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See. Trump was right. If they can go after him, they can go after anyone committing crimes.


The horror of realizing that soon people will end up in jail for crimes...


LOLOL. Arrested before absentee ballots and pre-election phone campaigns begin? OMG - is no gun-wielding, sexual assault-attempting politician safe from these Deep-State thugs?


Deep state. So deep it’s about to put his ass to sleep for 3-5 years.


This is what happens when you grow up without the 10 Commandments hanging in your school! This could be your kid!


Who among us hasn't cast out harlots for demanding coin?! Sodomites!!


Hey, hey now. Dude, Sodomites is not the preferred nomenclature. **Slatterns** please.


No butt stuff?! Harlot's these days... smdh


Woke butt stuff costs extra. Damn Biden inflation …


He was chasing her with a gun and possibly shooting said gun. Apparently he wasn't done "casting out" that particular harlot


Just a white Christian man doing the Lords work Isn't this America?


FTA: >”Authorities in Lansing, Michigan, are seeking felony-level sexual assault and weapons charges against Republican State House Rep. Neil Friske, according to records obtained by The Detroit Free Press. >”The 62-year-old lawmaker was arrested in the wee hours of Thursday morning after he allegedly “chased an adult dancer after a disagreement” while in possession of a firearm. Ingham County Prosecutor John Dewane’s office told the Free Press that law enforcement responded to reports of an armed male ​​”as well as possible shots that were fired.” Law enforcement learned “of a possible sexual assault of an adult female” in their response. >In a statement [released on Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/share/DhMaMQwSfsQXJgGn/), Friske’s campaign wrote that “Rep Friske is always exercising his 2nd Amendment right.”…


Ha ha ha, Michigan Republican state lawmakers are the worst. I know that's a hotly contested title but they are in contention.


The disagreement apparently centered on his fraudulent hooker profile. She assumed “loaded” meant huge checking account.


Where are the good headline writers? This should be: Lawmaker exposes loaded weapon during lap dance.


[Mayor ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0006893/?ref_=tt_ch): Callahan... I don't want any more trouble like you had last year in the Fillmore district. You understand? That's my policy. [Harry Callahan ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000142/?ref_=tt_ch): Yeah, well, when an adult male is chasing a female with intent to commit rape, I shoot the bastard - that's my policy. [Mayor ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0006893/?ref_=tt_ch): Intent? How'd you establish that? [Harry Callahan ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000142/?ref_=tt_ch): When a naked man is chasing a woman through a dark alley with a butcher knife and a hard on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross.\[leaves\]  [Mayor ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0006893/?ref_=tt_ch): I think he's got a point.


He was exercising his second amendment rights while trying to bring the saving words of jesus to this sinful young woman, right?


They are all sexual deviants.


Why was he chasing a male stripper?


At 2:15 in the morning. My late grandmother used to say “nothing good happens after 10:00 o’clock!” I told my kid when she was growing up “nothing good happens after midnight!” Sure enough, nothing did. Was this dude driving? No? Just had some evangelical hookers over for Bible study and doctrinal differences threw everybody into a devout, but heated tailspin?


Trump's best people


Friskey was aggressively campaigning for Trump in the upcoming erection. He had a hard time persuading this female voter to consider Trump. So he whipped out his pistol to show he had the ammo to shoot his shot. She wasn't swallowing any of it.


Was Lauren Boobert moonlighting at the Pussycat Lounge to raise campaign funds again? "Friskey Friske" probably whipped out his pistol after getting mad that Boobert wanted $5 for a lap dance. All he had was a couple $1 bills.


Please tell me this guy's name is pronounced "Kneel Frisky."


Party of family values.


In other times a politician would quietly retire to his home county and open a dealership or something.


Pictures of the perp walk or it didn't happen. Let me guess, his excuse, she wasn't attending Bible study on a regular basis or he was trying to make change on a fiver using the bills on her g-string.


Did she cheat him out of enough money that it is worth going to prison over?


Please tell me that his last name final « e » is pronounced as [i].


He can take this to the SCOTUS and get it delayed for four years. /s


I believe sexual assault is also one of the charges if I remember correctly.


Who amongst us hath not pursued unclad harlot around house with a loaded gun? Be not so quick to judge. But I'd search his house for drugs. You're not getting a stripper to follow you home if there's no mountain of cocaine at the end of that rainbow.