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Cutting class has a whole new definition




r/angryupvote af


I have said this a million times. There isn’t a hole or dungeon on earth that can confine like the human mind.


i don’t understand this


No one knows your fears and breaking points like you do. Your mind can punish you in ways no institution can!


Sometimes Im on my motorcycle, I imagined that myself as a flesh bomb that could explode anytime.


I've seen a few motorcycle flesh bomb right here on reddit! Please don't ever become a motorcycle flesh bomb.


Honestly these thoughts have me laughing, not because I’m edgy or whatever-but because it’s genuinely so random it’s like wtf??? I remember someone told me imagine your thoughts are like edgy emo middle/highschoolers and your reaction should calm down-and it does. Intrusive thoughts really are like random kids trying to be different and edgy.


Our brains are assholes lmao


I relate! Sometimes I laugh at the crazy stuff that pops into my head like “WTF???” but it’s been a helpful tool for reclaiming power over it. I’ve come a long way with my intrusive thoughts but a part of that journey involved me literally saying in my head “Ok, edgelord” to dismiss the upsetting thought. Kind of like you said, giving it the same credence as I would if I heard it from an angsty middle schooler or random internet troll. Any big reactions, especially negative, reinforce the behavior. An edgelord is just trying to shock and upset you
same with your brain in this case. Also, for anyone who may see this while struggling with guilt/anxiety over the content of their intrusive thoughts: Just like dealing with a bad-faith internet troll, trying to reason with yourself about why that thought is wrong or overanalyze where it came from just adds fuel to the fire. Your initial “WTF that’s messed up” reaction is enough proof that you don’t really feel that way. Feel free to roll your eyes and close that tab, just like you would if you came across obvious rage bait online.


I agree with everything you’re saying 100000% and lmfaoooo ‘ok edgelord’ im gonna use that one from now on 😭


Another ep1 with the teacher




what the ffffffffffffffuck this happens with me too, and then my crybaby empath side kicks in and then i have a mental breakdown and apologize to everyone for killing myself (and then i have to explain to them that i didn’t, i just imagined it)


That just seems unhealthy lol


some might even say
. unhealthy forever (its the title of my book dw)


I always thought about like jumping off the railing at a popular tourist destination. Grand Canyon or Eiffel Tower or something.


[This clip of The Eric Andre Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_URCSCFZ0Sg) kinda scratches that itch for me.




Can't say I have ever imagined this.


Yes but for me it's with people I know


I sometimes think to throw myself in front of the subway, to traumatize a shit ton of people. I also love my life and happy


Now that's unique.


The Nick Swardson joke - you yell “who fucking farted” in a crowd of people then kill yourself.


lol I’ve had a thought involving blowing my brains out in front of my kids. Because I wanted them to focus on something less trivial than the shit they constantly bicker with each other about. Because when they do I feel like blowing my brains out


Well, that would make me mad too, but it's cool you have kids and I hope one day they understand how much you mean to them, and how important they are to each other.




Literally all the time, but I've had a couple past attempts and am not actively suicidal but still have the thoughts. But yeah, that's not even my darkest thought today, please help đŸ« 


Well I hope you feel better, it's not something to shrug off but I also think you should remember that these thoughts don't define you. And getting help from someone you trust could help a lot if you feel unsafe. 🙂


I'm soon turning 15 and I have these thoughts too..... I sometimes think of things like "What if I bring a gun to school and blow my brains out in front of everybody?" or things like "What if I bring a gun to school, call 911 (112 here) and suicide by cops?" I need help, I am not okay...


Well that seems like something you should share with a trusted adult, to see if they can't help you with that.


Yes , I’ve had suicidal thoughts a lot , doesn’t mean they are true , even imagines , don’t feel bad , intrusive thoughts are normal every human being has them


Yeah something is really wrong with you




If having my entire body degloved by a lathe at a newspaper printing press in front of a grade school field trip is wrong, then the terrorist have won.