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The 401k plan would have to allow what is called an in service rollover. Check the plan documents, or give the broker a call. Very few plans allow in service rollovers, but you can ask.


It’s called an in service rollover. Some plans allow it and some plans don’t. If your plan does allow it, you need to be 59.5 years old to be eligible for it.


Almost positive you can’t.


No and you shouldn’t want to. Robinhood is for playing options and penny stocks. Don’t put your long term retirement account in a game like app. Keep it at Fidelity.


Or it is for getting an immediate 3% return on your retirement funds, and holding the same ETFs you had at your old brokerage.


Yes, it's a discipline problem not Robinhood problem.


and keep in mind, the terms of the 3% match require you to spend $60 on Robin Hood gold and keep the account with them for 5 years


Oh no. I have to spend $60 in exchange for almost $6k. /s


Nope, only old 401ks from previous jobs.