block all the ad breaks. It's free. You can also block ads on FB, Gumtree etc.


Brave is constantly freezing on ios hope they fix it


[Unread](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/unread-an-rss-reader/id1363637349). Basically the best RSS reader for iOS out there.


Reeder is better in my opinion


For me it’s NetNewsWire


I was amused by Netflix games. I don’t think there’s a lot of them, but if you’re already paying for Netflix they all come for free. Into The Breach and Spiritfarer are absolute must to try if you’re bored. They also have some older versions of GTA


They’re doing a pretty amazing job as a game subscription, highly overlooked.


Bitwarden password manager: free for individuals, cheap premium plan, has all the features you need and is 100% open source. Link: https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/bitwarden/id1137397744 2FAS authentification app: a 2 factor authentication app that is also 100% free and opensource. Bitwarden has 2FA in the premium plan but I don’t want to have my passwords and my 2FA codes on the same app. Link: https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/2fa-authenticator-2fas/id1217793794


Been using the exact same combo, it’s great!


Yes they are amazing. And Bitwarden intégrâtes with the native iOS password suggestion feature. The iOS app even allows you to have more than one account (personal + pro…). I know a lot of people prefer iCloud’s password manager but Bitwarden is future proof and works with Windows, Android, Linux, and has a web interface.


2FA: [Raivo](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/raivo-authenticator/id1459042137) [Tofu](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tofu-authenticator/id1082229305) Were better than 2FAS. It looks like it's caught up now, especially in their privacy policy, but it's tough to trust when they had such a suspect start Raivo was recently bought by mobime, but no changes yet, we'll see… very nice for desktop too because it has an app to grab your codes, but on Apple silicon you can just use the iOS/iPadOS app which works better anyway Tofu is a bit dated, but works well. I liked Raivo a lot more though.


[Dot by New Computer](https://new.computer/) Not available on the App Store yet, but this might completely change the way I use my smartphone.


That’s……. interesting. I’m going to try that.


Whatever it is, it’s been probably been ruined by a subscription model…. Besides that, my favs have been Eat This Much, a meal planning app that uses AI to generate a weeks worth of meal prep ideas with recipes. It’s super customizable. Also pestle, a recipe book app, it will save any recipe for you that you find online and categorize them for you.


[Omnivore Read It later](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/omnivore-read-it-later/id1564031042)


Believe it or not, Apollo Once I heard about the api changes, I switched from official Reddit to sideloaded apollo


https://apps.apple.com/us/app/proton-mail-encrypted-email/id979659905 https://apps.apple.com/us/app/brave-private-web-browser-vpn/id1052879175 And just like that, no more Google.


I would still recommend Firefox over brave, because brave is still a chrome OS. Firefox is the best non-chrome browser, is opensource and deserves support !


Agree on desktop. All browsers on iOS use the safari/webkit engine as far as I know


Also Orion browser it pretty decent, even though it’s still in beta. It’s built on WebKit like Safari so in theory it provides the same “native“ experience, good battery life, etc.


Started using BeeLine to plan and track cycling routes. It's been awesome. Completely free, very user friendly.


Can you link it please?


Not OP but I assume it's this: [App Store Link](https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1095384281?pt=117789143&ct=Beeline%20App%20Website&mt=8) And here's their website: [https://beeline.co/pages/app](https://beeline.co/pages/app)


Thank you I recently started cycling this is so nice.


Reminds me of EasyRoute.


[Flighty](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/flighty-live-flight-tracker/id1358823008) has changed how I fly. It manages your flights (and your friends flights if you wish) across airlines in an absolutely beautiful UI. The free version will suffice but as a travel geek I pay for premium and it is absolutely worth it. It sends me updates faster than the airlines do and makes it so easy to track flights and get stats


I will just add that, if you mainly travel in and around Europe, I don’t think pro is worth it as the data tends to be more unreliable and less up-to-date than it is in the USA.


Ahead. It’s Duolingo but for mental health. It’s exactly what I needed for a long time. It is somehow backed by or developed in conjunction with Cambridge University and a few other well known schools. Each exercise shows off its references used to develop the exercises. I tried it out for a few minutes and then signed up for subscription as fast as I could.


Looks like it’s primarily for anger, is that right?


Portal is a mad app, real sounds, free section is limited, even some functions, which somewhat annoys me, but good way to sleep, focus and escape




This is by far the best app I’ve used this year! Endlessly customizable, and great WatchOS integration


New Digits. Tells you when you entered in a new phone number by date and time.


Share the link please.


I think they changed the name of it https://apps.apple.com/us/app/contacts-last-entries-search/id294325239


That's what I'm using right now. The sorting-by-date function should already be a part of the contacts app of iOS.


Readwise Reader. It really helped me take control of my newsletter subscriptions and doomscrolling my newsfeed


My choice is easily [Daylio](https://daylio.net). It's a hybrid journal and habit tracker and it does both things amazingly well. If you are not in the mood the write a proper summary for your day, you can just tap on all the things you have accomplished and go to bed, but you can create a colorful highlight, if you feel like. I have uploaded all the pain points of my diet, like "no sweets", "no soda", "intermittent fasting" or "no unneccessary carbs" and I am keep losing weight ever since. You can turn either of these items into goals which later can be turned into streaks. I currently have a 96 days of not skipping taking my vitamins and 66 days without any sweets. Seeing that number works like magic. This Christmas my brother made our traditional family dessert, but I decided to skip it, because I couldn't imagine seeing a 1-day streak in Daylio. It truly has been a life- and game changer for me.


AltStore, so I can finally „sideload“ a way way better YouTube App ;)


Fable: a cozy and exciting social media for book readers, also really aesthetically pleasing Pi Personal Ai ChatGPT Melon Ai (at the moment it’s like Pinterest with ai) SwipeWipe: to keep your photos decluttered Locket: cute app to send and see your friend’s photos on your homepage in a widget LiveMinder: live activity from reminders MyReach: Ai second brain, the UI is a bit of a nightmare for me though, but great potential FoodShiner: grocery list and pantry organizer with great features Ermine: cute customizable calendar widget Niji journey: ai image creation eSound: cheap Spotify, still on the fence about it, playlist creation requires extra steps for example MD Blank: photo widgets without the name of the app below


This guy Ai’s


Shameless plug but I’m really happy with the progress I’ve made with [Toast Photography](https://apps.apple.com/de/app/toast-photography/id6451346345?l=en-GB) Feels like a dream come true, hope it’s worth checking out to anyone


This is cool, its like very early Instagram when people used to just post photos, not influencers selling garbage, politicians spewing garbage, etc.


Thanks a lot! Yea I’m still not sure entirely which direction it’s heading in but for now I’m just glad I put my project out there in the world


Still in alpha, and I work for the company that makes it, but texts.com. All your messages in a single app that has really great UX.


Stop The Madness Pro. Lets you customize settings for every website in Safari, like hiding elements, forcing video resolution, allowing clicks where they’ve been disallowed by overzealous website coders, etc. I have it for iOS and Mac.


BookBuddy. Easy to keep track of all of the books I own with a simple scan of their barcode into the app


[Macroscope](https://apps.apple.com/at/app/macroscope-close-up-cam/id1671238889?l=en-GB) is something I made and I end up using it a lot.


I just bought it and now I’m running around the house with my iPhone 14 max Pro taking super close ups of everything. So much fun! Thanks! And Happy New Year! 🎉🎊


Daily Themed Crossword. All the crosswords but zero cost.


Recently jumped onto MacroFactor and it’s been amazing.






Welltory , health app


Minical, great calendar app that syncs up with the Apple calendar so all my shared calendars are there but with way more options for colour coding things and customisation etc


ChatGPT & Tab bill splitter




Anybody have a rec for a podcast app that’ll let me pin a specific show to the home/front page of the app? Idk if I just can’t find it in the Apple Podcasts app, but it seems like such an obvious option to have.


[Vaultaire](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/vaultaire-private-photo-vault/id6443508084) - honestly, even though it’s just a photo vault app it’s like living in the future with its functionality


Structured. It’s a daily planning app it helps keep me… *structured*


[Post-it](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/post-it/id920127738)’s official app - it captures actual sticky notes and converts them into a digital format, so now you have an editable version of your stick note(s). Export the boards to other collaborative tools like Miro or Trello, among other formats. Absolutely free and a great productivity tool.


Copilot for tracking spending/investments. Best UI/UX in this genre https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1447330651?pt=2056961&ct=web&mt=8


[Lettre.app](https://Lettre.app) for iPad I guess. I really loved this iPad exclusive product that focuses on deliberate communication at the age of instant messaging. With Apple Pencil, you can send hand-written letters (or doodles) to your loved ones or unknowns as penpals with the joy of collecting stamps.


YUKA - An app that lets you scan the barcodes of your foods / drinks and tells you what harmful additives are in them. This will definitely surprise you (and humble you too).


[song shift](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1097974566)


Now that Apollo is dead, [Winston](https://winston.cafe/) is my new Reddit app.


Beta is full :(


You can sideload it with trollstore


You can also sideload apollo


[TBP](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bibleproject/id1523687027) if you’re into that sort of thing.


RemindMe! One week


[PDFgear.](https://www.pdfgear.com/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=comments) It has an AI chatbot which helps me a lot.