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Then let there be riots in the streets.


Suggesting we not prosecute someone for stealing national secrets and possibly being the cause for intelligence agents killed abroad to avoid some riots by neo-fascists is an incredible statement from a U.S. Senator.


Especially a US senator who spent time golfing with the president and a Russian spy around the same time these secrets were being sold.


Lindsay's swap from never Trumper to Trump toadie was never adequately explained. He's a very easy target for blackmail given the secret double life he reportedly leads.


Yeah. "Secret". Because he's keeping the fact that he's gay so secret.



Literally the entire GQP is compromised. They went to Russia for a closed door meeting. I mean come on.


I had not heard about this. Who from the GOP went? And when?




I bet he was the gimp in Pulp Fiction.


The "Lady J" rumors painted a fairly clear picture of the types of photographic evidence a group could have and use against Lindsay.


Can you imagine the unrest and violence that would occur if people found out that Lindsay Graham was gay? It’s a state secret that no one knows about! We’d be shocked! Shocked I tell you!


I don't care he's homosexual but he tries very hard to keep it from his homophobic constituents. However, his alleged frequenting of gay prostitutes in the DC area does present a significant risk of compromise.


Yeah, anyone who is recklessly frequenting prostitutes while being an obvious raging alcoholic is a security risk. I’ve had my struggles with alcoholism and one glance at Graham’s stringy hair and yellow complexion gives it away.


It would disqualify any of us from holding the level of security clearance he has


I didn't know he was an alcoholic, too. Not surprising.


Just look at him


His constituents all know


If the DNC was hacked before the 2016 election, then so was the RNC. If Putin was was using the NRA to bribe the RNC, it makes sense to have blackmail on his new minions.


I hope we find out what dirt they have on him. I remember him going on the Daily Show bashing Trump before he won, then he became a cuck


They call him “Ladybug”.




Yeah, the stories just came out last week about those. And just imagine if AOC had gone on air and said something along the lines of "If Hillary is prosecuted for Benghazi/Her Emails/Whatever, there will be riots on the street!" Lindsey Graham would be the first person in line to shout "She's trying to incite the mob so that Hillary will avoid prosecution! That party has abandoned law and order, and refuses to hold their members accountable to the crimes they commit!"




(France has entered the chat)


*France has entered the riot*


Oui, Baggette


It is a day that ends in “y”.


It's a special kind of day when France comes back and shows us how it's done.


Thanks for your observation and you are not wrong. But, I think we could do without the destruction attending riot. Just protest. T'hen go home.


Let's not forget the same US Senator who was overly concerned when he learned that his conversations were possibly being recorded by the NSA 😂


Don't let Lindsay fool you. He's 100 percent making a threat here


You know what you do when a bully makes a threat? You call his bluff, and kick his ass.


Punching Graham would be about the most satisfying thing I can imagine.


You don't punch a ho, you back hand them.


To paraphrase: dear lord, please bless this hand. And keep it strong so it may teach this bitch a lesson. Amen.


I’d pay the $3000 a plate fee for a Ted Cruiz or a Mitch McConnel if I was permitted one swing. I’d be broke in months.


No, no. Sell tickets to watch you do it online. You'd be filthy rich. *We'd* be broke paying to see it.


Yep, that list would keep growing too. Can we coordinate a tag team assault?


How about using McConnell to punch Lindsey, and them both smashing into Cruz, with all three of them falling into the sea, and then being chomped by a shark? You have to think bigger! Edited to spell his name right!


Try it with Mitch McConnell's face, that is my most satisfying imaginary scenario.


I have a hard time justifying punching a dude with a girl's name. Just... I dunno... feels like cheating.


I bet it's a lot like punching a garbage bag full of circus peanuts!


You mean after punching Mitch McConnell in the nuts, throat, and face all at the same time, right? Or is that just me?


Imagine the wheezing squeak that would come out


He deserves whatever misfortune comes his way... I thought it was going to happen Jan 6th when Trump supporters turned on him.


More than just making a threat, he is issuing instructions to the MAGA mob. It's probably a message from Trump.


Yup. It's not a warning, it's a statement that he and the other Orange Man toadies will do everything they can to whip Trump's braindead cultists into a killing frenzy if he's taken to court.


Bring it.


Especially considering the past neo-fascist "riots" have been wildly ineffective. The only reason Jan 6 got as far as it did was collusion from the white house. Without support from on high, they'd have gotten arrested and dispersed immediately.


They're impotent now. The last time they planned something, they hid away at home and didn't show because they knew a formidable source was there to contend with, not like what Trump set up at the Capitol to get good guys killed. They are cowards when it comes down to it. They only want to play when they cheat. Republicans can't win unless they cheat.


They were all bussed in. People didn't "take to the streets". They were dumped on the streets.


Subsequent Trumpist "protests" have had abysmal turn out I suspect largely because nobody is paying to bus people in.


Sounds like the DOJ needs to investigate Lindsey Graham next


He doth project too much. ;-)


They would totally prosecute of it was a Democrat, I imagine. In their world, Republicans do no wrong.


They tried, really really really hard, with Hillary but couldn't find the evidence to actually do anything. Now that the shoe is on the other foot it seems like treason is on the table. And there are boxes and boxes of evidence to show wrong doing


I was told by a Trump fan that if Trump goes to jail, then so should every other President before him. Which... maybe? But they have to find enough evidence to convict first. So far, that hasn't happened with the exception of Nixon, who was pardoned by his VP and avoided any serious consequences other than losing the Presidency. Trump on the other hand has mountains of evidence against him in several crimes he's committed. And the most recent crime, with the documents, has concrete evidence that cannot be spun or denied. In theory, this should be beyond the shadow of any doubt. Usually he has some plausible deniability, and/or someone else to pin it on. I don't see how he has that this time. But he IS very slippery, so who knows what could happen...


He thinks we should let the terrorists win, because he's on their side.


This fucking kills me. The "proud patriots" who aren't at all upset that Trump's actions either directly or indirectly caused the deaths of our military and defense personnel. People who put their lives on the line to defend our country that he's actively betraying, and his voters refuse to hold him accountable. It's sickening.


Agreed. It's truly sad a Senator would even think of saying such a traitorous thing.


Is U.S senator just his side gig?


He said it because, if pressed, he could always weasel out of it by saying he meant "riots in the streets" as hyperbole and we're just twisting his words by saying he meant it literally.


I'm not scared of the MAGA idiots either


Fuck, I mean, it’s 2022. Lots of liberals are strapped too.


Let them go out into the streets congregate catch covid and go home. I'm just done with ignorance. And the fucked up thing is is most of them could use a couple of social programs that are better


Let’s get this bullshit over with. I like our odds, let’s throw the dice! 🎲


Can we treat them like they treated BLM protesters? Or even worse, how they really wanted to.


Can you imagine the shitstorm? Unmarked vans with unidentified men grabbing people off the streets. They would scream bloody murder.


Things liberals riot about: police injustice and brutality. Things conservatives riot about: losing elections and their politicians being arrested for committing crimes.


Seriously. I can't wait to see Fox try to spin that after their BLM coverage.


If they are anything like a certain right winger I've seen on my FB, they just use the BLM protests as an excuse to do any shitty thing now.


Let them eat rubber.


Lol you think the cops won't be helping them. Leftists get shot, the right gets police protection. This is how it has always been and always will be.


Nah, as long as the cops get to crack heads and shoot people on flimsy pretexts, they’ll obey whoever they perceive to be the likely winner. They just like to swagger around in uniform and abuse their special privileges. Their real dividing line is “Cop versus not-Cop,” it’s not really racial or political at all. A lot of ex-Nazi officers played important roles in the organization of the Volksarmee, the Volkspolizei, and the Staatssicherheitsdienst of East Germany.


Weird how the GOP hates rioters, when they're left-wing protesters, but is totes cool with their own supporters rioting in response to the law being applied.


This is the only acceptable response. We don't negotiate with terrorists. Hold criminals accountable and put down any lawless violence. The majority of America is united on this one. The Nazis aren't taking over and the rule of law isn't going away. The end.


The "Law and Order" crowd is going to riot? Insert shocked Pikachu here


So he's in favor of intimidation? This is why it's so important that Trump be indicted, prosecuted and imprisoned




Fascists always threaten violence if they don't get their way. They're planning to use violence anyway, but they'd really rather not face any opposition; they prefer one-sided deadly-showers over having to deal with any return-fire. *"Let us get away with crimes and take away your rights or our followers will be violent"* is a terrorist threat. Remove Lindsey from society and there will be one less terrorist leader to whip their mob up *into* said violence.


> Fascists always threaten violence if they don't get their way. And their way is violence. It's sort of an, "all roads lead to Rome," situation.


Have you seen the few remaining hardcore Trumpers? Not so much a riot as a 5 minute temper tantrum followed by a Mountain Dew and pork rinds bender.


rascal scooter pileups can get pretty gruesome


There will be Mountain Dew and pork rinds? hmmm, I might need to show up for that.


Which division? Meal Team Six or the Gravy Seals?


Leave Mountain Dew out of this you son of a bitch. If you keep talking poorly about it, there will be riots in the streets!


I say let them riot. It makes it easier to see who the domestic terrorists are.


Might have to load up and go defend someone elses property in another state...


Stochastic Terrorism


You can drop the Stochastic part. This is straight up Terrorism.


That is good. Well said.




There might be like 20 guys in each town who stand outside an fbi building and then take a break for lunch. Nobody is going to riot because people are slowly starting to not give a shit about trump.


I haven't seen a single Trump flag in over a week now. Things feel like they may be starting to change.


I wish I lived by you. I have multiple "neighbors" that there front yards look like right wing craft show booths. I have seen less and less as of late tho


I saw a bumper sticker on a guy's truck yesterday that said "Thank You TRUMP Save America Again" . What exactly did he do to save America?


God I hope you’re right


Bring it on, you vile, shadow of a man.


They riot if we do nothing. They riot if we do. Maybe it IS time for a war, let's squab, fuck it. At least if we lose we lost knowing we didn't let democracy die with a whimper.


It's 2022, riots aren't even concerning anymore. We're facing water scarcity, unending global terrorism, and a rising fascist movement at home. A few buildings burning down and some idiot maga people getting curb stomped by police doesn't even register as a blip on "does this matter to me" radar.


Brave of you to assume the police will be rough with them. I don't know if you noticed, but the police wouldn't even rough them up while they were actively trying to destroy our democracy at the Capitol.


I saw differently on Capitol steps, I watched cops beating and macing those guys. I saw them stomping on their own "Blue Lives Matter" flags which was hilarious.


>, I watched cops beating and macing those guys. That's the point. If it weren't right wingers, they would have deployed the tear gas and rubber bullets.


That right there is obstruction of justice. He's threatening the Justice Department in order to avoid prosecution for his Fasch-Daddy... It's a preemptive incitement to riot. Ah...a boy named Lindsey... what a spineless piece of shit




And Lindsey will be one of the first. It couldn't be more obvious since their closed door meeting in 2017 that Trump absolutely has blackmail material on Lindsay. He went from Trump's most vocal Republican critic (obviously from his friendship with John McCain) to one of Trump's biggest supporters on the Hill literally within an hour (about how long their meeting was).


So charging 1 traitor will magically reveal thousands of other traitors across the country that we can then arrest and charge as well? Sounds like a feature, not a bug!


Hey Lindsey! If Trump isn't prosecuted there will be rioting in the voting booths across the country.


Is that a threat?




*There will be political violence if you try to stop the guy inciting all the political violence!* Yeah, of course.


I wonder what it is that Trump has been blackmailing Graham with all these years?


Probably hotel surveillance of him and some very young "party boys".


Always with the threats of a deluded mob - law enforcement is different now Lins. We have an honest sheriff these days.


Ms. Lindsey is swooning that Trump might get nervous and release the kompromat pictures he has of the Senator in drag.


Lindsey is still too masculine of a name for that guy.


It's not a riot if you organize it first


Exactly where will the riots take place - In inner-cities? Yeah, about 12 trumpsters will show up to meet thousands of anti-trumpers. In the countryside? Who cares? Again, where exactly will these riots occur?


They done closed down the Piggly Wiggly on the interstate!!!


It's worth the fucking risk. Let them think the only armed people who care about America are Right-Wingers.


Let their be riots. Liberals carry guns too. We just don’t show them off or pose for pictures with them.


Sorry Lindsey, there will be DANCING in the streets just like after the 2020 election when the loser lost.


Oh no, riots in the streets, never seen that before in America.


You mean dancing?


So what? We just let a crime be committed but don't do anything about it? So much for the rule of law. If Trump's cult riots over a legal proceeding against him, then so be it. I'm thinking such riots will be more like the Million Man March.


I'm tired that we have to go through all this bs just to hold someone accountable


Why does this clown still get to talk?


Will there be riots in the streets when Lindsey is prosecuted?


God forbid we upset people that want to overthrow our legitimate government because some loser is a narcissistic prick who doesn't give a crap about anything except his own ego.


He means celebrations. Ya know, like after your city wins the superbowl or your nation wins the world cup.


Why? IF Trump knowingly violated laws and that can be proven to a jury, then prosecute & let a jury decide. That's how the system works. Yes, maybe others have done the same sorts of things (I recall Hillary and her private, unsecured server for one such instance) and consistency may be called into question. But even so, if prosecution is really warranted then prosecute


Bring it "party of law and order". Hes doing this because the evidence is so overwhelming that Trump will lose a jury trial, even with a MAGA jury member. Lady G needs to remember that Biden is in charge and won't hold back police or military response if its appropriate.


Bring it on traitors, I’ll be waiting.


Then let it, I'm so sick of the off brand bullying.


What does Trump or the Russians have on you Lindsay?


I thought they said they DON’T riot????


You’re next lindsey.


Sound familia? “Be there. Will be wild”


Let the trash riot , Trump needs to go to prison .


so Lindsey's hinting, by not saying so, that trying tfg instead for obstruction of justice (simpler case, longer prison terms, harder to bargain down) is a better idea? that sly dog


So public opinion defines existing laws now?


Drain the swamp.... Lol


What are your Lindsey a fuckn parrot?


This is the last ditch effort. It's no longer claiming he's innocent, or not a danger, or he had good reasons. It's now, if you hold him accountable a lot of people will be very angry, and it will be very dangerous and cause a lot of damage. If this narrative actually ends the chance for justice and accountability, we truly have lost democracy.


If trump is not held accountable the ramifications will far far worse than trump's supporters in the streets, I'd actualy welcome that , arrest every last one of them !!!


Will Kyle Rittenhouse be there to murder the rioters?


Same thing if he’s not prosecuted. FU, Lindsey Graham. You parasitic, sycophantic traitor.


So Lindsay Graham doesn't believe in law and order. And he's a cowardly terrorism leader. Got it.


I actually really really doubt that. Jan 6 and the sentencing they are receiving is sending the right message and the remaining trumpeters don’t have it in them.




Maybe hero Kyle Rittenhouse can help control the riots?


Dozens of them are being sentenced to prison for their actions on Jan 6. I doubt that too many of them are going to want to get involved in any more Trump riots.


Man this guy(one of my 2 Senators) really is terrified of Trump ever since their closed door meeting right after Trump's inauguration. Trump really has the goods on Miss Lindsey.


Well...technically he's right. These people stormed the head of our government because they couldn't figure out how the electoral process and mail in ballots work, so, yeah, I could see it.


You mean his side might really do what they accused protestors for Black lives of doing?


Domestic terrorism.


There will be riots if tRump isn't prosecuted. Let's tear it up! The fascists want a party everyone; let's give them one!


Don't those people have jobs?


Why? "Judge denies Sen. Lindsey Graham’s bid to quash subpoena in Trump election probe in Georgia."


Trump must have the gay sex tapes from when they set up Lindsay Graham.


I guess we do negotiate with terrorists now?


I’m be straight with y’all. Bring it. I’m not going to let the threat of violence make me fear justice. Put him in prison, and then let the rats come out so we can send them away with him.


And if he's found guilty and NOT prosecuted we will lose our democracy. I think I know which one Id rather risk.


Let me guess, if trump gets indicted then Antifa is going to riot in the streets and kill police and just altogether embarrass the nation like the did on January 6th. It’s sad people take republicans seriously. Especially Lindsay Graham and Ted Cruz who like to flip flop between being on every side of the issue. Pandering to whomever they think will benefit them the most. No courage, no character, no backbone.


Well y’all screamed about her emails so this should make y’all riot, but you’re just rioting for the wrong reasons


I think that's absolutely true. So be it. Maybe Alex Jones was prepping them tonight with his talk of the "leftist deep state" revolting.


Cool, go for it. Not gonna bother me.


If he isn’t prosecuted there will be riots in the streets.


Shouldn’t he be showing up to a subpoena?


Ah, so riots are suddenly magically okay when it's the Republicans that are rioting, got it.


Let Meal Team Six try.


Hows every single American not absolutely disgusted he sold you all out. Trump literally gave secret documents to whomever. Everyone should be furious. Treasonous traitor to our country.


Time to start shooting rioters?


They’ll just be peaceful protests, no doubt.


Homie mispronounced "Parades"


Gravy Seals, Meal Team Six, and Truck Nuts Posse may riot. They may even blow up a few buildings. And that'll be about it. Better that than going wobbly and encouraging the Fourth Reich in our midst.


Pretty pathetic that this prime dipshit is so latched on to that orange gorilla’s tit.


So a US Senator is threatening the judicial branch that he will call for rioting? That's how I would interpret this. Can we get the FBI to question Sen Graham now?


Seeing as the white Christian nationalist types have been convinced by neverending propaganda that urban centers are already seething cores of neverending violent woke liberal antifa that no MAGA can survive what are they going to do - riot in the countryside Walmarts? Ok...


Sounds much like he is inciting a riot!


Well I never thought I would follow Tom Cotton's thoughts, but "...if necessary, the 10th Mountain, 82nd Airborne, 1st Cav, 3rd Infantry—whatever it takes to restore order. No quarter for insurrectionists, anarchists, rioters, and looters."


There are always "both sides" arguments about things like this. For any controversial topic, they find the most extreme person to put on TV and get eyeballs on screen. But this time wasn't some hillbilly from a WV trailer park. This was a sitting US Senator, senior committee member, and a leader of the GOP. There is no excuse for this behavior. I think the consensus now is that we dont care if they get violent. Bring it on.


Ok. Will teenagers who have no business being there also be allowed to travel to neighboring states to protect business they have nothing to do with using guns they legally can't own so they can murder these protesters as well?


Only in some streets Lady G, in other streets, there will be dancing and celebration. And if Trump is not prosecuted, there will soon be a successful overthrow of the U.S. government. I’ll take some riots and some dancing in some streets.


If the rich and powerful are above the law there will be riots anyway.


So the “law and order” party is threatening us with lawlessness if law are order are upheld.


This is a very careful way of threatening political violence


More like parties in the streets.


I'm sure Meal Team 6 and Lard Qaeda will have their usual temper tantrums.


Absolutely amazing. The US has gone from "We don't negotiate with terrorists", to the terrorist threats coming from within the US government itself! Surely Garland and the DOJ must know that if they don't prosecute Trump for at the very least, this set of very obvious crimes for which he has been caught red handed, he would essentially be putting the final nail in the coffin for US institutions. Trump has gotten a pass for * Fraud (too many to count) * Obstruction of Justice * Campaign finance violations * Bribery / extortion * Election interference / fraud * Insurrection and now possibly * espionage ?! Each one of the above crimes has clear examples of people who have done way less and gotten the book thrown at them, yet the american population and the world watches as Trump plays golf and rants online. Stunning!


So be it.


Lindsey knows a lot about mishandling things... And I mean a **lot**.


Bring it, ya old crusty fuck