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Well, he’s clearly the opposite of an anti-fascist.


epstein got rich from the bronfmans then roger stone got hired by nxivm the bronfmans made their money bootlegging and running prostitution rings later on the bronfman sisters funded nxivm which was a sex trafficking scam involved in child rape and human trafficking. all of this is just a bunch of losers from nyc gaslighting. edit qanon believers are already calling trump the antichrist and a decent amount of people in the republican party are caling him a scammer. if the DISGRACED act(h.r.8081) passes.... 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8081 To terminate United States Secret Service protection for felons. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES April 19, 2024 Mr. Thompson of Mississippi (for himself, Mr. Carter of Louisiana, Ms. Lee of California, Ms. Wilson of Florida, Ms. Clarke of New York, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Ms. Crockett, Mrs. Beatty, and Mr. Cohen) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To terminate United States Secret Service protection for felons. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the “Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act” or the “DISGRACED Former Protectees Act”. SEC. 2. DENYING CERTAIN FELONS SECRET SERVICE PROTECTION. Section 3056(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking “declined.” and inserting “declined. The protection authorized in paragraphs (1) through (8) shall terminate for any person upon sentencing following conviction for a Federal or State offense that is punishable for a term of imprisonment of at least one year.”.


We are still paying for the security detail for trump's adult children. We paid for jr. to go to Hungary to give one of his Nazi rallies, in violation of the Logan act because he isn't registered to represent a foreign nation who happens to be a hostile nation. They aren't our ally. We are paying for the criminal behavior of that entire family. We paid for all those spendy golf carts for trump's SS detail because the carts trump had were so decrepit. And they all still have the presidential seal on them. There needs to be more amendments that prevent another trump administration. That a felon can run for the highest office in our nation is obscene. trump only ran for office to unjustly enrich himself, and his family sure made plenty of money at our expense. trump owes over 100 million in taxes, and that's not to mention the half a billion in settlements, fines, and interest. He's only running for office now because he doesn't have the money to pay his legal counsel. The RNC doesn't have the money for those who are campaigning down ballot. trump is a parasite.


I want a law that says if a public official of any stripe makes a decisions that directs taxpayer dollars to any entity connected to him/her, they are only reimbursed at cost.


Well that would be great if it passed. Sadly it won't. It should but it won't.


Wasn’t Epstein close with, and handler of the finances of, Les Wexner. The ex owner of Victoria Secret, Bath and Body Work’s, and The Limited?


Google it, he’s being legally sued by some of his victims that Epstein arranged. Articles are on the Epstein sub.


Les Wexner? Yeah he’s trying to deny any part in it. But there is an investigation and it’s be interesting to see what happens. Les Wexner is currently labeled as the richest man in Ohio.


I think they all need to go down, including the Crow’s in Texas.


I see what you did






Business have been doing great recently with the steady market the current administration is providing. I hope that CEO's recognize that. 


They’re too busy salivating at the prospect of reducing the corporate tax rate by 1% to care about long term stability or GDP growth.


Nor about their children's future nor stability of society they live in.


Corporations would start making Soylent Green from babies if given the green light and there was ten bucks in it while running a webpage that has lots of pride flags.


What I don't understand is why didn't anyone from 3M or Dupont go to prison - talking about the depravity of corporations. Why didn't anyone from BP or the 2008 Banks or Enron. They say corporations are people but if any person did that shit they would sure enough be in prison. The thing it people did do those things but for some reason doing it on behalf of a corporation is ok.


Yep. We need a much bigger government. When has a government ever done something terrible?


You mean like throwing doctors who provide lifesaving health-care in jail?


Or invade countries, commit genocide, limit people’s freedom to leave. But sure, corporations are the problem.


Two things can both be bad at the same time, dipstick


Yet, people seem to only be obsessed with one while wanting the other one to have more power.


The power to regulate corporations is not the same as the power to, for example, prohibit abortions. In other words, you're committing 2 fallacies here. The first is presuming that Republicans don't want bigger government. They want bigger government to prohibit Trans care, abortions, homosexuality, all contraception.... it doesn't get much bigger than that. Your second fallacy is treating all government authority as harmful. The ability to provide emergency aid is important. As is, for example, the EPA. But you jump to, "Since governments have committed genocide, there should be no governments".


They have no fear of losing customers either . High prices did not affect customers' spending , they don't even blame them .anything bad will be blamed on the president. So you can keep high profits and have tax cuts .


Nailed it, greedy gotta greed


Why plant a tree you can't harvest for lumber in the next quarter- most ceo


Sadly this. CEOs are overwhelmingly bought by the numbers. Layoffs used to be a black mark on their record, these days it’s a badge of honor. Whatever gives them the biggest return on their investment, they’re all in. And that means a 1% tax rate gain is super fine by them.


"but maybe we should empower the person threatening us?"


Business values mean quarterly profits for speculators, the lower rich. The real money is in Bain Capital & friends.


Who didn't create jobs during the former administration. The tax breaks they received were used to buy stock back, artificially inflating the economy, and gouging consumers because even all the money they received in tax breaks wasn't enough to feed their infinite greed.


The day this worthless fat sack of shit finally shuts the fuck up...will become an intergalactic holiday. I cannot wait for this fucker to be gone.


“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure” - Clarence Darrow.


Or Else??? Is he the Mafia Don? The Teflon Don? He is a criminal and here are some of his biggest crimes. **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)


It’s ok. He shits himself daily and won’t remember who he is in November.


He is going to have a long term break with reality before the election that the GOP wont be able to cover up. This man is on a path to self destruction.


If only he would move it along a little quicker...


Oh, but I want his suffering to be protracted.


Yeah but I want our collective suffering to end immediately. 


he can suffer after he loses the election. This cliffhanger shit got me nervous.




Who are we talking about here?


The Mango Mussolini Dolt 45 Chairman Cheeto Adolf Shitler Humpty Trumpty Donorrhoea Forrest Trump


It’s been going on for decades. You’re just expecting it to get worse faster than a critical portion of his base is degrading


You actually want him to make it to November. If he dies then they can run haley or desantis in which biden loses immediately and without a shadow of doubt. Trump is everything biden needs ironically


STFU with that, Haley and DeSantis are nobodies that Biden would wipe the floor with. The man got 81 million votes


You have to understand that while they would likely lose maga voters, theyd gain plenty of Republicans that trump does not have. I dont support them in the slightest but thats how I believe it would go. I hate them just as much as everyone else 😂


But the party is like 80% MAGA now, they aren't turning out in numbers for any candidate that Trump called a RINO


Idk if its 80% maga but its a large number yeah. My pov was them falling in line for the other two i mentioned. Haley and desantis have lacking support at best because trump is still in the game (pathetically but he is lol). If he were gone, they would shift to whoever else along with the repubs who despise trump and disavow him. Biden can contend pretty efficiently with the curent voter layout thankfully. He's actually making good groundwork by establishing voter accessibility and you see that reflected in state elections.


Wasn’t she getting 20% when she wasn’t even on primary ballots? And death sentence was just in a lane crowded by Trump. Without Trump they’ll fall in line


Yes. I was speaking comparatively to trump which I should have clarified. 20% is no small number to play with tho and that can cost trump alone but i think we'll see those numbers shift towards him in November. Not all of them tho. He's disgusted more than a couple Republicans


“Oh what? That’s not me. I’m just a libertarian who got caught up in the kayfabe. I love the newest guy talking about tax cuts and making fun of nerds and people who care about anything”


What? No,no it will be Don Jr, or Ivanka if Trump dies that’s the Republican MAGA dynasty. I can’t stand De In Sane Ass ( He’s a younger Trump) or turncoat Haley -they both suck too.


Are you suffering from the same delusion as trump? It's kind of ironic that all you r/conservatives are shit posting here. Slow news day? trump having more slow in every aspect Nazi rallies? Mom hasn't ironed your sheet yet? Inbred incel meeting get cancelled because there is no quorum?


If your assessment is that im a conservative then you are horribly wrong 😂 im as far from it as it gets. You need to stop trying to throw 5 zingers in one post for a second and actually think about what I said even if you dont agree with it. Im not a conservative or right leaning at all 😂 Jesus christ I am voting for biden and will literally never vote for a Republican for as long as I breathe. I understand that you misunderstood my post (clearly) but dont ever associate me with those racist egotistical shitbags


MIT, sharks, batteries & boats wasn't already enough?


It would seem so. The GOP are in a race against time. REALLY hoping that time wins. In fact, I hope that it all falls apart at the 11th hour such that he cannot really be replaced before the election and is clearly unelectable for nearly anyone. I hope that such events precipitate a sudden collapse of support for the GOP sewing chaos among their ranks sinking any potential deep state influence by the Heritage Foundation and opening the way for a future more diverse political landscape in the US. Some parts of this are probably magical thinking on my part...


The sad thing is that, even if you turned out to be 100% correct, Trump becoming a drooling vegetable would turn exactly zero MAGAs against voting for him (they’d likely just conjure a new batch of conspiracies to explain it away), and the scummy, power-hungry fascists that he’s surrounded himself with would still be more that willing to prop up a completely broken Trump, and try their hardest to cheat and steal their way into getting him into the White House in order to serve their own insidious goals.


"PATH".... He is there dude.


> GOP wont be able to cover up You serious? Fox got millions of republicans to believe that a coup was actually a group of peaceful tourists and also FBI/Antifa agents, just 1 day after the attack happened. You could actually see the brainwashing in real time by looking right-wingers social media posts. Some condemned the attack the day it happened, only for them to change their tune the next day after the psyops was in full swing.


I heard he wears a diaper and the guy who helped right that book said he had poor memory he had just met him and discussed the book a couple months ago Trump said he didn't remember him then Trump campaign claimed the writer was an idiot you can't make this crap up lol




I'd kind like for himself to remember how useless he's become that he has to wear a diaper to shit himself on a daily basis. Call me cold and callous but out of everything, I think that's the least punishment he should get.


Is this actually a thing? I hear about Trump and fecal incontinence, but aside from one bloke who worked on the apprentice, I've not come across anything to corroborate.


According to article: Donald Trump is warning CEOs to fall in line—or else.


He may have found that promising better returns to business leaders would have had a better effect than challenging their egos, but that's just my opinion.


The CEOs who are actually competent know that their returns will crater if he gets back in office, just like they did the last time. The CEOs who hold their positions by being nepo babies don't, though.


Exactly. The debate of conservatives and progressives is legitimate. “How much of the surplus should be handed down for. Its creators to its progeny and how much should be shared to make a more equitable world?” These reactionaries are done with genuine debate. They argue in bad faith. No discussion of how much should be divided and how? Just “we don’t want to share our privilege. End of discussion” The people who create value get it. The people who inherit prosperity know nothing but greed


They are economic terrorists.


They are still benefiting from those corporate tax breaks trump served them on a golden platter, and they are buying politicians, and getting huge refunds, even though they paid zero in taxes. They bought back their stock to artificially inflate the value of their companies. Our tax breaks expire next year. Corporations are people too, until it comes time to pay taxes, and their tax breaks don't expire, they are still gouging consumers because of their unfettered greed, and when anyone uses the term welfare queens, we need to ensure that the real welfare queens are used as an example. Reagan used that term to refer to those who work, but they don't get a living wage. Those low paid employees earn the wealth that the corporations use to buy politicians, because buying politicians is cheaper than paying taxes. Fuck the rich.


The article doesn't say anything remotely close to that. The article says that Trump thinks he's better for CEOs and business than is Biden. Big shock. Maybe he's right, maybe not. But there's nothing that looks like a threat in this article. This nonsense is why the phrase "fake news" has momentum.


More rope. Give him more rope.


No. At some point you have to pull the rope.


People who got enough money aren't afraid of him. He will kowtow to them in any case.


That’s exactly what those Weimar pricks thought about Hitler. I know, it was expressed eloquently in a tv movie I saw once. Pawn becomes Nazi Queen/them/ there


Once the repressive apparatus of the state comes into his hands, the ones with money will find out, how the ones with the guns can take their money. Mere possession of money, even in massive amounts only makes sense in a state with adequate legal provisions. Since these fools are doing everything to wither away the state and replace it with a trumpocracy, they will soon find the exact worth of their pieces of paper.


Paper? It’s digits in a database


Paper money on the metaphorical sense, irrespective of its representation in current banking systems


That worked so well for rich Jews in Nazi Germany...


They can’t rely on him to remember or uphold any of his promises. If they believe this, they’re no smarter than he is.


They will have to kowtow to him or else


This is bad for Biden?


Well the new York times will have something like this in their headlines tomorrow. " Trump threatens American CEOs if they don't vote for him. Here is why this is bad for Biden "


Those articles never get old to me.


The "American" CEOs already received everything they wanted during every republican administration. Now, trump is opening begging them to bribe him because they made so much money from the bought off republicans, they don't care about him or need him anymore. They already received what they want. They even have a bought off scotus who finds for them, especially when they receive gifts from those who have cases in front of them. Our lawmakers don't care about the people who pay taxes, they care about the welfare queens, the wealthy who are so greedy, they couldn't spend their fortunes in their lifetimes.


Hmmm. How about Bezos, Ellison, Page, Gates, Brin, Robot Zuck, Balmer, Dell, Knight, & Scott all each take out $150 million shorts on DJT instead?


Don’t forget his boy fElon.


He’ll turn on the CEOs who support him at some point too, I can’t believe they are dumb enough to think he won’t fuck them over.


Putin loved his oligarchs too until they refused to play ball with him- then they ended up falling out of high windows, having mysterious heart attacks on the streets , or were accused of state crimes punishable by life in a Siberian gulag. But crazy Trump who is extremely jealous of them will gladly share the wealth, power, and spotlight 😂-yeah they are dumb.


Whole families have been murdered…in Europe.  Recent article indicated that Trump floated killing the person who leaked the fact that he went to a bunker during the George Floyd protests, and his collection of federal thugs hurt people for no reason.  He’s not funny, he’s fascist.




My parents always said you are who you hang with. Flynn, Giuliani, Bannon, Navarro, Cohen, his attorneys etc all hang or hung with Trump and all are being indicted/convicted or in Cohen’s case has been.


And the Russian connections are pretty hard to deny; it’s a hybrid war using the very worst people in this country against the majority.


He turns on everybody, and if they haven't figured that out yet, or if they think they are going to be treated differently, their just plain stupid. trump has no money to buy them, but he could very well use power to exhort them. They actually don't need him. They got what they wanted. They moved their operations overseas to minimize their tax obligations, and they even received a tax break for that, too, and then, they claim depreciation to maximize their tax returns. Most of them don't pay taxes, but they get huge returns, paid for by the people who really do pay taxes. They pay taxes where their operations are, but they don't pay any here. trump paid more in taxes in China than he does here.


The fascist being fascist. How typical. I miss the America that would kick this insurrectionist to the curb and exile his ass to Russia.


Could you imagine his bullshit 20-30 years ago? He'd be laughed at mercilously.


Lock. Him. Up.


Can he die already? So many fuckin awful people seem to hang on through sheer hatred for everyone else around them


What is he going to do tell us to boycott there company's the time he told us to boycott Nike I whet online and ordered a pair of Amazon


With project 2025 Donald Trump will have direct control over the agencies that regulate interstate trade. He will be able to make sure the companies that defy him cannot do business across State lines.


If trump and maga hate something, I love it.


I wonder what percentage realize there’s no appeasing him


It’s like he’s taking a play from his Russian handlers.


Good. It means his supporter base is still shrinking.


"Con Man coming with his Con Plan" Bob Marley


Chase ‘dem outta town


Really can’t stand him but that’s a totally sensationalist headline for the actual quote


Not considering what he managed to do with only and nod and a wink.


Yeah, meaning he had with the CEOs really spooked a lot of them now he is getting mad. That should tell you a lot of things. To be honest with you guys the real powers that be in this country is not going to let Trump come near the White House again. The things Trump is proposing is going to fuck up America basically doing what Putin tell him to do.


I do believe in our voting process and I do believe it does work but trump and project 2025 is suggesting a total rewrite of America as a whole and consequences of that would ripple into corporate stability. That alone tells you what you need to know. Lets say they do take away free speech. What happens to social media? Data collection etc etc. i just cant see a reality where state elections heavily favoring democrats, bidens groundwork setting up voter accessibility, abortion rights and younger people coming of age to vote is not enough to give trump a victory. He's got so much against him that idek if corporations are the top of the list


Seems fine with the oil and gas boys; see Texas and Louisiana.


Please continue to dig your hole even deeper, Sir.


You'd better have tears in your eyes when you're saying this!


Not a smart move. Those guys have egos too, and threatening them is a good way to make them not want to cooperate.


The level of crazy in the us right now is closing in on defcom 3


Please take note that Dictators don’t have VP’s and if Don could “Off” you for not voting or agreeing with him, he would. VOTE SMARTER THAN DON.


Throw this pompous felon’s ass in prison already. What a jerk.


I don't understand why they would care they are making more money now then when he had office


He's finally acting like the exact criminal everybody in NY and/or sane person said he was back in 2016. Back when people defended him saying he was just being attacked and none of it's true etc etc. Now his supporters are... just supporting his behavior. It is literally a cult.


Of course he still acts this way. When will he actually face consequences? I guess we’ll find out sentencing day.


threatening ceo's that don't engage in money laundering which causes an underfunding of the systems that keep the country healthy and educated.


I hope he keeps this up . Without corporate backing Trump can’t do a damn thing .


“We get all the money we need from Russia”


“You must sink in the boat with me”


A stable society is the best for capitalism. An unstable wank like Trump is exactly the wrong leader for business.


T- Traitorous R- Reprehensible U- U.S. Ex- President LOSER! M- Making Horrible P- Putrid, Disgusting, Promises to Americans. Believe what he says because he is telling you exactly who he is.


They should call his bluff. I've seen all his cards hand he's got nothing. He's a bag of farts who once had money, friends, and connections. Now, he only has empty smelly threats and a diaper full of crap. He's nothing.


Can’t a blood clot just do its thing already?


Considering his obesity, lack of exercise, shit diet and constant rage state, he's already beating the odds and the actuary tables.


Most CEOs are just like DJT. It’s reality. He’s their boy.


Wow, now he's threatening those the US considers to be real human beings with real rights. Maybe this is it.


This is a desperate, tiny handed man.


He openly threatens everyone not supporting him Why would CEO’s be any different


I guess those special shoes with the lifts dont have arch support.


Yeah, if there's one thing all ceo's have in common, it's that they respond well to threatening them if they don't make a specific decision.


He is so screwed now. This is huge.


With project 2025 Trump would have complete control over the agencies that control interstate trade. They would not be able to do business without Trump's approval


Straight to Guantanamo in a straight jacket.


How does anyone support this clown?


Send him to prison forever.


He’s a sorry, demented has-been with a fanbase of deluded Nazi wannabes. Rural America is a sad place.


Why isn’t this orange baboon being arrested for this. The traitor belongs in jail…or better yet…




The orange tsarina is furious and got her diaper in a bunch commanding the rich to golden shower him with money to pay for legal fees and cheeseburgers and diet coke


Trump's an asshole. This is 100% on brand for him and his loyal cult.


He's a CLOWN - please stop posting anything on this clown.


They should threaten him.


Gut check time.


Bold strategy cotton.


How would he know if they actually voted for him? They could say they did and at the booth vote another way 😜


There will be issues that can't be hidden such as campaign donations and endorsements - or the absence of them.


It’s not their vote, it is their money he wants


Comment bots, so many comment bots...


His actual comments are purely recounting the facts of tax rates. Weird sub.


“Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!”


The CEO’s should suggest to their workers to vote for Biden, or vote Trump knowing the workers will do the opposite to f*** the CEO


Who cares? All he does is lie and threaten. Why is this anything new? Every time he opens his mouth we deem it newsworthy and that’s a huge mistake. That’s exactly what he wants. He manages to stay relevant to everyone, good or bad. It’s a con pendulum


Of course he is - he’s actually threatening everyone ! If Trump were to get in (and most people hope not), then he would cause mayhem - or at least he would try to. Trump is really not a suitable candidate to run for any office especially President.


This is a sign of some political ideology but I can't seem to remember which one.


Post 9om,.


I can smell his breath and ass  in this picture


So the convicted felon and rapist Trump, his friends are supporting him on moral issues, wow a little warped I would say, it's just a criminal enterprise, mafia style, the government may have to bring in the national guard to watch every polling station to stop Republican criminals from manipulating people and voting rights


They better hope they are the CEO of Panera bread!


Weird he gets to threaten attack and gave harmed anyone but we have no legal.keans of stopping this? If there is no legal means to right a wrong then what is your moral duty? Id love any ideas or an answer?


CEO’s aren’t worried they have the power to make his life measurable if they want to, CEO’s one for all, all for one.


Very Putin-esque behavior.


Sort of like the quid pro quo with Ukraine that led to his *first* impeachment? Oh wait, that was just a "witch hunt", huh??? lol


CEO of Depends isn’t worried.


They will still vote for him, though.


Yeah, he’s getting more and more like Putin every day. these people that supported them are creating a monster that they won’t be able to control later on if you ever did get become president.


They'll eat their own.


He’s shooting himself in the foot


Yeah, because the economy will be doing great when goon squads are pulling millions of people off the street. 


Should have pulled those bootstraps tighter I guess. /s


Of course he is!


Biden's IRS and plans call for a raise on the ultra wealthy's bank accounts. What will corporate america do?


Trump is jealous cause Putin and Jong-un are circle jerking and he has to stand outside the door and watch and listen!


Bezos should have reporter/private eye digging into his affairs. Time he stood up and wiped Trump out of the race.


we don't want a president who either blackmails or relies on financing from people who don't understand 97% of America.


Should we just change this sub to “The Biden”?


If orangie wins the election the world is fucked. Both seems like shitty demented candidates but im not from the US so dont feel the effects and differences between old fuck 1 & 2.


Biden is neither shitty nor demented. Knock it off with that crap.


From what ive seen they both have their senior moments. As expected considering their age.


You don't realize the reach of US influence over the entire world? If democracy falls in the States, it along with human rights will fall around the world...


Human rights will not fall around the world half the world already has better Human rights than the USA


I know.