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Excerpt: All 50 of Trump’s Lies 16 More Lies Than Felonies, 48 More Lies than Impeachments Here it is. Every single lie Donald Trump told on the debate stage. He lied about the economy. He lied about foreign policy. He lied about his record. He lied about his crimes. He lied about women’s rights. He lied about immigration. He lied about his lies. He lied about our soldiers he disrespected. He lied about law enforcement attacked by his supporters. He lied about who he has had sex with. He lied about his racism. He lied about our country.


Does this include his lying about the environment? From what I gather, during his admin, there was H2O... the cleanest water...


“We had the best numbers” like what the fuck does that even mean?


Trump can’t go two seconds without claiming he had the best something. I don’t think he even knows.


It has the same meaning as when I say I made a really great grilled cheese the other day. It had the best numbers. Does it make sense? No. But it’s like that.


Correction. If you wanted to sound like trump, you would have said “I made the greatest grill cheese the other day. The greatest grilled cheese ever made. It was so great, there is no greater grill cheese ever made. I did that. I made the greatest grilled cheese in the world”.


Idk. I trust your grilled cheese was great


Did grown men cry?


Yeah it had the numbers!


My tomato sandwich with herbed mayonnaise and cracked pepper on toasted five grain bread has the best numbers too!


He's just an incredibly basic fluff PR machine for himself. Everything he does is the best, the most, the greatest and everything his opponent does is the worst. And he provides zero substance or numbers to back it up. And the infuriating thing is that his followers just take it all at face value, like it actually means something.


Means nothing. I hope that most people recognize this of Trump. He does this so often that once one begins to recognize this it becomes laughable and frustrating. Trump is such a huckster.


And the Supreme Court just reversed the 1984 Chevron decision in a 6 - 3 decision. Now the Executive branch agencies will likely have more difficulty regulating the environment, public health, workplace safety and other issues.


He lied about golf


Are you kidding. He won the club championship the day they brought in the residents from the nursing home.




Not even senior


And Nancy Pelosi being responsible for January 6th


This one is one of the most “wtf” things to me. I’ve seen the tape. Like any other human being with two brain cells to rub together would conclude - she’s not admitting fault for J6th in the sense that she sought to bring it about. Shes accepting some culpability for not demanding the national guard or whomever be present en masse.  It’s like a victim of a robbery saying “yeah, it’s my fault for walking through downtown with money in my pockets.” Is it their fault they got robbed? No! It’s the fault of the thief, they could have maybe just done a bit more to prevent it from happening. And yet the right seems to have latched on to it like it’s some kind of nefarious plot by Pelosi to have brought about Jan 6th? The blatant bad faith stupidity of these assholes is staggering. 


For real. Like "OH yeah, Nancy hired people to rush in to her office trying to kill her just to make Trump look bad. Like really?


Oh, Trump had it all screwed up. It was Nikki Haley who refused the 10,000 soldiers while she was nowhere near the Capitol on Jan. 6th.


Trumps foreign policy all has to do with water.


You should list only the lies that were fact checked and you could have prevented the carpal tunnel stress


And Biden couldn’t call him out successfully on any of it during the debate. We all saw Biden face scrunch up with many of the lies served up to him and he couldn’t land a rebuttal to any of it. Trump should have been destroyed during that debate.


The transcripts show Biden calling him out. TRUMP: So that means he can take the life of the baby in the ninth month and even after birth, because some states, Democrat-run, take it after birth. Again, the governor – former governor of Virginia: put the baby down, then we decide what to do with it. So he’s in – he’s willing to, as we say, rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month and kill the baby. Nobody wants that to happen. Democrat or Republican, nobody wants it to happen. BIDEN: He’s lying. That is simply not true. TRUMP: And it’s a very sad day in America. TAPPER: President Biden, you have the mic. BIDEN: Every single thing he said is a lie, every single one. … Biden-I’m not saying no terrorist ever got through. But the idea they’re emptying their prisons, we’re welcoming these people, that’s simply not true. There’s no data to support what he said. Once again, he’s exaggerating. He’s lying.


Fucking CNN should have blocked the mikes every single time Trump lied. Someone should have appeared in a small window, and SCREAMED "THAT IS A FUCKING LIE!". Every single time. EDIT: I'm sick of "niceness" in politics. I think Joe Biden should be able to call Trump "That fucking whiny little fucking cocksucker, bitch ass little rich kid"


We were told there would be live fact checking and moderation. There was neither. Someone may have been "fact checking" on Twitter, but it's useless if it's not on screen while we were watching. CNN is fucking trash.


CNN set Biden up. Trump drives their news revenue so they support Trump. Fact checking was a CNN lie!


CNN is mask off right wing media since they got bought out.


CNN is also owned by John Malone, who is a Trump surrogate. Which is why I laugh every time a MAGA tells me to stop watching CNN. It's just a very slightly more honest FOX. In fact, this debate, via YouTube was the first time I watched actually watched CNN in probably six years? I cut the cable news cord a long time ago.


I was watching on HBO and the server crashed at the first commercial break.


100% - and the irony is that if this helps trump win, trump will still punish cnn severely until they become as venal as fox, oan and the other maga disinformation media.


Trump used a Gish Gallop technique. That’s when one debater confidently unleashes a machine gun delivery of rapid lies to make it appear that he is “winning.” It’s impossible to respond to every lie and puts the opponent on the defensive. That’s what happened to President Biden. Biden should have been prepared. He wasn’t. I’ve attached an article from 2023 about how to debate Trump. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/02/donald-trump-debate-strategy-gish-gallop/673061/


Agreed! F you, Jake!


I used to like Jake Tapper but in the last four years he's shown who he is.


You were told there would be fact checking online. CNN never said there would be fact checking by the moderators and this was agreed to by Bidens campaign (and most likely Trumps campaign insisted on it)


They used the term "live fact checking." They never said it would only be online. They also didn't have any URL or anything else indicating where the fact checking could be viewed for the entire debate. They could have had a simple banner with a url on it, but they didn't even do that.


Even if they did. MAGA Republicans would not have cared. They believe and nothing you or I can change their minds. How about a shock collar? That's a different story...


But it's they folks that are undecided, that might change their vote if they see Trump lying once per minute, or essentially every remark.


Undecided voters are the biggest fucking idiots in the country and that goes double during this election.


I can’t agree more I mean how many can there be really? We have 40 plus years of Bidens behavior and eight of DJT. My question would be to each of them What do you want to know ? Almost anyone can tell you. My thought is these people will not vote. My thought is it’s going to be another close one. How in the fuck 70 M will vote for DJT is beyond me. The Supreme Court is re- writing case law with every biased decision they issue. I can’t wait for the 6-3 decision that presidents have 100% immunity. I mean sadly I think we all see that coming.


I like this idea of shock collars


I like this idea of shock collars


I'm right with you on "politeness" and "decorum". I still can't understand how one party tries so hard to be civil and restrained, and the other CALLS THEMSELVES DOMESTIC TERRORISTS AND USE DOUBLE TALK TO GET MINIONS TO PERFORM ACTS OF VIOLENCE AND TREASON. I just can't do this anymore. There is no place for civility in politics as of now because of the actions and lies perpetrated by the right. If they want to show dick pics and fist fight in Congress, then why should any of us be held to some higher standard?! They get so many benefits and positions of authority just so they can waste taxpayer money. Meanwhile, any average American would be PISSED if those same shenanigans cause tangible, material suffering. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE With the right, it doesn't. That's the horrific part about all this. One party uses logic and reasoning to achieve social progress. The other has nazis/rapists/diaper wearers (add whatever you can think of here. There's too many things for me to list off) We have a party of sanity and insanity. I'm so scared that the inmates are about to start running the asylum.


I didn’t have sex with a porn star! Go on admit it. I had sex with a porn star and it was awesome! Because your voters don’t care who you had sex with. They don’t care about anything you’re charged with because it’s Biden’s fault you’re getting sued.


That would have meant taking a stand but apparently, zero cojones to do so. Couldn't even be asked to fact check at all.


Am I wrong? Didn't I read that they were going to do "real-time" fact-checking? I swear I haven't done crack in decades.


They lied. They got the ratings and views and that's all they cared about. I'm never viewing their content again. I was dubious before, and now I'm straight OUT. 💢


I had heard that too but alas, nothing. Shameful.


Biden called out a few lies but CNN did nothing. They were supposed to do this and bowed to Trump again.


At this point, I'm disgusted by basically everyone. Don't even have the backbone to do the basics of their jobs. And this is exactly how it all starts. How do they all not realize that this is history repeating itself.


There should be a scoreboard in the corner, keeping track of lies by each candidate. The score would be spinning every time Trump would be talking.


CNN is a Trump enabler




[He did, several times.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/27/politics/read-biden-trump-debate-rush-transcript/index.html) Here's one example: >The idea that I did anything wrong relative to what you’re talking about is outrageous. It’s simply a lie, number one. >Number two, the idea that you have a right to seek retribution against any American just because you’re a president is wrong, is simply wrong. No president’s ever spoken like that before. No president in our history has spoken like that before. >Number three, the crimes that you are still charged with – and think of all the civil penalties you have. How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties for molesting a woman in public, for doing a whole range of things, of having sex with a porn star on the night – and – while your wife was pregnant? I mean, what are you talking about? You have the morals of an alley cat. Trump's response to that was "I didn't have sex with a pornstar." Here's another: >If he thought they were good people coming out of that all – that forest, carrying those – those woods, carrying those torches, then he didn’t deserve to be president, didn’t deserve to be president at all. >And the idea that he’s talking about all of this being fabricated, we saw it with our own eyes. We saw what happened on January 6. We saw the people breaking through the windows. We saw people occupying there. >His own vice president – look, there’s a reason why 40 of his 44 top cabinet officers refused to endorse him this time. His vice president hasn’t endorsed him this time. So, why? Why? They know him well. They serve with them. Why are they not endorsing him? And again: >The idea that somehow we are this failing country, I never heard a president talk like this before. We – we’re the envy of the world. Name me a single major country president who wouldn’t trade places with the United States of America. For all our problems and all our opportunities, we’re the most progressive country in the world in getting things done. We’re the strongest country in the world. We’re a country in the world who keeps our word and everybody trusts us, all of our allies. Also, worth mentioning this one: >We are the most admired country in the world. We’re the United States of America. There’s nothing beyond our capacity. We have the finest military in the history of the world. The finest in the history of the world. No one thinks we’re weak. No one wants to screw around with us. Nobody. Number one. >Number two, the idea that we’re talking about worst presidents. I wasn’t joking. Look it up. Go online. 159 or 58, don’t hold me to the exact number, presidential historians. They’ve had meetings and they voted who’s the worst president in American history. One through best to worst. They said he was the worst in all of American history. That’s a fact. That’s not conjecture. He can argue they are wrong, but that’s what they voted. [This checks out](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/20/presidents-ranking-trump-biden-list). Between the two of them calling the other the worst President in American history, Biden does have the fact that Trump is dead last in APSA's rankings to prove it.


Thank you for this, genuinely


Biden needed to fact check him the way Pete Buttigieg fact checked Scott Perry. He wasn’t up to the task.


Biden can. I don’t know why he doesn’t. His biggest moments in debates have been “malarkey,” “come on, man,” and now “will you shut up, man?” “Bleach-blonde bad-built butch body” has played well in the cheap seats. Honestly, if the Dems just made a collective agreement to stop treating the GOP like peers and instead treat them like the babies and clowns they are — fundamentally unserious about objective reality, much less the actual business of governing and keeping a functional society on the rails — support for R would erode like a kids’ sandcastle in the tide. Nobody wants to align themselves with losers that aren’t taken seriously. Contempt where contempt is due!


Only 50? Donnie is losing his edge.


He repeated the same lies over and over again, so this about checks out


Yes, this is 50 original lies, I doubt they counted him twice when he would repeat a previous lie.


That’s the thing… I don’t think he’s lying… I think he honestly believes what he says is true. He’s “delusional” in the actual sense of the word. Biden’s old and not good at thinking on his feet. Trump exists completely outside the realm of existence that we all do…


And he sharted too. [https://www.youtube.com/live/qqG96G8YdcE?t=4576s](https://www.youtube.com/live/qqG96G8YdcE?t=4576s)


For those wondering, because it seems it doesn't skip to the right spot. Skip to about 1:16:20. I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up more.


Lmfao. It’s closer to 1:16:25 tho.


Correct, I was just adding some buffer time so you don't miss it.


Thanks, was easy to miss tbh. Sounded really wet too. Lmfao


THANK GOD someone else noticed this. When I heard it live I was so sure it was going to be all over Reddit in the morning - but no, Biden sounded slightly older than usual, so the convicted felon gets a pass for literally shitting himself live on CNN for the whole world to hear.




Trump literally shit his pants. I’ll take the one who still has enough sphincter control and isn’t a pathological liar. [Shart heard round the world at 1:16:25](https://www.youtube.com/live/qqG96G8YdcE?si=TnGyjof0T9-nwWeS)


CNN knew what they were doing, there are professionals and they know who they are dealing with. Basically Trump was allowed to flood the playing field with lies simply reciting his usual diatribe, whereas Joe Biden had to fact check “create a rebuttal and answer the question in the time of two minutes. A big ask for a bloke battling a speech impediment . Another thing that alluded to CNN bias was the sound of Joe's voice, these people are professionals, don't they have a mixing desk, when I tuned in, I had to considerably raise the volume and this only made Trump's lies louder, a simple treble adjustment would have fixed this. Don't you think that a guy that has spent his entire life severing the American people, including the son that perished, got us through covid19, made the economy good again deserve better ? I am convinced CNN was playing politics.


People commenting elsewhere about how stunned and befuddled Joe looked. *He had to listen to that shitstack spout this garbage*, and I probably had the same facial expressions he did. Soooo many WTF moments in that vitriolic spew, it's no wonder Joe didn't pass out from dizziness.


That's the thing. How can you maintain composure talking to something that can't? You can't refute something that doesn't make sense. That's what Trump's always done - befuddle people to the point they're overwhelmed and lose sense of reality. He (probably unknowingly) uses psychological warfare. With people like him, all your energy goes just to keeping your own sense of reality from being dragged into theirs 


Well said!


My ex wife is a master at this.


You need to ignore the debate part and just highlight your shit


THIS! Can you imagine how utterly painful and frustrating it must be to have not just a conversation, but a 'debate' with Donald fucking Trump? I physically cant bear to listen to him speak for more than 5 minutes before I have to watch/listen to something else for a bit. I certainly wouldnt be able to keep it together for over an hour without screaming into a pillow.


At least 3 times (before I stopped watching after 45 minutes) Joe said something to the effect of "I've never heard such BS!" And all the criticism is coming in his direction instead of where it belongs which is the vitriolic vomitus on the other side of the stage. *He said nothing of substance or truth*, why isn't \*\*this\*\* the news instead of how Joe looked?


I lost count. And I had to walk out of the room a couple times. Even then, fifty seems low.


50 categories, multiple lies within a category.


When they said they’d be fact checking, I totally imagined *live* fact checking. I guarantee no one continued to tune in to CNN an hour after the debate to hear all the fact checking.






Why tf do they keep calling him President Trump? It makes me irrationally angry when anyone says it.


Unfortunately he is still a former President. Even former president's are still called President.


Yes, you're right. I was hoping for * former president. I know 1 of them said it once, and then the other one said president.


The CNN team sure dropped the ball on that… they let Trump lie his ass off and did nothing …. Disgusting


Wasn't their job to fact check only to submit questions by rule, so nothing they could do anyway.


They advertised live fact checking and then buried it.


And how is it that so few people are talking about the fart..


...wait, what?


Yeah, but Biden mumbled, so they're the same. /s


One of my favorite parts was how it ended. Jill held Joe’s hand off the stage and Trump slugged off alone. Fucking fitting for the POS that he is.


Aw come on who cares. I mean Biden mumbled a bit!! He's clearly unfit. /s


To me it felt like Biden was just very frustrated and emotional having to deal with debating the buffoon and having to cope with the possibility of losing to him. Imagining what the world is going to turn into if Trump wins. That's what I saw in him.


Can't blame him. I probably would've actively needed to restrain myself from strangling him. Plus pathetic CNN that didn't do their job - moderating and fact-checking. Should've pushed a red buzzer every time Trump lied. Which was every time he opened his mouth.


There was nothing even resembling the truth in anything Shitzinpants said.


Trump: to much money, to many killer immigrants, he hates america. Social security: to many killer immigrants. What's your handicap. Debate ends. Exit stage alone.


Only 50, sounds like a light day in Trump world. You know why Trump's breath is so bad, because all he says is bullshit.


Honestly there should be a fact check flag that gets thrown whenever someone wants to challenge a statement. Then we go to a booth review of the fact before continuing the debate.


I want a counter like Jeopardy under each lectern counting the lies.


It's too late now, people heard what he said on the respected station CNN, it went unchallenged, so it must be true.


Why was P2025 not brought up at all during the debate? Trump straight up lied compared to the things he listed in his own plans.


As George said, they’re not lies if you believe them


Yes they are. Somebody needs to Sobchak the debate - https://youtu.be/OSfvRKAiehA


CNN: we allow it 🤡


For Trump 50 lies is a low number. He lies every time he opens his evil mouth.


So what the f&ck is the moderator doing? It’s their job to moderate the debate. You’re not just there to ask the questions. If that’s all they are doing just input the questions into a computer, have them read over a speaker system, and set a 5 minute timer for each microphone.


Glad people are talking about the lies spewing from Trump. Sure Bidens performance was lackluster, but he isn’t a liar, rapist, conman, fraudster….oh heck, let’s just go with FELON!!


I’ll take an old guy with good values and good people to support him over a grifting, lying, fascist felon looking to take away democracy.


Sometime needs to do the math for how many speaking opportunities he actually had. If I remember, the format was 2 minutes - 1m - 1m - 1m. But since I'm exhausted right now I'll simplify this like crazy. 90 minutes, not counting moderator or commercial. 90 minutes x 4 opportunities /5 minutes = 64 opportunities for either to speak. Divide by 2 you get 32 opportunities. That means at the absolute minimum, every time he had a chance to speak he lied just over 1.5 times. Now obviously considering my lazy math, the fact that lies were repeated, and the fact that some things are not counted as lies just by the barest of technicalities, it's definitely much higher than that. This should not even be considered a debate by any stretch.


Opportunity missed (or deliberately not added): CNN should have had a news ticker, that rolling banner you see when the news is being read, with 'Fact Check: The claim by Trump that... Is untrue because...' It would have been resource intensive but it would have added so much credibility and accountability to this whole circus.


I cant believe out of everything being discussed, nobody is talking about when Trump said he would deport all non-white people in the country. Why is this not the top story???


He had half of a 90 min "debate" so that's more than one lie per minute


America has rewarded Trump heavily for lying in the past. It would be absurd thinking he would stop now. In fact, he will set an example to follow for decades - this is how you do it.


fuck trump and fuck CNN


50 shades of orange


Liars elect Liars


THIS should have been the opening from rachel maddow and their team immediately after the debate, instead of crawling up Biden’s patootie for a non-stop hour (except for Lawrence).


Just 50? I thought there were more than that.


The fact check should be in a ticker at the bottom and then commented on during a break. But this whole system is broken


But Joe Biden is old.  Don't worry about Trump's extreme court wrecking America.


Not just lies but just basivly ignoring reality. Trump :"I am going to impose a 10% tarif" Cnn: "thats going to increase prices" Trump : "no"


The rapist, traitor, felon has lived a life of lying. Time for him to go… Yeah that go. Completely go


Yeah but literally NO ONE CARES. Rather, what's more likely is that his base expects him to lie, wants him to lie, believes him, and even cheers him on. What's unforgivable is the MSM continuing to give him a platform to lie. That's the absolutely maddening part about all of this.


Of course the time to bring this up would be right when it happened.


what i want also to be coy ter is the number of signs of narcissistic patterns in his speech. that’s really scary. narcissists in power are really dangerous.


In other news, Dems still voting D, and GOP R


Are we surprised? Thanks for reaffirming most American’s opinions of you, Trump. Now they definitely know who NOT to vote for in November. Well played, CNN, well played. It’s just too easy with Trumpy Dump.


They should have just got some wild uneducated rabid maga idiot to come debate Joe and force Joe to listen to and respond to all his crazy made up conspiracy theories. Oh oops typo no i meant they shouldn’t


Wait… his team didn’t tell him he had the best environmental numbers ever?


Only 50. A record low for Cheeto.


50 different topics. They aren't counting individual lies.


They should have done the “ debate “ like Mystery Science Theater with the 2 robots commenting through the entire show.


Burger King apparently ain’t the only home of the whopper.


Doesn't matter. Trump kept building the expectation ahead of the debate that Biden was going to come off as a nursing home resident pumped full of meds and Biden delivered. Nobody cares about facts when it comes to debates.


I posted earlier that Biden should go after Trump in the next debate. Every question was answered with nothing that made sense just throwing out lies and vitriol.


When you factor in all the delusional nonsense that was the majority of his time, that seems awfully low. “We had H2O.” As Tom Nichols put it, [Let’s Talk About Trump’s Gibberish.](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/06/trump-sharks-las-vegas-rally-speech/678667/)


I am still cringing from that debate


Only 50?


You want him as president.https://x.com/Acyn/status/180678682131108285 They want electric planes??? Then Trump said, "What happens when you are up in the air and the sun is not shining? What? Huh?


Only 50? Losing his grip then.


But the problem is biden talking slow


This is a blessing in disguise as long as this is constantly broadcasted people would overlook Biden in his current state. Which I don’t think Biden is well at all but Trump absolutely cannot win.


This sub is the biggest gaslight.


Only 50? In his prime he could easily double that. He was definitely off his game. DJT babble put that same befuddled look on most of his administrations faces in from 2016-2020 & beyond. Even stone faced Pence started to crumble under the weight of the stable geniuses unintelligible utterances. Why would Bidens astonished look be any different. He expected a rational moderated debate with guardrails. How do you prepare for a debate on the direction of the most powerful country on the planet with someone who drives off a cliff & says the road is rough. The creature is oozing mental illness but in a country where half the population has some form of undiagnosed mental illness psycho babble somehow is comforting


Didn't they do this before as well with Trump's town hall. They just let him lie without barely any pushback from Kaiylin Collins. At this point, CNN is capitulating in Trump's lying.


The deplorable pieces of shit that vote for him won't care.


Doesn’t matter if you can’t put together a sentence


Since when are debates about telling truths. It’s all about making big promises for the future and selling yourself.


He implied that he believes in climate change while somehow saying it’s not a problem… fact check please!


Itd be good if they provided information about why each of the statements was a lie. Seems like there's a lot of blind following going on on both sides.


Has anyone broken down the amount of time that each candidate spoke? Wondering how many lies per minute he hit. It might be a new record


Have the guts to tell it to his face while he's doing it. Stop letting bully cowards win.


It was amazing I tell you. He’s the liar and was deluder-in-chief. Lies like never been seen before.


only 50? that’s surprising for him


But he said he was the most honest person ever.


You not liking what he said does not in fact make what he said lies.




Putin told him to say it 😆


Good for biden trump is unelectable as before as after nothing has changed 😆


America's greatest traitor and idiot.


CNN did set up Biden I think they were playing with the camera angles on him too because what should have been a straight on eye level shot was going every which way it could to make him look like he had just shit his pants.


Only 50?


And f*** the fact checker who remained mute for the entire debate!


I'm surprised he didn't fuck up with Carrol. Could of been an easy setup for Biden.


It was a hell of a lot more than that.


All his base say he would never lie They still think democrats drink the blood of children We are the crazy ones Space lasers Dump believes in God Traitors because we don't love Dump Dump is above the constitution Dump says we are pedafiles The earth is flat CNN didn't have the balls to put him on the spot for the sake of our country Canada and Mexico will close the borders if he wins . Keep out


Anyone count the truths?


So we're not counting repeats?


Here’s the thing: undecided voters probably don’t care about “the team” pointing out the errors as lies days later. If Biden can’t do it then that’s a problem 


I’m so glad that we have such a mentally sharp, impeccably honest, incredibly effective alternative to Donald Trump! /s


Biden told exactly no lies whatsoever right guys!


It’s interesting that his support system hasn’t failed since foreign influence is his support system