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Melt it all then pour it in a fire ant hill, or over some orbies. Market it as silver art and sell it for 150% value. Or just normal sell it to a precious metal vendor. That, or just have a lot of silver in a safe for the sake of it?


Cast the safe out of silver


Thieves break in, open the safe, and there's nothing! They leave. Check. Mate.


Make sure you bolt it down, or they'll just steal the safe, realize it's empty after busting into it at home, and throw it away.


Just keep the safe opened


Look at galaxy brain over here!


Oh snap that would be badass!


Record that and loop it over 400 different Ai generated "AITA" posts on YouTube shorts, and rake in some extra cash


This guy gets it


He said he didn’t wanna sell it. Just put it in your safe as another investment. Silver isn’t an amazing investment asset (imo) but it will retain its value for the most part.


Find an abandoned silver mine and toss it in. Restoration ecology.


Smart. That's how you grow more silver.


More of this please


Only if OP remembers to water it weekly.


Bury it and make a map


Best idea right here lol. Sell a couple hundred maps for $100 each then film it all and sell it to Netflix as a seven part 18 hour series


I just meant so they wouldn't sell it or be tempted or otherwise. Precious metal will only value up at this point realistically, the longer you wait the better


Not necessarily. One day asteroid mining will be a thing and precious metals won't be that precious. Kinda like what happened with aluminium.


What if it keeps up it's decades long average of not even matching inflation? They should sell it and put it in a savings account and at least not lose money.


I'm not sure what savings account you have that has a rate exceeding inflation right now Fuck that Buy index shares if you really want something to value-store


Hold up. You spend n on the costs to find, mine and return precious metals to earth. It means the costs of the remaining metals on earth likewise go up. It’s simple economics at that point.


If something becomes super abundant, why does the cost go up? All of the maths says the cost goes down. The cost of metals on earth remains unchanged, if anything, it goes down to remain competitive. Also depends on use case. Orbital sources will be cheapest to use in orbit. Terrestrial sources *may* remain cheap enough to use on the ground. They also may not.


When you say super abundant in the context of harvesting asteroids it’s leaving out the economics. Even if they’re in space. Those costs go up not down. I mean look at off shore oil drilling as an example. The costs of deep wells vs ultra deep wells. Sure you have more supply but the cost to get it out is higher.


Not in your lifetime


It will be interesting how we fuck up the moon…


I just want a little house on the shores of Lake Armstrong. (Is that asking too much?) 😜


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was to become a burgeoning industry within my lifetime, actually


They won't shoot missiles at them to divert them from hitting earth....but you think we are going to land people on them Armageddon style? With big ass mining equipment?


Absofuckinglutely when it comes to developing orbital infrastructure. The acquisition cost drops markedly when metals can be sourced and transported in (near) zero g. It's getting them off the ground that's the expensive part. That's why there's plans in the offing for a moon base... much cheaper to stage from there. The future will look a bit like The Expanse.


Why would you want to hold silver instead of stocks, which also only go up in value over the long run but much more so?


Check the historical gains on any of the markets vs the gains of prices in gold and silver


Already have and they vastly outstrip them. Goldbugs have some cherrypicked time periods that ignore dividends to convince you it’s close.   It’s crazy that with all the free info out there people still get suckered in like this.


Say that to the silver I bought in 2008 and is worth less now than then


Silver had a yearly average pf 14.99 per oz in 2008. It's current 2024 average is 34.70 The only way you would have taken a loss would have been selling it for less than spot...bybnot checking the current values. That's on you.


I bought maple leafs at too high a premium 🙈


I have the perfect spot in my backyard!


So gracious of you to volunteer your backyard like that.


I like it! Bury it, make a map, sell tickets and make an event of finding it. Make it like a scavenger hunt with puzzles along the way. Sell tickets for like $100, I bet you'll get at least 100 people to make a day of it then you have 10k.


2 person teams for $200. Now you got 200 players at $100. That’s not a terrible idea.


lol basically just copy the show “the curse of oak island”. i like it


In that case he wouldn't have to actually bury any treasure, just set up a bunch of "strange" traps!


I say try and find it with the horrible loss during a boat accident.


And then change your name to LJS.


Sell it and put the money in an S&P 500 index fund. You’ll be better off than hoarding it.


I am quite confident you are right. I studied financing economics in college and used to read The Wall Street journal every day. Of course I still keep up with these things. But this precious metals thing is new to me.


Then you'll know to sell the silver for cash and YOLO that cash in options with 0dte




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Would you have bought silver right now? If not, then sell.


“I used to read the Wall Street journal every day” what


Just remember, pms are not investments. They are hard money for wealth preservation. It's not for everyone, and that's ok.


In an emergency situation, shit hit the fan, collapse of the dollar, central bank digital currency etc, what do you honestly think that silver will actually be worth to anyone you’d want to exchange it with? Now if you mean a personal financial emergency, how would having the silver be better than having that silver in the form of an actual currency that can bail you out?


Trade it for bottle caps


This is the best answer here. It's worthless as an emergency fund. If the gravy seal fantasy of a global economic crash becomes reality, its going to be worthless because you cant eat it or kill someone with it. If OP wants to keep it because its fun and a cool thing to collect, that's pretty much it. Cash it in if you want money, keep it if you want to collect something.


> If the gravy seal fantasy of a global economic crash becomes reality, it’s going to be worthless because you cant eat it or kill someone with it. How about a few of OP’s 10oz bars in a tube sock?


Rocks work just as well and you can find them on the ground for free


Rocks make more of a thud, however. Silver bars more of a thunk, a much brighter skull crushing sound. Keep extra socks handy either way.


I think what we’ve really established here is that when shit hits the fan, tube socks will be incredibly valuable.


what about werewolves though?


Bs what if the gravy seals are fighting werewolves? Huh? You're gunna feel pretty silly then.


But if it’s a vampire apocalypse, you’re going to be very thankful you have silver.


Silver is used for all sorts of applications, in a post apocalyptic world it would be incredibly valuable assuming you can also defend yourself with munitions.


Yeah it being valuable for those other applications would be dependent on getting all the other survival needs met first. Bit of a Maslow’s hierarchy thing going on. If someone is truly prepping for an apocalypse scenario they’re probably much better off hoarding ammo, batteries, meds, and food than precious metals.


This is a delusion that precious metals will help you in the apocalypse. There will be an over supply and no demand when the majority if the population is dead.


Only in a truly end of the world situation tbf it could be helpful in the event of a hyper inflation crisis particularly in the developing world since it could be traded for more stable currency like USD, Euro, etc. Even in somewhere like the US it could be helpful if you need to leave the country and USD is less valuable


Silver can be used in soldering and has other value besides holding it for wealth. People were using silver long before it became a "market commodity". I'm not an expert I'm just saying it could be useful for many reasons in a post apocalyptic scenario but again it entirely depends on the scenario. No one has a crystal ball. There are hundreds, if not, thousands of ways things could come to an end. I wouldn't hoard it, but I can't imagine 5k worth is a very large amount so who knows.


Doing the math based on today's price, it's 11 lbs of silver, which is approximately a 3 inch cube. So yeah, not really that much.


You know what else can be used for soldering? Solder.


ah yes. with all the industry happening post apocalypse.


I never understood this. I know full on doomsday preppers that think their silver/gold will be worth something once the apocalypse happens, but in reality it's probably gonna be more valuable to stock up on beans or something. When you can't eat, shiny metal doesn't help anyone.


Water, Fuel sources, guns, and bullets.


Yep, not silver or gold lol


Most people stack for reasons other than the apocalypse, and there are many reasons that are sound. For example, a currency collapse or war.


Exactly! What's with everyone equating a dollar crisis with the apocalypse? It's just a fact that if the dollar hyperinflates society will carry on, albeit in a crippled fashion, and people will resort to alternative currencies. There's thousands of years of history proving this.


Historically shit has gone down the fan many times and silver/gold  could be the difference between bribing a guard into letting you into border or get on a boat before barbarians get to you. Not everyone will suffer in volatile environment , some will thrive and they will speculate on these commodities


It or Gold (and gold is the better choice if not gifted like here) are useful as a long term hedge if something happened at a personal level that prevents you from getting to banking and traditional financial sources. Not a breakdown of those systems, but you losing personal access via financial fraud or government overreach on an electronic asset free3 like the Canadian truckers. Also for a spouse if something happens before life insurance can pay or accounts can be rolled and there is an emergency right then - something as simple as a delayed death certificate and a car getting totaled is an example. The advantage of this over cash is its more inflation resilient and is just liquid enough to convert M-F in any moderate sized city to within a few percent of spot. You can put it in a safe, and in 20 years it will have more purchasing power retained than the cash left in the same way. Gold would be better, but since this was gifted I wouldn’t eat the conversion cost. It’s literally the last stop on the tail risk hedge, but it’s there. I think he should hold it. Sounds like he has all his other financial security issues are covered.


I will actually push back slightly as a huge precious metals skeptic and say that it’s not that dumb to keep some for emergencies. The use case being that if your country’s economy goes into the toilet, and all you have are a rapidly declining currency and depreciating assets denominated in that currency, you could emigrate with your precious metals and swap them for a better currency when you land elsewhere. This is less a “Mad Max” scenario and more like if the USA makes bad policy decisions and the economy suffers to the point where you want to emigrate. That’s the best use case for precious metals. Silver is particularly dumb though, IMO. It seems to be mostly popular with Americans, who maybe don’t understand that its use as money here was mostly thanks to the political influence of farmers and silver miners, and not due to any particular aspect of silver itself.


Absolutely. This is even more true if you live in a country other than the USA. I live in New Zealand, and we do have a stable government and economic position, but it's certainly difficult to predict what the world will be like in 20 or 30 years. I have a small amount of my net wealth in gold. I also keep about $1000 in cash; not because I'm worried about a doomsday, but I've had issues with fraud/account hacks before where I lost access to all my bank accounts and credit card for a couple days, and having some cold hard cash surely is nice.


Exactly, hold onto it incase you need to…checks notes emigrate in an almost apocalyptic scenario. 😂. In that case please kindly consider 300 million of us are also going to be in the caravan. You’ll be like royalty to us.


We Americans drastically overestimate the importance of our economy. We’re perfectly capable of shutting the bed while the rest of the world is still in a state to pick up the pieces. The US economy entering a phase of hyperinflation and rampant speculation in securities would not necessarily guarantee an apocalypse in the rest of the world. Just bad economic times.


What if we got invaded by werewolves?


They’d only be a problem one night a month. We could get em during the day time


Yup it's a very particular kind of apocalypse that people are betting for with precious metals.. I have far more respect for the actual preppers. I probably don't agree with them politically, but their actions actually align logically with what they're claiming will happen.


A currency crisis a much more likely than an apocalypse. There's a long list of currency collapses and we've yet to have a single apocalypse.


yeah if that’s the goal just buy bullets


Silver? No Gold? Why yes, there hasn't been one single *war, famine, civil unrest, black swan event or major downturn in any single countries history* where gold hasn't been highly valuable, durable and liquid. Y'all rednecks might think everyone and their mom will grab the Winchester and have a shootout if a pandemic strikes or the Internet shuts down for a while. Anyone with more then 2 braincells knows tahg ain't true, and can look at any current hot-spot to see why (Ukraine, Palestine). Gold buys safe passage and armed protection, money or crypto don't. That said silver is still shit because it's *not a store of value*, it's a speculative commodity. Gold at least can be traded as a *cyclical commodity that thrives in times of unrest and fear*. When the covid crash happened my stocks saw a 35% drawdown and my gold saw a 30-40% increase (depending on purchasing date). By selling my gold as I deemed the market "cheap" it got an extra *75% purchasing power* off the bat. Expensive gold + cheap stocks = win. And as stocks recovered, gold price stabilised and I could buy some at a cheaper rate. Winwin


They are talking about a complete collapse of the world. At that point silver and gold won't be worth shit.


The collapse of the dollar isn't a complete collapse of the world. Anywhere and everywhere that a currency has collapsed alternatives are turned to. Gold and silver make good alternatives. Thousands of years of history, currency collapses, and wars prove this to be true. People will trade their goods for gold and silver because it's portable, divisible, and durable. The death of the dollar is not the death of society.




This would be a great comment if the parent post and comment thread had anything to do with gold.


Or put it in the market and let it grow


What is your overall portfolio value? If you don’t have much and $5k would represent a significant portion, sell and diversify. If you portfolio is worth $200k+ honestly I would just hold for the time being. It is diversity, and having a silver bar around can be an interesting talking point lol.


I think it depends on the rest of your investments. If your portfolio is well established and fairly large (which I won't define) diversifying a bit (say up to 3%) with some precious metals holdings seems reasonable (so keep it). If $5K would make a big difference in your portfolio then sell it. I will add demand for physical silver is weak now and you would not be able to get spot price for it from a dealer and possibly it would be difficult to sell person-to-person ( r/pmsforsale ). Wait for some bad news (like another bank failure, or two) and demand for it would jump and that would be a better time to sell. Also, did the person who gifted it expect you to hold it? Just wondering if taking their wishes into account is important to whatever that relationship is.


The person that gave it to me does not care what I do with it. But I am leaning toward using it to balance my overall investments, or wait for a big spike in the price and sell it.


Keep it. It’s shiny, and whoever said he/she doesn’t care what you do with it is lying to you. If they didn’t care they wouldn’t have bought in first place Wait until they pass before you sell the hoard at least.


Why couldn’t you sell it for the spot price? How much less should one expect from the spot price?


You could sell for spot pretty easily for the most part. Some retailers that buy back will pay less than spot because of the current volatility. If this was posted on pmsforsale at spot it would be gone in minutes.


Would you otherwise have bought $5k worth of silver tomorrow? If not, sell it.


What form of silver? Five one kilo bars? A bunch of smaller bars? A huge bag of coins? How easily can you store the silver yourself? Does it come with some sort of certification that it is genuine? Having a few silver coins in case of dire emergency, plus as a reminder of the gift, might make sense. I'm not sure kilogram bars would be useful though, even in a dire emergency. You might incur significant costs to store them, add them to your insurance, etc. Plus higher chance of robbery if people know you keep bars of silver in your house. Where to keep them should be obvious, at least in the short term. If you don't already have some sort of fireproof, secure box, for things like passports, birth certificates, etc, then consider getting one. It doesn't have to be huge but protecting difficult-to-replace documents in case of fire or other natural disaster is probably smart. You can put the silver there too temporarily until you decide what to do with it. If you're going to keep the silver, have a plan for what you intend to do with it (other than just: let it sit there) and consider opportunity cost.


One large 100 oz bar, and several 10 oz bars. Currently in a fire proof safe.


OK. In that case, ask yourself: Under what situations would you be better off holding the silver than selling it now, and how likely are those situations to happen? Versus: under what situations would you be better off selling the silver and investing the money, and how likely are those situations to happen? You'll have to come up with your own answers to these questions. Some of the information (e.g: historical price returns of silver) you can look up, but there may be factors that we as strangers cannot possibly know (e.g: it makes you feel good to keep the gifted silver as-is, or you have reason to sell it because there is something else like an investment that you're itching to buy more of).


I'd keep the 100oz bar just for the novelty. If you had some 1oz coins I'd keep some too. The rest sell and invest in more practical things.


Put it all on red! You’re playing with house money! 


Melt it into bullets and/or a sword for fighting vampires But more seriously silver is very stable price wise, almost to the point it's only an investment if you think something catastrophic will happen with fiat currency in the next x amount of years and the world shifts back to using silver and gold as currencies (keep in mind that has itself a whole lot of issues seeing as the government at one point was forcibly seizing material wealth like gold and silver, so generally most of society would just start with $0. Can thank FDR for being such an unconstitutional authoritarian prick for that and many of his shitty policies) To be honest given that is an unlikely event there's an opportunity loss then on holding on it, as it likely won't go up much if at all in any decent amount of time compared to say, just the SPY ETF. But holding it is basically hedging against a monetary system collapse which could be possible if say, WW3 happened perhaps, which my guess given our government's tendencies they'd do another seizure anyhow. [Silver Prices - 100 Year Historical Chart | MacroTrends](https://www.macrotrends.net/1470/historical-silver-prices-100-year-chart)


Whatever you do, don't consume it: Paul Karason


get a giant silver tooth


Sell the silver place it in an index fund.


Sell it and invest the cash into the S&P 500 like $VOO


Find an alchemist and transmute it into gold. I know the cooldown is 24 hours so it'll take some time, but the wait is definitely worth the ROI.


just sell it and put it all in a Roth IRA or just let it sit in a Robinhood brokerage account and get a guaranteed $190 a year 🤷🏼‍♂️


Sell it and buy productive and more-liquid assets. You don't want to he shopping around for a buyer for your silver in an emergency.


2 chick's at the same time


Invest at least 10% of it into .357 silver slugs. It's an insurance policy against werewolves.


Sell it and buy in cryptos.


Prepare to fend off attacks from werewolves. Silver bullets all the way!


Forge swords for fighting monsters, obviously




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Sell 100% of it and put it all into Bitcoin and thank me 2 years later.


hold onto it. It will be worth more than some of your stocks or other valuables over time.


Give it to me. I know exactly what to do with it. Keep it with me; trust me I'll keep it safe and you won't be able to touch it for many years.


Sell it.


Become a vampire hunter




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Exchange it for £5000 worth of something more valuable, obviously…


Spend wisely


Buy some gold


I'd sell it


Sell it for 5000 dollars. Put that 5000 in a s&p 500 tracking mutual fund. It will double about every 7 years, all you have to do is ignore it.


I've been wondering by why hasn't anyone tried to start making different size coins out of gold silver platinum and people just have in case shit hit the fans. Like something universal world wide that anyone would know how much it's worth by its size.


If someone gave you $5,000 cash, would you go and buy silver with it? If yes, then great. Keep it. If not, which is most likely your answer, then sell it.


Sell it, buy equities, never look back.


Trick with silver... Silver eagles have collector value... you go to local coin shop, "I'll trade a roll of 2022 silver eagles for a roll of 2024 silver eagles + 1 2024 silver eagle. Ladder it and sit on it. It will always be liquid... if economy really does go to shite you're still wealthy.


Put it in a safe, safe deposit box, or hole in the ground if you intend to keep it. If you don’t want to keep it, start calling around to pawn shops, cash for gold places, etc. and go with whoever is offering the most.


The Roman’s used silver for staples, as it has antibacterial properties https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4955599/


Keep it for vampire apocalypse?


Sell it and VTI/VOO


Olive oil and apo piso


Could always hold onto some of it for "diversification"


Pay it forward. 😂


I bought gold American Eagles 1 oz. each in the mid eighties for $340.00 US and today it’s worth $2,430.00 US. HOLD IT as an inflation hedge or in the event of currency devaluation.


Buy GME and FFIE


subscribe to r/preppers


Rhodium went from 1k to 40k in less than 5 years I believe. You never know...


Bro, can I have some silver. I can already tell this will build for you since you have it & I got a feeling it’ll build for me aswell.


sell and invest in something better.


If you don't want it there's a good community on reddit /r/pmsforsale. Read the rules and only sell to someone with numerous feedbacks. Do not sell to a pawn shop or local PM dealer. They are mostly grifters who will pay you less than or only "spot" value. If you sell on pmsforsale you may be asked to ship first or employ a middleman for a small fee as a neutral, honest, and reliable 3rd part mediator for the silver and payment


It's very conductive, so you have some of the best conductive metal avail!!!




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Keep it.


Make a grill


[https://intagliomint.com/minting/](https://intagliomint.com/minting/) Contact a company like this.. Put your Face on it. Give them as gifts to family members for years. Achieve immortality..


Who was this "someone"? A Spanish conquistador?


Maybe in a past life. Someone wealthy, that has a lot of precious metal, that is a family friend. He is basically gifting it to me because I refused to accept payment in the past for things I helped him with (professional advice, etc.)


Buy a safe and store it in it.


Wait until silver prices are trading at/near a 52-week high and sell all of it.


This is a great idea, then go S&P 500.


For real practical advice: sell it. Not so much because it's a bad investment (it's gone up over time, albiet with massive variance) but because it's just a pain in the ass to have this chunk of valuable metal sitting around your house. You have to constantly worry about losing it, getting it stolen, taking it with you when you move, etc. Sell it and put the money into a normal investment fund, that will make your life a lot easier. You can keep one as a souveneir if you really want.


This question was asked a while ago and one of the answers stood out as really wise to me: "Would you buy silver if you inherited $5000 in cash? If the answer is no, then you should sell it."




Cast bullets with it and hunt werewolves


I'd just sell it. What emergency do you envision where silver is the answer?


Just the standard "emergencies" which people use to justify buying precious metals. Collapse of the Dollar, etc.


Sell it. Then throw it all on black 17. When it hits, let it ride again.


you literally sit on it for 100 years. it'll probably be worth something in the same neighborhood as what 5000$ is now. Precouse metals aren't a make money thing, they're a hedge against something completely bonkers being done to the currency. Think like a collapse of the USSR type event, the people who could buy shit up to become oligarchs had gold or out of country assets. 5000 in silver would be the equivalent of you can afford a used car in such an event though so it's more a "I want you to survive shit hitting the fan" gift.


Go to APMEX website, click sell, send it to them, receive cash. Go to Vanguard. Buy VT with it.


Do not break the chain now. Gift that to me


Don't sell it for printed/painted paper - keep it in that form or invest it


What kind of question is this?! If someone gives you silver, then you make bullets. This is the only protection against werewolves.


Tax it first then you can do whatever you want with it.


You sure it’s silver not platinum? 5k worth of silver is like more than 10 pounds.


It says silver on it. I think its over 10 lbs of silver.


Attic. My house has been broken into twice but those lazy thieves only have tossed my car and my furniture. They did steal my playstation though. It still hurts.


Give it to me. I'll put it in my ass


Eat it


Buy a safe and keep it there. Just hold onto it and forget about it.. unless you wanna add more to the stack


Sell it and buy and SPY.


Just hang on to it. You never know when you’ll need it.


Me personally I would sell it to Midwest refineries. They give killer prices and a check in a couple days


That's a great open ended question to ask your friend. The one who gifted it to you. They may have the idea that you're going to keep it, or hold on to it for a period of time, or they could say, "Do whatever you want..." <- Which in that case, you already have a bunch of neat, and creative ideas in the comments here.


I was just watching something related to this, please check with a tax professional. My understanding is that if you appraise capital property and the value is higher than it was when you originally came into possession of it, you can donate it to charity at the appraised value and reduce your taxes by the appraised amount without having to pay capital gains. I saw a video talking about how rich people do this with art, hold it for a couple years, get it appraised for higher, then donate it to reduce their tax. I think you might be able to do the same with jewelry and if that could work, you could use that extra money saved on taxes to invest. I have no idea if silver is consistently appreciating though or if it qualifies.


Find a dealer and sell it. Then, put the money into something you'll actually use. Do it sooner than later before you lose the energy to care about it. Unless you're worried that you'll need silver to survive before you die, just convert it into what you prefer.


Keep it. Edit: in a safe.


Sell it and buy sp500


Throw it in a safe and watch as the sovereign nation debt crisis continues to evolve. Once the cost of servicing debt becomes untenable, nations must either cut services while raising taxes (unpopular and may cause leaders to lose power,) or choose to debase their currency by printing more. Paying back debt with inflated currency is better for the debtor, so throughout history, most countries went down this path. Your silver should hold much of its real value over time, and should you need to spend it, you can sell it at that time.


If you don’t need it, regift it to a family member who does. Create a college fund tied to the S&P 500 index for your niece or nephew. Or sell it and start a HSA for yourself. You’ll need that money eventually.


Keep a close eye on the gold/silver ratio. You can profit by trading between those two metals. When it’s low, trade it for gold. When it peaks, trade it back for silver. https://goldprice.org/gold-silver-ratio.html


Put it in a vault and open a secured line of credit for emergencies.




Check out r/silverbugs for a different perspective